Nn305719y PDF
Nn305719y PDF
Nn305719y PDF
Laboratoire Matières et Systèmes Complexes, UMR 7057, and ‡Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, UMR 7162, CNRS/Université Paris Diderot,
10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, F-75205 Paris Cedex 13, France, §Inserm U970, Paris Cardiovascular Research Center-PARCC/Université Paris-Descartes,
56 rue Leblanc, 75015 France, ^Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, via Morego 30, 16163 Genova, Italy, and UR1196 Génomique et Physiologie de la Lactation, INRA,
Plateau de Microscopie Electronique 78352 Jouy-en-Josas, France
KEYWORDS: bio-nano interactions . nanomedicine . environmental . health and safety issue . degradation . nanomagnetism
he increasing development of nano- (aggregation and physical properties) and
materials with physical properties chemical evolution of nanomaterials.3 There-
that are specific to their nanometer fore, providing an in-depth insight into the
scale has generated important concerns reactivity nanoparticles within biological
about their fate and impacts to the environ- media they will encounter is a prerequisite
ment. Safe implementation of engineered for designing safe nanomedical products.
nanoparticles for industrial purposes as well Just as surface reactivity is essential to cata-
as nanomedicine requires a comprehensive lysis applications,4 it is also a crucial under-
understanding of their behavior in living estimated determinant of nanoparticle out-
organisms and particularly in humans. A con- come in the organism and potential hazard
sequence of nanoparticle's high surface-to- for human health. Some transformations of * Address correspondence to
volume ratio is their propensity to suffer inorganic nanomaterials have been identi- fl[email protected],
[email protected].
chemical and physical transformation, degra- fied as critical factors determining their
dation, and corrosion triggered by inter- transport, persistence, and toxicity in biolog- Received for review December 11, 2012
actions with the surrounding medium.1,2 ical media. Reduction or oxidation of ele- and accepted May 1, 2013.
Biologically mediated transformations are mental metal and metal oxide nanoparticles
Published online May 01, 2013
even more complex, as they involve inter- occurs in natural systems through inter- 10.1021/nn305719y
actions with a variety of biomolecules actions with various ligands and may lead
and, in turn, also affect the physical state to the crystal dissolution and release of toxic C 2013 American Chemical Society
different time periods, and the nanoparticle evolution rises from 3 to 70%. Morphology of the particles with an
was probed after each immersion step. First, about 300 amphiphilic shell did not evolve after 300 min, which
isolated nanocubes were localized on the grid and leads to the conclusion that a stable state was reached
identified to monitor their degradation (Supporting (Supporting Information Figure S3). Observations at
Information Figure S2 gives example of the localization the nanometer level also reveal the importance of the
procedure). In the lysosome-like medium, morphologi- particle aggregation on the degradation mechanisms.
cal transformations occurred within the first 30 min of We frequently observed aggregates of nanocubes
immersion (Figure 2). Ninety-nine percent of isolated on the lacey film. As shown in Figure 2E,F, localized
nanocubes were damaged in comparison to their initial damage occurred within the first minutes of immersion
state after 90 min for nanocubes with an amphiphilic in the acidic medium, affecting first the particles at
polymeric shell and after only 40 min for the PEG- the cluster periphery. The degradation of PEG-coated
coated nanocubes (Figure 2AD). Initial attack of nano- nanocubes was delayed in the center of the aggregates
particles induced in most cases complete dissolution. but still occurs within a few hours (Figure 2F). In contrast,
The proportion of totally dissolved nanoparticles in- clusters of nanocubes embedded in the amphiphilic
creased from 3% after 30 min to 23% after 60 min for shell tended to contract and no further degradation
the amphiphilic shell nanocubes. In the case of PEG- was observed. As observed in Figure 2E, the amphiphilic
coated particles, during the same time, this proportion shell was somehow reshaped over the aggregate and
consequently ensured an efficient protection of the measurements on empty micelles kept in PBS buffer
assembly over time. This phenomenon highlights the at pH 9 and in acidic citrate solution at pH 4.7 for 10
dynamical redistribution of the micelle-like coating dur- and 24 h showed no change in the NMR spectra, thus
ing the degradation process, which could account for suggesting no trace of degradation of the polymer
the persistence of some recomposed aggregates and at different time points (see Supporting Information
of polymer-stabilized anisotropic nanocube leftovers Figure S4). This observation also supports the retarded
(Supporting Information Figure S3). Moreover, to verify degradation kinetics of polymer-coated nanocubes.
