Space Chemistry PDF
Space Chemistry PDF
Space Chemistry PDF
l\1ir Publishers
The Greek Alphabet
Aa Alpha I .. Iota Pp Rho
B~ Beta Kx Kappa ~(J' Sigma
ry Gamma AA Lambda T't Tau
f16 Delta MJ.t Mu r" Upsilon
EB Epsilon Nv Nu (1)cp Phi
Z~ Zeta 8~ Xi Xx Chi
Hl1 Eta 00 Omicron '1''1' Psi
8,e) Theta TIn Pi Qoo Omega
Chapter V. Nuclear Reactions and Sources of Stellar
Energy 129
1. Constituents of the Atomic Nucleus . 129
2. Properties of Some Elementary Particles 132
3. Nuclear Reactions 135
4. Nuclear Energy Sources 136
5. Types of Nuclear Reactions 140
6. Sources of Solar Energy 145
Chapter VI. Evolution of Stars and Synthesis of Elements 151
1. Stages in the Life History of Stars . . . . . . 15'1
2. The Most Important Nuclear Reactions in Stars 162
3. Interstellar Matter . . . . . . . • 166
4. Possibility of Formation of Organic Compounds
Due to Action of Protons in Solar and Cosmic
Radiation . . . 168
5. Chemistry and Cosmology 169
Chapter VII. Prtmary Synthesis of Organic Compounds 174
1. Physical Factors wh ich Affect Synthesis 174
2. Action of Light on Matter 176
3. Relative R ole of Various Energy Sources in
Synthesis of Primary Organic Compounds . 181
4. Principal Types of Chemical Processes in Space 190
Index 193
5]fuill III
B06.08 615.42
Fig. 2.
Left: 1 - formation of spectrum; the prism deflects rays with short wave-
lengths to a greater degree and therefore the beam of light is dispersed
on passing through the prism; 2 - emission spectrum of sodium (wave-
length in nanometres). Right: 3 - light is radiated by the atom on tran-
sition of an electron from a distant orbit to a nearer one; 4 - I1ght is
absorbed by the atom and the electron passes to the excited state
The atoms of substances are capable of absorbing
and radiating light. If an electron revolving about
the nucleus of an atom receives a quantity of energy,
it generally passes to an orbit of a larger radius.
M. Planck proved that the frequency of vibration 'V
of the wave of light falling on a given atom is related
to the quantity of energy e which the atom absorbed
from the light as follows:
where h is Planck's constant equal to 6.62 X 10-27
This signifies that light behaves not only as a wave
process but as a flow of small material particles with
a quantity of energy or quantum (the word quantum
is the latin for quantity), also called a photon. The
electron that has absorbed a quantum of energy and
subsequently passed to an orbit farther from the nucleus
is now in the excited state. I t persists in this state for
a very short period of time. As a rule, it jumps back
to the orbit of the ground state in millionth parts of
a second and the absorbed quantum is radiated in the
form of an electromagnetic wave of the same length
and frequency of vibration as the original wave.
I t was established by N. Bohr, an outstanding
Danish researcher in the field of atomic physics, that
electrons in an atom can revolve without losing energy
only in certain "permitted" orbits whose radius can be
Bohr's theory was only the first step in the field of
atomic physics. In 1924, de Broglie (France) came to
the conclusion that the combination of wave and
corpuscular properties is characteristic of all elementary
particles in the atom (electron, proton, neutron, etc.),
and experimental data and further theoretical develop-
ment have confirmed de Broglie's views. The dual
nature of the behaviour of the objects of atomic physics
resulted in the impossibility of simultaneously deter-
mining the position of an electron and its momentum
with certainty.
It is possible to calculate with certainty not the
values of radii in an atom but only the probability of
finding the electron at a given distance from the nucleus
of the atom. Each orbit! corresponds to a specific energy
level in the atom. The' transition of electrons between
the orbits, i.e., transition from one energy level to
another, is accompanied by the radiation or absorption
of energy. Energy is radiated or absorbed as light
waves, and consequently, each atom can be characteri-
zed by the series of light waves, which corresponds to
the transition of electrons between the energy levels
in a given atom (Fig. 2, 3 and 4).
The term light wave applies not only to visible
light but to electromagnetic waves in general, includ-
ing ultraviolet and infrared waves. The length of an
electromagnetic wave denoted as A, the frequency of
vibration v and the velocity of wave propagation c
are related as follows:
The velocity of propagation of an electromagnetic
wave in vacuum is enormous; it is equal to 3 X 1010 em/s
or 300,000 km/s.
The simplest atom, the hydrogen atom, has only
one electron. On absorbing energy in any form the
electron can rise to one of the higher energy levels;
the atom passes over to the excited state. Then follows
1 Since the concept orbit from the point of view of wav.e
mechanics no longer makes any sense, the term orbital is often
used; it denotes a function with the aid of which the energy
level of electrons is calculated.
2-01266 17
the reverse transition and the atom becomes the source
of radiation. The atom radiates a specific wave depend-
ing on the level to which the electron passes. If from
the higher level the electron returns to the ground orbit
at once, there will be given off a quantum of relatively
high energy and hence, according to Planck's formula,
of a high frequency, Le., a short wavelength. The waves
produce in the spectrum a series of lines located in the
ultraviolet region. They cannot be seen with the naked
eye but can be observed and photographed by special
instruments (quartz spectrophotometers and spectro-
graphs). If an electron, as is often the case, does not
return to the ground state at once but passes from
various distant orbits to the second one from the nuc-
leus, waves are emitted with wavelengths correspond-
ing to the visible region of the spectrum. When transi-
tions of electrons take place from any far orbit to the
third one from the nucleus, a group of waves is emitted
that have wavelengths corresponding to infrared waves.
They can be detected by the heating up of the junction
of a thermocouple placed opposite the light waves or
with the aid of specially treated plates sensitive to
infrared waves.
The spectral lines obtained under different condi-
tions of excitement of an atom completely characterize
the atom, i.e., constitute its "optical specifications"
If the wavelengths characteristic of a given atom under
Earth conditions are known, it is possible to conjecture
whether one or another element is present in a star
from its spectrum, though mistakes are sometimes
possible. The conditions on the stars are so extraord-
inary for Earth laboratories that there were instances
when the spectral lines found on studying star radia-
tions were attributed to new elements although they
were, in reality, lines emitted by known substances
under conditions that could not be simulated on the
Earth. At the present time, however, the probability
of such mistakes is small, and spectral analysis is one
of the mightiest means of investigating the chemical
composition of celestial bodies.
In addition to information about the chemical com-
position of distant stars, spectral analysis can also
give an idea of the temperature of stars. Very high
temperatures correspond to the formation of plasma.
In such a state the atoms are free of outer electrons, and
the spectrum shows only lines of hydrogen and ionized
helium. At lower temperatures atoms of heavier ele-
ments are formed and then compounds of the type of
stable oxides. Thus, the temperature of the source of
radiation can be inferred from the general character
of the spectrum.
There' exists a dependence between the temperature
of a heated body and the wavelength on which most of
the energy is radiated. Hence, the temperature of
a source emitting a continuous spectrum can be sur-
mised by studying the energy distribution in accor-
dance with the wavelengths of the radiated light. It
was precisely the investigation of the spectrum that
enabled scientists to correct the mistake made when
the temperature of the planet Jupiter was discussed.
It was supposed that Jupiter is a red-hot mass: the
bright stripes and spots on the surface of its vast
atmosphere gave rise to this supposition. However,
the analysis of the radiation of this giant planet showed
that Jupiter shines only by reflected sunlight; itsown
small radiation corresponds to a relatively low tempe-
rature of 120-170°C.
Very interesting data on the composition of atmos-
pheres was obtained by investigating absorption spectra.
If an atmosphere contains molecules of a certain com-
pound, these molecules will absorb the radiation
emanating from the surface of the given planet and
2* 19
dark bands can be seen in the spectrum that are charac-
teristic of the molecule as a whole (not of individual
atoms). Molecules also have "optical specifications"
which are more complex and more difficult to inter-
pret than those of atoms.
1J.20 1't29 Fig. 3 shows the wavelengths
characteristic of the absorp-
tion spectrum of water.
Spectral analysis has re-
vealed the presence of car-
bon dioxide and a very small
quantity of oxygen in the
atmosphere of Venus. Now
when thanks to Soviet auto-
matic interplanetary sta-
tions we have exact data
11.04 that the atmosphere of the
"evening and morning star"
really consists mainly of
carbon dioxide, CO2 , it can
be said that spectral ana-
lysis has passed the test,
and, consequently, the in-
formation obtained by this
method pertaining to other
Fig. 3. Absorption spectrum planets and stars is quite
of water in the infrared re- trustworthy.
gion (wavelength in um) Spectral analysis is one
of the most effective means
of investigation in space chemistry. It permits disco-
vering, at great distances from measuring instruments,
the presence not only of atoms and ions but also of
more complex particles (radicals and 'molecules) pos-
sessing characteristic spectra, The analysis . of spectna
has made it possible to obtain a precise idea of the
physical state of an object, its' temperature, the con-
centration of various substances in it and even of the
character of the motion of celestial bodies.
Let it he assumed that for some reason the electro-
magnetic wave of an atom is rapidly receding from us'.
How will the position of the spectral line change in
this case? Less waves will get into the objective of the
spectroscope per unit time than in the case of a station-
ary distance between the instrument and the wave
source: the wavelength seems to increase and, accord-
ingly, the frequency to decrease; the spectral line
shifts. to the red end of the spectrum, i.e., in.othe
direction of longer waves. The velocity of the radiat-
ing body can be estimated from the red shift in the
position of the lines in their spectra. This phenomenon
is called the Doppler effect. Hence, spectral analysis
can be used not only for drawing conclusions about
the" chemical composition of celestial bodies but also
about their motion.
Recent years have brought important discoveries
in radio spectroscopy, i.e., in the field which studies
electromagnetic oscillations of relatively low frequency.
It has been established that there are regions in space
that emit radio waves; some of the sources doso very
intensively. It has been found that in a number of
cases emission is of a periodic nature (pulsating stars).
The study of radio emission in space is undoubtedly
one of the most interesting and promising branches of
astrophysics. Astronomers are actively using radio
waves for examining the depths of outer space.
The investigation of reflected radio waves has
opened the way for extensive study of the planets.
The character of the reflection of radio waves is connec-
ted with the structure of a surface. Radio waves are
reflected from a smooth surface differently than from
a rough surfacev Consequently, by studying electro-
magnetic waves it is possible not only to determine
the composition of celestial bodies but even to visua-
lize the physical structure of its outer layers.
A reflected radio wave informs the physicist about
the magnitude of the dielectric constant of the sub-
stance from which it is reflected. The dielectric constant
shows how many times the force of attraction between
two charges is smaller in a given medium than it is
in vacuum. Thus, for example, if a force of 162 dynes
acts between two charges in vacuum, in water this
force will be 81 times smaller and will hardly reach 2
dynes. A specific dielectric constant is characteristic
of every individual substance (sand, marble, water,
benzene, ice, etc.), That is why the magnitude of
this physical constant can be used to make well-founded
assumptions concerning the composition of the surface
reflected. Thus, the value of the dielectric constant,
which is equal to 3.75, obtained for Venus speaks in
favour of the assumption that this planet has a sandy
or rocky surface.
Of especial interest was the study of waves of
a length of 21 em. Such waves are emitted by the most
widespread element in the universe, hydrogen, when
a change occurs in the state of the electron associated
with the self-rotation of this particle.
The fact is that the nucleus and electron in the
hydrogen atom are characterized by an angular momen-
tum; so that for the sake of simplicity the hydrogen
atom can be pictured as consisting of two tops,
the nucleus and electron, each of which rotates on its
own axis and about the common centre of gravity
(Fig. 4).
The quantity of energy in the atom depends on
whether the "tops" are rotating on their axes in the
same direction or in opposite directions. For this rea-
son the transition of an atom from one state to another
is accompanied by the radiation of electromagnetic
waves 21 em in length. The hydrogen 'atom very rarely
undergoes such a transition; millions of years can
pass before the direction of rotation changes but the
number of hydrogen atoms in space is so great that it
is possible to study the radiation of a wavelength
of 21 em. The results of investigations have provided
data from which the dcns it y of hydrogen in different
}...= '£=21cm
l.t v
Greenland with the means for making knives and other
instruments. Meteorites were the sole source of metal
because the layer of ice and snow on the ground there
excluded any access to mineral ores. In 1621, in Lagor
(India), swords, daggers and lances were made .from
meteoritic iron, though this was very difficult because
"celestial iron" can be wrought (hammered into shape)
only in the cold state.
Strange as it may seem the very fact that meteorites
do fall was doubted by scientists for a long time and
even at the end of the XVIII century (1790) when
discussing reports on a observed meteorite, the mem-
bers of the French academy, including the famous
chemist A. Lavoisier, came to the conclusion that it
was physically impossible for stones to fall from the
sky. This paradoxical situation can partly be attribu-
ted, probably, to the fact that the remnants of small
meteorites sometimes differ in appearance so little
from terrestrial rocks that they do not attract atten-
tion. The first official report stating that two "pieces
of iron", Le., iron meteorites, fell down from the sky
dates to 1751 (according to B. Vorontsov-Velyaminov);
it is an episcopal record of an event that occurred
in Grashin (Yugoslavia); on May 26, 1751. Twenty
years later in 1772, in Siberia, Academician Pallas
discovered an iron-stony meteorite previously found
by the Cossak Medvedev in the 40s; it weighed 700 kg.
This meteorite went down in scientific history under
the name of "Pallas iron" and served as the basis for
the book by E. Chladny printed in 1794 in which the
author proved that stones can fall from the sky despite
the doubts of sceptics. An important feature of the
investigations of this scientist was the acknowledgement
of the cosmic origin of these mysterious stones. Still
earlier (in 1754) the idea of the extraterrestrial origin
of meteorites was mentioned by Stepling, the Czech
investigator-astronomer. In 1803,"the same conclusions
were drawn by the French Academy of Sciences but
all doubt was dispelled only after a meteorite shower
consisting of about 3000 small meteorites fell on the
city of L' Aigle.
Gradually meteorites began to attract the attention
of chemists, geologists and even travellers who found
traces of their falls in various regions of the globe
and sometimes fragments of large bodies breaking up
or exploding at the end of their travel in space. In
1897, Peary found an enormous iron meteorite (33 tons)
in the ice blocks of Greenland; in Hoba (South-West
Africa), a 60-ton giant meteorite was found containing
iron and nickel (16 per cent); in 1937, near Minsk
a meteorite was found with a mass of 188 kg; in Mexico,
there is a meteorite weighing more than 24 tons, left
on the spot where it fell, etc.
One of the meteorites excavated in Quaternary
deposits in Argentina at a depth of 6 metres was,
apparently, the cause of the death of a megatherium
whose bones were found at the very spot where the
meteorite fell. Some celestial wanderers - stones fal-
ling on the Earth's surface - had colossal dimensions.
Traces of a visit of one of these meteorites that struck
the ground can be found in Arizona where on the sur-
face of the lime-sandy plateau there is a large crater,
the Canyon Diablo, having the shape of a funnel
1.2 km in diameter. The depth of the crater is 180
metres; it is surrounded by a wall 45 metres high.
