Sports Med 10 Knee Unit Plan
Sports Med 10 Knee Unit Plan
Sports Med 10 Knee Unit Plan
Grade Level 10
Unit Assessment Plan Topic Knee
Length of Unit 10 days
Date Lesson G SL Assessment Key Questions Learning Activities Safety Instr Equipment Mot
Plann Title L O’s related to this uctio /
ed to O Lesson nal Resources/
Teach ’s Strat Technolog
egies y
Introductio 3 3.4 -Observation Why is 1. Go over the anatomy of -Go over the -DI PowerPoint - using
March n to the 4.4 -Participation listening to the knee expectations for the -PSI -Laptops different
16th Knee Unit 4 your body Labelling diagrams unit: being respectful -Injury resources
-knee imperative for (students will have blank towards others and Chart (laptops)
anatomy/di increased well- ones and will fill it in as myself and creating a -Fill in the
agrams being and sport we go through them) safe learning space blank notes -Videos
/injuries performance? Students will have fill in
What are the the blank notes for the -Give students
anatomical PowerPoint and will fill warning of the surgical
structures that them in as we go through videos I will play
make up the the slides
knee joint? 2. Jigsaw activity for
Students will be
broken into 9 groups
(9 injuries) and will do
research on their given
injury. They can use
their textbook and
laptops to find
3. After they have done
research, 1 member of
each injury will meet
together and share their
findings with the group.
Students will fill in the
information on a chart I
will provide
March HE Knee 3 5.1 -Observation What are the 1. Review the anatomy - Go over the -DI PowerPoint - Videos
17th injury and 5.1 -Taping different taping of the knee expectations for the -Kahoot -
taping 4 5.5 checklist techniques used Play an interactive unit: being respectful Interactiv
5.8 -Participation for knee game (Kahoot) towards others and e
5 -Kahoot injuries? 2. Go over what a hyper- myself and creating a games
Quiz extended knee injury safe learning space
Why is is (show pictures)
listening to 3. Go over how to tape a Students are expected
your body hyper-extended knee to clean up the used
imperative for I will play a video, tape
increased well- then demonstrate on a
being and sport student, then students -Students will follow
performance? will get into partners the taping instructions
and tape each other to ensure safety
What are the knee amongst all students
anatomical Students will come up and ask if they have
structures that and show me their questions
make up the tape jobs
knee joint? -Give students
warning of the surgical
videos I will play
March MCL/LCL 3 5.1 -Observation What are the 1. Review the steps of - Go over the PowerPoint - Videos
18th Injury and 5.1 -Taping different taping taping a HE Knee expectations for the -DI
taping 4 5.5 checklist techniques used 2. Review the knee unit: being respectful
5.8 -Participation for knee ligaments towards others and
5 injuries? (MCL/LCL/ACL/PCL myself and creating a
) safe learning space
Why is 3. Go through
listening to PowerPoint with fill in -Students are expected
your body the blank notes. The to clean up the used
imperative for PowerPoint will tape
increased well- include pictures,
being and sport descriptions and - Students will follow
performance? videos. the taping instructions
What are the 4. Go through the steps to ensure safety
anatomical of teaching an MCL amongst all students
structures that and LCL tape job and ask
make up the (break up video and if they have questions
knee joint? write steps on the
board) - Give students
5. I will demonstrate on a warning of the surgical
student, then students videos I will play
will get into partners
and tape each other
Practice 5.1 -Observation What are the 1. Kahoot Quiz - Go over the -DI PowerPoint
March Knee 3 5.1 -Taping different 2. Students will complete expectations for the -Taping -Videos
19th Taping 5.5 checklist taping a written chart of the unit: being respectful chart
4 5.8 -Participation techniques different knee tapes as towards others and -Kahoot
-Kahoot used for knee a review. This can be myself and creating a Quiz
5 Quiz injuries? done in groups. At the safe learning space
beginning students
Why is will not be able to use -Students are expected
listening to their notes, but at the to clean up the used
your body end they can. This tape
imperative for helps with testing their
increased well- memory when it - Students will follow
being and comes to the taping the taping instructions
sport steps to ensure safety
performance? 3. Then students will amongst all students
practice the HE knees and ask if they have
What are the tape, MCL, LCL tape questions
anatomical This provides students
structures that the opportunity to
make up the practice tapings for
knee joint? upcoming exam and
re-do any tapings if
need be
Hamstring 3 5.1 -Observation -Why is listening to 1. Introduce the anatomy - Go over the -DI PowerPoint - using
March and 5.1 -Participation your body of the hamstring and expectations for the -PSI -Laptop different
23rd Quadricep 4 5.5 imperative for quadricep unit: being respectful -Fill in the resources
Injuries 5.8 increased well- 2. Go through a towards others and blank notes (laptops)
5 being and sport PowerPoint with myself and creating a
performance? diagrams, injuries and safe learning space
treatment. Students
- What are the will have fill in the -Students are expected
anatomical blank notes to follow to clean up the used
