English in Mech Engineering For Student PDF
English in Mech Engineering For Student PDF
English in Mech Engineering For Student PDF
English in
Mechanical Engineering
Editors' Preface
The aim of the English in Focus series is to develop in students who are
entering higher education an ability to handle the kind of written English that
they will be concerned with as an integral part of their specialist subject. The
approach is one which recognizes that learning a language is not merely a
matter of learning sentence patterns and vocabulary but must also involve an
understanding of how people use these linguistic forms in order to com-
municate. Our purpose is to make students aware of the way English is
used in actual written communication, and thereby to help them develop
techniques of reading and to provide them with a guide for their own writing.
The books in this series are based on the belief that intermediate and
advanced students who are studying English as a necessary part of their
specialist studies need a distinctive type of textbook: one which reflects the
nature of the learning problems encountered at this stage, and which presents
the language as an aspect of the subject they are studying. We feel that a
textbook directed at students at this level should attempt to do more than
simply repeat the formulas in elementary language teaching material. Most
courses of English concentrate on teaching the language system and fail to
show how this system is used in communication. As a result, students may
know about such formal items as affirmative sentences or modal verbs, but
not know how these items are put to use in the making of different kinds of
statements and in the production of continuous pieces of discourse.
The principal purpose of the English in Focus series is not to teach more
grammar, but to show students how to use the grammar they already know.
In writing these books two basic assumptions have been made. Firstly, it is
assumed that the students have had a good deal of instruction in grammar and
that they have a considerable dormant competence in English. The books are
directed at activating this competence, and extending it, by leading the student
to relate his previously acquired linguistic knowledge to meaningful realiza-
tions of the language system in passages of immediate relevance to his specialist
studies. Secondly, it is assumed that students already have a basic knowledge
of t:leir specialist subject. The aim is not to teach subject-matter but to
develop in the reader an understanding of how this subject-matter is expressed
through English. It should be emphasized that these books are not designed
to teach either language in isolation or subject-matter in isolation but the
Oxford University Press, Ely House, London W.l
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Editors' Preface XI
Guide to the book XIll
Teaching suggestions xx
Unit 2 Vectors
Solutions to the comprehension problems 15
vi Contents
EXERCISE A: Rephrasing 16
EXERCISE B: Contextual reference 16
EXERCISE C: Relationships between statements 16
EXERCISE A: Classification of physical quantities 17
EXERCISE B: Making definitions 17
EXERCISE C: Making generalizations 18
EXERCISE D: Lower-level and higher-level generalizations 18
EXERCISE A: Changing vector diagrams to written descriptions 19
EXERCISE B: Sentence building 20
Stage 1: The use of the passive in the description of an
experiment 21
Stage 2: Paragraph building 22 .
V: FREE READING: Scales and graphs 22
Unit 3 Force
Solutions to the comprehension problems 25
EXERCISE A: Rephrasing 26
EXERCISE B: Contextual reference 26
EXERCISEC: Relationships between statements 27
EXERCISE A: Instructions and results 27
EXERCISE B: Making observations (i) 28
EXERCISE C: Making observations (ii) 28
EXERCISE D: Relative clauses (defining) 28
EXERCISE E: Relative clauses (non-defining) 29
EXERCISE F: Relative clauses (defining and non-defining) 30
EXERCISE G: Noun modification (i) 31
EXERCISE A: Mathematical symbols used in engineering 33
EXERCISE B: Greek letters and abbreviations used in engineering 33
Stage 1: Sentence building 34
Stage 2: Paragraph building 35
Stage 3: Using diagrams to illustrate the passage 35
V: FREE READING: Gravity 36
Unit 4 Friction
Solutions to the comprehension problems 38
EXERCISE A: Rephrasing 39
Contents vii
Unit 5 Levers
Solutions to comprehension problems 51
EXERCISE A: Rephrasing 53
EXERCISE B: Contextual reference 54
EXERCISE C: Relationships between statements 54
EXERCISE A: Completing a diagram 54
EXERCISE B: Interpretation of diagrams 54
EXERCISE C: Paragraphs based on diagrams 54
EXERCISE D: Describing the function of an object 56
EXERCISE E: Combining sentences with an -ing clause 56
EXERCISE F: Relative clauses with prepositions 57
EXERCISE G: Noun modification (iii) 58
EXERCISE A: Making comparisons based on a diagram 59
Stage 1: Writing a report of an experiment 60
Stage 2: Illustrating the report with a diagram 60
Stage 3: Completing the report 61
comprehension checks. They are explanations in that they point out what the
reader must notice and how he must reason in order to arrive at the correct
decision. Explanations of this kind are of course not necessary for someone
who already has an efficient reading ability in English. At first glance it
might appear that the solutions are sometimes too elaborate and detailed.
But it must be remembered that the learner must be made aware of what is
involved in reading with understanding before this ability can become
habitual. What we aim to do by means of these solutions is to develop in the
learner a reading strategy which he can apply generally to the texts he has
to deal with as part of his study of engineering.
Sometimes a solution may serve simply to remind the learner of the know-
ledge of English he already has. In Unit 3, for example, comprehension
check (c) requires the learner to recognize that the same idea can be expressed
by using different verbs, with appropriate changes in the postverbal structure.
The solution appears as follows:
A force can start something moving.
= A force can cause something to move.
= A force can cause movement.
It is quite likely that the learner will be familiar with sentences of this type,
and that he will have no difficulty in recognizing that 'A force can start
something moving' means the same as 'A force can cause movement'. How-
ever, the ability to recognize whether a given statement is true or not accord-
ing to the passage does not come only from an understanding of the meaning
of individual words and sentences. Very often it is a matter of recovering
information which is implied rather than explicitly stated and of tracing the
way in which what is expressed or implied in one sentence is related to what is
expressed or implied in another. It is the function of many solutions, therefore,
to make such implications explicit and to spell out the relationship between
different statements.
Let us consider an example from Unit 4. Comprehension check (i) presents
the following statement: 'If the mass of a body sliding over another is in-
creased, the sliding friction force between them will also increase'. The
student has to decide whether this statement is true or not with reference to
the reading passage. In order to make this decision it is necessary to relate
what is expressed in two different sentences: 15 and 18. This relating process
is represented in the solution as follows (the symbols on the left indicate the
kind of reasoning which is involved):
EXERCISE A Rephrasing
The object of this exercise is to make the student realize that writers commonly
express the same idea in different ways and that "there is no one-to-one cor-
respondence between one linguistic form and one meaning. It is important
that the student should realize this because two phrases may mean the same
thing only within the context of a particular passage and it is therefore only
by studying the context that the equivalence can be established. In Exercise A
the student has to show how different forms function as synonymous ex-
pressions by replacing selected phrases in sentences with words from the
reading passage which have the same meaning. For example (Unit 1, Exercise
A) the following sentence is presented:
Chromium steels resist corrosion.
The student searches the reading passage and discovers the sentence 'Ceramics
are often employed by engineers when materials which can withstand high
temperatures are needed.' In this context resist = withstand, so the sentence
in the exercise can be rephrased:
Chromium steels withstand corrosion.
In the same exercise we have the sentence
Chromium can be included in steel to provide a good cutting edge.
In this case two sentences in the reading passage are relevant: 'Certain
elemenis can improve the properties of steel and are therefore added to it.
For example, chromium may be included to resist corrosion... .' In this
context included in = added to and can = may, so a suitable rephrasing of
the sentence in the exercise is:
Chromium may be added to steel to provide a good cutting edge.
XVI Introduction
2 Engineers must also understand the properties of these materials and how
The student's ability to assign the correct referential value to 'they' is tested
as follows:
In sentence 2, 'they' refers to
(a) the engineers
(b) the materials.
Exercise B, then, obliges the learner to scrutinize the passage to assign the
correct referential value to such anaphoric language items as pronouns,
demonstratives and so on. This exercise is not difficult, and it may sometimes
seem obvious what a given item refers to. But again it must be remembered
that we are not just concerned with getting the learner to recognize the
contextual reference of a particular language item in a particular passage
but with developing a general ability to handle this feature of language use.
The point is that this exercise directs the learner's attention to the way
anaphoric devices work and so prepares him for those cases where identifica-
tion of the referent is not so easy.
The Use of Language section contains a variety of exercises of which two
types call for special comment: statements based on diagrams
Statements based on diagrams vary from unit to unit but all these exercises
have the same basic aim. This aim is to guide the student to use his under-
standing of the reading passage to perform for himself the communicative
acts which appear to be of particular importance in mechanical engineering.
Thus in Unit 1 the learner is required to complete a diagram according to his
understanding of the reading passage. When the diagram is completed it
serves as a model for writing classifying sentences at various levels of general-
ity. In Unit 2 diagrams are used for producing definitions, classifications and
generalizations, and in the following units other acts of communication are
presented in a similar way.
One type of activity which appears in section II might be called rhetorical
transformation. This involves changing one mode of communication into
another. For example, we see in Unit 2 that the definition:
A scalar quantity is a physical quantity which has magnitude but not
can be changed, or transformed, into a generalization:
A scalar quantity has magnitude but not direction.
Similarly, a pair of sentences of which one is an instruction and one a result
can be transformed into an observation (Unit 3), or one or more observations
can be transformed into a special kind of generalization called an induction
(Unit 4).
