Lesson 6: Brain, Intelligence and Thinking in Adolescence

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Lesson 6: Brain, Intelligence and Thinking in Adolescence Planning Impulse

Math/science Creative writing/art

 Human Brain logic Imagination
o Command center for the human nervous Right field vision Left field vision
system Right side motor skills Left side motor skills
o Receives signals from the body’s sensory
organs and outputs information to the
o Same basic structure as other mammal  Whole Brain Theory
brains but is larger in relation to body size o William Edward “Ned” Hermann- father of
than any other brains brain dominance theory
 Cerebellum o Brain is divided into 4 quadrants where each
o Found at the back of the head under the quadrant is responsible for particular
cerebrum activities
o Means little brain  Analytical
o Responsible for movement, balance and  Experimental/Imaginative
 Practical
 Relational/ Interpersonal
o Often takes learned activities like riding a
bike Multiple Intelligence
Parts of the Cerebrum  Howard Garner- challenged the classical view of
intelligence which depends on a single dominant
1. Frontal lobe
ability as indicated by an IQ score
a. Personality, behavior and emotions
o These innate intelligence are expressed in
b. Judgment, planning and problem solving
different sensory modalities
c. Speech: speaking and writing
o Intelligence is the ability to solve problems
d. Body movement (motor strip)
e. Intelligence, concentration and self- or to produce something in a particular
awareness setting
2. Parietal Lobe 1. Linguistic Intelligence
a. Interprets language and words a. Ability to use words in both oral and written
b. Sense of touch, pain and temperature communication
(sensory strip) b. People with this ability think in words rather
c. Interprets signals from vision, hearing, than in visuals
motor sensory and memory c. Good in listening, speaking, writing,
d. Spatial and visual perception discussing and other language skills
3. Occipital lobe 2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
a. Receives input from the eyes a. Ability to reason, apply logic and work with
b. Often referred to as the visual cortex numbers
c. Interprets vision (color, light and movement) b. They think in logical and numerical patterns,
4. Temporal Lobe making connections between pieces of
a. Understanding language information
b. Memory c. Skills include problem solving, classifying
c. Hearing and categorizing information, thinking
d. Sequencing and organization logically, questioning, carrying out
 Brain Dominance theory investigations, performing mathematical
o Our behavior is a function of the heightened calculations and working with geometric
activity of either left or right hemisphere
3. Visual-Spatial Intelligence
a. Ability to perceive the visual
b. Tend to think in pictures and need to create
Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere vivid mental images to retain information
Analytical thought Intuitive, thought c. Skills include understanding charts and
Detail oriented perception Holistic perception graphs, sketching, painting, creating visual
Ordered sequencing Random sequencing images and constructing and fixing design
Rational thought Emotional thought 4. Musical Intelligence
Verbal Non-verbal a. Ability to produce and appreciate music
Cautious Adventurous
b. Musically inclined people think in sounds,
rhythms and patterns
c. They immediately respond to music either
appreciating or criticizing what they hear
d. Skills include singing, playing musical
instruments, recognizing sounds and tonal
patterns, composing music and remembering
5. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
a. Ability to control body movements and
handle objects skillfully
b. They express themselves best through
movement because of their good sense of
balance and hand-eye coordination
c. They are able to process and remember
information through interaction in their
d. Skills include dancing, physical
coordination, sports, crafts, acting, miming
and using their hands to create or build
6. Interpersonal Intelligence
a. Ability to relate to and understand other
b. They can sense feelings, intentions and
motivations and are adept at recognizing
non-verbal language
c. Skills include seeing things from other
perspective, listening, using empathy,
understanding other people’s moods and
feelings and communicating both verbally
and non-verbally
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence
a. Ability to understand ourselves, who we are
and what makes us the way that we are
b. They recognize their own strengths and
weaknesses and have a capacity for self-
analysis, awareness of their inner feelings,
desires and dreams, evaluating their thinking
patterns and reasoning with themselves
8. Naturalistic Intelligence
a. Ability to recognize and categorize things
b. Lovers of nature and see patterns on how
nature works

Mind Mapping

 Is a process that involves a combination of imagery,

color and visual-spatial movement

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