Experimental Criterion For The Absence of Artifacts in The Measurement of Rates of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions
Experimental Criterion For The Absence of Artifacts in The Measurement of Rates of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions
Experimental Criterion For The Absence of Artifacts in The Measurement of Rates of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions
An experimental criterion has been developed to assess whether measured catalytic activity is independent of the
influence of transport phenomena. A simple theoretical analysis and experimental verification of the criterion have
been carried out. This test may be used when heterogeneous catalysis is carried out in batch, continuous stirred
tank, and tubular plug-flow reactors, and is best suited to be used with supported metal catalysts. In this case,
the test should be performed with two or more samples with different metal loading but of similar metal dispersion.
Absence of physical artifacts is established by the constancy of turnover numbers. I f the reaction is exothermic,
the test should be repeated at another temperature.
Table I. Various Criteria Used t o Check for Transport Effects in Heterogeneous Catalysis
For Intraparticle Mass Transfer For Interphase Mass Transfer
Weisz and Prater (1954) Hudgins (1972)
R2r R, 0.15 1
DaII = -G 1 =- <-r(cb)
Cs De Cbk, Cb 1
dr(C)/dC C=Cb 1
Weisz (1957) For Intraparticle Heat Transfer
Dan < 6 zero-order reaction Anderson (1963)
90.6 first-order reaction
G0.3 second-order reaction [ - A H [ R2r RgTs - 0.75
Daw = < 0.75---
Petersen (1965a) AT, E T
For Interphase Heat Transfer
Thiele modulus < fi Mears (1971b)
where [ - A H 1 Rr RgTb - 0.15
X= < 0.15- --
ri(C1, C2, T) hTb E yb
ri(5) = For Combined Intraparticle Heat and Mass Transfer
ri(Cis, C2s3 e.., TI
Hudgins (1968) Mears (1971a)
0.75 1 1 (-AH) dr(C,T)
Dan 4 -r(Cs) -- -( )T=T, <1
De dT
cs 1 dr(C)/dC I c=cs
Stewart and Villadsen (1969) or for power law kinetics
0.77 1 1
Dan < -r(Cs) DaII < -
cs I dr(C)/dC I c=cs In-70)
For Combined Interphase and Intraparticle Heat
Bischoff (1967)
and Mass Transport"
Mears (1971a)
R lr 1+ 0 . 3 3 ~ 7
CbDe I
n - 7bPb I(1f 0.33nw)
a Note. This overall criterion provides that the NET distortion of the observed rate will be within 5% of the rate under
isothermal, isoconcentration conditions. There is no guarantee of freedom from individual transport processes.
Furthermore, changing pellet sizes could cause distortion terion can be successfully applied when kinetic measure-
in the flow field wkich could affect contacting. ments are to be obtained.
To circumvent the problems stated above, we wish to The Koros-Nowak Criterion
develop an experimental criterion which was first suggested The criterion is based on making rate measurements on
by Koros and Nowak (1967) to check if reaction rates were catalyst samples in which the concentration of the cata-
free from mass transfer effects. It will be shown that this lytically active material has been changed. The reaction
criterion can be used as a test for interphase and intra- rate, in the kinetic regime, is directly proportional to the
particle mass and heat transfer either when they occur concentration of the active material (see Theoretical
separately or when the physical events are coupled during Section). The concentration of catalytically active material
the course of a reaction. I t will be shown that when this may be defined as (a) the weight fraction of the active
test is obeyed there is neither poisoning nor poor con- material in the catalyst, (b) the surface area of the active
tacting of the catalyst due to bypassing and channelling. material per unit weight of the catalyst, or (c) the surface
Also, deviations of plug flow behavior in tubular reactors moles of active material per unit weight of the catalyst.
due to transverse and longitudinal temperature and con- The Koros-Nowak criterion can then be explained by
centration gradients (interparticle gradients), backmixing, noting that in the kinetic regime (a) the ratio of measured
and velocity gradients, will cause the criterion to be dis- reaction rates must equal the ratio of the weight fractions
obeyed In all future discussion this test will be referred of the active material in the different catalyst samples, as
to as the Koros-Nowak (KN) criterion. long as the dispersion of the active material does not
In the following sections, the test will be explained, change from one sample to the next, or (b) the turnover
analyzed, and finally demonstrated to show that the cri- number (defined as moles reacted per second per surface
440 Ind. Eng. Chern. Fundarn., Vol. 21, No. 4, 1982
mole of the active material) or the reaction rate referred different kinds of reactors used to carry out chemical re-
to unit surface area of the active material must be invariant actions. In all following discussions f, will be used to
as the concentration of active material is changed. Table denote the concentration of active material. (The dis-
I1 summarizes the K N criterion. Another approach is to cussions, of course, will also be valid for f, or fa.)