structures that along tape
make up the 3. Students will do a
quadcripes and jigsaw activity such as - Give students
hamstrings? they did for the knee. warning of the surgical
This time the focus videos I will play
will be on hamstring
and quadriceps
injuries. Students will
fill in a chart about
their injury then
discuss and share with
other students who
have researched
different injuries
4. As a class, we will
review all injuries to
ensure all students
have the correct
March Knee/Thigh 3 3.4 -Observation -Why is listening to 1. Kahoot review quiz on - Go over the -DI -Kahoot -Students
24th worksheet/ 4.4 -Knee/Thigh your body the anatomy of the expectations for the Quiz can work
Chapter 7 4 worksheet imperative for quad and hamstrings unit: being respectful in
-Participation increased well- 2. Students will complete towards others and partners
5 -Kahoot being and sport a knee and thigh myself and creating a to
Quiz performance? worksheet, this will be safe learning space complete
used as a study tool worksheet
-What are the 3. Once finished students Students will follow
anatomical will work through the taping instructions
structures that chapter 7 answering to ensure safety
make up the knee the questions that are amongst all students
joint? at the end of the and ask if they have
chapter questions
- What are the -Students will show me their
anatomical work once they completed it, - Give students
structures that then I will provide the answer warning of the surgical
make up the key th videos I will play
quadcripes and 4. For the remainder of
hamstrings? class, students can
practice taping and re-
done/complete any
tapings that they
March Review 3 4.4 -Observation -Why is listening to 1. Kahoot Quiz - Go over the -DI PowerPoint -Students
26th period 5.1 -Participation your body reviewing the injuries expectations for the -Kahoot can work
4 5.1 -Kahoot imperative for of knee, quads, and unit: being respectful Quiz in
5.5 Quiz increased well- hamstrings towards others and -Chapter 7 partners
5 5.8 being and sport 2. Students will get into myself and creating a worksheet to
performance? groups of 3-5 and safe learning space complete
come up with 10 quiz Students will follow worksheet
-What are the type questions with the the taping instructions
anatomical answers. Each group to ensure safety
structures that will submit their amongst all students
make up the knee questions and answers and ask if they have
joint? and I will use these questions
questions to play a
review game the next - Give students
class warning of the surgical
videos I will play
March Study for 3 3.4 -Review -Why is listening to 1. Beginning Slip: ask - Go over the -DI PowerPoint Using an
30th Knee exam 4.4 Game your body students to write on a expectations for the -Jeopardy interactiv
4 5.1 -Participation imperative for sticky note: unit: being respectful game e review
5.1 -Exit increased well- -Any questions they still towards others and game
5 5.5 (beginning) being and sport have regarding the knee myself and creating a (competiti
5.8 slip performance? unit. safe learning space on style)
-What their favorite tape
-What are the job was? -Students will follow
anatomical 2. Play a class the taping instructions
structures that jeopardy/Kahoot to ensure safety
make up the knee review game amongst all students
joint? 3. This will be a period and ask if they have
to review for the exam questions
-What are the and answer any
anatomical questions students
structures that may have, along with
make up the students have catch up
quadcripes and on any of the tape jobs
hamstrings? that they have missed
or would like to re-do
March Knee exam 3 3.4 -Unit Exam -Why is listening to 1. Students will receive -Go over the -DI -Hard copy -N/A
31st 4.4 your body their Knee Unit Exam expectations for the of knee
4 5.1 imperative for 2. Students will have the unit: being respectful exam
5.1 increased well- full period to write towards others and
5 5.5 being and sport 3. When students finish, myself and creating a
5.8 performance? they can quietly do safe learning space
other work
-What are the
structures that
make up the knee
Assessmen Cognitive
Assessment Tool Brief Description t FOR/OF Engagement
Learning (Taxonomy)
-Students are expected to come
to class and be actively
engaged during the lesson
-Each day students will be
given a mark out of 5.
-Students will be marked on:
-Attendance (coming to class)
-Participating in class Observation/
Participation/Observation For and of Create
(answering questions) conversation
-Students are on task
-Students are not disruptive
during the lesson (not talking
when I am talking/ not on their
phone when I am teaching)
Taping Checklist:
= 1 point
Finn Boland
Sophia Castillo
Jenna Cej
Lea Champagne
Alicia Clark
Erica Condie
Jackson Crotty
Caiden Crow
Kaitlyn Do
Rylen Earle
Darren Fullido
Kiya Gardiner
Cali Heaven
Mia Hemstreet
Grayce Herrera
Jack Klassen
Makayla Lee
Alexandra Losada
Derek Macauley
Lielyn Magdadaro
Kylie McKenzie
Emily Monteith
Kate Nicholson
Kenzie Prachar
Camille Proulx
Olivia Quan-Soon
Samantha Ramirez
Noah Shostak
Bryn Shoults
Matthew Shutyr
Zamantha Anne Yabut
Jigsaw Knee Injury Worksheet:
Ligament Injuries
Patellar Tendinitis
“Jumpers Knee”
(cartilage) injuries
Dislocation of
Fractures of the
Ilio-tibial band
“Runners knee”
Unhappy Triad
“Blown knee”
(Medial Collateral Ligament)
(Lateral Collateral