Fossemanagertrainingguide Nov2018 PDF
Fossemanagertrainingguide Nov2018 PDF
Fossemanagertrainingguide Nov2018 PDF
Extended Stay
table of contents
Intro & Additional Training Resources …………………………..
How To Use This Guide ……….……………………………………. 4
Marriott Confidential & Proprietary – November 2018 1
Practice Property …………….....………………………………….. 5
Marriott’s Help Desk Xpress +.…………………………………….
Associate EID & Password Setup Options …...………………...
Authorize/Confirm ADA Rooms & Other Amenities……………
Market Maintenance ………………………………………………… 10
Market Sales Report ………………………………………………… 12
Group Blocks / Mini-Hotels ……………………………..…………. 13
Printing a Group Rooming List……………………………………. 18
Function (Meeting) Rooms…………………………………………. 19
Direct Bills / Accounts Receivable….……………….…………… 22
Sales Tax Liability Reporting..…………………………………….. 31
Packages & Ecoupons…………...…………………………………. 32
Mobile Chat Escalations....…………………………...……………. 44
Customer Care Cases…………………………………..………….. 46
Marriott Rewards (ARS/IMS)…………………………..………….. 47
Loyalty Reimbursements…………………………………………… 49
Housekeeping Functions……..……………………………………. 52
Marriott Reservation Data 60
All in all, there are 8 courses, each with their own assessment which should be
completed at the end of each module to solidify understanding.
↓ roll up your sleeves and follow along the path shown icon to access the
corresponding function in FOSSE. Throughout next to the
Reports the guide, each of these menu paths assume that you are starting
↓ on the main FOSSE home screen, and typing F8 to drop down menus and
navigating from there. An example path to access the
Guest access the guest ledger is shown to the left
This top box will highlight the option to You will also encounter instruction tables like the one shown here
select. within this guide. These tables (sometimes accompanied by
screenshots) will highlight the option to select, and will give you step
On-Screen The information that can by step explanations of the FOSSE function being discussed. The
Option be inputted into this field.
left column will identify the on-screen option being discussed,
This bottom box will highlight how to end, and the right column will address what can be inputted into that
update or continue on to the next step. field.
Finally, this guide uses screenshots with call-outs regarding different functions on that screen to help you understand
what each option does. Below is an example.
Practice property
While practicing some of the functions in this guide, or if you are providing
one on one training to an associate, you may wish to access Practice
FOSSE so that Live FOSSE is not affected by any changes made. Practice
FOSSE can be accessed by typing in username & password “training” (all
lower case) in the initial log-on box that is received when you click on the
FOSSE icon on your desktop. This is where you would normally type in
username & password “fosse”.
Before accessing practice property, please complete the following in live FOSSE to set up
The Login ID or EID’s will be used to log in to the FOSSE application at security
Login ID prompts. They will appear on the screen as they are typed. .
Passwords expire after 90 days. There will be a message to change the password
during the login process, beginning 14 days prior to password expiration. It is the
associate’s responsibility to change the password through MGS PASSWORD
CHALLENGE prior to the expiration date. If the password is not changed prior to the
expiration date, it will require a manual password reset by calling support, which may
result in a charge to the property.
Following are the fields/settings in the Employee Master File Maintenance screen:
Employee • Login – EID
Master File • Initials middle, enter X for middle.– 3 character code. Use first, middle & last initial of
associate. If no
FOSSE Acceserver ID. Otherwise FOSSE access should be ‘Y’ for all should be set to ‘N’. Micros
Number is the MICROS 2700
• View Full Credit Cards – when this field is set to ‘Y,’ the user is allowed to
unmask a credit card number. The number of users that can be set up to
Setup Options full view is restricted by the number of rooms in the hotel. (See the Full View Credit
Card section next)
• Locked – the Login ID account status. ‘N’ indicates an active account. ‘Y’ Employee
indicates the account has been locked due to a password violation.
Master File ‘Disabled’ indicates the account has been manually disabled or disabled Maintenance
due to 90 days of inactivity
• Menu Language – signifies the language in which FOSSE menus will
displayed when this user is logged in.
