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Mining and Sustainable Development: Insights from International Law 1


Cecilia G. Dalupan


This paper analyses the state and treatment of mining in international conventions,
with emphasis on the growing body of multilateral environmental agreements.
It then explores the challenges that the recognised and emerging principles of
sustainable development pose for the mining sector and the development of inter-
national mining law.
The sovereign right of a State to exploit mineral and other natural resources
within its jurisdiction has long been recognised but has never been absolute. It has
always been qualified by the responsibility to ensure that activities do not cause
transboundary environmental harm. Furthermore, principles found in the growing
body of multilateral environmental agreements, insofar as they are binding on States
that have voluntarily entered into them or are recognised as customary in interna-
tional law, necessarily affect where and how mining is carried out, even within the
boundaries of a sovereign State.
No formal or general international law with respect to mining has developed in
the same way as it has for marine, forestry or other renewable resources. Mining
has not readily lent itself to international standards or principles for various
reasons that may include the fact that mineral endowments vary greatly from
one country to another, as do physical environments and methods of extraction.

* This article is based on Ms. Dalupan’s work as the 2001 El Paso Energy Corporation Fellow
with the Natural Resource Law Center at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

E. Bastida, T. Wälde and J. Warden (eds.), International and Comparative Mineral Law and Policy, 1-xxx
©2004 Kluwer Law International. Printed in the Netherlands.
2 International Comparative Mineral Law and Policy

Furthermore, governance regimes for mining that do exist relate to certain areas
beyond national jurisdictions including outer space, the deep seabed and Antarctica.
With respect to more general international legal instruments relevant to mining,
the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment (1972), the World Charter
for Nature (1982), the World Summit on Environment and Development (1992)
and the World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002) are clear milestones.
While the Rio instruments made no specific mention of mining, these ushered in
the paradigm of ‘sustainable development’. The Plan of Action adopted during the
review and reaffirmation of Rio commitments at the World Summit on Sustainable
Development in Johannesburg provides the international community’s most recent
and definitive statement of principles on mining. It recognises that minerals are
essential for modern living and formally recognises the concept of ‘sustainable
mining and mineral development’. It stresses actions and partnerships at all levels
to address the issues and concerns throughout the life-cycles of mining operations.
A rigid and literal interpretation of principles of sustainability, however, may
lead to the conclusion that mining is inherently inconsistent with sustainable de-
velopment. A less rigid view considers the broader context and development of
international environmental law and resource utilisation. Initiatives to develop in-
dicators for sustainability and responsibility in mining have been undertaken by
international bodies, governments, non-government organisations (NGOs) and the
industry. These initiatives reveal a sector striving to redefine itself in the context of
the sustainable development.
The continuing challenge of applicability and relevance exists particularly with
respect to emerging principles such as common but differentiated responsibilities,
special treatment of developing countries, the requirement for public participation
and access to information. The analysis of these principles in the context of mining
and minerals, or alternatively the reshaping of the sector in the context of sustain-
able development, are tasks that will not, and should not, be done in a vacuum. A
relevant foundation is provided by two main sources: a) existing international law
and principles relevant to mining and b) the on-going initiatives to develop stand-
ards and indicators of mining and sustainability.
The Stockholm Declaration, for example, offers two complementary perspec-
tives on the principles of ‘sustainable use’ of resources in the context of minerals:
where the use is extended through rational management and technology and where
the benefits from use are shared and extended in ways that lead to other productive
Principle 27 of the Rio Declaration issues a general invitation for ‘States and
people to cooperate in good faith and in a spirit of partnership in the further devel-
opment of international law in the field of sustainable development.’ For the mining
Mining and Sustainable Development: Insights from International Law 3

sector in particular, this invitation is now a greater challenge to define ‘sustainable

mining and minerals development’ which gained formal recognition at the Johan-
nesburg Summit. It is in the context of this challenge that the different national and
international initiatives to discuss global mining issues and possible international
standards and indicators for sustainability in mining become most responsive and


In recent years, several initiatives have focused on the role of the mining sector1 in
the context of ‘sustainable development’.2 Different governments have established
regulatory frameworks covering not only the conventional legal and fiscal aspects
of mining but also broader provisions on environmental and social issues. Industry
associations have also formulated codes of conduct and best practices. These are
paralleled by efforts of the United Nations, multilateral institutions such as the
World Bank, and projects like the Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Develop-
ment Project.
These initiatives have sought to identify issues commonly encountered with
respect to mining, and to formulate generally applicable principles. Such issues
involve environmental and social impacts of mining and related economic consid-
erations (concerns that constitute the three pillars of sustainable development).
The identification of global issues and general principles raises the possibility that
these efforts may lead to the development of international law on mining and sus-
tainable development.
However, before evaluating whether these initiatives can lead to the develop-
ment of a global governance regime, it is necessary to evaluate the present ‘state’
of mining in international law and specifically in multilateral agreements.
This article provides an overview of multilateral agreements as they relate to, or
affect mining. It begins with an analysis of the state and treatment of mining in
international conventions, with an emphasis on the growing body of multilateral

