Longitude of The Ascending Node
Longitude of The Ascending Node
Longitude of The Ascending Node
The longitude of the ascending node (☊ or Ω) is one of the orbital elements used to specify the
orbit of an object in space. It is the angle from a reference direction, called the origin of
longitude, to the direction of the ascending node, measured in a reference plane.[1] The ascending
node is the point where the orbit of the object passes through the plane of reference, as seen in
the adjacent image. Commonly used reference planes and origins of longitude include:
For a geocentric orbit, Earth's equatorial plane as the reference plane, and the First Point
of Aries as the origin of longitude. In this case, the longitude is also called the right
ascension of the ascending node, or RAAN. The angle is measured eastwards (or, as
seen from the north, counterclockwise) from the First Point of Aries to the node.[2][3]
For a heliocentric orbit, the ecliptic as the reference plane, and the First Point of Aries as
the origin of longitude. The angle is measured counterclockwise (as seen from north of
the ecliptic) from the First Point of Aries to the node.[2]
For an orbit outside the Solar System, the plane tangent to the celestial sphere at the point
of interest (called the plane of the sky) as the reference plane, and north, i.e. the
perpendicular projection of the direction from the observer to the North Celestial Pole
onto the plane of the sky, as the origin of longitude. The angle is measured eastwards (or,
as seen by the observer, counterclockwise) from north to the node.[4], pp. 40, 72, 137; [5], chap. 17.
In the case of a binary star known only from visual observations, it is not possible to tell which
node is ascending and which is descending. In this case the orbital parameter which is recorded
is the longitude of the node, Ω, which is the longitude of whichever node has a longitude
between 0 and 180 degrees.[5], chap. 17;[4], p. 72.
Calculation from state vectors[edit]
In astrodynamics, the longitude of the ascending node can be calculated from the specific
relative angular momentum vector h as follows:
Here, n=<nx, ny, nz> is a vector pointing towards the ascending node. The reference plane is
assumed to be the xy-plane, and the origin of longitude is taken to be the positive x-axis. k is the
unit vector (0, 0, 1), which is the normal vector to the xy reference plane.
For non-inclined orbits (with inclination equal to zero), Ω is undefined. For computation it is
then, by convention, set equal to zero; that is, the ascending node is placed in the reference
direction, which is equivalent to letting n point towards the positive x-axis.
Mean longitude
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Mean longitude is the ecliptic longitude at which an orbiting body could be found if its orbit
were circular and free of perturbations. While nominally a simple longitude, in practice the mean
longitude does not correspond to any one physical angle.[1]
1 Definition
2 Discussion
3 Formulae
4 See also
5 References
An orbiting body's mean longitude is calculated l = Ω + ω + M, where Ω is the longitude of the
ascending node, ω is the argument of the pericenter and M is the mean anomaly, the body's
angular distance from the pericenter as if it moved with constant speed rather than with the
variable speed of an elliptical orbit. Its true longitude is calculated similarly, L = Ω + ω + ν,
where ν is the true anomaly.
Define a reference direction, ♈︎, along the ecliptic. Typically, this is the direction of the
vernal equinox. At this point, ecliptic longitude is 0°.
The body's orbit is generally inclined to the ecliptic, therefore define the angular distance
from ♈︎to the place where the orbit crosses the ecliptic from south to north as the
longitude of the ascending node, Ω.
Define the angular distance along the plane of the orbit from the ascending node to the
pericenter as the argument of the pericenter, ω.
Define the mean anomaly, M, as the angular distance from the pericenter which the body
would have if it moved in a circular orbit, in the same orbital period as the actual body in
its elliptical orbit.
From these definitions, the mean longitude, l, is the angular distance the body would have from
the reference direction if it moved with uniform speed,
l = Ω + ω + M,
measured along the ecliptic from ♈︎to the ascending node, then up along the plane of the body's
orbit to its mean position.[2]
Mean longitude, like mean anomaly, does not measure an angle between any physical objects. It
is simply a convenient uniform measure of how far around its orbit a body has progressed since
passing the reference direction. While mean longitude measures a mean position and assumes
constant speed, true longitude measures the actual longitude and assumes the body has moved
with its actual speed, which varies around its elliptical orbit. The difference between the two is
known as the equation of the center.[3]
From the above definitions, define the longitude of the pericenter
ϖ = Ω + ω.
l = ϖ + M.
Another form often seen is the mean longitude at epoch, ε. This is simply the mean longitude at a
reference time t0, known as the epoch. Mean longitude can then be expressed,[2]
l = ε + n(t − t0), or
l = ε + nt, since t = 0 at the epoch t0.
where n is the mean angular motion and t is any arbitrary time. In some sets of orbital elements,
ε is one of the six elements.[2]
True longitude
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In celestial mechanics true longitude is the ecliptic longitude at which an orbiting body could
actually be found if its inclination were zero. Together with the inclination and the ascending
node, the true longitude can tell us the precise direction from the central object at which the body
would be located at a particular time.
The true longitude l can be calculated as follows:[1][2][3]
The mean longitude is the sum of the right ascension of the ascending node Ω Ω , the
argument of periapsis ω ω and the mean anomaly M M :
L=Ω+M+ω L=Ω+M+ω
As Ω Ω is measured in the equatorial plane and ω ω and M M in the orbital plane, L L is a
broken angle and represents an angle if (and only if) the orbit is circular and equatorial (i.e.
no inclination)
For a satellite on a keplerian orbit, the mean anomaly defines the position along the orbit at
a given epoch. It is for instance used in the two-line element set (TLE).
So the mean longitude is a combination of measures in the equatorial plane and the orbital
plane and the mean anomaly is a measure in the orbital plane only.
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The longitude of the ascending node (☊ or Ω) is one of the orbital
elements used to specify the orbit of an object in space. It is the angle from a
reference direction, called the origin of longitude, to the direction of the
ascending node, measured in a reference plane.[1] The ascending node is
the point where the orbit of the object passes through the plane of reference,
as seen in the adjacent image. Commonly used reference planes and origins
of longitude include:
In the case of a binary star known only from visual observations, it is not
possible to tell which node is ascending and which is descending. In this case
the orbital parameter which is recorded is the longitude of the node, Ω,
which is the longitude of whichever node has a longitude between 0 and 180
degrees.[5], chap. 17;[4], p. 72.
Calculation from state vectors
In astrodynamics, the longitude of the ascending node can be calculated
from the specific relative angular momentum vector h as follows:
n = k × h = ( − h y , h x , 0 ) Ω = { arccos n x | n | , n y ≥ 0 ; 2 π −
arccos n x | n | , n y 0. {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {n}
&=\mathbf {k} \times \mathbf {h} =(-h_{y},h_{x},0)\\\Omega
&={\begin{cases}\arccos {{n_{x}} \over {\mathbf {\left|
n\right|} }},&n_{y}\geq 0;\\2\pi -\arccos {{n_{x}} \over {\mathbf
{\left|n\right|} }},&n_{y}
Kepler orbits
Orbital node
Perturbation of the orbital plane can cause precession of the ascending
where is the mean longitude at epoch. L is a broken angle, measured in the reference plane from the zero point
to the ascending node and then around the orbit. The true longitude is
so the difference between true and mean longitude is
True longitude of Moon = mean longitude + mean anomaly + evection + variation + annual
inequality (+ ...)
Select "Orbit" instead of "Diagram" to watch the geocentric motion of the Moon.
L = L0 + ...
term1 = -212"*sin(2*M-2D)
term2 = -206"*sin(M+MSun-2D)
term3 = +192"*sin(M+2D)
term4 = -165"*sin(MSun-2D)
term4 = +148"*sin(L-MSun)
term5 = -110"*Math.sin(M+MSun)
term6 = - 55"*Math.sin(2F-2D)
The eccentric anomaly (a parameterization of
polar angle)
The true anomaly specifies the position along the
ν orbit.
The mean anomaly is the angle of the line joining
the focus (Earth) to a hypothetical body that has
the same orbital period but travels at a uniform
angular speed:
M = n·(t - T)
M = E - e·sin(E)
Moon Light
More Blue Moon
Full Moon distance
Kepler's Equation
Kepler's equation gives the relation between the polar coordinates of a celestial body (such as a planet) and the time
elapsed from a given initial point. Kepler's equation is of fundamental importance in celestial mechanics, but cannot
be directly inverted in terms of simple functions in order to determine where the planet will be at a given time.
Let be the mean anomaly (a parameterization of time) and the eccentric anomaly (a parameterization of polar
angle) of a body orbiting on an ellipse with eccentricity , then
For not a multiple of , Kepler's equation has a unique solution, but is a transcendental equation and so cannot be
inverted and solved directly for given an arbitrary . However, many algorithms have been derived for solving the
equation as a result of its importance in celestial mechanics.
(Wintner 1941, Moulton 1970, Henrici 1974, Finch 2003). Surprisingly, this series diverges for
(OEIS A033259), a value known as the Laplace limit. In fact, converges as a geometric series with ratio
(Finch 2003).
There is also a series solution in Bessel functions of the first kind,
This series converges for all like a geometric series with ratio
The equation can also be solved by letting be the angle between the planet's motion and the direction perpendicular
to the radius vector. Then
The point at which Laplace's formula for solving Kepler's equation begins diverging is known as the Laplace limit.
To display the date, time, and distance of lunar perigees and apogees for a given year, enter the
year in the box below and press "Calculate". Depending on the speed of your computer, it may
take a while for the results to appear in the text boxes. This page requires your browser to
support JavaScript, and that JavaScript be enabled; all computation is done on your own
computer so you can, if you wish, save this page in a file and use it even when not connected to
the Internet.
All dates and times are Universal time (UTC); to convert to local time add or subtract the
difference between your time zone and UTC, remembering to include any additional offset due
to summer time for dates when it is in effect. For each perigee and apogee the distance in
kilometres between the centres of the Earth and Moon is given. Perigee and apogee distances are
usually accurate to within a few kilometres compared to values calculated with the definitive
ELP 2000-82 theory of the lunar orbit; the maximum error over the years 1977 through 2022 is
12 km in perigee distance and 6 km at apogee.
The closest perigee and most distant apogee of the year are marked with "++" if closer in time to
full Moon or "--" if closer to new Moon. Other close-to-maximum apogees and perigees are
flagged with a single character, again indicating the nearer phase. Following the flags is the
interval between the moment of perigee or apogee and the closest new or full phase; extrema
cluster on the shorter intervals, with a smaller bias toward months surrounding the Earth's
perihelion in early January. "F" indicates the perigee or apogee is closer to full Moon, and "N"
that new Moon is closer. The sign indicates whether the perigee or apogee is before ("-") or after
("+") the indicated phase, followed by the interval in days and hours. Scan for plus signs to find
"photo opportunities" where the Moon is full close to apogee and perigee.
This table gives the time of all new and full Moons in the indicated year, as well as the last phase
of the preceding year and the first phase of the next year.
Chapront-TouzÈ, Michelle and Jean Chapront. Lunar Tables and Programs from 4000 B.C. to
A.D. 8000 . Richmond: Willmann-Bell, 1991. ISBN 0-943396-33-6.
If you need more precise calculation of the Moon's position than given in the references
above, you're probably going to end up here. This book presents the ELP 2000-85 theory
which, while less accurate than ELP 2000-82, has been tested for stability over a much
longer time span. ELP 2000-85 generates predictions of lunar longitude accurate to
0.0004 degrees for the years 1900 through 2100, and 0.0054 degrees for the period 1500
through 2500.
Chapront-TouzÈ, Michelle and Jean Chapront. Lunar solution ELP 2000-82B.
This is the most precise semi-analytical theory of the Moon's motion for observations
near the present epoch. Machine-readable files for all of the tables and a sample
FORTRAN program which uses them to compute lunar ephemerides may be obtained
from the Astronomical Data Center at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center by FTP
across the Internet, or on CD-ROM, along with a wide variety of other astronomical
catalogues and tables. This material is intended for experts in positional astronomy and
computation. If you can't figure it out, don't ask me for help.
The ascending node (Ω) is one of the orbital elements that must be specified in
order to define the orientation of an elliptical orbit. The other orbital elements are
The ascending node is usually quoted as the angular position at which a celestial body
passes from the southern side of a reference plane to the northern side, hence
‘ascending’. For objects orbiting the Sun, the most convenient reference plane is the
orbital plane of the Earth. In other systems, such as orbits of satellites around a
The sequence of images below shows how an elliptical orbit with eccentricity, e, and
semi-major axis, a, is rotated relative to a reference axis. For orbits in the Solar
System, the x-y plane would coincide with the orbital plane of the Earth. The top row of
images is a view down the z-axis (a top view), while the bottom row of images is
looking along the y-axis (a side view). The ascending node is indicated by the yellow
left: First, the elliptical orbit is rotated by an angle ω, the argument of perihelion.
middle: Next, the orbit is tilted by an angle, i, the inclination. right: Finally, the
tilted orbit is rotated such that an object moving around the orbit passes from the
lower side of the x-y plane to the upper side at the ascending node. The part of the
orbit that is above the reference plane is coloured red, while the part below the
The descending node is located 180 degrees (half-way) further around the orbit.
Celestial Mechanics
i. Introduction
ii. Newton's Laws
iii. Keplerian Orbits
iv. Coordinates and Orbits
v. Cometary Orbits
vi. Determination of Orbits
vii. Earth Satellites
viii. Other Orbit Lore
ix. References
The grand title for this article conceals the fact that all I want to do here is to show how to use published
orbital elements to find the location of a planet in the solar system, and to provide a good explanation for
what is involved in the process, including the elements of Newtonian mechanics. I have derived all the
results used, with one or two minor exceptions, but it is not necessary to understand the derivations to use
the results. However, it certainly helps to know what you are doing.
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) discovered that the planets moved in elliptical orbits, and his three laws
permit the calculation of planetary position once the orbit is known. Although correct, the loss of ideal
circular motion as a fundamental (though impossible to apply) concept was a disappointment. This was
changed into beautiful triumph in 1686 by Isaac Newton (1642-1727), who showed that the observed
orbital motion was a consequence of fundamental principles of universal application.
Newton's formulation of mechanics, which involved the new concepts of mass and force, was subjected to
intense, but sterile, criticism by Ernst Mach (1838-1916) and others, which did not change its application
to the slightest degree, and shed no light on its fundamentals. The ideas of Albert Einstein (1879-1955),
on the other hand, modified the fundamentals essentially, especially in the theory of gravity and the
kinematics of motion, making the theory able to explain the smallest discrepancies with the earlier
predictions. This theory of relativity has also been abundantly proved by observation. Except for Newton
and Einstein, all the vast amount of work in mechanics has been the elaboration and application of the
theory, which has proved in every respect correct. Particularly notable is the work of Joseph Louis
Lagrange (1736-1813) in The Beautiful Theory, where forces are replaced by work and energy, and the
laws of mechanics can be expressed as problems in maxima and minima. This branch of mechanics is
usually called analytical mechanics, and mechanics with forces is called vector mechanics, from the
convenient use of that formalism.
Newton's theory of motion, in its original form, is still the basis of engineering mechanics, and a
fundamental part of engineering training. Indeed, it is still used in celestial mechanics. The only aspect
needing relativistic corrections so far has been the time effects in the Global Positioning System. In the
solar system, velocities are very comfortably less than the speed of light, 3 x 10 8 m/s, although distances
are great. Light requires about 8 minutes to pass from the sun to the earth, and gravity travels at the same
speed. However, the sun does not care a great deal about the force exerted on it by the earth, while the
earth moves in a static gravitational field, so the effects of the finite speed of gravity are not evident.
These effects have, however, recently been measured and verified, so it is known that gravity is not
instantaneous. We will not need to consider any relativistic effects in the sequel, leaving these tiny effects
to another article.
Newton's Laws
Newton's laws of motion are: (1) a body under no forces moves uniformly in a straight line; (2) the
acceleration of a body is equal to the force acting on it divided by its mass; and (3) the mutual forces
acting between two bodies are equal and opposite. Newton stated the laws in this form so that these
axioms would use only common notions and not involve any results following from them, in the spirit of
Euclidean geometry. I have used different words in an attempt at conciseness, but the import is the same.
The first law gives an operational method for determining an inertial system, a way of describing the
position of a mass point in space as a function of time. In the absence of gravitating masses (such as the
earth) it is found that a Euclidean space is such a system, in which a uniform time can be approximated by
periodic events (such as the oscillations in lasers). Strictly (and uselessly) speaking, the definition is
circular, but in practice it is clearly possible to establish inertial systems at least approximately, and the
results obtained agree perfectly with observation.
