3 21 16 DFT Rider Manual PDF
3 21 16 DFT Rider Manual PDF
3 21 16 DFT Rider Manual PDF
County of Hawaii
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County of Kauai
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Phone 241-4242.
This manual is designed for use as a guide to provide more
comprehensive coverage of laws and operating techniques
concerning motorcycles and to help you qualify for a Hawaii
driver’s license to operate a motorcycle. The information contained
herein does not supersede either state laws or ordinances or any duly
adopted rule or regulation.
The original “Motorcycle Operator Manual” was developed by
the National Public Services Research Institute (NPSRI) under
contract to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA) and within the terms of a cooperative agreement between
NHTSA and the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation has updated and expanded
the content of the original manual. The revisions reflect the latest
findings of motorcycle-safety research.
A separate Hawaii Driver’s Manual is sold at stores to help you
become a well-informed, safe driver and to help you qualify for a
regular Hawaii driver’s license.
A separate Driver’s Manual for Commercial Motor Vehicle
Driver Licensing is available at driver licensing offices and the
Motor Vehicle Safety Office to prepare drivers to pass the
knowledge and skill test to get a commercial driver’s license. These
manuals are available on the State of Hawaii Department of
Transportation website below.
County of Kauai Department of Finance Treasure Division:
Insurance Commissioner’s Office:
You will be required to pass the general driver knowledge
examination and a motorcycle riding test. The examinations are to
test your knowledge of the rules of the road, highway signs, and the
special skill and safety precautions needed to operate a motorcycle.
In addition, you must pass a vision test.
Upon satisfactory completion of the knowledge examination
and vision test, you will be issued an instruction permit valid for
one year.
other requirements.
You cannot carry passengers or operate a motorcycle
during the hours of darkness while learning to ride with a
Your motorcycle permit may be renewed if you take
a skill test prior to the expiration of the permit. If your
permit expires before you take a skill test at least once,
you must wait three months before applying for another
motorcycle instruction permit.
motor no larger than two horsepower which will propel
the moped, unassisted, on a level surface at a maximum
speed no greater than thirty miles per hour; and a direct or
automatic power drive system. When traveling downhill a
moped must not be driven faster than 35 mph.
You are required to have a driver’s license (any
category) to operate a moped on the public roads.
If you do not have any kind of driver’s license, you
may obtain a Category 1 license by following the
procedure required for that license category and using
your moped for any required performance test.
Required equipment includes brakes, head lamp, tail
lamp, stop lamp, muffler, horn, rear-view mirror and
Raising the handlebars to a level more than 15 inches
(38 cm) above the level of the seat is against the law.
The motorcycle must be equipped with footrests for
all riders not in a sidecar or enclosed cab.
Motorcycles must be equipped with fenders or mud
Information about how motorcycles and mopeds are
inspected can be reviewed at web sit:
Information about the components that are inspected
on a moped can be reviewed at web site:
135.pdf beginning at 19-135-27, Hawaii Administrative
Any operator or passenger under 18 years of age
must wear a DOT approved safety helmet securely
fastened with a chin strap.
Operators and passengers must wear glasses, goggles
or a face shield unless the motorcycle is equipped with a
The operator must not carry more passengers than the
motorcycle is designed and equipped to carry. You must
not carry a passenger who is under the age of 7 years. No
passenger is allowed on a two-wheeled moped.
Motorcycle and motor scooter liability insurance is
required in Hawaii. A valid proof of insurance card must
be in your motorcycle, or carried by the operator of your
insured motorcycle or motor scooter. A citation for not
having proof of insurance can cost you $100 or more.
A motorcycle liability police must include:
$20,000 per person and $40,000 per accident bodily
whom you caused injury or death;
$10,000 per occurrence property damage liability
that pays for damage to vehicles and property of others
when you are responsible for the crash.
An insurance company must also offer to sell you:
Medical payments coverage up to $10,000 which
will pay for your injury expenses;
An income disability plan which will pay you when
you cannot work due to your injuries; and
Higher liability coverages.
To purchase liability insurance you must have:
A valid motorcycle or motor scooter license; or
A valid motorcycle or motor scooter learner’s
permit and successfully complete a motorcycle education
You will receive a 15% discount on premiums for
liability coverages if you successfully complete a
motorcycle education course.
THE MOTORCYCLE ............... 4 Why This Information Is
Important ............................. 42
PREPARING TO RIDE Alcohol and Other Drugs in
Wear the Right Gear ................5 Motorcycle Operation .......... 42
Know Your Motorcycle ............7 Alcohol in the Body ................ 42
Know Your Responsibilities ... 10 Alcohol and the Law .............. 44
Minimize the Risks ................. 44
Step in to Protect Friends ...... 45
Basic Vehicle Control ........... 11
Marijuana and
Keeping Your Distance .......... 15 Motorcycle Operation .......... 45
SEE. ............................... .20
Fatigue. .......................... 46
Intersections ........................ 21
Increasing Conspicuity ........ 24 EARNING YOUR LICENSE ..... 47
Crash Avoidance ................. .27 THREE-WHEEL SUPPLEMENT
Handling Dangerous Surfaces Supplementary Information
............................................... 30 for Three-Wheel Motorcycles
Mechanical Problems ........... 33 ............................................ 49
Animals. ........................... 34 Know Your Vehicle ............... 49
Flying Objects ....................... 35 Basic Vehicle Control ............ 51
Geting Off the Road .............. 35 Carrying Passengers and
Carrying Passengers Cargo. .................................. 54
and Cargo .......................... 35 HAND SIGNALS ....................... 56
Group Riding ..........................38
What you do before you start a trip goes a long way toward determining
whether or not you’ll get where you want to go safely. Before taking off on
any trip, a safe rider makes a point to:
1. Wear the right gear.
2. Become familiar with the motorcycle.
3. Check the motorcycle equipment.
4. Be a responsible rider.
WEAR THE RIGHT GEAR a helmet kept a rider from spotting
When you ride, your gear is “right” if
it protects you. In any crash, you have a Most crashes happen on short
trips (less than five miles long), just
far better chance of avoiding serious
a few minutes after starting out.
