Amd 03
Amd 03
Amd 03
Optimal Mechanisms
In this chapter we discuss the objectives of social surplus and profit. As we will see, the
economics of designing mechanisms to maximize social surplus is relatively simple. The
optimal mechanism is a simple generalization of the second-price auction we have already
discussed. Furthermore, it is dominant strategy incentive compatible and prior-free, i.e., it is
not dependent on distributional assumptions. Social surplus maximization is unique among
economic objectives in this regard.
The objective of profit maximization, on the other hand, adds significant new challenge:
for profit there is no single optimal mechanism. For any mechanism, there is a distributional
setting and another mechanism where this new mechanism has strictly larger profit than the
first one.
As an example we could consider two agents with values drawn independently and iden-
tically from U[0,1]. The
second-price auction obtains revenue equal to the expected second-
highest value, E v(2) = 1/3. A natural question is whether more revenue can be had. As
a first step, it is similarly easy to calculate that the second-price auction with reserve 1/2
obtains an expected revenue of 5/12 (which is higher than 1/3). Perhaps surprisingly, a seller
can make more money by sometimes not selling the item even when there is a buyer willing
to pay. In this chapter we show that the second-price auction with reserve 1/2 is indeed
optimal for this two agent example and furthermore we give a concise characterization of the
optimal auction for any single-dimensional agent environment.
3.1 Single-dimensional Environments
In our previous discussion of Bayes-Nash equilibrium we focused on the agents’ incentives.
Agents are single-dimensional, i.e., each has a single private value for receiving some abstract
service and quasi-linear utility, i.e., the agent’s utility is her value for the service less her pay-
ment. Recall that the outcome of a single-dimensional game is an allocation x = (x1 , . . . , xn ),
where xi is an indicator for whether agent i is served, and payments p = (p1 , . . . , pn ), where pi
is the payment made by agent i. Here we formalize the designer’s constraints and objectives.
Definition 3.1. A general cost environment is one where the designer must pay a service
cost c(x) for the allocation x produced.
Definition 3.2. A general feasibility environment is one where there is a feasibility con-
straint over the set of agents that can be simultaneously served.
Definition 3.4. The social surplus of an allocation is the cumulative value of agents served
less the service cost: X
Surplus(v, x) = vi · xi − c(x).
Definition 3.5. The profit of allocation and payments is the cumulative payment of agents
less the service cost: X
Profit(p, x) = pi − c(x).
Implicit in the definition of social surplus is the fact that the payments from the agents
are transferred to the service provider and therefore do not affect the objective.2
A mechanism that optimizes social surplus is said to be economically efficient; though, we will not use
this terminology because of possible confusion with computational efficiency.
An alternative notion would be to consider only the total value derived by the agents, i.e., the surplus less
the total payments. This residual surplus was discussed in detail in Chapter 1; mechanisms for optimizing
residual surplus are the subject of Exercise 3.1.
The single-item and routing environments that were discussed in Chapter 1 are special
cases of downward-closed environments. Single-item environments have
( P
0 if i xi ≤ 1, and
c(x) =
∞ otherwise.
In routing environments, recall, each agent has a message to send betwen a source and
destination in the network.
0 if messages with xi = 1 can be simultaneously routed, and
c(x) =
∞ otherwise.
We have yet to see any examples of general cost environments. One natural one is that of
a multicast auction. The story for this problem comes from live video steaming. Suppose we
wish to stream live video to viewers (agents) in a computer network. Because of the high-
bandwidth nature of video streaming the content provider must lease the network links.
Each link has a publicly known cost. To serve a set of agents, the designer must pay the cost
of network links that connect each agent, located at different nodes in the network, to the
“root”, i.e., the origin of the multicast. The nature of multicast is that the messages need
only be transmitted once on each edge to reach the agents. Therefore, the total cost to serve
these agents is the minimum cost of the multicast tree that connects them.3
Lemma 3.6. For each agent i and all values of other agents v−i , the allocation rule of OPT
for agent i is a step function.
