Magnets and Their Specifications: MEDER Electronic About Magnets

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Magnets and their specifications

Magnets are available in multiple specifications on the net force as well as a different flux density. Additionally
market. Almost all dimensions and geometries can be to dimension and material, other factors exist that define
realised. To activate the reed switch a magnet (magnet the energy of a magnet. These are mounting position,
field) is needed. The different magnet materials have environment and other magnetic field witch influence
either more positive or negative specifications, depend- the interaction between reed sensor/switch and mag-
ing on the dimension and geometries as well as on the net. In applications were a magnet is used to activate
environment. Most preferred and used forms are cyl- a reed sensor/switch, the environmental temperature
inders, rectangles, rings and discs. Depending on the needs to be considered (in the application as well as
different requirements, magnets can be magnetised in in storage). High temperatures can cause irreversible
many different ways (see picture # 37). damage and will have heavy impact on the magnetic
force and the long term stability. AlNiCo magnets are
Furthermore each magnet material has a different mag- best suitable for applications up to 450°C.

(Figure #37. An assortment of magnets are shown. Magnets can be formed and made into almost any shape.)

General Information to magnet mate- AlNiCo - Magnets

Magnets have reversible and irreversible demagneti- AINICo Features Standard geometric and magnetization
sation specifications. Be specially careful with shock, Rectangle Cylinder
vibration, strong and close external magnetic fields as
• working temperature
well as high temperatures. All these factors influence from -250 to 450 oC
the magnetic force and the long term stability in differ- • low temperature
ent intensities. Preferably the magnet is mounted on the
moving part of the application. Professional tuning of
magnet and reed switch can improve the functionality
of the whole sensor-magnet system.

Raw materials for AlNiCo magnets are aluminium nick-

el, cobalt, iron and titanium. AlNiCos are produced in a
costs Ferrite AlNiCo NdFeB SmCo sintering - casting procedure. The hard material needs
energy (WxHmax.) Ferrite AlNiCo SmCo NdFeB
to be processed by grinding to be cost effective. Due to
its specifications, the best dimension is a remarkably
working temperature NdFeB Ferrite SmCo AlNiCo
longer length than its diameter. In combination with reed
corrosion - resistant NdFeB SmCo AlNiCo Ferrite sensors / switches we recommend a length / diameter
opposing field - resistant AlNiCo Ferrite NdFeB SmCo ratio of more than 4. AlNiCo magnets have an excellent
mechanical strength Ferrite SmCo NdFeB AlNiCo temperature stability. Negative are the high raw material
temperature coefficient AlNiCo SmCo NdFeB Ferrite prices. Cylindercal AlNiCo magnets can be used with all
MEDER reed sensors / switches without any problems.

Magnetic Values according to DIN Min. Typ. Max. Units

(B x
Energy Product H) 35 39.8

Remanence 1210 mT

Reverse Temperature Coefficients

0.02% %/K
of Br

Coercivity HcB 47.0 51.3 kA/m

Coercivity HcJ 48.0 51.7 kA/m

Reverse Temperature
- - - %/K
Coefficients of HcJ

Density 7.4 g/cm3

Max. Operating Temperature 450 o


All details correspond to manufacturers information
Rare - Earth Magnets

SmCo Features Standard geometric and magnetization

Disc Rectangle Cylinder
• high energy density
• small size
• working temperature
up to 250 oC
• best opposing field-
• available plastic

NdFeB Features Standard geometric and magnetization

Disc Flat Rectangle Ring
• high energy density
• small size
• working temperature
up to 180 oC
• lower prices com-
pared to SmCo
• available plastic

Rare - Earth magnets like SmCo and NdFeB have the the best demagnetisation resistance. Following below,
highest energy density per volume and wight and also we compare other magnets with the same energy:

• Hartferrit = Volumen 6 cm3

• AlNiCo = Volumen 4 cm3
• SmCo = Volumen 1 cm3
• NdFeB = Volumen 0.5 cm3
Both magnets are produced by sintering and can only ited availability of special alloys. The supply of different
be processed by grinding, due to the strength and brittle geometry, size and magnetisation allow many creative
of the material. The temperature range goes up to + combination of reed sensor / swit and magnet and help
250 °C. Very small magnets can be produced. Disad- to find the best functionality of the sensor - magnet sys-
vantages are the high raw material prices and the lim- tem for each application.

