RGUHS III Year B.P.T. Degree Examination - April 2014

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Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

III Year B.P.T. Degree Examination – April 2014

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 80 Marks

(RS-3 & RS-4)

Q.P. CODE: 2714

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. Classify Obesity. Add a note on management in obesity.
2. Classify congenital heart diseases. Explain tetrology of fallot in detail.
3. Definition, types, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and management of Pneumonia.

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Eight) 8 x 5 = 40 Marks

4. Cushing’s syndrome
5. Arteriosclerosis
6. Viral hepatitis
7. Define cyanosis. Mention its causes
8. Clinical features and management of leprosy
9. Endocarditis
10. Define and classify anemia
11. Management of syphilis
12. Blue boater and pink puffer
13. Mood disorders-types and management

SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 2 = 20 Marks

14. MMR Vaccine
15. Marasmus
16. Cardiac arrest – definition
17. Causes of GI bleeding (any four)
18. Define Lung abscess
19. Problems of Low birth weight infants (any four)
20. Dementia
21. Types of dyspnea
22. Name sexually transmitted diseases (any four)
23. Liver function tests.

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
III Year B.P.T. Degree Examination – April 2014

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 80 Marks

(RS-3 & RS-4)

Q.P. CODE: 2715

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. Define lung abscess? Discuss in detail the clinical features, diagnosis and choice of
management for the same.
2. Define and classify burns. Describe the management of 30% thermal Burns.
3. Write an essay on abdominal incisions.

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Eight) 8 x 5 = 40 Marks

4. Inghuinal Hernia
5. Appendicectomy
6. Facial burns
7. Sterility
8. Child birth
9. Glaucoma and its management
10. Management of facial Palsy and its types
11. Buergers disease
12. Heart transplant
13. Pneumothorax

SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 2 = 20 Marks

14. What is cataract
15. What is Otosclerosis
16. Pre-eclampsia
17. Types of skin graft
18. Colostomy-types
19. Complications of kidney transplant
20. Causes of airway obstruction
21. Raynauds phenomenon
22. What is oesophageal disruption
23. Nephrectomy-indications

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
III Year B.P.T. Degree Examination – April 2014

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 80 Marks

Orthopaedics and Traumatology

(RS-3 & RS-4)

Q.P. Code : 2716

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. Describe clinical features, classification and management of Fracture Neck of Femur
2. Discuss various levels of Amputations and management of Rt. Above Knee amputation in brief
3. Discuss the etiology, clinical features and management of Acute Pyogenic Osteomyelitis of Tibia

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Eight) 8 x 5 = 40 Marks

4. Hallux valgus
5. Osteoporosis
6. Legg – Calve’ – Perthe’s Diseases
7. Fracture Patella
8. Rheumotoid Arthritis
9. Developmental Dysplasia of Hip
10. Fracture Healing
11. Volkman’s Ischemic Contracture
12. Dequervian’s disease
13. Poliomyelitis - stages

SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 2 = 20 Marks

14. MRI
15. Pes – Cavus – definition
16. AVN
17. Osgood’s Schlatter’s Disease
18. Scheurmann’s disease
19. Gibbus
20. Hangman’s Fracture
21. Orthosis – 4 functions
22. Brodie’s abscess
23. Torticollis

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
III Year B.P.T. Degree Examination - April-2014
Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100 Marks


(RS–3 & RS–4)

Q.P. CODE: 2717

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. Describe the different stages in Intervertebral disc degeneration with physical therapy
management of cervical spondylosis.
2. What are the indications of total hip arthroplasty(THR) with physiotherapy management of
3. Describe various methods to train aerobic and anaerobic systems.

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Twelve) 12 x 5 = 60 Marks

4. Formulate physiotherapy treatment following total knee replacement.
5. Describe the Physiotherapy management for patients with shoulder instability.
6. Describe the management of patient with carpal tunnel syndrome.
7. What are the different levels of amputation in lower limb?
8. How would you tape for chondromalacia patella as per patella’s various malalignment?
9. Classify scoliosis with the management for idiopathic type.
10. What are causes for spinal fracture with emphasis on Physiotherapy management for T 10 level?
11. What are the gait deviations observed in scissoring gait?
12. Write the assessment of a 38 year old painter with lateral epicondylitis.
13. Describe the physiotherapy management for supraspinatus tendonitis.
14. Explain the three pain syndromes of Mckenzie’s concept.
15. What are the various ways to intervene for anaethetic hand in hansen’s disease?
16. What are the causes of spondylolisthesis? Write exercise prescription for spondylolisthesis.
17. What are the predisposing factors to osteoporosis? Write in brief the importance of exercise in

SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 2 = 20 Marks

18. Riser’s sign
19. Bryant’s triangle
20. Barton’s fracture
21. Kernig’s sign
22. Significance of ‘Q’ angle
23. Energy conservation technique
24. Intrinsic plus deformity
25. Hoffa’s syndrome
26. Principles of plyometrics
27. Roos test
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
III Year B.P.T. Degree Examination - April 2014

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100 Marks

(RS–3 & RS-4)
Q.P. CODE: 2718
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. Explain the physiotherapy management and rehabilitation of a 40 year old man, who has
undergone right lower lobe lobectomy due to bronchiectasis.
2. Explain the various airway clearance techniques.
3. Elaborate on physiotherapy management for 50 year old women who had undergone radical

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Twelve) 12 x 5 = 60 Marks

4. List out PNF respiration technique and describe any two.
5. Physiotherapy management of vitiligo
6. Physiotherapy management of inhalation burns
7. Discuss various protocols used for exercise tolerance tests.
8. Define ulcer, briefly describe the physiotherapy managements of bed sore.
9. Discuss the physiotherapy management for breathless patients.
10. Write a note on weaning from ventilators.
11. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of various grafts used in CABG.
12. Physiotherapy management for chronic arterial diseases
13. Discuss the role of physiotherapy case of prolapse uterus.
14. List the indications for valve replacements and briefly discuss the physiotherapy following
mitral valve replacements.
15. Exercise prescription for an obese patient.
16. Write a note on manual hyperinflation.
17. Humidifier –Types and indications

SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 2 = 20 Marks

18. Define CPAP.
19. Breathing control technique
20. Classification of pulmonary edema
21. Endo tracheal tube-type and parts
22. What is decortication?
23. What is huffing?
24. Equal pressure point
25. What is suctioning?
26. Body mass index
27. Write any two anatomical differences between adult lung and pediatric lung.

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