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Japan – Ogasawara Islands



IUCN RECOMMENDATION TO 35 SESSION: To inscribe the property under natural criteria

Key paragraphs of Operational Guidelines:

77 Property meets one or more natural criteria.
78 Property meets conditions of integrity and has an adequate protection and management system.
114 Property meets management requirements for serial properties.

1. DOCUMENTATION Ogasawara Islands: Ministry of Environment, Nature

Conservation Bureau (MoE); Forestry Agency; Cultural
a) Date nomination received by IUCN: 15 March Heritage Agency; Tokyo Metropolitan Government
2010. (TMG); and Ogasawara Village, and the Scientific
Council. Numerous discussions were held with members
b) Additional information officially requested from of local NGOs and two special sessions were organised
and provided by the State Party: Following the to meet with community representatives on Chichijima
technical evaluation mission the State Party was and Hahajima Islands.
requested to provide supplementary information on 14
September 2010. The information was received on 12 e) Field Visit: Peter Shadie and Naomi Doak, July 2010.
November 2010.
f) Date of IUCN approval of this report: 29 April 2011.
c) Additional Literature Consulted: Chaloupka, M.,
Bjorndal, K., Balazs, G. H., Bolten, A. B., Ehrhart, L. M.,
Limpus, C. J., Suganuma, H., Troeng, S. and 2. SUMMARY OF NATURAL VALUES
Yamaguchi, M. (2007): Encouraging outlook for
recovery of a once severely exploited marine mega- The Ogasawara Islands are located in the western
herbivore. Global Ecol. Biogeogr. Dingwall, P., Pacific Ocean, to the north of the Tropic of Cancer and
Weighell, T. and Badman, T. (2005). Geological World roughly 1,000 km south of the main Japanese
Heritage: A Global Framework Strategy. Gland, Archipelago. The serial nomination is comprised of five
Switzerland. IUCN (2009). IUCN Red List of components within an extension of about 400 km from
Threatened Species. Compiled by Hilton-Taylor, C. north to south and includes more than 30 islands,
Gland, Switzerland. Ministry of Environment et al. clustered within three island groups of the Ogasawara
(2010). Ogasawara Islands World Heritage Area Plan. Archipelago: Mukojima, Chichijima and Hahajima, plus
Molloy, L. (2006). Ogasawara Islands National Park. A an additional three individual islands: Kita-iwoto and
report to the Japanese Ministry of the Environment Minami-iwoto of the Kazan group and the isolated
and the Japan Wildlife Research Centre on the Nishinoshima Island. The nominated property originally
likelihood of World Heritage values in the Ogasawara totalled 7,408 ha comprising a terrestrial area of 6,358
Islands National Park. Shimizu, Y. (2003). The nature ha and a marine area of 1,050 ha. Following discussions
of Ogasawara and its conservation. Global during the IUCN evaluation mission, the State Party
Environmental Research. Tatsumi, Y. and Maruyama, S. proposed to increase the marine areas to a total of 1,581
(1989). Boninites and high-Mg andesites: tectonics ha and has provided supplementary information to
and petrogenesis. In: Crawford, A.J., ed, Boninites confirm a revised boundary. The overall surface after
and Related Rocks. Unwin Hyman, London. Udvardy, amendment is therefore 7,939 ha.
M.D.F. (1975). A Classification of the
Biogeographical Provinces of the World. UNEP- The islands rest along the Ogasawara Ridge, which
WCMC (1987). Ogasawara (Bonin Islands) National forms the fore-arc of the Izu-Ogasawara Arc-Trench
Park UNEP-WCMC Data Sheet. Cambridge, U.K. System that was formed along the eastern edge of the
UNESCO (2008). World Heritage and Biodiversity No. oceanic Philippine Sea Plate as a result of the
49. Éditions UNESCO. Wood, C. (2009). World subduction of the Pacific Plate around 48 million years
Heritage Volcanoes: A Thematic Study. IUCN ago. A series of volcanic activities and magma
Programme on Protected Areas. Gland, Switzerland. compositions record the evolutionary process from
juvenile oceanic arc to what the Ogasawara Islands are
d) Consultations: Ten external reviewers were today. The archipelago preserves an excellent series of
consulted. The mission included extensive consultations terrestrial exposures and differentiated lava flows
with officials from the various managing agencies with illustrating the evolution of an island arc over millions of
responsibility for the property both in Tokyo and on the years. This evolution provides a detailed picture of the

