Euch - Palm Sunday

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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist


We Welcome Jesus in Our Lives

N.B. The priest wears RED vestments. The blessing of palms takes the place of the Penitential Rite.


Opening Antiphon This happened so that what

(To be recited only when no had been spoken through the
Entrance Hymn is sung.) prophet might be fulfilled: “Say to
Hosanna to the Son of Da- daughter Zion, ‘Behold, your king
vid; blessed is he who comes in comes to you, meek and riding on
the name of the Lord, the King an ass, and on a colt, the foal of a
of Israel. Hosanna in the high- beast of burden.’ ”
est. The disciples went and did
The priest and the people as Jesus had ordered them. They
carrying palm branches assem- brought the ass and the colt and
ble in a place distinct from the laid their cloaks over them, and he
church to which they will go in sat upon them.
procession. The priest greets The very large crowd spread
the congregation and addresses their cloaks on the road, while
it using the following or similar others cut branches from the
words: trees and strewed them on the
road. The crowds preceding him
P –Dear brothers and sisters, tion, may reach the eternal Je- and those following kept crying
since the beginning of Lent until rusalem through him. Who lives out and saying: „Hosanna to the
now we have prepared our hearts and reigns for ever and ever. Son of David; blessed is he who
by penance and charitable works. All –Amen! comes in the name of the Lord;
Today, we gather together to The priest sprinkles the hosanna in the highest.‰
herald with the whole Church palm branches with holy water And when he entered Jeru-
the beginning of the celebration in silence. salem the whole city was shaken
of our Lord’s Paschal Mystery, and asked, „Who is this?‰ And
that is to say, of his Passion and the crowds replied, „This is Jesus
Resurrection. For it was to ac- Gospel Mt 21:1-11
the prophet, from Nazareth in
complish this mystery that he P –A proclamation from the
entered his own city of Jerusa- holy Gospel according to
lem. Matthew The Gospel of the Lord!
Therefore, with all faith and All – Glory to you, O Lord! All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
devotion, let us commemorate When Jesus and the disci- Christ!
the Lord’s entry into the city for ples drew near Jerusalem and A brief homily may be given.
our salvation, following in his came to Bethphage on the Mount Before the procession starts, the
footsteps, so that, being made by of Olives, Jesus sent two disci- celebrant may address the peo-
his grace partakers of the Cross, ples, saying to them, „Go into the ple in these or similar words:
we may have a share also in his village opposite you, and immedi-
Resurrection and in his life. ately you will find an ass tethered, P –Dear brothers and sisters,
and a colt with her. Untie them like the crowds who acclaimed
Let us pray! and bring them here to me. And Jesus in Jerusalem, let us go
Almighty ever-living God, if anyone should say anything to forth in peace.
sanctify () these branches with you, reply, ÂThe master has need The procession to the church
your blessing, that we, who fol- of them.Ê Then he will send them begins while a suitable hymn is
low Christ the King in exulta- at once.‰ sung.
Part 2: THE MASS
N.B. When there is no blessing of palms, the Mass begins in the usual way, with the Penitential Act
soon after the Entrance Antiphon/Hymn and the Greeting.

those who plucked my beard. R –A proclamation from the

My face I did not shield from Letter of Paul to the Philip-
buffets and spitting. pians
The Lord God is my help,
Entrance Antiphon Christ Jesus, though he
therefore I am not disgraced.
was in the form of God, did
(To be recited only when no I have set my face like flint,
not regard equality with God
Entrance Hymn is sung.) knowing that I shall not be put
something to be grasped. Rath-
Six days before the Pass- to shame. er, he emptied himself, taking
over, when the Lord came The Word of the Lord! the form of a slave, coming in
into the city of Jerusalem, the All – Thanks be to God! human likeness. And found
children ran to meet him; in human in appearance, he hum-
their hands they carried palm Responsorial Psalm Ps 22 bled himself, becoming obedi-
branches and with a loud voice ent to the point of death, even
cried out: Hosanna in the high- R –My God, my God, why have death on a cross.
est! Blessed are you, who have you abandoned me? Because of this, God
come in your abundant mercy! R. M. Velez greatly exalted him and be-
  D A
stowed on him the name
  