As stated above in the editors' preface, it is assumed that the student already
has a knowledge of basic grammar. It is also assumed that this knowledge
will be consolidated during the course of the book as the student experiences
language used in meaningful contexts. For these reasons no attempt has been
made to provide a detailed review of English grammar. Instead, the grammar
exercises in this section are designed to focus on points which are particularly
important in the context of engineering, especially those points which may
represent continuing 'trouble spots' for many students.
to the subject matter and the language use of the preceding reading passage
and exercises. To solve the problems the learner has to call upon his experi-
ence of both English and engineering and in providing a solution he is
necessarily integrating the two areas of knowledge in a meaningful way. The
aim of section III is to give the student practice in transferring information
from one medium to another. For example, the student is asked to write
recommendations based on a graph of a table (Unit 4), or design specifica-
tions based on a diagram (Unit 7). Elsewhere, he has to write inductions
based on diagrams or tables (Unit 6) or, having been provided with appropri-
ate vocabulary, h6 must describe the shapes of various engineering objects
as completely as possible (Unit 8). This kind of exercise is of particular
relevance to students of engineering, who are frequently required to convert
information from tables, diagrams and graphs into verbal form, and the
The aim of the guided writing exercises is integrative rather than analytic;
that is, the student uses a wide range of grammatical devices and sees how
they combine to produce an integrated piece of writing. The guided writing
sections vary in design, and become more difficult in the later units. A typical
guided writing exercise is done in three stages. At the first stage the student
examines various groups of words and combines each group into a sentence
by following the clues provided. Some sentences are easy to write, some are
more difficult; this reflects the situation in actual writing, where simple
sentences alternate with more complex structures according to the nature
of the message the writer wishes to convey. At the second stage the student
creates a coherent text by rewriting the sentences in a logical order, deciding
on paragraph divisions and adding various 'transitional' features where
necessary. Thirdly, the student is presented with a number of diagrams which
illustrate the passage. The student labels the diagrams and incorporates them
into the passage, making any changes to the text that may be necessary. The
guided writing is designed to allow some scope for the student to exercise
his own judgement in the choice of words and structures, so there is no reason
why the student's version should be identical to the one given in the key.
If the paragraphs differ, the student should try to evaluate the relative merits
of the two versions. Classroom discussion of these differences should help the
student to develop a sense of style.
This section consists of a passage of prose which is longer and more difficult
than the reading passage in section I. The reason for including this section is .
to give the student an opportunity to learn for himself. The previous
sections impose a fairly strict control over the student's activities; the free
reading enables him to tryout what he has learnt in his own way and his own
xx Introduction
2 Teaching suggestions
The following notes indicate how the second unit might be dealt with in the
classroom; the other units can be handled in a similar way. These notes are
intended to be suggestions only. It is expected that the teacher will develop
his own procedures according to the needs of his students. A particular
teacher, for example, may find that he needs to place greater emphasis on one
type of exercise than on another. He may wish to pay more attention to oral
than to written work, or the reverse. It will also be up to the teacher to decide,
according to his own circumstances, how the work is to be divided into class
sessions, and which part of it can most appropriately be done as homework.
Read the whole passage aloud to the class, without the questions, while the
students follow in their books.
(ii) Exercises
EXERCISE A Rephrasing
Get the class to do the exercise in their notebooks.
When the class have finished the exercise, write the first sentence on the
board. Underline the expression which is to be replaced.
Select a volunteer to come to the board and write in the replacing expression
above the words which are underlined.
Ask the class to judge whether the rephrasing is appropriate. Consider
alternatives if necessary.
Bracket together the appropriate replacement(s) with the original expression
as follows:
We {Calculate} mass III
Do the remaining sentences in the same way.
A Both have size or magnitude, .am only vector quantities possess
E XE R CIS E A Classification of physical quantities
Get the class to copy out and complete the diagram, and use it to write out
sentences in their notebooks as instructed.
Put the diagram on the board and complete it with the students' help. Get
. the students to correct their own diagrams.
Get the individual students to read out the sentences they have written.
Proceed as in Exercise B.
S TAG E 1 The use of the passive in the description of an experiment
Get the students to read the explanation carefully.
Do one or two sentences orally.
Tell the students to write all the sentences in their notebooks. Give individual
help where necessary.
Taking the sentences one by one, get individual students to read out what
they have written. Write the correct version of each sentence on the board.
Introduction XXlll
Tell the students to read the passage in their own time.
Encourage them to look for points of interest in the text and to relate them
to the exercises in this and other units.
Tell the students to make a note of any unfamiliar words and to look them
up in their dictionaries. Get them to practise using these words in sentences
of their own.
Repeat this process with further passages selected from standard texts used
by the students in their engineering classes.
Recordings of the reading passages and the answers to those grammar ex-
ercises in Section II which contain the most difficult vocabulary are
available on cassette from Oxford University Press.
A useful revision exercise is to play the recordings of the reading passages
while the students follow the text in their books. If it is necessary to develop
the learners' ability to comprehend spoken English, follow this up by
giving comprehension questions orally. (See pages 103-4 for questions
relating to the free reading sections.) Recordings of answers to the
grammar questions will serve as a model if the teacher wishes to do these
exercises orally.
1 Engineering Materials
1 Engineers have to know the best and most economical materials to use.
2Engineers must also understand the properties of these materials and how
they can be worked. 3There are two kinds of materials used in engineering -
metals and non-metals. 4We can divide metals into ferrous and non-ferrous
metals. 5The former contain iron and the latter do not contain iron. 6Cast
iron and steel, which are both alloys, or mixtures of iron and carbon, are the
two most important ferrous metals. 7Steel contains a smaller proportion of
carbon than cast iron contains. 8Certain elements can improve the properties
of steel and are therefore added to it. 9For example, chromium may be
included to resist corrosion and tungsten to increase hardness. 10Aluminium,
copper, and the alloys, bronze and brass, are common non-ferrous metals.
Study the following statements carefully and write down whether they are
true or not true according to the information expressed above. Then check
your answers by referring to solutions at the end of the passage. *
(a) Non-metals are used by engineers.
(b) Cast iron contains more carbon than steel.
(c) Chromium improves the properties of steel.
(d) Copper contains iron.
(e) Bronze is an alloy
11 Plastics and ceramics are non-metals; however, plastics may be machined
like metals. 12Plastics are classified into two types - thermoplastics and
thermosets. 13Thermoplastics can be shaped and reshaped by heat and
(a) There are two kinds of materials used in engineering - metals and non-
metals. (3)
- metals and non-metals are used in engineering
metals and non-metals are used by engineers
Non-metals are used by engineers.
(b) Steel contains a smaller proportion of carbon than cast iron contains. (7)
Cast iron contains a larger proportion of carbon than steel.
Cast iron contains more carbon than steel.
(c) Certain elements can improve the properties of steel and are therefore
added to it. (8) For example, chromium may be included .... (9)
i.e. Chromium is an example of the elements which are added to steel and
can improve the properties of steel.
Chromium improves the properties of steel.
(d) Aluminium, copper and the alloys, bronze ano brass, are common
non-ferrous metals. (10)
i.e. Copper is a non-ferrous meta1.
but non-ferrous = does not contain iron
It is NOT TRUE that copper contains iron.
(e) Aluminium, copper and the alloys, bronze and brass, are common non-
ferrous metals. (10)
i.e. Bronze and brass are alloys.
Bronze is an alloy.
(g) Plastics can be classified into two types - thermoplastics and thermo-
sets. (12)
i.e. Thermoplastics are a kind of plastic.
It is NOT TRUE that thermoplastics are metals.
(b) Ceramics are often employed by engineers when materials which can
withstand high temperatures are needed. (14)
i.e. Engineers use ceramics when they need materials which can withstand
high temperatures.
Ceramics can withstand high temperatures.
EXERCISE A Rephrasing
Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the words printed in italics with
expressions from the passage which have a similar meaning.
There are two kinds of engineering materials.
There are two kinds of materials used in engineering.
Now write as many sentences as you can like those above based on the com-
pleted diagram.
4. units of area, cubic metre, metric units, millimetre, square metre, linear
units, kilometre, units of volume.
5. milling machines, copy-miller, shaping machines, drilling machines,
vertical shaper, radial arm drill, machine tools.
6. petrol engines, external-combustion engines, diesel engines, heat engines,
steam turbines, internal-combustion engines.
7. grinding, metal cleaning methods, acid cleaning, mechanical methods,
grit-blasting, alkali cleaning, chemical methods.
8. regular shapes, square, triangle, oval, irregular shapes, shapes.
9. adhesive joints, inseparable joints, welded joints, nut and bolt joints,
joints, riveted joints, separable joints.
10. forging, sand casting, die casting, production processes, rolling, casting.
Now use the diagrams you have made to write paragraphs like the following:
Metals can be classified as pure metals and alloys. Copper and aluminium
are examples of pure metals and brass is an example of an alloy.
Now join each of the following pairs of statements. Write down your answers
in your notebook, using 'however', 'therefore' or 'because' as in the examples.
6 English in Mechanical Engineering
(c) height
We can describe the height of this
support tower in four ways:
The tower is a hundred metres high.
The tower is a hundred metres in height.
The tower has a height of a hundred
The height of the tower is a hundred
(d) thickness
We can describe the thickness of this steel I
sheet in three ways:
We can describe the mass of this block in three ways:
The block has a mass of fifty kilogrammes. 50kg
The block is of mass fifty kilogrammes.
The mass of the block is fifty kilogrammes.
8 English in Mechanical Engineering
I ........
J. 2m
force newton N
time s
length and distance
square metre
1 steel rod 3m
.. 4m
2 steel plate
3 weight
r--, 5 oil tank
7 beam
500mm .. I
8 concrete block
6 brick
Ijl tI!
11 steel plate
10 casting
cP25mm t 1.7m
12 crowbar
9 pipe
Engineering Materials 11
Plastics are used widely in engineering.
They are cheap.
They have a resistance to atmospheric corrosion.
Plastics are not particularly strong.
Plastics are used widely in engineering because they are cheap and
have a resistance to atmospheric corrosion; however they are not
particularly strong.
1. AND
There are two types of plastics.
Thermoplastics are plastics.
Thermosets are plastics.
Thermoplastics will soften when heated.
Thermoplastics will harden when cooled.
Thermosets set on heating.
Thermosets will not remelt.
Plastics are used to make a. great variety of products.
Plastics are used to make textiles.
Plastics are used to make engineering components.
Plastics are. available in many forms.
Plastics are available in the form of sheets, tubes, rods, moulding powders
and resins.
5. TO
Various methods are used.
These methods convert raw plastic into finished products.
6. Compression moulding is a common method.
Compression moulding is used for shaping thermosets.
The equipment consists of a press.
12 Eng/ish in Mechanical Engineering
Read the following passage in your own time. If there are any words you
do not know, look them up in your dictionary. Try to find additional examples
of the points you have studied in this uhit.
