This document summarizes an experiment on the synthesis of alkyl halides through the reaction of a tertiary alcohol (tert-butyl alcohol) with hydrochloric acid. Tert-butyl chloride was obtained as the product with a 31.75% yield through mixing of reactants, layer separation, decantation, and distillation. The properties of the tert-butyl chloride product clearly differed from the tert-butyl alcohol reactant. The reaction proceeded through nucleophilic substitution involving protonation of the alcohol to form an alkyloxonium ion intermediate, followed by dissociation to form a carbocation and water.
This document summarizes an experiment on the synthesis of alkyl halides through the reaction of a tertiary alcohol (tert-butyl alcohol) with hydrochloric acid. Tert-butyl chloride was obtained as the product with a 31.75% yield through mixing of reactants, layer separation, decantation, and distillation. The properties of the tert-butyl chloride product clearly differed from the tert-butyl alcohol reactant. The reaction proceeded through nucleophilic substitution involving protonation of the alcohol to form an alkyloxonium ion intermediate, followed by dissociation to form a carbocation and water.
This document summarizes an experiment on the synthesis of alkyl halides through the reaction of a tertiary alcohol (tert-butyl alcohol) with hydrochloric acid. Tert-butyl chloride was obtained as the product with a 31.75% yield through mixing of reactants, layer separation, decantation, and distillation. The properties of the tert-butyl chloride product clearly differed from the tert-butyl alcohol reactant. The reaction proceeded through nucleophilic substitution involving protonation of the alcohol to form an alkyloxonium ion intermediate, followed by dissociation to form a carbocation and water.
This document summarizes an experiment on the synthesis of alkyl halides through the reaction of a tertiary alcohol (tert-butyl alcohol) with hydrochloric acid. Tert-butyl chloride was obtained as the product with a 31.75% yield through mixing of reactants, layer separation, decantation, and distillation. The properties of the tert-butyl chloride product clearly differed from the tert-butyl alcohol reactant. The reaction proceeded through nucleophilic substitution involving protonation of the alcohol to form an alkyloxonium ion intermediate, followed by dissociation to form a carbocation and water.
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Synthesis of Alkyl Halides
Dizon, Gio Philip
Tablada, Sharmaine Department of Psychology, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City Date Performed: April 24, 2014 Date Submitted: April 28, 2014
Abstract For this experiment, alkyl halide synthesis was carried out through the use of a tertiary alcohol and a hydrogen halide. Through the mixing of the reactants, separation of layers, decantation, and simple distillation, tert-butyl chloride was obtained from tert-butyl alcohol and hydrochloric acid with 31.75% yield. The resultant tert-butyl chloride definitively differentiated itself from the reactant tert-butyl alcohol through its physical properties of being translucent, insoluble in water, and having a boiling point of 46 C. Furthermore, the experiment effectively demonstrated the mechanisms involved in the synthesis of alkyl halides, which was nucleophilic substitution, and the advantages that the reaction of tertiary alcohols and hydrogen halides provide in line with alkyl halide synthesis.
I. Introduction
Almost every product utilized in the world today does not come instantly in their usable form. Most are retrieved from nature in a raw condition having to undergo processes in order for them to be deemed ready for operation. Some even exist in states where even attaining them is made difficult but through chemical reactions have become available and through also chemical mechanisms are possibly purified. Also, with the use of chemical processes various products which often come rarely could now be artificially produced. Most of the work of organic chemists is focused on producing these kinds of products which are of practical use to mankind. Synthesizing new compounds as potential drugs for the treatment of diseases, forming agricultural chemicals such as weed control, insecticides and fungicides in order to increase crop yields, are just some among the practical goals that organic chemists work on (Carey, 2011). And among the molecules that organic chemists start with in order to produce these valuable products are alcohols and alkyl halides.