Magnetic Values according to Min. Typ. Max. Units
DIN 17410

(B x H)
Energy Product 160 170 kJ/ m3

Remanence Br 900 925 mT

Reverse Temperature Coefficients of Br -0.042 %/K

Coercivity HcB 680 2000 kA/m

Coercivity HcJ 1750 -0.25 kA/m

Reverse Temperature Coefficients of HcJ %/K

Density 8.3 g/cm3

Max. Operating Temperature 250 o


All details correspond to manufacturers information

Magnetic Values according to Min. Typ. Max. Units
DIN 17410

(B x H)
Energy Product 205 295 kJ/ m3

Remanence Br 1180 1240 mT

Reverse Temperature Coefficients of Br -0.1 %/K

Coercivity HcB 680 920 kA/m

Coercivity HcJ 1750 1900 kA/m

Reverse Temperature Coefficients of HcJ -0.6 %/K

Density 7.6 g/cm3

Max. Operating Temperature 160 o


All details correspond to manufacturers information
Hard ferrite - Magnets

Ferrit Features Standard geometric and magnetization

Disc Rectangle Cylinder Ring
• cheapest magnet
• working temperature
up to 300 oC
• many options in form
and magnetiuation
• available plastic

Hard ferrite magnets are produced with iron oxide and ply of magnets. Ferrites have a very good electrical
barium or strontium oxide. The raw materials are mixed isolation effect and are hard to demagnetise even in
together and mormally pre sintered, to generate the strong external magnetic fields. Corrosion tendency is
magnetic phase. The pre sintered mixture then gets low. Preferred shapes are long and thin but also round
crushed. The resulting powder gets pressed together forms are easy to produce. Disadvantages are the high
(wet or dry) either in a magnetic field (an - isotropic) breakability and the low tensile strength. The strength
or without a magnetic field (isotropic) and in the end and brittleness of hard ferrites are similar to ceramics.
sintered. Proceedings are only possible by ginding. Due Furthermore the temperature resistance is limited and
to the low cost of the raw material, hard ferrite magnets they have only a low energy to volume ratio.
are the cheapest magnet type out of the actual sup-

Ferrit 28/26
Magnetic Values according to Min. Typ. Max. Units
DIN 17410

(B x H)
Energy Product 28 30 kJ/ m3

Remanence Br 385 395 mT

Reverse Temperature Coefficients of Br -0.2 %/K

Coercivity HcB 250 265 kA/m

Coercivity HcJ 260 275 kA/m

Reverse Temperature Coefficients of HcJ 0.3 %/K

Density 4.85 g/cm3

Max. Operating Temperature 250 o


All details correspond to manufacturers information

Handling information for magnets

The strong magnetic forces of attraction can cause skin bruises. Sufficient
security distances need to be kept between each magnet and all other
ferromagnetic elements!

A crash of magnets with high energy can produce splinters. Therefore

always wear protection gloves and glasses!

Grinding dust of Rear – Earth Magnets is spontaneously inflammable.

Always process with water!

Crashes of magnets can cause sparks. Handling and processing in EX

– environment is therefore strictly prohibited!

Strong magnetic fields can influence electronic and electrical devices as well
as data mediums. Don’t bring magnets close to peace makers, navigation
instruments, diskettes, plug-in boards etc.

For air cargo a special declaration maybe possible.

Radioactivity as well as joining together equal poles can reduce the

magnetic force.

The highest defined working temperature must not be passed.

For all questions concerning magnets and, of course, reed products, please consult
your nearest MEDER sales office.

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