injury if you wear:
Most riders are riding slower than
A DOT-compliant helmet. 30 mph when a crash occurs. At
Face or eye protection. these speeds, helmets can cut both
the number and the severity of
Protective clothing.
head injuries by half.
Helmet Use No matter what the speed, helmeted
riders are three times more likely to
Crashes can occur — particularly
survive head injuries than those not
among untrained, beginning riders. And
wearing helmets at the time of the
one out of every five motorcycle crashes
crash. The single most important thing
results in head or neck injuries. Head
you can do to improve your chances of
injuries are just as severe as neck
surviving a crash is to wear a securely-
injuries — and far more common. Crash
analyses show that head and neck fastened, quality helmet.
injuries account for a majority of serious Helmet Selection
and fatal injuries to motorcyclists.
Research also shows that, with few There are two primary types of
exceptions, head and neck injuries are helmets, providing two different levels
reduced by properly wearing a quality of coverage: three-quarter and full face.
helmet. Whichever style you choose, you can
Some riders don’t wear helmets get the most protection by making sure
because they think helmets will limit that the helmet:
their view to the sides. Others wear Is designed to meet U.S.
helmets only on long trips or when Department of Transportation
riding at high speeds. But, here are (DOT) and state standards.
some facts to consider: Helmets with a label from the Snell
Memorial Foundation also give you
A DOT-compliant helmet lets an assurance of quality.
you see as far to the sides as
necessary. A study of more than Fits snugly, all the way around.
900 motorcycle crashes, where Has no obvious defects such as
40% of the riders wore helmets, cracks, loose padding or frayed
did not find even one case in which straps.
A plastic shatter-resistant
face shield:
A. Is not necessary if you have
a windshield.
B. Only protects your eyes.
C. Helps protect your whole face.
D. Does not protect your face as
well as goggles.
Answer - page 48
Front and rear brakes. involve riders with less than five months
of experience on their motorcycle.
Turn signals.
Horn. Get Familiar with the
Two mirrors. Motorcycle Controls
Make sure you are completely familiar
Borrowing and Lending with the motorcycle before you take it out
Borrowers and lenders of motorcycles, on the street. Be sure to review the
beware. Crashes are more likely to occur owner’s manual. This is particularly
among beginning riders — especially in important if you are riding a borrowed
the first months of riding. Riding an motorcycle.
unfamiliar motorcycle adds to the
If you are going to use an unfamiliar
problem. If you borrow a motorcycle, get motorcycle:
familiar with it in a controlled area. And
if you lend your motorcycle to friends, Make all the checks you would on
make sure they are licensed and know your own motorcycle.
how to ride before allowing them out Find out where everything is,
into traffic. particularly the turn signals, horn,
No matter how experienced you headlight switch, fuel-supply valve
may be, ride extra carefully on any and engine cut-off switch. Find and
motorcycle that’s new or unfamiliar operate these items without having
to you. More than half of all crashes to look for them.
Know the controls~ Work the Try the front and rear brake levers
throttle, clutch, brakes, and shifter one at a time. Make sure each
a few times before you start riding. feels firm and holds the
motorcycle when fully applied.
Ride very cautiously and be
aware of surroundings. Accelerate C — Controls
gently, take turns more slowly and Make sure the clutch and throttle
leave extra room for stopping. operate smoothly. The throttle
should snap back to fully closed
Check Your Motorcycle when released. The clutch should
A motorcycle needs more frequent feel tight and should operate
attention than a car. A minor technical smoothly.
failure on a car is seldom more than an
Try the horn. Make sure it works.
inconvenience for the driver. The same
failure on a motorcycle may result in a L — Lights and Electrics
crash or having to leave your motorcycle Check both headlight and taillight.
parked on the side of the road. If Test your switch to make sure
anything’s wrong with your motorcycle, both high and low beams work.
you’ll want to find out about it before
you get in traffic. Turn on both right and left hand
turn signals. Make sure all lights
The primary source of information are working properly.
about how a motorcycle should be
Try both brakes and make sure
inspected and maintained is its owner’s
each one turns on the brake light.
manual. Be sure to absorb all of its
important information. A motorcycle will Clean and adjust your mirrors before
continue to ride like new if it is properly starting. It’s difficult to ride with one
maintained and routine inspections hand while you try to adjust a
become part of its maintenance cycle. mirror. Adjust each mirror so you
can see the lane behind and as
A pre-ride inspection only takes a few much as possible of the lane next to
minutes and should be done before you. When properly adjusted, a
every ride to prevent problems. It’s mirror may show the edge of your
quick and easy to check the critical arm or shoulder – but it’s the road
components and should be as routine behind you and to the side that are
and automatic as checking the weather most important.
forecast before heading out for the day.