Alkyl halides are compounds which contain one or more halogen atoms, they are examples of organohalides. They themselves provide many uses for the everyday man. They are primarily used as industrial and household solvents. The making of more complex molecules also involves reactions with these compounds such as conversion of alkyl halides to organometallic reagents which is an important tool for organic synthesis. In the field of medicine, alkyl halides have been proven to show importance through acting as a general anesthesia giving rise to possibilities of careful surgery with the patient being unconscious and more relaxed. Freons, are fluorinated haloalkanes have been used as refrigerant gas and foaming agents added to plastics yielding plastic foams. Alkyl halides have also contributed much to the health of humans through their use as insecticides providing means for eradicating harmful insects which have long plagued various civilizations (Wade, 2013).
Despite the numerous practical benefits given by alkyl halides, they are encountered less frequently compared to their oxygen-containing relatives alcohols and ethers. But the reactions that alkyl halides undergo are encountered more frequently (McMurry, 2007). Given the high importance of alkyl halides and unavailability, they are often synthesized and purified instead of extracted directly from nature which always comes with high expenses.
Synthesis of alkyl halides could be done through free- radical halogenation involving an alkane, which is a rarely effective method for the synthesis of alkyl halides in that it usually produces mixtures of products due to the different kinds of hydrogen atoms than can be abstracted (Wade, 2013). Alkyl halides can also be prepared from alkenes through the means of allylic bromination which is analogous to alkane halogenation by a radical chain reaction pathway (McMurry, 2007). Another way of synthesizing alkyl halides is through the use of alcohol and is the most generally useful method for preparing alkyl halides (McMurry, 2007). This is done through reacting alcohol with hydrogen halides to yield corresponding alkyl halides and water. Tertiary alcohols have been observed to be the most reactive with hydrogen halides. Within minutes on reaction with a hydrogen chloride (a hydrogen halide), tertiary alcohols are converted to alkyl chlorides (an alkyl halide) in high yield even just in room temperature and below (Carey, 2011). A halogen replaces a hydroxyl group as a substituent on carbon when alcohols react with hydrogen halides in a process called nucleophilic substitution (specifically SN 1 ).
This experiment aims to show the efficiency of producing alkyl halides through the chemical reaction of substitution by reacting a tertiary alcohol and a hydrogen halide. In this experiment, tert-butyl alcohol was used, for the reason that it is a tertiary alcohol meaning it has high yield when reacted with a hydrogen halide in a matter of minutes and within just room temperature (Carey, 2011). The hydrogen halide used was hydrochloric acid for the reason that it reacts readily with tertiary alcohols as compared to primary and secondary ones without the necessity of having the presence of a Lewis acid (Carey, 2011). Tert-butyl chloride was obtained as the alkyl halide product and with water as a by-product. The alkyl chloride product was then distilled in order to check and ensure its purity. III. Results and Discussion
There was obtained a total of 3.7 ml of the resulting alkyl halide after distillation. Given that the density of Tert-butyl chloride (resulting alkyl halide) is 0.842 ml/g, the actual yield of 3.1154 g was collected. The computed percentage yield of the product is 31.75% (See Table 1 for values).
Table 1. Experimental Results
The substance collected was also then compared to the properties of the tertiary alcohol reactant so as to make sure that there was a different compound obtained (see Table 2 for comparison).
Table 2. Comparison of the properties of tert-butyl alcohol and of synthesized tert-butyl chloride
In reacting tertiary alcohols with halogen halides, specifically Hydrochloric acid it is expected to have a yield a high percentage of the resulting alkyl halide (Carey, 2011). It is assumed that for how many moles of tertiary alcohol reacted there would be almost, if not the same resulting moles of alkyl halide obtained. Given that at the start of the reaction 0.106 mol of Tert-butyl alcohol (corresponding to 10 ml) was reacted with HCl, theoretically speaking a product of 0.106 mol of Tert- butyl chloride should have been obtained. There is a far difference between the theoretical yield and the actual yield of the product showing that there was an inefficiency in the methods of synthesis employed. The collected product was much lower than expected.