The second law defines force as the cause of a time rate of change of velocity, by dv/dt = f/m. Again, the
definition is logically faulty, but can be realized with great accuracy in practice. Whatever causes a
change in velocity in an inertial system is a force. Masses can be compared dynamically, or more easily
by the gravitational forces on them. A consistent array of masses and forces can be assembled, which
always gives the observed motion. When the velocity is known, the position can be found from the
kinematical relation dr/dt = v. Relations not involving force we call kinematical, those involving force,
The third law guarantees that the total linear momentum and total angular momentum will be conserved;
that is, that they will remain constant during the motion. These quantities are defined later, and their
conservation is the motive for the third law, which cannot be stated in a general form in other than an
extremely tedious and unilluminating way. Of course, not all forces obey it (magnetic forces between
currents are an example), but nevertheless momenta are conserved. The conservation of momentum is an
important fundamental of mechanics; the third law is a way of introducing it in terms of forces. In
celestial mechanics, all the forces are central (act along the line joining two interacting masses) and so the
simple statement is sufficient.
The path traced by the tip of the velocity vector v as time elapses is called the hodograph, and the path
traced by the tip of the position vector r is called the trajectory. An orbit is a special kind of trajectory, a
closed (or almost closed) curve. For more information on the hodograph, see The Hodograph. These
curves are useful in describing, visualizing and analyzing the motion.
The momentum is the product p = mv. The second law can be written dp/dt = f, so that force is the rate of
change of momentum. If two particles m and m' interact, then f' = -f from the third law, so that (d/dt)(p +
p') = f + f' = 0, or dP = 0, where P = p + p' is the total momentum. The two particles, taken as a whole,
constitute an isolated system, on which no net force acts, so the rate of change of momentum is zero, and
thus the momentum is constant.
The angular momentum with respect to a point O is the vector J = r x p, where r is the radius
vector from O to any point on the line of action of p = mv. In the figure, J points out of the page.
If we use r x p instead of p in the equations of the preceding paragraph, we can prove that the total
angular momentum is conserved. The conservation of linear and angular momentum gives us six
scalar constants of the motion, useful in analyzing and understanding the motion. The existence of these
constants is no trivial matter, but a beautiful and fundamental result of the theory.
The second law can be formally integrated to give p = ∫ fdt = I, where I is a vector called the impulse, the
integral of the force with respect to time. By taking moments about point O, we obtain a similar
expression for the angular impulse. Of course, the limits on the integrals must be handled properly.
If the second law is scalar-multiplied by v, we find mv·(dv/dt) = f·v, or (d/dt)(mv2/2) = f·v = -dW/dt. This
introduces two new scalar quantities, the kinetic energy T = mv2/2, and the work -W = ∫ f·dr. I am sorry
for the minus sign, but it simply means that work is being done on the particle, while W is conventionally
the work done by the particle. If W is a function of position, then in vector notation f = - grad W. In one
dimension, f = - dW/dx, which may be more familiar. What we have shown is that (d/dt)(T + W) = 0, or T
+ W = constant, a new conservation law. If W is a conservative quantity (that is, its value is independent
of path and depends only on position), it is called the potential energy V. Then, the total energy E = T +
V is conserved in the motion. Energy is a widely used and misused quantity that could be discussed in
great detail, but only its bare definition is required here, and the reader is assumed to be familiar with it.
The introduction of energy permits the use of generalized coordinates, and the derivation of equations of
motion by the Lagrange procedure, which uses the Lagrangian function L = T - V. This facilitates the
solutions of very many problems, since we are liberated from carrying around a basket of vector
components. For more information, follow the link in the Introduction to the article on Lagrangian
For vector mechanics, it is convenient to have expressions for the velocity and acceleration
components in polar coordinates. These are derived in the References, but will be summarized
here. v = (dr/dt)r' + (rdθ/dt)θ'. r' and θ' are unit vectors pointing radially outward, and tangentially
in the anticlockwise sense, with respect to the position vector r, as shown in the diagram. The rectangular
unit vectors i and j are also shown. Note that dr'/dθ = θ' and dθ'/dθ = -r', while the derivatives with
respect to r are zero. dv/dt = [d2r/dt2 - r(dθ/dt)2]r' + (1/r)(d/dt)(r2dθ/dt)θ'.
The reader should carefully note the distinction between, for example, d 2r/dt2 and d2r/dt2. The first is the
second derivative of a scalar quantity, a simple thing. The second is a vector, and since the direction of r
can change, the complete expression is somewhat elaborate, as we have just seen. It is essential to
distinguish carefully between scalars and vectors, which are arrays of scalars.
These relations are very useful. For example, suppose that the force is central, so that the tangential
component of the acceleration is zero. This means that (d/dt)(r 2dθ/dt) = 0, or r2dθ/dt = constant = h. Now,
half of r times r dθ is the area dA swept out by the radius vector in dt, so h is 2dA/dt. Also, mrdθ/dt is the
component of the momentum perpendicular to the radius vector, so mr 2dθ/dt = mh is the angular
momentum. We then have that the angular momentum L = mh is a constant. Also, this means that the
motion takes place in a plane, and L is perpendicular to this plane. We have found out a lot here with very
little effort. The constancy of areal velocity is one of the most useful properties of orbital motion, not just
a curiosity. It relates the rate of change of the angle θ to the radius r.
Keplerian Orbits
Kepler's three laws of planetary motion, deduced by prolonged and tedious consideration of the observed
position of Mars, are: (1) the planets move in ellipses with the sun at one focus; (2) the areas swept out by
the radius vector in equal time intervals are equal; and (3) The cubes of the mean distances (half the major
axis of the orbit) are proportional to the squares of the periodic times. These laws are sufficient to
determine the position of a planet at any later time if its position is known at one time, and the dimensions
and orientation of the orbit are known.
For a deeper understanding, and the power to attack an arbitrary problem in orbital motion, such as the
movement of earth satellites, we should consider the dynamics, on the basis of Newton's theory. The force
acting between two spherical, radially symmetric bodies of masses M and m a distance r apart is, by
Newtonian gravitation, GMm/r2 in magnitude, and is directed along the line joining the centres of the two
bodies. G is the Newtonian gravitational constant, 6.67259 x 10-11 m3/kg-s. Since the force is central, the
angular momentum is conserved, and the bodies revolve about one another in a plane with the centre of
mass (the barycentre) fixed. The motion can be analyzed as the rotation of a reduced mass Mm/(M + m)
about the centre of gravity. The potential energy V is -GMm/r, and is negative because the particles
attract. For the total energy to be zero, T = mv2/2 = GMm/r, or v = √(2GM/r). This is the escape velocity
from the particle of mass M at the distance r. At the surface of the earth, the escape velocity is 11,200 m/s
or 25,200 mph. This is also the velocity of a meteor that comes in from infinity. The escape velocity from
the sun at the distance of the earth is 42,000 m/s or about 95,000 mph. It is not easy to get away from the
earth; it is even harder to escape from the sun.
If we consider a circular orbit of radius a, as shown in the figure at the left, then GMm/a 2 =
[Mm/(M + m)]a(dθ/dt)2, since v = a(dθ/dt) and the centripetal acceleration is v 2/a. This is the
equation of motion for the relative motion, with r the distance between M and m. The center of
gravity of M and m moves with constant velocity, not affected by the relative motion. Thus, G(M
+ m) = a3(dθ/dt)2 = 4π2(a3/P2), where P is the period of the motion. This is a derivation of Kepler's third
law for a special case, but it is a general result when a is the mean distance of any orbit. The quantity
G(M + m) is usually called μ, so that r3/P2 = μ/4π2. If r is in astronomical units (radius of the earth's orbit,
about 150 x 106 km), and the period P is in years, then G(M + m) = 4π 2 = μ. The quantity GM is called the
Gaussian gravitational constant k2 if time is in days instead of years, so we get approximately k 2 =
4π2/(365.25)2, and k = 0.017202. A more precise value is 0.01720209895. Untangling G from GM means
knowing the mass of the sun accurately, which is impossible, so celestial mechanics uses k instead of G.
The value should be corrected for the finite mass of the earth, but since the ratio of the sun's to the earth's
mass is 332,946 the correction is small.
The polar equation of an ellipse, with the origin in a focus, is r = p/(1 + e cos θ). The eccentricity of the
ellipse is e, and p is a length called the semi-latus-rectum. In connection with orbits, the angle θ is called
the true anomaly. In an elliptical orbit, 0 ≤ e < 1. When e = 0, we have a circular orbit r = p. The same
formula gives a parabola for e = 1, and a hyperbola for e > 1. In an ellipse, the maximum and minimum
radii are p/(1 - e) and p/(1 + e), respectively, and the corresponding points on the orbit are called aphelion
and perihelion, respectively. The distance from perihelion to aphelion is the major axis of the ellipse,
twice the mean distance a. Therefore, 2a = p/(1 - e) + p/(1 + e) = 2p/(1 - e 2), or p = a(1 - e2). The
perihelion distance is a(1 - e), the aphelion distance a(1 + e). The distance from the center to a focus is a -
a(1 - e) = ea = c. This defines the eccentricity as e = c/a. Since the ellipse is the locus of points the sum of
whose distances to the two foci is a constant, 2a, the length of the radius from a focus to the end of the
minor axis is a. Since this is the hypotenuse of a right triangle, a 2 = c2 + b2, where b is the semiminor axis.
