Diaphragm Action of Diagonally Sheathed Wood Panels
Diaphragm Action of Diagonally Sheathed Wood Panels
Diaphragm Action of Diagonally Sheathed Wood Panels
D. V. DOYLE, Engineer
1This Research Note is a slight revision of Forest Products Laboratory Report 2082, issued
under the same title in November 1957, with particular updating of listed publications.
2Maintained at Madison, Wis., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin.
1- by 6-inch boards 2- by 10-inch joists spaced
extending over 5 24 inches. Continuous
joist spaces. 8d headers with 63 16d nails
nails. per splice. Double 2- by
14-inch end and 2- by 6-inch
edge stiffeners.
Figure 1. --Schematic panel details for panels FA1, FB1, FC1, and FD1 with 1- by 6-inch
sheathing on 2- by 10-inch joists.
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Part I: Tests of Floor or Roof Panels
Part I of the report presents the results of lateral bending tests, conducted on
full-size roof or floor panels made of wood.
Description of Material
The material used in the panels consisted of 1- by 6-inch No. 1 S4S Douglas-
fir sheathing and 2- by 6-inch and 2- by 10-inch No. 1 S4S Douglas-fir framing
and joists, graded under Sections 187 and 204 of Standard Grading and Dressings
Rules for Douglas-fir No. 14, Rev. Nov. 1, 1948. The 3- by 10-inch and 4- by 10-
inch joists and the 2- by 14-inch stiffeners used in some of the panels were lami-
nated from the 2- by 10-inch lumber.
The moisture content of the sheathing lumber averaged about 15 percent, and
the moisture content of framing lumber averaged about 20 percent at the begin-
ning of the panel construction. At the time of test, the sheathing had dried to 8
to 12 percent, and the framing had dried to 10 to 13 percent moisture content.
Eleven series of tests were made on 20- by 60-foot panels. Various details of
sheathing and framing were incorporated in these panels. The distinguishing
characteristics of the panels are shown in figures 1, 2, and 3, while construction
details are shown in figures 4 to 11. The tests were made out-of-doors on a
paved lot (fig. 12). Eight tests were made on panels with 2- by 10-inch joists
spaced 2 feet apart, two tests were made on panels with 4- by 10-inch joists
spaced 6 feet apart, and one test was made on a panel with 3- by 10-inch joists
spaced 4 feet apart. The joists were continuous over the 20-foot span. The
sheathing was laid at an angle of 45° to the framing members and nailed at each
bearing with common wire nails. Three nails were driven at the ends of each
sheathing board, and two were driven at each intermediate joist. To simulate
service conditions resulting from shrinkage, the sheathing boards were spaced
1/8 inch apart, and a separation of 3/64 inch was provided between the sheathing
and the framing. Eightpenny nails were used to nail the 1-inch sheathing, and
sixteenpenny nails were used to nail the 2-inch sheathing.
Testing Procedure
The panels were tested in bending under fifth-point loading (fig. 12). The load
was applied to the panel by a system of I-beams, which were loaded through a
wire rope that was attached to the movable head of a testing machine. The load
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joist spaces. 8d 2- by 6-inch plates. Let-in
nails. headers, 2- by 4-inch block-
ing. X-bridging at center
of span. 3- by 10-inch
center joist. Two 4- by 10-
inch let-in blocks bolted to
sill and joists at each corner.
Figure 2. --Schematic panel details for panels FE1, FF1, FF2, and FF3 with 1- by 6-inch
sheathing on 2- by 10-inch joists.
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Figure 4. --Construction details of panel FA1. Distinguishing characteristics are the let-in
headers and blocking.
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Figure 5. --Construction details of panel FB1. Distinguishing characteristics are continuous
headers and stiffened end chords.
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Figure 6. --Construction details of panel FC1. Distinguishing characteristics are continuous
header, stiffened end chord, and stiffened longitudinal chord.