Corrosion attacks all engineering materials, especially metals. Corrosion is
any chemical action which harms tQ..e properties of a material. It reduces the
life of a material and increases the cost of a structure. For example, a steel
bridge must be repainted regularly to protect it from rust. Various metals
have therefore been developed to resist corrosion. Among them are the
stainless steels. These metals contain from 12 to 35 % chromium which
forms a very thin layer or film of chromium oxide on the surface of the
metal. This film protects the metal from corrosion. Alloys made from
copper and nickel are also corrosion-resistant. For example Monel metal,
which contains roughly 60 % nickel and 30 % copper, is resistant to both
fresh and salt water corrosion. It is therefore used for marine engine parts,
Engineering Materials 13
and for other surfaces like ships' propellers which are in contact with sea
water. Cupronickels, which contain a smaller proportion of nickel, have a
similar resistance to fresh and sea water. They are mainly used to make
When two different metals touch each other in the presence of moisture,
corrosion occurs. This type of corrosion is known as galvanic or electro-
lytic corrosion because it has an electrical cause. The metals and the
moisture act like a weak battery and the chemical action which results
corrodes one of the metals. If, for example, aluminium sheets are riveted with
copper rivets, the aluminium near the rivets will corrode in damp condi-
No material can be completely corrosion-resistant. Even stainless steels
will corrode. Engineers can, however, fight corrosion. For example, they
can use high-purity metals because these metals are more resistant than
alloys. They can also make sure that two dissimilar metals are not allowed
to touch each other. Finally engineers can protect the surfaces of the metals
in many different ways. One of the most common methods is to paint
2 Vectors
lWe deal with many different physical quantities in engineering. ZThey can
be divided into two groups - scalar and vector quantities. 3Both have size,
or magnitude, but only vector quantities possess direction. 4Mass, volume
and length are scalar quantities. 5Force, which we measure in newtons,
possesses magnitude and direction. 6Force, then, is a vector quantity. 70ther
eXaIllPles are acceleration and velocity.
(a) There are two physical quantities in engineering.
(b) Scalar quantities have magnitude.
(c) Acceleration has direction.
(d) There are only three vector quantities in engineering.
8 Any vector quantity can be represented by a vector. 9The straight line
a-b in the diagram is a vector which represents a force. 1 °lf we calculate its
length we find that it is proportional to the magnitude of the force. 11 The
direction of the line indicates the direction of the force. 1 zThe line is vertical
because the direction of the force it represents is vertical. 13It is important
also to know in what sense of direction the force is acting. 14The arrow-head
on the line shows that the sense of direction of the force is upwards.
(g) The arrow-head on line a-b shows that the force is acting in
a vertical direction.
(b) The longer !he line a-b, the greater the force it represents.
(f) The straight line a-b, in the diagram, is a vector which represents a
force. (9)
i.e. The straight line a-b, in the diagram, is a vector.
The straight line a-b, in the diagram, is NOT a force.
(g) The line is vertical because the direction of the force it represents is
vertical. (12)
i.e. The direction of the line shows that the force is acting in a vertical
The arrow-head on the line shows that the sense of direction of the
force is upwards. (14)
i.e. The arrow-head shows that the force is acting upwards and not down-
wards . .-
The arrow-head on line a-b does NOT show that the force is acting in a
vertical direction.
16 English in Mechanical Engineering
EXERCISE A Rephrasing
Rewrite the following, replacing the words printed in italics with expressions
from the passage which have a similar meaning.
1. We calculate mass in kilogrammes.
2. The arrow-head indicates the sense of direction of the force.
3. Scalar quantities have magnitude but not direction.
4. The direction of the line shows the direction of the force.
5. The size of the force is 10 N.
a c
(a) Metals corrode
in water.
Statement (a) is the most general statement. When statement (a) is true,
statements (b), (c) and (d) must also be true.
Vectors 19
Study the following sentences. Column (a) contains statements with lower-
level items. Column (b) contains more general statements with higher-level
items. Write column (a) in your notebook then match each lower-level
statement with a general statement from column (b).
a b
a-b is a vector.
It represents a force of five newtons.
The force acts in an upwards direction
at thirty degrees to the horizontal.
20 English in Mechanical Engineering
L y
2. d
5. N
EXERCISE B Sentence building
Now join each set of three statements into a single sentence.
a-b is a vector.
It represents a force of five newtons.
Vectors 21
active passive
We suspend a 1 kg mass from a A 1 kg mass is suspended from a
light bar. light bar.
We measured the distance between The distance between the mass and
the mass and the fulcrum. the fulcrum was measured.
We may calculate the moment of the The moment of the force may be
force in two ways. calculated in two ways.
Read the following passage in your own time. If there are any words you
do not know, look them up in your dictionary. Try to find additional examples
of the points you have studied in this and other units.
lWe can describe a force only by its effects. 2It cannot be measured directly
like a length. 3 A force can start something moving. 4If we push against a
small object it moves. 5 A force can also stop something moving or hinder
motion. 6If we brake a moving car it slows down and will eventually stop.
7Suspend a heavy mass from a copper wire. 8The wire extends, showing that
a force can stretch a body. 9Porces may also compress, bend or even break an
(a) Length can be measured directly.
(b) A force can slow down a moving object.
(c) A force can cause movement.
(d) A body can be compressed by a force.
(e) A heavy mass can exert a force.
lOA force can be one of attraction. lIThe force of attraction exerted by the
huge mass of the earth is called gravity. 12If we pick up a stone, then release
it, it falls to the ground because of gravitational force. 13Gravity is an example
of a natural force. 14Whether a force is naturally or deliberately exerted it
cannot exist by itself. 15Porces must always occur in pairs, never in isolation.
16When a force acts on a rigid body it is balanced by an equal reaction force
which acts in the opposite direction. 1 7If a man stands on a slippery surface
and brings a force to bear on a heavy load, the reaction force makes him slide
backwards. 18Similarly if a man fires a rifle, the force which pushes the bullet
forwards will be matched by a force which makes the gun push backwards
against his shoulder.
(f) Gravity is a force.
(g) Deliberately exerted forces can exist alone.
(h) Natural forces are forces of attraction.
(i) When a force acts on a rigid body, the magnitude of the reaction force
depends on the size of the rigid body.
Force 25
(j) The force which pushes a gun backwards when it is fired is a reaction
(a) It cannot be measured directly like a length. (2)
i.e. A force cannot be measured directly but a length can be measured
Length can be measured directly.
(b) A force can also stop something moving or hinder motion. (5)
A force can stop something moving.
and A force can slow down something which is moving.
A force can slow down a moving object.
(c) A force can start something moving. (3)
A force can cause something to move.
A force can cause movement.
(d) Forces may also compress, bend or even break an object. (9)
i.e. An object can be compressed, bent or broken by a force.
an object (here) = ;:t body
A body can be compressed by aforce.
(e) Suspend a heavy mass from a copper wire. (7) The wire extends .... (8)
i.e. The wire extends because the heavy mass is suspended from it.
... showing that a force can stretch a body. (8)
i.e. It is the force exerted by the heavy mass that stretches the wire.
A heavy mass can exert aforce.
({) The force of attraction exerted by the huge mass of the earth is called
gravity. (11)
i.e. Gravity is aforce.
(g) Whether a force is naturally or deliberately exerted it cannot exist by
itself. (14)
i.e. A naturally exerted force cannot exist by itself.
and A deliberately exerted force cannot exist by itself.
by itself = alone
Deliberately exerted forces CANNOT exist alone.
(h) The force of attraction exerted by the huge mass of the earth is called
gravity. (11)
i.e. Gravity is a force of attraction.
Gravity is an example of a natural force. (13)
i.e. Gravity is a natural force.
Gravity is a natural force and it is also a force of attraction.
It is NOT TRUE that natural forces (i.e. all natural forces) are forces of
26 English in Mechanical Engineering
EXERCISE A Rephrasing
Rewrite the following, replacing the words printed in italics with expressions
from the passage which have a similar meaning.
1. A heavy mass may extend a copper wire.
2. Newton investigated the force of attraction exerted by the huge mass of the
3. The force which pushes a bullet forwards is balanced by a reaction force.
4. A force cannot exist in isolation.
5. Gravity is a naturally exertedforce.
6. Gravitational force is a force of attraction.
7. When a rifle is fired it recoils.
8. When a force is brought to bear on a rigid body there an equal but
opposite reaction force.
instruction result
1. Push against a small object. The object moves.
2. Brake a moving car. The car ... .
3. Suspend a heavy mass from a copper The wire ... .
4. Release a heavy weight from a height of The weight ....
one metre.
5. Stand on slippery ground and push Our feet ....
against a heavy load.
6. Hold a gun against your shoulder and The gun ....
fire it.
7. Apply a force of 500 N to a thin metal The rod ....
push against a
small object Observation
If we push against a small
I- object it moves.
the object moves >-
Now write observations like this from each of the instruction-result pairs
in Exercise A.
(c) Loads which tend to pull a body apart cause tensile stresses.
Write down a single sentence for each of the following pairs of sentences.
Make the second sentence into a relative clause and insert it into the first
sentence at the place marked by dots.
A lever ... can be used to compare two masses.
Such a lever has the fulcrum placed between load and effort.
= A lever which has the fulcrum placed between load and effort can be
used to compare two masses.
1. A strut is a member ...
The member resists a compressive force.
2. The beams ... are welded together.
They form the chassis of the truck.
3. Rust may attack certain metals ....
These metals contain some proportion of iron.
4. We can combine information on the size of a force and the distance it
moves, in a diagram ....
The diagram is called a work diagram.
5. Sir Isaac Newton put forward a law ...
The law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
In sentence (a) the relative clauses tell us which mill we are talking about.,
In sentence (a) we have two defining relative clauses. In sentence (b) we al-
ready know which mill we are talking about. The clause simply adds some
extra information about the mill. In sentence (b) we have a non-defining
relative clause. Note the use of commas.
In Exercise D you made sentences with defining relative clauses. In this
exercise, make the second sentence into a relative clause and insert it into the
first sentence at the place marked by dots. You will write sentences with
non-defining relative clauses.
Brass, ... , is used to make bolts and screws.
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.
Brass, which is an alloy of copper and zinc, is used to make bolts and
30 English in Mechanical Engineering
10. Malleable cast iron, .... , is tougher than grey cast iron.
Malleable cast iron is a ferrous metal.
11. Steels ... are called tool steels.
These steels are used to make tools.
12. The Kariba dam, ... , provides electric power for Zambia.
The dam is situated on the Zambesi.
IX alpha f.! mu
f3 beta 11: pi
Y gamma L(J sigma
(j delta 'l: tau
8 epsilon ¢ phi
11 eta OJ omega
e theta
The following abbreviations are used in the mathematics of engineering:
abbreviation in full
sin sine
cos cosine
sec secant
cosec cosecant
tan tangent
cot cotangent
Now write out the following expressions in full:
1. tan ¢ = f.!
7. BUT
If the solid is tilted slightly, the line of action of its weight will move
towards the edge of the base.
It will still fall within the base.
If the solid is tilted further, the line drawn vertically downwards from
its centre of gravity will fall outside the base.
The solid will topple over.
If a body returns to its original position after a slight disturbance it is
said to be stable.
If a body moves into a new position after a slight disturbance it is said
to be unstable.
Unstable structures can be dangerous.
They have to be stabilized.
11. Cranes are normally stabilized by a large counter-weight.
This counter-weight ensures that the total mass of the crane and its load
always acts through the crane's base. .
12. so THAT
Cranes often have a warning device which operates when the safe load
is exceeded.
The crane is never in danger of toppling over.
Label the sketches Diagram 1, Diagram 2 and Diagram 3 and insert references
to them in the completed passage. For example,
See Diagram 2
As in Diagram 1
This is illustrated by Diagram 3
Read the following passage in your own time. If there are any words you
do not know, look them up in your dictionary. Try to find additional examples
of the points you have studied in this and other units.
A force of attraction exists between every body in the universe. It has been
investigated by many scientists including Galileo and Newton. This
gravitational force depends on the mass of the bodies involved. Normally
it is very small but when one of the bodies is a planet, like the earth, the
force is considerable. Everything on or near the surface of the earth is
attracted by the mass of the earth. The greater the mass, the greater is the
earth's force of attraction on it. We call this force of attraction gravity.
Because of gravity, bodies have weight. We can perceive weight only
when a body resists gravity. For example, when we pick up a stone there
are two forces involved. One is the lifting force we exert and the other is
the force of gravity which attracts the stone downwards and thus gives it
weight. When a body escapes from the influence of the earth's gravitational
pull, it can become 'weightless'. For example, the centrifugal force of a
spacecraft spinning in orbit round the earth cancels the effect of gravity.
The crew therefore experience weightlessness. One of the minor dis-
advantages of weightlessness is that normal pens will not write because the
ink is not attracted by gravity to flow out of the pen.
If the space crew land on the surface of the moon, they experience the
much weaker force of gravity exerted by the moon. On the moon they
weigh less than on the earth. Special training is necessary to help them to
walk on the moon's surface.
To simplify engineering calculations, it is assumed that gravity is the
same everywhere on the earth's surface, and that for every kilogramme of
mass the earth exerts a force of 9·81 newtons on a body. In fact gravity
differs slightly from place to place because of the shape of the earth. It is
greatest at the poles where the earth is flattest and is least at the Equator.
4 Friction
lWhenever one surface moves over another, a force is set up which resists
the movement. 2This force, which we call friction, always opposes motion.
31t exists in every machine. 4It can be reduced by lubrication but never
completely removed. sIn general, the force opposing motion is slightly greater
before one surface starts moving over another surface than after movement
has started. 6This slightly greater force is called static friction. 7The force
which must be overcome to keep one surface moving over another is known
as sliding friction. aStatic friction is greater than sliding friction.
9The value of sliding friction depends on the nature of the two surfaces
which touch each other. lOThus friction between two rough planks can be
lessened if they are made smooth. 11Sliding friction is independent of the
area of surface in contact. 12In theory a small brake pad will exert as much
braking force as a large one of greater surface area. 13In practice a small pad
will wear down more quickly and therefore is not used. 140ne other law of
friction should be noted. 15We can make the normal reaotion between two
surfaces in contact twice as large by doubling the mass carried by one surface.
16If we do so we find that sliding friction between the surfaces is also doubled.
1 7If we halve the mass carried, sliding friction is also halved. 18This shows
that sliding friction is proportional to the reaction between the surfaces in
(f) When the area of surfaces in contact is increased, sliding friction between
them is increased.
38 English in Mechanical Engineering
(g) Large brake pads are used instead of small ones because they exert a
greater braking force
(h) Sliding friction between rough planks is greater than between smooth
(i) If the mass of a body sliding over another is increased, the sliding friction
force between them will also increase.
0) Ifwe halve the area of surfaces in contact, we will halve the sliding friction
between the surfaces.
(a) Whenever one surface moves over another, a force is set up which
resists the movement. (l)
whenever = always
i.e. When there is a movement between two surfaces a force is always set up.
This force, which we can friction .... (2)
i.e. The force which is set up is called friction
Friction always occurs when there is movement between two surfaces.
(c) In general, the force opposing motion is slightly greater before one
surface starts moving over another surface than after movement has
started. (5)
i.e. The force which must be overcome to start one surface moving over
another is greater than the force which must be overcome to maintain
To start a body moving requires a greater force than to keep it moving.
(el) This force, which we call friction, always opposes motion. (2)
i.e. Friction opposes motion.
Friction (here) = static and sliding friction.
Sliding friction opposes motion.
(e) This force, which we call friction, always opposes motion. (2)
i.e. Friction is aforce.
(g) In theory a small brake pad will exert as much braking force as' a large
one of greater surface area. (12)
i.e. Theoretically, small brake pads will exert as much braking force as large
but In practice a small pad will wear down more quickly and therefore is not
used. (13)
i.e. Large pads are used in practice because they do not wear down so
It is NOT TRUE that large brake pads are used instead of small ones
because they exert a greater braking force.
(b) Thus friction between two rough planks can be lessened if they are made
smooth. (10)
i.e. Friction must be greater when the planks are rough than when they are
Friction (here) = static and sliding friction
Sliding friction between rough planks is greater than between smooth
planks. .
(i) This shows that sliding friction is proportional to the reaction between
the surfaces in contact. (18)
i.e. If the reaction between the two surfaces in contact is increased, sliding
friction is also increased.
but We can make the normal reaction between two surfaces in contact
twice as large by doubling the mass. carried by one surface. (I 5)
i.e. The reaction between surfaces in contact increases as the mass carried
by one surface increases.
If the mass of a body sliding over another is increased, the sliding friction
force between them will also increase.
EXERCISE A Rephrasing
Rewrite the following, replacing the words printed in italics with expressions
from the passage which have a similar meaning.
1. Friction always resists motion.
2. Friction can be lessened by oiling the moving surfaces.
40 English in Mechanical Engineering
3. The force which must be overcome to keep one surface moving over another
is smaller than static friction.
4. Moving surfaces which touch each other must be lubricated.
5. If the areas in contact are made twice as large the force of sliding friction
will remain the same.
6. Friction opposes movement.
EXERCISE B Contextual reference
1. In sentence 2, 'this force' refers to (a) the force which resists the move-
(b) the force which moves one sur-
face over another
2. In sentence 3, 'it' refers to (a) friction
(b) motion
3. In sentence 4, 'it' refers to (a) a machine
(b) friction
4. In sentence 10, 'they' refers to (a) the two surfaces
(b) two rough planks
(c) sliding and static friction
5. In sentence 12, 'one' refers to (a) braking force
(b) brake pad
'c) a law of friction
instruction result
1. Place a smooth roller on an The roller rolls down the plane.
inclined plane.
2. Push a table across a rough floor. A force is set up which ....... .
3. Double the forces pressing two Sliding friction between the two
moving surfaces together. surfaces is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Lubricate two moving surfaces. Sliding friction ............. .
5. Grease the surface of a shaft Sliding friction ............. .
rotating in a bearing.
the block
friction board
carrier + masses
when a force acts on a
. body it may cause itto
There are a number of generalizations in the reading passage which can act
as inductions. You will find them in sentences 2, 4, 8, 9, 11 and 18. Make
your own table as below and write these inductions in your column (b).
a b
1. ............................ . Friction o 0·0 • 0 • 0 ...... 0 0 '0 •• (2)
4 ............................. . (9)
Now write in each space in column (a) of your table one of the observations
which you made in Exercise B. Make sure that the inductions and the observa-
tions match. Then combine the observations and inductions.
If we push against a small object it moves. This shows that when a force
acts on a body it may cause it to move.
Friction 43
The block is resting on a plane.
The plane is inclined at an angle of 30° to the horizontal.
The block is resting on a plane which is inclined at an angle of30° to the
We can make this sentence shorter by omitting which is:
The block is resting on a plane inclined at an angle of 30° to the
In the same way we can omit which is from the following sentence:
The plane which is flying at an altitude of 2,140 metres is subjected to
pressures of 80 kilonewtons per square metre.
The plane flying at an altitude of 2,140 metres is subjected to pressures
of 80 kilonewtons per square metre.
Now join the following sentence. pairs omitting which wherever possible.
In each case indicate whether the relative clause is a defining or a non-
defining clause.
1. Steels ... are known as alloy steels.
These steels are mixed with one or more metallic elements.
2. Tests . . . are of two kinds - tests to destruction and tests within the
elastic limit.
These tests are applied to materials.
3. The power developed by the generator ... is 20 kW.
The generator is revolving at 1,000 rev/min.
4. A dockside crane, ... , has a safe working load of 3 x 10 3 kg.
The crane is mounted on a set of rails.
S. The distance ... is plotted on a graph against time taken.
The distance is travelled by a moving load.
6. These forces constitute a tensile stress, ... , which acts around the cir-
cumference of the cylinder.
This stress is known as hoop stress.
7. The force ... was found to be 1,200 N.
The force was exerted on the clamps.
8. Bridges, roof trusses and cranes are structures ....
Such structures are designed to resist forces.
44 English in Mechanical Engineering
In sentence (b) we have made the relative clause shorter by omitting which
and changing the verb to its-ing form. What kind of relative clause does
sentence (a) contain - defining or non-defining?
