Classification Wirsing 2015 PDF
Classification Wirsing 2015 PDF
Classification Wirsing 2015 PDF
Holger Wirsing
Production of
unburned mud-
bricks (Adobe) for
construction in late
neolithic age
Empirical Experience
Knowledge of Deposits
Accumulation of Knowlege
and by
Successful performance
only is possible, if
combination of properties
fits to all demands
resulting from place of
Half Quantitative Description of the Development of
Bricks for Cement Kiln Burning Zones
High alumina
Magnesia- Magnesia-
Hercynite Galaxite
FC = fireclay
LF = low alumina fireclay
SS = siliceous = siliceous fireclay
Fireclay Bricks
Fireclay Brick
main components
Refractory Clay
fresh an plastically
+ Fireclay
burned an crushed Refractory Clay
%? %?
Classification of Fireclay Bricks Manufacturing process
A 40 > 40 % Al2O3 12 - 16 % water ⇒ p (= plastic) ⇒high clay
A 35 30 - 40 % Al2O3 4 - 6 % water ⇒ h (= half dry) ⇒medium clay
A 30 30 - 35 % Al2O3 3 - 5 % water ⇒ t (= dry) ⇒low clay
A 25 < 30 % Al2O3
A 30 T ⇒ dry pressed fireclay brick (3 - 5 % water is used during
manufacturing, Al2O3-content is 30 - 35 %)
Property Values of Mechanically Pressed and Burnt Fireclay Bricks for
General Industrial Uses (Brick Group A up to 45 % Al2O3)
Grade Al2O33) Fe2O34) Bulk density Parts of open pores Crushing strength at room Refractoriness under
temperature load
Mean Standard Mean Standard Mean Standard Value Mean Standard
µ deviation µ deviation µ deviation µ deviation
δ δ δ5) δ
g/cm³ % N/mm² ta °C
% % min. max. min. min. min.
A 40 t 2,15 0,05 20 30 15 20 1450
A 40 h > 40 < 2,5 2,10 0,05 21 2 25 15 15 1420 40
A 40 p 1,90 0,06 26 15 10 10 1380
A 35 t 2,10 0,05 19 30 15 20 1400
A 35 h 35–40 < 2,5 2,05 0,05 20 2 25 15 15 1380 40
A 35 p 1,90 0,06 25 15 10 10 1350
A 30 t 2,05 0,05 19 30 15 20 1370
A 30 h 30-35 < 3,0 2,05 0,05 20 2 25 15 15 1350 40
A 30 p 1,90 0,06 24 15 10 10 1320
A 25 t 2,05 0,05 18 35 15 25 1340
A 25 h < 30 < 3,0 2,05 0,05 19 2 30 15 20 1320 40
A 25 p 1,90 0,06 22 20 10 15 1300
Regarding manual made bricks, special agreements are necessary.
The content of Al2O3 only serves the classification but it is not a quality characteristic.
The values are valid for 95 % of the determined values in the single lot or for (n-1)-single values, referring to the single lot (n is the quantity of
samples, referring to the single lot).
With increasing value of the mean value the standard deviation increases as well.
Fireclay Bricks
• A high amount of glassy phase limits the temperature during service to values of
max. 1200°C in the kiln. ⇒ Transition to High Alumina Materials
Classification of Dense Moulded Refractory Products
According to ISO 1109, Modified by Refratechnik Cement
Refractory Clay
low contents
+ Natural Rocks with high Tf / synthetic
materials / mixtures
Magnesia-spinel brick
Magnesia-chromite brick
Properties of periclase:
- Melting temperature: ~ 2800 °C
- Thermal conductivity at 1000 °C 3 - 4 W/mK
- Thermal expansion at 1000 °C ~ 1.4 %
- Resistance against basic melts very high
Depending on the chemical composition, next to periclase various silicates and ferritic
compounds can form.
Important Refractory Products for the Cement Industry
Not completed
projection of
magnesia-spinel brick
within this diagramm!
Use of Fused Spinel in the Magnesia Spinel Brick TOPMAG® AF
Binary Phase System MgO - Al2O3
Mineral Phases in Magnesia Bricks
The CaO/SiO2 and CaO/Fe2O3 ratio determines the resulting mineral composition:
refractory products
doloma magnesia corundum bauxite mullite andalusite fireclay silica zircon light weight
brick monolithic
RC: >2.5 % CaO MC: >2.5 % CaO LC: 2.5-1 % CaO ULC: 1-0.2 % CaO NC: <0.2 % CaO
regular cement medium cement low cement ultra low cement no cement