The discussion of the mining sector is limited to the exploration, development and utilisation
of ‘hard rock’ or metal mining.
Defined in Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland Report formulated by the
Brundtland Commission, as ‘development that meets the needs of the present without com-
promising the ability of future generations to meet their own need’.
4 International Comparative Mineral Law and Policy

environmental agreements, then explores the challenges that principles of sustain-

able development – recognised and emerging – pose for the mining sector and the
development of international law on mining.


International conventions constitute one of the sources of international law3 and

have been used to establish governance regimes covering a subject matter or area
of shared interest by States, though these may be divergent or even conflicting.
Earlier in the 20th century, international agreements on natural resources largely
focused on their economic value and were driven by the need or desire to regulate
the use of shared resources or to address transboundary impacts. Thus, States’
national interests served as impetus for intergovernmental agreement and action,
which is certainly the case of international agreements in general, regardless of
subject matter. It was in the States’ individual national interests to prevent or re-
solve conflicts and arrive at agreements concerning the management, and thus,
economic usefulness, of shared cross-boundary resources.
While there are some early examples of international conventions entered into
for primarily environmental reasons, in the late 1960s and early 1970s an ‘ecologi-
cal era’ dawned, from which point a very diverse and broad body of international
environmental law has developed and continues to expand. There are over 900
international environmental agreements – bilateral, multilateral, regional and glo-
bal – that cover sectors like atmosphere and space, marine and coastal resources,
fisheries, flora and fauna, biodiversity and forestry.4
Multilateral environmental agreements have traditionally been response-oriented,
i.e. formulated in response to an environmental crisis. However, while national
self-interest is the fundamental and immediate driver for participation in an inter-
national agreement, regional and even global environmental concerns, together
with their economic implications, are important motivations as well. Examples
include agreements on desertification, drought, ozone depletion, loss in biodiversity,
pollution and industrial accidents and climate change.

The Statute of the International Court of Justice (1920), then annexed to the Charter of the
United Nations (1945).
Bell, 1997.
Mining and Sustainable Development: Insights from International Law 5

It appears at the outset that no comprehensive international legal instrument

exists with respect to mining and mineral resources. Perhaps the only area where
general principles and even binding international agreements relevant to mining
have long existed is on labour conditions for mine workers. This is likely due to
greater consciousness on workers’ welfare through different labour movements
and international linkages like the International Labour Organisation (ILO). ILO
Convention 176 on Mine Safety and Health (1995), for example, is an interna-
tional agreement on these aspects of mining operations regardless of location or
type of mineral resource.
No general international legal instrument exists for mineral resources, however,
in the same way as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Neither
is there a broad international convention or inter-governmental statement of prin-
ciples as in the case of forestry.5 Nevertheless, a broad survey of multilateral
agreements yields significant observations with respect to mining and mineral re-

2.1. The Sovereign Right to Exploit Natural Resources and its Limitations

The sovereign right of a State to exploit mineral and other natural resources within
its jurisdiction is one of the basic principles of resource utilisation in international
law. This right, however, is not and has never been absolute, but has been qualified
by the corollary responsibility of a State to ensure that activities within its jurisdic-
tion or control do not cause damage to the environment beyond its national
The Aarhus Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary
Air Pollution of Heavy Metals (1998) illustrates this responsibility. Its objective is
to control heavy metals emissions caused by anthropogenic activities that are sub-
ject to long-range transboundary atmospheric transport, and are likely to have
significant adverse effects on human health or the environment. To this end, parties