The violence of the explosion can be inferred from
the fact that a slab of stone almost half a kilometre
long was stood up vertically by the explosion and
a number of fragments of cliff rock of a mass up to
700 tons was scattered at a distance of 10 km. It is
believed that the meteorite probably went deeply
into the ground, but repeated attempts to reach it
were unsuccessful, although at a depth of 300 metres
the borers were broken on striking some hard material.
It is supposed that the Arizona meteorite fell onto the
Earth 5000 years ago.
In 1908, a meteorite of gigantic size fell and explo-
ded in the region of Podkamennaya Tunguska. Flying
above the Earth in the North-Eastern direction it radia-
ted such a bright light that it outshone the Sun. Appro-
aching the Earth's surface at a rate of tens of kilometres
per second it exploded in the taiga (vast Siberian con-
iferous forest) and formed numerous craters in the zone
of explosion. The sound produced by the explosion was
heard at a distance of 700 km. At a distance of 60 km
from the spot where the explosion occurred the effect
of the blast was devastating. The woodland in that
region was burnt down and felled in an area with a
diameter of about 25 km. The explosion wave went
round the globe twice and was registered in Germany
and the United States. The meteorite, apparently, was
broken up into very small fragments and its main
mass vapourized at the moment of explosion; no frag-
ments have ever been found.
In 1947, in the vicinity of Sikhote-Alin an enor-
mous meteorite fell to the Earth leaving a bright
luminous trail behind it, which could be seen at
a distance of 300 km. The expeditions that worked at
the site of the explosion (F. Shipulin, V. Fesenkov,
E. Krinov and others) found 106 craters and thousands
of fragments. The total mass of the meteorite shower
(according to B. Vorontsov-Velyaminov) was appro-
ximately 100 tons.
In our times all meteorites are carefully examined
and registered, and the science of meteorites (known
as meteoritics) is a wide and well developed branch
of astrophysics.
The chemical analysis of meteorites is simple enough
when compounds whose content in celestial bodies is
relatively large are concerned; the analysis of substance
whose concentration is very small is much more dif-
M. Tsvet to understand the practical application of
this natural separation of a mixture due to the diverse
absorbability of organic compounds in a layer of
porous material.
A complex mixture of substances, for example,
of amino acids dissolved in water is absorbed on
a sheet of paper immersed vertically in the solution.
Different amino acids rise at different rates, and if
the process is discontinued, each acid will reach a dif-
ferent place on the paper. The zones where the acids
are concentrated can be expanded out by saturating
the sheet of paper with an appropriate solvent and,
finally, these zones can be clearly seen if the paper is
treated with the organic compound ninhydrin in which
all amino acids give compounds that are red-violet
in colour.
Now to perform quantitative analysis, the parts
of the sheet of paper where individual amino acids
have accumulated are cut out, the coloured substance
is extracted by a solvent and its content determined.
preferably with the aid of a spectrograph. This consti-
tutes the whole analysis. The example of the analysis
of a mixture of amino acids is given because such
mixtures are the most difficult to analyze by purely
chemical methods. The major part of the great progress
achieved in our days in the field of the chemistry of
proteins and natural complex compounds, the chemistry
of transuranium elements, etc. is based on chromato-
graphic analysis. There are various techniques of
chromatographic separation. Not only paper is used
as the absorbent, but also different carbonates, oxides,
starch, etc.
Gas chromatography is used for analyzing volatile
substances (gases and vapours). The mixture of gases
is passed through a column (a long tube) containing
an adsorbent (for example, coal). The layers of adsor-
bent are gradually saturated. At a certain moment at
the other end of the column one of the mixture com-
ponents begins to emerge, the component which is
less readily adsorbed and that is followed by a com-
ponent that is more readily adsorbed, etc.; the mix-
ture is thus separated. The first ("front") layer of the
'to J5 30 25 20 15 10 5 Minutes
3* 35
study of the isotope composition and distribution of
mass of isotopes, magnetic investigations, ate. The
analysis of soil samples provided by spacecraft requires
the development of special techniques that exclude
the possibtlity of contamination of the samples by
substances of Earth origin. The analysis of the compo-
sition of gases contained in materials' of extraterrestrial
origin is performed in vacuum or in the atmosphere of
an inert gas. Figure 6 shows up-to-date apparatus for
analyzing soil samples delivered from the Moon by
Soviet automatic interplanetary stations. The apparatus
was designed and set up by Yu. Surkov, A. Kheifets,
E. Rudnitsky, K. Danilov, and V Glotov.!
Chemical Composition
of Celestial Bodies.
The Solar System
t ~
Fig. 7. Cross section of iron meteorite "Routon" (the Widman-
statten structure is visible)
,~ r
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L\ "-<.,""'(~". .
t . ," . : \
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, • , ... .r-, I
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'~)':' ',' ..1.:
ii) I)
'.',,j ;.
. ,,~
t:> '
~/-",:\,':~. J
..wi:: '1'
I Element I Number
(per t 06 I
A to-I
silicon atoms) number
Element I (per
silicon atoms)
By means of chromatography, Iluoro-capillary ana-
lysis, infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet spectroscopy
were analyzed by mass spectroscopy. In the gaseous
phase of three carbonaceous chondrites M. Shtudier,
R. Khayats and E. Anders have found hydrogen, he-
lium, methane, water, carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen,
nitric oxide NO, argon-40, carbon dioxide CO2 , butane,.
carbon oxysulphide, sulphur dioxide 802, carbon disul-
phide, krypton, xenon, toluene, and even naphthalene;
ethyl and propylene benzene, dichlorobenzene, anthra-
cene and phenanthrene. An astonishing variety in-
deed! How could all these compounds be formed?
From where were they brought to us by such a small
piece of mysterious carbonaceous chondrite? What
part in the formation of these molecules was played
by the radiation that spreads throughout space? Every
question is a problem. Here are inert gases and together
with them the active molecules of carbon oxysulphide
COS, nitric oxide NO, sulphur dioxide 802, etc.;
the aromatic hydrocarbons, condensed cyclic or ring
compounds: benzene, naphthalene, anthraoene:
of them and they are of low quality) but rather the
knowledge of the conditions under which they were
formed. The study of this question led to the conclu-
sion that diamonds are produced in stony meteorites
400 lines belonging to different elements were observed
in the chromosphere spectrum.
Still farther from the surface of the Sun is the solar
corona, a very unstable and mobile part of the atmo-
sphere of the Sun. It contains atoms, ions and electrons;
there is evidence that iron ions are present in the corona,
Le., atoms that have lost part of their electrons
(under these conditions iron atoms lose up to nine
electrons). The lines of calcium, argon, nickel and
other elements have been found in the spectrum of the
corona. The temperature of the corona is very high
and reaches millions of degrees (the reason for this
is not known).
Hydrogen constitutes almost 75 per cent of the
mass of the Sun; helium, about 24 per cent; all the
other elements make up only 1-2 per cent. However,
on an Earth scale, 1 per cent of the Sun's mass is not
so little. The mass of the Sun is equal to 1.99 X 1083 g;
consequently a hundredth part is 1.99 X 1081 g or
1.99 X 10 25 tons! Even a millionth part of this enor-
mous quantity is 3350 times greater than the mass of
the Earth. The amounts of individual elements are
determined by the relative intensity of the spectral
lines, and sufficiently accurate data has been obtained
for 60 elements; for elements whose atomic mass
exceeds 57 the data is less accurate. The quantity of
oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, sodium, iron and nickel
on the Sun is rather large; that of lithium is small;
boron and fluorine were found combined with hydro-
gen; radium, uranium, bismuth, rhenium are present
in negligible amounts, while the artificial elements
of the actinide series and unstable radioactive ele-
ments (promethium, astatine) as well as the halogens
were not found at all.
According to the data of V. Cherdyntsev, the Sun's
atmosphere contains the following amounts af ele-
ments per one atom of oxygen:
is the ratio at equilibrium of the concentrations of the
molecules participating in the reaction:
(C0 2 ]2
An extract from the tabulated data obtained by
them is given below. The experiments corresponded to
a pressure of 1 atm and a temperature of 280oK. The
only equilibrium state corresponded to the composition
of the Earth's atmosphere:
nitrogen -0.78 parts by volume (by calculation)
oxygen -0.21 parts by volume (by calculation)
argon - 0.01 parts by volume (by calculation)
water vapours - 0.001 parts by volume (by calculation)
carbon dioxide - 3.3 X 10-4 parts by volume (by calculation)
This convincing result gives grounds for believing
that calculations of the composition of the atmospheres
of other planets carried out by these scientists are also
close to the truth.
Such calculations should proceed from the given
concentrations of substances in the atmosphere, and
then the concentrations which correspond to an equili-
brium state should be calculated. Thus, in the example
of the Earth's atmosphere the parts by volume of the
gases (0.780 for nitrogen, 0.209 for oxygen, etc.)
taken initially are those actually found in the atmos-
phere. To calculate the atmospheres of other planets
it is also necessary to begin with experimental data.
Lately, highly valuable information concerning the
composition of the atmospheres has been provided by
Soviet interplanetary stations. The value of the results
of calculation, of course, depends on the reliability
of the initial assumptions.
Thus calculations of the composition of the atmos-
phere of Venus were first based on the arbitrary assump-
tion that nitrogen predominates in it. Later when pre-
cise data on the composition of the atmosphere of Venus
was provided by the Soviet stations Venera-4 and
Venera-5, it turned out that this assumption was false
and that the main constituent of Venus's atmosphere
was not nitrogen but carbon dioxide. Consequently,
the former conclusions were no longer valid. If, however,
the initial suppositions are sufficiently grounded, the
equilibrium method can attain valuable results. As
concerns the atmosphere of Mars, the assumption of
equilibrium and the initial data available are, appa-
rently, reliable. Calculations lead to the conclusion
that at a temperature of 240 and a pressure of 0.05 atm
the atmosphere of Mars contains from. 0.82 to 0.90
parts by volume of nitrogen, approximately 0.1 of
oxygen, the same amount of carbon dioxide and about
10-5 of water vapours. The quantities of other compo-
unds (in particular, oxides of nitrogen) are negli-
When studying the composition of the atmosphere
of Jupiter it was supposed that below the cloudy zone
the parts by volume of water are comparable with the
parts by volume of methane and ammonia, the pre-
sence of which on this planet is beyond doubt. Calcu-
lations were made for a pressure of 1 and 1000 atm
and a temperature of 200 and 350 oK, and the results
obtained were of great interest (see below).
The temperature of the upper layers of the atmos-
phere of a planet can be approximately measured with
the aid of a thermocouple placed in the focus of a teles-
cope. The heat radiated by the planet falls on one of
the junctions of the thermocouple while the other junc-
tion has a constant temperature. Under these condi-
tions there arises a temperature difference which pro-
duces in the thermocouple a thermoelectric current by
which the intensity of heat radiation is measured.
Prior to the development of spectroscopic analysis
of reflected light and other refined methods for deter-
mining the composition of the planets of the solar
5-01266 65
system it was supposed by some scientists that they
are all alike in composition. This is not so. Even the
comparison of the density of the matter of planets
shows that their composition cannot be the same.
Planets are clearly divided into two groups.
The planets nearest to the Sun (the inner planets)
have a density of from 5.62 to 3.35. The outer planets,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, have a smaller
density: from 0.71 to 2.43 (see Table 2).
Table 2
Density of Planets
Planet Density
Mercury 5.62
Venus 5.15
Earth 5.517
~lar~ 4.00
Moon 3.35
Chondrite asteroids 3.5 (approx i mately)
Jupiter 1.35
Saturn 0.71
Uranus 1.60
Neptune 2.43
.Pluto ?
5* 67
97 per cent of carbon dioxide and contains not more
than 2 per cent nitrogen, about 1 per cent water vapours
and not more than 0.1 per cent oxygen. The tempe-
rature on the surface of the planet is about 500°C;
the pressure, approximately 100 atm.
Before all this data became known, it was supposed
that Venus resembled the Earth and that there might
be life on it. Many fantastic novels were written that
dealt with the forms of life on Venus. Large beasts
(like the extinct dinosaur of the Mesozoic Era on the
Earth) were supposed to live in stifling hot swamps on
this planet enveloped in clouds. Actually, the con-
ditions on Venus exclude the possibility of the develop-
ment of life because the temperature on the surface
is too high. The majority of organic compounds decom-
pose at 500°C.
The next planet, which is farther from the Sun,
does not resemble the others. It is enveloped by an
atmosphere and seems to be bluish in colour. If travel-
lers from far-distant galaxies were to pay a visit to
the solar system, they would probably find this planet
to be the most interesting one; there must surely be
life on it. This is our Earth! According to all available
data life on the planets could occur only on the Earth
and Mars.
The scorched crust of Mercury, the burning hot
valleys and cliffs of Venus immersed in twilight because
of the dense clouds, the cold Moon and the ammonia-
methane masses of the giant planets are unsuitable
for supporting life, at least its higher forms. Therefore
the inhabitants of the Earth, with all due modesty,
have good reason to be proud of their homeland and
its remarkably diversified nature. What does the
Earth consist of? What is its chemistry? If it was not
very easy to answer such questions when discussing
the composition of planets, in this case difficulties of
another kind arise. The material available to the
science that studies Earth chemistry, geochemistry
is so great that in the scope of this book it is impossible
to set down even the most fundamental facts known.
Nevertheless, we immediately answer the question
concerning what elements dominate in the composition
of the Earth; they are oxygen and silicon. These two
elements are found in so many atoms that they stand
out sharply against the others. However, we should
not jump to conclusions in a hurry. The Earth is not
homogeneous. Geochemists divide it into geospheres:
the atmosphere, the hydrosphere (consisting of water)
and the lithosphere, i.e., the solid part.
The atmosphere consists, as is known, of nitrogen
(78.08 per cent by volume) and oxygen (20.94 per
cent). Not everyone knows that more or less constant
constituents of the atmosphere are: argon (0.934 per
cent by volume; other inert gases constitute only
thousandth and tenthousandth parts of a per cent),
mercury (0.02 gamma/m")", iodine (1 gamma/m" and
on seashores up to 52 gamma/m") and radon in a still
smaller amount. This data pertains to the lower part
of the atmosphere, the troposphere. Besides, in the
atmosphere there are water va pours, carbon dioxide,
a very small amount of hydrogen and accidental impu-
I t is believed that the primary atmosphere of the
Earth disappeared. The secondary atmosphere, contain-
ing less inert gases, appeared as the result of degasifi-
cation of the interior of the Earth. The primary atmos-
nhere contained a relatively large amount of hydrogen.
The pressure of hydrogen according to S. Miller and
Kh. Yury, 4.5 billion years ago, was equal to 1.5 X
X 10-3 atm. Assuming equilibrium, the investigators
concluded that the pressure of methane in those times
long past could be very great and nitrogen, probably,
was present in the form of ammonia. Hydrogen, ammo-
nia, nitrogen, methane, and probably the oxides of
carbon were the chief constituents of the primary
reducing atmosphere of the Earth.
