Programming Paradigms CSI2120: Jochen Lang EECS, University of Ottawa Canada

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Jochen Lang
EECS, University of Ottawa
Logic Programming in Prolog

• List Representations
– dot operator
– Trees and Vine diagrams
• More List Processing
– Insertion vs. Deletion
– List processing
• Double Recursion
• Accumulators
– Examples

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

List Representations

• Lists can be written with the binary function symbol .

– Instead of using the familar , , … using the binary
function the list is . . …
• The empty list is also noted as nil and is the end marker of
the list
• Examples :
– The list {pie, fruit, cream} is written (pie.(fruit.(cream.nil)))
– The variables X followed by Y can be written as (X.Y)

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Tree Representation of Lists

• Examples:

. .

pie .
fruit .

cream nil

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Fundamental List Properties

• A list is represented by a particular tree with all the leaves

of the tree on branches to the left.
– Sometimes the tree is shown in a vine diagram
. . . nil

pie fruit cream

• Example :
– Solve the equation X.Y = pie.fruit.cream.nil
– Solution:
• {X = pie; Y = fruit.cream.nil}

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Fundamental List Properties (cont’d)

• The notation X.Y represents the head X and the tail Y of the
• The head is the first element and Y is the tail of the list.
– The notion of head and tail of a list is the basis of list
processing in Prolog.
– But the term pie.fruit is not a list just a pair
– Need brackets for a list, i.e., pie.(fruit.nil)

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

List insertion and deletion

• Consider the list insertion predicate from before

listInsert(A,[X|L], [X|LL]) :-
– Query with the list after insertion and get the list before.
?- listInsert(a,L,[b,a,d,a,f]).
L = [b, d, a, f] ;
L = [b, a, d, f] ;
– As a generator, it can produce different solutions because
the element a can be removed from different positions

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Delete Elements from a List

• Deletion of the first occurrence of an element

deleteFront(R,[R|L],L). % Element found
deleteFront(R,[X|LL],[X|L]) :-
deleteFront(R,LL,L). % Use Accumulator
• Delete all occurrences of an element
deleteAll(X,[X|T],Result) :-
deleteAll(X,T,Result),!. % Delete once
deleteAll(X,[H|T],[H|Result]) :-
deleteAll(X,T,Result). % Other element

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Intersection of two lists (set
Lists can represent sets in Prolog
• Simplified intersection assuming the input lists contain no
duplicate elements, i.e., they are sets themselves
intersectList( [], _, [] ).
intersectList( [ X | Xs ], Ys, Zs ) :-
\+member( X, Ys), % built-in
intersectList( Xs, Ys, Zs ).
intersectList( [ X | Xs ], Ys, [ X | Zs ] ) :-
member( X, Ys ),
intersectList( Xs, Ys, Zs ).
• Note there is also a library predicate intersection/3

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Quick Sorting a List

• Recursive sorting
• Quicksort with simply selecting the first element as the
pivot, better to randomize
sortList([P|Q],T) :- partitionList(P,Q,G,D)
– Making use of the library predicate append (could use our
own definition appendList from before).
– Needs partitionList predicate (next slide).

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Partitioning a List

• Splitting a list into 2 lists with a pivot

– One list greater than the pivot
– One list smaller than the pivot
– Use alphanumeric comparison operator
• Instead could use an additional rule lessThan(X,P)
partitionList(P,[X|L],[X|PG],PD) :- X @< P,
partitionList(P,[X|L],PG,[X|PD]) :- X @>= P,

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Invert the Order of a List

mirror([],[]). % empty list is mirrored itself

mirror([X|L1], L2) :- % Take X off the front
mirror(L1,L3), % Mirror the rest L1
append(L3, [X], L2). % Put X at the back
– Note we use built-in append which behaves as appendList
– Queries
?- mirror([1,2,3,4],L).
L= [4,3,2,1].

?- mirror(L,[1,2,3,4]).
L= [4,3,2,1].

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Improved List Inversion

reverseList([],L,L) :- !.
reverseList([H|T],L,R) :-

mirrorAcc(L,R) :- reverseList(L,[],R).

• Note the use of the Cut in the boundary case

• Example
?- mirrorAcc(L,[1,2,3,4]).
L = [4,3,2,1].

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Comparing List Inversion

• First mirror predicate uses double recursion

– first recursion on mirror
– second recursion with append
– Note: replace append/3 with appendList/3 and trace
• Second mirrorAcc predicate uses an accumulator
– Not instantiated variable is passed as an argument to the
base case
– Once reached it is unified all the way up the call stack
– Improved efficiency compared with double recursion
• Only one recursion. Call stack has a depth equals the
length of the list.

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Operators on a List

• Example: Apply an operator to each element of a list

applyToList([],[]). % boundary case
applyToList([X|L],[Y|T]) :- applyOp(X,Y),

• Example: Sum up the elements of a list of numbers

sumList(L,S) :- sumList(L,0,S). % Helper
sumList([],S,S). % Extra argument for result
sumList([X|L],T,S) :- TT is T+X,

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms


• List Representations
– dot operator
– Trees and Vine diagrams
• More List Processing
– Insertion vs. Deletion
– List processing
• Double Recursion
• Accumulators
– Examples

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

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