Deanery Clericus - 732019
Deanery Clericus - 732019
Deanery Clericus - 732019
July 3, 2019
Padi Marcelo
Padi Johny
PAdi Napoleon
Padi Roger
Padi Franklin
Deanery Concerns:
Membership Churchmanship Self-reliance others
- THERE - Strengthening of lay - Increase membership per
SHOULD BE organizations capita giving
NARRATIVE - Maximized LEM’s - Campaign for stewardship
REPORTS - Leadership of clergy - Proper recording of datas
FOR All to attend their charges
stations seriously
- To focus on - Give time for pastoral
restoration of works
special list - There should be
- Projection of cooperation among
data’s and LEM’s, vestry
targets should - Episcopate visitation
not below - Strengthening
minimum. churchmanship
- Enhance time and
commitment in doing
church activities
- Strengthening team
ministry and
Ordination donation:
- Padi roger to submit all his reports for sta. monica and st. john donne to padi marcelo
on july 8, 2019.
- During the deanery conference, bring with us senior warden, treasurer and the clergy
during the deanery conference on July 9, 2019.
- Venue of Mass: