Observational Learning: Is Also Called Imitation or Modeling Is Learning

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Observational Learning: Is also called imitation or modeling is learning

that occurs when a person observes and imitates someone’s behavior.

The Differences between Ivan Pavlov and B.F Skinners is that, Ivan
Pavlov trying to show that we learn from what we see, anytime you are
conditioned to get something in the natural stimuli, you will actually act
towards it, means it will change your behaviour while B.F Skinner on
other hand is saying that there is consequence either negative or positive
outside our body that has an effect towards changing our behaviour. Once
you see something you know you will get something (Ivan Pavlov). Once I
do something I will get a reward or punishment. (B.F Skinners). We can
see that both the two scholars tried to contribute towards what learning is
all about.
Critically evaluate Atkinson and Shiffrin's theory of memory.
What is Memory? One simple definition of memory that makes sense to
patients, families, and caregivers is “the ability to take in, store, and
retrieve information.”
1. Sensory memory, which stores information for less than a quarter of
a second (250 mss); sensory memory deal with sensory organs, see,
hear, touch, smell, taste
2. short-term store, which holds information for a few seconds; like
3. long-term store, which holds information for anything from minutes
to years, which happens as result of rehearsal.

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