Hence b = a √(1 - e2). The reader can show that the average value of r over one revolution is a. This is
about all we need to know about the geometry of the ellipse for present purposes. More information can
be found in The Ellipse.
If we know the orbit is an ellipse, and the areal velocity is constant, we should be able to prove that the
force is central and varies as the inverse square of the distance. On the other hand, if we know that the
force is central and inverse-square, then we should be able to prove that the orbit is an ellipse and the
areal velocity is constant. Either of these things can be done fairly easily. In the first case, differentiate the
expression for r with respect to time, obtaining dr/dt = (e/p) sin θ 2A, where A is the areal velocity (this
was called dA/dt above; now A represents the derivative). Then differentiate again to find d 2r/dt2 =
(4A2e/pr2) cos θ. The tangential acceleration is zero from the constancy of the areal velocity. The radial
acceleration is ar = (4A2e/pr2) cos θ - 4A2/r3 = - 4A2/pr2, which shows that the force is inverse square, and
we have already shown that it is central. In fact, GM = 4A2/p.
In the second case, the equations of motion in the plane of the orbit are d 2r/dt2 - r(dθ/dt)2 = -GM/r2 and
rd2θ/dt + 2(dr/dt)(dθ/dt) = 0. Now, (d/dt)(r2dθ/dt) = 2r(dr/dt)(dθ/dt) + r2d2θ/dt2 = 0, so the areal velocity A
= (1/2)r2(dθ/dt) = constant. Using this result, the radial equation becomes d 2r/dθ2 - (2/r)(dr/dθ)2 - r = -
r2GM/4A2. Making the substitution u = 1/r, this equation can be thrown into the form d 2u/dθ2 + u =
GM/4A2. This second-order linear equation with constant coefficients is easy to solve. We find u = 1/r =
GM/4A2 + C cos θ. This is the equation of a conic section, as we have seen above. If p = 4A 2/GM and e =
pC, we have r = p/(1 + e cos θ), which is what we wanted to prove.
Now we can find the components of the velocity. The transverse component is rdθ/dt = 2A/r = 2A(1 + e
cos θ)/p, where A is the areal velocity. The radial component is dr/dt = 2A(e/p)sin θ. The square of the
velocity is the sum of the squares, or v2 = 4A2[(1 + e2 + 2e cos θ]/p2] = 4A2[(1 - e2)/p2 + 2/pr] = -4A2/pa +
4A2/pr, from which the kinetic energy per unit mass (i.e., setting m = 1 for simplicity) is: v 2/2 = -GM/2a +
GM/r, since 4A2/p = GM. Rearranging, v2/2 - GM/r = -GM/2a, which is to say, T + V = E, with T = v2/2,
V = -GM/r and E = -GM/2a. The total energy is negative (i.e., the orbiting particle is "trapped") and a
function of the mean distance a only. The eccentricity is determined by the angular momentum h through
e2 = 1 - h2/aGM. When h = √aGM, the orbit is circular.
The quantity a, called the "mean distance," is not the average value of the radius vector r. It is the average
of the perihelion and aphelion distances, however. The time average value of 1/r turns out to be 1/a,
which is its real definition. A proof will not be supplied here until I find a simple one. This means that the
time average potential energy is -GM/a, and the time average kinetic energy is -GM/2a + GM/a =
+GM/2a. For a circular orbit, the kinetic and potential energies are constant. The time average value of r
is a(1 + e2/2), and the average of r over the true anomaly is b, the minor axis of the orbit. The average of
1/r over the true anomaly is 1/p.
We obtained the relation between the mean distance a and the orbital period P for the special case of a
circular orbit. A more general proof is as follows. The areal velocity dA/dt = h/2 = constant, so integrating
from t = 0 to t = P we find A = hP/2 = πab. We also know that p = a(1 - e 2) = h2/GM. Therefore, P2 =
4π2a2b2/h2 = [4π2/GM]a3, since b2/p = a. This is the desired general result. If we know the period and mean
distance of any orbit, we can calculate the gravitational constant GM, which in the general case is G(M +
Coordinates and Orbits
The angular coordinates that are used to describe directions in space are shown in the figure at the
left. The equator and ecliptic planes are shown. The dihedral angle between these two planes is ε =
23° 26' 21".412, or thereabouts. The equatorial coordinates are the right ascension α and the
declination δ, while the analogous ecliptic coordinates are the longitude λ and the latitude β. The
relations between the coordinates are best found by considering the rectangular components of the vector
OP, considered as of unit length, and then performing the rotation about the x-axis that takes one system
into the other. We will not require these relations at the present time.
The position of a body in the solar system can be specified in terms of a gigantic rectangular coordinate
system centered on the sun. The x-axis is always taken as pointing to the vernal equinox, a direction
specified by the line of intersection of the orbital plane of the earth (the ecliptic plane) with a plane
parallel to the equator of the earth, the equatorial plane. Both contain the centre of the sun. This is made
interesting by the precession of the normal to the equatorial plane around the pole of the ecliptic. In the
diagram, this is the movement of z' (the pole of the equator) around z (the pole of the ecliptic).
Fortunately, this is not too rapid, taking about 26,500 years for one revolution. The equatorial plane has to
be considered because our earth-based measurements use it as a reference, when directions are given in
terms of right ascension and declination. If we know a vector whose components are referred to this
plane, we can find the right ascension and declination of its direction. When the earth is located in its
orbital plane on the line of intersection of the ecliptic and equatorial planes, the sun is seen in front of the
vernal equinox about March 21, climbing from below the equator to above it. At this time, when we look
at the sun (careful!) we are looking in the direction of the x-axis of the heliocentric coordinate system.
The y-axis of the ecliptic coordinates is in the plane of the ecliptic, at right angles to the x-axis, and in the
direction in which the planets move, in which a screw would advance in the direction of the north pole of
the earth. The ecliptic z-axis is then perpendicular to the x- and y-axes, and makes a right-handed
coordinate system with them. The equatorial rectangular coordinates are defined analogously. If we
represent these coordinates by primes, x and x' are the same, while x',y' is rotated with respect to x,y by
the dihedral angle between the planes. The rotation from the z' axis to the z axis is a right-handed rotation
about the positive x,x' axis.
Longitudes are measured clockwise (eastwards) on the ecliptic plane from the vernal equinox, from 0° to
360°. The longitude of perihelion, ψ, is the angle measured clockwise from the vernal equinox to the
radius passing through perihelion. (A different symbol, a kind of ω, is used conventionally, but it is not
available here in HTML.) The longitude of perihelion of the earth's orbit is currently about 103°. This
locates the major axis of the orbit and the direction from which the true anomaly is measured.
Other planets move on orbital planes inclined to the ecliptic by the inclination, i. They intersect the
ecliptic on a line called the line of nodes. The longitude of the ascending node, Ω, is the angle
measured clockwise from the vernal equinox to the line of nodes, on the end where the orbit is
climbing above the ecliptic plane, called the ascending node. The node 180° away is, not
surprisingly, the descending node. Note in the figure that the traditional symbol for the ascending node is
used, which we represent in text by Ω, which looks similar. The symbol for the descending node is
inverted, with the two little loops on the top. The longitude of perihelion in this case is the longitude of
the ascending node, plus the angle ω in the orbital plane from the node to the perihelion. This may be a
little odd, but it does locate the perihelion. That is, ψ = Ω + ω. These quantities are illustrated in the
Now that the orbital plane and the direction of the perihelion have been specified by the three orbital
elements i, Ω and ψ, we proceed to specify the shape of the orbit by its mean distance a and its
eccentricity e. The position of the body in its orbit at a specified time is given by a sixth element, the
mean longitude at the epoch. The "epoch" is just the reference time assumed, usually by its Julian date.
The mean distance a determines the orbital period P through Kepler's third law. Therefore, only one of a
or P need be specified. The mean daily motion, 360° divided by the orbital period, is often given in place
of P. Orbital elements for planets, asteroids and comets can be found online at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory website whose link is given in the References.
