Evaluation of Bitumen Binders Properties: Ing. Michal Holý, Doc. Ing. Eva Remišová, PHD
Evaluation of Bitumen Binders Properties: Ing. Michal Holý, Doc. Ing. Eva Remišová, PHD
Evaluation of Bitumen Binders Properties: Ing. Michal Holý, Doc. Ing. Eva Remišová, PHD
Bitumen binders in the medium to high temperature range behave partly as viscoelastic materials. The influence
of external forces occurs partly a reversible deformation (elastic component) and partly a permanent irreversible
strain (viscous component). The basic tests as penetration and softening point are dedicated to evaluate and
classify unmodified bitumen. With the increased use of bitumen modifications such as polymers, the
fundamental approach is required regarding the performance-based tests. The main theme of the requirements for
bitumen binders’ properties is evaluation of properties from the pavement performance point of view as
permanent deformation, fatigue and frost cracking. The evaluation of changes of bitumen properties during the
production and paving process of bituminous mixture is also important. The paper points out how the
“traditional” tests as softening point and penetration and viscosity are sufficient to evaluate properties of bitumen
binders. Tests were made on the modified and unmodified bitumen binders.
1 Introduction
Nowadays the asphalt roads are widely used roads pavement in the world. The main reason of
the considerable expansion is relatively low cost production, simple and economical
technological process of construction. One of the basic conditions of the construction quality
of construction work is the selection of suitable types of materials (aggregate, filler and
bitumen), their quality and strict fulfilmen to technological conditions during the actual
construction [8]. Quality assurance of bituminous binders with "traditional" respectively
"verified" tests such as softening point, penetration, and the breaking point. Appears at
present to be insufficient. Therefore, new methods of testing are introduced, where the main
aim of the requirements for binder is the assessment of properties with respect to permanent
deformation, fatigue and frost crackings, the properties during the production and laying of
asphalt mixture and viscosity – temperature characterization [1, 2, 3].
Bitumen as well as asphalt mixtures are exposed to traffic load in different weather conditions
(high temperatures in summer, cold temperatures in winter), and effects of de-icing agents in
winter. The bituminous binder is expected to ensure the resistance of the asphalt mixtures to
permanent deformation (elasto-plastic properties, stiffness) during the high temperature, and
the during low temperature to prevent frost cracking by it´s sufficiently plasticity (binder
cohesion and a tensile strength at low temperatures).
Bitumens are colloidal systems comprising two different groups of colloidal dispersed
particles. The first part consists of asphaltenes and resins as the dispersed phase, which
consisting mainly from polar compounds. The second part of the colloidal system of bitumen
consist from maltenes - oily phase of bitumen. [4]. Bitumen properties are related to colloidal
structure, and chemical composition.
Basic tests such as penetration and softening point were developed to assess and classify
unmodified bitumen. The increased using of bitumen modification especially with polymers
and other additives, the empirical approach is replaced by defining the performance-based
requirements for binder properties [5]. Deformation behaviour of the material under defined
geometric, temperature and speed conditions is determined using the rotational and oscillatory
measurement systems.
ν= (2)
Viscosity is a parameter in rheology and it is divided according to the type of load to shear
viscosity and elongated viscosity. At a shear load, the velocity gradient is perpendicular to the
direction of flow, at elongation load the velocity gradient is in the flow direction. According
to the method of viscosity measurement, the viscosity can be divided into a dynamic and
kinematic while both viscosities are interdependent. [6]
The viscosity of the liquid is subjected to shear between two parallel plates Figure 1, which
one of them moves with respect to another in the plane with uniform linear movement. It is
defined by Newton's equations:
τ =η .γ (3)
where: - shear stressPa, - dynamic viscosity Pa.s, γ –velocity gradient or speed of shear
strain s-1, which is given by:
where: u - speed of one plane move with respect to the second plane and x - coordinate which
is perpendicular to these planes. The unit of viscosity resulting from Newton's law is Pa.s and
multiple unit mPa.s.