A convenient reminder developed by O — Oil and Other Fluids
MSF is T-CLOCSSM. There is a T-CLOCS Check engine oil and transmission
“tear-out” sheet at the back of this fluid levels.
manual for you to keep with you when
Check the brake hydraulic fluid
you ride. A T-CLOCS inspection should
and coolant level weekly.
be conducted before every ride, and
includes checks of: Be sure your fuel valve is open
before starting out. With the fuel
T — Tires and Wheels valve closed, your motorcycle may
Check tire inflation pressure, start with only the fuel that is still
treadwear and general condition of in the lines, but will stall once the
sidewalls and tread surface. lines are empty.
slow or stop. The front brake is more To stop as quickly and as safely as
powerful and can provide at least 70% of possible in a curve, and depending on
your total stopping power. The front road and traffic conditions, try to get the
brake is safe to use if you use it properly. motorcycle as perpendicular to the road
Maximum straight-line braking is as possible, then brake. If conditions do
accomplished by fully applying both not allow, brake smoothly and gradually,
front and rear brakes without locking but do not apply as much braking force
either wheel. as you would if the motorcycle were
straight up. As you slow, you can reduce
To do this: your lean angle, and as more traction
Squeeze the front brake becomes available for braking, you can
smoothly, firmly and with more firmly apply the brakes, so that by
progressively more force. Do not the time the motorcycle is stopped, the
grab the brake lever or use abrupt motorcycle is straight up, and the
pressure. handlebars are squared.
As the motorcycle’s weight
Linked and Integrated
transfers forward, more traction
becomes available at the front Braking Systems
wheel, so the front brake can be Some motorcycles have linked
applied harder after braking begins. braking which connects the front and
Keep your knees against the rear brakes on the motorcycle and
tank and your eyes up, looking applies braking pressure to both brakes
well ahead. This helps you stop when either the front lever or rear pedal
the motorcycle in a straight line. is applied. An integrated braking system
is a variation of the linked system in
Apply light-to-lighter pressure to which partial front braking is applied
the rear brake pedal to prevent a whenever the rear brake is activated.
rear wheel skid. As weight Consult your owner’s manual for a
transfers forward less traction is detailed explanation on the operation
available at the rear. Use less rear and effective use of these systems.
brake pressure.
Anti-Lock Braking Systems
Using both brakes for even “normal”
stops will permit you to develop the (ABS)
proper habit or skill of using both brakes ABS is designed to prevent wheel
properly in an emergency. Squeeze the lock-up and avoid skids when stopping
front brake and press down on the rear. in straight-line, panic situations. ABS
Grabbing at the front brake or jamming operates when maximum pressure on
down on the rear can cause the brakes to both the front and rear brake controls is
lock, resulting in control problems. applied. If electronic sensors detect the
possibility of a wheel lock, brake
Braking in a Corner hydraulic pressure is released then
Any time a motorcycle is leaned reapplied to maintain maximum braking
over, the amount of traction available effectiveness.
for braking is reduced. The greater the The system is capable of releasing
lean angle, the more the possibility of and reapplying pressure more than 15
the tires losing traction. times per second.
average center strip permits adequate count off the seconds: “one-
traction to ride on safely. You can thousand-one, one-thousand-two.”
operate to the left or right of the grease
If you reach the marker before
strip and still be within the center third
you reach “two,” you are following
of the traffic lane. Avoid riding on big
too closely.
buildups of oil and grease usually found
at busy intersections or tollbooths. A two-second following distance leaves
a minimum amount of space to stop or
Experienced riders rely on their own
swerve if the driver ahead stops suddenly.
best judgment and instincts. One
It also permits a better view of potholes
absolute, however, is to avoid riding in
and other hazards in the road.
another vehicle’s blind spot.
A larger cushion of space is needed
Following Another Vehicle if your motorcycle will take longer
“Following too closely” is a factor in than normal to stop. If the pavement is
crashes involving motorcyclists. In traffic, slippery, if you cannot see through the
motorcycles need as much distance to vehicle ahead, or if traffic is heavy and
stop as cars. Normally, a minimum of someone may squeeze in front of you,
two seconds distance should be open up a three-second or more
maintained behind the vehicle ahead. following distance.
Keep well behind the vehicle ahead
To gauge your following distance:
even when you are stopped. This will
Pick out a marker, such as a make it easier to get out of the way if
pavement marking or lamppost, on someone bears down on you from
or near the road ahead. behind. It will also give you a cushion
When the rear bumper of the of space if the vehicle ahead starts to
vehicle ahead passes the marker, back up for some reason.
Usually, a good way to handle tailgaters
is to:
A. Change lanes and let them pass.
B. Use your horn and
make obscene gestures.
C. Speed up to put distance
between you and the tailgater.
D. Ignore them.
Answer - Page 48
Good, experienced riders
are always aware of what
is going on around them.
They reduce their risk by
using MSF’s three-step
SEE strategy:
S earch
E valuate
E xecute
SEE will help you assess
what is going on in traffic
so you can plan and
implement the safest
course of action as traffic
situations change. Let’s
look at each of these
How assertively you
search, and how much
time and space you have,
can eliminate or minimize
risk. As you search, focus
considered enough time and space to
on finding potential escape routes,
swerve and/or brake for fixed hazards
especially in or around intersections,
or for someone or something entering
shopping areas and school and
your path of travel.
construction zones.