The constancy of the areal velocity is used to locate the body in its orbit at a specified time. This is
called Kepler's Problem, which Kepler also solved. The solution is illustrated in the figure. A
reference circle of radius a is drawn around the orbital ellipse. Point Q is projected onto the
auxilary circle by a perpendicular to the major axis to point Q'. The line CQ' then defines the angle
E at the centre of the circle, called the eccentric anomaly. We can show that it is related to the radius
vector r and the true anomaly θ by r = a(1 - e cos E) and tan (θ/2) = √[(1 + e)/(1 - e)] tan E/2. The shaded
sector PFQ is the area swept out by the radius vector, and the area is proportional to the time. The area
FPQ' is proportional to the area FPQ, since it is merely magnified vertically in the ratio a/b = 1/√(1 - e 2).
Indeed, the total area of the orbit is πab, while the total area of the circle is πa 2. Therefore, this larger area
FPQ' increases uniformly with time as well. Since the total area is πa 2, the area swept out is given by
(πa2/P)t, where t is the time since perihelion passage. This area can also be found in terms of E, since it is
the area of the whole sector PCQ' less the area of the triangle CQ'F. The area of the sector is πa 2(E/2π) =
(a2/2)E. The area of the triangle is (1/2)(a sin E)(ae) = (a 2/2)e sin E. Therefore, we have E - e sin E = 2πt/P
= M, called Kepler's Equation. M is called the mean anomaly and increases proportionally to time after
perihelion passage. This is really a beautiful result, allowing us to find the position in orbit in terms of a
uniformly increasing quantity.
Kepler's Equation can be easily solved by iteration. If it is written E = M + e sin E, we find the iteration
equation En+1 = M + e sin En (e is the eccentricity here, not the base of natural logarithms). Starting with
E0 = M, a few interations are enough to get good precision, especially when e is small. The iterations are
very easy, and can be performed on a pocket calculator. For e = 0.1, six iterations give 8 digits. The
Newton-Raphson method can also be used. This method finds the roots of the equation f(x) = 0 by
improving an initial guess x0 by the formula xn+1 = x0 - f(xn)/f'(xn). A sketch will reveal the reasoning
behind this formula. In this case, f(E) = M - E + e sin E = 0 is the function, and f'(E) = e cos E - 1. Fewer
iterations are required, but each requires more work, than in the case of simple iteration. In practice, an
expansion in powers of e is often used for small e, but the iteration methods are no more trouble,
especially for a computer.
Although the determination of position in orbit may sound complicated, it is really quite straightforward,
and after you have done it a few times, it will be easy. Let's find the position of the earth on 2003 April 2.
The figures come from the Astronomical Almanac for 2003, p. E4. On Jan 1, JD 245 2640.5, the mean
longitude of the earth was 100.2440°, and the longitude of perihelion was 103.0°. April 2 is 91 days later,
so M = 100.2440 - 103.0 + 91 x 0.9856 = 86.93° = 1.5172 radians. A first approximation to E is M + e sin
M, and e = 0.0167, so the correction is 0.01668 radians, and E = 1.5339 radians or 87.89°. There is no
need to iterate again. The mean distance can be taken as 1.00000, so r = 0.9994 and θ = 88.84°. The
earth's longitude is 103.0 + 88.84 = 191.84°. On p. C8, the solar ephemeris gives longitude 11.8506° and r
= 0.9994. The solar longitude is 180° less than the earth's, or 11.84° according to our calculation. In both
cases, we are using the mean ecliptic of date, and came quite close using Keplerian orbital elements
instead of the more elaborate calculations used to calculate the solar ephemeris. Precise orbits require the
consideration of planetary perturbations, and this is a very difficult subject indeed.
The orbit of the moon is an example, since it is subject to perturbations by the earth's spheroidal shape
and the sun that make its orbit vary in a very complicated way. In the case of the earth's orbit, we really
calculate the position of the earth-moon barycentre. This point is 4671 km from the centre of the earth,
about two-thirds of the way to the surface. The mean distance of the moon is 3.844 x 10 5 km, and its
sidereal period is 27.321661 days, from which G(M + m) can be calculated and used to relate mean
distance and period for other earth satellites after correcting for the mass of the moon. The moon's radius
is 1738 km, and its mass 7.3483 x 1022 kg. m/M = 0.0123, which is not quite negligible. The eccentricity
of the moon's orbit is about 0.0549, and its inclination 5.145396°. The plane of the orbit and the position
of perigee change rather rapidly. The small eccentricity of the earth's orbit suggests that the earth-moon
system did not suffer any external disturbance during its formation, and in particular any collision which
created the moon. This was a one-time event, so speculations on what happened can never be proved,
since no similar state is known, or is ever likely to become known.
Except for Mercury and Pluto, orbital inclinations are less than 4°, and eccentricities less than 0.0936, the
value for Mars. Kepler was fortunate to have picked Mars for study because of its relatively large
eccentricity, about twice those of Jupiter and Saturn. Venus's orbit is practically circular, with e = 0.0067.
Mercury not only has a large inclination, 7.005°, but an eccentric orbit, with e = 0.2056. Only Pluto has a
greater inclination and eccentricity, but it is probably a special case. Observations of Mercury and Pluto
were not available to Kepler, who had to work with Tycho's naked-eye observations.
The angle made by r with the x-axis in our problem was 191.84°, so the coordinates will be x = 0.9994
cos 191.84° = -0.97814, and y = 0.9994 x sin 191.84° = -0.20506, in astronomical units. In the more
general case of a planet in an inclined orbital plane, the radius is first projected on the line of nodes [a = r
cos (ω + θ)] and on a perpendicular (dip) line [b = r sin (ω + θ)]. Then z = b sin i, y = b cos i cos Ω + a sin
Ω, x = a cos Ω - b cos i sin Ω. It is just a matter of projecting r on the coordinate axes. The necessary
formulas are given on page E4 of the almanac. There is an expansion for the true anomaly directly in
terms of the mean anomaly, without going through the eccentric anomaly.
To find the equatorial rectangular components, rotate about the x-axis through an angle of i. This gives y'
= y cos i - z sin i and z' = y sin i + z cos i. If x', y' and z' are the components of a vector in equatorial
rectangular components, then the right ascension α is given by cos α = x'/√(x' 2 + y'2), and the declination δ
by sin δ = z'/√(x'2 + y'2 + z'2). The proper quadrants have to be determined. In this way, the direction in
which a planet is seen from the earth can be found.
Cometary Orbits
Comets can be divided into two classes, the short-period comets, like Halley's Comet, with a period of 76
years, and long-period comets, like Hale-Bopp (1995 O1), which do not return for thousands of years, if
at all. A period of 200 years is the conventional dividing-line. Short-period comets have elliptical orbits
like the planets, except that the eccentricity is larger, the inclination can take any value, and the comets
can move in a direct or retrograde direction. Retrograde motion is usually expressed by an inclination
greater than 90°. Comets were the first real test for Newton's theory, which finally showed that they were
normal members of the solar system, not mysterious atmospheric happenings, as had always been
supposed. Positions of short-period comets are calculated in the same way as planetary positions, and the
orbital elements are presented the same way.
Long-period comets come from the periphery of the solar system, where they wander in the hypothetical
Oort Cloud of cometary debris, normally water and carbon dioxide ice and dust. Their total energy is
about zero, so the eccentricity of their orbits when they make an excursion towards the sun is about 1.
That is, their orbits are parabolic. Short-period comets are those that have suffered an energy-losing
collison with a planet (usually Jupiter) and have dropped into an elliptical orbit. There must also have
been comets that have gained energy, entered hyperbolic orbits, and were ejected from the solar system.
Few, if any, comets have eccentricities significantly greater than 1, which would indicate that they were
encountered by the solar system in its path through space, and are not part of the family.
The parabola is a considerably simpler orbit than the ellipse. Its polar formula is r = p/(1 + cos θ) = (p/2)
sec2 (θ/2). The areal velocity A = √(GMp/4). Setting x = tan (θ/2), direct integration gives Kepler's
Equation as x + x3/3 = √(GM/2)(2/p)3/2(t - T). The one real root of this equation gives the position in orbit.
There are many ways to solve a cubic equation: refer to mathematics handbooks (see References), algebra
texts or mathematics programs. The time to move from perihelion to the end of the latus rectum is t 1 =
(1/2)√(p3/GM). 2t1 is a good measure of the time that the comet will spend near the sun.