To explain how these results came about, it can be said that the reaction between tert-butyl alcohol and hydrochloric acid is a nucleophilic substitution which occurs in three steps. The first step is the protonation of tert-butyl alcohol, obtaining the H from the Hydrochloric acid. Alcohols have basic and acidic properties much like water, in that it can produce and accept protons on its oxygen part. The proton transfer to the alcohol results in an alkyloxonium ion (Carey, 2011). The first step produces two products which are both ions, the tert-Butyloxonium ion which is positively charged and a Chloride ion from the hydrochloric acid which is negatively charged. This step also takes place relatively fast compared to the other steps, proton transfers from strong acids to water and alcohols are ranked among the fastest chemical processes and occur almost at the time the molecules make contact with one another. The rapid rate at which proton transfer occurs is contributed by its concerted nature. The energy cost it would take to break the bond between HCl is overcome by the energy released in forming the new bond between the transferred proton and the oxygen of the alcohol. With the HCl being a stronger acid than the alkyloxonium ion, the first step is known to be exothermic (Carey, 2011).
Figure 1. (Step 1: Protonation of tert-butyl alcohol to give an alkyloxonium ion)
The second step involved in the reaction is the dissociation of the alkyloxonium ion yielding both a carbocation and water. This step is classified as unimolecular since only one species undergoes a chemical change. This is also the slowest step relative to the others having the highest activation energy and is therefore considered the rate-determining step of the reaction. The formed carbocation is a relatively unstable species and the process of its formation is endothermic (Carey, 2011). The instability of the carbocation intermediate makes them difficult to isolate. This instability is simply reasoned by the fact that the positively charged carbon contains only six electrons in its valence shell, not satisfying the octet rule. The positively charged carbon contained in the intermediate is sp 2 hybridized. There is the presence of an unhybridized 2p orbital on the positively charged carbon and it contains no electrons, the combination of this vacant p orbital and positive charge on the carbon make the carbocation strongly electrophilic (Carey, 2011). With the second step being the rate-determining step and is unimolecular, the entire reaction is classified as an SN 1 mechanism.
Figure 2. (Step 2: Dissociation of tert-butyloxonium ion to give a carbocation)
The last step is the reaction of the tert-butyl cation with the chloride ion produced in the first step. The chloride ion acts as a nucleophile having an unshared electron pair that it is capable of using to form a covalent bond. This step is classified as bimolecular in that two species, the carbocation and the chloride ion react together. The occurrence of this step is also quite fast because of the small activation energy required for the reaction to happen. A bond formation between a positive ion and a negative ion occurs rapidly.
Figure 3. (Step 3: Capture of tert-butyl cation by chloride ion)
The nucleophilic substitution reaction and the subsequent separation of product reagents that occurred was made possible through the use of cold concentrated HCl, which was added in excess and solid Sodium Bicarbonate. Before proceeding with the experiment, it was assured that concentrated HCl was cold because HCl is highly volatile and can react instantaneously, even before being placed in the flask. Lowering of temperature may cause lowering of the Energy of activation of any reaction, thereby hindering the fast instantaneous reaction of HCl. Also, the use of HCl, if not cold, could lead to a vigorous reaction resulting to too much fumes and less of the desired product. Furthermore, it was added in excess to ensure the completeness of reaction. In addition to that, the experimenters made us of solid Sodium Bicarbonate, instead of its aqueous counterpart, because the existence of the -OH group in the aqueous form of Sodium Bicarbonate poses a threat of reaction with the organic layer obtained which contains the product. Reaction of this can cause a reversion to the alcohol instead of collecting the desired halide form.