IUCN Evaluation Report – May 2011 61

Japan – Ogasawara Islands

ongoing formation of continents. In addition, the origin of In the ocean around the islands 795 species of fish, 23
the continental crust (the middle crust) formed under the species of cetaceans and 226 hermatypic coral species
arc demonstrates the ongoing evolutionary process from have been documented. The ocean surrounding the
an oceanic island arc to a continent. archipelago is known to provide excellent habitat for
migratory cetaceans and turtles.
The landscape varies between the island groups and
individual islands. The islands in the Chichijima Group
are all plateau-like in shape with gently rolling plains 3. COMPARISONS WITH OTHER AREAS
bounded by sea cliffs whereas the Mukojima Group
islands are flat and surrounded by sea cliffs. The Several islands or portions of islands are on the World
Hahajima Islands Group in turn is characterised by Heritage List. The nomination document provides a
precipitous ridges and tall sea cliffs. The two islands comparative analysis with a focus on geological values,
from the Kazan Group are mountainous with both in particular a comparison among oceanic island arcs,
islands formed from the summits of giant submarine and ecological/biological values in relation to other island
stratovolcanos. Nishinoshima Island is flat and triangular groups. Further comparative research according to the
and located on the peak of a large submarine volcano criteria selected for nomination ((viii), (ix) and (x)) was
which rises 3,000 metres from the sea floor. undertaken to complement the State Party’s comparative
The islands have a maritime, subtropical climate
characterised by small annual and diurnal temperature The basis of nomination under criterion (viii) is the
ranges and high levels of relative humidity. The area is preservation of exposures on land of the evolutionary
slightly affected by typhoons and has a mean annual processes involved in the formation of an island arc over
precipitation of 1,276.7 mm. There is wide range of millions of years. An examination of the Pacific ‘Rim of
microclimates across and within the islands. Fire’ shows that there are many volcanic sites coincident
with subduction zones. High magnesium andesites,
The archipelago is a mixed island biome dominated by including boninite, are found in many other places
subtropical forest types and sclerophyllous shrublands. around the world in association with subduction zones,
On steep cliffs and windswept headlands the vegetation although most are either disturbed by other geological
is reduced to grasses and herbs. The coast is also home processes or are submerged. The closest comparative
to a tall forest of pantropical species. There are 441 sites in terms of volcanic setting are the Kermadec
documented taxa of native plants including 161 taxa of Islands (New Zealand), Macquarie Island (Australia) and
endemic vascular plants and 88 taxa of endemic woody the Volcanoes of Kamchatka (Russian Federation), all
plants. Due to the location of the islands the plant displaying island arc volcanic sites, although there are
species reflect a mixture of origins with many species many other island arc volcanic systems globally. The
from subtropical Southeast Asia, as well as species Kermadec Islands have similar volcanic origins and exist
reflecting a northern origin from the mainland of Japan. in a similar tectonic setting aligned to the subduction of
The climatic conditions on a number of the islands and the Pacific Plate under the Indian-Australian Plate. The
the frequent presence of fog within the cloud belt also Kamchatka Peninsula, whilst not an island, displays
provides suitable conditions for many species of similar island characteristics. The Kamchatka Peninsula
bryophytes, epiphytes and tree ferns. encompasses an impressive 700km volcanic belt
associated with the subduction of the Pacific Plate under
The faunal composition of the islands is characteristic of the Eurasian Plate with a series of volcanoes, a number
isolated oceanic island systems. The numbers of native of which are active. Macquarie Island has similar pillow
taxa are unusually skewed with some being lavas, lava flows, and basaltic dykes to the Ogasawara
underrepresented or absent altogether while others are Islands; however, it lacks the exposed rock sequences
disproportionally large in number. which are found in the Ogasawara Islands. Similarly, the
Kermadecs lack the exposures and clarity of evidence of
The only terrestrial native mammal species is the the Ogasawara Islands. Whilst the particular geology of
endemic, critically endangered Bonin Flying Fox. the islands is of significant international technical
Fourteen of the 195 recorded bird species are on the interest, alone it is not of sufficient basis for World
IUCN Red List. Two species of terrestrial reptiles have Heritage recognition. As noted in the IUCN thematic
been recorded on the islands: the endemic Ogasawara study on volcanoes, the potential in this regard would be
Snake-Eyed Skink and the Micronesian Gecko. There in relation to extending representation via a transnational
are 1380 insect species, 379 of which are endemic. The extension of Kamchatka, however this is not the
Ogasawara Islands further host 40 recorded species of proposal as put forward in the nomination.
freshwater fish.
The Ogasawara Islands are also nominated under
One of the most distinctive examples of adaptive criterion (ix) as an outstanding example of the ongoing
radiation of the fauna is found within the land snails. evolutionary processes in oceanic island ecosystems, as
There are 134 species of land snails of which 100 are evidenced by the high levels of endemism; speciation
endemic. through adaptive radiation; evolution of marine species

