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Fosse Quick Reference Guide Inventory Balancing 7

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Marriott Systems Support

Phone: 240-632-6000
Email: F2 from FOSSE

Login/Logoff Marsha Reservation Making Changes in

Discrepancy Report Marsha
FOSSE “Live” Login: Operator x
Guest Home Screen  F8  Rsrv  Reports  Change Names:
FOSSE Practice Login: Practice Marsha Reservation Discrepancy Report In MARSHA Pull up the reservation by typing ‘
(Note: You must capitalize O or P when and the confirmation number  Type
entering these logins, and then enter the rest of This report can be run two different ways. The CN1LASTNAME/FIRSTNAME (Example
the word in lowercase letters. Also, if you make first way is to run all discrepancies. This would CN1PIERCE/MICHAEL) Press Enter Type
a mistake, if the Backspace key does not work include all reservations that are currently causing F(your name or MARSHA Code)  Press Enter
to erase characters, try the Delete key.) discrepancies, and ones that could cause  Type EN
discrepancies in the future. The second way is to
Turn the Caps Lock on before entering your run by availability discrepancies only. This will Change Bed Types:
Clerk Code and Authorization Code, and then show reservations that are currently causing In MARSHA Pull up the reservation by typing ‘
leave Caps Lock on always while using FOSSE. discrepancies. and the confirmation number  Type
CG#RTPOOL (Example CG2RTKING)  Press
(Note: This report can be run on demand from
Common Quick Keys the current date through K-Date. The report will
Enter  Type F(your name or MARSHA Code)
default out for two weeks. Longer date spans will  Press Enter  Type EN
take longer time for the report to run.) (Note: Pool is the bed type that matches
F1 = Lookup
(Note: The * will help to denote where the
F4 = End/No Update (will not save) Change Arrival Dates:
discrepancy is)
F10 = End/Update (will save) In MARSHA pull up the reservation by typing ‘
F12 = MARSAH Access and the confirmation number 
(Note: This report should be run at least once
per day. Once corrections have been made the CG#ARDDMMM (Example CG2AR20JUN) 
discrepany will fall off the report) Press Enter  Type F(your name or MARSHA
Common Navigation Code)  Press Enter  Type EN
Methods / Keys (Note: if there are no reservations on this report, (Note: DDMMM is the arrival date that matches
that would indicate that reservations are in FOSSE)
balance and the property should then run the
Navigation Methods: Marsha Availability Variance Report) Change Departure Dates:
Tab = Moves to the next Detail Box In MARSHA Pull up the reservation by typing ‘
 = Moves to the last field inside a Detail Box and the confirmation number  Type
CG#NN00 (Example CG3NN31)  Press Enter
Enter or  = Moves to the next field inside a Marsha Availability  Type F(your name or MARSHA Code) 
Detail Box
Variance Report Press Enter  Type EN
Menu Navigation: X (Note: 00 is the number of nights that matches
  = Move left and right, up and down FOSSE)
through the menus Guest Home Screen  F8  Rsrv  Reports 
or Marsha Availability Variance Report Change Rate Programs
Press the highlighted letter for the menu In MARSHA Pull up the reservation by typing ‘
option you wish to access. This report will show a comparison of room and the confirmation number  CG#PRprgm
inventory between FOSSE and MARSHA. (Example CG1PRREGA)  Press Enter 
F(your name or MARSHA Code)  Press Enter
(Note: This report can be run on demand from  Type EN
Checking Availability the current date through K-Date. The report will (Note: # is the first segment of the reservation
default out for two weeks. Longer date spans will displayed in MARSHA)
take longer time for the report t to run.) (Note: prgm is the rate program that matches
To view today’s availability (and the next 3
Guest Home Screen  F8 to access the menus
(Note: If there are no variance on this report then MARSHA Interface
the hotels inventory would be in balance)
 Rsrv  Reservations Display  Availability Status
Display (Note: Some hotels could intentionally have
inventory imbalances. E.g. over authorizing of
To view MARSHA availability through MARSHA regular room type to force upgrades at the hotel. Guest Home Screen  F8 to access the menus
k date: You should check with your revenue manager  Rsrv  Marsha Functions  Display
Guest Home Screen  F8 to access the menus before making any changes to your inventory Interface Status
 Rsrv  Reservations Display  MARSHA levels.)
Availability Display by Date (Note: If any status says stopped or logging on
and stay that way for more then a minute the
Rebuild Arrive and Property Interface property should call the support desk)
Alpha Flies Status (Note: The Queue count should always be at
zero or trying to work it self down to zero. If the
queue count continues to grow or does not
decrease, the property should call the support
Guest Home Screen  F8 to access the main Guest Home Screen  F8 to access the menus
desk immediately)
menu  Sysmgt  Systems Support   Sysmgt  Interfaces  Display Interface
Rebuild Arrive and Alpha Files Status

