Introduction To Programming With Python - Course Syllabus

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Introduction to Programming with

Python – Course Syllabus
Python is a high-level general purpose programming language. It has been one of the most popular
programming languages of the recent years and has many areas of application from web applications
to machine-learning and data science. Python is easy to learn because of its intuitive and natural syntax.
It is also a highly productive programming language, which allows you to build complex applications
quickly with minimal lines of code.

This course is designed to teach students to program in Python in a practical and hands-on manner
using the industry standard methods, tools and technologies. It not only teaches students the Python
programming language but also improves their algorithmic thinking and problem solving capabilities
so that they can write code that actually works and produces the desired functional results. Giving
students enough well thought coding exercises ensures this.
In addition, students will work on and finish at least two projects each in a different area such as web
development, desktop apps development, game programming etc.  
Module 0: Introduction and Course Overview

0.0 Introductions, motivation: why become a Python developer, orientation,  

Introduction to the Milestone Learning Management System (LMS),
what’s the best way to learn programming.  
0.1 Course syllabus, grading structure and deadlines, the tools we will use  
in this course i.e. Editors, PyCharm, Notebooks and other IDEs.
0.2 Course Introduction    
0.3 Course Curriculum Overview    
0.4 Python 2 versus Python 3    
0.5 Command Line Basics
0.6 Installing Python
0.7 Running Python Code
0.8 Getting the Notebooks and the Course Material
0.9 Git and Github Overview    

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Module 0 Practice and Assessment    

0.10 Programming and code reading assignments:3  

0.11 Reading assignment: 1  
0.8 Quiz-1: Module 0 Quiz  

Module 1: Python Object and Data Structure Basics

1.0 Introduction to Python Data Types    

1.1 Numbers    
1.2 Coding Exercise 1: Numbers: Simple Arithmetic    
1.3 Numbers – FAQ    
1.4 Variables Assignments    
1.5 Introduction to Strings    
1.6 Coding Exercise 2: Quick Print Check    
1.7 Indexing and Slicing with Strings    
1.8 Coding Exercise 3: String Indexing
1.9 Coding Exercise 4: String Slicing
1.10 String Properties and Methods
1.11 Strings – FAQ
1.12 Print Formatting with Strings
1.13 Print Formatting FAQs
1.14 Coding Exercise 5: Print Formatting
1.15 Lists in Python
1.16 Coding Exercise 6: Lists
1.17 Lists – FAQ
1.18 Dictionaries in Python
1.19 Coding Exercise 7: Dictionaries
1.20 Dictionaries - FAQ

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1.21 Tuples with Python

1.22 Sets in Python
1.23 Coding Exercise 8: Sets
1.24 Booleans in Python
1.25 I/O with Basic Files in Python
1.26 Coding Exercise 9: File I/O
1.27 Resources for More Basic Practice
1.28 Python Objects and Data Structures Assessment Test Overview
1.29 Python Objects and Data Structures Assessment Test Solutions
Module 1 Practice and Assessment  

1.30 Programming & code reading assignments: 3  

1.31 Reading assignments: 1  
1.32 Quiz: 1 – Module 1 Quiz  

Module 2: Python Comparison Operators

2.0 Comparison Operators in Python  

2.1 Chaining Comparison Operators in Python with Logical Operators  
Module 2 Practice and Assessment  

2.3 Programming and code reading assignments: 3  

2.4 Reading assignments: 1  
2.5 Quiz: 1 – Module 2 Quiz  

Module 3: Python Statements

3.0 If Elif and Else Statements in Python    

3.1 For Loops in Python    
3.2 While Loops in Python    
3.3 Useful Operators in Python    

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3.4 List Comprehensions in Python    