The ability to unmask the last 4 digits of the credit card number will be restricted to
Full View a set number of users based on the size of the hotel:
For more information about the Americans with Disabilities Act & FOSSE, please refer to
the ADA Job Aid found on MGS:
Once you follow the menu path below to enter the Authorize Confirm Rooms screen, the following
screen will display:
Note: An “actual” handicap accessible room will only be counted here if its attributes
have been inputted in as A5, A9, B4, or G7 in Room Master File Maintenance
(Foffice→ Room Maintenance→ Room Master File)
Market maintenance
FOSSE possesses functionality to ring up items purchased by guests from the Market. These
items can then be paid for using cash, credit, gift cards, or charged to the guest’s room. Before
this feature can function correctly, the UPC codes of any items being sold in the Market must
first be entered into FOSSE, with corresponding prices. Furthermore, FOSSE can assist in
maintaining product inventory and PAR information, to help you minimize leakage and maximize
profit in the Market. All of this functionality can be activated in Market Maintenance.
The Market
back to
Marriott Confidential
Use the & Proprietary – November 2018
Change the UPC, FOSSE
description, arrow keys to menus
charge code, price highlight a
of an existing specific
can use the select the
updates column to Delete option
add newly to remove
received quantities this product
of product to from Market
existing product Maintenance.
inventories. Useful for
products. choose to print all
items or only
those below par,
print only
Print the Market
Inventory Report.
You can sort this
report by
Description or
Charge code,
adjustments, and
even Format the
item for Excel
Import and email it
to yourself. Very
useful to keep a
track of inventory.11
**Note: The ‘Subtotal by Outlets’ option for CY only breaks down revenue b/w Market &
Bistro on the report that is generated. It does NOT map revenues to any P&L line
group blocks/mini-hotels
When the need to hold rooms aside from sale to the general public for groups arises,
FOSSE allows you to create group blocks, also known as mini-hotels. Once the group is
Add a new
View &
in detail on
Release print a
next page). Delete existing
rooms recap of all
group blocks rooms
being held
from FOSSE & Print a group authorized,
for an
MARSHA and master report. sold &
Change release all Sort through a available
group back
information rooms held range of group for each
for sale to
regarding back for sale to codes, a range group
the general
an existing the public. of arrival dates, within a
Group **Will not work or view a given
Block if block has detailed or week.
reservations summary report. Specify a
or in-house Also, the printed date to
folios report may be begin the
associated sorted by group report from
with it.** code or arrival and print.
Unique 3 letter code that will identify the mini-hotel (usually first 3
Group Code
letters of group name)
Market Code Press F1 to select form a list depending on the type of group.
Input a date two days before the actual arrival of the group so that
There are four areas of the group screen that must be completed before the block can
be saved. Group Info, Account Info, Room Pools & Facts Page. The screenshot below
shows the screen as a whole and a brief description of each area. The next two pages
break down each of the four areas and discuss what must be inputted into each
contact &
address info
goes here.
Room type,
program, Stay dates,
and rates go cutoff dates,
here. and
info goes
Press F6 to enter Room
Authorizations for the
group (discussed in detail Minimum 3 & Up
on page 15) to 12 lines of
free form text
about the group
can go here
Start, End Dates & # Nights (remember to leave at least 2 buffer days on
either side of the group’s actual arrival & departure dates so that early
St, End & Nt
arrivals & late
departures can be tracked within the group block)
Auto Release The date at which time all unsold rooms within the block will automatically
Date (Optional) be released back for sale to the general inventory
Cut-off (Optional) The cut-off date per contract. Usually 1-2 weeks out from actual arrival.
Pmt Tp (Optional) Payment type of the group
DB Id Direct Bill ID # if the payment type is DB
Comm Pct
Enter Commission Percentage if group is commissionable.
Enter ‘Y’ if you want reservations made within this block by only on-property
Housing Indicator associates (rooming lists), or ‘N’ if outside/central reservations agents are
permitted to book rooms within this block (individual call-in).
Press TAB to continue setting up Room Pools
The From/To
Auth dates that you
Date would like these
(From/To) rooms held for
the group
# of each room
type you would Important: Please note that the # of rooms you specify will be held ON
like to hold both the from AND the to date. Therefore the ‘To’ date is not the
Press F6 when finished to departure date, but rather the last night you would like the rooms held
return to group details for the group from general inventory.
screen Saving the group block &
updating MARSHA
• If a group has a
master bill, access
G#### folio, & route it
to itself to setup
charge routing to the
master folio. Check-in
the G#### folio on the
day of arrival.
• If group is paying
individually, you may
cancel the G#### folio
on the day of arrival.