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Figure 10. --Construction details of panels FG1 and FG2. The distinguishing characteristics
are the continuous headers with bolted splices, stiffened end chords, 2- by 6-inch diagonal
sheathing, and 4- by 10-inch joists spaced 6 feet apart. In panel FG2, 2- by 6-inch pieces
were nailed flatwise between the joists.
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Figure 11. --Construction details of panel FH1. The distinguishing characteristics are con-
tinuous headers with bolted splices, stiffened end chords, 2- by 6-inch diagonal sheathing,
and 3- by 10-inch joists spaced 4 feet apart.
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Figure 12. --A 20- by 60-foot floor or roof panel under test. Steel I-beams on the far side of
the panel transmitted the loads at the reactions to the columns of the Laboratory building.
The testing machine within the Laboratory applied the load through a 3/4-inch wire rope to
the series of 3 I-beams arranged to apply load at the fifth points of the panel. The load was
measured by a weighing capsule mounted between the wire rope and the large I-beam, and
it was recorded on a dial gage located within the building. A tape recorder was used to
record notes during the test.
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was measured by a hydraulic capsule, mounted between the cable and the outer-
most I-beam The loads are expressed in pounds per foot of panel width. This
value is the reaction load divided by the panel width.
An initial load of 12.5 pounds per foot of panel width was placed on the panels.
The panels were then loaded at intervals of 25 pounds per foot. After each load
interval had been applied and the deflection readings had been made, the load was
reduced to the initial load, and the deflection was again read to provide a meas-
ure of the set retained in the panel.
The lateral deflection of the panels was measured at a number of points along
each end joist and along the unloaded header. Measurements were also made of
the joint slip in the header splices and at the ends of a number of sheathing
boards. The deformation in the plane of the panels was also obtained.
Discussion of Results
The test results show that the panels FA1, FF1, FF2, and FF3, constructed
with let-in blocking at the ends of the joists, deflected more at a given load than
the panels with continuous headers. They also carried a smaller maximum load
or smaller load at the termination of the tests than the panels with continuous
headers. The reinforcement of the corners of panel FF2 and the additional
nailing in the outer 4 feet of theperimeter of panel FF3 improved their stiffness
over that of panel FF1 but not enough to equal that of the poorest panel with con-
tinuous headers and end stiffeners. The tests of panels FF2, FF3, and FG2 were,
however, a continuation of the loading of panels FF1, FP2, and FG1, respectively.
Previous tests of conventionally nailed panels have shown that, during the early
portion of the tests, the deflections that result from a subsequent loading of the
same magnitude as the initial loading will be approximately the same as the
initial deflection minus the residual set. Because of the modifications of the
panels between tests, however, the deflection that results in the subsequent tests
may not conform to previous panel tests, and therefore the results of the tests
are not directly comparable within the series or with the results of the other
test panels.
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Table 1.--Deflections and residual deflection at center and ends of panels at various intervals of load
Panel FC1, with both stiffened end and longitudinal chords, was the stiffest
and strongest Of the panels with 1-inch sheathing on 2- by 10-inch joists spaced
2 feet apart. The stiffness of panel FC1 was exceeded only by that of panels FH1
and FG2 with thicker sheathing and heavier joists. The panels whose headers
showed the least amount of joint slip at their ends and splices were generally
stiffer than panels whose headers lengthened during test, particularly those with
let-in headers. Panel FE1 with continuous headers and V or herringbone sheathing
acting in compression was stronger and stiffer than the similarly framed panel
FB1 with diagonal sheathing, whereas panel FF1 with let-in headers and V or
herringbone sheathing acting in compression was not so strong or as stiff as the
similarly framed panel FA1 with diagonal sheathing. The sheathing applied in
the herringbone pattern provided symmetry in panel action and deflection. The
panels with 1-inch sheathing showed a decrease In stiffness with a decrease in
the length of sheathing boards, but the decrease was not in proportion to the
decrease in board length. The panel with short sheathing boards (extending over
two joist spaces) emitted load noises during test.