Whereas the lower layers of the atmosphere in our
times have a constant composition and are in a state
close to that of equilibrium, in the higher layers equ-
ilibrium is disturbed by radiation. The upper regions
of the Earth's atmosphere already border on outer
space. The boundary line that separates these regions
from space is not a distinct one; the density of the
gases diminishes grad ually. There is a gradual increase
in the role of solar cosmic radiation in the chemical
reactions characteristic of the upper layers of the atmos-
phere. There is even a special term "chemosphere" for
regions where under the influence of solar radiation
the processes occur with the participation of ions and
elementary particles. The chemosphere lies approxi-
mately at a height of 100 km; the pressure there is
only 0.001 mm Hg,
At high altitudes, ultraviolet radiation ionizes
almost all the gas molecules. Oxygen in the chemo-
sphere is mainly in the nascent, i.e., in the atomic
state. The collisions of oxygen atoms result in the
formation of O2 molecules, and the interaction of
oxygen atoms and O2 molecules produces ozone:
The ozone produced partially reacts with hydrogen
to form tIle OI-I radical:
°3+H = OH + 0 2
The production of ozone plays an important part
in Earth chemistry. The fact is that ozone readily
absorbs ultraviolet rays and, protecting the surface
of the Earth from most of this radiation, it inhibits
photochemical reactions that destroy organic compounds.
It is supposed that this effect created favourable con-
ditions for the development of photosynthesis. Photo-
synthesis, i.e., the process of formation of carbohydrates
from carbon dioxide and water, catalyzed by chloro-
phyll, not only promoted the development of microor-
ganisms and plants but increased the concentration
of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere. The oxygen that
we breathe appeared approximately 0.3 billion years
ago as the result of photosynthesis in living cells and,
partly, of photodissociation of water molecules in the
Investigation of the upper layers of the atmosphere
is conducted with the aid of special rockets. One of
these rockets ejected a cloud of nitric oxide, NO,
at a height of 100 km. As a result of this, a bright
light appeared caused by the reaction between oxygen
atoms and nitric oxide molecules. This compound, as
is known, readily reacts with oxygen molecules, 02'
in air. The reaction of nitric oxide and oxygen atoms
in the upper layers of the atmosphere proceeded with
greater intensity and was accompanied by the radia-
tion of a light quantum:
NO+O ~ N02+hv (light)
Investigation of this phenomenon made it possible
to calculate the lower boundary of the atmosphere,
above which the oxygen molecules are, for the most
part, dissociated into atoms. This boundary is at
a height of about 95 km.
The Sun's radiation also causes dissociation of
nitrogen molecules. These stable molecules dissociate
in the upper part of the atmosphere into nitrogen
atoms though to a much less degree than oxygen mole-
cules (the number of nitrogen atoms produced is equal
to 1 per cent of the number of oxygen atoms). Nitrogen
and oxygen react in the atomic state to form oxides
of nitrogen, NO and N0 2 • Many molecules resulting
from processes occurring in the chemosphere carry
surplus positive or negative charges, i.e., they are mole-
cular ions. N+, N;, 0;, NO;, NO+, 0+ and other
ions are formed. Particles can react with each other
so t hat the charge is transferred from one to another,
for instance:
O++N 2=NO++N
0t+N 2 = NO++NO, etc.
In the daytime ionization in the atmosphere is
more intense; at night the number of ions diminishes.
The processes, in which ions are produced due to the
action of radiation or disappear or change due to various
reactions, always occur in the atmosphere.
Still greater chemical action "is exerted by the flow
of such particles as protons and electrons. Only neutrons
are an exception; they penetrate into celestial bodies
and space almost without any signs of interaction with
molecules or atoms.
Already in 1912 it became known that particles
burst into the Earth's atmosphere with an enormous
release of energy (sometimes reaching billions of elec-
tron volts), and many of them penetrate to the surface
of the planet. Every minute one particle falls, on an
average, on each square centimetre of the Earth's sur-
face. Later, it was proved that the particles observed
on the surface of the Earth are frequently secondary
particles, i.e., they are produced as the result of the
interaction of primary radiation and atoms and mole-
cules in the atmosphere. Primary radiation is made
up, first of all, of protons moving at a great velocity;
besides, in cosmic rays heavier particles were found;
the nuclei of helium, lithium, berrylium, boron, car-
bon, nitrogen, oxygen and other elements.
Up to now the origin of cosmic rays is a debatable
question. The most probable assumption is that cosmic
rays are produced as the result of thermonuclear reac-
tions in supernovae, somewhere deep in the Galaxy;
other reasons for the origin of this high-energy radia-
tion in space are also possible.
The low density of interstellar matter is favourable
for maintaining the ionic state: protons can wander
in space for a long time without attaching electrons.
The short-wave radiation of stars, for instance, the
Sun, is also conducive to the formation of ions.
E. G. Fermi proved that the interaction of a proton
with the magnetic fields present in space must cause
a gradual increase in the velocity of the proton. The
proton on accumulating an extremely high energy of
billions of billions of electron volts becomes an impos-
ing missile and its collision with an atom can, of
course, lead to a great variety of conversions. Thus,
in the upper layers of the atmosphere there ensues
a series of processes which result in the production
of secondary particles such as neutrons, 'V-quanta,
and the unstable particles called mesons.
On an average, every second 2.6 neutrons are formed
in 1 em" of the atmosphere. These neutrons constantly
supply the Earth with the l:C carbon isotope as the
result of the reaction
~4N +n 40- p+ 13C
About 10 kg of t:C are formed per year. Besides,
the following reactions proceed:
1~N+n-+~He+l1B and
l~N + n -+ ~H + liC
the latter reaction produces tritium (an isotope of
Protons are even capable of converting nitrogen
to beryllium (7Be):
l~N + p -+ 2jHe+ IBe
This isotope of beryllium was found in rain water.
Even the composition of the surface layers of rocks
changes slowly as a result of the constant bombardment
of cosmic rays.
In the hydrosphere, besides water, large quantities
of salts and organic compounds are found. This is very
important because, apparently, life was generated on
the banks of seas and oceans, where the borders of three
geospheres converged.
The average composition of the hydrosphere, in per
cent, is as follows: oxygen, 85.82; hydrogen, about
10.72; chlorine, 1.89; sodium, 10.6; magnesium, from
0.1 to 1; the content of all the other elements amounts
to 0.22 per cent. Among these other elements are boron,
fluorine, bromine, rubidium, lithium, iodine, phospho-
rus, zinc, iron, copper, arsenic, aluminium, lead, vana-
dium, manganese, selenium, nickel, tin, cobalt, molyb-
denum, titanium, germanium, scandium, mercury, sil-
ver, gold and even uranium and radium! The ocean
is verily a storehouse, a chemical storehouse, the
inexhaustible source of all kinds of compounds. It is to
be regretted that most of the compounds are very scat-
tered; their concentration consequently is very low and
this, of course, makes it difficult to obtain them from
the water.
The lithosphere is the outer solid rocky shell of
the planet, known as the crust of the Earth. The crust
consists of a thin sedimentary zone of a magnitude
(thickness) of only about 1.5 km, a''granite-gneiss zone
up to 40 km thick and a basalt zone of a thickness of
approximately 30 kID, that passes into the
The crust was formed by the gradual melting out
and, partly, degasification of substances in the mantle
(according to A. Vinogradov). In this process a redistri-
bution of substances took place: low-melting compounds
and elements migrated to the top zones, while the
high-melting substances concentrated in the bottom.
The most widespread elements in the Earth's core,
as has been already noted, are oxygen and silicon. More
than 49 per cent of the mass of the crust is that of oxy-
gen and 26 per cent that of silicon. Aluminium occupies
the third place-7.45 per cent of the mass; then comes
iron, 4.20 per cent; calcium, 3.25 per cent; sodium,
2.40 per cent; potassium, 2.35 per cent; magnesium,
2.35 per cent, hydrogen, 1 per cent; the content of all
the other elements is expressed by fractions of a per
cent. Calculation according to the number of atoms
(atom per cent) gives a somewhat different sequence of
elements. There is an abundance of hydrogen atoms
(see Table 3).
Table 3
The Most Widespread Elements in the Earth's Crust
in Mendeleev's periodic system) predominate in the
Earth's crust, and oxygen, hydrogen, silicon and alu-
minium constitute the base of the core (according to
A. Fersman). However, lithium, beryllium, and boron
are contained in very small quantities; these are the
"scarce" elements.
Elements with even atomic numbers and even ato-
mic masses are more dominant in the crust than those
with odd atomic numbers and masses. This fact is
important and, as we shall see below, is. quite chara-
The relatively high temperature of the Earth undo-
ubtedly favoured the development of all kinds of chem-
ical reactions on its surface and especially in the wa ters
of the hydrosphere.
The Earth probably was never a blazing fiery globe
as was supposed for a very long time by astrophysicists.
The temperature of the Earth in the long distant past
could have been very high as compared to its tempera-
ture at the present time, but apparently, the tempe-
rature was never like that characteristic of the interior
parts of the Sun, for instance. The reason for the heating
of the globe was the decay of atoms of radioactive
elements. Thirty five years ago V. Khlopin, an outstan-
ding Soviet scientist, showed that the reserves of
radioactive substances in the Earth's crust are suffi-
cient to maintain the temperature of the Earth at the
present level. It is now believed that the Earth is
heated by the radioactive decay of the isotopes of
uranium, thorium and potassium. The role of the
heavy potassium isotope (4°K) perhaps was great in
the prebiological period of the development of the
Earth and is essential in our times as well.
The nonuniform distribution of this fuel is, of
course, the reason why heating does not proceed uni-
formly, and this gi ves rise to hot spots and zones of
high pressure. The Earth has not, as yet, reached a state
of thermal equilibrium or balanced geological struc-
ture. Earthquakes, volcanic and geyser eruptions indi-
cate constant activity of powerful chemical and physi-
cal forces in the interior of the Earth.
In the early periods of the evolution of the Earth,
when compounds with low melting points were melted
out, gases were also liberated and gradually formed
the Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere thus produced
contained a small amount of inert gases although
they occur in relatively large quantities in the cosmic
interstellar matter. A few of them (helium, neon) are
the products of those nuclear reactions that are cons-
tantly taking place in the interior of stars.
Now let us discuss the nearest neighbour of the
Earth, the Moon (Fig. 15). There is absolutely no
atmosphere around the Moon. I ts outer shell consists,
apparently, of a solidified mass (the crust) under which
there is the more solid mantle. Above the crust there
is an outer layer (2 km) consisting of stones and rocks
crushed and fused together due to the heat evolved
by falling meteorites. The crust consists of basalt
rocks (25 km); under this layer lies coarse-grained
igneous rocks.
Chemical analysis of lunar soil samples provided
by Soviet automatic stations Luna and the Apollo
expeditions showed that the soil contains silicon dio-
xide, Si0 2 (40 per cent), aluminium oxide (11.2 per
cent), and also compounds of the metals: magnesium,
calcium, iron, titanium (in terms of the oxides 11.7,
10.7, 21.3, 37 per cent, respectively). The soil samples,
however, brought to the Earth by Luna-16 and Luna-20
differed from each other. As might have been expected,
the composition of rocks on the surface of the Moon
in various zones is different. Mass-spectrometric analy-
sis has made it possible to determine quantitatively
more than 70 elements that make up the composition
of lunar soil (regolith).
The Soviet interplanetary station Luna-16 took
the soil sam ple from the part of the 1\100n called Atare
Table 4
Composition of Lunar Soil
Table 5
Lunar Rocks from Mare Tranquillitatis
Si02 I Ti{).l I A1203 I Fe 203/ FeO Icr 1 I I I
20 3 MnO MgO CaO Na2 0 I I
K20 P 205/ H2O
rock 40.77 11.82 7.92 0 19.79 0.33 0.22 7.74 11.58 0.51 0.29 0.18 0
rock 40.22 12.28 7.78 0 19.77 0.36 0.22 8.06 10.27 0.52 0.29 0.18 0
Lunar dust 42.25 7.24 13.53 0 15.80 0.27 0.20 7.97 11.96 0.43 0.13 0.14 0
gen and carbon dioxide. There is very little oxygeti
and water vapours on Mars, approximately a thousand
times less than in the Earth's atmosphere. The condi-
tions on Mars resemble somewhat the conditions in
the high-mountain regions of our planet. In general,
in view of the fact that the temperature in the summer-
time during the day is equal to approximately +10°C
and in the wintertime and at night it is about -90 G e,
it can he assumed that some forms of Martian life, in
particular vegetation, may exist. The spectra of light
reflected from the surface of Mars, studied by the
Soviet scientist Tikhov, resemble the reflection spectra
from the surface of the Earth in the regions covered
by forests; besides, the colour of certain parts of the
surface of Mars changes with the season, as it should
if the colour is due to reflection from vegetation."
It is quite possible that the chemical composition
of the compounds forming the surface of Mars is similar
to that of the Earth's surface and is one of the most
complex compositions in abundance and variety of
The atmosphere and the temperature, radiation,
and pressure typical of Mars were simulated in labora-
tories on the Earth. It was found that even under
such drastic conditions life is in fact possible; unice-
lular organisms such as bacteria developed in model
Mars was studied at a close distance by the Soviet
automatic interplanetary station ll,Jars-llaunched from
the Earth on November 1, 1962 in the direction of
Mars, approaching it in 230 days. Various important
scientific data was transmitted by radio communi-
1 The study of the infrared spectrum of Mars, however, did
not reveal in it any signs characteristic of the chlorophyll
spectrum; that is why the existence of vegetation on Mars has
not been proved.
cation 61 times. Later in 1964-1969 the American
llJ ariner automatic interplanetary stations flow by the
to the formation of ribose, desoxyribose and some other
Subsequently, a chamber was constructed in which
the investigators simulated the surface of Mars. The
chamber contained limonite sand (model Martian soil
containing a large amount of iron oxides). The tempe-
rature in it was varied from -70 to + 30°C; a pres-
sure of about 65 mbar was maintained in it; the "atmo-
sphere" in the chamber was composed of 65 per cent
CO 2 , 33 per cent N2 , 2 per cent acetaldehyde and
a very small quantity of water. During the day the
chamber was exposed to radiation from three ultra-
violet l~mps emitting rays, chiefly of a wavelength
of 2537A.
The limonite samples were periodically taken out
of the chamber and analyzed. The tests showed that
pentoses, hexoses and polysacchoroses were formed in
the chamber. It is still necessary to solve the riddle:
where did the initial acetaldehyde come from on Mars?
By means of special tests, scientists have ascertai-
ned that acetaldehyde can be obtained (it is true, in
very small quantities) as a product of the photochem-
ical reaction between water vapours and carbon dio-
xide under conditions corresponding to those in the
atmosphere of Mars.
There is, however, evidence that the formation of
acetaldehyde occurs in the dark regions of Mars. This
is hard to explain and it is possible that the synthesis
of acetaldehyde is associated with the activity of
vegetation. Thus, indirectly, both the simulated expe-
riments and observations confirm the possibility of
the existence of some forms of life on Mars.
Mars is the last of the inner planets. In far-distant
space there is Jupiter at a distance of about 780 mil-
lion km from the Sun; still farther, the planets Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, They resemble each other,
but to our regret, our information about their nature
is very inadequate.
The spectral analysis of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
and Neptune has shown that in their atmospheres
intense absorption of light is observed in the yellow
red and infrared parts of the spectrum, absorptio~
increasing from Jupiter to Neptune. Uranus and Nep-
tune seem to be yellow-green even when observed in
a telescope; the red and infrared regions of the spectrum
are "filtered out", to a large measure, by the planets'
atmospheres. What molecules are present in the atmo-
spheres of these giant planets? The study of Saturn
has shown that there are no puzzling absorption bands
in the spectrum of its ring. Hence, absorption takes
place in the atmosphere and its cause is the presence
of some gaseous substance. Under Earth conditions
no substance gave such bands, and it took more than
half a century to solve the puzzle of the mysterious
marks in the absorption spectrum. The problem was
cleared up only in 1932 when as the result of theoreti-
cal and experimental investigations it was established
that the absorption bands pertained to methane and
ammonia. Both methane and ammonia are well known
but the above-mentioned bands are observed in the
spectrum of these gases only under the condition that
light travels a very long way in the gas. In 1935
Edel and Slipher showed that the .intensity of the
absorption bands characteristic of Jupiter and Saturn
(to be more exact, the intensity intermediate between
~hat of the bands of Saturn and Jupiter) is attained
when a ray of light passes through a column of methane
14 m long at a pressure of 40 atm.
Ammonia was found only in Jupiter and Saturn;
it was not found in the spectra of Uranus and Neptune.
It is supposed that due to the low temperatures on
these planets ammonia is in the solid (frozen) state.
Investigation of the infrared part of the spectrum
of the giant planets revealed the presence of hydrogen
(and also deuterium) in Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
Neptune (undoubtedly there is helium as well).
Jupiter, surrounded by satellites, is very beautiful
when observed in a telescope. Coloured cloudy streaks
and spots are visible on its surface; since the planet
rotates quickly on its axis it is flattened at the poles
and bulges at the equator. Jupiter has constantly attrac-
ted the attention of astronomers but it is hard to
find another celestial body near us that has been the
object of more controversy than this strange
The assumption that Jupiter resembles the Earth
was quickly rejected. Neither were the early theories
in which Jupiter was regarded as a burning hot body
confired. In their place came the views according to
which Jupiter is an enormous and very cold mass con-
sisting of a small hard core surrounded by a layer of
ice and a very thick atmosphere with clouds of solid
carbon dioxide. However, when in 1952 Jupiter passed
in front of the star a-Aquila, investigation showed that
light gases, mainly hydrogen and helium, predominate
in the atmosphere of the planet.
It was even questioned whether, in general, Jupi-
ter could be regarded as a planet. Indeed, judging
by certain features, this giant rather suggested a star.
The composition of the gases surrounding it is close
to that of gases surrounding the Sun. I t is just possible
that Jupiter is a "miscarried" Sun. The fact that it is
smaller in size than the Sun is the reason why the
mass of the planet on condensing did not become
hot as the Sun did'.
Each year theoretical and experimental investiga-
tion of this planet;s being carried out on a larger scale.
Above, mention has already been made of the theoret-
ical calculations of the composition of atmospheres
in which the authors proceeded from the assumption
of chemical equilibrium in the atmosphere. Calcula-
tions made for Jupiter were checked by experiments
simulating the conditions which exist on the planet.
It was of particular importance to ascertain whether
organic compounds could exist on Jupiter. This sup-
position was fully confirmed. A mixture of methane
and ammonia was exposed to a corona discharge as
a result of which acetylene, ethylene, ethane, hydrogen
cyanide and methyl cyanide were obtained.
States of equilibrium correspond to the presence in
the upper layers of clouds of hydrogen 0.60 parts by
volume; inert gases, 0.39; methane, 0.005; ammonia,
0.0002; water, 10- 6 • At great depths at a pressure of
1000 atm and a temperature of 350 oK, the water
content increases approximately 100 times; the con-
tent of the other constituents remains unchanged.
According to other data the composition of Jupiter's
atmosphere is as follows: 60 per cent hydrogen, 36 per
cent helium, 3 per cent neon, 1 per cent methane,
1 per cent ammonia. As can be seen from this data,
hydrogen and helium predominate in the atmosphere
of Jupiter, while there is comparatively little methane
and ammonia.
Of interest are the calculations and results of
tests, carried out in a simulated Jupiter atmosphere,
concerning high-molecular compounds. It was found
that complex molecules of high-molecular mass tend
to form even under the conditions prevalent on Jupiter.
Some of the high-molecular compounds in a plasma
discharge in the simulated atmosphere are coloured
(pyrene, coronene), some are fluorescent (chrysene).
The bright colouring of the zones and spots in the
atmosphere of Jupiter is probably associated with
the formation of organic molecules.
The dense and very thick atmospheres of Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune also contain hydrogen
cyanide, nitrogen peroxide, N0 2 , in the form of N 20 4 ,
water, and, perhaps, hydrogen sulphide. It is possible
that the clouds on Jupiter consist of solid crystalline
ammonia or its compounds with other substances.
The temperature of Jupiter's atmosphere is equal to
about 102°K and varies peculiarly with height. Above
the layer of heavy clouds the temperature is about
1100 K but it grows as the distance from the planet
increases, then it falls and increases once more. At
a height where the density is equal to 1012 molecules/em",
the temperature is 300 o K ; below that at a density of
101~ molecules/em", it is only 150 The temperature
of Saturn is equal to about 120oK.
On discussing this variation in temperature and
comparing the properties of the gases found on Jupiter
it has been assumed by a number of scientists that the
inner parts of the planet have a very high temperature
(of several thousand degrees). The energy required to
maintain this temperature is evolved during radioactive
decay. Above the heated zone there is something like
a shell composed of oxides of metals, and still higher
is the cold zone.
There is another hypothesis developed by V. Fesen-
kov, A. Masevich , V. Markus, and V. Ramsey, which,
although at first sight may seem improbable, is physic-
ally well-founded and has many supporters. As is
well known, at very high pressures the electron shells
of atoms overlap and even substances that do not
have metallic properties under ordinary conditions
come to resemble metals. The pressure in the inner
regions of Jupiter, according to available data, must
be great. It is supposed that it reaches 2 million atm
at a depth of the order of 1/5 of the distance between
the top of the clouds and the centre of the planet.
Hydrogen and helium at such degrees of condensation
pass over to a metallic state.
In the central part of the core of the planet the
pressure increases to 40-100 million atm 1. The gas
mixture acquires the properties of a solid body. Metal-
lic hydrogen under these conditions has a density
6 times greater than that of water; and helium, almost
13 times that of water. The temperature of the core
of Jupiter is measured in thousands of degrees. In the
region that is at a distance of 54,000-60,000 km from
the centre of the planet, at a pressure from 1,000,000
to 200,000 atm, hydrogen and helium are in the liquid
state; and finally, still higher (70,000 km from the
centre) is the gaseous layer. In the outer region where
the pressure is only 1 atm, the temperature is about
It has been proved that the atmosphere of Jupiter
is in constant motion and is stirred by powerful currents
not only in the horizontal direction but in the vertical
one as well. It would not be easy for future space travel-
lers if they took the risk of plunging into the atmos-
phere of Jupiter in windy weather. The velocity of the
wind there attains a value of 500 km/h and constant
storms scatter cold clouds of ammonia allover the
gloomy planet. There is a mysterious red spot floating
in Jupiter's atmosphere: it is the Great Red Spot
having a period of rotation about its axis of about
10 h (Fig. 17). Once every two years (on the average)
this "spot" meets with a region occupied by an atmo-
give energy to the atoms in the interstellar medium.
When equilibrium is reached, i.e., when the amount
of absorbed energy and that released per unit time are
equal, the temperature of the thermometer will be
constant; it will depend on the physical properties of
the material the thermometer is made of.
As we already know, the temperature of the outer
layers of the Sun is equal to about 6000 DC, while the
temperature in the Sun's interior reaches up to 15 mil-
lion degrees; these conditions have been obtained on
the Earth only recently and only for a very short pe-
riod of time.
In the Galaxy the traveller would encounter vari\
ous types of stars, among them the blue giants in the
interiors of which the temperature is 1090K. Very
little is known about the state of matter under such
conditions, and the program of space chemistry rese-
arch must include the study of substances and their
reactions at very high temperatures, right up to bil-
lions of degreesl
The measurement of density and temperature does
not' exhaust the possibilities of physics. Let us supply
the traveller with instruments for investigating the
nature of the radiation and the strength of the magnetic
and electric fields; guarantee him eternal life. Then he
will find out that outer space is permeated by streams
of radiation containing elementary particles and elec-
tromagnetic waves of various length; he will learn
that powerful magnetic fields arise and move in space
and that sometimes explosions of extraordinary strength
occur there - mysterious flares after which new
atoms appear, especially atoms of heavy elements. He
will notice that in outer space hydrogen and helium
atoms are distributed everywhere and will probably
draw the conclusion that the life, evolution and explo-
sions of stars are closely connected with the origin of
atoms of the elements and their conversion to each
other, i.e., with nuclear reactions. It follows from
this that in order to understand the fundamentals of
space chemistry it is necessary to study the effect of
pressure, temperature and radiation on matter and to
ascertain the possibility of the occurrence not only of
ordinary reactions but of nuclear reactions as well.
Let us begin the study of the fundamentals of space
chemistry with a discussion of the influence of high
pressures and temperatures on matter.
7* 99
Let us assume that the initial temperature is very
low. Nothing hinders us from taking it to be absolute
zero; it is physically impossible to obtain a temperature
equal to exactly absolute zero, but in speciallaborato-
ries it is already possible to attain temperatures that
differ from absolute zero only by hundredths of a deg-
ree. At such temperatures the energy in bodies is
close to the minimum one; the electrons are at the
very lowest energy levels; their anergy and the energy of
the body as a whole, although not equal to zero, are
of the smallest possible value. Heating of the body
leads to an increase in the energy of atomic vibration.
As a result of the distribution of the kinetic energy
among the vibrating particles in solids or the molecules
of gases, surplus energy is imparted to some of the
particles for a short period of time, and they become
more chemically active. This process is of very great
significance because it is due to it that the temperature
influences the rate of a chemical reaction. S. Arrheni-
us, as is known, suppposed that a chemical reaction
between two molecules can proceed only if the colli-
ding molecules have an energy that exceeds the average
value of the energy of collision. The surplus energy
is called the energy of activation; it determines to
a great extent the rate of reaction. If the activation
energy is equal to zero, any impact results in a chemi-
cal change and the reaction proceeds quickly. Thus,
for example, when H+ ions collide with OH- ions, i.e.,
in neutralization, electrostatic attraction adds the
necessary energy, and neutralization takes place instan-
taneously. The greater the energy of activation, the
slower the chemical change proceeds.
For most reactions, it is necessary to add from 30
to 50 kcal per 1 mole of substance for the reaction to
proceed. Catalyzers accelerate a chemical reaction, as
a rule, bpcause they reduce the activation energy by
causing [the process to proceed in a different way.
Indeed, whereas, for instance, the process _4 - B
requires a high energy of activation and therefore pro-
ceeds slowly, processes carried out with a catalyzer,
i.e., involving the chemical changes:
A C = M (intermediate substance)
are generally other reactions that are characterized by
smaller activation energies. Some catalyzers reduce the
activation energy to 10-15 kcal/mole; enzymes even
to 1.5-5 kcal/mole.
If it be taken into account that in the mathemati-
cal expression of the dependence of the rate-of-reaction
constant k on the energy of activation E, the latter
is in the exponent:
k = koe- E / RT
where k o = a constant
e = base of the natural logarithms
R = gas constant
T == absolute temperature
it is not difficult to realize that even a small change
in the activation energy strongly affects the rate of
I t is worthwhile to glance at the equation once mo-
re. If we look at the exponent, we'll note that formal-
ly an increase in the temperature (T) has the same
effect as a decrease in the activation energy (E). Prac-
tically, however, it is frequently better to lower the
activation energy (for example, with the aid of a cata-
lyzer) than to heat the substance. On heating a sub-
stance strongly various secondary reactions (which do
not occur at lower temperatures because of the high
activation energy) can take place simultaneously.
When we pass over to temperatures characteristic
of stars, reactions with very high E values can take
place. On the other hand, high temperatures favour
a shift of the equilibrium in the direction of the for-
mation of endothermic products. If the reaction for
the formation of titanium dioxide is accompanied by the
release of energy:
Ti+ O2 == Ti0 2+ 292 kcal
it is obvious that the reverse reaction will be accompa-
nied by the absorption of heat; therefore the shift in
equilibrium to the left is possible only on condition
that the compound is strongly heated. With stellar
temperatures the dissociation of even very stable com-
pounds such as the oxides of metals can be expected.
There is another class of compounds that can be
found under the conditions of outer space - these are
also unstable and active forms of matter resulting from
the action of high temperatures or radiation, i.e., free
radicals. Radicals are atoms or groups of atoms conta-
ining unpaired electrons. Thus, for example, the hydro-
gen atom and sodium atom are radicals. The oxygen
atom even has two unpaired electrons and belongs to
the class of biradicals.
The presence of unpaired electrons (usually desig-
nated by a dot over the formula of the radical: H, CI,
OR) is the reason for high chemical activity: the radi-
cal strives to gain the second, missing electron. On
acquiring the second electron, a more stable distribu-
tion of electrons (a more stable configuration) is
That is why two atoms of hydrogen combine to
form a molecule H 2 (H : II), the CI radical unites
with a Na radical to produce sodium chloride, NaCl
(Na Cl), etc.
Such radicals react readily and therefore exist in
the free state only for a very short time, often only
fractions of a second. Complex radicals consisting of
several atoms live longer. Some of them can exist in
the free state for an indefinitely long time. When solid
bodies are cooled to very low temperat.ures even
active radicals can be frozen in them. The core of
comets consists of solid masses of substances, in parti-
cular water, containing various radicals in the frozen
state. On the other hand, such radicals as CR a, C 2 , CH,
CH 2 are present in gases at high temperatures. These
are the blocks from which, on cooling, more complex
molecules can be formed. Perhaps the first stages in
the chemical evolution on our Earth consisted in vari-
ous transformations of radicals. The activation energy
of such reactions is not very great and sometimes is
practically equal to zero. Such reactions, therefore,
proceed rapidly.
that no ordinary chemical reactions can give so much
energy as, for example, is needed to maintain the tem-
parature of our Sun. But the Sun is only one of many
stars. The problems concerning the Sun are the general
problems of stellar physics and chemistry - compara-
tively new branches of knowledge, the future develop-
ment of which is veritably limitless.
Energy emit-
Pressure, a tm Temperature, ted, el'g/g
star (in centre) °C (in centre) per s (lumi..
......., +5
o B A F B K n
Spectral class
Fig. 18. The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
points, i.e .., the greatest number of stars, fallon a stra-
ight line that runs diagonally across the diagram from
upper left to lower right and is called the main sequen-
ce. Our Sun appears in the central part of the main seque-
nce; the very hot, highly luminous stars appear at the
upper left, small relatively cold and dim stars appear
toward the lower right.
A remarkable feature of the HR diagram is that
one can trace the entire life history of a star on it, from
its birth to the final stage in its evolution. The stars
in the course of their life appear to move along the
main sequence from left to right. Moreover, we learn
that each new stage in the evolution of a star corres-
ponds to chemical changes in its composition, which
in fact, are the reasons for its appearance: the dia-
gram illustrates the relationship between the chemi-
cal conversions and the stages in the development of
Stars from their birth to their death or explosion
pass through stages which are reflected in this diagram
to a greater or smaller degree. I t all begins with the
condensation of a cloud of gas and dust and the for-
mation of starry nuclei that are denser than the sur-
rounding medium. This stage is observed in galactic
systems. Then gravitational forces compress the star.
The stellar matter is heated and begins to radiate light.
These processes correspond to the motion of stars on
the HR diagram from the right to the left. The star
takes its place on the main sequence.
Stars of different mass' appear on the main sequence
at different points. If a star has a large mass, it will
be heated to a very high temperature earlier than equi-
librium between the gravitational forces and the radia-
tion pressure is reached. Such a very hot star will appear
on the main sequence nearer to the upper left than
stars with a smaller mass. It takes millions of years
for a star to approach the main sequence, and it rema-
ins on it for billions of years.
Finally, the star exhausts all the nuclear fuel in its
interior where the temperature is the highest and where
matter is constantly mixed (the zone of convection).
The radiation zone surrounds the convection zone;
here energy is transported by radiation. The radiation
zone passes to the outer zone through which energy is
dispersed into the surrounding space.
It is supposed that having exhausted their fuel, the
stars begin to contract again as a result of which the
temperature at the edge of the radiation zone grows.
When it reaches millions of degrees, nuclear reactions
occur not in the nucleus but in the radiation zone. The
star expands and its outer layers gradually cool off. As
a result a huge tenous mass of gas of a relatively low
temperature appears, and the red giant takes its place
in the upper right-hand corner of the diagram. The
further evolution of these giants with a very.large mass
exceeding that of the Sun can proceed in different ways
that are not indicated on the Hfl diagram.
8-01266 113
There are stars which have a high content of. par-
ticular elements. Thus, there are stars which have
a relatively high silicon content (silicon stars); stars
that have a high iron content (iron stars); a high manga-
nese content (manganese stars); a high carbon content
(carbon stars), etc. Stars with an anomalous composi-
tion are quite varied. A high content of heavy ele-
ments has been detected in young stars of the type of
red giants. It was found in one of them that the content
of molybdenum exceeded the content of this metal in
the Sun 26 times. In general, the content of elements
whose atoms have a mass greater than the mass of the
helium atom gradually decreases as the star grows ol-
der. Moreover, the chemical composition of a star
depends on the location of the star in the Galaxy. In
old stars in the spherical part of the Galaxy, there are
few atoms of heavy elements, while in the part which
forms the spiral arms of the Galaxy and in its flat
part there are stars that have a relatively high content
of heavy elements. It is in these regions that new
stars are born and that is why the presence of heavy
elements can be associated with the cfemical evolu-
tion characteristic of the life of a star.
The chemical composition of a star depends on two
factors: the nature of the interstellar medium and the
nuclear reactions which occur in a star during its life
history. The initial composition of a star is close to
the composition of the interstellar matter, i.e., the
cloud of gas and dust, from which the star evolved.
This cloud is not the same everywhere. I t is quite
possible that a star appearing in a certain place in the
universe will be, for instance, richer in heavy elements
than another one which is formed in a different place.
Spectral analysis of the composition of stars must
take into account numerous factors, such as gravitati-
onal forces, temperature, magnetic fields. But even with
observing all the rules of investigation, the data seems
inadequate: spectral analysis concerns only the outer,
surface layers of the star. What is going 011 in the inte-
rior of these far-distant bodies seems to be inaccessible
for study. The spectra of stars, however, show unmis-
takable evidence of the presence of elements which are
the products of nuclear reactions (barium, technetium,
zirconium) and which can be found only in the star's
interior. Hence it follows that stellar matter undergo-
es a process of mixing. From the point of view of the
physicist it is difficult to reconcile the idea of mixing
with that of equilibrium of the huge mass of stellar
matter, but for the chemist this spectroscopic data
constitutes material of inestimable value because it
permits well-founded assumptions to be made concer-
ning the course of nuclear reactions in the interiors of
celestial bodies.
Tl!e analysis of stars in the spherical part of the
Galaxy containing the oldest stars shows a low content
of heavy metals (according to L. Aller). On the other
hand, if the Galaxy did develop from a gas cloud
consisting mainly of hydrogen, there must be purely
hydrogen stars in it. Such stars include the subdwarfs.
They occupy a place midway between the stars of the
main sequence and the white dwarfs. In subdwarfs
there is a large amount of hydrogen while the quantity
of metals is small.
Table 8 (according to L. Aller) gives the logarithms
of the ratio of the number ..of atoms of a given element
on the Sun to the number of the same element in sub-
dwarfs (i.e., abundance). As can be seen, the numbers,
as a rule, are greater than zero, i.e., the amount of
metals in the Sun is greater than that in the subdwarfs.
Evidence of nuclear transformations changing the
"feat~es" of the star is sometimes very clear. Thus,
there are stars wherein hydrogen was converted to he-
8* 115
Table B
Abundance of Elements in Subdwarfs
HD 140283 HD 1944.5
ry star in the constellation Sagittarius, a supergiant
with a surface temperature of about 10, 000° C, is also
a star deficient in hydrogen: in its spectrum helium
lines are clearly seen while the hydrogen lines are very
faint. Apparently, these are stars that have exhausted
all their hydrogen in nuclear reactions; the presence
of carbon and nitrogen in them gives grounds for ma-
king correct surmises concerning the course of the
nuclear reactions that supply energy and produce the
nuclei of various elements.
Of great interest are the carbon stars. These stars
are comparatively cold (giants and supergiants). Their
surface temperature usually lies in the range of 2500-
6000 °C. At temperatures lower than 3500° C, when
there is an equal amount of oxygen and carbon in the
atmosphere, a great part of carbon and oxygen is pre-
sent in the form of carbon monoxide, CO. Other carbon
compcunds found in these stars are cyan (the CN
radical) and the CH radical. A small amount of the
oxides of titanium and zirconium which are resistant
to high temperatures is also present. If there is an
excess of hydrogen, the concentration of CN, CO, C 2
will be relatively low and the concentration of CH
will increase. -Such stars (CH-stars) are encountered
along with stars that are deficient in hydrogen.
In one of the stars it was found that the ratio of
the carbon content to the iron content was high: the
amount of carbon exceeded that of iron 25 times and
the ratio of carbon to hydrogen was equal to 40. This
means that the star is very rich in carbon and poor in
hydrogen. Variation in the brightness of one of the stars
of this type was even attributed to reduction in lumi-
nosity due to solid carbon particles scattered in the
star's atmosphere. A normal hydrogen content, howe-
vert is characteristic of the majority of carbon stars
(accordini to L. Aller),
An important feature of carbon stars is their relative-
ly high content of the carbon isotope ~3C. The role of
this isotope in the total energy balance of the star is
very great. The processes in which it participates sup-
ply the star with energy; they occur only at very high
temperatures in the interior zones of the stars. The
appearance of the ~3C isotope in the surface layers can,
probably, be attributed to mixing.
A high content of metals located in the same subgro-
up of the periodic system as zirconium is characteris-
tic of a number of types of stars. These stars contain
the unstable element technetium, ::Tc. Technetium
nuclei could be formed from 98Mo as a result of the
capture of a neutron and subsequent loss of an electron
from the molybdenum nucleus (see ChI V, Para 5)
or in a photoprocess from 97M ol. I n any case the pre-
sence of the unstable nucleus affords convincing evi-
dence that nuclear reactions do occur in stars.
Astronomers and astrophysicists have performed an
enormous amount of work in-analyzing and correlating
spectral data and the information procured from meteo-
rites. As a result, a picture of the occurrence of elements
in the universe has been obtained. Figure 19 presents
the results of this work in the form of a curve showing
the dependence of the relative rate of occurrence of an
element on its atomic number. The sudden sharp zig-
zags and jumps indicate that certain elements are
preferred to others in outer space.
This is actually a fact! As has already been stated
in the chapter that deals with meteorites, elements with
even atomic numbers are encountered in them more
\A! t
1--._....._ ......_ ...._ ..._ ......._ _......_....-._......_ ......_ ....
o 10 20 3D 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fig. 19. Abundance of elements in outer space: the atomic
numbers are plotted on the axis- of abscissas; the logarithms of
their content per 1012 II atoms, on the axis of ordinates
sure! Although this expression is certain to be famili-
ar to many of the readers of this book, it may seem
strange to some of them: less than a hundred years have
passed since the time when not only the layman but
prominent physicists regarded the idea of light pres-
sure to be devoid of any meaning.
The brilliant experiments of P. Lebedev have pro-
ved that light beams are capable of deflecting falling
dust particles from their normal trajectory and can
set in motion small impellers placed in an evacuated
Light is absorbed and emitted by atoms in small
portions, quanta, the quantum being proportional to
the frequency of oscillations of the electric and magne-
tic forces in the light wave. This important conclusion
was drawn by M. Planck in 1900 and constitutes the
essence of one of the most well-founded chapters in
theoretical physics - the quantum theory. A. Ein-
stein considered light quanta to be particles, photons.
This was an acknowledgement of the mysterious dual
nature of the behaviour of light: sometimes light be-
haves like a wave and sometimes (in particular in
reactions with atoms) like a stream of particles (i.e.,
photons or quanta). If a particle has an energy E, then
consequently it possesses a momentum P. In accordan-
ce with the laws of mechanics the kinetic energy E
corresponds to a momentum
According to Newton's law a force is equal to the
mass multiplied by the acceleration:
.\ Among the serenely shining stars scattered in the
firmament a spectacular phenomenon occasionally
occurs. One of the dim stars that was hardly visible
suddenly begins to shine more and more brightly.
During several days its brightness increases by 10-14
stellar magnitudes, and it becomes hundreds of
thousands of times brighter: The dazziling flare, howe-
ver, rapidly fades away and in the place where the
mysterious star had just shone so brightly again a very
dim little star appears. Frequently this star was pre-
viously unnoticed, and it .was supposed that the flare
signified the appearance of a new star. The term
"nova" is still used in astronomy. In the 2nd century
Be Hipparchus observed a brilliant nova in the
constellation Scorpio. Evidently it was this unexpec-
ted discovery that prompted him to draw up a list
of all the stars, indicating their brightness. Thus was
,the first stellar catalogue compiled: it was an important
eontribution to progress in the field of astronomy.
Such miracles are not often observed. In Europe
novae were 1572 and 1[604. Novae are-
known to have appeared in 1918 and 1934. They attai-
ned the brightness of stars of the first magnitude. In
1'901'~ 1925, 1946 explosions of novae were observed not
by specialists but by a postman, a high-school student
and a track-walker, respectively.
In general, a considerable number of novae explode
in our galaxy - up to two hundred each year, but not
all of them are bright enough for detailed analysis.
What is signified by the eruption of a nova? What
forces cause an enormou~ mass of matter to suddenly
participate in a mysterious violent process accompanied
by the release of a tremendous amount of energy and
a sharp increase in the intensity of radiation? Can it
be that the Sun (which is a star!) is also subject to
such fits of rage? Perhaps mankind should fear that
at some tragic moment a powerful avalanche of. light
from the exploding Sun will burn all life on Earth.
Does this danger actually exist? All these questions can
be answered only after defining the cause of the explosi-
on of novae and on understanding the physical and
chemical essence of the whole process of stellar evolu-
Spectral analysis shows that large masses of atoms
are ejected into space; the cloud of atoms is permeated by
its own radiation and the Doppler effect gives evidence
that the atoms move rapidly in the direction of the ob-
server on the Earth and in the opposite direction.
Under the pressure exerted by light. the entire atmo...
sphere of the star is stripped from it and spreads ·out into
the surrounding space (E. Mustel). It can be seen as
a nebulous: cloud distributed around the point where
the explosion occurred (Fig. 20).
Repeated explosions result in the loss of matter to
space; the star contracts and is finally transformed to
a white dwarf - a small and very dense body. From
studies of the characteristic changes in brightness which
precede an explosion" it can he concluded that the
danger of self-combustion does not threaten the Sun,
and mankind has .no grounds for worrying about the
star that gives life to it.
Sometimes increadibly violent explosions occur -
for a short time the star shines like millions and billi-
ons of suns. In...1885, a nova appeared in the Andromeda
nebula, whose brightness was almost 10 billion times
greater than that of the Sun (taking into account the
distance to the nebula).
Such stars are called supernovae - they differ
from novae not only in brightness but in other attri-
butes as well; in particular, after the spectacular explo-
sion of a supernova its remnants emit radio waves for
a long time 1. On July 4, 1054, as recorded in ancient
chronicles (Chinese, Arabic and Japanese), a star
appeared in the sky (it was called a "visiting star"),
which was so bright that it was visible even in the
daytime. It shone for 23 days and then it began to
decrease in brightness.
In our times examination of the part of the sky
where, according to the ancient chronicles, this star
had appeared showed that all that has remained of this
great supernova is the Crab Nebula (named for its
shape). This nebula is rapidly expanding at a rate of
about 1300 km/s; two stars can be seen in its centre.
The diameter of the Crab Nehula is equal to 6 light-
years and the distance to it from our solar system is
over 4000 light-years. Calculations have shown that
1 Yu, Pskovsky, Novye i sverkhnovye svezdy (Novae and
Supernovae), "Nauka" Publishers, 1974; I. Azimov, The Universe,
Walker and Company New York, 1969.
about 800 years ago the entire mass of the nebula
was concentrated in its centre. It was then that there
occurred the violent explosion which was taken by
the observers to be the appearance of a "visiting star"
and from that time the nebula resulting from the ex-
plosion began to expand. Most astonishing was the
extreme violence of the explosion and the intense
radiance attained by the stellar matter at the time of
the appearance of the nebula. Studies showed that a su-
pernova shines like a hundred million Suns and ejects
streams of gas rushing along at a rate of the order of
6000 km/s! At present it has been established that such
explosions of supernovae occur in the galaxies once in
400 years (on the average, according to P. Kukarkin).
The explosions of novae and supernovae and the
solar flares which occasionally occur on the Sun's chro-
mosphere can cause such an increase in the radiation
of cosmic rays that despite the protective properties
of the Earth's atmosphere, they can considerably af-
fect life on the Earth. The increase in cosmic radiation
is the cause of radio and magnetic disturbances on the
Earth, of changes in the weather; it influences the
health and the course of diseases of people and animals.
It is even supposed that the extinction of certain
species of animals (e.g., the dinosaur), which inhabited
the Earth before man appeared on it, is associated
with the intensification of cosmic radiation resulting
from the sudden explosion of a supernovae.
The spectacular appearance of comets in the sky
excited the minds and imagination of observers to an
even greater extent than meteorites did. Their enor-
mous luminous tails moved across the whole sky and
gave rise to co~pletely false conceptions of the mass
and density of the celestial body approaching the
Earth. Scientists have registered the majority of comets
one way or another and by 1966, astronomical catalo-
gues contained data on 876 comets.
According to modern data a comet is composed of
a solid nucleus (core) surrounded by a tenuous mass
of gases and sometimes a tail. The solid nucleus is not
large - only a few kilometres in diameter (sometimes
even much less, only a few hundred metros). The nucle-
us consists of solidified gases, mainly methane and
ammonia (methane-ammonia ices) containing inclusi-
ons of mineral particles (from 10 to 30 per cent). As
a comet approaches the Sun, its state changes. Heat
from the Sun causes the ices to warm up and evaporate.
The resulting gases produce the coma surrounding the
nucleus. Together the nucleus and the coma are called
the head of the comet. Part of the coma is blown away
into a stream behind, to form or increase the comet's
tail, always directed away from the SUD.