Proof. Consider any agent i. There are two situations of interest. Either i is served by
OPT(v) or i is not served by OPT(v). We write out the surplus of OPT in both of these
cases. Below, notation (v−i , z) denotes the vector v with the ith coordinate replaced with
Case 1 (i ∈ OPT):
Define OPT−i (v) as the second term on the right hand side. Thus,
Case 2 (i 6∈ OPT):
OPT(v) = OPT(v−i ).
OPT chooses whether or not to allocate to agent i, and thus which of these cases we are
in, so as to optimize the surplus. Therefore, OPT allocates to i whenever the surplus from
Case 1 is greater than the surplus from Case 2. I.e., when
Notice that neither of the terms on the right hand side contain vi . Therefore, the allocation
rule for i is a step function with critical value τi = OPT(v−i ) − OPT−i (v).
Since the allocation rule induced by OPT is a step function, it satisfies our strongest
incentive constraint: with the appropriate payments (i.e., the “critical values”) truthtelling
is a dominant strategy equilibrium (Corollary 2.18). The resulting surplus maximization
mechanism is often referred to as the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism, named
after William Vickrey, Edward Clarke, and Theodore Groves.
2. x ← OPT(b), and
An intuitive description of OPT(v−i ) − OPT−i (v) is the externality that agent i imposes
on the other agents by being served. I.e., because i is served the other agents obtain total
surplus OPT−i (v) instead of the surplus OPT(v−i ) that they would have received if i was not
served. Hence, we can interpret the surplus maximization mechanism as serving agents to
maximize the social surplus and charging each agent the externality imposed on the others.
By Corollary 2.18 and Lemma 3.6 we have the following theorem; and by the optimality
of OPT and the assumption that agents follow the dominant truthtelling strategy, we have
the following corollary.
Theorem 3.7. The surplus maximization mechanism is dominant strategy incentive com-
Corollary 3.8. The surplus maximization mechanism optimizes social surplus in dominant
strategy equilibrium.
The second-price routing auction from Chapter 1 is simply an instantiation of the surplus
maximization mechanism where feasible outcomes are subsets of agents whose messages can
be simultaneously routed.
It is useful to view the surplus maximization mechanism as a reduction from the mech-
anism design problem to the non-game-theoretic optimization problem. Given an algorithm
that solves the non-game-theoretic optimization problem, i.e., OPT, we can construct the
surplus maximization mechanism from it.
Of course, by revenue equivalence, the payment rule of the surplus maximization mech-
anism is unique up to the payments each agent would make if her value was zero, i.e.,
pi (v−i , 0) for agent i. For instance pi = OPT−i (v) is an DSIC payment rule as well with
pi (v−i , 0) = OPT(v−i ). This payment rule does not satisfy a natural no-positive-transfers
condition which requires that agents not be paid to participate. It is also possible to de-
sign BNE mechanisms, e.g., with first-price semantics, that implement the same outcome
in equilibrium as the surplus maximization mechanism (see Exercise 3.2), though unlike
the surplus maximization mechanism given above, design of these BNE mechanisms often
requires distributional knowledge.
3.3 Profit
Surplus maximization is singular among objectives in that there is a single mechanism that is
optimal regardless of distributional assumptions. Essentially: the agents’ incentives already
aligned with the designer’s objective and one only needs to derive the appropriate payments,
i.e., the critical values. For general objectives we should not expect to be so lucky.
A non-game-theoretic optimization problem looks to maximize some objective subject
to feasibility. Given the input, one can search over outcomes for the one with the highest
objective value relative to this input. The outcome produced on one input need not bear
any relation to the outcome produced on a (even slightly) different input. Mechanisms,
on the other hand, additionally must address agent incentives which impose constraints on
the outcomes that the mechanism produces across all possible misreports of the agents. In
other words, the mechanism’s outcome on one input is constrained by its outcome on similar
inputs. Therefore, a mechanism may need to tradeoff its objective performance across inputs.