62 IUCN Evaluation Report – May 2011

Japan – Ogasawara Islands

into terrestrial species; and for their importance for the taxa, of which a notable 37% are endemic. As these
scientific study of such processes. figures include subspecies and varieties, the actual
number of vascular plant species on the Ogasawaras is
The high degree of endemism is striking and is best lower. The nominated property is also recognized as a
illustrated in relation to vascular plants and land snails. Centre of Plant Diversity.
According to the nomination, 76 (93%) of the 82
remaining native land snail species are endemic to the The nominated property is an Endemic Bird Area (EBA)
island group. Thus, the Ogasawaras have a higher level and five of Japan’s 167 Important Bird Areas (IBAs) are
of land snail endemism than the Madeira Archipelago located in the archipelago. The large number of bird
(Portugal, 88%) and the Canary Islands (Spain, 81%); species does not stand out when compared to other
however, their level of endemism does not reach that of similarly sized islands and island groups such as Lord
the Hawaiian Islands (United States of America, 97%), Howe Island Group, Macquarie Island (both Australia) or
Galapagos Islands (Ecuador, 96%) and Socotra Gough and Inaccessible Islands (U.K.). Apart from birds,
Archipelago (Yemen, 95%). the Ogasawaras have a species-poor vertebrate fauna.
Invertebrates display high levels of species richness and
Several World Heritage properties are recognized for the degree of endemism, in particular land snails. There are
demonstration of evolutionary processes such as 1,380 recorded insect species with an endemic ratio of
adaptive radiation and speciation, in particular the slightly under 30 %.
Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), East Rennell (Solomon
Islands) and Aldabra Atoll (Seychelles). The Kermadec The nominated property is located within the Japan
Islands, on New Zealand's Tentative List, are also known biodiversity hotspot, a global conservation priority well
for comparable values. Each one of these sites differs covered by existing World Heritage properties. These
from Ogasawara in individual ways, including the range are Yakushima ((vii), (ix)), Shirakami-Sanchi (ix) and
of taxa showing adaptive radiation. Although not as well Shiretoko ((ix), (x)), all of which have a higher plant and
known as the Galapagos Islands or the Hawaiian vertebrate diversity than the Ogasawaras, except for the
Islands, the Ogasawara Islands provide evidence for the number of recorded bird species. In terms of total
different stages of the evolution of endemic species on species numbers, the small Ogasawaras have a far
oceanic islands: long-distance migration, establishment, poorer invertebrate fauna than many larger island
enlargement and adaptive radiation and diversification. groups such as the Hawaiian Islands (U.S.A.),
However, only seven plant genera show adaptive Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), Canary Islands (Spain)
radiation. Perhaps the most direct comparison in this and the Madeira Archipelago (Portugal). Several island
regard is to be made with Galapagos Islands given its systems boast considerably higher numbers of endemic
iconic standing in the development of evolutionary species and higher ratios or endemic to native species,
theory. Whilst the degree of speciation and e.g. Galapagos, Lord Howe and Hawaii Islands in the
differentiation in the plants and animals of the Pacific and Socotra Island (Yemen) in the Indian Ocean.
Galapagos is not matched in the Ogasawara Islands, the
nominated property illustrates a higher concentration of The terrestrial biodiversity of the Ogasawara Islands is
endemism and examples of adaptive radiation in a remarkable and clearly of national and even regional
significantly smaller area. significance, especially considering the small surface
In this sense, the Ogasawara Islands complement the
observable evolutionary processes in the Galapagos The surrounding marine areas, including but not limited
with many examples at a different spatial scale and to the formally protected areas and the small areas
showing much earlier stages of evolutionary processes. included in the nomination, deserve to be noted.
For example, the degree of adaptive radiation shown by
the land snail genera Hirasea and Mandarina is very
striking, resulting in distinct morphological variation in 4. INTEGRITY, PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT
four ecotypes: arboreal; semi-arboreal; ground
(sheltered); and ground (exposed). Further Mandarina 4.1. Protection
species display extraordinary variation between islands
and even fine scale such as in the Minamizaki area of Most of the nominated property is state owned and
Hahajima Island. under the authority of various governmental agencies,
including the Forestry Agency, the Ministry of Finance,
The archipelago also offers significant examples the Ministry of the Environment (MoE) and the Tokyo
showing the evolution of species such as the isopod Metropolitan Government (TMG). The Forestry Agency
genus Ligia from marine to brackish to freshwater and is in charge of the National Forests, roughly 80% of the
then terrestrial species. terrestrial surface of the nominated area. In addition,
some land is owned by Ogasawara Village with the
In relation to criterion (x), the Ogasawara Islands have remaining areas privately owned.
relatively low overall levels of species diversity across all
taxa, as is common on oceanic islands and island The nominated property contains five legally designated
groups. The nomination lists 441 native vascular plant categories of protected area managed by three national