(1) The floor diaphragms framed with continuous headers were more rigid
than those with solid blocking let in at the ends of the joists.
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Figure 14. --Deformation at 3 points along each end and along the unloaded edge of panel FH1.
at shear load increments of 250 pounds per foot of panel width and at the termination of the
tests. The dashed lines indicate the residual deformation or set following a shear load of
250 pounds per foot of panel width.
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(2) The fastenings that permitted a minimum of nonelastic slip at the header
ends and splices promoted greater panel rigidity.
(3) The floor panels with perimeter stiffeners were stronger and more rigid
than the panels with only end stiffeners.
(5) The stiffness of the diagonally sheathed floor panels increased as the
length of the boards increased but not in proportion to the board length.
(6) Additional nailing along the perimeter of the panel increased the panel
(7) The floor panel framed with 3- by 10-inch joists spaced 4 feet apart and
diagonally sheathed with 2- by 6-inch lumber provided greater rigidity than the
similarly constructed panel with 4- by 10-inch joists spaced 6 feet apart. It was
also more rigid than the diagonally sheathed floor panels with 1- by 6-inch
sheathing on 2- by 10-inch joists spaced 2-feet apart.
(8) The floor panel framed with 4- by 10-inch joists spaced 6 feet apart was
not as rigid within the limits of the test (400 pounds per foot of panel width) as
the similarly constructed panel with 1- by 6-inch sheathing on 2- by 10-inch
joists spaced 2 feet apart.
(9) The stiffness of the panel with 4- by 10-inch joists spaced 6 feet apart
corresponded generally with that of the panel with 3- by 10-inch joists spaced
4 feet apart after 2- by 6-inchpieces were nailed flatwise to the underside of the
sheathing midway between the joists.
(11) In the diagonally sheathed panels, the accumulated slip in the sheathing
joints was greater for a particular member acting in tension than for a corre-
sponding member at the opposite end of the panel acting in compression.
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Figure 16. --General test setup showing panel WA-18 at the beginning of the initial test. The two
sections of frame wall, bolted together through a center post and with opposite ends resting on
solid supports, were tested simultaneously by applying load to the center post.
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(12) The greatest joint slips of the sheathing boards occurred at the inter-
section of the long diagonal boards and the corners of the panel.
(13) The accumulated slip of the several joints in the long diagonal boards
that intersected the corners of the panel was from 24 to 85 percent greater than
that of their immediately adjacent sheathing boards at a shear load of 250 pounds
per foot of panel width. The relative difference in the joint slip of adjacent
boards decreased with an increase in load, and, at 1,000 pounds per foot, the
corner boards showed only 9 to 29 percent more slip than their adjacent boards.
The tests on wall panels were conducted on a dual panel that represented two
sections of frame wall of a building with a story height of 12 feet. Seven series
of tests on wall construction that incorporated various details of sheathing and
framing were included in the testing program The two sections of each panel
were constructed of full-size members and bolted to a center beam. The sections
were laterally loaded simultaneously through the center beam in the direction of
their length. An investigation of the effect of the height-length ratio was made
by cutting the initial 17-foot 4-inch panel to a 12-foot panel and later to a 5-foot
4-inch panel.
Description of Material
All lumber used in the wall panels was Douglas-fir graded under Sections 187
and 204 of the Standard Grading and Dressing Rules for Douglas-fir No. 14,
Rev. Nov, 1, 1948. Panels WA and WB were framed with No. 2 lumber, and the
remaining panels were framed with No. 1 lumber. The sheathing on all panels
was No. 1. At the time of test, the moisture content of the framing varied from
10 to 12 percent, and that of the sheathing varied from 8 to 10 percent.
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building with a story or ceiling height of 12 feet. Figures 17, 18, and 19, show
the important structural differences in the panels, while table 2 gives more
detailed information on distinguishing characteristics.