Rooming List
As you can see in the screenshot above, the Function Room Reservations screen has 4
sections within it that require different information. From top to bottom, these are:
Function Info, Foodservice, Audio-Visual & Comments. An additional Function Master
section will appear once all other info is in. We will look at each section in detail &
discuss what is required in each field.
Audio-Visual Section
Enter as many Audio-Visual codes as necessary in this section. Refer to the menu map
graphic above to print out a list of what each audio-visual code defaults to. This is also where
you can edit service codes to tailor to your property.
Comments Section
Enter up to four lines of comments pertaining to the function. Once you push enter after the 4th line
of comments, the Function Master box will appear:
Account File
Select desired
report type
criteria or
↓ leave blank
Accounts for all
↓ Enter any
comments or
↓ Select how leave blank.
A/R Account report should Push [Enter]
Aging be sorted after
verify all info is
correct & print.
1) Post the payment to AR using the cashier’s journal (Level 51 access only), or
a house account.
2) Apply the payment posted in step 1 to the specific Direct Bill account or
invoice it is supposed to pay for (Level 51 access only).
3) Update the Cash Receipts Journal (Level 50 access only).
• If applying a new payment: Highlight invoice to pay & press invoice: Type NEW,
[Enter] to pay the invoice. If the amount of the payment is more than the amount of
the initial invoice selected, continue selecting additional invoices to pay until the
entire payment amount is applied.
• If making an adjustment to a previously billed invoice: Enter the charge code you are
going to use (e.g. AD for Accounting Adjustment), enter amount of adjustment in
Batch Amt, select the invoice you would like to adjust, & enter the amount you would
like to apply to the selected invoice. If necessary, continue selecting additional
invoices as needed until the balance of the adjustment is used.
Once finished, type P for posting complete. Move on to step 3 to complete the Journal Update.
Accounts Receivable
Cash ReceiptsJournal/Update
Step 3: Posting
Marriott Confidential & Proprietary – November 2018 32
Charge Code (AR) is ALWAYS the debit. The method of payment is
ALWAYS the credit.
General Ledger
Sales Tax Liability Report
Enter specific
charge code or
leave blank for all
Note: Using Fair Market Value to determine package allocations is required for Marriott
managed hotels, and an optional tool for Marriott franchised hotels.
Fair Market Value refers to the actual dollars that will be allocated to an incidental
charge code that is part of a package. This is determined by adding the full retail value
of the incidental charge to your annual budgeted room rate & expressing the full retail
value as a percentage of this total. This percentage is then applied to the package rate
and the actual dollars that will be allocated to the incidental charge code are
determined. FOSSE performs all of these calculations automatically, but to ensure
you understand what’s happening behind the scenes, let’s discuss an example. For this
example, assume the following is true:
• The full retail value of breakfast for one at your hotel is $10.
• Your Annual Budgeted Room Rate is $100.
• The package price for the breakfast included rate at your hotel is $90 nightly.
Let’s say you are building a package that includes breakfast for one as part of the room
rate. If using FMV, FOSSE would calculate how many dollars of the total package price
will go to breakfast revenue & how many dollars will go to room revenue using the
following formula:
Once FOSSE determines the FMV Percentage for the specific incidental charge, it will
then apply that to the total package price and allocate revenues automatically during the
audit process. To continue with the example above, if you’re getting $90 per night for
your breakfast included package, then the portion of that $90 that will be allocated to FD
(Breakfast Revenue Charge Code) would be 9% of the total package price or $8.10.
The remaining $81.90 of the $90 would then be allocated to a room revenue charge
Full Retail Value of Breakfast for One $10
÷ ÷
(Full Retail Value of Breakfast + Annual Budgeted $10 + $100 = $110
Room Rate)
= =
Fair Market Value Percentage 0.09 or 9%
Inputting Annualized Budgeted Room Rate
For FOSSE to properly determine the fair market value allocation for incidentals within a
package, the Annualized Budget Room Rate must be input into FOSSE:
Marriott Confidential & Proprietary – November 2018 35
Change to
Sysmgt Y to use
Annualized Enter Annualized Budgeted F10 to
Budgeted Room Rate End/Update
Room Rate Note: If the previous field is set to Y when
(FMV) & this field is left blank, a prompt will finished
appear during the one button audit
asking for the Annualized Budgeted
Room Rate.