One way to search is to use your Finally, experienced riders search
“RiderRadar” to aggressively scan the for hazards that are further out, looking
environment ahead of you, to the sides, ahead to an area it would take about 12
and behind you to avoid potential seconds to reach. This provides time to
hazards even before they arise. There prepare for a situation before it
are three “lead times” experienced becomes immediate.
riders consider. First, be alert and scan Using the SEE strategy will help you to
for hazards that are about 2 seconds Search for a variety of factors such as:
ahead of you, or within your following
Oncoming traffic that may
distance. Scanning your 4-second
turn left in front of you.
immediate path can allow you time for
a quick response if something should go Traffic coming from
wrong. Anything that is within 4 the left and from the right.
seconds of your path is considered Traffic approaching from
immediate because 4 seconds is behind.
Hazardous road conditions that Apply the old adage “one step at a
require you to be alert, especially in time” to handle two or more hazards.
areas with limited visibility. Visually Adjust speed to permit two hazards to
“busy” surroundings could hide you separate. Then deal with them one at
and your motorcycle from others. a time as single hazards. Decision-
making becomes more complex with
Evaluate three or more hazards. Evaluate the
Evaluate means to think about how consequences of each and give equal
hazards can interact to create risks for distance to the hazards.
you. Anticipate potential problems and
In potential high-risk areas, such as
have a plan to reduce risks, particularly
intersections, shopping areas and
when faced with:
school and construction zones, cover
Road and surface characteristics the clutch and both brakes to reduce
such as potholes, guardrails, bridges, the time you need to react.
telephone poles and trees that won’t
move into your path, but may INTERSECTIONS
influence your riding strategy. The greatest potential for conflict
Traffic control devices including between you and other traffic is at
traffic signals, warning signs, and intersections. An intersection can be in
pavement markings, which will the middle of an urban area or at a
require you to carefully evaluate driveway on a residential street —
circumstances ahead. anywhere traffic may cross your path
of travel. Over one-half of
Vehicles and other traffic that may motorcycle/car crashes are caused by
move into your path and increase drivers entering a rider’s right-of-way.
the likelihood of a crash. Think about Cars that turn left in front of you,
your time and space requirements in including cars turning left from the
order to maintain a margin of safety, lane on your right, and cars on side
and give yourself time to react if an streets that pull into your lane, are the
emergency arises. biggest dangers. Your use of SEE at
Execute intersections is critical.
Finally, Execute your decision. To
create more space and minimize harm
from any hazard:
Communicate your presence with TEST YOURSELF 5
lights and/or horn.
To reduce your reaction time, you
Adjust your speed by should:
accelerating, stopping or slowing.
A. Ride slower than the speed
Adjust your position and/or limit.
direction by swerving, changing
B. Cover the clutch and the brakes.
lanes, or moving to another position
within your lane. C. Shift into neutral when slowing.
D. Pull in the clutch when turning.
Answer - page 48
Making eye contact with other
A. Is a good sign they see you.
B. Is not worth the effort it takes.
C. Doesn’t mean that the
driver will yield.
D. Guarantees that the other driver will
yield to you. Answer - page48
Blind Intersections
If you approach a blind intersection,
move to the portion of the lane that
will bring you into another driver’s field
of vision at the earliest possible
moment. In this picture, the rider has
moved to the left portion of the lane —
away from the parked car — so the
driver on the cross street can see him
as soon as possible.
Remember, the key is to see as much
as possible and remain visible to others
while protecting your space.
If you have a stop sign or stop line,
stop there first. Then edge forward and
stop again, just short of where the
cross-traffic lane meets your lane. From
that position, lean your body forward
and look around buildings, parked cars
or bushes to see if anything is coming.
Just make sure your front wheel stays
out of the cross lane of travel while
you’re looking.
have the headlights on when running). Once you turn, make sure your signal is
Studies show that, during the day, a off or a driver may pull directly into your
path, thinking you plan to turn again.
Use your signals at every turn so drivers
can react accordingly. Don’t make them
guess what you intend to do.
Brake Light
Your motorcycle’s brake light is
usually not as noticeable as the brake
lights on a car — particularly when your
taillight is on. (It goes on with the
headlight.) If the situation will permit,
help others notice you by flashing your
brake light before you slow down. It is
especially important to flash your brake
light before:
You slow more quickly than
others might expect (turning off
motorcycle with its light on is twice as a high-speed highway).
likely to be noticed. Use low beam at You slow where others may not
night and in fog. expect it (in the middle of a block
or at an alley).
The signals on a motorcycle are similar If you are being followed closely, it’s
to those on a car. They tell others what a good idea to flash your brake light
you plan to do. before you slow. The tailgater may be
watching you and not see something
However, due to a rider’s added ahead that will make you slow down.
vulnerability, signals are even more This will hopefully discourage them
important. Use them anytime you plan from tailgating and warn them of
to change lanes or turn. Use them even hazards ahead they may not see.
when you think no one else is around.