The two sections of the test panel were constructed of full-size members and
in general represented the construction used in frame buildings. The panels
were framed with 2- by 6-inch studs and plates and 3- by 6-inch sills. The studs
were spaced 16 inches on center. Double studs and double plates were used along
the edges of the panels. The framing was nailed with sixteenpenny and twenty-
penny nails, The sills of the two panel sections were bolted to a common 8- by
8-inch timber.
All panels were reinforced at their corners with corner brackets of heavy
angle iron except for the initial test of panels, WA, WB, and WT. Solid blocking
was offset and end nailed between the studs of each panel.
The sheathing was laid diagonally and nailed with eightpenny nails. Three nails
were driven at the ends of each sheathing board, and two were driven at each
intermediate bearing, The sheathing was not nailed to the solid blocking or stays.
A 1/8-inch crack was left between the sheathing boards and a 3/64-inch separa-
tion was left between the sheathing and framing. Continuous sheathing boards and
duplex-head nails were used to construct panels WA and WB.
Panel WD (fig. 17) was used as the control panel. The sheathing on both sec-
tions of the panel was arranged to act in compression, and all corners of the
panel were secured with the heavy steel angle brackets.
Panel WA was constructed the same as panel WB. They were of conventional
construction with sheathing boards that spanned the full length of the frame
diagonally and sloped in the same direction on both sections of the test panel.
This method of application. placed the sheathing in tension on one section and in
compression on the other. For test runs 1 and 2, corner brackets were applied
only at the corners on the loaded edge of the panel. During test, the compressive
action of the sheathing caused the double plate to pull from the studs at the lower
corner of the section on which the sheathing was in compression. For test run 3,
a corner bracket was attached to the lower corner of the section where the
framing members had separated about an inch.
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Figure 19. --Schematic details of panel designs WC and WT. Panel WC, diagonally sheathed
with boards in compression; framing reinforced with let-in 1- by 6-inch boards. Sheet
steel framing anchors were added at the ends of studs before the final test. Panel WT was
the same as WD, except the sheet steel framing anchors were attached to the framing at
the ends of all studs. The corner angle brackets were omitted during the initial test. Test
included only a 12- by 18-foot panel.
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In panel WC, the sheathing was applied so that it acted in compression on each
panel section. Horizontal stays or ties, of 1- by 6-inch boards were let in at the
third points of the studs. During the test, when the distortion had become appre-
ciable but before any failure occurred in the members, commercial framing
anchors of 18-gage, zinc-coated sheet steel were attached to the unsheathed
edge on the ends of all intermediate studs.
Panel WE was diagonally sheathed on both faces with the sheathing on one
face acting in compression and on the other face in tension. Corner angle brackets
were attached at all interior corners and on the outer edges of the double studs
at the center post.
Panel WF was tested only as a 12- by 12-foot panel. It was constructed in the
same manner as the control panel except that the sheathing was applied to act
in tension rather than in compression.
Panel WT was tested only as a 12- by 17-foot, 4-inch panel. It was the same
as the control panel except that two commercial framing anchors of 18-gage,
zinc coated, sheet steel were placed at the end of each stud. The corner angle
brackets were not used for the initial test but were attached after the 3- by 6-
inch sill had started to split.
Testing Procedure
The dual panels were tested in bending under center loading (fig. 16). For
convenience in testing, the panels were placed in the testing machine with the
studs in a horizontal position. The load was applied to the panels through the
8- by 8-inch center post to which the panel sections were attached. A hydraulic
weighing capsule measured the load at one reaction of the panel. The loads are
expressed as shear load in pounds per foot of panel length. This value is the
reaction load divided by the panel length.
The initial load in pounds per foot of length for the two series were:
The subsequent loading intervals were the same as the initial load intervals.
After each load interval had been applied and the deflection readings had been
made, the load was reduced to the initial load, and the deflection was again read
to provide a measure of the set or residual deflection in the panel. The deflection
of the panel was measured at the center post and at several points along the
perimeter of the panel (figs. 17, 18, and 19).