Setting up a Package
Packages can be applied to a Single Rate, Multi Rate, or for Stand Alone packages.
Plus with the addition to eCoupons, Properties using a MICROS 3700 on the Marriott
Database may associate eCoupons with any type of package. This will eliminate the
need to maintain and track paper coupons.
The FOSSE “Packages" functionality enables the input of Fair Market Value (FMV) of
package components to then generate a calculation which is applied to the retail value
of the incidentals associated with a rate program-driven package. Properties that use
the packages should enter the incidental retail amounts in the Package Maintenance
screen. All FMV allocations will occur during the Night Audit posting process.
The Package Maintenance screen has been enhanced to allow for the selection of
Single Rate, Multi Rate, or Stand Alone packages when selecting the ‘Add’ feature .
Single Rate packages will continue to utilize the four character rate code as the ‘PKG
ID’. Multi Rate and Stand Alone packages will be able to use any four character code
(alpha-numeric and special characters are allowed) as the ‘PKG ID’ as long as the first
three characters do not match those of a valid rate code.
*Please Note: Stand Alone packages are packages which are not attached to a specific
rate code and can be added to a reservation or folio using the ‘PKG/BLD’ option.
Package Setup:
• Package that includes Room Revenue and is sold as it's own Room Rate
• Package that is sold as an addition to Room Revenue
All Packages are identified by a four character rate code and a Start and End Date. The
End Date can be left blank to follow K-Date. The Package will include Room Revenue;
it must be identified by an existing 4-letter Rate Program for Single Rate packages or a
four character Package ID. If your package is a Stand Alone package will never include
room revenue, it can be identified by any combination of 4 letters (that has not already
been used.)
Step Action
1 In the Pkg ID/Rate Pgm, enter the 4 character code or the Rate Program that is specifically
created for the package being entered.
2 Enter the Start Date of the package. This does not have to match the start date of the rate
program in MARSHA.
3 Enter the End Date of the package. The end date can be left blank to continue to k-date.
4 ‘User FMV’ – will be set to ‘Y’ yes if the FMV is turned on. Otherwise it will be set to ‘N’ no.
5 Enter the Description of the package up to 18 characters. This description will print on the
6 Enter the Package Chg Code that should be associated with the package. It is recommended
that this charge code be reserved specifically for packages. (The charge code EP has been
created especially for Packages and can be used here.) The Charge Code must also have a
transfer class of "3." If the charge code entered here is not used elsewhere in this package, or
posted elsewhere during the day, its total on the Daily Closing Report will always be zero. This
charge code should not have any taxes associated with it - all the appropriate taxes will be
calculated later in the setup based on the charge codes within the Package.
7 Rate Pgms Single or Multiple rate will be added. Select ‘F5=More’ to add multiple rate
8 eCoupons Select ‘F1=Lookup’ to insert an individual eCoupon. For multiple eCoupons, select
‘F5=More’ to input a list.
Note: Settlement (CA, VI, etc.), offset (AR, FD, etc.), and room revenue (RB, RP, etc.) codes
can not be selected as either a Package Charge Code or an Incidental Charge Code within the
10 Enter the Amount that should be charged per night to this charge code for a single occupancy
room. FOSSE will automatically calculate the amount of tax that will be posted on the folio and
populate the "Tax" column with that amount. The charge code and tax posted on the folio is
determined by the Charge Code Setup for the Incidental Charge Codes. The tax percentage is
set in Tax Code Maintenance. The charge code will be debited in this amount during night audit.
11 Enter the Amount that should be charged per night to this charge code for a double occupancy
room. FOSSE will again automatically calculate the appropriate taxes.
12 Continue entering the charge codes (up to 20), to be included in the package.
For Packages that are sold as part of a Single or Multiple Rate Program, the "Incidental Total" is
the amount that will be subtracted from the Room Rate and distributed to the appropriate
incidental charge codes nightly.
For Packages sold as a Stand Alone package, the "Incidental Total" represents the amount
charged nightly to the guest as a separate line item, identified by the Description and the
Package Charge Code.
13 Select F10 to End/Update.
Another enhancement is the addition of the eCoupons field. This allows the user to
attach eCoupons to a particular package for properties using MICROS 3700.
*Please Note: The addition of an eCoupon to a package does not add any additional
charge breakdown during the Night Audit package allocation process. If additional
revenue must be reflected due to the addition of an eCoupon, include the additional
revenue in the Incidental Revenue Distribution section of the package setup.)