plot the logarithm of the reaction rate in mol s-l g-’ catalyst When investigating heterogeneous catalytic reactions in
vs. the logarithm of the surface concentration of active a batch reactor, the system is assumed to be in a stationary
material; a slope of 1 denotes that artifacts are not influ- state, and either reactant consumption or product for-
encing rate measurements. Explanations regarding the mation is observed with respect to residence time. The
deviation of this slope from unity are given in the Theo- KN test may be used in a batch reactor system as follows.
retical Section. Let us take w1grams of a catalyst in which f m = f,, and
Koros and Nowak (1967) have explained how one can note the conversion at a certain residence time t . In a
change the concentration of active material without second experiment, take w 2grams of a catalyst in which
changing the dimensions and pore diffusion properties of f m = f m , SO that
the pellets. Their method consists of mixing catalyst ~2 = wl(fm,/fm,)
particles with particles of an inert powder and then making
pellets from this mixture. The initial particles in the and note the conversion at the same residence time t as
mixture must be much smaller than the final pellets used the first experiment. If the conversions at the same res-
in the reaction. The inert powder must have the same idence time in the two experiments are identical, then the
diffusional characteristics as the catalyst powder with KN criterion is obeyed.
which it is mixed. For both metallic and nonmetallic Rates are directly obtained (Boudart, 1968; Denbigh,
catalysts this test can be used conveniently as follows. If 1966) in the case of continuous stirred tank reactors
we dilute a given catalyst, by the method described above, (CSTR) operating at the stationary state, and hence the
by a certain factor a , then for the K N criterion to be KN criterion is easily used. The CSTR condition states
obeyed the observed rate should change for the diluted that mixing is complete so that all the properties of the
catalyst over the initial undiluted catalyst by the same reaction mixture are the same in all parts of the reactor
factor cy. It should be noted that no measurement of the and in the exit stream. The concept of the CSTR has been
number of surface sites is involved. used, by experimentalists in the laboratory, in the form
There are two cases when the K N test, carried out by of the recycle reactor pioneered by Temkin (1962) and the
diluting a given catalyst as described above, cannot be continuous stirred tank catalytic reactor used by Tajbl et
used. First, when the catalyst has a bimodal pore distri- al. (1966). The recycle reactor consists of a loop which
bution, internal diffusion in the micropores may be im- includes a reactor containing a small amount of catalyst
portant in both the diluted and undiluted catalyst samples, and a recirculation pump. At the stationary state, when
and if the KN criterion is obeyed it may just indicate that the flow rate of chemical components in and out of the loop
there is no diffusional influence in the larger set of pores. is small compared to the recirculation rate, the composition
Secondly, if the particle size of catalysts used in the re- in the loop and exit line is practically identical, thus
action is close to the size of the powder from which the obeying the CSTR condition and allowing the rates to be
“diluted” pellets are made, as is sometimes the case for obtained directly.
catalysts used in liquid phase slurry reactors, then the KN In plug flow reactors, rates cannot be measured directly
test as described above cannot be used. unless the reactor is operated in a differential manner.
Rather, the conversion of a reactant is obtained at a known
In the case of supported metal catalysts, concentrations space velocity which may be defined as the molar flow rate
of active material may he changed by changing the metal of the reactant divided by the weight of the catalyst. We
loading on the inert support but keeping the preparation must modify the way to use the KN criterion from the
and pretreatment procedure identical, and the dispersion method described above to a method compatible with the
of the metal (defined as the ratio of the number of moles observables in the tubular flow system. Let us define a
of surface metal to total metal) close for all the catalyst quantity analogous to space velocity and denote it by p ,
samples. Techniques (Whyte, 1973; Benson and Boudart, the active space velocity
1965; Wanke and Dougharty, 1972; Benson et al., 1973) are
now available to measure surface areas of the active metal p = tiO/wf, (1)
in supported catalysts. The selective chemisorption of If two experiments are performed and f , is changed but
hydrogen or carbon monoxide has been used by Sinfelt p is kept constant in each experiment, then the KN cri-
(1969) on 11 different supported metal catalysts to obtain terion is obeyed if the observed conversion is invariant in
reaction rates per unit area of active material. The ti- both cases (see Theoretical Section). Another way is to
tration of adsorbed oxygen by hydrogen first used to obtain values of conversion at different flow rates and to
measure platinum surface areas by Benson and Boudart plot conversion vs. l / p using a catalyst sample with f, =
(1965) has been recently extended to obtain the surface fm1. If this plot coincides with the plot when we repeat the
areas of rhodium (Wanke and Dougharty, 1972) and pal- experiment using a catalyst sample with f , = f,, where f,,
ladium (Benson et al., 1973). When surface concentration # f m , then the KN criterion is obeyed.