See section 2.2 below.
The recognition of this right and duty not to cause transboundary environmental harm has
been reiterated in international conventions and declarations including the Charter of the
United Nations (1945), Convention on the Continental Shelf (1958), the Convention On Long-
Range Transboundary Air Pollution (1979), the Stockholm Declaration on Human Environment
(1972), the Rio Declaration on Environment & Development (1992) and the UN Convention
on Biological Diversity (1992).
6 International Comparative Mineral Law and Policy

to the Protocol commit to reduce their total annual emissions of certain heavy
metals into the atmosphere through measures appropriate to their particular cir-
cumstances. The Protocol also provides, inter alia, guidelines for the best available
techniques for controlling and general options for reducing emissions of heavy
metals and their compounds.
However, the duty not to cause transboundary environmental harm is not the
only limitation on a State’s sovereign right to exploit its natural resources. By
entering into conventions which limit or even prohibit mineral extraction in areas
identified for preservation or conservation, States have recognised the legitimacy
of curtailing their sovereign rights of resource exploitation. This is true even in
early international agreements such as the Convention Relative to the Preservation
of Fauna and Flora in their Natural State (1933) entered into by the then Union of
South Africa, Belgium, the UK, Egypt, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, and the Anglo-
Egyptian Sudan, which prohibits mining and other development activities in strict
natural reserves. This prohibition continued with the African Convention on the
Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in 1968.
Similarly, the growing body of multilateral environmental agreements and con-
ventions on social concerns indicates that the sovereign right to exploit one’s natural
resources is no longer qualified just by the duty not to cause transboundary envi-
ronmental damage. Even the manner and extent of exploitation within a State may
be subject to various qualifications in multilateral agreements to which it is a party
or to which it may become subject as a result of customary practice in international
law. Examples include the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development and
Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development (1995), the
Aarhus Convention containing Guidelines on Access to Environmental Informa-
tion and Public Participation in Environmental Decision-making Convention, and
International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal
Peoples in Independent Countries (1989).
ILO Convention 169 provides that the rights of indigenous peoples to the natu-
ral resources pertaining to their traditional lands, including the right to participate
in their use, management and conservation, shall be specifically safeguarded. It
further provides that in cases where the State retains the ownership of mineral or
sub-surface resources, governments shall establish or maintain procedures through
which they shall consult these peoples, with a view to ascertaining whether and to
what degree their interests would be prejudiced, before undertaking or permitting
any programmes for the exploration or exploitation of such resources pertaining to
their lands. The people concerned shall, wherever possible, participate in the ben-
efits of such activities, and shall receive fair compensation for any damages which
they may sustain as a result of such activities.
Mining and Sustainable Development: Insights from International Law 7

In summary, principles found in multilateral and other environmental agree-

ments, insofar as they are binding on States that have voluntarily entered into the
same or are recognised as customary in international law, necessarily affect where
and how mining is carried out even within the boundaries of a sovereign State.

2.2. International Governance Regimes for Mineral and other Resources

There is no global governance regime or extensive multilateral statement of princi-

ples for mining or mineral resources, in contrast with many renewable resources.
Examples of such regimes and principles abound in the sectors of agriculture,
forestry, fisheries, marine and coastal resources.
With respect to fisheries, marine and coastal resources, exhaustive legal texts
such as the Fisheries Convention (1964) and the United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea (1982) exist together with many other regional agreements formu-
lated over the last five decades. These cover a wide range of living resources
including tuna, salmon, dolphins, seals and whales. Bodies of water like the Atlan-
tic and Pacific Oceans, the Mediterranean Sea, the Rhine, the Red Sea, Gulf of
Aden, Baltic Sea and the Black Sea have also been given special international
In forestry, the international community formulated the Non-Legally Binding
Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Global Consensus on the Management,
Conservation and Sustainable Development of All Types of Forests (1992) which
was signed at the World Summit on Environment and Development. Its long-winded,
ambivalent title reflects the difficulty in its negotiation and formulation. Since 1992,
however, various regional agreements indicate progress in forestry resources pro-
tection, management and utilisation.
It may thus be concluded that mineral and other non-renewable resources have
not have lent themselves as readily to international standards or principles as ma-
rine or other renewable resources. Various factors may explain why forming general
principles would be difficult – these include the broad range of minerals and their
uses, the variety in methods of extraction, and the differences in physical environ-
ments and climates where mining takes place.
Another significant factor may be the ‘size’ of the global mining industry, in
that the level of capitalisation is relatively small, particularly when compared with
the energy sector, for example.7 Hence, the necessary impetus for broader action

Hinde, 2000. To further illustrate this point, Hinde points out that the combined market capi-
8 International Comparative Mineral Law and Policy

such as the formulation of treaties may not exist. Furthermore, and despite dire
predictions of the Club of Rome’s ‘The Limits to Growth’ (1972), mineral reserves
have not been depleted, but are reportedly stable and even increasing at the same
time that recycling and other technologies contribute to a longer life-cycle of met-
als. In contrast, an international response has been considered imperative with
respect to forestry and biodiversity in order to arrest deforestation and the loss of
Finally, mineral resources are rarely shared in nature, unlike marine and water
resources. Mineral deposits are usually identified within the boundaries of a par-
ticular State, and their extraction is generally limited within that State. In exceptional
instances where the mineralisation does cross borders, as in the Pascua-Lama de-
posit shared by Argentina and Chile, the countries did enter into a protocol agreement
in the framework of a Mining Integration Treaty.8 That mineral activities and their
impacts are generally confined within the jurisdiction of a particular State may
explain why the international community has taken little action on comprehensive
standards or guidelines for operation. This is confirmed by the fact that, where the
few international governance regimes for mining do exist, they apply only to areas
beyond national jurisdictions.