When the distribution of agent values is specified, e.g., by the common prior, and the
designer has knowledge of this prior, such a tradeoff can be optimized. In particular, the
prior assigns a probability to each input and the designer can then optimize expected ob-
jective value over this probability distribution. The mechanism that results from such an
optimization is said to be Bayesian optimal. In this section we derive Bayesian optimal
mechanism for the objective of profit.
At various points in the remaining sections of this chapter it will be more convenient
(and intuitive) to express certain functions in terms of the integral of their derivative. This
notation is mathematically imprecise when the derivative is not defined, e.g., because the
function is discontinuous. It can be made precise via the Dirac delta function which integrates
to a step function; however, we will not describe these details formally. The reader is welcome
to, instead, just assume the functions in question are continuous. An example of this is
Theorem 3.10, below.
space as well. Specifically, “x(q)” and “p(q)” will be short-hand notation for x(v(q)) and
p(v(q)), respectively. This convention will be extended to other functions as well: if the
function is defined on values but applied to a quantile, then by this application we implicitly
mean the function composed with the value function, v(·). We can rederive Theorem 2.7 in
quantile space as follows.
Theorem 3.10. Allocation and payment rules x and p are in BIC if and only if for all i,
where x′i (q) = x (q)
dq i
and pi (1) is the payment made by agent i when her value is at its
The payment identity of this theorem and Theorem 2.7 are related by a change of variables
and integration by parts. Notice that as x(q) is monotone non-increasing, its derivative
x′ (q) is non-positive; hence, the negation of the integral guarantees a non-negative expected
Definition 3.11. The revenue curve R(·) specifies the revenue as a function of ex ante
probability of sale. I.e., R(q) = v(q) · q. R(1) and R(0) are defined to be zero.
We can clearly optimize revenue by taking the derivative of the revenue curve and setting
it equal to zero. For example, if F is the uniform distribution U[0, 1] then F (z) = z,
v(q) = 1 − q, R(q) = q − q 2 , and R′ (q) = 1 − 2q. The revenue is optimized by pricing at
quantile q̂ = 1/2 (which corresponds to a price v(1/2) = 1/2). The uniform distribution is
well-behaved in the sense that the revenue, as a function of quantile, increases up to quantile
1/2, which obtains a revenue of 1/4, and then decreases. The importance of the derivative
in solving for the optimal price can be noted by observing that the derivative is positive
but decreasing as r is increased to 1/2, where it is zero, and then continues to be negative
and decreasing afterwards. This optimal revenue is obtained by allocating to Alice when the
derivative of the revenue curve at her quantile, i.e., R′ (q), is non-negative.
3.3.3 Expected Revenue and Virtual Values
Suppose we are given the allocation rule (in quantile space) of an agent (Alice) as x(q). By
the payment identity (in quantile space), the payment rule must be p(q) = − q v(r) x′(r) dr.
Since Alice’s quantile q is drawn from U[0, 1] we can calculate our expected revenue as follows.
Z 1 Z 1
Eq [p(q)] = − v(r) x′ (r) dr dq
q=0 r=q
Equation (3.1) follows from substituting the definition of R(·) and making a change of
variables. Denote dq R(q) by R′ (q). If we integrate the above, by parts, we obtain:
Z 1 h i1
Eq [p(q)] = R′ (q) x(q) dq − R(q) x(q)
q=0 q=0
= R′ (q) x(q) dq. (3.2)
Equation (3.2) follows from the definition of revenue curves which requires R(0) = R(1) = 0.
We conclude this analysis by summarizing equations (3.1) and (3.2) as the following lemma.
Lemma 3.12. An agent with revenue curve R(·) subject to allocation rule x(·) makes expected
Eq [p(q)] = −Eq [R(q) x′ (q)] = Eq [R′ (q) x(q)] .
Both of the identities in Lemma 3.12 are useful for understanding the expected payments
of agents in BNE. For instance, the former, from equation (3.1), implies that the same
allocation rule (in quantile space) on a higher revenue curve gives more revenue.