If the relative clause contains which+a verb in the simple present we can omit
which and change the verb to its -ing form. This rule can be applied if
(a) the clause is a defining one
or (b) the verb is a verb of state
Verbs of state describe states not actions like 'work' or 'run'. The most
common verbs of state in engineering are
measure contain
weigh hold
consist form
Now join the following sentence pairs omitting which wherever possible.
In each case indicate whether the relative clause is defining or non-defining
and underline verbs of state.
1. XY is a steel shaft . . . .
It carries a 300 mm diameter eccentric gear.
2. A flywheel, ... , has a diameter of 1·6 m.
The flywheel consists of a cast iron rim which is connected to a boss by
3. The driving belt, ... , is 9 mm thick.
It transmits power to the pulleys.
4. The towers, ... , support the main section of the bridge.
The towers weigh a thousand tonnes each.
5. The tapping head has a spring clutch, ....
The clutch allows the tap to slip without breaking when the load becomes
6. Grooving tools, ... , are made of high-speed steel.
Grooving tools cut slots or keyways.
7. The main shaft of the lathe drives the lubricant pump, ....
The pump supplies cooling fluid at the tool cutting tip.
Friction 45
Now join these sentence pairs and omit which where possible:
'i 160 \
.§ 120
\ 1\
I 80
For 40 mm drills a speed of 60 rev/min should be used.
For 40 mm drills a speed of 60 rev/min ought to be used.
Now, using the graph, write similar sentences giving the recommended speeds
for drills of the following diameters.
1. 20mm 4. 12·5 mm
2.25mm 5.30mm
3.50mm 6.15 mm
Shaft limits
Bearing mm
mm Heavy Light
loading loading
-12 - +0·003
12·1-30 - +0·005
30,1-50 - +0·007
Read the following passage in your own time. If there are any words you do
not know, look them up in your dictionary. Try to find additional examples
of the points you have studied in this and other units.
Friction can be useful. For example, the screw-jack depends on friction
between the body of the screw and the jack to prevent it running back
under heavy loads. Belt drives depend on friction to prevent slipping.
Brakes and vices are further examples of useful applications of friction.
On the other hand, friction in machines causes loss of power. Twenty per
cent of the power of a motor car is wasted in overcoming friction. Engi-
neers try therefore to reduce friction as much as possible by good design.
They can also use materials with a low coefficient of friction for devices
such as bearings. The third method used for reducing friction is lubrication.
Although the surface of a block of polished steel may seem perfectly
fiat, when we examine it through a powerful microscope we see that it is
covered with tiny 'hills and valleys'. If we bring two steel surfaces together
they will touch at only a few points where one set of 'hills' meets another
set. Because the total mass of the steel is concentrated at these points, the
pressure on them is so great that it causes the points of contact to weld
together. ,When we apply a force to make one block of steel move over
another, we must first break these tiny welds before the blocks will move.
For this reason, to start a surface moving over another surface requires a
force greater than that required to keep the surfaces in motion. This greater
force represents static friction whereas the smaller force represents sliding
friction. When one block slides over another the two surfaces scrape against
each other, breaking off tiny pieces from each surface. However, if we
lubricate the two surfaces, oil fills the tiny valleys so that the surfaces do
not weld together, and one block can move over the other.
Lubrication, then, reduces friction and because the surfaces do not
scrape against each other it reduces wear on the material. Although dry
friction can be eliminated in this way, some power will still be lost depending
on the thickness of the lubricant used. Thus if the oil is too thick the
lubricant itself will offer some resistance to motion. Selection of the correct
lubricant depends on many factors, chief among which are the operating
speeds of the machinery which is lubricated and the temperature range
within which the machine must operate.
5 Levers
(e) The moment of a' force = ------------
perpendicular distance between
line of action and fulcrum
8The lever is one application of the principle of the moment of a force
about a point. 9The lever is a simple machine. lOAn example is the crowbar,
which is used to move large loads by means of smaller efforts. 11 Diagram 1
Levers 51
shows a crowbar being used to lift a heavy block. 12The mass of the block is
the load, the heel of the crowbar is the fulcrum and the force exerted by the
man down at X is the effort. 131n the diagram a and b represent
respectively the perpendicular distance between the effort and the fulcrum
and the perpendicular distance between the load and the fulcrum. 14By the
principle of moments we can say that the man will just balance the load when
effort X a= load xb
15 Any increase in the effort will raise the load further and may eventually
cause it to overbalance.
(f) The lever is the only application of the principle of the moment of a force
about a point.
(g) The crowbar is a simple machine.
(h) Simple machines can use small efforts to move larger loads.
16Levers can be divided into three groups or orders. 17They are classified
according to the relative positions of the load, the effort and the fulcrum.
18 The positions are as follows:
cs; t
(a) If we push against the handle side of a door it will turn on its hinge and
open. (3)
i.e. The hinge is the point about which the door turns.
52 English in Mechanical Engineering
but ... the point about which the body turns. (4) We call this point the
fulcrum. (5)
i.e. The point about which a body turns is a fulcrum.
A hinge is a fulcrum.
(b) When a force acts on a body it may cause it to move in a straight line
or to turn about a point or to do both. (1)
i.e. A force may make a body (i) move in a straight line
(ii) turn about a point
(iii) move in a straight line and turn about
a point
turn = rotate
A force may make a body rotate about a point and move in a straight line
at the same time.
(c) It is the product of the force and the distance at right angles between its
line of action and its fulcrum. (7)
It = the turning effect of a force
the distance at right angles = the distance
fulcrum = the point about which a body turns
i.e. The turning effect of a force is the product of the force and the per-
pendicular distance between its line of action and the about which
it turns.
The greater the perpendicular distance between a point and the line of
action of a force, the greater the turning effect of the force about that
(d) It is the product of the force and the distance at right angles between its
line of action and its fulcrum. (7)
It = the moment of a force
Point P is the fulcrum of force F.
Length x is the distance at right angles between the line of action of force
F and point P.
i.f!. The moment of force F about point P is x times F.
If we multiply length y by force F we will NOT obtain the moment of
the force about point P.
(e) It is the product of the force and the distance at right angles between its
line of action and its fulcrum. (7)
It = the moment of a force
i.e. The moment of a force is equal to the force multiplied by the per-
pendicular distance between its line of action and its fulcrum.
The moment of a force is NOT equal to the force divided by the per-
pendicular distance between its line of action and its fulcrum.
(f) The lever is one application of the principle of the moment of a force
about a point. (8)
=1= the only
Levers 53
It is NOT TRUE that the lever is the only application of the principle of
the moment of a force about a point.
(g) The lever is a simple machine. (9) An example is the crowbar, which is
used to move large loads by means of smaller efforts. (10)
i.e. The crowbar is an example of a simple machine which is a lever.
The crowbar is a simple machine.
(h) An example is the crowbar, which is used to move large loads by means
of smaller efforts. (10)
but The crowbar is a simple machine.
Simple machines can use small efforts to move larger loads.
0) Look at diagram 1.
An effort pressing down at X will raise the load.
i.e. Effort and load move in opposite directions.
With a crowbar, effort and load do NOT move in the same direction.
EXERCISE A Rephrasing
Rewrite the following, replacing the words printed in italics with expressions
from the passage which have a similar meaning.
1. A force may cause a body to turn about a point.
2. The crowbar will cause the load to overbalance.
3. The moment of a force is the product of the force and the perpendicular
distance between its line of action and the point about which the body
4. We measure the perpendicular distance between the force's line of action
and its fulcrum.
5. The moment of a force is a vector quantity.
6. Levers are used to lift heavy blocks.
7. Levers may be divided into members of the first, second and third orders.
54 English in Mechanical Engineering
1 .1 1
Part 1
the fulcrum
placed between
load and effort
are termed
known as
Part 2
first-order levers
Part 3
examples examples examples
1 1 1 crowbar
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
etc. etc. etc.
2 human forearm
3 engine-indicator tracing
F c¢::=:v==
7 pump handle
8 'beam balance
9 aneroid barometer·
56 English in Mechanical Engifleering
I magnify a movement
A third-order lever may be used to magnify a movement.
3. The sentences you made from the diagram describe the function of the
different kinds of levers. We can describe the function of an object in
three ways: .
(a) A third-order lever may be used to magnify a movement.
(b) A third-order lever may be used for magnifying a movement.
(c) A third-order lever may be used as a means of magnifying a movement.
Now rewrite the sentences you made in section 2, using pattern (b) or (c).
4. Look back at the drawings on page 55. Decide in which way each levef
is used and write a sentence for each drawing.
A crowbar is an example of a first-order lever used as a means of moving
a large force with a smaller force.
1. A chain drive is similar to a belt drive except that the chain passes over
sprockets on the chain wheel.
This arrangement ensures that no slip takes place.
2. When a resultant force acts on a body an acceleration is produced.
Its value depends on the mass of the body.
3. The length of the steel increases in proportion to the forces applied.
Its cross-sectional area is unchanged.
4. The screw-jack is a screw revolving in a fixed nut.
The screw thread provides a means of converting circular motion to
motion in a straight line.
5. Work done by a force can be represented by a work diagram in the form
ofa graph.
The vertical axis represents the force and the horizontal axis the distance
6. The wheelbarrow is an example of a second-order lever.
The load is carried between the fulcrum and the effort.
7. When a force is applied to the edge of a door it will turn.
The hinge forms a fulcrum for the door.
8. Pressure is measured in newtons per square metre.
The word 'per' implies that the force in newtons is divided by the area
in square metres.
9. A crowbar is a first-order lever.
The fulcrum is the heel of the crowbar.
10. The human forearm is a lever.
The effort is provided by the muscle joining the upper arm to the forearm.
Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence containing
a relative clause beginning with a preposition+which:
1. The main bearings consist of steel shells lined with aluminium.
The shaft runs in the bearings.
2. The point is called the fulcrum.
The body is free to rotate about the point.
3. The piers resist the load by a reaction of 5,000 N each.
The bridge rests on the piers.
4. The points are 600 mm apart.
The one kilogramme masses are suspended from the points.
58 English in Mechanical Engineering
5. The position of the arms of the lever will depend on the angle.
The forces are required to act at the angle.
6. The rope passes over one pulley in the upper block.
The lower block is attached to the rope.