Collect (Opening Prayer) which is above every name,

P –Almighty ever-living God,
who as an example of humility
  that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bend, of
My God, my God, those in heaven and on earth
for the human race to follow,
caused our Savior to take flesh  G A D and under the earth, and ev-
   
ery tongue confess that Jesus
 
and submit to the Cross, gra-
ciously grant that we may heed Christ is Lord, to the glory of
his lesson of patient suffering God the Father.
why have you a---bandoned me?
and so merit a share in his Resur- The Word of the Lord!
rection. All – Thanks be to God!
Who lives and reigns with * All who see me scoff at me;
you in the unity of the Holy Spir- they mock me with parted lips, Verse before the Gospel
it, one God, for ever and ever. they wag their heads: “He re-
lied on the Lord; let him de- All –(Praise to you, Lord Je-
All – Amen! sus Christ, King of endless
liver him, let him rescue him,
if He loves him.” R. glory!)
Christ became obedient
* Indeed, many dogs sur- to the point of death, even
round me, a pack of evildoers death on a cross.
closes in upon me. They have Because of this, God
1st Reading Is 50:4-7 pierced my hands and my feet; greatly exalted him and
What we are about to hear I can count all my bones. R. bestowed on him the name
proclaimed is the third Song of * They divide my garments which is above every name.
the Lord’s Servant. Its content among them, and for my ves- (Praise to you, Lord Je-
foreshadows the preaching mis- ture they cast lots. But you, O sus Christ, King of endless
sion of Jesus and the tortures in- Lord, be not far from me; O glory!)
flicted on him during his Passion. my help, hasten to aid me! R.
* I will proclaim your name Gospel Mt 27:11-54
R –A proclamation from the Throughout his passion Je-
Book of the Prophet Isaiah to my brethren; in the midst of
the assembly I will praise you: sus was not carried away by the
The Lord God has given “You who fear the Lord, praise events and circumstances. His
me a well-trained tongue, that him; all you descendants of only concern was to fulfill the
I might know how to speak Jacob, give glory to him; revere Father’s plan of salvation. That is
to the weary a word that will him, all you descendants of why he followed the path of humil-
rouse them. Israel!” R. ity and patient endurance.
Morning after morning he N.B. The Passion narrative may
opens my ear that I may hear; 2nd Reading Phil 2:6-11 be read by roles. When this is
and I have not rebelled, have In a few, dramatic sentenc- done, the short interventions
not turned back. es, St. Paul summarizes the total of the Narrator such as, “He
I gave my back to those self-emptying and the supreme said”; “He replied,” etc. should
who beat me, my cheeks to exaltation of God’s Son. be omitted.