The orbital elements include the inclination i, longitude of the ascending node Ω, and argument of
perihelion ω. The perihelion distance p/2 is given, and the JD of perihelion passage. For Hale-Bopp, the
perihelion distance was 0.91399384 and the time of perihelion passage was JD 245 0539.60742. The
inclination was 89.42064850°, longitude of ascending node 282.47215310°, and argument of perihelion
130.59561740. From these elements, it was possible to find the position of the comet as seen from the
earth. Cometary orbital elements are available on the internet soon after the discovery of a comet. The Jet
Propulsion Laboratory supplied the elements for Hale-Bopp shortly after it was discovered.
Halley's comet was the first periodic comet to be recognized. Edmund Halley (1656-1742), friend of
Newton's and later Astronomer Royal, suspected that the comets of 1531 and 1607 were the same as the
comet of 1682, since they had similar orbits. He predicted the return of the comet in 1758, which duly
occurred. Halley had published Newton's Principia at his own expense in 1678, and made an extensive
study of comets using the new theory. Halley's comet is the brightest of the short-period comets; most are
quite dim, and can even have orbits of small eccentricity like asteroids.
To show how to use the orbital elements given by JPL, let's look at them for Halley's comet. The time of
perihelion passage, Tp is shown as 19860209.45895, which I interpret to mean 1986 February 9, at
0.45895 part of the day, or 11h 0m 53s UT. I should have preferred the Julian Day, which would be
unambiguous. The "epoch" is the date to which the elements apply, which is given as 46480. This is a
modified JD. The JD can be obtained by adding 24400000.5, or JD 2446480.5, which is 1986 February
18. The size and shape of the orbit is specified by the perihelion distance q = 0.58710374, in AU, and e =
0.96727724. The eccentricity is nearly, but not quite, unity. Near perihelion, the orbit will be
indistinguishable from a parabola, so the parabolic formulas can be used for predicting its position while
it is near the sun and visible. The orientation of the orbital plane is specified by the longitude of the
ascending node, 58.86004°, and the inclination i = 162.24220°. When the numbers are located, look at the
symbols used in the website, which may not be the usual ones because of font limitations. Since i > 90°,
the motion of the comet in its orbit appears to be retrograde, opposite to the direction of motion of the
planets, if the inclination is taken to be 180° - 162.24220° = 17.75780°. Finally, the orientation of the
orbit in its plane is given by the argument of perihelion, 111.8656°, measured from the ascending node in
the direction of movement. It is not easy to comprehend the orbital position from the bare numbers; a
drawing, made with some care, will show exactly what is going on.
As the perihelion distance is q = a(1 - e), it is a simple matter to determine a. In fact, a = q/(1 - e) =
0.58710374/0.03272276 = 17.941755 AU. From this, the orbital period P can be found. Since P2/a3 = 1 if
P is in years (earth = 1) and a is in AU (earth = 1), P = 75.99716 years, very close to 76.0 years. The
aphelion distance is 2(17.941755) - 0.58710374 = 35.296 AU. This is outside the orbit of Neptune (a =
30) but not as far as Pluto (a = 39.5). In accordance with the law of areas, Halley's comet spends most of
its time drifting in this dark region, periodically darting in to the sun to have a little more of itself boiled
off into space.
Although orbital elements are given to high precision, the accuracy is not necessarily as high. Especially
for comets, they can be changed by planetary perturbations, sometimes by large amounts. The ejection of
gases from comets also leads to reaction forces that can affect the orbit. Also, the reference coordinates
may change with time, because of precession of the equinoxes and other effects, and this must be taken
into account in accurate calculations. These changes are not changes in the orbit, of course.
Determination of Orbits
Finding the orbital elements from observations, and predicting the changes in orbital elements due to
perturbations, are two of the most important problems in celestial mechanics, and have received close
attention from Newton's time onwards. We cannot give any reasonable account of this work here, but we
can show how orbital elements come from observed motions by a graphical analysis that is very
instructive, though of little practical use where high precision is required. The reader with drawing
supplies is encouraged to follow along.
We suppose known the position r of a body M from the sun and its velocity v relative to the sun. These
are six parameters that will serve to determine the six orbial elements. The orbital plane is defined by the
plane of r and v, and can be represented in two views by means of orthographic projection (descriptive
geometry; see Monge's Procedure). The line of intersection of the orbital plane with the ecliptic plane can
then be found, and the dihedral angle between the two planes. Since the line of intersection will be the
line of nodes, we have now found two of the orbital elements, Ω and i, which determine the plane of the
The next step is to calculate the mean distance a, using the energy relation v 2 = GM(1/r - 1/2a).
From a we can find the orbital period by P2/a3 = 4π2/GM. The radius vector SM and the line from
M to the other focus of the ellipse make equal angles with the tangent to the ellipse at M, which is
in the direction of v. In a view showing the orbital plane in true size, Lay off SM and MQ, where
MQ is an arbitrary line in the direction of the empty focus. The empty focus S' is located by laying off a
distance 2a - r along MQ', since the sum of the distances from the foci to M is 2a. Now we can draw the
line SS', find its center at O, and then the locations of perihelion and aphelion. The eccentricity of the
orbit is e = OS/a = OS'/a. The orbit can now be drawn, and the angle from the line of nodes to the
perihelion, the argument of perihelion, ω, can be measured, as well as the true anomaly θ, which is the
angle PSM. We now have the five elements Ω, i, ω, e, and a.
The remaining element is the time of perihelion passage, which can be found from the true anomaly.
First, we find the eccentric anomaly by tan(E/2) = [(1-e)/(1+e)] 1/2 tan(θ/2), and from it the mean anomaly
M = E - e sin E. The mean anomaly is M = 2π(t - T)/P, where T is the time of perihelion passage, and t is
the time of observation. That is, the body passed through perihelion at a time t - T = MP/2π earlier. We
have now determined all six orbital elements from the six components of the initial position and velocity.
This was easy because the distance r was one of the given quantities. In general, orbits must be
determined by observations of the angular position from earth, not directly in terms of distance and
velocity. The position at three different times is sufficient to determine the orbit in this case, but the
analysis is more difficult than what we have done.
Orbital elements vary only slowly in the solar system, except when there are near encounters, usually of
light bodies with massive planets or satellites, that affect the orbits of the light bodies, but not of the
heavier ones. If we know the orbit at one instant, then we can predict the velocity and position at a later
time from the orbit. We can also integrate the actual changes in position and velocity at the later time,
taking into account forces exerted by bodies other than the sun. The difference will be reflected in the
orbital elements, which will slowly change. This is a useful way to take perturbations into account, and is
widely used. The maximum errors in using the Keplerian orbits are on the order of 5" to 30" for the inner
planets, somewhat more for Jupiter and Saturn. Neptune was discovered in 1846 as a result of its
perturbations of the motion of Uranus. This was a remarkable demonstration of the accuracy of
Newtonian mechanics.
The earth's mean distance is decreasing by 5 x 10-8 AU per century, about 75 m per year. The eccentricity
is decreasing by 3.804 x 10-5 per century. The inclination is decreasing by 46.94" per century. These are
average rates, and are simply the current values of changes that may be periodic. Nevertheless, they show
how gradual any changes are, and allow the calculation of the earth's position with reasonable accuracy
for thousands of years either side of the present. The longitude of the node, however, moves at -3.038"
per year because of the precession of the equinoxes, which moves the reference point. The argument of
perihelion is increasing at 11.9828" per year. It is typical for an orbit to show a relatively rapid change in
longitude of the node and motion of the perihelion; the moon is an excellent example, and also earth
satellites, which are perturbed by the equatorial bulge of the earth and tidal forces exerted by the sun and
moon, as well as by atmospheric drag if they are in low orbits.
Earth Satellites
The mass of an earth satellite is infinitesimally small compared to the mass of the earth, so the centre of
the earth may be considered as a fixed point. A reference frame fixed to the earth's center is not an inertial
frame, due to revolution about the sun and the moon's motion. The earth-moon barycentre is a "more
inertial" reference point, but in any case the difference from an inertial frame is negligible. There is a
change in terminology, as perihelion becomes perigee and aphelion becomes apogee. This useless
distinction is regrettable, and can be carried to excess (perijove, etc.). It would be good if there were
terms usable in any orbit.
GM for the earth is 3.98600440 x 1014 m3/s2. Therefore, a3/P2 = 10097 if a is in km and P is in seconds.
For P = 86164.0989 s (sidereal rotation period of the earth), a = 42,164,172 m, or an altitude above the
surface of 22,232 miles. A satellite with this mean distance will return to the same point in the sky each
day. If the inclination and the eccentricity are zero, the satellite will appear to hang motionless in the sky.