Corollary 3.13. If agents 1 and 2 with revenue curves satisfying R1 (q) ≥ R2 (q) for all q
are subject to the same (in quantile space) allocation rule, i.e., satisfying x1 (q) = x2 (q), then
Eq [p1 (q)] ≥ Eq [p2 (q)].
The latter identity from Lemma 3.12, from equation (3.2), gives an approach for opti-
mizing revenue. It is instructive to view R′ (·) as the marginal increase in revenue we get
for selling to Alice with incrementally more probability. For our goal of optimizing expected
profit, it suggests selecting x to maximize this marginal revenue. Informally: revenue is
maximized by optimizing marginal revenue. This principle is standard in microeconomics.
The standard terminology in mechanism design for this marginal revenue is virtual value.
Definition 3.14. The virtual value of an agent with quantile q and revenue curve R(·) is
the marginal revenue at q:
φ(q) = R′ (q).
The following theorem is an immediate consequence of Lemma 3.12 and linearity of expec-
Theorem 3.15. A mechanism’s expected revenue is equal to its expected virtual surplus, i.e.,
with allocation rule x(·) on agents with virtual value functions φ(·) the expected revenue is:
hX i
Eq φi (qi )xi (q) − c(x(q)) .
It should be noted that the distributional properties of an agent’s value can be given
equivalently by specifying the distribution F , the value function v(·), the revenue curve
R(·), or the virtual value function φ(·).
i.e., argmaxx Surplus(φ(v), x) and its virtual surplus maxx Surplus(φ(v), x). Where it is
unambiguous we will use notation OPT(φ(v)) to denote either of these quantities. Note
that this formulation of OPT has no mention of the incentive constraints.
We know from the BIC characterization (Corollary 2.16) that incentive constraints require
that the allocation rule be monotone. Thus, the mechanism design problem of finding a
BIC mechanism to maximize virtual surplus has an added monotonicity constraint. Yet,
even though we did not impose a monotonicity constraint on OPT, if the virtual valuation
functions φi(·) are monotone, OPT(φ(·)) is monotone.
Definition 3.16. Distribution F is regular if its associated revenue curve R(q) is a concave
function of q (equivalently: φ(·) is monotone).
Many distributions are regular, e.g., uniform, normal, exponential. On the other hand
many relevant distributions are irregular, e.g., bimodal.
Lemma 3.17. For each agent i and any values of other agents v−i , if Fi is regular then i’s
allocation rule from OPT(φ(·)) on virtual values is monotone in i’s value vi .
Proof. Recall from Lemma 3.6 that maximizing surplus is monotone. Meaning, if we find x
to maximize Surplus(v, x) then xi (v−i , vi ) is monotone in vi . Therefore xi (φ−i (v−i ), φi (vi ))
is monotone in φi (vi ), i.e., increasing φi (vi ) does decrease xi . By the regularity assumption
on Fi , φi (vi ) is monotone in vi . Therefore, increasing vi cannot decrease φi (vi ) which cannot
decrease xi (φi (vi )).
Since OPT on virtual values is monotone for each agent and any values of other agents it
satisfies our strongest incentive constraint. With the appropriate payments (i.e., the “critical
values”) truthtelling is a dominant strategy equilibrium (recall Corollary 2.18). One way to
view the suggested virtual surplus maximization mechanism is as a reduction to surplus
maximization, which is solved by the SM mechanism (Mechanism 3.1).
Mechanism 3.2. The virtual surplus maximization (VSM) mechanism for regular distribu-
tions with virtual value functions φ(·) is:
Notice that the payments p calculated can be viewed as follows. SM on virtual values
outputs virtual prices p′ . These correspond to the minimum virtual value an agent must
have to win. The price an agent pays is the minimum value it must have to win, this can be
calculated from the virtual prices above via the inverse virtual valuation function.4
Assuming virtual valuations are strictly non-decreasing then the inverse virtual valuations are well
defined. We defer discussion of the non-strict case to the subsequent section on irregular distributions.