2.3. Mining Regimes in Areas Beyond National Jurisdictions

Outer space, the deep seabed and Antarctica are all areas beyond any national
jurisdiction. Consequently, they are not ‘owned’ by any one State. However, the
first two environments are treated in relevant international conventions as consti-
tuting the ‘common heritage’ of humankind,9 which connotes that these are resources
owned by all and that consequently, any development should benefit humanity in

talisation of the 20 largest mining companies is only about US$ 166 billion, while that of
energy companies BP Amoco and Exxon Mobil is US$ 520 billion.
See Bauni, chapter 5.2.3 infra.
This concept emphasises that there are certain areas of general concern to humanity, which
should thus be safeguarded by special legal regimes. See Kiss, 1997.
Mining and Sustainable Development: Insights from International Law 9

Outer Space: The Moon and Other Celestial Bodies

The Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and
Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (1967) ex-
pressly provides that these bodies are not subject to national appropriation by claim
of sovereignty, use, occupation, or any other means. It provides that the explora-
tion and use of outer space should be carried out for the benefit of all peoples,
without discrimination and with the interest of maintaining international peace,
security and international cooperation and understanding.
The Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Ce-
lestial Bodies (1979) definitively characterised the moon and its natural resources
as the ‘common heritage of mankind’ beyond national appropriation by any claim.
It recognises freedom of scientific investigation on the moon by all States Parties,
pursuant to which they shall have the right to collect and remove from the moon
samples of its mineral and other substances. They may, in the course of scientific
investigations, also use mineral and other substances of the moon in appropriate
To prevent the moon from becoming an area of conflict, the States Parties to the
treaty undertook to establish an international regime to govern the exploitation of
its mineral and other natural resources, characterised by rational management and
equitable sharing of benefits. Since these treaties were formulated, no significant
developments have taken place with respect to exploitation of the moon’s mineral
and other natural resources.

The Case of Antarctica

The issue of ‘ownership’ of Antarctica is far from settled, having been claimed by
several States that entered into the Antarctic Treaty in 1959. This led to the devel-
opment of protocols and other treaties, constituting what is called the Antarctic
Treaty System, which involves only States either claiming Antarctica or manifest-
ing concrete interest in it. While multilateral in nature, it involves a limited number
of States and its legitimacy has been questioned, even by the General Assembly of
the United Nations.
Within the framework of the Antarctic Treaty System, the States Parties thereto
formulated the Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Ac-
tivities or CRAMRA (1988). After years of difficult and complex negotiations,
they arrived at a convention text that was both praised and criticised. The subject
of many legal discourses, the CRAMRA was seen by some sectors as merely a
mining code, complete with permitting and other legal procedures, which effec-
10 International Comparative Mineral Law and Policy

tively threw open the doors to the exploitation of a critical and sensitive environ-
ment. Others praised what they considered the convention’s strong environmental
safeguards, and viewed it as a pragmatic document intended to regulate possible
attempts at mineral development in a vulnerable area.10
The CRAMRA, however, was never ratified. Legal analysts have differed in
their assessment of the CRAMRA’s status, with some declaring it dead, others
relegating it to legal limbo, and still others viewing it as capable of resurrection,
whether in itself or as a model for a future regulatory framework.11 The legal diag-
nosis of the CRAMRA is currently moot, in view of the parties’ decision to enter
into the Madrid Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (1991).
The Madrid Protocol aimed at manifesting the parties’ commitment to compre-
hensive protection of the Antarctic environment. Antarctica was designated as a
natural reserve, devoted to peace and science. Most significantly for purposes of
this article, the Protocol imposed a 50-year prohibition or moratorium on mineral
resource activities other than for scientific research. Although certain clauses in
the Protocol, such as those allowing parties to disengage themselves from the 50-
year moratorium, have been criticised as contrary to the agreement’s environmental
protection objectives, this has not happened so far and, thus, the prohibition of
mineral resource activities within Antarctica stands.