7. The distance is double the displacement of the load.
The effort moves through the distance.
8. Since earliest times man has tried to devise methods.
A small effort can move a large load by the methods.
9. The efficiency of most machines rises quickly to reach a maximum value
near those loads.
The machine is designed for those loads.
10. A gear box is a unit.
A compound gear train which can be altered by engaging different gears
is housed in this unit.
object: air-compressor
function: to compress air
We can.express this information in a sentence:
An air-compressor is used to compress air.
Write similar sentences to indicate the function of the following objects.
Note that some of the nouns end in -er and some in -or.
speed governor oil cooler
mass carrier pressure regulator
casing liner steam condenser
gas generator shock absorber
air heater hardness tester
What are the names of the following objects? Check the spelling in your
a device used to reduce the speed (of a motor)
a device used to indicate the level of oil (in a gear box)
a device used to grind the surface (of a metal plate)
a device used to inject fuel (into petrol or diesel engines)
a device used to filter oil (for an engine)
The information given in brackets does not form part of the name of the
Levers 59
railway rails,
ship and crank pins,
tin boiler plates, connecting locomotive tyres, metal cutting
plate, structural rods, woodcutting tools, and forming
wire, sections, axles, crusher rolls, car springs, tools,
rivets, turbine rotors, gears, hammers, tap drills, drills,
pipes marine shafts gun barrels hand chisels ball races wire dies
Low carbon steel contains between 0·08 and 0·15 % carbon whereas mild
steel contains between 0·15 %and O' 35 %carbon. Mild steel is stronger and
harder than low carbon steel but itis less ductile. Low carbon steel is used
to make tin plate, wire, rivets aJId pipes while mild steel is used for struc-
tural sections, turbine rotOl:s,fuarine shafts and for ship and boiler plates.
Now write out and/oomplete the following comparison of high and medium
carbon steels using the information in the diagram.
High carbon steel contains between ... and ... carbon whereas medium
carbon steel .... High carbon steel is ... and ... than ... steel, but its
strength ... slightly when its carbon content is ... than 0·83 %. In addition .
. . . steel is less ... than ... steel. Medium carbon steel is used for ....
High carbon steel with a ... content up to ... is used to make woodcutting
tools, .... Car springs ... are made from ... with between ... and ...
while metal cutting ... are made from ... with between ... and ... .
60 English in Mechanical Engineering
The followil)g is a list of the apparatus which was used in the experiment.
a metre stick with a hole at its centre
a stand
pieces of cord
one O'S kg mass
two 1 kg masses
Levers 61
Refer to the list and draw a diagram to illustrate the experiment. Label the
points 0, P, S, X and Y. Label the other point mentioned inthe report and
mark it in the diagram.
Read the following passage in your own time. If there are any words you do
not know, look them up in your dictionary. Try to find additional examples
of the points you have studied in this and other units.
When choosing a beam it is important to know its bending strength. The
bending strength of the beam is the beam's resistance to bending moments.
Diagram 1 shows a beam supported at both ends and carrying a load at its
mid-point. The load makes the beam bend slightly. If we imagine the beam
to consist of a number of longitudinal layers we can see that the top layer
will be compressed by the load, and the bottom layer will be stretched as
the beam bends. At the centre there will be a neutral layer which is neither
stretched nor compressed.
The beam is subjected to bending moments because the reaction at the
supports causes clockwise and anti-clockwise moments as shown in the
sketch. If the beam fails, the top layers will be crushed and the bottom
layers torn. This failure will occur at mid-span where the bending moment
is greatest.
LOAD 10000N
moment .
_______________ ________------l anti-clockwise
5000x3Nm :::or-----------......------------r:::JJ 5000x3Nm
:15000Nm 3m 3m =15000Nm
62 English in Mechanical Engineering
As most of the stress occurs at the top and bottom of a beam most of
the material is concentrated at the top and bottom in the flanges. Material
at the neutral layer is wasted as far as bending strength is concerned. In
some girders, therefore, material is removed from the web. Diagram 2
shows a castellated girder, which is made by cutting a girder in two as
shown, then reversing the ends and welding the two halves together. The
result is a stronger beam for equal amounts of steel.
1 A body is in stress when forces are applied to it which cause its size and
shape to change. 2In other words, stress causes distortion. 3The intensity of
stress depends on the size of the force and the cross-sectional area (c.s.a.) of
the body which resists the force. 4That is,
applied force
stress = ---"--"'------
c.s.a. of the body
5Distortion due to stress is called strain. 6Different forces will distort bodies
in different ways. 7 A tensile force will lengthen a body. BOne subjected to a
compressive force will contract. 9If a body has a uniform c.s.a., that is, if it
has the same c.s.a. throughout its length, we calculate strain as
. change of length
st ram = ---:--''--:-:--=-:-
original length
(a) Stress on bar x is greater than stress on bar y
100mm2 150mm2
(d) Tensile forces and compressiw forces have opposite effects on bodies.
(e) Distortion causes strain.
l°Most materials used in engineering are elastic. 11 A material which has
the property of elasticity will return to its original size and shape when the
forces producing strain are removed. 12However, if these forces go beyond
a certain limit, called the elastic limit, an elastic material will not regain its
original dimensions. 13If we take a bar of uniform c.s.a. of an elastic material
like mild steel, and apply gradually increasing tensile forces to it, it will
extend. 14If we measure each extension produced by each increase in force,
we will find that the bar's increase in length is in proportion to the increase
in force. 15In other words, strain is proportional to stress. 16 A graph of stress
against strain would therefore be a straight line like that in Diagram 1:
1 strain
It is NOT TRUE that a mild steel bar will always extend in proportion to
the forces which extend it.
(j) Within the elastic limit, the strain produced is proportional to the stress
producing it. (21)
i.e. Within the elastic limit, stress is proportional to strain.
Within the elastic limit, ifwe double the stress on a body we will double the
strain produced.
(k) The value of this constant is different for each elastic material. (18)
It is called the Modulus of Elasticity. (19)
i.e. the Modulus of Elasticity is a constant
The value of the Modulus of Elasticity does NOT vary according to the
stress as elastic material is subjected to
(I) If we take a bar of uniform c.s.a. of an elastic material like mild steel, ...
i.e. The bar has a uniform c.s.a., not the steel.
Only a shape can have a c.s.a. Mild steel can have many different shapes
with different c.s.a.'s.
It is NOT TRUE that mild steel has a uniform c.s.a.
EXERCISE A Rephrasing
Rewrite the replacing the words in italics with an expression from
the text which has a similar meaning.
1. A tensile force of 2 kN applied to a bar of steel will cause its size and shape
to change.
2. The shaft has a uniform c.s.a.
3. Copper is a material which has the property of elasticity.
4. An increase in length of 0·003 mm was found in a bar subjected to a force
of 1·5 kN.
5. A body which undergoes a tensile force will lengthen.
6. When compressive forces go beyond the elastic limit permanent distortion
7. The body will not then return to its original dimensions.
8. Elastic materials regain their original shape and size.
EXERCISE A Definitions
Make a definition for each item in column (a)
An organic material is a material which is based chemically on carbon.
a b c
EXERCISE B If-sentences
From each of the definitions in Exercise A, we can make an if-sentence.
Look at this example:
definition: An organic material is a material which is based chemically on
if-sentence: If a material is organic, it is based chemically on carbon.
Sentences like this consist of two parts joined by if:
I F a material is organic, I it is based chemically on carbon
Now make if-sentences like this for each of the definitions you have written
in Exercise A.
a b
EX ERe IS E E Prepositions
Rewrite the following sentences, filling in the spaces with a preposition from
the list. You will have to use some of the prepositions more than once.
away of
between on
from to
in with
1. The crank gear meshes ... a second gear to which the winding drum is
rigidly fixed.
2. Two masses are suspended ... the metre stick at points X and Y.
3. A single point tool consists ... a tip made of high-speed steel and a plain
carb"n steel shank welded to the tip.
4. The screw runs in a fixed nut incorporated ... the jack.
5. The worm is prevented ... axial movements by its bearings.
6. Whether the load extends or compresses the spring depends ... the type
of balance.
7. The calculations necessary in designing gear wheels are based ... the
pitch circle diameter.
8. Vector a-b was converted ... a force of 60 N.
9. Fluid is applied to cutting tools to cool and lubricate them and to wash
... chips and swarf.
10. Brake linings are often made ... an asbestos compound.
11. We can distinguish '" high pressure laminates and low pressure
12. Vernier calipers are provided ... a vernier scale to ensure accuracy in
70 English in Mechanical Engineering
13. A hammer with one end ball-shaped and the other end slightly domed, is
referred ... as a ball-pein hammer.
14. A single vector quantity can be resolved ... any number of components
in an infinite variety of ways.
this shows that
friction always opposes motion
Write down sentences 2, 7, 8,11, 15, and 20 from the reading passage in your
notebook. Using these sentences to help you, complete in your notebook
the inductions which follow each of the observations below.
1. If a bar of iron is subjected to a force of 2 kN, it bends.
This shows that ....
2. When a rod of mild steel has a compressive force of 5 kN applied to it, it
contracts by 0·889 mm.
This demonstrates that ....
3. If a weight of 6 kg is attached to a wire of uniform c.s.a., the wire extends
by 0·05 mm.
This shows that ....
4. When a load of 30 kN is applied to a steel bar, it lengthens by 0·250 mm.
If the load is increased to 60 kN, the bar lengthens by 0·50 mm.
These findings show that ....
5. When the load of 60 kN is removed from the steel bar, it regains its original
This demonstrates that ....
6. If the load exceeds 60 kN, the bar does not return to its original size and
shape when the load is removed.
This shows that ....
Stress and Strain 71
20kN 20kN
applied force extension
(-stress) (-strain)
kN mm
3 0·02
6 0·04
9 0·06
tensile test results for mild
1,000 0·00066
2,000 0-00133
4,000 0·00265
6,000 0·00400
12,000 0-00795
12,100 0·09000
friction board
" additional masses
mass carrier
mm N
1 wood on wood 200 10·4
2 wood on wood 100 10·4
3 wood on glass 100 6·3
Stress and Strain 73
4 9·81 3·2 2·8
5 19·62 6·4 5·6
6 29·43 9·6 8·4
a b
observations laws
1. Results 4, 5 and 6 show that when Friction always opposes motion.
one surface slides over another
surface, there is a force which
must be overcome before.
movement can occur.