the polymer stability in the lysosome-mimicking media, To gain insight into the mechanisms ruling the
an additional control experiment on “empty” micelles of degradation of nanocubes with the amphiphilic polymer,
amphiphilic polymer (no iron oxide particle associated the phenomenon was followed at the single-nanoparticle
with them) was carried out. The comparison of NMR scale. Aberration-corrected HRTEM allowed monitoring
of the evolution of the nanoparticle's atomic structure preferential atomic plane but raised into the crystal in
with an unprecedented resolution and without deloca- directions which were not necessarily correlated to the
lization of the atomic contrast, providing a clear visibil- crystalline axes. As a consequence, some rough uneven
ity of the nanocrystal surfaces (Figure 3). Remarkably, interfaces could be observed, without recollection of
the initial atomic arrangement of nanoparticles the original cube shape but still maintaining the initial
was maintained throughout the degradation process crystal lattice (Figure 3A). Once an iron atom leaves the
(Figure 3A,B). The morphological evolution shown in nanocrystal surface to be coordinated by surrounding
Figures 2A and 3B illustrates the continuous change of chelating agents (here the citrate ions), there are multi-
the nanoparticle's shape upon degradation. Interest- ple pathways for removing other atoms that will lead
ingly, the dissolution did not occur layer-by-layer on a to different shapes. Such features suggest a stochastic
nature could cause the destabilization of the suspen- symmetric one, progressively shifted toward higher
sion and the formation of aggregates, which become field, which is characteristic of polydisperse spherical
resistant to degradation. This assumption was sus- nanoparticles.35 This evolution, supported by the TEM
tained by dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements images over time (Supporting Information Figure S8), is
(Supporting Information Figure S6): the hydrodynamic the macroscopic signature of shape and size transfor-
radius of the nanoparticles was 37 nm in water and mation upon degradation. We note that this evolution
increased to the micrometer range within minutes in is highlighted by using cubes as initial shape, in contrast
the acidic medium. No further evolution of the hydro- to the spheres, which tend to conserve their shape
dynamic size was observed in the degradation buffer. upon degradation.18 Meanwhile, the SAR continuously
In the meantime, the SAR and ferromagnetic resonance decreased over time. We note that a transient particle
(FMR) spectrum (Supporting Information Figures S5B aggregation could be observed in the first hours in
and S7), some properties that are sensitive to particle acidic medium (Supporting Information Figure S9),
clustering through the enhancement of interparticle but the suspension remained stable afterward, while
dipolar interactions were rapidly modified in the acidic dissolution of nanoparticles went on.
medium compared to water. However, the remarkable While the macroscopic follow-up overall is in accor-
persistence of magnetic properties over extended time dance with nanoscale monitoring on the TEM grid, it is
in acidic medium likely reflects the robustness of shell- worth mentioning the longer time scale of nanoparticle
protected aggregates against degradation, in line with transformation in suspension. Accelerated degradability
the above TEM observations on three-dimensional of nanoparticles observed on the carbon film is likely
aggregates of nanocubes (Figure 2F). due to the higher ratio of available chelating agent with
In contrast, the PEG-coated nanocubes exhibited respect to the number of particles. This is also supported
a contrasted behavior. Their magnetization decreased by previous findings on 78 nm maghemite nanopar-
over time, representing less than 30% of the initial value ticles showing that the degradation rate was dependent
after 4 days in the lysosome-like medium (Figure 4A). on the citrate over iron concentration ratio.18 Here, we
Consistently, the total absorption signal (Figure 4B) of have evidenced that both citrate availability and acces-
their ferromagnetic resonance spectrum diminished on sibility for the iron surface (depending on the capping
time, reflecting the loss of ferromagnetic nanomaterials agents) play critical roles on nanoparticle degradability.
(Figure 4B,C). Moreover, the asymmetric FMR spectrum Our results suggest that the crystal morphology
of the initial nanocubes was being transformed into a and thermodynamic considerations may not be the
prominent factors governing surface reactivity at least at nanoparticles were first adsorbed on cell plasma mem-
the first stage of degradation. The 78 nm maghemite brane (Figure 5a). Subsequently, the early budding of
nanospheres embedded in dextran showed compar- transport vesicles from plasma membrane (Figure 5b),
able kinetics of degradation as the PEG-coated 21 nm the fusion of early endosomes with late endosomes,
nanocubes.18 In contrast, the same nanospheres coated and their ensuing fusion with lysosomes direct redistri-
with a derivative of glucose were more resistant to bution of nanoparticles and specify their localization and
degradation, likely due to the strong phosphonate fate within the cell.36,37 In the first hours, aggregates
anchorage of these ligands on the iron surface. of nanocubes were observed in endosomes with a
In our study, the cube edges influence the distribu- clear background (Figure 5c). At longer time points, the
tion of polymers on the crystal and therefore the place nanoparticles became less aggregated within larger
of degradation onset. However, a comprehensive com- compartments, presumably lysosomes or heterolyso-
parison of cubes and spheres with equivalent volume somes, which appeared more contrasted due to high
would be needed to unravel the role of morphology protein content and numerous intravesicular membranes
and size on surface reactivity. (Figure 5d,e, and f). For the other type of cancer cells, the
Follow-Up of Nanocubes in Cultured Cells. The lysosome- SKOV3 ovarian cells, the study focuses on a chase of 7 h.
like medium used above comprises minimal compo- As for the PC3 cells, nanoparticles were aggregated in
nents that actually enter into account in the real intra- endosomes or more dispersed in denser lysosomal com-
cellular environment. However, cellular processing of partments (Supporting Information Figure S10). For both
nanoparticles is a dynamical active process primarily cell lines, some particles with eroded shapes and dimin-
orchestrated by endocytic machinery, a complex array ished sizes were found dispersed within electron-dense
of vesicles and proteins. SKOV3 ovarian and PC3 prostatic areas (Figure 5d,e, and f and Supporting Information
carcinoma cells were chosen to assess the processing of Figure S10). The apparent segregation of nanoparticles
nanocubes in the first 72 h following internalization. into membrane- and protein-rich regions suggests that
These cellular models are of practical interest to investi- their transformation occurs in these regions.
gate biotransformation of nanocubes used for treatment Follow-Up of Nanocubes in Murine Livers and Spleens. Ob-
of solid tumors by magnetically induced hyperthermia. servations of long-term biotransformation in mice
Nanocubes with amphiphilic shells were incubated with confirmed the role of intracellular nanoparticle distri-
the two cancer cell lines at a concentration of 0.5 mM bution in their bioavailability and assimilation. The
in iron for 1 h at 37 C. For PC3 cells, a kinetic study PEG-coated nanocubes were injected intravenously
was conducted according to the chase duration, ranging to mice at a dose of 50 μmol iron/kg of body weight
from 0 min to 72 h (Figure 5). Without chase, the (the usual dose for preclinical MRI study), and ex vivo
TEM analysis at different time points was focused on (Figure 6), in line with our findings on cultured cells.
liver and spleen as blood-injected nanoparticles are Segregation into protein-rich regions was observed, as
mostly taken up by macrophages on these organs well. At days 7 and 14 post-injection, nanocubes were
(Supporting Information Figures S11S13).15,17,20 One scarcer and more dispersed and mainly observed on
day post-injection, nanocubes were mostly aggregated the periphery of lysosomes. Remarkably, we note that
within endosomes or more contrasted lysosomes the presence of smaller monodisperse electron-dense
spherical nanoparticles of 47 nm in diameter Here, we show that exogenous iron oxide nano-
either dispersed or gathered to form electron-dense cubes are sequestered first in endosomes and ultimately
conglomerates, which coexist with the residual in lysosomes. The shell surrounding intracellular nano-
cubes (Figure 6, Figure 7, and Supporting Information cubes is likely different from the initial one and may also
Figure S13). Energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX) vary due to multiple interactions with proteins encoun-
and HRTEM analysis performed on ultrafine (30 nm) organ tered on the nanoparticle's journey from blood to
slices confirmed that these intracellular monodisperse intracellular compartments.10,12 As long as nanoparti-
nano-objects contain iron and show poorly crystalline cles remain intact, they are not a source of potentially
or crystalline arrangements, such as the iron oxide toxic free iron. Nanoparticle dissolution requires the
hematite structure (Figures 6b, 7, and Supporting In- availability of chelating agents, which should also be
formation Figure S13), that are different from the spinel capable of accessing the nanoparticle core. We observe
inverse or the vacancy-ordered γ-Fe2O3 structures here the close proximity of iron-rich ferritin with de-
observed in residual nanocubes. The features of these graded nanocubes. The shape and the rough surfaces
intracellular objects are characteristic for iron-filled of these degraded structures closely resemble those
ferritin proteins, which are ubiquitous proteins storing observed in situ during tracking single-particle transfor-
iron in polyphasic and nontoxic forms.16,17,38,39 mation (Figure 6). These observations suggest a local
As iron is both vital and potentially toxic for human transformation pathway allowing the transfer and recy-
health, a highly regulated interacting network is cling of iron from the iron oxide nanocrystals to the
responsible for iron homeostasis.40 The transit pool of ferritin protein nanocavities. Such a putative mechanism
iron in the cytosol is presumably bound to low molec- of degradation and transfer would need both time and
ular weight chelates, such as citrate, ATP, or pyropho- spatial regulation of chelators and reductants produced
sphate, and contributes to iron-mediated toxicity as intracellularly. Moreover, the availability of iron chelators
a source of redox-active iron.41 Therefore, the excess to the nanocube surface could be favored by their
iron, in its free ferrous form Fe(II), is oxidized and then reorganization and segregation in the lysosome. Like-
sequestered into ferritin proteins. Iron regulatory pro- wise, the degradation process of nanoparticles could be
teins are able to sense the cytosolic iron concentration contingent to the production of ferritin proteins, able to
and coordinate the regulation of both iron export store the excess iron, which in turn could regulate the
(mainly by transferrin) and iron storage by ferritin. degradation rate. We have shown that iron dissolution
MATERIALS AND METHODS inorganic nanoparticle and a shell of soft materials. These TEM
investigations were performed with the newly developed JEOL
Nanoparticles. Nanoparticles were prepared and character-
ARM 200 F microscope operating at 200 kV. This microscope is
ized as described previously (see Supporting Information S1 for
equipped together with a CEOS aberration corrector, a cold field
emission gun, and a Gatan GIF quantum ER.46,47 Lacey carbon
Lysosome-like Buffer Solution. Degradation experiments were TEM grids (agar) were used to follow the degradation mecha-
performed in 20 mM citric acid at pH 4.7. The citrate buffer was nisms by HRTEM. EFTEM experiments were performed on nano-
prepared by mixing 4.4 mM of citric acid (C6H8O7, Fluka, >99.5%) cubes distributed on an amorphous silicon-coated TEM grid
and 5.6 mM of sodium citrate tribasic (C6H5Na3O7 3 2H2O, Fluka, (SIMPore), in order to visualize the distribution of carbon-rich
>99%) in 500 mL of purified water. polymer on the nanoparticle surface.48 Carbon maps were
Aberration-Corrected High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy calculated by using the three window technique on the carbon
(HRTEM). Combining high-resolution and energy-filtered trans- K-edge at 284 eV.
mission electron microscopy is a method of choice to charac- Magnetic Measurements. Magnetization measurements were
terize the atomic structure of hybrid nanosystems made of an carried out on a Quantum Design MPMS-5S SQUID magnetometer.