Labor Law Arbitration 2016
Labor Law Arbitration 2016
Labor Law Arbitration 2016
Social Legislations
National President, Federation of Free Workers
Former Commissioner, Social Security Commission;
Former Executive Director V, Presidential Anti-Graft
Law Lecturer, UPH-College of Law
UM-College of Law and MLQU-School of Law;
JUNE 18, 2016
The dreamers of the
The dreamers Night forget their
of the day dreams after the woke
& the Up in the morning
dreamers of The dreamers of the day
The night Pursue their dreams
with open eyes.
- Lawrence of Arabia
Law & Jurisprudence
–Constitution, legislative acts,
administrative issuances
–Decisions of the SC
ILO Convention Part of Law of the land
Secondary; or
The primary sources of the laws
Physical or
What is mental exertion
Necessary to
Produce goods/
deliver services
Broader concept: Labor may include
the labor force who are employed or
those who are willing work but are
temporarily unemployed.
Social Justice
- Ramon Magsaysay
Social Justice
Calalang vs
Williams, Humanization Equalization
70Phils 726 of laws S&E forces
Social justice is the promotion of the welfare of all the
people, the adoption by the government of measures
calculated to insure economic stability of all the
component elements of society thru the maintenance of
proper economic equilibrium in the interrelations of the
members of the community, constitutionally, thru the
adoption of measures legally justifiable, or extra-
constitutionally, thru the exercise of the power of the
government, based on the time-honored principle of salus
populi est suprema lex.”
“The social justice
principles of labor law
outweigh or render
inapplicable the civil
law doctrine of unjust
Set out Must
Conditions &
the minimum Provide or
Comply with
Labor Relations
1.Right to organize;
Article XIII 2.Right to CB & Nego;
Section 3 3.Peaceful concerted
1987 Consti- activities, strike;
4.Security of tenure;
5.Humane condition
of work; wage;
& 7.participate in
Decision making
Management Prerogative
vs. JOY C. CABILES, August 5, 2014), Justice Leonen said:
CBA Laws
company practice
of employees
Management Prerogatives emanate
from an owner’s property right
Jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrators or
Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators (Art. 261-
262, Labor Code)
Concurrent Jurisdiction
Any other labor dispute upon agreement of the party may be
submitted to a voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators.
Before or at any stage of the compulsory arbitration process, the
parties may opt to submit to their dispute to voluntary arbitration.
To hold hearings;
To receive evidence;
To take whatever action is necessary to resolve the
issue/s subject of the dispute;
To conciliate or mediate to aid the parties in
reaching a voluntary settlement of the dispute;
To issue a writ of execution to enforce final
decisions, orders, resolutions or awards.
Labor Arbiter on Termination
The labor arbiter, the appellate court, and the NLRC differed in their rulings
on the matter of jurisdiction. The labor arbiter and the appellate court
agreed with Ayson and the union’s position. The labor arbiter assumed
jurisdiction and emphasized that when the union met with Landtex on 8 July
1996, Ayson was no longer an employee becauseLandtex terminated him
effective 30 June 1996. The manifestation of the union’s desire to “refer the
matter to a third party in accordance with law and the CBA” does not deviate
from the fact that Ayson was already dismissed. On the other hand, the
NLRC sustained Landtex and William Go’s position. The NLRC asserted that
the determination of whether Ayson’s dismissal constitutes a “disciplinary
action” within the scope of the CBA calls for an interpretation of the
CBA. When the union called for a meeting withLandtex, the union effectively
initiated the grievance procedure. Thus, Ayson’s case should have been
subjected to voluntary arbitration.
The SC agreed with Ayson and the union and affirm the rulings of the labor
arbiter and the appellate court. (Landtex vs Ayson and FFW, August 9, 2007)
Termination disputes fall under the
jurisdiction of the labor arbiter
Q: Is the no EE-ER
Rep. of Phils. stipulation binding
Represented by To parties in contract?
SSS & SSC vs
Asiapro Coop Ans: No. provision must
(Nov 23, 2007): be struck down as
it circumvents the law
The Service contract in question must be struck down for
being contrary to law and public policy since it is apparently
being used by the respondent cooperative merely to
circumvent the compulsory Coverage of its employees,
who are also its owners-members,
by the social security law.
Other than the NLRC, can the
Secretary of Labor Determine
EE/ER Relationship?