Rev. 2.3.06 FOSSE Quick Reference Guides provided by Marriott Learning Services. Visit us on the Marriott Global Source  Training
Online Help:
-Marriott Global Source
-MASH (Marriott
Automated Self Help)

Inventory Control Downloading Rate Comparing FOSSE and

(Same day only) Programs
Guest Home Screen  F8 to access the main Individual Rate Codes:
menus  Rsrv  MARSHA Functions  To see FOSSE Availability:
Request MARSHA Screen  [I] Inventory Guest Home Screen  F8 to access the menus
Control  Rsrv  Marsha Functions  Room Types and Guest Home Screen  F8 to access the menus
Availability Updates  [V] Update Individual Rate  Rsrv  Reservation Display  Availability
This option will allow the hotel to open or close Code (VRPA) Display
the hotels inventory for today’s date only.
(Note: All rate codes must be built in MARSHA To see MARSHA Availability (In FOSSE)
and then downloaded into FOSSE.)
Availability Update Guest Home Screen  F8 to access the menus
All Rate Codes:  Rsrv  Reservation Display  MARSHA
Availability Display by Date
Guest Home Screen  F8 to access the main Guest Home Screen  F8 to access the menus
menus  Rsrv  MARSHA Functions  Room  Rsrv  Marsha Functions  Room Types and First compare the total number of rooms sold
Type and Availability Updates  [A] Availability Availability Updates  [R] Update all Rate Codes from the FOSSE availability screen to the total
(System Update) (VIR) rooms sold on the MARSHA Availability screen.
If the two totals do not match then compare
OR (Note: This option should be run periodically each room type on each screen to find out what
especially when rate programs are built by a room type is out of balance.
Guest Home Screen  F8 to access the main revenue manager off property.)
menus  Rsrv  MARSHA Functions  (Note: This is not a way to solve balancing
Request MARSHA Screen  [U] Update PMS (Note: When deleting rate programs, the rate problems, but is a quick way to see if the hotel
System Availability program must be deleted in MARSHA and then is out of balance. The hotel should still run the
the update must be run for it to delete out of balancing reports on a daily basis to make sure
FOSSE) that all reservations are in balance)
Sending Reservations
from One System to
Another Reservation Accuracy
To send reservations from MARSHA to FOSSE:

In MARSHA Pull up the reservation by typing ‘ Guest Home Screen  F8 to access the menus
and the MARSHA Confirmation Number   Rsrv  Reports  Reservation Accuracy
Type QEG/50 to send the reservation to the Q Report
50  Press Enter  Type F(your name or
MARSHA Code)  Press Enter  Type EN This report will show you any reservations that do
not have sufficient information in the guest detail
This will send the reservation to the Q50 and box. The report defaults to run for three days.
from the Q50 it will be sent to FOSSE
(Note: Insufficient information in the guest detail
To send reservations from FOSSE to MARSHA: box can cause reservation discrepancy between
In FOSSE from the Guest Home Screen  F8
to access the menus  Rsrv  MARSHA
Functions  Update Folio MARSHA
Confirmation Number Booking Statistics
This is used when information has been
changed in FOSSE and it did not get
communicated up to MARSHA.

In order to use the Updated Function, the Guest Home Screen  F8 to access the menus
reservation must meet 3 criteria:  Rsrv  Reports  Booking Statistics Report
1. It must be In House
2. It can not be share with This report is a forecasting report for room
3. the confirmation number has not revenue and room sold for a period of time.
been recycled in MARSHA
(Note: This report is similar to the KR/S report in
(Note: If there is a reservation that is in FOSSE MARSHA)
but not in MARSHA you should walk in a new
room and transfer all of the open charges over
to the new account. This way you have a brand
new confirmation number for the reservation
and it will be transferred over into MARSHA)

Rev. 2.3.06 FOSSE Quick Reference Guides provided by Marriott Learning Services. Visit us on the Marriott Global Source  Training

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