To define more precisely the behavior of bitumen and bituminous binders it is necessary to
find new ways of dependence and way of assessing the properties. Asphalt binders have
behavior as elastic and viscous material, it is necessary to describe the behavior of the
temperature-dependent. One of solutions of characteristic description could be the use of the
viscosity of the bitumen binder. Dynamic viscosity of the bitumen binder is a part of
qualitative parameters assessment of bituminous binders and therefore it was chosen for
experimental measurements.
3 Methodology of measurement
The values from measurements of softening point and penetration of tested bitumen binders
are presented in Table 1. Purposely different types and kinds of bitumen binders (paving
grade bitumen and polymer modified bitumen) were chosen with the aim to monitor
differences between bitumen. From Table 1 it is clear that paving grade bitumen have lower
softening point and lower (negative) values of penetration index in compared with modified
bitumen. In the following steps, the relationship between viscosity and softening point and
penetration for particular bitumen was studied. If the relationship exists, it is important how
greatly the softening point and penetration (penetration index) influence the dynamic
viscosity of bitumen binders.
Penetration index was calculated by:
20 . T G +500 . log P−1952
PI = (10)
T G−50 . log P+120
Bitumen binder
Property 35/50 50/70 PmB 25/55-60 PmB 60/80-90
Softening point C 51,6 47,4 62 89
Penetration 0,1.mm 48,4 59,8 33,3 71,7
Penetration index - -0,92 -0,79 0,46 6,50
Figure 2 represents dependence of dynamic viscosity of bitumen binders (used binders form
Table 1) on temperature (temperature in range of 120 to 190 °C).
Viscosity in mPa.s
35/50 50/70
PmB 25/55-60 PmB 60/80-90
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Temperature, in oC
results confirm known dependence that viscosity of all tested binders decreases with
increasing temperature and modified bitumen have higher values of viscosity than unmodified
bitumen. Significant decrease of viscosity of polymer modified bitumen was recorded at the
temperature change between 130 oC and 140 oC. For paving grade bitumen it can be reported
that decrease of viscosity is linear without significant decreases There was documented the
effect that development of viscosity curves of unmodified and modified bitumen is parallel
from temperature 140 oC so the dependences have uniform decreasing tendency. Shift in
values of viscosity of tested modified bitumen, which is almost constant may be due to
specific type modifier, which was used in bitumen production. Paving grade bitumen have
values of viscosity from temperature 160 °C almost identical, polymer modified bitumen is
more significant.
f(x)= =1E+01
R² 0.2
820.65 x^0.51
R² = 0.16
Viscosity, in mPa.s
5 Conclusion
Bitumen binders´ behaviour as visco-elastic materials depends on temperature, speed and size
of load. One of the parameters characterising this behaviour is viscosity. Within the frame of
laboratory measuring, the dynamic viscosity of selected bitumen binders (unmodified and
modified) was monitored at test temperature in the range 120 oC to 180 oC using Brookfield
viscometer. The results show that viscosity of all tested binders decreases with increasing
temperature. Significant decrease of viscosity of polymer modified bitumen was recorded at
the temperature change between 130 oC and 140 oC. Modified bitumen have higher values of
viscosity than unmodified bitumen (35/50, 50/70). There was documented the effect that
development of viscosity curves of unmodified and modified bitumen is parallel from
temperature 140 oC so the dependences have uniform decreasing tendency.
The results also indicate relation between viscosity and softening point, respectively
penetration index of binders. While a certain dependency on softening point and penetration
index can be declared, the dependency between viscosity and penetration is very small
respectively none. The values of reliability coefficient, as a measure of model validity, of
functions of viscosity and penetration index were in range from 0,65 to 0,71 (at temperature
from 130 to 180 oC) and functions of viscosity and softening point in range from 0,81 to 0,85.
Higher values of reliability coefficient of regression give assumption for next research.
The research is supported by the project VEGA 1/0300/17 Research of performance related
and rheological properties of bituminous binders.
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