2. Results 4, 5 and 6 show that if we Static friction is greater than
compare ... with the force sliding friction.
required to maintain ... we find
that the former is ... .
3. Results ... 3 show that the Friction between two surfaces
sliding friction force for wood on depends on the nature of the
wood is ... than the .... surfaces in contact.
4. Results 1 and 2 show that if the Sliding 'friction is independent of
. . . is halved, sliding friction the area of surface in contact .
force .. ','
5. Results ... show that if the Friction is directly proportional
reaction between two surfaces in to the reaction between the
contact is doubled, the force .. . surface in contact.
and the force ... are also ... .
Results 4, 5 and 6 show that when one surface slides over another surface
there is a force which must be overcome before movement can occur. This
demonstrates that friction always opposes motion.
74 English in Mechanical Engineering
From 0 to P the specimen extends.
This is in proportion to the force applied to the material.
This illustrates Hooke's law.
2. The material reaches its elastic limit.
This happens soon after point P.
The elastic limit is marked on the graph.
The elastic limit is marked as point E.
3. After the yield point there is a rapid extension.
This is an extension of the specimen.
This rapid extension occurs with each increase in load.
This extension continues until point U is reached.
The specimen will regain its original length up to point E.
The forces are removed.
The forces cause tension.
This is what waisting means.
The cross-sectional area of the specimen narrows.
This happens at some point in the specimen's length.
U represents the maximum load the specimen can undergo.
Up to this load there is no change in the specimen's cross-sectional area.
The point of maximum load is reached.
The specimen undergoes 'waisting'.
If the elastic limit is exceeded.
The specimen will not regain its original length.
The stress continues to increase.
Stress and Strain 75
Although six points are marked on the graph they have not been labelled.
Label them Y, F, 0, P, U, E using the information from the paragraphs you
have written.
Here are three sketches to illustrate the description. Label the sketches
'Diagram 1', 'Diagram 2' and 'Diagram 3'. Refer to your description and
76 English in Mechanical Engineering
decide where the illustrations should be inserted into the text. Make a refer-
to each illustration at an appropriate place in the description, e.g.:
See Diagram 1
As shown in Diagram 1
As in Diagram 1
Q []
Now rewrite the entire passage, including the graph and the illustrations and
any other changes you have made. Give the completed description a suitable
Read the following passage in your own time. If there are any words you
do not know, look them up in your dictionary. Try to find additional examples
of the points you have studied in this and other units.
Designers of any stress-bearing structure, from a bracket to a suspension
bridge, must accurately calculate the stresses they expect the structure to
bear. They must also have a good understanding of the properties of
materials. In the past, miscalculation of stresses and lack of knowledge
of the properties of materials has led to disaster. For example, the first
Tay Bridge in Scotland collapsed, killing 77 people, because no allowance
was made for wind pressure. Even with today's testing equipment errors
are sometimes made in calculating the safe loads a structure can carry.
For instance, a number of box girder bridges have collapsed during con-
To safeguard structures, designers normally work within a factor of
safety so that materials are kept within their permitted working stress.
Working stress is the greatest stress to which a part of a structure is ever
subjected. It is calculated by dividing the ultimate strength of the material
by a factor of safety. The former is the stress at which the material fractures.
The latter is the product of four main factors.
The first factor is the ratio of ultimate· strength to the elastic limit of the
Stress and Strain 77
material. The elastic limit can be obtained from a tensile test. Normally
this ratio is approximately 2.
The second factor depends on the nature of the stress involved. For
example, a body may be exposed to one constant stress, or to variable
stress, or even to compound stress, that is, where several stresses act on it
at the same time. A constant stress of one kind is given a factor of 1.
Variable stress is more complex. Under frequently repeated stresses a metal
will fracture at a much lower point than its ultimate strength. Metal
fracture caused by such stresses is commonly called 'metal fatigue'. For
simply repeated stresses ranging from zero to a maximum and back to
zero, a factor of 2 is allowed. For alternating stress, which not only varies
in size but also in direction, for example from tensile to compressive, a
factor of 3 is necessary.
The third factor concerns the application of the load. A factor of 1 may
be allowed for a gradually applied load, 2 for a suddenly applied load and
greater factors for shock loads.
The last factor is the most difficult to determine. Sometimes it is called
the 'factor of ignorance'. If aU the conditions of service are known, this
factor can be low. Where the conditions of service are severe, where there
is a danger of an overload or where the materials are imperfect, a factor as
high as 10 may be necessary. For example, bridge builders may allow for
freak winds and in earthquake zones special allowances must be made
when designing tan buildings.
The following example illustrates how the factor of safety for a forged
steel connecting' rod in a diesel engine is calculated. The first factor is 2.
As the rod is subjected alternately to both compressive and tensile stresses,
the second factor is 3. When the fuel mixture ignites it imposes a suddenly
applied load on the rod, hence the third factor is 2. The conditions of
service of an engine are well-known, therefore the last factor is 1-!-. The
factor of safety is thus 2 X 3 x 2 X 1-!-, which equals 18.
Because of weight restrictions, aircraft are manufactured to much lower
factors of safety - between 1·1 and 1·75. These extremely low factors
require exacting material and production specifications and highly accurate
design calculations.
In advanced design work, especially in designing skyscraper blocks,
loadings up to the plastic state of metals are now used. In such design
work there can be no 'factor of ignorance' and extreme accuracy in cal-
culating the stresses on the structure is essential.
7 Ideal and Practical Machines
IOTo obtain a high M.A. a machine must be designed so that the distance
moved by the effort is much greater than the output displacement of the load.
llThe ratio of the two distances is termed the Velocity Ratio (V.R.) that is:
V.R. = distance moved by the effort
distance moved by the load
12The V.R. of a machine depends on its design and has a fixed value for
each machine. 13In other words it is a constant.
14 We can think of the effort which is applied to the machine as the work
input. 15The work done by the machine on the load is the work output.
16The efficiency of the machine is then the ratio of the work output to the
work input, that is:
Efficlency work output
= -------"---
work input
1 7In practice the work output is always less than the work input because
some energy is lost inside the machine in overcoming friction. 18Thus the
efficiency of a practical machine can never reach 100%. 19Efficiency tends
to increase sharply with load, then flatten out as it reaches a limiting value
as shown in Diagram 2:
2 load
3 load
(a) The M.A. of a practical machine changes as the load it carries changes.
The M.A. of a practical machine varies with the load.
The M.A. of a practical machine is NOT a constant.
(b) For very small loads a large percentage of the effort is needed to work
against friction whereas with larger loads the fraction is less. (7)
i.e. A practical machine requires a larger percentage of the effort to move
small loads than to move large loads.
It is NOT TRUE that a practical machine requires more effort to move
small loads than large loads.
(c) The advantage of a machine is that the effort applied can be very much
smaller than the load to be overcome. (3)
i.e. The advantage of a maclline is that it can overcome a load with a very
much smaller effort.
e.g. A machine can lift a large load with a smaller effort.
Ideal and Practical Machines 81
(d) A graph of load against effort has the shape shown in Diagram 1: (8).
but in the graph in the question, the line passes through the origin.
i.e. There is no effort required to overcome friction.
i.e. The graph in the question is a graph of an ideal machine.
The graph shown is NOT a graph of load against effort for a practical
(e) The V.R. of a machine depends on its design and has a fixed value for
each machine. (12) In other words it is a constant. (13)
i.e. TheV.R. of a machine does not vary.
It is NOT TR UE that the V.R. of a machine varies according to the work
(f) Efficiency tends to increase sharply with load, then flatten out as it
reaches a limiting value as shown in Diagram 2. (19)
i.e. Efficiency depends on the load.
The efficiency of a practical machine is not a constant.
(g) In practice the work output is always less than the work input because
some energy is lost inside the machine. (17)
For practical machines, the work input is greater than the work output.
i.e. The work input of a practical machine is greater than its work output.
(b) Efficiency tends to increase sharply with load, then flatten out as it
reaches a limiting value as shown in Diagram 2: (19)
EXERCISE A Rephrasing
Rewrite the following, replacing the words in italics with an expression from
the text which has a similar meaning.
1. The ratio of load to effort is termed the Mechanical Advantage.
2. Part of the effort is needed to overcome static and sliding friction in the
3. A large fraction of the effort is used to overcome friction.
4. The output displacement of the load is less than the input displacement of
the effort.
5. The Velocity Ratio of a machine is a constant.
6. The effort which is applied to the machine is greater than the work output.
7. The work output of the machine is the product of the load and the distance
moved by the load.
8. An ideal machine is frictionless.
9. The efficiency of a practical machine varies with the load.
Theba, .b ........ .
f f
<1---; !--£>
2. VVe place a roller on a smooth inclined plane. The roller ......... .
4. VVe subject a strut to compressive forces. The strut
--[>! KI-
5. VVe move the effort by 1 metre. The load ......... .
6. VVe attach a load to a spring balance. The spring ........ .
7. VVe move the effort by 50 centimetres. The load ......... .
8. VVe move the effort by 1·80 metres. The load ......... .
VR=3 E
Ideal and Practical Machines 85
Now use the facts given in the table to write predictions based on the follow-
ing suppositions:
surfaces J.t
we build an ideal machine
it will have no energy loss due to friction
= lfwe built an ideal machine, it would have no energy loss due to friction.
Now make predictions based on the following suppositions. First you will
have to match each supposition to the appropriate sentence in column (b).
Remember to change the verb in the supposition to the past tense form, and
will in column (b) to would.
86 English in Mechanical Engineering
a b
11. Friction between two rough planks can be made less if they are planed.
12. Piston rings make sure that the piston makes a gas-tight seal with the
cylinder wall.
13. Extra struts will make the framework stronger.
14. Dirty materials may make reinforced concrete weak.
thread M 20 for
a minimum
length of 25mm
Now write down and complete the following sentences using the information
contained in the diagram:
88 English in Mechanical Engineering
mean dia. \\ _ __
Material spring steel Type of ends closed and ground
Wire size 0·250 Wound L.H. or R.H. L.H.