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Government agencies: 1. Wilderness Area; 2. National While not specified in the original nomination, the State
Park; 3. National Wildlife Protection Areas (all MoE); 4. Party confirmed in supplementary information officially
Forest Ecosystem Reserves (Forestry Agency); and 5. submitted following the IUCN evaluation mission, that
Natural Monuments (Cultural Agency). Various the much larger Ogasawara National Park serves as a
management functions are delegated to the TMG and functional buffer zone in line with the Operational
Ogasawara Village Administration. Guidelines.

The Ogasawara archipelago is protected through seven IUCN considers that the boundaries of the nominated
pieces of national legislation which overlap in jurisdiction property meet the requirements set out in the
and objectives. These include the: 1. Nature Operational Guidelines.
Conservation Law (1972, MoE) proclaiming Wilderness
Areas; 2. Natural Parks Law (1957, MoE) governing 4.3 Management
National Parks; 3. Law on the Administration and
Management of National Forests and Forest Reserve The 2010 multi-agency Ogasawara Islands Management
System based on National Forest Administration and Plan and companion Ogasawara Islands Ecosystem
Management Bylaw (1951 and 1999, Forestry Agency) Conservation Action Plan cover a wide area of 129,360
governing national forests; 4. Wildlife Protection and ha and include controls beyond the nominated property
Appropriate Hunting Law (2002, MoE) protecting such as ship navigation routes. The plans deal with
significant wildlife; 5. Law for the Protection of Cultural critical issues such as access to the islands and control
Properties (1950, Cultural Agency) proclaiming National of alien invasive species. Management activities are
Natural Monuments; 6. Law for the Conservation of detailed for the different island groups within the property
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (MoE); with clear coordination mechanisms and monitoring
and 7. Invasive Alien Species Act (MoE). plans prescribed. The plan is based on scientific
knowledge and includes timetabled and prioritized
The application of a suite of legislation to formalize actions. The plans are terrestrially focused and would
protection is common in Japan. Despite the complex benefit from more attention to marine management
matrix of laws defining and affecting the property, they issues.
together provide for a complementary and generally
harmonized suite of protection. The laws strictly control Interagency cooperation, driven through a Regional
development and are consistent in their objectives to Liaison Committee which meets regularly, is effective
protect the key values of the property. Any jurisdictional and should be further developed over time to foster more
conflicts are resolved through an interagency Regional empowered stakeholder engagement in management.
Liaison Committee structure. This coordination structure The nominated property benefits from strong links and
is modelled on the collaborative approach applied in dialogue between researchers, managers and
Shiretoko World Heritage property. community, including through a Scientific Council.

IUCN considers the protection status of the nominated A considerable increase in staffing and resources has
property meets the requirements set out in the taken place over the last five years with currently USD
Operational Guidelines. 11.6 m spent annually on conservation interventions. Of
special note are the efforts and significant investment in
4.2 Boundaries alien invasive species control programmes. Staff
numbers, currently 47 located both in the archipelago
The nominated property is zoned under the legislation and Tokyo, have increased by 36% and funding has
noted above. The principle management zones are almost doubled since 2005. In addition to rangers TMG
identified under the Natural Park Act and the Law and have appointed a World Heritage Officer for the property.
Bylaw on the Administration and Management of
National Forests. Six zones are defined under the Business planning to diversify and secure future
Natural Parks Law and two under the Forestry laws. financing is not yet being undertaken on the Ogasawara
Recent amendments to the zoning system have Islands due to the significant levels of Government
strengthened protection increasing the Special funding for current management. There is scope to
Protection Zone to cover 74% of the property and the undertake business planning on community-based
Special Zones to 26% of the property. activities such as guided tours. At present, visitors are
charged a fee which covers the guides’ salary and
The integrity, protection and management of the operating costs as a break-even operation. The actual
Ogasawara Islands cannot be separated from the willingness to pay might be considerably higher
surrounding ocean. Following discussions during the suggesting room for a more entrepreneurial approach.
technical evaluation, the existing Marine Park Zones Such an approach would constitute a source for both
were included in the nominated area, a welcome local income and conservation funding. Similarly, an
addition expected to contribute to the integrity of the site impact fee or conservation contribution could be charged
and to facilitate management. and opportunities could be developed to market local
niche products.