The Seabed Mining Regime

The most developed international governance regime or regulatory framework for

mineral resources activities exists in the case of the deep seabed as provided under
the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 (UNCLOS III).
Under Part XI, the seabed and its resources are recognised as constituting the ‘com-
mon heritage of humankind.’ Its original formulation stressed the equitable sharing
of benefits derived from seabed mining. Requirements such as those on mandated
technology transfer, royalties, taxes and other payments were imposed and were

Weiss (1995), for example, represents the view that exploitation of Antarctica’s mineral re-
sources would violate established international law and that given the area’s unique
characteristics, mining would place it and the global environment in jeopardy. Vicuna (1996),
on the other hand, supports the position that CRAMRA dealt very stringently with environ-
mental issues and that there was an objective need for a regulatory framework for potential
mining activities in Antarctica.
Zang, 1991.
Mining and Sustainable Development: Insights from International Law 11

largely rejected by industrialised countries. Contentious debates surrounding the

deep seabed mining regime are cited as a reason for the delay in obtaining the
necessary number of ratifications for the convention which entered into force in
In the interim, when no agreement could be reached on deep seabed mining as
it was originally formulated, several industrialised States entered into relevant agree-
ments. The Provisional Understanding Regarding Deep Seabed Mining (1984),
entered into by Belgium, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan,
the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States, provided that no party
shall authorise, or itself engage in the exploitation of the hard mineral resources of
the deep seabed before 1 January 1988. In a similar manner, an Agreement on the
Resolution of Practical Problems with Respect to Deep Seabed Mining Areas (1987)
was entered into by Canada, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, and the then Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Apparently in order to make Part XI more acceptable to industrialised coun-
tries, the Agreement Relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea (1994) was negotiated. It still maintained the
declaration that the deep seabed was the common heritage of mankind ‘to be shared
by all nations and not subject to traditional territorial sovereignty’. Unlike its original
formulation, however, the revised agreement did not contain detailed production
policies, systems of assistance to land-based producers, tax impositions or manda-
tory transfer of technology. In their place were provisions deemed favourable to
industrialised countries such as the assurance that market-oriented approaches would
be used in management, reduction in the size of institutions, and substantial repre-
sentation in decision-making bodies.
In July 2000, the Regulation on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic
Nodules in the Area was formulated. As the first set of rules adopted to implement
Part XI, it covers only prospecting and exploration, and includes preliminary mat-
ters such as the content, procedure and fees for applications and exploration
contracts. It also contains provisions on the protection of the marine environment,
confidentiality, settlement of disputes and other general provisions.
The Agreement Relating to the Implementation of Part XI thus contains what
appears to be the only broad-based international regulatory framework for mineral
activities in force today, although it applies only to mining and minerals in deep
seabed areas.

Heim, 1990.
12 International Comparative Mineral Law and Policy



The last three decades have seen significant developments in international envi-
ronmental law through the proliferation of multilateral environmental agreements
and the formulation of a comprehensive agenda for the environment and natural
resources. Landmark environmental legal instruments developed by the interna-
tional community at Stockholm and Rio, the UN General Assembly and most
recently at Johannesburg, have played an instrumental role in the ‘universalisation
of environmental law’13 and the development of the sustainable development para-

3.1. The Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment and the World
Charter for Nature

Over 130 nations took part in the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human En-
vironment which recognised that many environmental problems required
international concerted efforts14 and which resulted in the Declaration of the United
Nations Conference on the Human Environment and Action Plan for the Human
Environment. The Declaration provides, in part, that the non-renewable resources
of the earth must be employed in such a way as to guard against the danger of their
future exhaustion and to ensure that all humankind shares benefits from such utili-
The Action Plan contained many recommendations on the different sectors of
the environment and natural resources. Recommendation 56 on mining and min-
eral resources focused on the accessibility, further accumulation and dissemination
of pertinent information. Specifically, it recommended that the Secretary-General
provide the appropriate vehicle for the exchange of information on mining and
mineral processing, including the environmental conditions of mine sites, the ac-
tion taken in respect of the environment, and positive and negative environmental
Further it proposed that the appropriate United Nations bodies send experts to
assist developing countries, to provide adequate information on the technology for

Caldwell, 1999.
Futrell, 1997.
Mining and Sustainable Development: Insights from International Law 13

preventing adverse effects of mining on the environment and the adverse health
and safety effects associated with the mineral industry. This body of information
could then be used for prediction, and criteria for planning and managing mineral
production that would emerge as development progressed would indicate where
certain kinds of mining should be limited, where reclamation costs would be par-
ticularly high and where other problems would arise.
Ten years after Stockholm, the General Assembly of the United Nations prom-
ulgated Resolution 37/7, the World Charter for Nature, which provides that natural
resources shall not be wasted, but used with a restraint appropriate to the princi-
ples set forth therein. With respect specifically to non-renewable resources that are
consumed as they are used, it provides that these shall be exploited with restraint,
taking into account their abundance, rational possibilities of converting them for
consumption, and the compatibility of their exploitation with the functioning of
natural systems.
The Stockholm Declaration and Action Plan, together with the World Charter
for Nature, are foundational instruments for what is now a complex body of inter-
national environmental law. These are significant for the mining sector in their
recognition of the value of non-renewable resources and concern for their develop-
ment, management and consumption.

