Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
Not to be confused with Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics. Maxwell-Boltzmann Molecular Speed Distribution for Noble Gases
momentum with each other or with their thermal envi- Speed (m/s)
( )
1 Distribution function a2 xf ′ (x) + x2 − 2a2 f (x) = 0,
The Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution is the function[5] 2 − 2a12
f (1) = .
m )3 mv 2 Note that a distribution (function) is not the same as the
f (v) = 4πv 2 e− 2kT ,
2πkT probability. The distribution (function) stands for an av-
erage number, as in all three kinds of statistics (Maxwell–
where m is the particle mass and kT is the product of Boltzmann, Bose–Einstein, Fermi–Dirac). With the
Boltzmann’s constant and thermodynamic temperature. Darwin–Fowler method of mean values the Maxwell–
This probability density function gives the probability, Boltzmann distribution is obtained as an exact result.
2 Typical speeds The derivations in this section are along the lines of Boltz-
mann’s 1877 derivation, starting with result known as
The mean speed, most probable speed (mode), and root- Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics (from statistical thermody-
mean-square can be obtained from properties of the namics). Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics gives the aver-
Maxwell distribution. age number of particles found in a given single-particle
microstate, under certain assumptions:[1][6]
• The most probable speed, vp, is the speed most
likely to be possessed by any molecule (of the same
mass m) in the system and corresponds to the maxi-
mum value or mode of f(v). To find it, we calculate where:
the derivative df/dv, set it to zero and solve for v:
• i and j are indices (or labels) of the single-particle
df (v)
=0 micro states,
• Ni is the average number of particles in the single-
which yields:
particle microstate i,
mass of the gas, T is the thermodynamic temperature and Since the energy is proportional to the sum of the squares
k is the Boltzmann constant. This distribution of Nᵢ/N of the three normally distributed momentum compo-
is proportional to the probability density function f for nents, this distribution is a gamma distribution; in par-
finding a molecule with these values of momentum com- ticular, it is a chi-squared distribution with three degrees
ponents, so: of freedom.
By the equipartition theorem, this energy is evenly dis-
tributed among all three degrees of freedom, so that the
energy per degree of freedom is distributed as a chi-
The normalizing constant c, can be determined by rec- squared distribution with one degree of freedom:
ognizing that the probability of a molecule having some
momentum must be 1. Therefore the integral of equation √ [ ]
(4) over all px, py, and pz must be 1. 1 −ϵ
fϵ (ϵ) dϵ = exp dϵ
It can be shown that: πϵkT kT
where ϵ is the energy per degree of freedom. At equi-
librium, this distribution will hold true for any number
of degrees of freedom. For example, if the particles are
Substituting Equation (5) into Equation (4) gives: rigid mass dipoles of fixed dipole moment, they will have
three translational degrees of freedom and two additional
rotational degrees of freedom. The energy in each degree
of freedom will be described according to the above chi-
squared distribution with one degree of freedom, and the
The distribution is seen to be the product of three in- total energy will be distributed according to a chi-squared
dependent normally distributed variables px , py , and distribution with five degrees of freedom. This has impli-
pz , with variance mkT . Additionally, it can be seen cations in the theory of the specific heat of a gas.
that the magnitude of momentum will be distributed
√ as
The Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution can also be ob-
a Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution, with a = mkT .
tained by considering the gas to be a type of quantum
The Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution for the momentum
gas for which the approximation ε >> k T may be made.
(or equally for the velocities) can be obtained more fun-
damentally using the H-theorem at equilibrium within the
Kinetic theory of gases framework. 3.3 Distribution for the velocity vector
Recognizing that the velocity probability density fᵥ is
3.2 Distribution for the energy proportional to the momentum probability density func-
tion by
The energy distribution is found imposing
( )3
3 dp
fv d v = fp d3 v
where d3 p is the infinitesimal phase-space volume of mo-
menta corresponding to the energy interval dE . Making and using p = mv we get
use of the spherical symmetry of the energy-momentum
dispersion relation E = |p|2 /2m , this can be expressed
in terms of dE as
which is the Maxwell–Boltzmann velocity distribution.
The probability of finding a particle with velocity in the
infinitesimal element [dvx, dvy, dvz] about velocity v =
[vx, vy, vz] is
Using then (8) in (7), and expressing everything in terms
of the energy E , we get
fv (vx , vy , vz ) dvx dvy dvz .
√ ( )3/2 ( )
1 −E/kT
√ E the
Like 1 momentum,−E this distribution is seen to be the
fE (E)dE = e 4πm 2mEdE = 2 exp dE
(2πmkT )3/2 product
π kT of three independent
kT normally distributed vari-
ables vx , vy , and vz , but with variance kT m . It can
and finally also be seen that the Maxwell–Boltzmann velocity distri-
bution for the vector velocity [vx, vy, vz] is the product
of the distributions for each of the three directions:
Each component of the velocity vector has a normal dis- [3] University Physics – With Modern Physics (12th Edition),
tribution with mean µvx = µvy = µvz = 0 and standard H.D. Young, R.A. Freedman (Original edition), Addison-
deviation σvx = σvy = σvz = kT Wesley (Pearson International), 1st Edition: 1949, 12th
m , so the vector has
Edition: 2008, ISBN 978-0-321-50130-1
a 3-dimensional normal distribution, a particular kind of
multivariate normal distribution,
√ with mean µv = 0 and
[4] Encyclopaedia of Physics (2nd Edition), R.G. Lerner,
standard deviation σv = m . G.L. Trigg, VHC publishers, 1991, ISBN 3-527-26954-1
(Verlagsgesellschaft), ISBN 0-89573-752-3 (VHC Inc.)
The Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution for the speed fol-
lows immediately from the distribution of the velocity [5] H.J.W. Müller-Kirsten, Basics of Statistical Physics, 2nd
vector, above. Note that the speed is ed., World Scientific (2013),ISBN 978-981-4449-53-3,
Chapter 2.
v= vx2 + vy2 + vz2 [6] McGraw Hill Encyclopaedia of Physics (2nd Edition),
C.B. Parker, 1994, ISBN 0-07-051400-3
and the volume element in spherical coordinates
[7] Laurendeau, Normand M. (2005). Statistical thermody-
namics: fundamentals and applications. Cambridge Uni-
versity Press. p. 434. ISBN 0-521-84635-8., Appendix
dvx dvy dvz = v 2 sin θ dv dθ dϕ N, page 434
7 External links
• “The Maxwell Speed Distribution” from The Wol-
fram Demonstrations Project at Mathworld
8.2 Images
• File:Maxwell-Boltzmann_distribution_cdf.svg Source:
distribution_cdf.svg License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Krishnavedala
• File:Maxwell-Boltzmann_distribution_pdf.svg Source:
distribution_pdf.svg License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Krishnavedala
• File:MaxwellBoltzmann-en.svg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here. Original artist: The original uploader was Pdbailey
at English Wikipedia