of the active material in different catalyst samples can be Before concluding this section describing the K N cri-
measured, the K N test may be carried out, with caution, terion, it must be stressed that the test does not require
for catalysts with bimodal pore distributions. Hence, if a knowledge o f the number o f sites involved in the reac-
we have two catalysts, 1 and 2, with surface concentrations tion.
of active material f,, and f,, respectively,where f,, = afmg, Theoretical Section
then if the concentration of active material in the micro- A. Intraparticle Mass and Heat Transfer. Three
pores of catalyst 1 is different from that in catalyst 2 by relations on which much of the following discussion will
the same factor cy, then the K N criterion cannot be used be based are
to check for the effect of intraparticle mass transfer in
catalysts with bimodal pore distributions. r = kvdC,) (2)
Let us now see how the KN criterion may be used in the k 0: f m (3)
Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., Vol. 21, No. 4, 1982 441
1 n@
1 u 1n@
Figure 1. Typical plots of In 7 vs. In $J for isothermal and noni- Figure 2. A plot of In 7 vs. In $J for a nonisothermal exothermic
sothermal exothermic and endothermic reactions (Weisz and Hicks, reaction (Weisz and Hicks, 1962).
7 = #P = ”[
coth 4 - i] 7 oc k-lI2 (16)
From eq 2,3, and 16, it can be easily seen that under Severe
intraparticle diffusion conditions for any rate expression
dlnq dlnq s =
-- - 4- Before ending the section on intraparticle diffusion, a
d In 4 d4 short corollary may be easily deduced from the above
2 - 4 coth 4 - 4’ csch2 4 algebra.
P’ (12) In eq 7, if the concentration function g(CJ is described
4 coth 4 - 1 by Cisn,where n is the true reaction order, then
See Table I11 for numerical values. It is interesting to note
that for the firsborder reaction considered, at effectiveness
factors 10.8, the Koros-Nowak number is approximately
equal to q.
Computations are not made so easily for other situations, where m is the observed reaction order. From eq 8
e.g., nonisothermal reactions. Equations given by Weisz n = 1 + (m- l)/s (17)
and Hicks (1962), Carberry (1961), and others have to be
solved and numerical differentiation carried out to give Knowing s from the KN criterion and the observed con-
(d In d / ( d In 4) = P. centration dependence m, one can obtain the true order
It is essential to note that the above analysis for intra- of reaction n, for isothermal operation.
particle diffusion holds not only for reactions obeying B. Interphase Mass Transfer. When the reaction
simple power rate laws but also the more complex Lang- rate is strongly dependent on the interphase transport of
muir-Hinshelwood rate expressions including strong reactants to the active material on a catalyst
product inhibition. Analysis, detailed by Satterfield (1970), N = k,a(Cb - C,) (18)
and Hutchings and Carberry (1966), show that In 7 vs. In
4 plots similar in shape to the ones described above are As k, is independent of the concentration of active mate-
obtained. Interphase heat or mass transfer influences can rial, changing the latter will not change the rate and the
complicate the problem (i.e., when the Nusselt numbers KN number s will be zero.
are low) by being coupled with the intraparticle case. For porous catalysts, when there is a large interphase
Hutchings and Carberry (1966) and Carberry (1961) have mass transfer influence the effectiveness factor is usually
shown that interphase heat transfer influence raises q for low, as only the active material at the mouth of the pores
exothermic cases whereas interphase mass transfer tends participates in the reaction.
to reduce 7. Once again the plots In 7 vs. In 4 are similar rate = qkg(Cs) = k,a[Cb - c,] (19)
to the ones described above. I n short, for all cases with
intraparticle diffusional influence, with or without t h e It can be easily shown for a first-order reaction that
complexity of strong product inhibition, intraparticle heat rate = k’Cb
transfer, and interphase heat or mass transfer, p will
deviate from zero and s will deviate from one. where
It should be noted that the value of s equal to unity also
means that the turnover numbers, obtained for different
values off,, must be identical.
