Cortland Lesson Plan 1 355
Cortland Lesson Plan 1 355
Cortland Lesson Plan 1 355
Grade: Kindergaten
Unit/Activity: Unit 1 Kicking/Around The World # in class: 20 students
Central Focus (entire lesson segment): By the end of unit all students will be able to kick the ball with the inside of
Lesson Plan their foot with competency. Students will also be able to understand the different pathways featuring each lesson and
1 of 5 NYS/National
Standards able to follow in space and their own space.
Lesson Focus: Students will demonstrate manipulative skill of kicking. They will successfully be able to kick the ball
with the inside of their foot and understand the idea of being able to start dribbling with their feet and moving
forward when kicking.
National Outcomes: (S1.E21.K), (S2.E1.Ka), (S4.E3.K) & (S3.E2.K)
Assessment Tool Length of class: 40 mins
Situation / Task / Criteria
During the lesson when practicing kicking unit, the students will Teaching Styles:
demonstrate kicking an non moving ball 3/4 times with Self-Check
Psychomotor competency by having students engage in an activity “all around Teacher observation Inclusion
Domain the world” in a circle having them kick the ball into the middle of rubric Cooperative
hola hoop from a standing position. Instant activity
In the begging of class the instructor will give safety statement to be careful of References:
/ others and stay in their own space. To listen for instructions and freeze when SHAPE American national standards outcome book, Open physical
Safety Statement 2015/10/P-01-03-FootSkills-
NYS Learning Standard 1 – Personal Health and Fitness: Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical
fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health.
National Standards – The physically literate individual:
1A. Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. Students will attain competency in a variety of motor and sports activities.
1. Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
1B. Students will design personal fitness programs to improve cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and body
2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to
NYS Learning Standard 2– A Safe and Healthy Environment: Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe
and performance.
and healthy environment.
3. Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-
2A. Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged in physical activity. They will understand that physical activity
provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and communication.
level of physical activity and fitness.
2B. Students will be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experience for all participants.
4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
NYS Learning Standard 3– Resource Management: Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.
5. Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-
3A. Students will be aware of and able to access opportunities available to them within their community to engage in physical activity.
expression, and/or social interaction.
3B. Students will be informed consumers and be able to evaluate facilities and programs.
3C. Students will also be aware of career options in the field of physical fitness and sports
Lesson Time Organization Assessments, Reminders
Components (mins) CFU, Academic Language,
Alignment to objectives
Teaching Progressions – Show some of the major tasks/activities listed on your Activity Progression Worksheet.
b. Students will get with a partner and stand 1. Watch Easier – less cones easier pathways more
near a cone and their partner will also stand 2.zig zag straight Making sure students understand
Body of 3 near a cone kicking through the cones set up 3.straight instructions and show multiple
Lesson and partner kicking ball back. Harder - Zig zag or curved pathways and demonstrations.
(Lesson having longer obstacle course.
2 Transition Whistle blows- students please come to the baseline and grab a soccer ball.
a. Soccer Bowling 6 bowling lanes each team will break into groups of 3 or 4 3 or 4 groups in each lane and
will keep track of each other
3 Task #2 points and each time try and
nock down more pins.
b. Have students get into lines at the base line 1. Kick Easier – We can have the pins closer to the Psychomotor : teacher observing
and hit the pins down by kicking with the 2.Inside of foot baseline making it easier for students to kick students and making sure they
inside of their foot. While on line students will 3.hit goal and hit the pins. understand how to kick with
cheer each other on. When students kick they inside of their foot.
5 will then run to the back of the line. CFU: students does it feel
Harder - We can bring pins further away from different when you kick with
the baseline and have a longer alley for inside of you're foot instead of
students to kick to. you're toes?
2 Transition Blows, whistle can everyone come back to the baseline please.
Lesson Great job today everyone! You guys were very active and participated so well. Can anyone tell me what pathway they Cognitive - asking them
Closure, thought was best to kick through today remember we did zig zag curved and straight? Next, class we will be playing a fun
3 questions from observations and
Hook to Next activity at the start of class! We will also continue learning different strategies to continue to kick and improve and get seeing what they think.
Lesson faster!
(Include any assessment, task cards, exit slips you used): Describe and number
Instructional cue board for kicking
Supports pictures of what they should be doing having a schedule on the board in colored writing
checklist for domains and rubric
3 Psychomotor NYS / National During the lesson in the kicking unit, Formal/ The instructor Throughout, the lesson
Taps a ball using students will demonstrate competency will have a checklist and students will be focusing
the inside of the in kicking with the inside of their foot watch students in groups on using the inside the
foot, sending it and running after it by being able to of two perform a kick foot to kick the ball and
forward. perform 3/4 kicks using inside of foot. looking for the inside of send it forward.