Printing Packages
Follow the below instructions to print a detailed list of all packages that have not yet
reached their end date.
Step Action
1 From the Package Maintenance screen, select P to print.
2 Select the desired printer. Detail of all the Packages set up in FOSSE will print.
Changing or Deleting a Package Setup
Follow the below steps to Change a Package Setup or to Delete a Package Setup. Be careful
not to delete a package that has guests in house, or future reservations. Packages will remain
in the system for one year past their end date.
Step Action
Marriott Confidential & Proprietary – November 2018 39
1 From the Package Maintenance screen, select C to Change, or D to Delete.
2 Use the F1 key to Lookup the packages that have been setup already, and chose the
package you wish to change or delete. Each 4-letter rate program associated with a
package will have a different line for each date range. If you do not use the Lookup
function, you must enter the rate program, along with the exact start date to change an
existing package setup.
Package Items to Note:
• The maximum number of package eCoupons available will equal the number of nights a package
w/eCoupons is part of the reservation.
• Each package eCoupon will become available upon the DAY that the package is applied to the
• Package coupons are not earned on the day of check out.
• If a package coupon is changed, the new coupon(s) will be available and will accrue based on the
time of the stay and the number of nights that the package is applied.
• If a package coupon is the same code as an individual eCoupon and both are available for use, the
coupon code will appear only once on the MICROS.
• If more than one of a particular coupon is available, the coupon code will appear only once on the
MICROS. After one uses the first coupon and rings up another ticket, the coupon code will again
be available. There is no way within the MICROS to determine the number of each coupon
available without closing tickets to each available coupon code.
• The base assumption is one coupon = one complete ticket. Therefore, if a ticket has multiple
items that are to be paid for by multiple coupons, the MICROS ticket must be split.
Apply a Package to a Folio
Add a Package to a Guest's Folio
Follow the below steps to add a Package to a guest's folio. This means that the
Package is NOT part of the guest's room rate and will be posted to the folio in addition
to the Room Revenue. For example, if the guest's room rate is $109 and the Package is
$9.95, the guest will be charged 2 separate line items - $109 and $9.95, plus applicable
Step Action
1 From the guest's folio, select O for "More." This is a new option resulting in a list of more
options, both old and new.
2 Select P for "Pkg" (The accompanying option for Bdl is reserved for a future
3 Enter your Clerk Code
4 Enter the Package ID. The Package ID must have already been created. The Description
and Amount will be automatically populated.
Pkg/Bdl Charges
Days of Week
Id P/B Description Amount From Thru SMTWTFS
5 Press ENTER if the guest wishes to purchase the Package starting today, or enter the
date that the Package charges should start posting to the guest's folio.
6 Press ENTER if the guest wishes to purchase the Package through the last date of their
stay, or enter the last date that the Package charges should post to the guest's folio.
7 Press ENTER if the guest wishes to purchase the Package every day of their stay, or
enter the days of the week for which the Package will apply.
8 Press F10 to save changes and apply the Package to the guest's folio.
Marriott Confidential & Proprietary – November 2018 40
Incidental Folios
Because the Package Setup Screen will only allow incidental charge codes to be used as
the Package Charge Code, the package will transfer to the incidental folio for the room if
one exists.
Follow the below instructions to exclude the Package Charge Code from the Incidental Folio:
Step Action
1 Select O for "More" from the guest's folio.
2 Select I for "InCh" (Incidental Charges)
3 Enter your Authorization Code
4 Press F5 for "Selected Charge Codes"
5 Enter the Package Charge Code
6 Press ENTER through the "From" and "Thru" fields
7 Enter NNNNNNN in the "Days of Week" column, indicating that WB should never be
posted to the Primary Folio. Any Package charges that have already posted to the
Incidental Folio will now be a part of the Room and Tax folio.
If the Rate Program on a folio is designated as a package AND the stay dates are within
that Package's dates, the Night Audit will post only the Package Charge Code and
Room Tax to the folio. These will post as debits (the charge column on a folio). A credit
for the total package will be posted against the Package Charge Code in the Night Audit
Shift Cashier's Journal. The Night Audit Shift Cashier's Journal will post debits to the
charge codes listed in the package set up. These postings will be done automatically
by the FOSSE; No entries will need to be posted by hotel staff.
In the example below of the Cashier Journal Entries, BP is the Package Charge Code.