It’s the car you don’t see that’s going to Using Your Mirrors
give you the most trouble. Your signal While it’s most important to keep
lights also make you easier to spot. track of what’s happening ahead, you
That’s why it’s a good idea to use your can’t afford to ignore situations behind.
turn signals even when what you plan Traffic conditions change quickly.
to do is obvious. Knowing what’s going on behind is
When you enter a freeway, drivers essential for you to make a safe decision
approaching from behind are more likely about how to handle trouble ahead.
to see your signal blinking and make Frequent mirror checks should be part
room for you. of your normal searching routine. Make a
Turning your signal light on before special point of using your mirrors:
each turn reduces confusion and When you are stopped at an
frustration for the traffic around you. intersection. Watch cars coming up
cause the motorcycle to lean quickly. crash and serious injury or death. Too
The sharper the turn(s), the more the much rear brake pressure causes rear-
motorcycle must lean. wheel lockup. As soon as the rear wheel
locks, your ability to change direction is
Keep your body upright and allow the
lost. To regain control the brake must be
motorcycle to lean in the direction of the
released. However, if the rear wheel is
turn while keeping your knees against
out of alignment with the front, there is
the tank and your feet solidly on the foot
a risk of a high-side crash. This occurs
rests. Let the motorcycle move
when the wheels are out of alignment
underneath you. Make your escape
and a locked rear wheel is released. The
route the target of your vision. Press on
motorcycle can abruptly snap upright
the opposite handlegrip once you clear
and tumble, throwing the rider into the
the obstacle to return you to your
air ahead of the motorcycle’s path. Even
original direction of travel. To swerve to
slight misalignment can result in a high-
the left, press the left handlegrip, then
side crash.
press the right to recover. To swerve to
the right, press right, then left. Curves
If braking is required, separate it A primary cause of single-vehicle
from swerving~ Brake before or crashes is motorcyclists running wide in
after – never while swerving. a curve or turn and colliding with the
roadway or a fixed object.
Maximum Straight-Line
Braking Every curve is different. Be alert to
whether a curve remains constant,
Maximum straight-line braking is gradually widens, gets tighter or
accomplished by fully applying front and involves multiple turns. Ride within
rear brakes without locking either your skill level and posted speed limits.
wheel. Keep your body centered over
the motorcycle and look well ahead, not Your best path may not always
down. This will help you keep the follow the curve of the road. Change
motorcycle in as straight a line as lane position depending on traffic, road
possible, minimizing lean angle and the conditions and curve of the road. If no
likelihood of the wheels losing traction. traffic is present, start at the outside of
a curve to increase your line of sight
Front-Wheel Skids and the effective radius of the turn. As
If the front wheel locks, release the front you turn, move toward the inside of
brake immediately and completely. the curve, and as you pass the center,
move to the outside to exit.
Reapply the brake smoothly. Front-
wheel skids result in immediate loss of Another alternative is to move to the
steering control and balance. Failure to center of your lane before entering a
fully release the brake lever immediately curve — and stay there until you exit.
will result in a crash. This permits you to spot approaching
traffic as soon as possible. You can also
Rear-Wheel Skids adjust for traffic “crowding” the center
A skidding rear tire is a dangerous line, or debris blocking part of your lane.
condition that can result in a violent
cars. Often, the left tire track will be edge of the road, particularly when
the best position, depending on making sharp turns and getting on or
traffic and other road conditions. off freeways at high speeds.
Watch for oil spots when you put Rain dries and snow melts faster
your foot down to stop or park. You on some sections of a road than on
may slip and fall. others. Patches of ice tend to develop
Dirt and gravel collect along the in low or shaded areas and on bridges
and overpasses. Wet surfaces or wet
sides of the road — especially on
leaves are just as slippery. Ride on the
curves and ramps leading to and from
least slippery portion of the lane and
highways. Be aware of what’s on the
reduce speed.
CROSSTRACKS—CORRECT Cautious riders steer clear of roads
covered with ice or snow. If you can’t
avoid a slippery surface, keep your
motorcycle straight up and proceed as
slowly as possible. If you encounter a
large surface so slippery that you must
coast, or travel at a walking pace,
consider letting your feet skim along the can be dangerous. You must be able to
surface. If the motorcycle starts to fall, tell from the way the motorcycle reacts.
you can catch yourself. Be sure to keep If one of your tires suddenly loses air,
off the brakes. If possible, squeeze the react quickly to keep your balance. Pull
clutch and coast. Attempting this off and check the tires.
maneuver at anything other than the
If the front tire goes flat, the steering
slowest of speeds could prove hazardous.
will feel “heavy.” A front-wheel flat is
Railroad Tracks, Trolley Tracks particularly hazardous because it
affects your steering. You have to steer
and Pavement Seams
well to keep your balance.
Usually it is safer to ride straight within
If the rear tire goes flat, the back
your lane to cross tracks. Turning to take
of the motorcycle may jerk or sway
tracks head-on (at a 90˚ angle) can be
from side to side.
more dangerous — your path may carry
you into another lane of traffic. If either tire goes flat while riding:
For track and road seams that run Hold handgrips firmly, ease off the
parallel to your course, move far enough throttle, and keep a straight course.
away from tracks, ruts, or pavement
seams to cross at an angle of at least If braking is required, gradually
45˚. Then, make a deliberate turn. apply the brake of the tire that isn’t
Edging across could catch your tires and flat, if you are sure which one it is.
throw you off balance.
