Use of Arudha Lagna
Use of Arudha Lagna
Use of Arudha Lagna
Counting is in the zodiacal direction always. For example, if the house we are interested in is in Gemini and its lord Mercury is in Aquarius, we count signs from Gemini to Aquarius and get 9. (1) Count the same number of signs from the sign containing the lord and find the ending sign. In the above example, we count 9 signs from Aquarius and we end up in Libra. (1) Exception: If the sign found thus in step (4) is in the 1st or 7th from the original sign in step (1), then we take the 10th sign from the sign found in step (4). Otherwise we dont make any change. (1) The resulting sign contains the arudha pada of the house of interest. Arudha pada of a house is simply called arudha or pada also. In this book, we will denote the arudha pada on nth house with A n. For example, arudha pada of 4th house is A4 and arudha pada of 9th house is A9.