Health Talk On Family Planning Methods

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Submitted To Submitted By

Ms.Somibala Thockchom Ms. Deepti Kukreti

Assistant Professor M.Sc (N) 2 nd Year

Rufaida College of Nursing Rufaida College Of Nursing

Submitted On

Name of the student teacher : Ms. Deepti Kukreti

Topic : Family Planning methods
Group : Women attending family welfare OPD
Venue : Family planning, Safdarjung hospital
Time duration : 30 minutes
Size of group : 10-15

Subject : Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Method of teaching : Health talk
Av aids : Charts, flash cards
Previous knowledge of the group : Group have some knowledge about family planning methods through their practices and knowledge given
by their elders

o According To Group Point Of View:-

At the end of teaching group will be able to understand about the family planning and also able to implement those advices and clarify doubts.

o According To Student Teacher Point Of View:-

At the end of health education, student teacher will
 Have in depth knowledge about the topic.
 Gain more confidence and skills in delivering health talk.
 Develop teaching skills.
 Counselling the mother on family planning.
 Gain skills in preparing audio-visual aids.
 Utilize A.V aids effectively.

2min To Introduce self and I Deepti Kukreti student of

topic to the group. 2nd year from
Rufaida College of
Nursing going to present
health talk on

Family planning services

are defined as educational
comprehensive medical or
social activities which
enables individuals,
including minors, to
determine freely the
number and spacing of
their children.


To define family Family planning methods are preventive methods to help women
1min avoid unwanted pregnancies. They include all temporary and The student teacher Define family planning
planning methods.
permanent methods to prevent pregnancy resulting from coitus. defines family planning methods?


2min To discuss the criteria for The student teacher
ideal contraceptive.  It should be safe for use, means free from any kind of side discuss the criteria for What is the criteria for
effects. ideal contraceptive. an ideal contraceptive?
 It should be reliable.
 It should be easy to administer and convenient.
 It should be cost effective.
 It should be culturally feasible and acceptable.


20min To explain the types of The student teacher Explain the types of
family planning methods. The methods available currently in India may be broadly divide explains the various types family planning
into two categories, spacing methods and permanent methods. of family planning methods?
There is another method (emergency contraceptive pill) to be used methods.
in cases of emergency.


These are the reversible methods of contraception to be used by

couples who wish to have children in future. This include:


These are hormonal pills which have to be taken by a women,

preferably at a fixed time, daily. The strip also contains
additional placebo/iron pills to be consumed during the
hormonal pill free days. The method may be used by majority
of women after screening by a trained provider.

a) Combined pill
It contains oestrogen and progesterone. The pill is an effective
and reversible contraceptive for women wanting to delay her
first pregnancy or space the next child. The pill is given orally
for 21 consecutive days beginning on the 5th day of menstrual
cycle followed by a break of 7 days during which period
mensturation occurs. eg:- MALA-N. It is available free of cost
at all public healthcare facilities.

b) Post coital pill/Emergency Contraceptive Pill

• To be consumed in cases of emergency arising out of
unplanned/unprotected intercourse.
• The pill should be consumed within 72 hours of the sexual act
and should never be considered a replacement for a regular
eg:- levonorgestrel (ezy pill)

c) Centchroman “Chhaya”
 It is the safest non-steroidal oral contraceptive pill . It is
available free of cost in all Public Health Facilities.
 Chhaya is taken from the 1st day of cycle, starting twice a
week for 3 months and from the fourth month onwards, only
one tablet once a week is taken as long to avoid pregnancy.


a) Condoms (Nirodh)
 It is a thin rubber sheath which is used by men. It is rolled
over the erect penis before having sex. This rubber sheath
prevents the entry of semen into the vagina.
 These are barrier methods of contraception which offer the
dual protection of preventing unwanted pregnancies as well
as transmission of RTI/STI including HIV.
 The brand “Nirodh” is available free of cost at government
health facilities and supplied at doorstep by ASHA’s at
minimal cost.


Injectable contraceptives contain synthetic hormones

resembling the natural female hormones. When administered
there is a slow release of hormone into the blood stream and it
provides protection from pregnancy for a long duration of time.

a) Depot MedroxyProgesterone Acetate(DMPA/MPA)- 3

monthly Injection
 Can be given through intramuscular route(IM) or
subcutaneous route(SC)
1. Intramuscular MPA: available as
 single dose vial with disposable syringe and needle
 Prefilled syringe with needle
Dose:- one vial of 150mg per 100ml, aqueous suspension of

2. Subcutaneous MPA:
 Prefilled auto disable syringe in uniject system (squeezing
bulb pushes the fluid through the needle)
Dose:- 104mg per 0.65ml suspension of MPA