When the motorcycle slows,
Grooves and Gratings edge to the side of the road,
Riding over rain grooves or bridge squeeze the clutch and stop.
gratings may cause a motorcycle to
weave. The uneasy, wandering feeling Stuck Throttle
is generally not hazardous. Relax, Twist the throttle back and forth
maintain a steady speed and ride several times. If the throttle cable is
straight across. Crossing at an angle
stuck, this may free it. If the throttle
forces riders to zigzag to stay in the
lane. The zigzag is far more hazardous stays stuck, immediately operate the
than the wandering feeling. engine cut-off switch and pull in the
clutch at the same time. This will remove
MECHANICAL PROBLEMS power from the rear wheel, though
engine sound may not immediately
You can find yourself in an
decline. Once the motorcycle is “under
emergency the moment something
control,” pull off and stop.
goes wrong with your motorcycle. In
dealing with any mechanical problem, After you have stopped, check the
take into account the road and traffic throttle cable carefully to find the source of
conditions you face. Here are some the trouble. Make certain the throttle works
guidelines that can help you handle freely before you start to ride again.
mechanical problems safely.
Tire Failure A “wobble” occurs when the front
You will seldom hear a tire go flat. If wheel and handlebars suddenly start to
the motorcycle starts handling shake from side to side at any speed.
differently, it may be a tire failure. This Most wobbles can be traced to improper
For larger animals (deer, elk, cattle) or cargo will affect the way your
brake and prepare to stop — they are motorcycle behaves, requiring extra
unpredictable. practice, preparation and caution. For
this reason, only experienced riders
FLYING OBJECTS should attempt to carry passengers or
From time to time riders are struck large loads. Before taking a passenger
by insects, cigarettes thrown from cars or a heavy load on the street, prepare
or pebbles kicked up by the tires of the yourself and your motorcycle for safe
vehicle ahead. If you are wearing face operation in traffic.
protection, it might get smeared or Preparing Your Motorcycle
cracked, making it difficult to see.
Without face protection, an object could Tire Pressure – Check the air
hit you in the eye, face or mouth. pressure of both tires. Refer to the
Whatever happens, keep your eyes on owner’s manual or the label affixed to
the road and your hands on the the motorcycle for the correct inflation
handlebars. When safe, pull off the road specifications. Though most of the
and repair the damage. added weight will typically be on the
rear wheel, don’t forget to also check
GETTING OFF THE ROAD the pressure on the front tire. Correct
If you need to leave the road to check inflation pressures will maintain
the motorcycle (or just to rest), be sure to: maximum stability, steering precision
and braking capability.
Check the roadside — Make sure
the surface of the roadside is firm Suspension – With a heavy load, the
enough to ride on. If it is soft grass, riding characteristics and balance of the
loose sand or if you’re just not sure motorcycle will change. On some
about it, slow way down before you motorcycles, it will be necessary to
turn onto it.
adjust the suspension settings (spring
Signal — Drivers behind might not preload, compression/damping settings,
expect you to slow down. Give a etc.) to compensate for the lowered rear
clear signal that you will be slowing of the motorcycle. Refer to the owner’s
down and changing direction. Check manual for adjustment procedures and
your mirror and make a head check specifications.
before you take any action.
Pull off the road — Get as far off Headlight – Prior to loading, position
the road as you can. It can be the motorcycle about 10 feet from a
very hard to spot a motorcycle by wall in an unlighted garage and mark
the side of the road. You don’t the headlight beam location on the wall
want someone else pulling off at with chalk. With a full load and
the same place you are. passenger, recheck the headlight beam
Park carefully — Loose and sloped location. Use the adjusting screws on
shoulders can make setting the side the headlight to lower the beam to the
or center stand difficult. same height. Check your owner’s
manual for adjustment procedure.
AND CARGO Equipment for
Carrying a Passenger
The extra weight of a passenger
Be sure your passenger is properly
attired, wearing the same level of you have started the engine and
personal protective gear as you. have the transmission in neutral.
As the passenger mounts, keep
Be sure your motorcycle is equipped
both your feet on the ground and
with passenger footrests.
the brakes applied.
Your motorcycle should have a
Sit as far forward as possible
proper seat, one large enough to
without hindering your control
hold both you and your passenger
of the motorcycle.
without crowding. You should not sit
more forward than you usually do. Hold firmly onto your waist, hips,
belt or passenger handholds for
Check that there is a strap or solid
balance and security.
handholds for your passenger to
hold onto. Keep both feet firmly on the cycle’s
footrests, even when stopped. Firm
Preparing Your footing will prevent your passenger
Passenger to Ride from falling off and pulling you off.
Ensure your passenger is able to reach Keep legs away from the
the passenger footrests, and is able to muffler(s), chains or moving parts.
hold on to your waist, hips, belt, or the Stay directly behind you and lean
bike’s passenger handholds. Children with you through turns and curves.
should be placed immediately behind the It is helpful for the passenger to
rider. A child sitting in front of the rider look over the rider’s shoulder in the
will not be able to properly balance direction of turns and curves.
him/herself and may interfere with the
rider’s control of the motorcycle. Avoid unnecessary conversation and
avoid leaning or turning around.
Passenger safety begins with proper Make no sudden moves that might
instruction. Riders should not assume affect the stability of the motorcycle
that passengers are familiar with when it is in operation.
motorcycle handling, control, or
balance. As a routine practice, always Rise slightly off the seat when
instruct your passenger on cycling crossing an obstacle.
basics prior to starting the trip, even if Also, remind your passenger to
your passenger is a motorcycle rider. tighten his or her hold when you:
As you prepare for your ride, tell Approach surface hazards such as
your passenger to: bumps or uneven road surfaces.
