1. Sun
2. Moon
3. Mars
Body Parts It Denotes: Blood, marrow,
energy, neck, veins, genitals, neck, red
blood cells, anal, female organs and
body energy.
4. Mercury
5. Jupiter
6. Venus
Body Parts It Denotes: Overall physical
appearance, face, facial expressions,
eyes, genitals, urine, reproductive
organs, throat and glands.
7. Saturn
8. Rahu
9. Ketu
Body Parts It Denotes: Belly (stomach),
feet and claws.
Ārūḍha Lagna
The term Ārūḍha Pada is also known as
"Pada". Ārūḍha literally means "mount" and
refers to the IMAGE of a sign falling on
another due to "reflection of the rays
emanating from it and being reflected by
its lord.
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