Explanation Clerk Voucher Code Description Debit Credit
PKG Posting Folio SYS RP Room Charge-Pleas 59.00
76098 Trans
SYS SS Breakfast Food 7.00
SYS GF Golf Passes 33.50
SYS GP Golf Package 99.50
Night Audit Charge Code Postings
For Packages sold as an addition to the Room Rate:
If a Package has been added to the folio using the methods described above in the
section entitled "Adding a package onto folio," and the stay dates are within that
Package's dates, the Night Audit will post the Package Charge Code and the Room
Charge to the folio. These will post as debits (the charge column on a folio) on the Night
Audit Shift Cashier's Journal. A credit for the total package will be posted against the
Package Charge Code in the Night Audit Shift Cashier's Journal. These postings will
Marriott Confidential & Proprietary – November 2018 41
be done automatically by the FOSSE; No entries will need to be posted by hotel
In the example below of the Cashier Journal Entries, GP is the Package Charge Code. Room
Charges will be posted as they normally would be if there was no package involved.
Explanation Clerk Voucher Code Description Debit Credit
PKG Posting Folio 76098 SYS GF Golf passes 33.50
SYS SS Breakfast Food 7.00
SYS GP Golf Package 40.50
Manual Postings
Only packages that are posted during the night audit will breakout the appropriate
revenue, and display the property-defined description on the folio. If a package must be
posted during the day, the revenue must be manually applied to the different charge
Voiding / Rebating
If an attempt to Void a package posting occurs, a message box will appear indicating
package rebates must be done manually to the different charge codes.
The following screenshots illustrate an example of the interaction between FOSSE and
MICROS with attaching and posting a package eCoupon.
3. In MICROS, create a ticket. When closing out the ticket, select the appropriate Room or
Meal Package key, and enter the Room Number of the guest.
4. Package eCoupon availability is displayed directly below the guest name.
5. Package eCoupon quantity will not be displayed.
11. Package eCoupons will not show in the guest folio, only individual
eCoupons added by a user. However, Platinum guest ECoupons will be
applied every day at 4pm local time.
Marriott Confidential & Proprietary – November 2018 44
12. To manually add an ECoupon, select eCoup then select from the drop
down list. F10 to save
Step 1: Once logged into Empower, search your hotel in the search box
Step 3: Scroll down to the “Escalation Rules” section and click “New
Escalation Rule”
Step 4: Complete all required fields (select “chat” for “missed chat” as the
case type) and the duration you want. Select each user you would like to
receive escalations. (Note: they must be a user linked to your property in
order to select them.) Click “save” when complete.
Step2: View your cases regularly by clicking on the drop down box and
selecting “GXP All Open Cases”
Step 4: Be sure to document all measures taken to resolve the case. At the
appropriate time, change the case status to Case Pending. At this time,
Customer Care will make any necessary notes regarding the case. If you
are waiting on a guest response, change the case status to Pending Guest
Response. All cases must be addressed within 36 hours.
Step 1: Request access through the Identity Center for “Mainframe Login
ID Access Request”
Step 2: Complete all required fields. Best practice is to leave Start Date/End
Date blank, Status (U) and sort by (D) Departure Date. Guest stays will be
in departure day order on the invoice.
If your hotel is a new opening, your onsite trainer will assist you in setting up your hotel so
that FOSSE daily breakout reports generate correctly. This section highlights what the
housekeeping leader should do to ensure a successful daily operation as well as valuable
functions & reports within Housekeeping to achieve this. The graphic below shows the
daily tasks of a housekeeping leader. The reports needed to complete these tasks
are mentioned in greater detail on the pages that follow.
Day Functions •Print Breakout Report (F8, Tab --> M,H,P,B): Will print room assignments for each housekeeper.
Print a second copy for inspections.
•Print Dirty Rooms Only Report (F8, Tab --> M,H,P,M): Will print all vacant & occupied dirty
rooms. Use throughout the day to update room statuses from dirty to Vacant Ready or
Occupied Clean.
•Print Unexpected Stayover report to complete due outs at your published departure time.
During the •Houskeeping Room Status Update (F8, Tab --> M,H,H): Use this function to type in a specific
Day room number or a list of room #'s and update their status to H - Vacant Dirty, V - Vacant
Ready, O - Occupied Clean, or R - Refuse Service.
