External Incompressible Viscous Flow
External Incompressible Viscous Flow
External Incompressible Viscous Flow
Fundamental equations:
Constitutive equations:
Equations of incompressible flow
The mass balance equation:
Rotational flow
Symmetric part –
Linear and angular
Anti-symmetric part
- Rotation
The origin of vorticity
Forces due to
gravitational, electrical,
and magnetic fields are
examples of body forces.
Flow restrictions : 1.) Incompressible flow
If is conservative, it
2.) Steady flow can be written as the
3.) Irrotational flow negative gradient of a
4.) Flow along a streamline potential, .
Bernoulli trinomial
From the aforementioned flow restrictions,
As a result,
Incompressible flow over a flat plate
• At increasing Rex, the inertial effects become more dominant and cause
the boundary layer to become unstable.
• Freestream disturbances
• Surface roughness
• Pressure gradients
• Heat transfer
• Body forces
• Noise
• Vibration
Boundary layer equations
Boundary layer and relevant
reference system -
δ and L are the typical reference
dimensions of the flow, in the y and
in the x directions, respectively.
Then, the orders of magnitude of all terms in the x- momentum
equation are considered.
The momentum equation in the x direction then becomes
An order of magnitude analysis
Next, the orders of magnitude of all terms in the y- momentum
equation are considered.
All the above terms have a maximum order of magnitude that is equal
to that of the terms in the x- momentum equation multiplied by .
The momentum equation in the y direction then becomes
Results from the y- momentum equation
Since inside the boundary layer, .
Boundary layer equations for steady flow
For steady flow, the x- momentum equation becomes
Boundary layer parameters
• Characteristics of a boundary layer can be
described using 4 main parameters as follows:
1. Boundary-layer thickness, δ
2. Displacement thickness, δ*
3. Momentum thickness, θ
4. Shape factor, H
Boundary-layer thickness, δ
• Boundary-layer thickness, δ – it is defined as the distance
from the surface to the point where the velocity is within 1
percent of the freestream velocity.
Displacement thickness, δ*
• Displacement thickness, δ* – it is defined as follows:
Note that the ordinary differentiation symbol can be used since all
the quantities appearing in the equation are the function of x only.
Notes on von-Kármán’s integral equation
• It is also denoted as the momentum-integral equation.
• von-Kármán’s integral equation can be applied to both
laminar and turbulent flow.
• The growth rate of the boundary layer and the drag exerted by
the flow on the solid surface can be estimated.
• The prediction of the tangential viscous stress acting over the
solid surface can be obtained by following these three steps:
Laminar boundary layer – Blasius velocity profile
Paul Blasius, one of Prandtl’s students, showed that this equation has a
“similarity” solution. He proposed that the velocity distribution u is a
function only of the freestream velocity Ue , the density ρ, the viscosity
μ, the distance from the wall y, the distance along the plate x. From
dimensional analysis, it gives
, where
Laminar boundary layer – Blasius velocity profile
The variables u/Ue and η are called similarity variables, which means that
if the velocity distribution is plotted using these non-dimensional
variables (instead of dimensional variables such as u and y), it is defined
by a universal curve, for any Reynolds number and any position along
the plate.
Laminar boundary layer – Blasius velocity profile
By introducing the stream function , where and ,
the governing equations of motion reduces the velocity components u, v
into only one variable . The velocity components are given by
Laminar boundary layer – Blasius velocity profile
By differentiating the velocity components,
Use of the von-Kármán’s integral equation
Integrating again gives
Typical approximate
boundary layer
profiles used
in the von-Kármán’s
integral equation
Use of the von-Kármán’s integral equation
Turbulent boundary layer
For incompressible flow with zero pressure gradient, the velocity profile
for turbulent boundary layers are very similar to those for turbulent flow
in pipes and channels. The universal velocity profile is shown below.
The ratio of the average velocity to the centerline velocity U for the
power-law profiles is given by
Turbulent boundary layer
As n increases (due to increasing Reynolds number), the ratio of the
average velocity to the centerline velocity increases. The velocity profile
becomes more blunt or “fuller”.
Turbulent boundary layer
A suitable velocity profile for turbulent boundary layers on smooth flat
plates with zero pressure gradient is the empirical power-law profile. An
exponent of 1/7 , n = 7, is typically used to model the velocity profile,
Clearly, this profile does not hold in the immediate vicinity of the wall
since it predicts at the wall and we cannot use this profile to
obtain τw in terms of δ as we did for laminar boundary-layer flow.
Therefore, the expression developed for turbulent flow in smooth pipes
is adopted as follows:
Turbulent boundary layer
For a 1/7-power profile in a smooth pipe, /U = 0.817 and R = δ. Thus,
This results in
Turbulent boundary layer
Further mathematical manipulations give
, and
Turbulent boundary layer
As a result,
, and
Pressure gradients in boundary-layer flow
From the von-Kármán’s integral equation without the pressure gradient
term, it shows that the wall shear stress is balanced by a decrease in fluid
As a result, the fluid close to the wall cannot be brought to zero velocity.
Pressure gradients in boundary-layer flow
However, with the pressure gradient term,
the fluid close to the wall can be brought to rest. Note that
Pressure gradients in boundary-layer flow
The presence of pressure gradients of different sign along the surface:
Pressure gradients in boundary-layer flow
Pressure gradients in boundary-layer flow
• When , the pressure gradient is said to be favourable. In
other words, the pressure decreases in the direction of the flow. The
pressure behind the particle is greater than that opposing its motion;
the particle is “sliding down a pressure hill,” without danger of being
slowed to zero velocity. The outer flow Ue accelerates along the x-
direction. The thickness of the boundary layer will increase less
rapidly along the surface, compared to the zero pressure gradient case.
With the presence of a sharp edge, the outer potential flow would be
characterised by a strong convex curvature of the streamlines
adjacent to that region, followed by a concave curvature to realign the
flow towards the upstream direction. Thus, a high acceleration, and
thus a very low pressure, would occur at the sharp edge, and would
then be followed by an abrupt deceleration causing so strong an
adverse pressure gradient that it would be incompatible with the
existence of an attached boundary layer.
Laminar vs. turbulent boundary layers
Laminar vs. turbulent boundary layers
Laminar vs. turbulent boundary layers
• Figure 9.6 and 9.7 show that the turbulent profile is much fuller (more
blunt) than the laminar profile. At the same freestream speed, the
momentum flux within the turbulent boundary layer is greater than
within the laminar layer. Separation occurs when the momentum of
fluid layers near the surface is reduced to zero by the combined action
of pressure gradient and viscous forces. Since the momentum of the
fluid near the surface is significantly greater for the turbulent profile,
the turbulent layer is better able to resist separation in an adverse
pressure gradient.
The effects of pressure gradients to H
• Typically, for a laminar boundary layer, the Blasius solution gives H =
2.59, and for a turbulent boundary layer experiment shows that 1.15 <
H < 1.40, where H decreases with increasing Reynolds number.
Smaller values of H indicate a “fuller” velocity prole (that is, one with
higher velocities near the wall).