3.5 Python Statements Test Overview    
3.6 Python Statements Test Solutions    
Module 3 Practice and Assessment  

3.7 Programming and code reading assignments: 3  

3.8 Reading assignments: 1  
3.9 Quiz: 1 – Module 3 Quiz  

Module 4: Methods and Functions

4.0 Methods and the Python Documentation    

4.1 Functions in Python    
4.2 Overview of Quick Function Exercises # 1-10    
4.3 Coding Exercise 10: Functions # 1: Print Hello World    
4.4 Coding Exercise 11: Functions # 2: Print Hello Name    
4.5 Coding Exercise 12: Functions # 3: Simple Boolean    
4.6 Coding Exercise 13: Functions # 4: Using Booleans    
4.7 Coding Exercise 14: Functions # 5: Simple Math    
4.8 Coding Exercise 15: Functions # 6: is even    
4.9 Coding Exercise 16: Functions # 7: is greater    
4.10 *args and **kwargs in Python    
4.11 Coding Exercise 17: Functions #8: *args    
4.12 Coding Exercise 18: Functions # 9: pick evens    
4.13 Coding Exercise 19: Functions # 10: skyline    
4.14 Function Practice Exercises – Overview
4.15 Function Practice Exercises – Solution
4.16 Function Practice – Solutions Level One
4.17 Function Practice – Solutions Level Two

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4.18 Function Exercise Solutions – Challenge Problem

4.19 Lambda Expressions, Map and Filter Functions
4.20 Nested Statements and Scope
4.21 Functions and Methods – Homework assignment
4.22 Hints and Tips for Functions and Methods Assignment
4.23 Functions and Methods Homework – Solutions
Module 4 Practice and Assessment    

4.24 Programming and code reading assignments: 3  

4.25 Reading assignments: 1  
4.26 Quiz: 1 – Module 4 Quiz  

Module 5- Milestone Project I

5.0 First Python Milestone Project Overview    

5.1 Milestone Project Help    
5.2 Solution Overview for Milestone Project 1 – Part One    
5.3 Solution Overview for Milestone Project 1 – Part Two    
5.4 Advanced Project Solution Overview    
Module 5 Practice and Assessment    

5.9 Programming and code reading assignments: 3  

5.10 Reading assignments: 1  
5.11 Quiz: 1 – Module 5 Quiz  


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Module 6 – Object Oriented Programming

6.0 Object Oriented Programming - Introduction    
6.1 Object Oriented Programming – Attributes and Class Keyword    
6.2 Object Oriented Programming – Class Object Attributes and Methods    
6.3 Object Oriented Programming – Inheritance and Polymorphism    
6.4 Object Oriented Programming – Special (Magic/Dunder)Methods    
6.5 Object Oriented Programming – Homework    
6.6 Object Oriented Programming – Homework Solutions    
6.7 Object Oriented Programming – Challenge Overview    
6.8 Object Oriented Programming – Challenge Solution    
Module 6 Practice and Assessment    

6.9 Programming and code reading assignments: 3  

6.10 Reading assignments: 1  
6.11 Quiz: 1 – Module 6 Quiz  

Module 7– Module and Packages

7.0 Pip Install and PyPi    

7.2 Modules and Packages    
7.3 __name__ and “__main__”    
Module 7 Practice and Assessment    

7.4 Programming and code reading assignments: 3  

7.5 Reading assignments: 1  
7.6 Quiz: 1 – Module 7 Quiz  

Module 8 – Errors and Exceptions Handling

8.0 Errors and Exception Handling    

8.1 Errors and Exceptions Homework    
8.2 Errors and Exceptions Homework – Solutions    
8.3 Pylint Overview    
8.4 running tests with the Unittest Library    
  Module 8 Practice and Assessment  

8.37 Programming and code reading assignments: 3  

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8.38 Reading assignments: 1  

8.39 Quiz: 1 – Module 8 Quiz  

Module 9: Projects (II) and Final Exam

9.0 Milestone Project 2 Overview

9.1 Solution Walkthrough – Card and Deck Classes
9.2 Solution Walkthrough – hand and Clip Classes
9.3 Solution Walkthrough – Functions for Game Play
9.4 Solution Walkthrough – Final Gameplay Script
Module 9 Practice and Assessment

9.5 Programming and code reading assignments: 3

9.6 Reading assignments: 1
9.7 Quiz: 1 – Module 9 Quiz

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