Aside from that, other methodological information that is worthy of noting is use of anhydrous CaCl 2 , of boiling chips, and of continuously flowing in the condenser during distillation. Before distillation, the tert-butyl chloride must be carefull dried with anhydrous CaCl 2
because without this step in the process, the water that may still be present in the product could possibly catalyze the product to undergo hydrolysis as the temperature rises, affecting percent yield. Moreover, the boiling chips were used because of their ability to provide an area for bubble adhesion and prevent vigorous boiling due to the bumping of gases. Lastly, it was assured that cold water was continuously flowing into the condenser during the distillation process because in distillation, wherein a solution is heated to a temperature in which one component will become a vapor while another component stays as in liquid form to separate them, condensation is needed to collect the vaporized component. In order for condensation to occur with a vaporized reagent, the reagent must be put into a system whose temperature is below its boiling point and above its freezing point. This means that the condenser in the distillation set-up must be able to cool the vaporized reagent so that its temperature will be brought down from its boiling point. Therefore, a cooling agent is needed, which in this case is cold water. This water should have a continuous flow because if left stagnant in the condenser, the heat transfer occurring among the water, condenser, and vapor will heat the water and thus rid it of its ability to cool down the condenser.
All in all, the results show that, though the collected product is much lower than expected, it is still possible to synthesize an alkyl halide even in room temperature. This reaction, which took just a few seconds, supports the literature that the reaction between an hydrogen halide and a tertiary alcohol is rapid and does not need very rigorous conditions in order to occur.
However, having only been able to gather 31.75% of the theoretical yield it could be inferred that there were many rooms for error in the experiment. One of the possible causes of this very low outcome is the high volatility of the desired alkyl halide, tert-butyl chloride. It should be noted that there were circumstances during the experiment that the product was left in open air making the occurrence of evaporation highly possible. The separatory funnel used in separating the two layers showed also to have a minor defect with liquid still dropping even if it was closed tightly.
Furthermore, the low percent yield of tert-butyl chloride could also have been caused by the formation another product, a side product called 2- methylpropene. Tert-butyl carbocation formed can undergo elimination of a beta hydrogen to give 2- methylpropene as a side product (Alcohols and Ether, n.d.). The mechanism involves the same three steps of forming an alkyl halide but with the third step varying. Instead of being captured by the chloride ion the carbocation undergoes elimination leading to the formation of an alkene polymer of the carbocation.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Figure 4. Elimination of a Beta-Hydrogen The alkene has a much lower boiling point compared to that of the desired alkyl halide (Carey, 2011). To remove this side product during purification, discard whatever distills are formed before the boiling point range of the alkyl halide and collect only that which distills at the boiling point range.
IV. Conclusion
The experiment was successful in fulfilling its aim of synthesizing an alkyl halide, which in this case is tert- butyl chloride, from tert-butyl alcohol with a 31.75% yield and a product reagent that definitively differentiates itself from the reactant reagent through its tested physical properties. However, the same level of success cannot be said in relation to the experiments efficiency in alkyl halide synthesis.
In line with this, as students, it can be said that the experiments importance lies in its demonstrative ability of showing chemical reactions at work as a supplement to the students theoretical knowledge of these reactions. Furthermore, the experiment verifies the mechanism proposed by various studies regarding how the nucleophilic substitution process works.
For future researchers who would like to attempt the experiment, we would like to suggest that they make sure that their laboratory materials are in full working order before proceeding with the experiment and that they make sure that they will follow the methodology without any deviation, accidental or otherwise. Lastly, we would like to propose that they perform more than one trial of the experiment to produce more accurate results.
V. References Carey, F. A. (2011). Organic Chemistry (8th Ed.). New York, NY. McGraw-Hill.
McMurry, J. (2007). Organic Chemistry (7th Ed.). Belmont, CA . Thomson Learning, Inc.
Wade, L.G. Jr. (2013). Organic Chemistry (8th Ed.). Glenview, IL. Pearson Education, Inc.
Alcohols and Ethers (n.d.). In Caltech Authors. Retrieved April, 26, 2014, from Cchapter15.pdf