•Print Dirty Rooms Only Report (F8, Tab --> M,H,P,M): Will print all vacant & occupied dirty
rooms. At day's end, this report should reflect '0' dirty rooms, unless you have decided to 'roll'
rooms, which should be put 'On Hold' so that the FD doesn't use them. This is not
Closing Out •Print Discrepancy Report (F8, Tab --> M,H,P,D): Will print rooms that have different HSKP & the
Day FD statuses. discrepant rooms.Check these rooms and resolve with FD. At day's end, this report must
show '0'
•Print ALL Rooms Status Report (F8, Tab --> M,H,P,M): Will print status of all rooms in the
hotel. All rooms should show ready or clean by now.
This function is used to update the status of a room in FOSSE. Most commonly, this will
be used to change Vacant Dirty rooms to Vacant Ready once a room has been cleaned
and is ready for the front desk to check a new guest into, or if a stayover room is being
identified as having been cleaned, refusing service, or if there was a DND (Do Not
Disturb) present.
Room Status
The Room Hold Update & Room Out of Order (OOO) Update functions are two separate
functions, but visually, the screens for each are identical so we can discuss them
together. Both functions will prevent these rooms from being assigned to a guest folio.
The first difference between these functions is that a room put OOO, will not be counted
as part of daily inventory, while a room on hold will. Also, if a room is OOO, the only way
to remove it from this status, is to delete the OOO designation in the OOO Update
screen. A room on hold, on the other hand, can be overridden at any room selection
screen (i.e. Check-in, room blocking, etc), and a user will only be prompted once to
ensure that the override should occur.
Room Hold
Room Out of
Order Update
Breakout Report
The Housekeeping Breakout Report is used daily to print boards for housekeepers. It
details which rooms need to be cleaned, and if they are departures, stayovers, or if they
have refused service.
Breakout Report
Create New
Select Y when creating new breakouts for the day
Enter how many “credits” (or minutes) each housekeeper’s board should
Target Credits
include, or leave blank and move to next field.
If you did not specify Target Credits, here you can enter the number of
housekeepers you have working on a given day and the boards will be broken
out evenly across that many boards, without regard to the number of
credits/minutes on each board.
Include Occ
Enter Y if you would like rooms that were checked in after the audit (arrived
Clean New
today) to be included.
Special Enter a remark you would like to appear on each one of the boards (i.e project
Remarks of the day, etc.)
Used if you want to process any special rules on the boards. Typically this is
Manual House
set to N.
Press F10 to continue on to editing Room Attendant Boards before final print
After pushing F10 from the previous screen, the following screen will appear. Here, you
can make final edits to the room attendat boards (i.e. Add names, move rooms between
boards, sort rooms, etc).
If Modify is selected from the previous screen, you are given further options to modify
the highlighted board. Below is a screenshot with explanations of each option.
The completions & discrepancies report is a running list of rooms throughout the day whose
status is discrepant. This report is useful when checking departures, and at the end of the day
when confirming that all room statuses have been entered into the system appropriately. Rooms
may become ‘discrepant’, when the guest does not come down to the desk to checkout, so the
folio remains checked in, but the status of the room has been changed to Vacant Ready on the
housekeeping side (usually when the housekeeper knocked on the door, found the room to be
vacant, cleaned it, room was inspected and flipped to VR). Below is an example:
The newly vacated rooms report can be used to view a list of rooms that have
↓ checked out at the desk. It’s very useful throughout the housekeepers
day for to be
Newly Vacated able to get into rooms as they vacate.
There are 3 report options:
• Print Only – Print all of the vacated rooms from the beginning of the day.
• Print Only from
Starting Time – Print from a specific time onwards.
• Print and Clear – Print th
e list of vacated rooms and clear them from this
Unexpected Stayovers
The unexpected stayovers report will provide a list of rooms that
↓ were scheduled to checkout today, but extended their stay. This
Reports is important so that housekeepers can be informed that the
rooms should be cleaned as a stayover, not a checkout. A
↓ starting room number can be entered, or press enter for all
↓ The Room Status Report is a frequently helpful tool used to display rooms by a
Room Status particular status (Vacant Ready, Vacant Dirty, Occupied Clean,
Since itetc.)
Report accessed many times during the day as room statuses are changed, it may be easier to
view it onthe screen rather than printing it out each time. To view on the screen, when
you pressF10to print, select
Output to screenwhen thelist of printers
is given