5 April 2020
Characters: J: Jesus; N1: First [N1 ăBut he said,] C ă„You who would destroy
Narrator; N2: Second Narrator; P ă„Why? What evil has he the temple and rebuild it in three
P: Pilate; C: Crowd, Chief done?‰ days, save yourself, if you are the
priests, others [N1 ăThey only shouted the loud- Son of God, and come down from
P –The Lord be with you! er,] the cross!‰
All – And with your spirit! C ă„Let him be crucified!‰ N1 ăLikewise the chief priests
N2 ăWhen Pilate saw that he was with the scribes and elders
P – The Passion of Our Lord
Jesus Christ according to not succeeding at all, but that a mocked him and said,
Matthew riot was breaking out instead, C ă„He saved others; he cannot
All – Glory to you, O Lord! he took water and washed his save himself. So he is the king of
hands in the sight of the crowd, Israel! Let him come down from
N1 ăJesus stood before the gov- saying, the cross now, and we will believe
ernor, Pontius Pilate, who ques- P ă„I am innocent of this manÊs in him. He trusted in God; let him
tioned him, blood. Look to it yourselves.‰ deliver him now if he wants him.
P ă„Are you the king of the N1 ăAnd the whole people said For he said, ÂI am the Son of God.Ê ‰
Jews?‰ in reply, N2 ăThe revolutionaries who
[N2 –Jesus said,] C ă„His blood be upon us and were crucified with him also kept
J ă“You say so.” upon our children.‰ abusing him in the same way.
N1 ăAnd when he was accused N2 ăThen he released Barabbas N1 ăFrom noon onward, dark-
by the chief priests and elders, he to them, but after he had Jesus ness came over the whole land
made no answer. Then Pilate said scourged, he handed him over to until three in the afternoon. And
to him, be crucified. about three oÊclock Jesus cried
P ă„Do you not hear how many N1 ăThen the soldiers of the gov- out in a loud voice,
things they are testifying against ernor took Jesus inside the prae- J ă“Eli, Eli, lema sabach-
you?‰ torium and gathered the whole thani?”
N2 ăBut he did not answer him cohort around him. They stripped N2 ăwhich means, „My God,
one word, so that the governor off his clothes and threw a scarlet my God, why have you forsaken
was greatly amazed. military cloak about him. Weaving
Now on the occasion of the me?‰ Some of the bystanders
a crown out of thorns, they placed
feast the governor was accus- who heard it said,
it on his head, and a reed in his
tomed to release to the crowd C ă„This one is calling for Eli-
right hand. And kneeling before
one prisoner whom they wished. jah.‰
him, they mocked him, saying,
N1 ăImmediately one of them ran
And at that time they had a notori- C ă„Hail, King of the Jews!‰
to get a sponge; he soaked it in
ous prisoner called Barabbas. So N2 ă They spat upon him and
when they had assembled, Pilate took the reed and kept striking wine, and putting it on a reed, gave
said to them, him on the head. And when they it to him to drink. But the rest said,
P ă„Which one do you want me had mocked him, they stripped C ă„Wait, let us see if Elijah
to release to you: Barabbas, or him of the cloak, dressed him in comes to save him.‰
Jesus called Christ?‰ his own clothes, and led him off N2 ăBut Jesus cried out again
N1 ăFor he knew that it was out to crucify him. in a loud voice, and gave up his
of envy that they had handed him N1 ăAs they were going out, spirit.
over. While he was still seated they met a Cyrenian named Si- (Kneel down in silent reflection.)
on the bench, his wife sent him a mon. This man they pressed into N1 – And behold, the veil of the
message, service to carry his cross. And sanctuary was torn in two from
C ă„Have nothing to do with when they came to a place called top to bottom. The earth quaked,
that righteous man. I suffered Golgotha ă which means “Place rocks were split, tombs were
much in a dream today because of the Skull” ă, they gave Jesus opened, and the bodies of many
of him.‰ wine to drink mixed with gall. But saints who had fallen asleep were
N2 ăThe chief priests and the when he had tasted it, he refused raised. And coming forth from
elders persuaded the crowds to to drink. their tombs after his resurrection,
ask for Barabbas but to destroy N2 ăAfter they had crucified they entered the holy city and ap-
Jesus. The governor said to them him, they divided his garments by peared to many.
in reply, casting lots; then they sat down N2 –The centurion and the men
P ă„Which of the two do you and kept watch over him there. with him who were keeping watch
want me to release to you?‰ And they placed over his head the over Jesus feared greatly when
[N1 ăThey answered,] written charge against him: „This they saw the earthquake and all
C ă„Barabbas!‰ is Jesus, the King of the Jews.‰ that was happening, and they said,
[N1 ăPilate said to them,] N1 ăTwo revolutionaries were C ă„Truly, this was the Son of
P ă„Then what shall I do with crucified with him, one on his God!‰
Jesus called Christ?‰ right and the other on his left. The Gospel of the Lord!
[N1 ăThey all said,] N2 ă Those passing by reviled him, All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
C ă„Let him be crucified!‰ shaking their heads and saying, Christ!