Get on the motorcycle only after Are about to start from a stop or
begin moving into traffic.
TEST YOURSELF 11 Are about to turn sharply or make
If you are chased by a dog: a sudden move.
A. Kick it away. Riding With Passengers
B. Stop until the animal loses interest.
Your motorcycle will respond
C. Swerve around the animal.
differently when you ride with a
D. Approach the animal slowly, then passenger. The heavier your passenger,
speed up. Answer - page 48 the longer it will take to speed up, slow
of gravity and can upset its balance. be different than what you are used to.
If you use saddlebags, load each Test the power when accelerating and
with about the same weight. An be aware that it will be lower, increasing
uneven load can cause the passing times and distances. Braking will
motorcycle to pull to one side. also feel different, and stopping
Overloading may also cause the distances may increase.
bags to catch in the wheel or chain, GROUP RIDING
locking the rear wheel and causing
the motorcycle to skid. Preparation
Fasten the load securely with elastic Preparing yourself for a group ride is
cords (bungee cords or nets). Elastic as important as making sure your
cords with more than one motorcycle is ready. Riding with a group
attachment point per side are requires an alert mind that is free from
recommended. A loose load could worries, distractions and stress. It also
catch in the wheel or chain, causing means riding free from the influence of
alcohol or drugs. For some, even too
it to lock up, resulting in a skid.
much caffeine or prescription drugs can
Rope can stretch and knots can
adversely affect concentration.
come loose, permitting the load to
shift or fall. You should stop and Prior to a long trip, it’s a good idea to
check the load often to make sure it have your motorcycle serviced at your
has not shifted or loosened. local dealership if you aren’t able to do
the work yourself. A thorough pre-ride
Include a small tool kit and some check is a must. Use the T-CLOCS
common spare parts that you might checklist as a reminder of the important
need. Water and some energy bars components to check before you leave.
or other food should also be part of Remember to consider such variables as
your preparation, and don’t forget a passengers and extra weight from cargo
first aid kit, especially if you are that might require a change in tire
pressure or suspension adjustment.
riding in a group.
leader. That ensures that they won’t third maintains the left position of the
have to chase after the group, and the lane, at least two seconds behind the first
more experienced riders can watch rider. The fourth rider should keep at
them from the back. least a two second distance from the
second rider in the right side of the lane,
The most important rules for group
and so on. This formation keeps the
riding are: no competition, no passing of
group close and permits each rider to
other riders and no tailgating. If a rider
maintain a safe distance from others
insists on riding faster than the group,
ahead, behind and to the sides.
allow him or her to go ahead to an
agreed meeting point. It is best to move to single file formation
when riding in curves, turning, and
Hand signals entering or leaving freeways or highways.
During the rider’s meeting,
review the hand signals so all riders Intersections
can communicate during the ride. A Intersections present the highest risk
diagram of the most common hand for motorcyclists in a group. When
signals is at the end of this manual. making a left turn at an intersection with
a left turn signal arrow, tighten the
Follow those behind formation to allow as many riders
During the ride, use your mirrors to through the intersection as possible.
keep an eye on the person behind and Make the turn single file – do not ride
confirm that the group is staying side-by-side. If not all riders get through
together. If a rider falls behind, everyone the light, stop at a safe point ahead and
should slow down to keep the group wait. This will prevent riders from feeling
together. pressured to speed up or run a red light.
Don’t Pair Up
Never ride directly alongside another
rider in the same lane. There is no place
to go if you have to maneuver to avoid a
car or hazard in the roadway. Wait until
you are both stopped to talk.
Staggered Formation
This is the best way to keep the ranks
close yet maintain an adequate space
cushion. The group leader rides in the left
side of the lane, and the second rider stays
at least one second back and rides in the
right side of the lane. The
When possible, park as a group, so
everyone can get off their motorcycles
more quickly. Avoid parking downhill or
head-in, and if possible, park where you
can pull through, making the arrival and
departure smoother. Whenever possible,
park so that the group can depart as a unit
in single file.
Passing in Formation
When the group wants to pass slow
traffic on a freeway or interstate, the
group may pass as a unit. On a two-lane
highway, riders in a staggered formation
should pass one at a time.
First, the lead rider should pull out
and pass when it is safe. After
passing the leader should return to
the left position and continue riding
When riding in a group,
inexperienced riders should position
A. Just behind the leader.
B. In front of the group.
C. At the tail end of the group.
D. Beside the leader. Answer - page 48
Riding a motorcycle is more tiring
than driving a car. On a long trip, you’ll
tire sooner than you would in a car.
Avoid riding when tired. Fatigue can
affect your control of the motorcycle.
Protect yourself from the elements
— Wind, cold, and rain make you tire
quickly. Dress warmly. A windshield
is worth its cost if you plan to ride
long distances.
Limit your distance —
Experienced riders seldom try to ride
more than about six hours a day.
Take frequent rest breaks —
Stop and get off the motorcycle
at least every two hours.
Don’t drink or use drugs —
Artificial stimulants often result in
extreme fatigue or depression when
they wear off. Riders are unable to
concentrate on the task at hand.
If you wait one hour per drink for the
alcohol to be eliminated from your body
before riding:
A. You cannot be arrested for drinking and
B. Your riding skills will not be affected.
C. Side effects from the drinking may still
D. You will be okay as long as you ride
Answer – Page 48
Safe riding requires knowledge and skill. Licensing tests are the best
measurement of the skills necessary to operate safely in traffic. Assessing your
own skills is not enough. People often overestimate their own abilities. It’s even
harder for friends and relatives to be totally honest about your skills. Licensing
exams are designed to be scored more objectively.
To earn your license, you must pass a knowledge test and an on-cycle skill
test. Knowledge test questions are based on information, practices and ideas
from this manual. They require that you know and understand road rules and
safe riding practices. An on-cycle skill test will either be conducted in an actual
traffic environment or in a controlled, off-street area.
Operate all the controls before Under some conditions during the
you start riding. Know the operation of a three-wheel motorcycle,
gearshift pattern and operate the it is possible to have only two wheels in
throttle, clutch and brakes a few contact with the road surface. This
times. Controls react differently on could occur during turning or tight
different motorcycles, and exact maneuvers whenever enough weight is
locations of controls may vary transferred outside of what are called
slightly. Additionally, some tip-over lines. This tendency requires
motorcycle conversions may be careful load and passenger positioning
equipped with a single brake pedal inside the tip-over lines to help
or lever control, automatic clutch, or maintain maximum stability.
automatic transmission.
Body Position
As you begin to ride, start out
slowly and carefully and be aware of As with any motor vehicle, operator
your surroundings. Accelerate gently, position is important for control and for
take turns a little more slowly, and reducing or preventing fatigue. The
leave extra room for stopping. operator should be able to reach both
handgrips comfortably, since more
BASIC VEHICLE CONTROL handlebar movement is necessary than
when riding a two-wheel motorcycle.
Steering & Tip While it is not necessary for the rider of
Three-wheel motorcycles handle a three-wheel motorcycle to move
differently than two-wheel motorcycles. drastically during operation, shifting
With three wheels on the ground, they weight in the direction of the turn can
are naturally more stable than a two- improve control.
wheel motorcycle. They also steer
differently. Because conventional three- Braking
wheel motorcycles cannot lean, they On a motorcycle with a sidecar, during
cannot countersteer. Instead, the front braking in a sharp turn, the sidecar wheel
wheel is pointed in the direction the may lift off the ground. Motorcycle and
rider wants the motorcycle to go. sidecar tires have limited traction or grip
on the road surface, and traction is
greater when the motorcycle is rolling,
not skidding or slipping. During turning,
some of the available tire traction is used
for cornering, so less is available for
stopping. Thus, a skid can occur if you
brake too hard.
The tendency of the rear inside wheel
to lift during turning is greater with
increased speed and tighter curve radii.
During a turn, inertia causes the center
of gravity of the motorcycle to shift
sideways and outward toward the
7 You Lead/Come—
arm extended upward 45 degrees,
palm forward pointing with index
finger, swing in arc from back to front.
8 Hazard in Roadway-
on the left, point with left
hand; on the right, point with
right foot.
14 Pull Off-arm
positioned as for right
turn, forearm swung
toward shoulder.
City & County of Honolulu
Open Monday-Friday except holidays 7:45 AM to 4:00 PM
Ala Moana Shopping Center, 1450 Ala Moana Boulevard #1286,
Phone 768-4300
Fort Street Mall, 1000 Fort Street Mall, Phone 768-4103
Hawaii Kai, 6600 Kalanianaole Highway #101, Phone 768-4800
Kalihi, 1199 Dillingham Boulevard, Phone 768-4500
Kailua, 1090 Keolu Drive, Phone 768-4600
Kapolei, 1000 Uluohia Street, Phone 768-3400
Pearlridge Shopping Center, 98-1005 Moanalua Road (9:00 AM–5:00
PM), Phone 768-5000
Wahiawa, 330 N. Cane Street, Phone 768-4700
Waianae, 85-670 Farrington Highway, Phone 768-4900
Windward City Shopping Center, 45-480 Kaneohe Bay Drive C06,
Phone 768-4100
County of Hawaii
Open Monday – Friday 7:45 AM to 4:30 PM except holidays
Hilo: 25 Aupuni Street, Zip: 96740; Phone 961-8351
Kailua-Kona: 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Zip: 96740; Phone
Waimea: Waimea Center, 65-1158 Mamalahoa Hwy, #1-A, Kamuela,
HI, 96743 Telephone - (808) 881-3488
County of Maui
Open Monday – Friday 7:45 AM to 4:30 PM except holidays
Kahului, 70 E. Kaahumanu Ave, 96732; Phone 270-7363
Kihei, 303 E. Lipoa St, 96753; Phone 270-7363
Lahaina, 335 Keawe St, #209, 96761, Phone 270-7363
Pukalani, 91 Pukalani St, 96768, Phone 270-7363
Hana, Hana Hwy & Uakea Rd, 96713, Phone 248-7280
Lanai, 309 7th St, #101, 96763, Phone 565-7878
Molokai, 100 Ailoa St, 96748, Phone 533-3430
County of Kauai
Open Monday – Friday 7:45 AM to 4:15 PM except holidays
Lihue Civic Center, 4444 Rice St, Suite 466, 96766, Phone 241-6577