Such an orbit is called geostationary, obviously of great value as a communications relay location. An
area of very choice space real estate is thereby created, for which there is considerable demand. Satellites
occupy fixed stations around the equator. They remain in a constant direction from an observing point on
the earth's surface, so an antenna can be permanently pointed at them without having to be continually
redirected, which would not be easy nor cheap. Their positions may be adjusted slightly to keep the
satellites on station by on-board thrusters during their effective life, and the thrusters are used to remove
them from orbit when their fuel runs out, since space is at a premium in the geostationary belt.
From a geostationary orbit, the earth subtends an angle of 17.4°, the same as a 12"-diameter globe at a
viewing distance of 40", so it is quite reasonable to take photos of the whole visible hemisphere at once.
Examples are available at the Dundee University website in the References. The poles are not visible,
since the view extends only to latitude 81.3°.
The first artificial earth satellite was Sputnik I, launched on 4 October 1957 and weighing 83.6 kg. Its
orbital period was 96.15 min, so its mean distance was 6953 km. The eccentricity was 0.0517, giving a
perigee altitude of 228 km and an apogee altitude of 947 km. The inclination of the orbit was 64.26°, so it
could easily be seen in every part of the earth when the sun shone on it. Sputnik remained in orbit until
January 1958, making 1350 revolutions. Because of the low perigee, it was considerably affected by
atmospheric drag, its final period being near 90 min. The period of a satellite that just grazes the surface
of the earth would be 84.48 min, and its velocity 7906 m/s.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) uses satellites that continually radiate very accurate timing
information, corrected for relativistic time dilatation due to the satellite's speed, so that their distances
from an observer can be found to within a few centimetres from the time differences. The orbits must be
known to a similar accuracy, so the effectiveness of this system is evidence of the correctness of the
dynamics. Orbit information is broadcast along with timing information. The carrier frequencies are
1.57542 and 1.22760 GHz. The complete GPS system was deployed in 1993, consisting of 21 operational
satellites and three spares, on circular orbits inclined at 55° and with a period of one-half a sidereal day (a
sidereal day is about 23h 56m), so the satellites are seen to rise and set about 4 minutes earlier each day,
and appear twice a day. Four satellites in good postions are intended to be visible from any point at any
time, giving a good intersection, and eliminating the necessity for accurate calibration of the receiver
clock (the offset of the receiver clock is one of the four unknowns that can be determined). The altitudes,
about 20,200 km (a = 26,560 km), are high enough to make atmospheric drag negligible. There are six
orbital planes, with four satellites spaced equally in each. The GPS is by no means the only satellite
navigation system that has been developed, but it has become the most used, and is replacing the others.
Earth satellites are affected by many small forces in addition to the main inverse-square force directed
toward the centre of the earth, and these perturbations cause the orbital elements to change slowly with
time. In the case of earth satellites, the mean distance a, the eccentricity e and the inclination i do not
change on the average (they may fluctuate slightly over the short term). The longitude of the line of
nodes, Ω, the argument of perigee, ω, and the rate of change of mean anomaly change steadily with time.
The drag of the atmosphere is negligible for satellites that do not come lower than about 1000 km at
perigee, which includes most practical satellites. For lower satellites, atmospheric drag causes a loss of
energy at perigee that pulls in the apogee position, making the orbit less eccentric and decreasing the
orbital period. Paradoxically, the drag speeds up the satellite! The pulls of the moon and sun, tidal effects
cause orbital changes. The direct tidal effect is due to the force exerted directly on the satellite, while the
indirect tidal effect is due to the changes in mass distribution of the earth caused by tidal motions.
Pressure of solar radiation and solar wind is another disturbing effect. The most important perturbing
force, however, is that exerted by the equatorial bulge of the earth.
The gravitational potential of the earth can be expressed approximately as V = GM/r [1 - (a E/r)2J2P2(sin
φ)], where aE is the equatorial radius of the earth, 6 378 137 m, J2 = 0.001082630, and P2(x) is the
Legendre polynomial of second degree, (1/2)(3x2 - 1). The argument of this polynomial is usually seen as
cos θ, but here we use the latitude φ = 90° - θ. This is the first part of an expansion in spherical
harmonics, which can even allow for a lumpy earth that is not symmetric about the polar axis. The
correction to the 1/r field shown here is a zonal harmonic of order 2, related to the flattening f = a/(a - b) =
1/298 of the earth. However, the gravitational potential depends on the distribution of mass in the earth,
so it cannot be expressed simply in terms of f. The radial component of the force is -∂V/∂r, and the
tangential part is (1/r)∂V/∂θ. The motion of earth satellites has led to a much better knowledge of the
earth's gravitational potential.
If a satellite has a mean motion n = 2π/P, a mean distance a and an inclination i, the movement of the line
of nodes is dΩ/dt = -(3n/2)(aE/a)2[cos i/(1 - e2)2]J2, and the change of the argument of perigee is dω/dt =
+(3n/4)(aE/a)2[(5cos2i - 1) /(1 - e2)2]J2. The quantities are in MKS units, and the results are in radians per
second. For the moon, the line of nodes rotates once in 18.6 years. For a typical GPS satellite, the line of
nodes moves about -0.03° per year, the perigee about 0.01° per year. All the other perturbations are much
smaller in amount, but must be taken into consideration in accurate work. Relativistic perturbing
accelerations are inversely proportional to the fourth power of the distance r. Their magnitudes for GPS
satellites are about 3 x 10-10 m/s2, less than other small perturbations, so they have no practical effect,
although they have been considered.
The International Space Station (ISS), shown at the right, is a famous earth satellite. The image is
from the NASA website. The first two modules, Zarya and Unity, were assembled in orbit in 1998,
and now there are 14. It is 73 m across the solar arrays, 44.5 m long and 27.5 m high, with 425 m 3
of habitable space. Power comes mainly from the 892 m2 of solar arrays. There are thrusters to
adjust the orbit when necessary. The total mass is about 179 metric tons. Although this is called "space
travel" by NASA, it is not even outside the earth's atmosphere!
Approximate elements of the ISS orbit at 13.49Z, 6 April 2003, are i = 51.6°, Ω 19.99°, e = 0.00083, ω =
52.91°, M = 307.29°, and mean motion 15.59579861 rev/day, or 0.0649825°/s. ("Z" is another
designation for UT.) Exact orbits, predicted about 10 days in advance, can be found at the NASA link in
the References. The period is P = 5539.95 s (1.54 hr), and the mean distance is 6767009 m. This is a low,
almost circular orbit at an altitude of about 400 km. Because the orbit is low, the ISS is seldom
illuminated by the sun at night, so it is not frequently seen, though a frequent, large and prominent object.
The longitude (RA) of the ascending node changes rapidly, by about -5.00° per day, as does the argument
of perihelion, by -3.64° per day. Perturbation by the oblateness of the earth is the reason for most of this
change. The inclination, eccentricity and mean distance do not change rapidly. The orbit is just above the
maximum ionization in the F layer of the ionosphere, and so is affected by atmospheric drag. The density
of the atmosphere at this height is about ρ = 9 x 10-12 kg/m3. The drag is given by F = CρV2A/2, where C
is the drag coefficient, V the satellite velocity, and A the effective projected area. NASA gives A = 344
m2 and C = 2.36. V = 2πa/P = 6541 m/s (assuming a circular orbit), so F = 0.16 N, which will produce an
acceleration of 8.9 x 10-7 m/s2. This drag causes the mean distance and period to decrease. NASA notes
that the "decay" is 4.11 x 10-4 rev/day2. In 100 days, the mean motion will increase by 0.0411 rev/day, or
P = 5527 s, a decrease of 13 s, or 0.23%. If uncorrected, the satellite would spiral inward at an increasing
rate, eventually burning up catastrophically.
It may be interesting to find out where you should look for a satellite in a known orbit. The procedure will
be illustrated here without taking all the refinements into account that are necessary for, say, GPS
positioning. The idea is to find the rectangular coordinates of the satellite in an approximately inertial
system with its origin at the centre of the earth, and then to find the rectangular coordinates of the point of
observation in the same system. The differences of the coordinates then give a vector from the point of
observation to the satellite. The motion of a satellite as seen from a fixed location on earth may be very
complex, because of the interaction of the two motions involved, the revolution of the satellite and the
rotation of the earth. Only when these are approximately equal is the situation more or less simple.
Let's suppose the satellite is in a circular orbit with a = 26 500 000 m and i = 55°, like a GPS satellite. Let
the longitude of the ascending node be 40°. Since the orbit is circular, there is no perigee point, so we
measure the true anomaly from the line of nodes in the orbital plane. Let the true anomaly at the time we
are considering be 70°. The z-axis is taken along the axis of rotation of the earth, and the x-axis in the
direction of the vernal equinox. The y-axis then makes a right-handed coordinate system. This is just like
the case of planetary motion, except that the role of the ecliptic plane is played by the equatorial plane.