*Load to be supported at Treatment stress relieve
working length 1 14 kg ± 1kg Finish cadmium plate
*Load to be supported at 0'0005 em/min.
workin\t length 2 42 kg ±2'4 kg Note. The spring diameters may be varied
Total number of coils 11 within the limits stated. The number of coils
Number of tree coils 9 may be altered if necessary providing the
*Max. solid length 2'600 cm conditions starred thus * are maintained.
Now write nine senfences about the spring using is to or have to/must
where appropriate.
At working length 2 the spring has to support a load of 42 kg.
Use the following drawing to show what the pitch of a screw is:
90 English in Mechanical Engineeri'!-g
Read the following passages in your own time. If there are any words you
do not know, look them up in your dictionary. Try to find additional
examples of the points you have studied in this and other units.
We can define a crane as a machine which lifts heavy loads and displaces
them horizontally. In other words, a crane can lift loads and move them
to a different position in the plane, unlike a hoist which is only
a lifting device. We can divide cranes into two main classes. These are jib
cranes and overhead travelling cranes. Jib cranes have a jib, or arm, from
which the load is suspended. The jib allows the load to be raised or lowered
and then deposited at any point within the radius of the jib. Movement of
the jib in the vertical plane is known as derricking. The rotation of the jib
in the horizontal plane is called sltwing.
The commonest kind of non-revolving crane is the overhead travelling
crane. Such a crane is illustrated in the diagram below. It consists of a
load girder
work on the shop floor as it moves. Cranes with a span of 40 metres and a
maximum lifting capacity of 400 tonnes made. For use outside a factory,
for example in timber yards, a similar crane, termed a goliath crane, is
used. The load girder of a goliath crane is supported not on gantry rails
but on legs running on rails mounted on the ground.
There are many varieties of cranes ttr special purposes. They may be
fixed, portable or mobile. A portable crane must be transported, whereas
a mobile crane is either self-propelled or mounted on a truck chassis or a
railway wagon. Cranes use different forms of power, for example electric
power, diesel power, hydraulic power, steam power and even hand power
are used depending on the type of and its application.
An example of a crane with a partlcular application is the shipyard
crane. This is a heavy, fixed crane with a slewing cantilever mounted on a
latticed tower which is firmly anchored in In addition to the
main load trolley the crane may be fitted with a small jib crane running
on the cantilever. Such cranes are necessary in shipbuilding because when
a ship is being fitted out, heavy machillfry, such as the engines, has to be
lowered into the vessel. These cranes mllst be capable of placing the loads
inside the ship with great accuracy. For this reason some form of fine
electrical control is normally employed.
Another example is the dockside crane which is used to unload and load
ships. It is usually mounted on rails which run the length of the quay and
is often fitted with a grab instead of a flook. A grab has two jaws which
open and close like a clamshell. It is designed to handle bulk cargoes like
iron ore and gravel. One variety of dockside crane, known as a kangaroo
crane, feeds bulk cargoes directly into a hopper at its base. From the hopper
the cargo is weighed and discharged into trucks and railway wagons.
8 The Four-Stroke Petrol
g .............. .
j ...•....•.....•.....
to accelerator pedal
j .............. .
lThe carburettor is a device which provides the engine with an air and petrol
mixture in the correct proportions for aU running conditions. 2This simplified
diagram shows how it operates. 3 Petrol enters the float chamber via the feed
pipe and the fuel inlet. 4When the chamber is filled to the correct level, the
float and needle-valve rise, cutting off the fuel supply. 5When the piston
moves down the cylinder it reduces the pressure within the cylinder. 6The
pressure of the atmosphere then pushes air in through the carburettor where
it mixes with a fine jet of petrol from the float chamber to produce finely
divided fuel droplets. 7The quantity of this atomized fuel which enters the
cylinder is controlled bya throttle valve. SIn a motor car the throttle valve is
opened and closed by operating the accelerator pedal.
The Four-Stroke Petrol Engine 93
tappet - - -'-_"...."
cylinder head
1--t7':77--valve guide
induction - - - t l - - 11--t'7'n-va1ve stem
cam - - - I camshaft
9The function of the valves is to open and close at the correct time when the
engine is running so that fuel can enter the cylinder and the exhaust gases
escape. lOThe valve illustrated is an inlet valve. 11 It is fitted into the ....
12 Fuel from the ... enters the ... through it. 13The ... is ground so that it
fits the ... exactly, forming a gas-tight seal. 14The ... slides through a
... , which is a sleeve of bronze tapered at one end so that it can be driven
tightly into the cylinder-head.
15The inlet valve is kept closed by means of a . . . . 16The ends of the
spring are held between two .... 170ne collar is set in the cylinder head
while the upper collar is attached to the valve stem.
18The valve is opened at the right moment by means of a ... mounted on
a . . . . 19This shaft is driven by the engine crankshaft. 20 As the cam turns
it pushes up the ... which in turn raises one end of the .... 21 The other end
presses down on the valve stem and the valve opens. 22 A small screw, called
the ... , is provided at one end of the rocker to allow slight adjustments to
be made in the proportion of the lift from the cam being imparted to the
cylinder -
1 2
inlet valve
0 jacket
i 4 crankshaft
The Four-Stroke Petrol Engine 95
9. The brakes are applied when the . They reduce its speed to 20 km/h.
car has a speed of 54 km/h.
10. As the governor spins, the This raises the shaft collar and
weights pun outwards. reduces the fuel supply to the engine.
96 English in Mechanical Engineering
effort bar
7. Rotate gear B at
40 rev/min.
- - B
80 teeth
The Four-Stroke Petrol Engine 97
Raise load L.
Rotate gear B at
10. 50 rev/min anti-clockwise.
100teeth 50 teeth
2 dimensional 3 dimensional
0 circle circular
sphere spherical
I I rectangle rectangular
," .,
cylinder cylindrical
D triangle triangular
cone conical
ellipse elliptical straight
When an object has a regular geometric shape we can use one of the adjectives
from the table above to describe it.
a square faceplate
When the object has no recognized geometric shape but does resemble a
well-known object or a letter of the alphabet, it may be described in one of
the following ways:
a mushroom-shaped valve
a valve shaped like a mushroom
The Four-Stroke Petrol Engine 99
a V-shaped cut [j
Now describe the shapes of the following objects as completely as possible.
1. piston
3. rivet head
4. side plate
5. caliper gauge @
6. nut @
8. pulley belt - cross-section •
15. cross-section of a steel beam
The top rings keep gas from escaping from the combustion chamber.
The bottom ring is called the oil-control ring.
The bottom ring keeps the flow of oil to the minimum necessary.
The oil lubricates the rings and the pistons.
The bottom ring clears surplus oil from the cylinder walls.
A hole through the piston holds the gudgeon pin.
The gudgeon pin connects the piston and the connecting rod.
The gudgeon pin should be of the floating type.
The gudgeon pin should be hollow.
The piston must be well designed.
The piston is subjected to compressive stress.
The piston must withstand repeated impact loads.
The piston must withstand heat.
The piston must move up and down at an average speed of 13 mls in
automobile engines.
Read the following passage in your own time. If there are any words you
don't know, look them up in your dictionary. Try to find additional examples
of the points you have studied in this and other units.
path round the cylinder so that the apexes of the piston, which carry gas-
tight seals, are always in contact with the inside surface of the cylinder.
The piston thus forms three crescent-shaped spaces between itself and
the cylinder wall, which vary in size as the piston rotates. Fuel enters the
cylinder through the inlet port when one of these spaces is increasing in
size. The fuel trapped in this section is then compressed by the turning
piston and ignited by the sparking plug. The expanding gases subject the
water jacket
sparking plug - -
4 stationary gear
gas-tight seal
--exhaust port
piston to a twisting moment which makes the pIston revolve further until
the exhaust gases escape through the exhaust port. A fresh charge is then
induced into the cylinder. Meanwhile the same process is being repeated
in the other two spaces between the piston and the cylinder.
The Wankel engine has many advantages over the reciprocating piston
engine. Fewer moving parts are necessary because it produces a rotary
movement without using a connecting rod and a crankshaft. Because of this
rotary movement it has no vibration. In addition it has no valves, it is
smaller and lighter than conventional engines of the same power, and it
runs economically on diesel and several other fuels.
UNIT 1 Corrosion
1. What is corrosion?
2. How does corrosion make a structure more expensive?
3. How do stainless steels resist corrosion?
4. Why is Monel metal used for marine engine parts?
5. What are cupronickels and what special properties do they have?
6. What is electrolytic corrosion caused by?
7. How can corrosion be controlled?
UNIT 3 Gravity
1. What kind of force is gravity?
2. What is weight?
3. When does weightlessness occur?
4. Why won't normal pens write in weightless conditions?
5. Why do people weigh less on the moon?
6. What error do we make in assuming that gravity always exerts a force
of 9·81 N on a body for every kilogramme of its mass?
UNIT 4 Lubrication
1. Explain how a screw-jack depends on friction.
2. Why is it important that friction is high between a belt and a pulley
3. What are the disadvantages of friction?
4. Why do two polished steel surfaces weld together only at a few points?
5. Why is static friction between steel surfaces greater than sliding friction?
6. How does oil reduce friction?
7. Why cannot power loss be eliminated by lubrication?
8. What factors influence the choice of a lubricant?
104 English in Mechanical Engineering
UNIT 5 Beams
1. What effect does a load have on a horizontal beam?
2. What kind of stress stretches a material?
3. If the beam shown in Diagram 1 were two metres longer, what effect
would this have on the bending moments?
4. Why is it not necessary to have a lot of steel in the web of a beam?
5. How is a castellated girder made?
6. What advantage does a castellated girder have over a normal beam?
7: Why is the depth of a beam important?
UNIT 7 Cranes
1. What is the difference between a hoist and a crane?
2. What are jib cranes?
3. What are the two horizontal movements of an overhead travelling
4. What is a goliath crane?
5. Why do shipyard cranes require fine electrical control for raising and
lowering the crane hook?
6. Describe the operation of a kangaroo crane.
7. When is a grab used instead of a hook?
8. Explain the difference between a mobile and a portable crane.