Theorem 3.18. For regular distributions, the virtual value maximization mechanism is dom-
inant strategy incentive compatible.
Corollary 3.19. For regular distributions, the virtual surplus maximization mechanism op-
timizes expected profit in dominant strategy equilibrium.
multi-unit feasibility constraints to those that are downward-closed and satisfy a natural
“augmentation” property that is related to substitutability, a.k.a., matroids.
While this auction is optimal among all BIC auctions, which is the class of mechanisms
we restricted our attention to, (a) the revelation principle implies that no auction has a BNE
with higher expected revenue, and (b) it actually satisfies the stronger dominant strategy
incentive compatibility constraint. Therefore, we conclude that in a very strong sense, that
the second-price auction with reserve price maximizes expected revenue.
We conclude by returning to the two agent U[0, 1] example. As we have calculated,
φ(v) = 2v − 1; therefore, φ−1 (0) = 1/2. The second-price auction with reserve price 1/2 has
the optimal expected revenue. Our calculation at the introduction of this chapter showed
that this optimal revenue 5/12.
1 1
0 0
0 1 0 a b 1
(a) Revenue curve R(q). (b) Revenue curve R(q) ironed on [a, b].
10 10
0 0
−10 −10
0 1 0 a b 1
′ ′
(c) Virtual values R (q). (d) Virtual values R (q) ironed on [a, b].
Figure 3.1: On the left is the revenue curve R(q) and virtual valuations R′ (q) in quantile
space. On the right is the effective revenue curve and virtual valuations when ironed on [a, b].
Though it is not necessary for understanding this example, this R(·) comes from bimodal
distribution that is U[0, 2] with probability 3/4 and U[2, 8] with probability 1/4.
Notice that when Alice’s quantile q is realized (i.e., drawn from the uniform distribution)
then the probability that Alice is served by xq̂ (·) is 1×a+ q̂−a
×(b−a) = q̂. The revenue from
such an allocation rule follows directly from Theorem 3.10. It is R(a) + q̂−a b−a
(R(b) − R(a)).
Notice that this revenue is exactly the value at q̂ on the line segment connecting (a, R(a))
to (b, R(b)), e.g., see Figure 3.1(b). Again, where R(·) is non-concave, the revenue obtained
from this randomized rule can be higher than R(q̂).
It should be intuitively clear that if we restrict ourselves to allocation rules that treat
Alice the same on appropriate subintervals of quantile space we can construct an effective
revenue curve R̄(·) equal smallest concave function that upper-bounds the actual revenue
curve R(·). This revenue curve is known as the ironed revenue curve and its derivative is the
ironed virtual valuation function.
Definition 3.23. For v ∼ F , the ironed revenue curve, R̄(·), is smallest concave function
that upper-bounds R(·) and the ironed virtual valuation function is φ̄(q) = R̄′ (q).
Ironed intervals of the ironed revenue curve are those with R̄(q) > R(q). The usage of
ironed virtual values in place of virtual values as a proxy for an agent’s (Alice) expected
payment is valid only for mechanisms treat her the same way regardless of where in the
interval her quantile lies. Meaning: Alice with quantile q ∈ [a, b] that is ironed will be served
with the same probability as she would have been with any other quantile q ′ ∈ [a, b]. The
following lemma formally states that ironed virtual surplus gives an upper bound on virtual
surplus that is tight for mechanisms that respect the ironed intervals.
Lemma 3.24. An agent’s expected payment is upper-bounded by their expected ironed virtual
surplus, i.e.,
Ev [p(v)] ≤ Eq φ̄(q)x(q) .
Furthermore, this inequality holds with equality when if R̄(q) > R(q) ⇒ x′ (q) = 0.
Proof. We will start by showing a more precise statement.
