Deanery Clericus - 732019

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July 3, 2019

Padi Marcelo

Padi Johny

PAdi Napoleon

Padi Roger

Padi Franklin

Visitors: Bro. David Sei Ngam, Bro. Aykegel Eway

Deanery Concerns:

1. On the issues on membership, there should be 10% increase as of membership,

churchmanship and self-reliance.
-In giving, children can give Sunday giving. Meaning there is an increase also. But we
must do the Bible studies, catechism and etc.
-That’s why we need to do the narrative report.
2. On Sunday attendance
- Adoption of the Sunday attendance forms for implementation.
- Membership status of those who are in other places. Ask the members for its
permanent residence or its canonical residence.
3. Membership revalidation
- Conform with the diocesan format on the census revalidation of the different LCU’s
4. Pledging program
- All members should pledge whether big or small amount
5. Parish hood development
6. IGP identification
- Every deanery will identify IGP projects that are reliable in the area of coverage.
7. Human resources management
- Clergy and lay enhancement thru trainings and seminars related to their work.
- Ladderized seminars
- Person interested
8. Deanery reports
- Answers the why and how of the sgp reports and the reasons behind the
accomplishments and the strengths and weaknesses.
9. Format of reporting
10. On preaching stations/oustations
- Should have separate reports
11. Itinerary of travel – monthly submission of itinerary. Monthly itinerary of activities
should be submitted together with the accomplishment reports regarding the itinerary of
activities. State in the itinerary id BSA, ecw or skep participate in the itinerary of
12. Deployments and turnover – continue the plans of the LCU in connection with the
Diocesan VMG. Don’t change the practiced by the LCU’s especially if it is strategy.
13. Deanery conferences - minutes of meeting of deanery conferences and be forwarded to
the bishop’s office for proper actions.
14. On lay organizations – organization of the three LCU’s on all local stations. Mandated by
the convention. Dean to submit total census of the 3 local organizations. There are
stations that the local organizations are not organized like in maducayan. Can it be that
those station with 2 or 3 members of LCU’s will be added to other stations in its
15. Clergy presence – visibility of the priest i the church. Church to be open at all times.
Open the church at all times to accommodate people to pray. That it should be stated in
the itinerary when the church is open or not.
the clergy concern to communicate with the clergy where the transfer came for proper
17. Targets and projections – 10% of the target and projections where base on the baseline
but on the case to case basis.
18. Strategies on nurturing – increased in membership but also increase in membership
19. Scheduling of clergy – prioritization of the works in the stations rather than other
20. Memo – itinerary of travel and accomplishment reports. No compliance means no salary.
21. Scheduling of diocesan council –
22. Responsibility of the dean – ultimate task of the deaN TO REVALIDATE DATA of his
deanery. Not waiting only the report and monitor clergy under his jurisdiction.
23. For all mission stations/parishes – reports with narrative reports and minutes of deanery
24. Structure on church premises – structure built within the church premise should be
recorded properly and be properly reported to diocesan council or to the bishop’s office
or to the standing committee.
St. Jude pasasalamat grant – for st. jude to begin the establishment of the church structure
of St. Jude’s mission.
25. Validation of churchmanship ACTIVITIES – dean to validate if the activities ar actually
conducted or not.
26. Format on monitoring of activities will be provided by the bishop’s office
27. Presentation of one’s self and leadership – clergy should be conscious on how to present
himself before the congregation, community and everyone at all times. To refrain from
drinking in public places including chewing of beetle nut.
28. For all mission stations, parishes to accomplish the forms on “member I residence for 6
months and members out-residence for 6 months.”
29. Convention workshop results

Membership Churchmanship Self-reliance others
- THERE - Strengthening of lay - Increase membership per
SHOULD BE organizations capita giving
NARRATIVE - Maximized LEM’s - Campaign for stewardship
REPORTS - Leadership of clergy - Proper recording of datas
FOR All to attend their charges
stations seriously
- To focus on - Give time for pastoral
restoration of works
special list - There should be
- Projection of cooperation among
data’s and LEM’s, vestry
targets should - Episcopate visitation
not below - Strengthening
minimum. churchmanship
- Enhance time and
commitment in doing
church activities
- Strengthening team
ministry and

30. Approved resolutions

a. Acquisition of Bible available for all members for all mission stations and parishes
b. CORE group formation and training
c. Discovering the various gifts and talents for establishing Cell groups to pursue higher
calling for ministry - dlsm
d. All church units to form a dynamic and vibrant core groups that would serve as first
responders towards fulfilment of the vision.
e. That all churches be opened daily with clergy or vestry/mission council members
around ushers dropping in guest/travellers for personal prayers.

Ordination donation:

- All donations should be available at CEC on or July 22.

Deanery Issues to be accomplished:

- Deanery Consolidated Reports

- Assessing the DECREASE of MEMBERSHIP DATA of EMPROV Deanery
- For St. Jude’s Mission to make and submit complete report on the Pasasalamat Grant
- For the Dean of EMPROV to advised Priest in-charge to make solicitation letter for St.
Jude’s Mission Church construction
- Advised EMPROV Dean to prioritized works at CEC Church construction
- EMPROV Dean for the liquidation of the Php. 25,000.00 for St. John Donne.

- Padi roger to submit all his reports for sta. monica and st. john donne to padi marcelo
on july 8, 2019.

- During the deanery conference, bring with us senior warden, treasurer and the clergy
during the deanery conference on July 9, 2019.

- What to bring: SGP Reports, Quarterly and Parochial Reports

- Registration: Php. 100.00 for Deanery Conference

- Bue: deanery recommendation – CEC to get Resurrection Mission as its Mission

Station as Overseer to the Mission. It can be done one’s a month.

- Venue of Mass:

- Deanery Concern: for next Clericus to be discuss

1. Financial Status of each stations in EMPROV.

2. Salary counterpart of each every station.
Sta. Monica – 1500, Diocese – 1000.00
Annunciation 1900
Saliok 2500
St. mary 2500
St. john donne 0 counterpart
Sallidao issue – padi franklin to talk with him or ALS Sunday school will be
divided into two. One of the division will be for padi franklin to stay. What to
need for the division – 4 plywood (to be request in the diocese)


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