ENGN 1570 Homework 7 (Solution) : Problem 1

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ENGN 1570 Homework 7


Problem 1
Consider an ideal highpass filter with frequency response

1 |w| > W

H(w) =
0 otherwise

Determine the impulse response h(t) for this filter.

We can see that H(w) = 1 − H 0 (w) where H 0 (w) is an ideal lowpass filter. Using the
linearity of the inverse Fourier transform, we obtain:

sin(W t)
h(t) = δ(t) −

Problem 2
Suppose we sample a continuous signal x(t) using impluse-train sampling to obtain xp (t).
Determine if x(t) is recoverable from xp (t) under the following conditions:
(a) X(w) = 0 for |w| > 15000π
(b) X(w) ∗ X(w) = 0 for |w| > 15000π

A sampling period of T = 10−4 was supposed to be included in this problem, in which
case x(t) is not recoverable in (a) but is recoverable in (b) because X(w) = 0 for |w| > 7500π.

Problem 3
Let x(t) = 3 cos(20πt) − 2 sin(30πt). What is the minimum sampling frequency we need to
use to avoid aliasing and be able to reconstruct x(t) from its samples using interpolation?
On page 329, we see that the Fourier transform of cos(w0 t) is π[δ(w − w0 ) + δ(w + w0 )]
and the Fourier transform of sin(w0 t) is πj [δ(w − w0 ) − δ(w + w0 )]. Thus, in order to be able
to reconstruct x(t), we require the sampling frequency to be greater than 60π.

Problem 4
Suppose we sample a continuous signal x(t) using impluse-train sampling to obtain xp (t).
Suppose we then apply a low pass filter H(w) with cutoff frequency Wc and height A.
(a) If X(w) = 0 for |w| > W, find the maximum value of T, Wc , and A such that
xr (t) = x(t).
The sampling theorem requires 2π/T > 2W. Thus, T < W . Since
1 X 2π
Xp (w) = X w−k
T k=−∞ T

we must have A = T in order for xr (t) = x(t). We must also have W < Wc < T
− W in
order to avoid aliasing.
(b) Let X1 (w) = 0 for |w| > 2W and X2 (w) = 0 for |w| > W. Repeat part (a) for the
following signals.
(i) x(t) = x1 (t) ∗ x2 (t)
X(w) = 0 for |w| > W, so everything is the same as in part (a).
(ii) x(t) = x1 (t) + x2 (t)
π 2π
X(w) = 0 for |w| > 2W , so T < 2W
,A = T, and 2W < Wc < T
− 2W.

(iii) x(t) = x1 (t)x2 (t)
π 2π
X(w) = 0 for |w| > 3W , so T < 3W
,A = T, and 3W < Wc < T
− 3W.
(iv) x(t) = x1 (10t)
π 2π
X(w) = 0 for |w| > 20W , so T < 20W
,A = T, and 20W < Wc < T
− 20W.

Problem 5
Let x(t) be a band-limited signal such that X(w) = 0 for |w| ≥ T
. If x(t) is sampled using
a sampling period T , determine an interpolating function g(t) such that

dx(t) X
= x(nT )g(t − nT ).
dt n=−∞

Since the Nyquist rate for x(t) is 2π/T , we can reconstruct x(t) from xp (t).

xp (t) = x(nT )δ(t − nT )

x(t) = xp (t) ∗ h(t)

sin(πt/T )
where h(t) = πt/T
dx(t) dh(t)
= xp (t) ∗
dt dt
But we also have that:
= xp (t) ∗ g(t)
dh(t) cos(πt/T ) T sin(πt/T )
g(t) = = −
dt t πt2

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