Solar radiation is also responsible for the appearan-
ce of active particles called radicals. The spectra of
comets indicate that the masses of gases in comets
contain the following radicals: CN, CO, CH, CH 2 , C2 ,
C 3 • By means of powerful telescopes and spectrographs,
evidence has been obtained of the presence in comets
of the radicals CO+, CO;, N;, 0;, i.e., of ions of the
oxides of carbon (CO, CO 2 ) , oxygen and nitrogen and
also, in a number of cases, of metallic sodium. Sodium
can be detected in the tail of a comet at a distance up
to 500,000 km.
'-01266 129
hundredth millionths of a centimetre - that is the
diameter of an atom. This means that an atom is 1019
times less in size than a star (on the average).The mass
of the Sun contains approximately 1056 atoms, and the
fate of this star depends on the state and transforrnati-
ODS of this enormous number of minute structures.
Under the conditions prevailing in the interiors of stars,
atoms manifest great activity; they not only lose
their electrons (are ionized), but their nuclei enter
into nuclear reactions. An atom consists of a nucleus
carrying a charge of posi ti ve electricity, surrounded
by electrons moving around it. The radius of the elec-
tron orbi ts is equal to about 10-8 em", The size of the
nucleus is much smaller and has a value of from
10-12 to 10-13 ern. Hence, the space between the nucleus
and electrons is very great in comparison with the size
of the nucleus. The atom is by no means a dense parti-
cle; most of the volume we have in mind when we speak
of.a radius of 10-8 em is actually free of particles. The
density of nuclear matter, on the contrary, is extremely
high. The mass of an electron is so small that it can
be entirely neglected in most cases; consequently, the
nucleus constitutes practically all the mass of the atom.
The small volume of the nucleus is occupied by parti-
cles compressed to a density of 1014g/cm3 • The nucleus
is composed of protons (p) carrying a positive charge
and having a mass equal to unity (to be more exact,
1.0072767) according to the carbon scale and neut-
rons (n), neutral particles of a mass of 1.0086654.
According to all available data, the proton and neut-
1 In atomic physics the unit usually employed for measu-
ring distances is the angstrom, Le., 10-8 em. This unit is deno-
ted as A and approximately corresponds to the diameter of the
hydrogen atom. At present, when measuring small distance, the
unit often used is the nanometre (10- 1 m):
1 .A = 0.1 nm
ron are two different states of one and the same parti-
cle known as a nucleon. The conversion of a proton to
a neutron and vice versa, however, results in the appe-
arance of new particles. If a neutron is converted to
a proton, there simultaneously appears an electron,
e, and a very light particle called an anti-neutrino, v:-
The energy released when a neutron is converted to
a proton causes the emission of ~-particles which are
electrons moving with great velocities (up to 99 per cent
of the velocity of light). It is apparent that when an
atomic nucleus undergoes such a transformation, the
number of positive charges in the nucleus increases.
The number of positive charges, as is known, deter-
mines the atomic number of the element in Mendeleev's
periodic system. Consequently, the resulting nucleus
should have an atomic number that is greater by one
than the atomic number of the initial nucleus.
The conversion of a proton to a neutron must be
accompanied by the emission of a positive particle,
otherwise the number of charges in the right-hand side
of the equation will not be equal to those in the left-
hand side. As a matter of fact, a positively charged
particle of a mass equal to that of the electron, the
positron e, has been detected and studied.
The reaction of the transformation of a proton to
a neutron is also accompanied by the appearance of
a very light particle, the neutrino (a neutrino differs
from an anti-neutrino in spin, Le., in the direction of
its rotation and certain other properties which we'll
not go into here):
The resulting nucleus has an atomic number which
is less by one than that of the initial nucleus. A chan-:
9. t3t
ge in the atomic number signifies the conversion of
one element into another - its neighbour in the peri-
odic system. In other words, the initial and resulting
substances in rt\iclear reactions are different elemen ts,
That is where nuclear reactions differ basically from
ordinary chemical reactions in which transformation of
molecules takes place but the conversion of elements
is never observed.
The reactive forces that bind the nuclear particles
together are sf a peculiar nature. In order to understand
the reasons for their appearance let us consider the
behaviour of an electron in an electric field. Electrons
interact with photons. The electron continuously absorbs
and emits photons. This process takes place so
quickly that the energy of the system as a whole does
not, in essence, change (otherwise when a photon is
emitted by an electron, the total energy would
increase; and when a photon is absorbed, decrease,
because the photon itself possesses energy). Such pro-
cesses are called virtual ones. The results of the vir-
tual processes occurring when an electron reacts with
the electric field cannot, in essence, be observed, and
the law of conservation of energy is not violated beca-
use it applies to values that can be observed. On the
other hand, if energy is supplied from an outside
source, photons can be detected. Thus, an increase in
the velocity of the electron causes radiation, i.e, ,pho-
tons are actually emitted. This conception was appli-
ed to nuclear forces. The role of the photon in the exchan-
ge processes in the nucleus is played by -partlcles
called rt-mesons. the existence of which was predicted by
Kh. Yukawa. Mesons were discovered in 1947, 12 years
after Kh. Yukawa had predicted their existence.
Mesons (neutral and charged n-mesons) are virtu-
ally emitted and absorbed by nucleons and in this
way bind them. Consequently, rt-mesons, or pions,
play a very important part in determining the nature
of nuclear forces. Mesons are short-lived particles but
in the nucleus they participate in such rapid proces-
ses that their life is long enough to carry out this
binding function. The forces connected with virtual
exchange by means of mesons are not the only ones
that act in the nucleus; other kinds of forces are known
as well as other types of elementary particles.
nucleus can, however, be disturbed sometimes because
of external action such as the penetration of a-particles,
neutrons and protons into the nucleus and sometimes
due to internal processes of redistribution of energy,
of which we know very little as yet.
As a result of the disturbance of equilibrium, the
nucleus passes to the excited state; then the recon-
struction of the nucleus, i.e., a nuclear reaction (nuc-
lear conversion) follows. Instead of the original nucle-
us and the bombarding particle, another nucleus is
produced, and often a different particle is emitted.
The most amazing thing in these reactions is that
in the general case, the sum of the masses of the initial
particles is not equal to the sum of the masses of the.
.resulting particles. Profound analysis has shown that,
virtually, in any chemical reaction accompanied by
a change in energy of substances, the sums of the mas-
ses of the initial and resulting substances must differ
from each other. This is because a change in energy E
is equivalent to a change in mass E/c 2 (where c is the
"velocity of light) and, conversely, if the mass changes
by a value m, this is equivalent to a change in energy
equal to mc 2 (according to Einstein's famous equation
for mass-energy equivalence).
Ordinary chemical reactions, however, are accom-
panied by extremely small changes in mass in the
reacting and resulting substances, which cannot be
detected by any methods of precise weighing; this is
quite natural because the energy effects of such reacti-
ons are very small", It is quite another matter when
nuclear processes are concerned. The first investigators
of radioactive transformations were astonished by the
enormous amount of energy released on decay of nuclei
1 For example, the thermal effect of the reaction of the
formation of 1 mole COa (94 kcal) corresponds to a change in
mass of only 4.39X 10- 9 g.
of natural radioactive substances (radium, polonium
and others). The energy effects of nuclear reactions
exceed those of ordinary chemical reactions millions
of times, and it is easy to understand that, in this
case, the change in mass of the substances that parti-
cipate in the reaction can be observed. Thus, the con-
version of four protons to the helium nucleus corres-
ponds to a reduction in mass (mass defect) by 0.028
atomic mass unit (according to the carbon scale),
which, in turn, corresponds to the release of an enor-
mous amount of energy equal to 0.25 X 1020 erg:
E = (4 X 1.008 - 4.004) c2 = O.028c2 = 0.25 X 1020
That is, 0.25 X 1020 erg/mole is obtained when
4 grams of hydrogen are converted to helium. Expres-
sed in terms of calories this amounts ~ to 6.4
X 108 kcal/mole; whereas in ordinary chemical reactions
heat is evolved or absorbed in a quantity measured by
hundreds (102 ) of kilogram-ealories per mole of sub-
The mass defect is expressed either in atomic mass
units (AMU) or as me" where m is the mass of an elect-
ron (9.28 X 10-28 g). The mass of an electron is 1840
times less than an AMU; hence, 1840 mc2 corresponds
to the energy released when the mass is decreased by
1 AMU. It follows, therefore, that for the reaction of
formation of helium the energy released is equal to
E = 0.028 X 1840mc2 = 52mc2
The unit mc2 is equal to the kinetic energy of an
electron moving through a potential difference of
510,000 V = 5.1 X 10 5 eV = 0.51 MeV (megaelectron-
volt; M denotes a million ; MeV, a million electron
volts). Thus the above reaction gives an energy of
0.51 X 52 == 26.52 MeV. Frequently, the atomic ener-
gy unit (AEU) is employed. It is equal to the energy
l corresponding to a change in mass by 1 AMU, and
since 1 AMU is equal to 1.67 X 10 -24, the energy will
be 1.67 X 10-24 c2 ; 1 AMU will be
Reactions Induced by Neutrons
These reactions are of great importance in space
chemistry. Neutrons readily penetrate into various
nuclei, and charged particles can be emitted due to
the disintegration of the resulting compound nucleus.
This type of reaction is characteristic of nuclei of isoto-
pes of small mass, for instance,
fiMg+An -+ f~Na+lH
In elements with nuclei of a medium mass, partial
inelastic scattering of neutrons occurs. This means
that the nucleus which absorbs a neutron also emits
a neutron (another one) and remains in an excited
state; this is followed by the radiation of a 'V-quantum
and the transition to the normal state.
The capture of a neutron by a nucleus is also obser-
i~Al+~n ~ f~Al+,\,
By means of reactions induced by deuterons it be-
came possible to obtain the :He isotope and to syn-
thesize tritium:
fD+fD -+ IHe+n
fD+fD ~ fT+p
Photonuclear Reactions
A nucleon can be torn out of an atomic nucleus by
the action of a powerful 'V-quantum on the nucleus.
Only y-quanta with an energy greater than 8 MeV can
be used to bring about this process. With the aid of
:8 betatron, synchrotron or other accelerators of elect-
rons it was possible to investigate the reactions in
which a neutron escapes from an atom (for example,
from the copper atom) under the action of y-quanta
having an energy of about 20 MeV. Reactions in which
neutrons and positrons were forced out of the atoms of
indium, thorium and other elements were also studied.
One of the conclusions drawn from investigations in
the field of photonuclear processes is that the y-quan-
Table 9
Some Typical Nuclear Reactions
particle Brief denotation ot nuclear reaction
n ~Li (n, d) fT 12 C (n, ex) :Be ~4N (n, d) l4N (n, p) ~4N (n, 2ex)
~lB 14C iLi
10-01266 145
could be processes of radioactive decay. But there is
very little radium and, in general, small quantities
of all heavy nuclei on the Sun. Evidently some other
process provides the Sun with energy. It should be
remembered that the Sun consists almost entirely of
hydrogen and helium. Perhaps this is the clue to the
mystery of its energy resources. Can hydrogen be trans-
formed to helium? How much energy is evolved in
this reaction? We have already calculated it. I twas
found that in the reaction '4I-I = He, i.e., as a result
of the conversion of four atoms of hydrogen to a helium
atom, the total mass is reduced by 0.028 AMU and
an enormous amount of energy equal to 26.5 MeV is
released. I t may be that the Sun is a gigantic plasma
fire in which hydrogen burns and is consumed in the
formation of helium. The energy thus obtained is quite
sufficient to maintain a temperature of millions of
degrees for billions of years.
Solar energy is dispersed in space and even reaches
our planet. According to the law of mass-energy equi-
valence a certain amount of mass would be equivalent
to a certain amount of energy if mass disappeared and
energy appeared in its place. Hence, the loss in mass
corresponding to solar radiation can be determined.
The so-called mass defect resulting from nuclear reac-
tions carried out in atomic reactors during several
months amounts to grams, but in nuclear processes
on the SUD it amounts to millions of tons. Every second
the Sun loses an energy of 1023 kcal or 4.182 X 1033 erg:
the mass which corresponds to this energy can be found
from tLe equation E = Smc":
E 4.182 X 1033 11 6
~m=-;2= 9x 1020 =46 X 10 g or 4.6 X 10 tons
Every second the Sun loses more than 4.5 million
tons of mass and as a result of this process produces
powerful streams of radiation. Only about 2 kg of mass
comes every second to our Earth, the little blue pla-
net, and this amount supplies the energy for all life
on Earth!
15 ~N
82 $
Evolution of Stars
and Synthesis of Elements
nuclei of new elements are produced in the star's inte-
rior. Moreover, the star having decreased its mass and
luminosity, gradually approaches the main sequence,
moving downwards on the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram.
On the way to its place in the main sequence, the
star can lose its gas envelope and other changes may
occur, especially in large stars (many times larger
than the Sun). Generally, the star moves slowly along
the main sequence during billions of years. How does
the life of a star end? It can be transformed into
a small faintly luminous yellow dwarf; this corres-
ponds to a downward shift to the right along the
main sequence. Another end is also possible.
In some cases a process of expansion of the outer
parts of the star begins: the star ejects into space enor-
mous amounts of gas, in which the conversion of hydro-
gen to helium continues taking place, and the remnant
of the star contracts. If the mass of the star is less than
that of the Sun (about 1.2 times), under certain con-
ditions contraction results in the formation of a white
dwarf - a very small but extremely dense star. The
size of dwarfs, on a stellar scale, is very small: a num-
ber of them have a diameter of only 8000 km (less than
the diameter of the Earth), but the density of a white
dwarf reaches 10 10 g/cm",
The compression of matter, as is known, is caused
by gravitational forces and, therefore, the greater the
mass of the star, the higher the effect of compression,
If the mass of a star exceeds the mass of the Sun 1.2
times, the internal pressure in it (electron-gas pressure
and radiation pressure) will no longer be able to balan-
ce the gravitational forces, and the star will begin to
contract rapidly; this results in a so-called gravitatio-
nal collapse. A collapse ends in a violent explosion,
and the stellar matter is scattered over large areas
of outer space.
A collapse may not occur; it the mass of the star
lies in the range of 1.2 to 2 times the Sun's mass, ano-
ther end is likely to occur. The stellar matter passes
over to the neutron state: with very great degrees of
compression electrons and protons can unite to form
neutral particles, neutrons. As a result of the conver-
sion to the neutron state, the density increases to even
a greater extent and reaches values of the order of
1010 g/cm 3 • It is indeed rather difficult to conceive
a density at which 1 million tons of matter is contai-
ned in 1 mm''I
A neutron star can also appear after an explosion,
i.e., after a collapse causes the violent development of
nuclear reactions and the scattering of matter. The
"nut" remaining in the centre of the exploded mass is
not nnly very hard but also very small - the diameter
of a neutron star is only a few hundred kilometres or
even a few tens of kilometres (Fig. 25).
The explosion and intense radiation that accompa-
nies it are perceived as the appearance of a supernova.
Such an explosion occurred in 1054: the Crab Nebula
presents the imposing picture of the widespread expan-
sion of the explosion products in outer space.~
..Neutron stars have magnetic fields (very strong
ones). The matter in these stars is not motionless; it
vibrates radially and otherwise; besides, the star
itself revolves as a single body. As a result, neutron
stars are sources of very intense and periodic radio
emission. At the present time, the radiation of these
so-called pulsating stars is being studied extensively.
In the Crab Nebula there is the pulsating star deno-
ted as P 0532 1 which was formed as the result of the
1 Pulsating stars are usually denoted as proposed by Eng-
lish. astronomers: the first letter indicates the place it was dis-
covered, the letter "P" indicates pulsating, the number indica-
tes the time of direct ascent. Accordingly, the first pulsating
Inier;leLla; medium com-
posed oj gas and dust
(beqinning oj ccnaensaiion)
°gf f cm3
~O 5
Consumption oj hydrogen
fInd helium; formation of
n D ti=1~'S1//cm 3
~.-.- p+p~n
~ T~;J'10goK
As a result of a collapse, sometimes such dense stars
appear that even radiation is not able to overcome their
gravitational field. Such a star, consequently, cannot
be seen; its existence is detected only by the effect it
has on its neighbours. These superdense stars, bottom-
less gravitational drains, absorb energy and matter.
They are called dark "holes". According to U. Press
they do not retain a spherical form and they pulsate,
being the source of gravitational radiation. The pnlsa-
ting star Swan 10-1 emits X-rays, the period of pul-
sation being 0.1-10 s. Swan 10-1 is considered to be
a binary star: a dark "hole" revolves around a giant
star which is at a distance of 6000 light-years from the
Earth. Like in the case of the Crab Nebula, it is a very
.powerful source of radiation. The invisible star probab-
ly has a mass equal to 2.5 solar masses and causes tidal
waves in the giant star, gradually drawing off its
atmosphere. It is possible that variation in the inten-
sity of X-ray emission is associated with this pheno-
. In the constellation Hercules an X-ray pulsating
star with a period of 1.247 s has been discovered. By
now 116 sources of X-ray emission have been registe-
r~d: 75 of them are at the equator of the Earth's galaxy
and 10 are beyond it (specifically, in the constellation
Andromeda). There are also scattered sources of radi-
ation in the constellation Coma Berenices.
The TI10re complicated the nuclear reactions, the
more difficult it is to study them theoretically and
the harder it is to simulate them in laboratories on the
tEarth. At the present time, certain nuclear processes
·~an be carried out in nuclear reactors and powerful
.eyclo trons: in the near future attempts to obtain stab-
~Je plasma and to control the thermonuclear con-
~ersion of hydrogen to helium will be made. The
~ynthesis of many heavy nuclei, however, is yet
'~ .~:
~ 159
unattainable, and this aspect of space nuclear chemistry
still remains a field of conjectures and hypotheses.
I t is supposed that it is during the explosion, in
the process of the origination of supernovae (at tempe-
ratures of the order of 3 X 10 90K), that there appears
a mixture of nuclei, protons and neutrons from which
subsequently the nuclei of iron and other heavy ele-
ments are formed'. Hence, the chemical reactions by
which iron is formed in space differ considerably from
those in which lighter elements are formed: iron atoms
are forged in extremely hot furnaces and are produced
as the result of violent processes the effect of which
extends to a great distance from the site of the explo-
sion (several light-years).
It should be noted that the development of nuclear
processes in the period of collapse is characterized by
diverse neutron capture and results in the appearance
of nuclei of a dissimilar nature. But, by far, not all
nuclei can be obtained by means of such transformati-
ons. The formation of certain elements cannot be expla-
ined by the work of neutron "furnaces" and other
hypotheses had to be worked out to explain their
The origin of unstable nuclei such as the light
nuclei of lithium, deuterium, boron, beryllium, which
are rapidly absorbed in the nuclear reactions is also
puzzling. Nevertheless, there is evidence, for instan-
ce, that the deep-red stars contain a large amount of
lithium and in one of the blue stars an excess of the
helium isotope :He has even been found. Where do
these unstable nuclei come from? It has been assumed
that in outer space, along with "hot" synthesis of
1 At the time of an explosion of a supernova matter con-
taining heavy elements is ejected into outer space. New stars are
formed from this material and that is the reason why the con-
tent of heavy elements is high in young stars.
elements, resulting from neutron reactions, there also
occurs "cold" synthesis. The masses of plasma produ-
ced, for example, as a consequence of an explosion in
some galactic system are very unstable. Electromagne-
tic fields act in them, accelerating the motion of parti-
cles the same as in cyclotrons in laboratories on the
Earth. The particles (protons, electrons, positrons,
atomic nuclei) accelerated by vigorous gas streams to
high velocities already begin to pick up speed un-
der the effect of the electromagnetic fields, and on
colliding, enter into reactions with each other. Under
these conditions nuclei of new atoms are produced not
as the result of thermonuclear processes but at much
lower temperatures. Therefore, the formation of less
stable nuclei and the synthesis of nuclei of heavy ele-
ments are possible.
According to D. Frank-Kamenetsky, the formation
of odd isotopes of lithium and boron is explained by
plasmic acceleration. The fact is that lithium with
a mass number of 7 and boron with a mass number of
-11 occur on the Earth and in meteorites in larger
amounts than the even isotopes having a mass number
equal to 6 and 10, respectively; this fact is of interest
because, as has been stated above, usually it is even
isotopes that are found more often. According to
D. Frank-Kamenetsky, lithium-7 is obtained by the
2~He ~ iLi+1I-I (a proton)
If a neutron is emitted, at first beryllium-7 is
formed and then lithium-7:
2~He -+ IBe +n
IBe+~ -+ ~Li
The carbon nucleus, on reacting with a proton, can
p,l'oduce boron-11.
11-01266 161
'the atmosphere of young stars, as shown by spect-
ral analysis, contains more lithium than the atmo-
sphere of old stars: lithium produced in the plasmic
streams is gradually burned up in the flames of ther-
monuclear processes.
(S5keV) -iHe
_ _:J
~c +'go --.-24
Mg + 4H e
1:Si +n
80 +':0 ~:~P +11H
tt· 163
A very important part in the synthesis of elemenis
is played by reactions induced by neutrons. Neutrons
appear in stars mainly due to reactions taking place
between a-particles and nuclei which contain a multi-
ple number of ex-particles plus one neutron. Thus, for
example, the isotope :Be has a nucleus which can for-
mally be regarded as consisting of two a-particles and
one neutron; when an a-particle acjs on this nucleus,
~2C and a neutron are obtained (it was the investigation
of this reaction that resulted in the discovery of the
A proton reacts with the ~2C nucleus to form the
nitrogen nucleus:
IH+l~C -+ l¥N
This isotope is unstable and is very quickly trans-
formed to ~3C:
l~N -+ IfC+13+v
Both of these reactions are already familiar to us;
the nitrogen-carbon cycle begins with them.
But if the ~3C nucleus enters into a reaction with
a-particles, oxygen and a neutron will be obtained:
Up to now we have been talking about the composi-
tion of stars, planets, comets, meteorites, i.e., of cele-
stial bodies. But they occupy only a tiny portion of
space. What can be detected by chemical analysis in
the boundless interstellar space? Can it be assumed
that there is nothing but vacuum between the celestial
bodies? Facts indicate that interstellar space is "popu-
lated" - there are atoms and ions of various elements
and groups of atoms with unpaired electrons, i.e.,
radicals in it. Even molecules, and rather complex ones
(for example, formaldehyde molecules!), can be found
in outer space, far from celestial bodies. There is
evidence of the presence of the radicals eN, CH, CH+,
OH, CS and the molecules H 20, CO, CoS, SiO, HeN,
CHsCN, CHaOR, HCOOH and others'.
One of the first ions to be detected in interstellar
gas was the calcium ion. Since the calcium ion is also
present in the surface gases of stars, it was rather
difficult, by means of spectral data, to distinguish the
radiation of calcium associated with a star from the
radiation of interstellar calcium. When this was accom-
plished, however, it was found that interstellar space
was literally filled in with calcium ions. The distri-
bution of calcium ions is not altogether uniform. There
1 Formamide molecules, IICONH~h have been detected in the
direction of the cloud Archer B2 and, probably, Archer A; this
is the first interstellar compound containing II, C, 0, N in one
are vast areas in outer space, clouds actually, where
the content of calcium is ,very high.
It ts relatively easy to detect calcium by spectrosco-
pic analysis; it is harder to discover the presence of
other elements in this way, and that is why evidence
of their existence in the interstellar medium was obta-
ined later. But, of course, the calcium ion is not there
all alone. In outer space there are scattered far and
wide, hydrogen atoms, ions of sodium, oxygen, tita-
nium, potassium atoms CH and C radicals and other
particles. The most abundant element (as concerns
distribution and concentration) is hydrogen; of all
matter contained in the interstellar medium, the
percentage of hydrogen in it is the highest.
The concentration of matter, however, is inconcei-
vaaly small. In the most perfect vacuum attained on the
Earth the density of matter is greater than that in
Table 10
Density of Interstellar Gas
Density, Density,
Substance g/cm 3 Substance g/cm 3
upin a Van-der-Graaf accelerator to an energy of 1.8 MeV.
The target was cooled by means of liquefied nitrogen.
It was found that CH, CH 2 , CH 3 radicals and hydrocar-
bon molecules were formed. The experiments also
confirmed the assumption that hydroxyl groups were
produced on the surface of silicate particles; this pro-
ceeds very slowly and results in hydration of the
tion to the hardly perceptible neutrino (anti-neutrino).
All information about the world of elementary parti-
cles appears to clearly indicate the possibility of the
formation of an atom in which, instead of a positive
nucleus, there would be a negative particle and, instead
of an electron, a positive particle (positron). Consequ-
ently, in addition to ordinary hydrogen atom consi-
sting of a proton (the nucleus) and an electron, there
could exist an atom of anti-hydrogen in which a posi-
tron revolves around a nucleus (anti-proton).
What would happen if an atom collided with an
anti-atom and the particles got a chance to react with
each other? It is well known that the reaction of an
electron and positron produces two y-ray photons, and
that the collision of a proton and anti-proton produces
intermediate particles, mesons and anti-mesons, which
in turn give electrons, positrons, then v-quanta and
streams of neutrinos and anti-neutrinos. In all these
processes Einstein's mass-energy equivalence is obser-
ved; i.e., if a mass equal to m disappears, an energy
equal to mc 2 appears in its place. For this reason, the
reaction between atoms and anti-atoms must proceed
in the form of a violent explosion. The reaction must
.be accompanied by the release of a vast amount of
Nothing hinders us from assuming that, together
with Tour galactic system, somewhere in outer space
there exists another world, other galactic systems
entirely made up of anti-matter. The chances of for-
mation of usual atoms or those in which everything is
"just the opposite" are equal. Why shouldn't a mysteri-
ous anti-world exist in the depths of outer space?
Contact between such a world and ours would be equal-
ly dangerous for the inhabitants of both"worlds: we
would all instantly be converted to streams of photons,
I,e. t y-quanta!
Is all this actually possible? Is there any proof that
this reasoning goes beyond the limits of scientific
fantasy which can neither be confirmed nor denied?
Anti-matter does actually exist. Recently, Soviet
scientists obtained anti-helium and studied its properti-
es. Hence, there is nothing unusual in the develop-
ment of cosmological theories based on the assumption
that anti-matter participated in the creation of the
S. Alfven and O. Klein have developed the concept
of the origin of the universe from a dispersed cloud of
matter in which atoms and anti-atoms were distribu-
ted evenly. The average distance between them in
those far-distant times was so great that collisions
occurred very rarely and had no catastrophic conse-
quences. Gravitational forces gradually compressed
the primary cloud, increasing its density. When the
diameter of the cloud reached a value of about 1 billion
light-years, the interaction between the atoms and
anti-atoms already became so frequent that the tempe-
rature of the cloud increased and it was transformed
to an extremely large mass of ionized particles, biplasm.
The term "hiplasm" signifies that the plasmic mass
contained ordinary ions and those obtained from anti-
atoms. The violent reactions of the interaction of both
kinds of ions was accompanied by the release of an
enormous amount of energy and powerful radiation.
The radiation pressure gave rise to forces which strove
to expand the cloud.
On expanding, as a result of causes still not fully
ascertained (among them an important role is played
by magnetic forces), the biplasm cloud separated into
two clouds: one consisting of ordinary ions and
atoms, which subsequently became our world, and
another one consisting of anti-atoms and anti-molecu-
les, the mysterious anti-world about which we know
nothing as yet. it is possible that between these wor-
lds there is some kind of transitional zone in which
interaction between particles and their antipodes takes
place. Sources of powerful radiation must appear in
the intermediate zone, indicating that destruction of
particles and anti-particles occurs there. Astronomy
knows and has registered sources of very strong radia-
tion far from our galaxy, the origin and nature of
which remain unexplained. It is hard to assert with
certainty whether the combustion of matter and
anti-matter occurs there, but there are, in principle,
no grounds for rejecting this hypothesis.
~~~.; 175
The effect of light on matter is constantly observed
by us. Our skin grows darker when exposed to the
Sun (gets sunburned or tanned); the prolonged action
of sunlight causes many colours to fade; the wonderful
process of photosynthesis takes place in plants under
the action of sunlight. Chemists know chemical pro-
cesses the rate of which changes sharply due to the acti-
on of light. In photographing, the products resulting
from the reduction of sil vel' halides appear on the
photographic plate in hundredths of a second; a mixtu-
re of chlorine and hydrogen reacts very slowly in the
dark, but if it is exposed to a ray of sunlight for just one
moment, an explosion of great force occurs.
Even a superficial knowledge of the principal laws
of atomic physics is enough to understand the processes
that occur in the branch of science known as photoche-
mistry, i.e., the science that studies the reactions of
light and matter. Light as has been noted above has
a dual nature: sometimes it behaves like a wave and
sometimes like a particle (a quantum or photon).
Not only the photon, but all atomic particles, in gene-
ral, have a dual wave-particle nature; under certain
conditions they exhibit effects explicable only as
wave phenomena. Nevertheless, usually a distinction
is made between the interaction of matter and electro-
magnetic waves (visible light, ultraviolet rays, infra-
red rays) and the interaction of matter and atomic
particles (electrons, protons, ex-particles and the high-
energy v-quanta). The term "photochemistry" in this
case .refers to the action of electromagnetic waves, whe-
reas processes in vol ving particles (corpuscular radia-
tion) are studied in radiation chemistry. In the condi-
tions of outer space both photochemical and radiation
processes occur, and therefore we must become famili-
ar with both types of reactions.
An electron orbiting a nucleus in the ground state
can, on absorbing a quantum of energy, either pass to
an excited orbit farther from the nucleus or escape from
the atom. Which of the above two things will occur in
a given case depends on the magnitude of the quantum
of energy. If the quantum is great enough to cause the
electron to escape from the atom, ionization will take
place. Ionization and excitation are the most impor-
tant results of the collision of a photon and an atom.
In the general case, not all of a given quantum may
be absorbed; then as a result of ionization, there will
appear an ion, electron and a quantum of less energy
(the Compton effect). This occurs, however, only at
.very high quantum energies (0.1-1 MeV); at low ener-
gies only excitation or ejection of electrons occur.
Thus, when light, for example, acts on the silver iodide
contained in the light-sensitive coating ofa photograp-
hic plate or film, the electron in the iodine ion leaves
its host (iodine) and is transferred to the silver ion:
. --+- Ag+I
The resulting silver atoms form small accumulations
carbon compounds in meteorites, the various reactions
into which organic compounds enter when being expo-
to the action of light must be taken into account.