Large Intraparticle Concentration Gradients. Un- Remembering that for a severe internal diffusion problem
der extreme diffusion conditions only a thin layer of a 7 0: fm-lI2 and using eq 3 and 20, we have two bounds when
catalyst particle is useful, and the local curvature and the KN criterion is used
hence the shape of the catalyst particle is of minimal im-
portance. 1. a k , << qk rate = constant Cb and s = 0
Aris (1965), Bischoff (1965), and Petersen (196513) have 2. ak, >> qk rate = constant fm1/2Cband s = y2
demonstrated that the effectiveness factor is asymptoti-
cally h-l for a general case, where A is the normalized Though easily shown for a first-order reaction, the same
Thiele modulus limits apply for more complex rate expressions. Values
Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., Vol. 21, No. 4, 1982
This equality holds if either (case 1): T,,
Tb or (case 2): T,, Tar.
Tb and T,, - terion. Figure 5 indicates usual values of N and s for the
KN criterion.
D. Deviations from Plug Flow Behavior in Tubu-
Case 1 is easily explained, as when the surface tem- lar Reactors (Interparticle Gradients). Plug flow in
peratures tend to the bulk temperature there is a minimal tubular reactors may be defined as a state of flow when
gradient and hence negligible heat transfer influence. the flow rate and all fluid properties over any cross section
Case 2. (a) When Tss > Tal > Tb, N1 # N2, there is
interphase heat transfer influence. (b) T,, > Tal Tb, Nl
normal to the fluid flow are identical and the residence
time of all volume elements, entering the reactor, is the
# N2. This occurs when by increasing the rate we may
enter the heat transfer influence regime. (c) T,, -
Tb. This is inconsistent with eq 22 and 23 because when
same. Deviations from plug flow are due to the influence
of transverse and longitudinal temperature and concen-
tration gradients (interparticle gradients), velocity gra-
- -
sides cannot remain identical. Therefore, when T?, Tal
we must have T,, Tal Tb. Hence, the KN criterion,
their left-hand sides are different as r2 > rl, the right-hand dients, and backmixing in the tubular reactor. Though
longitudinal concentration gradients are always present
in plug flow reactors, these gradients may influence the
N1 = N 2 , can be used to establish the nonexistence of transport of reagents by causing them to reach the reactor
interphase temperature gradients. outlet more rapidly than they would by bulk flow alone.
It is interesting to rationalize the value of s for inter- Denbigh (1966) has indicated that transverse tempera-
phase heat transfer without diffusion when rate expres- ture gradients most often affect and invalidate the plug
sions are of the type r = kg(C,). As explained above, when flow assumption. If Tal and T, represent the axial tem-
there is no transport influence and f, is increased from peratures when catalysts with the concentration of active
f,, to f,,, the rate will increase from rl to r2 so that N1 = material f, and f,, are used respectively, and iff,, > f,,
N 2 and s = 1. If there is external heat transfer influence and Twis the temperature of the wall, we have
then iff,, > f,,, TS2> Taland r i >> r;; it should be noted
that due to the exponential nature of the temperature T,, > Tal > Tw
dependence the rate r i increases over r2 more than rl’ for a nonisothermal exothermic reaction, and
increases over rl. Hence N 2 > N1 and s > 1 (see Figure
4). Tap < T,, < Tw
444 Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., Vol. 21, No. 4, 1982
: ...... ..
0 1 .50% Pt/SiO2 BlOO% Figure 7. The Koros-Nowak criterion applied in the study of the
0 2.30% Pt/SiO2 W 62% liquid phase hydrogenation of cyclohexene on Pt/SiOz catalysts.
0 0.38% Pt/SiO2 BlOO% Conditions: r corrected for 101.3 kPa Hz,
solvent-cyclohexane =
V 0.53% Pt/Si02 E= 56%
20 cm3,cyclohexene added = 0.5 cm3,
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Wanke, S. E.: Dougharty, N. A. J . Cafai. 1972, 24. 367. Accepted May 7, 1982
Sticking, caking, and agglomeration tendencies of hygroscopic, amorphous powders are interpreted in terms of
a mechanism of viscous flow driven by surface energy during particle contact. The mechanism predicts that
stickiness should occur for combinations of temperature and moisture content corresponding to viscosities of the
amorphous material below some relatively constant value, which for short-time contact should be within the range
loe to 10' Pas. The viscosity is affected by both moisture content and temperature, thereby explaining the inverse
relationship between sticky-point temperature and moisture content for such powders. Both bulk-solution and
powdered specimens of a 7:l w/w mixture of sucrose and fructose were prepared, with moisture contents in the
range of 2 to 7% w/w. Viscosity measurements of the bulk-solution specimens were made with both a falirg-baii
method and a rheogoniometer. Viscosities corresponding to experimentally measured sticky-point temperatures
fell consistently within the range 0.3 X lo7 to 4.0 X lo7 Paos, thereby lending support to the proposed mechanism
and quantitative model.