3.2. The World Conference on Environment and Development and the

World Summit on Sustainable Development

The Stockholm Declaration, Action Plan and the World Charter for Nature are
important international legal instruments which helped pave the way for further
development in the area of international environmental law. Ten years after the
World Charter of Nature and 20 years after Stockholm, the World Summit on En-
vironment and Development was held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.15
The Rio Declaration reiterates the long-standing principle on the sovereign right
of States to exploit their resources pursuant however to their environment and de-
velopment policies and the requirement to notify concerned States of any natural
disasters, emergencies or adverse transboundary environmental effects.

The largest gathering ever of ministers and heads of 172 States attended the Rio Summit.
States Parties there signed five international instruments: the Rio Declaration on Environ-
ment and Development (Rio Declaration), Agenda 21, the Statement on Forest Principles, the
Convention on Biological Diversity and the Framework Convention on Climate Change.
14 International Comparative Mineral Law and Policy

In contrast to the Stockholm instruments and the World Charter for Nature, the
conventions entered into at Rio do not make any specific mention of minerals or
other non-renewable resources. However, Rio definitively ushered in the paradigm
of ‘sustainable development’ which views economic progress as inseparable from
environmental protection and social concerns in the pursuit of genuine human
Principle 1 of the Rio Declaration provides that human beings are at the centre
of concerns for sustainable development and are entitled to healthy and productive
lives in harmony with nature. As such, the genuine development and welfare of
human beings are both the fundamental motivation and ultimate objective of any
initiative, agreement or programme. Further, Principle 25 expressly provides
that peace, development and environmental protection are interdependent and
Emerging principles of sustainable development are also evident in the Rio
Declaration, such as the recognition of the right of human beings to development
and access to information and justice. It emphasises the importance of public aware-
ness and participation, the balancing of the needs of present and future generations,
the recognition of the special situation and needs of developing countries, com-
mon but differentiated responsibilities and the need for cooperation in a spirit of
global partnership.
With respect to primarily environmental concerns, the Declaration encourages,
inter alia, the precautionary approach, internalisation of environmental costs, and
use of economic instruments and environmental impact assessment. On social is-
sues, participation of different groups is recognised and encouraged. Particular
importance is given to indigenous peoples’ unique knowledge and their role in
environmental management.
Similar to the Action Plan formulated at the Stockholm Conference, Rio also
witnessed the signing of Agenda 21, a comprehensive blueprint for sustainable
development covering five major areas: socio-economic dimensions, conservation
and resource management, strengthening the role of major groups, and measures
of implementation. Like the Stockholm Declaration, Action Plan and World Char-
ter for Nature, the Rio Declaration and Agenda 21 are not legally binding. They
are, however, landmark statements of principles established by the international
‘Soft law’ principles in international law such as those contained in the Rio
Declaration, although not legally binding, carry ‘strong moral obligations’ and
Mining and Sustainable Development: Insights from International Law 15

influence both international and national policies.16 Thus, these ‘soft law’ princi-
ples have paved the way for their incorporation not only in legally binding
multilateral agreements entered into since Rio but also in many national laws.
Ten years after Rio, the international community gathered once again in Johan-
nesburg and reaffirmed ‘sustainable development as a central element of the
international agenda and gave new impetus to global action to fight poverty and
protect the environment’.17 The Summit adopted the Johannesburg Declaration on
Sustainable Development and the Plan of Implementation. The Plan of Action
stresses commitments and targets to achieve progress on broad concerns led by
poverty eradication, water and sanitation, health, sustainable production and con-
sumption, energy, chemicals and management of the natural resource base. It also
placed great emphasis on corporate responsibility and the importance of partner-
ships among governments, business and civil society.
Of great significance is Part IV18 of the Plan of Action which focuses on mining.
Section 46 thereof provides the international community’s most recent and defini-
tive statement of foundational principles on mining, echoing the intent of the
Stockholm Action Plan and filling in the gap that was evident at Rio. It begins with
the recognition that minerals are essential for modern living and further provides
that enhancing the contribution of mining, minerals and metals to sustainable de-
velopment includes actions and partnerships at all levels to address the difficult
concerns throughout the life-cycles of mining operations. These concerns include:
the environmental, economic, health and social impacts and benefits of mining;
the need to promote transparency and accountability for sustainable mining and
minerals development; participation of stakeholders, including local and indig-
enous communities and women; financial, technical and capacity-building support
to developing countries on, inter alia, small-scale mining, value-added process-
ing, scientific and technological information, reclamation and rehabilitation of
degraded sites.