64 IUCN Evaluation Report – May 2011

Japan – Ogasawara Islands

Breaches of law may incur prosecution under the dry conditions and a way of attracting them for visiting
multiple laws outlined above. There is adequate legal tourists on guided walks. It is recommended that this
protection and scope for enforcement. The at present practice be reviewed and either stopped or perhaps
few severe violations of the law are handled by the limited to short term watering to attract the birds for
police. viewing.

The multi-agency management presence on the IUCN considers the management of the nominated
Ogasawara Islands results in somewhat complex property meets the requirements set out in the
procedures. Currently rangers from one particular Operational Guidelines.
agency aware of infringements are required to report
these to the relevant authority and then these incidents, 4.4 Threats
if serious enough to warrant further action, are reported
to the police. It is noteworthy that the islands were once covered by
dense subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests. Most
This situation calls for the introduction of reciprocal of the forest was cleared or seriously degraded over the
enforcement powers such that rangers have the last hundred years. The Ogasawara Islands have been
authority to report and hand over law enforcement and continue to be severely threatened by the human
matters to the appropriate jurisdiction. There are presence. The main causes for this are conversion of
currently three types of uniformed rangers on the habitats and invasive alien species. Further concerns
islands: TMG, MoE and Forestry Agency. Ideally, law include possible future air access, increased tourism and
enforcement should be communicated as a unified and development, and the expected consequences of
common effort. This should be reflected in uniforms or at climate change.
least a common logo.
Invasive alien species
Human occupation of the islands is relatively recent with Without doubt alien invasive species present the most
a small group of Westerners and Pacific Islanders significant immediate and future threat. The main pest
settling on Chichijima in 1830. The islands were virtually animals among the 22 recorded alien species are goats,
abandoned during World War II and reoccupied only cats, black rats, green anoles, pigs, the predatory
after 1968. Today only two of the islands within the flatworm, bullfrogs and cane toads with the predominant
nominated property are inhabited (Chichijima and invasive plants among more than 300 recorded species
Hahajima) with a combined residential population of being Bischofia, Casuarina, and Leucacena.
2,462. Residential areas and surrounding small scale
agricultural lands are excluded from the area of the There has been noteworthy progress made in the
nominated property. management of alien invasive species. The
corresponding strategy outlined in the Ogasawara
A high level of local involvement is evident in the Islands Management Plan adopts approaches ranging
nominated property, most notably on Chichijima and from control to mitigation to eradication. A good
Hahajima Islands. Local NGOs such as the Institute of understanding of ecosystem dynamics and interspecies
Boninology are conducting quality research work in dependency is driving decisions about control
cooperation with other academic institutions and the sequencing with a significant input from the Scientific
Government agencies. They are also active in involving Council.
local community groups and members in their work.
Over 200 accredited tour guides are providing visitor Managing agencies have also assessed international
services in the islands. literature and sourced best practices from Australia and
New Zealand. Control techniques have been modified to
Consultation meetings during the technical evaluation suit local conditions and further innovated in many
indicated an adequate level of consultation in the World cases.
Heritage nomination process. The nomination has also
been accompanied by major awareness-raising efforts Many satellite islands are free of vertebrate pests, a
both locally and with Tokyo Metropolitan residents. No critical factor in re-establishing seabird habitat and
local opposition to the nomination was detected. The breeding. There is an excellent programme of
communities are motivated by their pride and passion for collaborative management oriented research helping to
the islands and expressed a desire to maintain their take an adaptive approach to management and control
current lifestyles, including the continued conservation of alien invasive species. Academic institutions,
and management of the property. Communities are also Government agencies, at both national and local levels,
involved through both paid and volunteer programmes. NGOs and communities are working together to address
these issues.
Some instances of misdirected community action occur.
For example, artificial watering points in the Sekimon There is a need to strengthen access and quarantining
Forest area of Hahajima are serviced by the community protocols along the lines of the strict regulations in
to provide water for birds. The motivation for this countries such as Australia and New Zealand. A variety
appears to be a mixture of concern for the birds during of strengthened quarantining measures should be