Eq [p(q)] = Eq [R′ (q) · x(q)] + Eq R̄′ (q) · x(q) − Eq R̄′ (q) · x(q)
= Eq R̄′ (q) · x(q) − Eq R̄′ (q) − R′ (q) · x(q)
= Eq R̄′ (q) · x(q) + Eq R̄(q) − R(q) · x′ (q) . (3.4)
The last line above follows from writing the expectation as an integral and integration by
Inspecting the second term of equation (3.4) more closely, notice that the difference in
the revenue curves is non-negative, as R̄(·) is defined to be an upper-bound on R(·); and
the derivative of the allocation rule is non-positive, as the allocation rule is monotone non-
increasing in quantile. Therefore, the second term is non-positive and the inequality of the
lemma is proven.
Of course, the assumption that R̄(q) > R(q) ⇒ x′ (q) = 0 implies that the second
term of (3.4) is identically zero: whenever the first multiplicand is non-zero, the second
multiplicand is zero.
Notice the advantage of R̄(·) over R(·) is two-fold. First, Corollary 3.13 suggests that we
can get more revenue from R̄(·) than from R(·). Second, R̄(·) is concave by definition, so
ironed virtual valuations are monotone, so ironed virtual surplus maximization results in a
monotone allocation rule, so with the appropriate payment rule it is incentive compatible.
In retrospect it should be obvious that the optimal revenue as a function of ex ante sale
probability is concave. Given any two IC mechanisms the convex combination of the two
mechanisms is IC and its revenue is a convex combination of the two mechanisms revenue.
Mechanism 3.3. The ironed virtual surplus maximization (IVSM) mechanism for distri-
butions with ironed virtual value functions φ̄(·) is:
By monotonicity of φ̄(·) and OPT(·), OPT(φ̄(·)) is monotone for each agent and all
values of other agents. Therefore, ironed virtual surplus maximization satisfies our strongest
incentive constraint. With the appropriate payments (i.e., the “critical values”) truthtelling
is a dominant strategy equilibrium (recall Corollary 2.18).
Theorem 3.25. The ironed virtual surplus maximization mechanism is dominant strategy
incentive compatible.
To show that ironed virtual surplus mechanism is optimal we need to argue that it
respects the ironed intervals of the ironed revenue curve, i.e., any agent with value within an
ironed interval receives the same outcome regardless of where in the interval her value lies.
Lemma 3.26. For agents with revenue curves R(·), the allocation rule x(·) of the ironed
virtual surplus maximization mechanism satisfies R̄i (qi ) > Ri (qi ) ⇒ x′i (qi ) = 0 for all i.
Proof. Observe that on ironed intervals, i.e., where R̄(q) > R(q), the ironed revenue curve,
R̄(·), is linear. This follows from the definition of the ironed revenue curve as the smallest
concave function that upper-bounds the revenue curve. Since R̄(·) is linear on this ironed
interval, its derivative and, consequently, the ironed virtual function is constant on the
interval. The allocation probability of the ironed virtual surplus maximization mechanism
is determined by the optimization OPT(φ̄(·)) which is a function only of the ironed virtual
0 0
v4 b v3 v2 a v1 v4 b v3 v2 v1 a
(a) Unique highest ironed virtual value. (b) Non-unique highest ironed virtual value.
Figure 3.2: The ironed virtual valuation function φ̄(v) under two realizations of agent values
depicting both the case where the highest ironed virtual value is unique and the case where
it is not unique.
values. Since an agent with any quantile within an ironed interval has the same ironed virtual
valuation, this optimization must produce an outcome that is constant on the interval. On
ironed intervals, therefore, the derivative of the allocation rule is zero.
Corollary 3.27. The ironed virtual surplus maximization mechanism optimizes expected
profit in dominant strategy equilibrium.
Like in the regular case, it is quite useful to view this result as a reduction from the
problem of profit maximization to the problem of surplus maximization.
Note that unlike the surplus maximization mechanism and the virtual value maximization
mechanism (for regular distributions) where the continuity assumption on the distribution
implies that there is never a tie, the ironed virtual surplus maximization mechanism for
irregular distributions may require a tie-breaking policy, for instance, when to agents with
distinct values have the same ironed virtual value. Tie breaking can be implemented arbi-
trarily (as long as it is not a function of the agents’ values). Common tie-breaking rules are
lexicographical and random. Lexicographical tie breaking will favor sets of agents with higher
indices. Random tie breaking takes the lexicographical ordering on a random permutation of
the agent indices. The randomized tie-breaking rule is often desired because it is symmetric.