The orientation of these axes remains fixed in space as the earth revolves about the sun.
First, resolve the radius vector along and perpendicular to the line of nodes. The components are a cos θ =
9 084 055.0 m and a sin θ = 24 958 236.0. Then, z = a cos θ sin i = 20 444 590.0 m, x = a cos θ cos Ω - a
sin θ sin Ω = -9 084 055.0 m, and y = a cos θ sin Ω + a sin θ cos Ω = 24 958 236.0 m. This is the
instantaneous position of the satellite in the inertial system, and it could obviously be found for any time
equally easily.
Now for the point of observation. Let's use my own location, which is longitude λ = -104.92583°,
latitude φ = 39.72694 and height above the ellipsoid (or mean sea level) h = 1633.7 m. Your own
coordinates, if you do not know them already, can be found from a USGS topographic map. A
meridional section of the earth is shown at the right, where φ is the geographic or spheroidal
latitude. The dimensions of the earth are a = 6378136 m and b = 6356752 m. There is a number of
reference spheroids, any one of which will work satisfactorily. The eccentricity of the elliptical cross-
section of the spheroid can then be found to be e = 0.006694167. The meridional radius of curvature at
latitude φ is N = a[cos2φ + (1 - e2)sin2φ]-1/2, or 6 378 194.38 m at my location. The length of N below the
equatorial plane is e2N = 285.8 m.
We now choose an earth-fixed rectangular coordinate system with the z'-axis along the rotational axis of
the earth, the x'-axis in the meridian of Greenwich, and the y'-axis making a right-handed system. The
rectangular coordinates of my location are then x' = (N + h)cos φ cos λ = -1 263 816.21 m, y' = (N + h)cos
φ sin λ = -4 741 167.76 m, z' = (N + h - e2N)sin φ = 4 077 353.73 m. These coordinates do not change as
the earth rotates. The distance from the centre is 6 379 711.32 m.
The relation between the inertial and earth-fixed coordinate systems is shown at the left. The earth-
fixed system rotates steadily in the positive direction about the common z and z' axes, and the
angle of rotation Θ is the local apparent sidereal time at Greenwich, which is easy to find from the
Astronomical Almanac. The rotational period of the earth is 23h 56m 04.09890369732s. When the
time is stated to such precision, there are many small corrections to be considered, but we shall ignore
them here so the principle is not lost. We shall assume that the inertial and earth-fixed coordinates are
related simply by the rotation through an angle Θ, not correcting for polar motion, precession of the
equinoxes and nutation. These are simply rotation matrices applied in addition to the one for the main
rotation. For accurate work, however, they cannot be ignored. Since sideral time goes from zero to 24
hours in one rotation, we must multiply an ordinary time interval by 24/23.9344719 or 1.00273781195 to
find the equivalent sidereal time interval. A sidereal hour is simply equivalent to 15° of angle; it is not an
"hour" in the usual sense of time.
The transformation equations are the familiar x = x' cos Θ - y' sin Θ and y = x' sin Θ + y' cos Θ. All you
have to do is check that the signs of the sines are correct. If we put in coordinates in the earth-fixed
system (x',y',z') we will get out coordinates in the inertial system (x,y,z) which we can compare with the
satellite coordinates. Let's pick 10.00 am MST on 2003 January 1. Since my time zone is +7, the UT is
17.00h January 1. From the Astronomical Almanac, page B8, the sidereal time at 0h UT was 6.61651428
hours. The sidereal time elapsed is then 1.00273781195 x 17.00 = 17.04654280 hours. Adding the two,
the Greenwich LAST at my 10.00 am will be 23.66305708 hours, or 354.945856°. If it seems easier, this
can also be expressed as -5.0541438°. Now I can find my inertial coordinates at this instant. The results
are x = -1 676 585.46 m, y = -4 611 395.05, z = 4 077 353.73 m. The square root of the sum of the
squares is 6 379 711.32, so the arithmetic checks.
Now we can subtract the coordinates of the observation point from the coordinates of the satellite to find
the relative vector (X,Y,Z). I find X = -7 407 469.54 m, Y = 29 569 631.05 m, Z = 16 367 236.27 m. The
direction of this vector can now be expressed in terms of right ascension and declination, since it is a
vector in the inertial system referred to the vernal equinox. The distance from the observer to the satellite
is 34 599 423.53 m. The projection on the equatorial plane is 30 483 334.55 m, so that the declination δ =
28.2324° and the right ascension is 75.9363° or 5h 3m 45s. At the date and time specified, this direction
is beneath the earth. In fact, the antipodeal point of right ascension 18h and declination -29° is in the
southern sky at an altitude of about 20° above the horizon.
Although these calculations are tedious and subject to error, even when done with an electronic
calculator, a computer program can do them with ease, speed and correctness, and even the more precise
calculations are not much bother. It would not be difficult to write a program to determine the visibility of
all of the 24 GPS satellites, and the directions in which they are to be seen.
Consider the vector B = v x h + (GM/r)r. The angular momentum per unit mass, h, is here taken to be a
vector perpendicular to the orbital plane. The cross product then lies in the orbital plane, and so then does
B. Taking its time derivative, we have (dv/dt) x h - (GM/r3)r(v·r) + (GM/r)v. Now dv/dt = -(GM/r3)r, and
h = r x v, so the first term becomes -(GM/r3)[r(r·v) - r2v]. All the terms cancel, so dB/dt = 0, and B is a
constant of the motion. This is extraordinary, since we already have one constant of the motion, the total
energy E, and this is usually the only one that can be found. For an inverse-square force, we have found a
second one. It is known that this happens when we have an additional symmetry in the problem--here it
happens to be symmetry under rotation in a four-dimensional space, but there is no room to explain this
here. We'll just be happy with the result.
Since B is a constant, it can be evaluated at any point of the motion, and it is easiest to choose perihelion.
At this point, v x h = vp2rp, so B is a vector parallel to the line between the focus and perihelion. We will
find the same vector if we evaluate B at any point of the motion. Its constancy is a good proof of an exact
inverse-square force.
We have seen that with an attractive inverse-square force, closed orbits exist for negative energies. For
zero or positive energies, the orbits are open. We have considered briefly the zero-energy parabolic orbits
that divide the two classes, but not the hyperbolic orbits, since they are not of much use in the solar
system. For a repulsive inverse-square force, there are no closed orbits of negative energy at all, only the
hyperbolic orbits of positive energy. On these orbits, the body comes in from infinity along a path
asymptotic to a line of a certain direction. It then interacts with the other body, in what is called a
"collision," though the bodies do not come into contact, and leaves to go to infinity asymptotic to a
different direction. The angle between the asymptotes is a function of the impact parameter, which is the
distance of closest approach if the bodies did not exert forces on each other. This is the problem of
Coulomb scattering in atomic and nuclear physics. Rutherford and his students used classical mechanics
to analyze the scattering of alpha particles (Z = 2, A = 4) by atomic nuclei to verify the existence of
nuclei. This is an area different enough from celestial mechanics to leave it for another article.
P. van de Kamp, Elements of Astromechanics (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1964).
F. R. Moulton, An Introduction to Celestial Mechanics, 2nd ed. (New York: MacMillan, 1914).
P. K. Seidelmann, ed., Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac (Mill Valley, CA:
University Science Books, 1992). Chapter 1 is especially recommended.
The Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2003 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2001).
pp. B8, C8 and E3-E5. Orbital elements for the minor planets (asteroids) are also included.
Bronshtein and Semendyayev, A Guide Book to Mathematics (New York: Springer, 1973). p. 161
(solution of cubic equation).
I. Ridpath, ed., Norton's 2000.0 Star Atlas and Reference Handbook, 18th ed. (New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 1989). pp. 114-117. There is a table of cometary orbital elements.
L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Mechanics (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1960). This is an excellent concise
text in classical mechanics, looking towards applications in quantum mechanics and atomic physics.
Orbital elements for planets, asteroids and comets can be found at JPL.
Orbital elements for the ISS can be found at ISS Orbit. The website contains information on NASA
An excellent source of earth satellite orbits is Dundee University Satellite Station. Free registration opens
up excellent things, like IR and VIS images from GEOS and other satellites, as well as orbital elements of
a number of satellites.
B. Hofmann-Wellenhof, H. Lichtenegger and J. Collins, GPS Theory and Practice (Wien: Springer-
Verlag, 1993).