Palm Sunday (A)

Homily All – May the Lord accept the Sign of Peace
sacrifice at your hands, for the
Profession of Faith praise and glory of his name, Breaking of the Bread
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) for our good and the good of all All – Lamb of God . . .
All –I believe in God . . . his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings
Prayer of the Faithful P –Behold the Lamb of God,
P –Through the Passion of your behold him who takes away the
P –Full of trust in the Lord’s Only Begotten Son, O Lord, may
compassionate love, let us pres- sins of the world. Blessed are
our reconciliation with you be those called to the Supper of the
ent our petitions to Him who is near at hand, so that, though we
able to understand our difficul- Lamb.
do not merit it by our own deeds, All – Lord, I am not worthy
ties and needs. Let us implore yet by this sacrifice made once
Him: that you should enter under my
for all, we may feel already the roof, but only say the word and
All – Merciful Father, hear us! effects of your mercy. my soul shall be healed.
Through Christ our Lord.
C –That all believers may al- All – Amen!
ways welcome the Lord Jesus Communion Antiphon
with open hearts like those who (To be recited only when no
Preface of Palm Sunday
welcomed him to Jerusalem, let Communion Hymn is sung.)
P –It is truly right and just, our Father, if this chalice can-
us pray! R. duty and our salvation, always
C –That the Holy Father, our not pass without my drinking
and everywhere to give you
bishops, and our priests may con- thanks, Lord, holy Father, al- it, your will be done.
tinue to guide and encourage us mighty and eternal God, through Prayer after Communion
with the holiness of their lives to Christ our Lord.
be faithful to Jesus, let us pray! For, though innocent, he suf- P –Nourished with these sa-
R. fered willingly for sinners and cred gifts, we humbly beseech
accepted unjust condemnation you, O Lord, that, just as through
C –That all the members of the to save the guilty. the death of your Son you have
judiciary in our country may ren- His Death has washed away brought us to hope for what we
der justice without delay, favorit- our sins, and his Resurrection believe, so by his Resurrection
ism or corruption, let us pray! R. has purchased our justification. you may lead us to where you
C –That the victims of legal And so, with all the Angels, call.
injustices may continue their we praise you, as in joyful celebra- Through Christ our Lord.
quest for justice with moral tion we, too, acclaim: All – Amen!
strength and be given their due, All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
let us pray! R. of hosts. Heaven and earth are
full of your glory. Hosanna in
C –That we may realize that the the highest!
suffering endured by Jesus was Blessed is he who comes in
also caused by our sinfulness and P –The Lord be with you.
the name of the Lord. Hosanna All – And with your spirit!
lack of repentance, let us pray! R. in the highest!
C –Let us pray in silence for our P –Look, we pray, O Lord, on
personal intentions. (Pause) Memorial Acclamation this your family, for whom
Let us pray! R. P –The mystery of faith! our Lord Jesus Christ did
All – When we eat this Bread and not hesitate to be delivered
P –Lord God, sustain us in our into the hands of the wicked
resolve to live as Jesus taught drink this Cup, we proclaim
your Death, O Lord, until and submit to the agony of
us. As we share in his suffering, the Cross. Who lives and
may we also come to share in his you come again!
reigns for ever and ever.
glory for ever and ever. All – Amen!
All – Amen! P – May almighty God bless
you: the Father, and the
Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All – Our Father . . . All – Amen!
P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
All –For the kingdom, the P –Go in peace, glorifying the
Preparation of the Gifts Lord by your life!
power, and the glory are
P –Pray, brethren . . . yours, now and for ever. All – Thanks be to God!

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, J. Domingo, A. Vergara, V. David, D. Daguio, R. Molomog
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: Fr. B. Nolasco, J. Feliciano • Circulation: R. Saldua

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