 It is a small, often T-shaped birth control device that is

inserted into a woman's uterus to prevent pregnancy.
 Copper containing IUCDs are a highly effective method for
long term birth spacing.
 Should not be used by women with uterine anomalies or
women with active PID or those who are at increased risk of
STI/RTI (women with multiple partners).
 The acceptor needs to return for follow up visit after 1, 3
and 6 months of IUCD insertion as the expulsion rate is
highest in this duration.
 There are mainly two types of IUCD which is used:
o Cu IUCD 380A (10 yrs)
o Cu IUCD 375 (5 yrs)

 New approach of method delivery- postpartum IUCD

(PPIUCD) insertion by specially trained providers to tap the
opportunities offered by institutional deliveries.
 Post Abortion IUCD (PAIUCD) – Repeated unintended
pregnancies and unwanted births or abortions contributes to
increase morbidity and mortality among mothers and
newborns. The provision of effective post abortion services
helps in decreasing maternal morbidities by averting
unwanted pregnancies.

a) Abstinence (withdrawl)- It is an ancient method of

contraception. The male withdraws just before ejaculation and
thereby prevents deposition of semen in the vagina.
The risk of pregnancy is very high because small amounts of
pre-ejaculatory fluid containing sperms ooze out during
b) Rhythm method- A week before and a week after the menses
is considered as the safe period. During this period the women
is not fertile because she cannot ovulate. For eg. If the day of
menstruation for a women is Monday, the next Monday will be
her first risky day. The period between the first risky Monday
and last risky Monday will be the unsafe period.

c) Breast feeding- Breast feeding has a natural contraceptive

effect. The mother should be encouraged to breast feed their
babies for more than one year. This will help in spacing the
birth of their children more widely.


These methods may be adopted by any member of the couple and

are generally considered irreversible.

There are two techniques:

a) Minilap – Minilaparotomy
 It involves making a small incision in the abdomen. The
fallopian tubes are brought to the incision to be cut or
 It can be performed by a trained MBBS doctor.
b) Laparoscopic
 Laparoscopy involves inserting a long thin tube with a lens
in it into the abdomen through a small incision. This
laparoscope enables the doctor to see and block or cut the
fallopian tubes in the abdomen.
 It Can be done only by trained and certified MBBS doctor
or specialist.

c) Post Abortion Sterilisation

This refers to the sterilization done within 7 days of a
complete abortion.


a) Through a puncture or small incision in the scrotum, the

provider locates each of the 2 tubes that carries sperm to
the penis (vas deferens) and cuts or blocks it by cutting and
tying it closed or by applying heat or electricity (cautery).
The procedure is performed by MBBS trained doctors.
However, the couple needs to use an alternative method of
contraception for first three months after sterilization till no
sperms are detected in semen.

b) Non- scalpel vasectomy – It is performed under local

anaesthesia. The vas is grasped with a specially designed
forceps. Stretched skin over the vas is punctured with the
sharp pointed end of a forceps instead of using a scalpel.
No skin suturing is needed.

5min To explain the ADVANTAGES OF FAMILY PLANNING METHODS What are the
Student teacher explains
advantages of family  TO MOTHER advantages of family
the advantages of family
planning methods.  In a small planned family, a mother can maintain her health planning methods.
planning methods?
by restricting the no. of the children and spacing her
 It creates loss of fear about unwanted pregnancy.
 Mother will have been strain and worry due to limited
number of children.
 Mother will have more to give proper attention and love her
 Mother will have more time to participate in other fruitful
attributes like education, vocation training, community
project etc.
 Mother can await better job opportunities in small family.
 Mother can save child’s health, low chance of foetal death,
birth defects, mortality during infancy and childhood.

 Child will have a good environment for his proper
psychological growth and development.
 Child get proper nutrition, education, parental care and love.
 Child can provide sound economic base for family.

 Father can provide children with better education, comfort,
food, clothing, recreation.
 He will be more relaxed and enjoy good health.
 He will have improved living standard, better health.

 Small family leads to conservation of natural resources and
 Small family norms helps the nation to have enough school,
hospital and other basis services.
 Small family norm yields more employment.
 Small planned families would gradually bring happiness,
harmony and prosperity.

Today we discussed about

family planning methods. I
explained about the
definition of family
planning methods, ,
criteria for ideal
contraceptive, types of
family planning methods
like barrier methods, intra-
uterine devices, post-
conceptional methods,
hormonal methods or
terminal methods,
advantages of family
planning methods.


A way of thinking and

living that is adopted
voluntarily upon the basis
of knowledge, attitudes
and responsible decisions
by Individuals and
couples, in order to
promote the health and
welfare of family and
group and thus contribute
effectively to the social
development of a country.
The group was able to
understood the topic and
giving a good response. It
was a knowledgeable
experience for me.


 PARK.K, Textbook Of Preventive And Social

Medicine,23th Edition, Bhanot Publications, Page 526-531
 Basavanthappa, Textbook Of Community Health Nursing
Practice, Jay Pee Publication,Page-568
 Gulani K.K.A Textbook Of Community Health
Nurse.Kumar Publishing2016;85-89

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