Allen, 2001.
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Key Outcomes of the Summit,
< html/documents/summit_docs/2009_keyoutcomes_
commitments.doc> (September 2002).
Part IV is ‘Protecting and managing the natural resource base of economic and social devel-
opment’. See United Nations, Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, U.N.
Doc. A/CONF.199/20*, < html/documents/summit_docs/
131302_wssd_ reports_reissued.pdf> (26 August – 4 September 2002).
16 International Comparative Mineral Law and Policy

These brief provisions have already being criticised as an inadequate response

to the difficult issues raised by mining and that a more aggressive approach is
needed in such efforts as the on-going World Bank’s Extractive Industries Re-
view.19 In the context of Agenda 21’s silence, the express inclusion in the Johannes-
burg Plan of Action of provisions on mining, which frame it within the context of
sustainable development, is extremely significant. The adoption of these provi-
sions represents the formal recognition by the international community that mining
has a role in and contribution to sustainable development which depends, however,
on the approach to the ‘cradle-to-grave’ concerns – from planning to closure –
attendant to the life-cycles of mining operations.



A rigid and literal interpretation of principles of sustainability may lead to the

conclusion that mining (given the inevitable environmental impacts of extraction
and that mineral consumption leaves less for future generations) are inherently
inconsistent with sustainable development. A less rigid view, not inconsistent with
sustainable development, considers the broader context and development of inter-
national environmental law and resource utilisation.
The general silence on non-renewable resources at Rio does underscore, how-
ever, the difficulties in adapting or relating principles of sustainable development
in the context of mining and mineral resources. While the Johannesburg Plan of
Action introduced the concepts of ‘sustainable mining practices’ and ‘sustainable
mining and minerals development’, it did not expressly propose the formulation of
general criteria or binding governance regimes to further clarify their interpreta-
tion, scope and application.
The international community, however, has recommended the formulation of
general principles to direct mining activities, as early as the 1972 Stockholm Ac-
tion Plan. This plan proposed the formulation of criteria for planning and managing
mineral production, with specific indicators for where certain kinds of mining should
be limited and where reclamation costs would be high. It also recommended that
relevant United Nations bodies take appropriate action.

Sampat, 2002.
Mining and Sustainable Development: Insights from International Law 17

In this regard, the United Nations Environment Programme or UNEP20 con-

vened a multi-sectoral group in 1991 which resulted in the formulation of
Fundamental Principles for the Mining Sector or Berlin Guidelines. The statement
called for governments, mining companies and minerals industries to, among other
issues: recognise environmental management as a high priority, establish environ-
mental accountability, and ensure the participation and dialogue with the affected
communities and other directly interested parties on the environmental aspects of
all phases of mining activities. Similar efforts to develop guidelines, criteria and
indicators for mining and sustainability are likewise being undertaken by govern-
ments, the mining industry, NGOs and financial institutions.
The increasing involvement of the mining industry raises the question of why
companies that conduct or intend to conduct operations purely within the bounda-
ries of one State, as mining activities characteristically are, would support the
formulation of international criteria and principles.
One answer lies in common sense, or perhaps more appropriately, good busi-
ness sense. As pointed out by the UN Global Compact,21 as markets have gone
global, so must corporate citizenship and social responsibility. Principles of sus-
tainable development ultimately must make good business sense in the context of
the global economy.
It may be said that initiatives of industry, international organisations, NGOs and
other sectors cannot lead to the formal development of international legal instru-
ments on mining and sustainable development inasmuch as parties thereto must be
States. However, non-State players, economic and other factors have clearly influ-
enced recent developments in international law. The role of NGOs, business and
other sectors, whose interests are increasingly represented in official delegations
of States, is clearly influential in the treaty-making process today, as evidenced in
Rio and in other international treaty negotiations.

