Caldern 2011
Caldern 2011
Caldern 2011
tarting with Pierre Fauchard in Purpose: The purpose of this loaded, showed up to 1 degree, or less,
Table 1. Angular Measurement and Statistics for Implant Motion in the Posterior that implant osseointegration failure pos-
Zone of the Maxillary Arch sibility is due to microtrauma. It is consid-
ered useful to give this period of time
(healing) to suppress mild pain and pres-
Measurement A B C D E F sure on adjacent teeth reported by patients.
An anchorage system is compro-
Start 61 51 67 67 69.5 55
mised when systemic disease is in-
Progress 1 56 50 72 72 63 60
Progress 2 60 53 75 75 66
volved.27 One of the patients of this
Progress 3 70 70 study who received 4 TADs lost them
Average 59.00 51.33 71.00 71.00 66.17 57.50 in the first 4 weeks of healing because
SD 2.65 1.53 3.37 3.37 3.25 3.54 of signs and symptoms consistent with
Minimum 56.00 50.00 67.00 67.00 63.00 55.00 herpetic gingivostomatitis, with multiple
Maximum 61.00 53.00 75.00 75.00 69.50 60.00 ulcerations in the mouth, leading to fail-
ure because of an increased mobility. It
Table 2. Analysis of Variance for Change From “Start” is not possible to control a viral incubat-
ing process, but we have to be sure that
Source DF SS MS Var Comp Total SD
the failure is not due to the mini-implant
Sex 1 34.1020 34.1020 0.00 0.00 0.00 but the systemic condition of the patient.
Length 3 170.0844 56.6948 2.534 32.00 1.592 The mini-implant removal has
Position 6 62.3434 10.3906 0.519 6.55 0.720 been evaluated in animal and human
Error 109 530.6181 4.8681 4.868 61.46 2.206 models. Findings indicated no difficul-
Total 119 797.1479 7.921 2.814
ties on the removal, no matter bone in-
DF, degrees of freedom from each source; SS, sum of squares; MS, mean squares; Var Comp, variance components; SD, standard deviation.
tegration. Studies showed mini-implants
osseointegration when analyzed micro-
Table 3. Analysis of Variance From “Start” Versus Sex, Length, and Position scopically regardless of immediate or
Source DF SS MS Var Comp Total SD delayed loading. Furthermore, all TADs
Sex 1 4.3566 4.3566 0.054 0.71 0.233 could be easily removed.44 A study by
Length 3 5.8799 1.9600 0.044 0.58 0.209 Seong et al45 found a 100% success rate
Position 6 5.6212 0.9369 ⫺0.617 0.00 0.000 for implants placed without loading and
Error 109 818.5903 7.5100 7.510 98.71 2.740 any fractures or distortion after removal
Total 119 834.4479 7.608 2.758 but requiring higher removal torque at
DF, degrees of freedom from each source; SS, sum of squares; MS, mean squares; Var Comp, variance components; SD, standard deviation. the end of the treatment. Therefore, to
prevent complications they suggested
implants. The mini-implants were re- Permanency is not an expected leaving them without any load for no
moved at the end of the orthodontic property on mini-implants whose role more than 6 months.
mechanical movements to be examined is temporary but provides a strong ba- The debate over whether fibroin-
by SEM (Fig. 7). sis enabling them to achieve the ther- tegration and osseointegration occurs
Bone fragments were found em- apeutic goals.36 In this order of ideas, a is still open, and the authors believe
bedded in the treated surface, creating follow-up question is whether it is further histological studies must be
new bone fibers and lamellar bone possible to use implants as orthodontic done to define this feature.
around the implant, with secondary sta- anchorage, by doing surface treatment This study demonstrated that
bility. To compare the treated and non- to improve bone integration, with a sandblasting and acid etching the
treated surfaces, SEM mini-implant lower risk of failure under dynamic surface of a mini-implant makes an
study photograph was done by Ferrer et loading and achieving greater stabil- interesting alternative in absolute
al. This unpublished work, done for a ity. Literature reports that sandblasting but temporary anchorage. 45 Simi-
Master Degree Thesis (2009),35 (as seen and acid etching an implant provides a larly, conclusion shared with authors
in Fig. 8) shows that this secondary an- structure surface that allows it to inte- such as Chung et al.33 Based on tis-
chorage can be thought as a “maximum,” grate more efficiently.37– 42 sue reaction, implant mobility, or
which can be added to the mechanical Another major controversy arises angular displacement, there was
anchorage given by the screw threads. from the pursuit of stability in mini- also an effortless removal of TADs
implants and immediate or delayed by requiring just a little more torque
DISCUSSION loading. Raghavendra et al stated that than the ones without surface
Since 1983, mini-implants have there is a period of healing in prosthetic treatment.
been one of the most efficient anchor- implants critical to its success, and in Their anchorage efficiency in space
ing devices for orthodontics.5–11 The this period, the mechanical stability is closure after extraction was excellent
actual risk for angular displacement replaced by a biological stability. Their with an average rate of 1 mm/mo. It
could be the root implant contact to results concluded that the healing time would be useful information to search in
the adjacent root teeth.26 for an implant is 4 weeks43 and suggest further clinical investigation the effec-
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