Yes! No limitation in the law was placed
upon the power of the DOLE to determine
the existence of an employer-employee
relationship. No procedure was laid down
where the DOLE would only make a
preliminary finding, that the power was
primarily held by the NLRC (Bombo Radyo
vs Sec of Labor, Regional Dirctor and
Juezan, March 6, 2012)
Bombo Radyo case
Centesimus Annus (1991)
Social Teaching calls for the adoption of
adequate social protection for all workers
(C.A. # 10)
i.e. Unemployment insurance, pension,
health insurance & compensation in case of
as measure to restore dignity of work and to
ensure fair wage levels for the maintenance
of worker and his family
Workers’ movement has big role in the
adoption of these social protection.
• Coverage is compulsory
• Contributions are shared between the employer
and employee
• Funds are pooled to pay for the members’
• Surplus funds are put on reserve and are
• Amount of benefits depends on contributions
• There are inter-generation cross-subsidies
Mandatory Coverage
• Workers from the private sector; not
over 60 years of age
• Household helpers;
• Seafarers deployed by local manning
agencies in foreign ships
• Public utility drivers
Who is an employee?
"On 21 March 1989, Republic Act No. 6715 took effect, amending
the Labor Code. Article 279 thereof states in part:
"Article 279. Security of Tenure. An employee who is unjustly
dismissed from work shall be entitled to reinstatement without
loss of seniority rights and other privileges and to his full
backwages, inclusive of allowances, and to his other benefits or
their monetary equivalent, computed from the time his
compensation is withheld from him up to the time of his actual
reinstatement… "
The employer has the option to reinstate an
employee who has been declared illegally dismissed,
either physically or in the payroll. The employer
must have to notify the employee of its option
“The detail that the number and names of the striking members
of petitioner union were not specified in the decision nor in the
complaint is of no consequence xxx. It is the function precisely of a
labor union such as petitioner to carry the representation of its
members particularly against employers’ unfair labor practice against
it and its members and to file an action for their benefit and behalf
without joining them and to avoid the cumbersome procedure of
joining each and every member as a separate party.”
– (e) To sue and be sued in its registered name; xxx] This right,
however, does not deprive its individual members of their
concomitant right to file a case in their own names, nor of their
right to withdraw from any case filed by the union in their behalf.
More importantly, the individual member may seasonably
exercise his option to withdraw from a case filed by his union if
he does not want to be bound thereby
Members who have no manifes-
tation to withdraw, bound by
the decision
In Philippine Land-Sea-Air Labor Union
(PLASLU), Inc. vs. CIR, 20 [93 Phil.
747 (1953)] this court ruled that only
those members of the petitioning
union who did not signify their
intention to withdraw from the case
before its trial and judgment on the
merits are bound by the outcome of
the case.”
Quitclaims and releases are not effective
bar to employees claims arising from
unfair labor practice
[21] Air Phils vs Zamora G.R. No. 148247, August 7, 2006, 498
SCRA 59.
[22] Kimberly Clark (Phils), Inc. v. Facundo, supra.
Gross violation of CBA
• Local and foreign
companies doing business
in the Philippines
Voluntary Coverage:
Employees separated from Employment
• Former private sector employees or former self-employed
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)
• A former employee or self-employed member who has an
existing SSS number is no longer required to register again
as an OFW-member
Non-Working Spouses
• The legal spouse of a currently employed and actively
paying SSS member
Employees of International Organizations and foreign
embassies in the Philippines
• Filipinos hired by foreign institutions may be voluntarily
covered under an administrative agreement
All creditable services or periods of contributions made
continuously or in the aggregate of a worker under either the
GSIS or SSS shall be added up and considered for purposes of
eligibility and computation of benefits.
All services rendered or contributions paid by a member
personally and those that were paid by the employers to either
SSS or GSIS shall be considered in the computation of benefits
which may be claimed from SSS or GSIS. However, the amount
of benefits to be paid by one System shall be in proportion to the
services rendered / periods of contributions made to that
Bar Question (2014)
Luisito has been working with Lima Land for 20
years. Wanting to work in the public sector, Luisito
applied with and was offered a job at Livecor.
Before accepting the offer, he wanted to consult
you whether the payments that he and Lima Land
had made to the Social Security System (SSS) can
be transferred or credited to the Government
Service Insurance System (GSIS). What would you
advice? (4%)
Suggested Anwer
Section 3 of Republic Act No. 7699 reads:
“SEC 3.Xxx, a covered worker who transfer(s)
employment from one sector to another or is
employed in both sectors, shall have his creditable
services or contributions in both systems credited to
his service or contribution record in each of the
Systems and shall be totalized for purposes of old-
age, disability, survivorship, and other benefits in
case the covered employee does not qualify for
such benefits in either or both Systems without
totalization xxx”
Suggested Answer
Thank you!