UNEP was established following the Stockholm Conference to promote international coop-
eration in the field of environment and to recommend, as appropriate, policies to this end, to
provide general policy guidance for the direction and coordination of environmental pro-
grammes within the United Nations system.
A United Nations initiative seeking to promote good corporate practices based on universally
accepted principles of international law. See United Nations, Secretary-General Proposes
Global Compact on Human Rights, Labour, Environment, In Address to World Economic
Forum in Davos, U.N. Document SG/SM/6881/Rev.1*, <
davos.htm #speech> (31 January 1999).
18 International Comparative Mineral Law and Policy

Whether these initiatives will ultimately contribute to the development of a for-

mal body of international law on mining and sustainable development remains to
be seen. Essential to the further development of international law, whether it be in
the form of a statement of principles or the establishment of a more complex gov-
ernance regime, is consensus among States. Such consensus is the source of
legitimacy and authority for the implementation and enforcement of international
law where, unlike national legal systems, a presumed authority and a recognised
enforcement mechanism almost always exists. For any guidelines or indicators to
contribute to the development of international law on mining and sustainability,
consensus among States through their governments is essential.
Recognised and emerging principles of sustainable development include State
sovereignty over natural resources and responsibility not to cause damage to the
environment in areas beyond national jurisdictions, sustainable use of natural re-
sources, people’s right to development and a healthy environment, equity and the
eradication of poverty, the prevention of environmental harm and the precaution-
ary principle.
Developing international law on mining in the context of sustainable develop-
ment would call for an analysis of these principles as they relate to the mining and
minerals sector. The continuing challenge of applicability and relevance lies here.
It may be evident how the principle of State sovereignty and the duty to prevent
transboundary harm may be immediately relevant to mineral resources activities,
as it has been for decades, but this may not be the case for the requirement of
‘sustainable use’ which is traditionally understood as applying to renewable re-
sources. Nor would the application of the precautionary principle, which provides
that the lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing
cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation, be readily apparent
where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage.
Other emerging principles also call for further reflection and analysis in the
context of the mining and minerals sector. Could the principle of ‘common but
differentiated responses’ together with the ‘special treatment of developing coun-
tries’ provide a basis for the formulation of indicators of sustainability that are
specifically applicable to mining activities conducted by industrialised States or
multinational companies in developing countries? Can, and to what extent may the
principles of public participation and access to information be standardised and
implemented in large-scale mining operations?
Different international legal instruments offer valuable insight with respect to
the applicability of sustainable development principles to mining. The Aarhus Pro-
tocol, discussed above, designed measures to anticipate, prevent or minimise
emissions of certain heavy metals and their related compounds expressly as an
Mining and Sustainable Development: Insights from International Law 19

application of the precautionary principle. The Stockholm Declaration also pro-

vides guidance on the interpretation of ‘sustainable use’ of resources in the context
of minerals. The Declaration provides that non-renewable resources of the earth
must be employed in such a way as to guard against the danger of their future
exhaustion and to ensure that all humankind shares benefits from such utilisation.
Thus there would appear to be two complementary perspectives on ‘sustainable
use’ of mineral resources. The first pertains to the resource itself where its use is
extended through, for example, rational development and management as well as
through recycling and other technologies. The second pertains to the benefits from
its use, which should be shared and extended in ways that lead to other productive
The analysis of sustainable development principles in the context of mining and
minerals, or alternatively the reshaping of the sector in the context of sustainable
development, are tasks that will not and should not be done in a vacuum. It is
evident that there is much to build on from at least two sources: existing interna-
tional legal instruments and principles relevant to mining as well as the on-going
initiatives to develop standards and indicators of mining and sustainability.


The sovereign right of a State to exploit its mineral resources has long been recog-
nised but has always been qualified by the responsibility to ensure that activities
do not cause transboundary environmental harm. In the last three decades, multi-
lateral environmental agreements, insofar as they are binding on States that have
voluntarily entered into them or are recognised as customary in international law,
increasingly affect where and how mining is carried out. While the Rio instru-
ments made no specific mention of mining, these ushered in the paradigm of
‘sustainable development’ that rendered inevitable a re-examination of a sector
often regarded as destructive and unsustainable.
This re-examination has witnessed various initiatives to develop indicators for
sustainability and responsibility in mining which have been undertaken by indus-
try, international bodies, governments, NGOs and financial institutions. These
initiatives reveal a sector striving to redefine itself in the context of sustainable
Principle 27 of the Rio Declaration issues a general invitation for States and
people to ‘cooperate in good faith and in a spirit of partnership… in the further
development of international law in the field of sustainable development’. For the
mining sector in particular, this invitation is now a greater challenge to define
20 International Comparative Mineral Law and Policy

‘sustainable mining and minerals development’, a concept formally recognised at

the Johannesburg Summit. It is in the context of this challenge that the different
national and international initiatives to discuss global mining issues and possible
international standards and indicators for sustainability in mining become most
responsive and relevant.

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22 International Comparative Mineral Law and Policy

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