(S1.E18.K) their foot like discussed
throughout the unit.
1 Cognitive NYS / National During the lesson, students will Informal/ the instructor In the begging of class the
Differentiates demonstrate their understanding of self will check to make sure all instructor will talk about
between space,general space and movement students understand the different movement styes
movement in patterns by verbally explaining where difference between self and how to travel in self
person (self space) they can move the ball and where there space, general space and space vs general.
and general space. self space is. movement patterns and
(S2.E1.Ka) provide different
2 Cognitive NYS / National During the lesson, students will show Informal/ The instructor At the end of class the
Travels in three their understanding in moving in will ask students questions instructor will talk to the
different different pathways by physically regarding zigzag, straight students about the different
pathways. following an obsctale course when and curvy pathways. pathways they experienced
(S2.E2.K) dribbling 3/5 times with accuracy through in class and explain which
zigzag.straight & curvy. each one is depending on
the shape and motion.
3 Cognitive NYS / National At the end of the lesson, students will Formal/ Instructor will At the end of of class the
Differentiates review the different pathways discussed provide students will instructor will talk/ ask
between in previous class by physically showing pictures of different students about different
movement in the different between zigzag and straight pathways and have them movement styes and how
person (self space) pathways. circle what they did in to travel in self space vs
and general space. class which pathways they general.
(S2.E1.Ka) crossed.
1 Affective NYS / National Throughout the lesson, students will Informal/ Instructor will During the begging of
Follows show understanding of instructions observe the class after class students will be told
instruction and and directions by answering questions giving an instruction and the instructions and
directions when and listening and acting to the simply asking “if directed prompts and
prompted. instructions given. everyone understands can throughout class will be
(S4.E3.K) I see a thumbs up.” observed to make sure
they remember what they
should be completing after
each instruction
throughout the lesson.
2 Affective NYS / National Throughout the lesson, student will Informal/ Instructor will The instructor will start
Follows teacher show and understand the directions observe class and watch class by having a safety
directions for safe and safety precautions given in class by how they act throughout statement and giving
participation and listening to directions and going in ready class and the directions instructions for the first
proper use of position given in class. and precautions given. task students will then
equipment with break off for the class and
minimal handle equipment and
reminders. have reminders
(S4.E6.K) throughout class.
3 Affective NYS / National Throughout the lesson, student will Formal/ Instructor will The instructor will start
Follows teacher show and understand the directions have a check list and give class by having a safety
directions for safe and safety precautions given in class by extra points to students statement and giving
participation and listening to directions and going in ready who are listening and have instructions for the first
proper use of position given in class. reward system. task students will then
equipment with break off for the class and
minimal handle equipment and
reminders. have reminders
(S4.E6.K) throughout class.
1 Fitness NYS / National Throughout the class, students will Informal/ The instructor In one task students will
Participates participate in all active ways we will watch to make sure be running around the
actively in demonstrate throughout each lesson students are participating “world” the circle and
physical by actively participating in each lesson in activity engaging have 45 seconds to get to
education class. and trying their best. throughout the lesson. the next ball and kick it
(S3.E2.K) to the side. All students
will be actively
participating throughout
the lesson.
2 Fitness NYS / National At the end of class, students will say Informal/ The instructor Students will be given a
Recognizes that when they felt their heart pumping will watch to make sure challenge at the end of
when you move and when they felt it resting by students are participating class to see if they can
fast, your heart answering prompted questions and in activity engaging find their pulse and we
beats faster and demonstrating understanding for throughout the lesson. will go over how to feel
you breathe breathing. it go faster and slower.
3 Fitness NYS / National Throughout class, students will Informal/ The instructor Students will stat class
Recognizes that demonstration for understanding will watch to make sure with an instant activity
when you move when you move fast your heart will students are participating by having run dance like
fast, your heart beat and you will breath differently in activity engaging freeze dance except when
beats faster and by verbally stating when they feel their throughout the lesson. the music stops instead of
you breathe hearts beating in physical activity. freezing you run in the
faster.3 circle. When the music is
(S3.E3.K) back you dance! This
will have students get
their heart up and we will
check pulse.
Assessments :
Affective checklist:
Psychomotor checklist :