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Table 3.--Comparison of strength and stiffness of a conventional
wall panel and panels of other constructions
Discussion of Results
Panels WA and WB, in which a large joint slip occurred at the outer lower
corner of the panel with the sheathing in compression, were less rigid than the
panels with the corners secured with steel angles. The addition of the corner
angles to these panels strengthened them, so that their maximum test loads were
about equal to those of the control panels.
Panel WC, with let-in ties or restraining members and corner angles, showed
very limited distortion of the panel frame and sustained higher loads at a given
deflection than the other single-sheathed panels. The application of sheet-steel
framing anchors to the ends of the studs on the unsheathed face of the panels
provided a slight increase in stiffness in the larger panel but added very little
to the stiffness of the smaller panels. Anchors on the unsheathed face of the
panels did not function effectively, since they did not prevent separation in the
joints of the framing members on the sheathed face.
Panel WF, with the sheathing acting in tension, was about 50 percent better in
load-carrying capacity at a given deflection than the control panel with the
sheathing acting in compression. All sizes of WE panels with both faces sheathed
sustained from 2 to 4 times more load at a given deflection than the control.
panels. All sizes of WC panels with the tied frame and the panels sheathed on
both sides increased in load-carrying capacity over the control panels as the
panel length increased.
For the control panels, the 12-foot panels gave about 5/8, and the 6-foot panels
gave about 1/3 of the load-carrying capacity of the 18-foot panels.
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Panel WT with sheet steel framing anchors attached to the framing at the ends
of all studs deflected in the same manner as the control panel to a load of 430
pounds per foot of panel length. From 430 to 605 pounds per foot, the panel
showed greater deflection for a given load than the control panel. At 605 pounds
per foot, the sill split, and the wood tore losse at the anchors.
For effective use, anchors should be placed at all framing joints on the
sheathed face of the panel including joints at the ends of the solid cut-in blocking.
The effectiveness of the framing anchors at the junction of the studs and double
plate wodd also be increased by a modification of the sheathing nailing pattern
to provide more nails in the inner-plate than in the outer plate.
The test results indicate that greater strength and stiffness could be obtained
by more secure nailing or fastening of the long sheathing boards at and near the
corners of the panels. The largest joint slip occurred at the ends of the long
sheathing boards at the corners of the panels, and the farther the adjacent
sheathing boards were from the comers ofthepanel, the less joint slip occurred
at the ends of the boards.
(1) The conventional method of nailing the framing of a panel with brackets
only at the corners adjacent to the center post permitted framing-joint slip that
resutled in great panel distortion at low loads in single-sheathed panels with
diagonal boards acting in compression.
(2) The angle brackets bolted at the outer lower corners of single-sheathed
panels with boards acting in compression restrained the end framing members,
so that the primary failure was shifted to the nails of the conventionally nailed
(3) The let-in stays or ties applied perpendicular to the studs added restraint
and stiffness to the single, diagonally sheathed panel with the boards acting in
(4) The sheet steel framing anchors resisted joint slip at the ends of the
studs in the single, diagonally sheathed panels with the boards acting in com-
pression. Their effectiveness was greatest in the longer panels and when they
were attached to the sheathed face of the framing.
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(5) The panels with diagonal sheathing acting in tension were stiffer than the
similar panels with sheathing acting in compression. The tensile action of the
boards drew the framing members together.
(7) The diagonal sheathing applied to both sides of the studs in herringbone
pattern with the boards on opposite sides normal to one another provided 2 to
4 times greater shear strength per foot of panel length than single sheathing
acting in compression. The sheathing applied to both faces of the panel sub-
jected the framing to torsion.
(8) The shear resistance per foot of the single-sheathed wall panels increased
with an increase in panel length.
(9) Up to 8 shear load of about 450 pounds per foot of length, the performance
and stiffness of the panels with the framing secured with sheet steel framing
anchors only was the same as for the control panel with corner angle brackets.
Above this load, a corner connection of greater strength than that of the sheet
steel framing anchors used is required for maximum strength and stiffness.
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