1 1
0 0
b a v1 b v1 a
(a) a < v1 (b) b ≤ v1 ≤ a
Figure 3.3: The allocation (black line) and payment rule (gray region) for agent 1 given v−i
and the ironed virtual valuation function from Figure 3.2.
allocates the item to this agent, i.e., agent 1 in the figure. Figure 3.2(b) depicts a second
realization of values where the highest ironed virtual valuation is not unique. In this setting
the mechanism, we will assume, breaks ties by picking a random tied agent as the winner,
i.e., one of agents 1, 2, and 3 in the figure. In general when there is a k-agent tie for the
highest ironed virtual valuation then each tied agent wins with probability 1/k.
It is instructive to calculate the payment an agent must make in expectation over the
random tie-breaking rule. Consider the case where there is a unique highest ironed virtual
value. The agent with this ironed virtual value wins. To calculate their DSIC payment we
need to consider agent i’s allocation rule for fixed values v−i of the other agents. Consider
again the example in Figure 3.2(a) and imagine the probability we allocate to agent 1 as a
function of v1 . This is
if z > a
xi (v−i , z) = 1/k if z ∈ [b, a]
0 if z < b.
when v−i has a k − 1 agents in [b, a] tied for the highest ironed virtual valuation. The 1/k
probability of winning for z ∈ [b, a] arises from our analysis of what happens when in a k-
agent tie. Figure 3.3(a) depicts the allocation and rule payment of this agent. When agent 1
has the unique highest ironed virtual value, i.e., v1 > a, then p1 = a − (a − b)/k.
When agent 1 is tied for the highest ironed virtual value with k − 1 other agents, as
depicted in Figure 3.3(b), their expected payment is p1 = b/k. Of course, x1 = 1/k so such
a payment can be implemented by charging b to the tied agent that wins and zero to the
3.1 In computer networks such as the Internet is is often not possible to use monetary
payments to ensure allocation of resources to those who value them the most. Com-
putational payments, e.g., in the form of “proofs of work”, however, are often possible.
One important difference between monetary payments and computational payments
is that computational payments can be used to align incentives but do not transfer
utility from the agents to the seller. I.e., the seller has not direct value from and agent
performing a computation.
P Define the residual surplus as be the social surplus less
the payments, i.e., i (vi · xi − pi ) − c(x). (For more details, see the discussion of
non-monetary payments in Chapter 1.)
Describe the mechanism that maximizes residual surplus when the distributions of on
agent’s values satisfy the monotone hazard rate assumption, i.e., f (v)/(1 − F (v)) is
monotone non-decreasing. Your description should first include a description in terms
of virtual values and then you should interpret the implications of that distribution
under the monotone hazard rate assumption. Consider the following cases:
3.2 Give a mechanism with first-price payment semantics that implements the social sur-
plus maximizing outcome in equilibrium for any single-dimensional agent environment.
Hint: your mechanism may be parameterized by the distribution.
3.3 Prove from first principles that BNE implies the payment identity of Theorem 3.10.
You may assume that x(·) and p(·) are continuously differentiable with respect to
3.4 Consider the non-downward closed environment of public projects: either every agent
can be served or none of them. I.e., the cost structure satisfies:
0 if Pi xi = 0,
c(x) = 0 if i xi = n, and
∞ otherwise.
Chapter Notes
The surplus-optimal Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism is credited to Vickrey (1961),
Clarke (1971), and Groves (1973).
The revenue-optimal single-item auction was derived by Roger Myerson (1981). Its gener-
alization to single-dimensional agent environments is an obvious extension. The relationship
between revenue-optimal auctions, revenue curves, and marginal revenue (equivalent to vir-
tual values) is due to Bulow and Roberts (1989).