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introduced including mandatory completion of the The Ogasawara Village administration should continue
currently voluntary declaration forms available to to use bed numbers to control overall levels of visitation.
passengers to the islands; stronger controls on garden Careful regulation and incentivizing of commercial
plant introductions both being bought to the islands by operators should be used to manage visitor impacts.
residents and being used in street plantings; and a more Mandatory requirements and branding incentives can be
rigorous protocol of shoe cleaning and bag checking. applied through licensing thereby certifying responsible
operators. Licensing should be diversified beyond whale
The same protocols should be applied to controls watching association members to cover other operators
between islands, e.g. between Chichijima Island and such as diving, fishing and sea kayaking.
Anijima where boaters are allowed to come ashore in
intertidal zones only. To ensure continued local Overall growth in the residential population on the
community buy-in, it is preferable to manage this Ogasawara Islands is modest. Residential development
movement between islands rather than prohibit it should be closely monitored to ensure population size
completely. The introduction of rigorous protocols would does not exceed the limits of infrastructure and island
help to ensure no further introductions occur, particularly ecosystems. Any development should be small scale
on to islands where eradication efforts have already and in keeping with the islands' values.
been successful or are currently underway. Tour
operators are voluntarily complying with these controls. Climate change
However, these efforts should be strengthened and The Ogasawara Islands may not be subject to the same
included as conditions within licensing and certification level of impacts of predicted sea level rise as other low
systems to ensure compliance beyond voluntary lying island systems and atolls. Nonetheless, there are
commitments. likely impacts of climate change, such as on species
compositions, ranges, seasonal cycles and habitat
It is recommended that beyond continued efforts to preferences. In addition, a higher frequency and intensity
control feral cats, stronger measures to control domestic of natural disasters such as landslides, typhoons and
cats are also introduced. In addition, regulations on the droughts could impact the islands in future. The impact
sterilizing of pets are recommended. Continued of climate change on ecosystem dynamics and alien
community awareness-raising is recommended to a invasive species should also be considered in
point where residents may voluntarily agree to a corresponding control strategies. In the absence of
complete ban on cats. clarity, IUCN recommends that research begin to also
consider the potential impacts of climate change.
Future air access, increased tourism and Capacity should be developed within management staff
development to understand and plan for climate change impacts.
The establishment of air services to the islands through Community awareness programmes should also be
an airstrip on Chichijima Island is under discussion. Most developed on climate change and responses.
residents seem strongly supportive but appear to favor a
small scale solution for residential and emergency use. In summary, IUCN considers the nominated property
IUCN is critical of the consequences of any air access meets the conditions of integrity as outlined in the
development on grounds of potential change in numbers Operational Guidelines.
and type of visitor to the islands. The legitimate concerns
regarding emergency access might be addressed by
considering midsize seaplanes as an alternative. Such 5. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS
an alternative could also serve to carry low numbers of
willing-to-pay visitors. 5.1 Justification for Serial Approach

Currently, around 17,000 tourists p.a. visit the When IUCN evaluates the nomination of a serial
Ogasawara Islands. The property is very well protected property it asks the following questions:
through a strict access control regime with many
sensitive areas off-limits to visitors or only accessible a) What is the justification for the serial approach?
through guided tours. The islands have an Ecotourism A serial approach is justified as components of the
Master Plan prepared in 2005 and revised in 2010. It is property display different aspects of the values within
prepared and overseen by the Ogasawara Ecotourism these islands. The suite of endemic flora and fauna is
Council, a Government, NGO and community body. This spread across various islands and components of the
approach is commendable but could be significantly property. The variation within these species, and how
strengthened by the Scientific Council becoming a this demonstrates adaptive evolutionary radiation can
member of the Ogasawara Ecotourism Council. only be understood if seen across the various
components of the serial nomination.
An increase in visitation could follow World Heritage
inscription, especially if access to the islands is changed. b) Are the separate component parts of the
Therefore, the approach to tourism should be adapted in nominated property functionally linked in relation to
anticipation of increased visitation with a focus on the requirements of the Operational Guidelines?
managing numbers, impacts and community benefits.

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The component parts of the property jointly represent the Criterion (ix): Ecological processes
natural values of the archipelago. IUCN finds that all of The property's ecosystems reflect a range of
the components of the property required to express evolutionary processes illustrated through its rich
Outstanding Universal Value have been included within assemblage of plant species from both a Southeast
the nomination. Asian and a Northwest Asian origin. There is also a very
high percentage of endemic species in selected
c) Is there an effective overall management taxonomic groups, resulting from these evolutionary
framework for all the component parts of the processes. Within the flora it is an important centre for
nominated property? active, ongoing speciation.
While under differing but complementary legal and
jurisdictional regimes, the management of the nominated The Ogasawara Islands provide valuable evidence of
property is appropriately linked under the umbrella of the evolutionary processes through their significant on-going
Ogasawara Islands Management Plan and by the fact ecological processes of adaptive radiation in the
that it commits the five managing agencies to joint action evolution of the land snail fauna as well as in their
and coordination. The establishment of an active endemic plant species. The examples of fine-scale
Regional Liaison Committee provides a forum for adaptive radiation between and sometimes within the
concerted action and to resolve any jurisdictional issues. different islands of the archipelago are central to the
Similarly, the Scientific Council provides a vehicle for study and understanding of speciation and ecological
ensuring that the property is managed in a holistic diversification. This is further enhanced by the relatively
manner and considering issues outside of the property low extinction rates in taxa such as the land snails.
It is the combination of both the concentration of
The Management Plan commits all the managing endemism and extent of adaptive radiation evident in the
interests to a common plan of action and is detailed Ogasawara Islands which sets the nominated property
enough to ensure harmonized management, research apart from other places illustrating evolutionary
and policy. The Management Plan is up to date and processes. When taking into account their small area,
comprehensive is scope. the Ogasawara Islands show exceptionally high levels of
endemism in land snails and vascular plants.
5.2 Nomination process
IUCN considers that the nominated property meets this
IUCN would like to commend the exemplary nomination criterion.
process. A feasibility study delivered through a member
of IUCN's World Commission on Protected Areas upon Criterion (x): Biodiversity and threatened species
State Party request had identified various integrity and The Ogasawara Islands have a number of biodiversity
management issues which were addressed through values that are displayed in similar or more remarkable
work over several years prior to the formal submission of forms in other Pacific locations. The nominated property
the nomination document. has a rich flora and fauna, including a number of rare
and threatened species, with a relatively high
percentage of endemic species. However, Ogasawara
6. APPLICATION OF CRITERIA has generally low levels of biodiversity with many
underrepresented taxa. While efforts to conserve and
Ogasawara Islands has been nominated under natural reintroduce threatened seabirds are laudable, the
criteria (viii), (ix) and (x). islands are not considered to be critical remaining
habitat for any particular species.
Criterion (viii): Earth’s history and geological
features Whilst the Ogasawara Islands are recognised as a
The basis of nomination under this criterion is the Centre of Plant Diversity, many archipelagos have a
preservation of exposures on land of the evolutionary higher concentration of plant species per area. The
processes involved in the formation of an island arc over same holds true for insects. Several comparable oceanic
millions of years. An examination of the Pacific ‘Rim of island sites have higher numbers and percentages of
Fire’ shows that there are many volcanic sites coincident endemic species. The mixed Island system biome is
with subduction zones. The particular geology of the represented on the World Heritage list by more
islands is of significant international technical interest; outstanding places from the perspective of criterion (x).
however alone it is not of sufficient basis for World
Heritage recognition. As noted in the IUCN thematic IUCN considers that the nominated property does not
study on volcanoes, the potential in this regard would be meet this criterion.
in relation to extending representation via a transnational
extension of Kamchatka. However this is not the
proposal as put forward in the nomination. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS

IUCN considers that the nominated property does not IUCN recommends that the World Heritage Committee
meet this criterion. adopt the following draft decision:

IUCN Evaluation Report – May 2011 67

Japan – Ogasawara Islands

The World Heritage Committee, Integrity

The boundaries of the serial property cover the key
1. Having examined Documents WHC-11/35.COM/8B values of the property and are well designed. The
and WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B2, zonation and the legal set-up provide an appropriate
framework, while the boundaries of Ogasawara National
2. Inscribes the Ogasawara Islands (Japan) on the Park serve as a functional overall buffer. Marine
World Heritage List under natural criterion (ix); protected areas are partly included contributing to more
effective management of the terrestrial-marine interface
3. Adopts the following statement of Outstanding and thus integrity. Integrity issues are mostly related to
Universal Value: external threats, most importantly invasive alien species.
The effects of invasive alien species and historic logging
Brief synthesis have already altered many of the archipelago's habitats.
The Ogasawara Islands are located in the western Future invasions have the potential to compromise the
Pacific Ocean roughly 1,000 km south of the main very values the Ogasawara Islands have been
Japanese Archipelago. The serial property is comprised recognized for and therefore need careful and
of five components within an extension of about 400 km continuous attention. Possible future air access, as well
from north to south and includes more than 30 islands, as increased visitation and corresponding development
clustered within three island groups of the Ogasawara potentially have strong and even irreversible effects in a
Archipelago: Mukojima, Chichijima and Hahajima, plus fragile island environment. Control of access to the
an additional three individual islands: Kita-iwoto and islands and of alien invasive species, two in part
Minami-iwoto of the Kazan group and the isolated overlapping issues, are of critical importance for the
Nishinoshima Island. The nominated property totals conservation of the archipelago.
7,939 ha comprising a terrestrial area of 6,358 ha and a
marine area of 1,581 ha. Today only two of the islands Management and protection requirements
within the property are inhabited, Chichijima and The majority of the property is state owned and under
Hahajima. the authority of various agencies. Some land is owned
by Ogasawara Village with some other areas privately
The landscape is dominated by subtropical forest types owned. The nominated property contains five legally
and sclerophyllous shrublands. On steep cliffs and designated categories of protected area managed by
windswept headlands the vegetation is reduced to three national Government agencies and is surrounded
grasses and herbs. by the much larger Ogasawara National Park serving as
a functional buffer zone. The property is protected
Criteria through seven pieces of national legislation which
Criterion (ix) overlap in jurisdiction and objectives specifying the
The property's ecosystems reflect a range of mandate of the Ministry of the Environment, the Forestry
evolutionary processes illustrated through its rich Agency and the Cultural Agency. Any jurisdictional
assemblage of plant species from both a Southeast conflicts are resolved through an interagency Regional
Asian and a Northwest Asian origin. There is also a very Liaison Committee structure.
high percentage of endemic species in selected
taxonomic groups, resulting from these evolutionary The 2010 multi-agency Ogasawara Islands Management
processes. Within the flora it is an important centre for Plan and companion Ogasawara Islands Ecosystem
active, ongoing speciation. Conservation Action Plan cover a wide area of 129,360
ha and include controls beyond the nominated property
The Ogasawara Islands provide valuable evidence of such as ship navigation routes. The plans deal with
evolutionary processes through their significant on-going critical issues such as access to the islands and control
ecological processes of adaptive radiation in the of alien invasive species. Management activities are
evolution of the land snail fauna as well as in their detailed for the different island groups within the property
endemic plant species. The examples of fine-scale with clear coordination mechanisms and monitoring
adaptive radiation between and sometimes within the plans prescribed. The plan is based on scientific
different islands of the archipelago are central to the knowledge and includes timetabled and prioritized
study and understanding of speciation and ecological actions.
diversification. This is further enhanced by the relatively
low extinction rates in taxa such as the land snails. The property benefits from strong links and dialogue
between researchers, managers and community.
It is the combination of both the concentration of Particularly commendable is the role of the Scientific
endemism and extent of adaptive radiation evident in the Council and the approach to research which is adaptive
Ogasawara Islands which sets the nominated property and management-oriented. Local involvement and the
apart from other places illustrating evolutionary maintenance of community benefits are crucial elements
processes. When taking into account their small area, in the management of this remote archipelago.
the Ogasawara Islands show exceptionally high levels of
endemism in land snails and vascular plants. 4. Commends the State Party on the major and
increasing conservation investments evident in the

68 IUCN Evaluation Report – May 2011

Japan – Ogasawara Islands

nomination, a high level of community participation, the management and thereby enhance the integrity
multi-agency approach taken and the decision to of the marine-terrestrial ecosystem dynamic;
increase the marine area of the property during the
nomination process; b) develop and implement a research and
monitoring programme to assess and adapt to
5. Requests the State Party to: the impacts of climate change on the property;

a) continue its efforts to address invasive alien c) ensure careful tourism management in
species; anticipation of increased future visitation and, in
particular, to strengthen the Ogasawara
b) ensure all significant infrastructure development, Ecotourism Council integrating the Scientific
including for tourism and access to the islands is Council as a member of the Ogasawara
subject to rigorous prior environmental impact Ecotourism Council and advising on appropriate
assessment; tourism policies that protect the island’s values;

6. Strongly encourages the State Party to: d) ensure careful regulation and incentivization of
commercial operators to manage visitor impacts,
a) consider further expansion of the property’s including through mandatory requirements and
Marine Park Zones to facilitate more effective certification incentives for tourism operators.

IUCN Evaluation Report – May 2011 69

Japan – Ogasawara Islands

Map 1: Nominated property location in the Pacific Ocean

Map 2: Nominated property location

70 IUCN Evaluation Report – May 2011

Japan – Ogasawara Islands

Map 3: Boundary of the Mukojima and Chichijima Island Groups

IUCN Evaluation Report – May 2011 71

Japan – Ogasawara Islands

Map 4: Boundary of the Hahajima and Kazan Groups

72 IUCN Evaluation Report – May 2011

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