~ight participates especially vigorously in processes
-of oxidation by oxygen; in these reactions peroxides
and hydroperoxides (containing the characteristic-
o - 0 - groups) are obtained, which promote the
development of oxidizing chain reactions. Light can
also induce hydrolytic dissociation (the transformation
of amino acids to hydroxy acids), the reconstruction of
the skeleton of a molecule, reactions in which addition
to double bonds occurs, etc.
Thus, we see that the streams of light quanta sent
by the Sun and other stars are powerful means of in-
fluencing chemical reactions. When discussing the
effect of light on matter in the period when the Earth
12* 179
was young and there was still no life on it, it is essen-
tial to ascertain the role of photochemical reactions
in the processes of origination of the organic compounds
which were later involved in the life cycle. There are
no molecules that are more complex and more finely
organized than those which are the basis of life. When
regarding inanimate nature, the first impression form-
ed on looking around us is that there are few carbon
compounds present and those that do occur - carbon
dioxide, hydrocarbons (petroleum, petrol, kerosene,
polyethylene) - do not resemble proteins or amino
acids. Perhaps in some distant period of the Earth,
there was an abundance of proteins and all that was
necessary for life on its surface and then for some rea-
son or other they disappeared. This hypothesis is bene-
ath criticism. There are no grounds for believing that
complex fragments which form cells were produced
by some process and then combined at once in such
a way that a system capable of living was obtained.
On the other hand, however, observations and
experimental data afford evidence in favour of the
hypothesis that molecules gradually became more and
more complex; as a result of this process, some primary
forms of life were produced, perhaps not very similar
to present-day f01111s. However, there is no doubt that
the basic chemical transformations in these prototypes
of future organisms were the same as those in contem-
porary ones.
The material from which molecules of biological
value were built did actually exist in abundance on
the Earth. The impression that nature is poor in
organic compounds is not altogether true.
A. Oparin was the first to state with certainty that
the process of conversion of simple compounds to
compounds of biological value was a process of gradual
evolution; somewhat later the same opinion was expres-
sed by D. Holdane. In our days the overwhelming
majority of biochemists and biologists share this point
of view. It has been proved that the most important
compounds required for sustaining and developing
life could be produced on the Earth as a result of di ver-
se reactions. The reactions which initiated the long
chain of transformations creating the conditions on the
Earth for the appearance of the first forms of life
proceeded comparatively readily. Light is not the only
source of energy that stimulated these reactions.
The sequence of reactions in the synthesis of amino
and hydroxy acids, according to Miller, is as follows:
CHi+H2°-.HCHO (HeN, NH7 NH 2-CH2-CN (H;o)
~ ~(H) i Ammonium salt or glycine
monoxide, ammonia and found amino acids in the
reaction products. The Soviet scientists A. Pasynsky
and his co-workers and also N. Dodonov and A. Sido-
rova and others showed that ultraviolet radiation is
the factor that could have caused the formation of
amino acids from such substances as ammonia, water,
formaldehyde, ethane, etc. It has been established
by the Indian scientist K. Bakhadur that molybdenum
oxide acts as a catalyzer in the formation of amino
acids from water, nitrogen and paraformaldehyde.
O. Shmeleva, T. Petrova and L. Nikolaev found that
ferric hydroxide can catalyze the reaction of the for-
mation of amino acids under similar conditions. It is
known that other factors (X-rays, ionizing irradiation,
ultrasonic vibration and even heating) also favour the
formation of amino acids.
When ascertaining the part played by corpuscular
radiation in the synthesis of primary compounds,
M. Calvin exposed a mixture containing ammonia,
methane and hydrogen (the latter taken in excess) to
electron bombardment. Something like that could have
occurred in ancient times when the source of electrons
in the Earth's crust was the potassium isotope of
atomic mass 40. In the experiments carried out by
M. Calvin and his collaborators, a great number of di-
verse and rather complex compounds were obtained,
among which were adenine, aspartic acid, glycine,
lactic acid and derivatives of imidazole. Thus, it was
firmly established that amino acids are not rare sub-
stances; on the contrary, they are readily formed as
a result of a great variety of reactions that occurred
in prebiological times. Nature created forms of life
not from unusual, rare materials but from those that
were frequently formed as a result of natural processes.
Amino acids and hydroxy acids are not, by far,
the only organic compounds that occur in a great vari-
ety in nature, primarily in the tissues of animals and
plants. How did molecules of complex cyclic structure
and containing specific combinations of nitrogen,
phosphorus and carbon compounds come to be formed?
Some of them, for instance, nucleic acids, which play
an important part in protein synthesis, appear to be
of an unusually intricate structure. They are very
large molecules in which units consisting of carbohyd-
rate residues and phosphoric acid radicals are combined
with a purine or pyrimidine base (adenine, cytosine,
guanine, uracil). How did all this originate "by itself'?
Direct simulated experiments have shown that sim-
plicity and complexity are very relative concepts.
Sometimes very complex molecules are formed under
comparatively simple conditions which are easily
The synthesis of adenine, a purine derivative, can
illustrate this:
rf 'c/ \H
b 8 //
H/ " / "NI
It was found that this compound can be formed from
hydrogen cyanide:
5CHN -+ adenine
The scientist Oro studied this type of synthesis in
great detail and proposed a scheme in which ammonia
and hydrocyanic acid react to form the intermediate
compound acrylonitrile, N ==C - CH = CH - NH 2 •
The amount of hydrocyanic acid and ammonia present
13-01266 185
in the Earth's atmosphere in the prebiological period
was great enough and, consequently, the origin of
adenine and similar compounds on the Earth's surface
was quite possible.
Other compounds of equal importance are the
derivatives of pyrimidine. These compounds also have
cyclic molecules and each cycle contains two nitrogen
atoms in the meta position. The derivatives of pyrimi-
dine include thymine, cytosine, uracil and their deriva-
tives. Pyrimidine bases could, apparently, be formed
from aminoacrylonitrile (or its derivatives), water or
ammonia and urea, co (NH 2)2. Aminoacrylonitrile, as
stated above, is synthesized from ammonia and hydro-
cyanic acid. Urea is obtained from carbon dioxide
and ammonia. Oro presumed that uracil could be for-
med from these substances according to the following
acrylonitrile Uracil
Purines and pyrimidines absorb light of wavelengths
of about 2600 A; according to data obtained, such
radiation could have penetrated through the primary
atmosphere of the Earth, and, consequently, must
have had some effect on the resulting purine and pyri-
midine molecules. The absorption of light frequently
does not cause molecules to disintegrate but rather
excites them: the molecules become more active and
enter more readily into various reactions. Hence,
organic bases will be more reactive when exposed to
light. It is worthwhile to ascertain, for example, what
compounds are obtained from purine in solutions con-
taining" besides purine, other substances with which
purines are combined in living organisms.
Nucleic acids contain compounds consisting of an
organic base, carbohydrate and phosphate. These com-
pounds are called nucleotides. For instance, a compound
consisting of the base adenine, ribose and phosphate
is called "adenosine-nucleotide".
At first sight it seems hardly probable that such
a compound could, by itself, be formed from simple
compounds. However, experiments performed by the
scientists Sagan, Ponamperuma and Mariner have
shown that on exposing a mixture of phosphate, adenine
and ribose to light a nucleotide is actually formed.
Merely exposure to ultraviolet rays, which of course
were quite plentiful in the prebiological period, was
sufficient to induce the formation of very complex
molecules I
As concerns adenine, this compound is also formed
from comparatively simple molecules.
The problem of the origin of carbohydrates needed
to obtain nucleotides is likewise solved simply. It has
been proved that in alkaline solutions of formaldehyde
30 different kinds of carbohydrates are formed under
the catalytic action of alkalies and oxides of metals.
Phosphates are widespread in the Earth's crust (in
minerals, soil and water). Hence, all the constituents
of nucleic acids (base, carbohydrate, phosphate) could
easily have been formed and then combined in the
proper way under the conditions that prevailed on the
Earth before the appearance of life on it.
Of special interest is the question concerning the
conditions under which the first proteins were formed.
is· 181
s. Fox came to the conclusion that amino acids, under
the influence of various factors, could have been con-
verted to polypeptides in heated volcanic soils and in
this way might have initiated the synthesis of protein-
like substances. In order to verify these assumptions
S. Fox and his collaborators heated a mixture of dry
amino acids in a suitable vessel (this was simply a piece
of lava with a small depression in it) in an oven where
a temperature of 1700 C was maintained. In a few
hours the mixture of amino acids was transformed into
a viscous mass of the colour of amber. After that a 1 per
cent hot sodium chloride solution was poured on the
lava and the resulting polymer.
On analyzing the solution it was found that it
contained a great number of spherical particles (mic-
rospheres) consisting of products of condensation of
amino acids, i.e., of a substance similar to proteins
(Fig. 27). The protein-like substance consisted of
18 amino acids (sometimes fewer) and was called
a proteinoid - which means resembling a protein.
When carrying out the reaction in a polyphosphoric acid
solution at the relatively low temperature of 1000 C
during 150 hours, S. Fox obtained a proteinoid which
differed in composition from that of the initial mixtu-
re: it consisted of 33 per cent aspartic acid, 17 per cent
glutamic acid, and 3 per cent each of other amino acids.
S. Fox came to the conclusion that proteinoid molecules
are formed from amino acids not as the result of
chance combinations but in accordance with certain
selective principles.
Proteinoids aroused great interest and were care-
fully studied. It was found that they are capable of
forming membranes and sacs (pouch-like cavities),
and that individual microspheres united to form chains
and more complex compounds. It is the opinion of
S. Fox that the zones of volcanic activity could have
been the site of prirnary synthesis of proteinoids. Rains
washed these compounds away and carried them to
.', '~
repulsive, 136 radiation of, 18
Fraunhoffer lines, 13, 58 ultraviolet, 17
visible, 17
Luminosity, 108, 109
Galaxy, 73, 96, 107, 124 Lunar soil samples, see Moon
swarm, 25 Nucleons, 131, 136, 143, 190
types, 25, 37 Nucleotides, 187
Model (simulated) experi- Nucleus
ments, 45, 82, 85, 86, 89, atomic, see above
121, 159, 168, 175, 182, comet, 128
184, 185, 187, 188 compound, 136, 140
Molecular mass, 152 states, 136
Momentum stellar, 153
angular, 22 target, 135, 136
photon, 122 denotation of, 140
MOOD, 66, 77, 82
soil samples from, 10, 12,
15, 36, 78-81 Observatory
anorthosites, 79 flying, 8
apparatus for anal y- Palomar, 190
zing, 36 ~ Orbit, 16, 17
regolith, 78, 80 Orbital, 17
Organic compound in outer
space, 168-169
Nebula, 15, 53, 124 primary synthesis,'174-189
Andromeda, 153 . energy sources, 187-189
Archer (A, B2), 166 factors affecting, 174-
Crab, 126, 157 175
Horsehead, 153, 154 on -Jupiter, 89
Neptune, 66, 86-88, 90 on Mars, 84
Neutrino, 131-133 simulated synthesis, 168
Neutron, 131, 141
capture of, 136, 148, 160
Newton's law, 121 Pauli exclusion principle, 178
Novae, 123-126 Photochemistry, 176-181
Nuclear reactions, 97, 135-136 photochemical reactions, 176
denotation of, 144 radiation processes, 176 ~
energy sources, 136-140 Photons, 16, 121, 134, 145,
in cyclotrons, 159 171, 177
types, 140-145 Planck's formula, 16, 18, 121
induced by a-particles, Planets, 65-93
143 atmospheres of, 60-65
induced by deuterons, inner and outer, 66
142, 143 origin, 42, 48, 53-56
induced by neutrons, see under names of planets
141 Plasma, 19, 89, 103,,106, 151,
induced by protons, 161
141-142 biplasm, 172
photonuclear, '1.43 simulation of plasma state.
Nucleic acid, 187 t21
Pluto, 66 Satellites, 125
Positron, 131 artificial Earth, 8, 24
Pressure meteorological, 8
gas (electron), 152, 156, 190 of planets, see under names
high, effect of, 97-g9 of planets
in stars, 156, 157 Saturn, 66, 86, 87, 90
light, 120-122, 124 Solar activity, 7, 70, 80
radiation, 156 Solar system, see Planets, SUD
Proteinoids, 188, 189 chemistry of, 53-56
primary synthesis of, 189 theory of origin, 53-54
Proteins, 31, 46, 180, 187 Spectra
Proton, 131, 141 absorption, 19, 20, 33, 34
Pulsating stars, 21, 157, 158, emission, 15, 33, 35
159 reflection, 15, 60, 82
Spectroscopy, 7, 13, 19, 33-35,
65, 114, 124
infrared, 7, 15, 18, 20, 43
Quanta, 16, 18, 136 radio, 7, 21
Quantum theory, 121, 182 ultraviolet, 7, 15, 43
Spin, 131, 178
Great Red Spot on Jupiter,
Radiation ~.
~orpusculril" ·184
Infrared': .:rd
Sun, 57
relect, igS, 169 according to chemical com-
solar, 13, 67, 70, 128, 168, position, 112-120
178 carbon, 117
ultraviolet, 17, 175 helium, 116
visible light, 17, 33 hydrogen, 115
X-ray, 7, 23, 105, 159 iron, 114
Radicals, 102, 169, 183, 191 manganese, 114
complex, 103 silicon, 114
in comets, 128 data for certain stars
Radioactive decay, 146, 175, Alpha Centauri, 13, 107
181 Aquila, 88
Radioautography, 35, 85 Capella, 108
Radiolysis, 45 Cygnus, 108
Rays, see Radiation Procyon, 153
Research methods Sirius, 108
chemical, 29-33 Standard bearer, 108
physicochemical, 33-36 Sun, 108
see Fluorometry, Radio- Swan, 159
autography, Spectromet- Vega, 153
ry density, 94, 95
life history of, 1i 1-i tz, composition, 59
120, 151-162 corona, 59
mass of stellar matter, 152 photosphere, 57, 58
nuclear reactions in, 162-166 spots, 57
number of, 107 temperature, 109
size of, 129 Supernovae, 73, 126-127, 160
sources of energy, 129, 136,
spectra, 115 Technetium, 115, 118
temperature, 109, 112, 153, Temperature
155 high, effect of, 100-103
types in stars, 153, 155
Cepheid, 107 Thermocouple, 18, 33, 65, 67
Giants, 95, 107, 109, Triplet state, 178
112-117, 155, 160,165 Tritium, 73, 139, 140
hyperon, 190 Triton, 139
neutron, 157, 190
superdense, 159
Wolf-Rayet, 122-123 Universe
see also Dwarfs origin and evolution, 169-
Stellar classification, 109 173
Stellar energy sources, 129, Uranus, 66, 87, 90
136, 145
Stellar evolution, see Stars
Sun Venus, fs, 20, 64, 66, 67, 68
atmosphere, 59-60
catalytic nuclear proces-
ses, cycles Wavelengths, 33
neon-sodium, 149, 150 Waves
ni trogen-carbon, 148, light, 17
149 radio, 93, 126
proton, 147, 148, 162 Widmanstatten structure, 37
chromosphere, 58