02 C#ProgrammingBasics

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Web Application Development Using ASP.

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2.1 Control Events and Handlers

 Most ASP.Net pages will contain controls such as textboxes and buttons that
will allow the user to interact with them.
 When some action is performed, the control will raise an event (call handler
2.1.1 Control Events and Subroutines
 When an event is raised, handler code is called.

For Example:
Button Control Events…

 OnClick – when user clicks a button

 OnCommand – When user clicks button
 OnLoad – When page first loads and button loads
 OnInit – When button is initialized
 OnPreReader- just before button is drawn
 OnUnload – When button is unloaded from memory
 OnDisposed – when button is released from memory
 OnDataBinding – When button is bound to a data source

By: Jefferson A. Costales, MIT, IBM -CDA, MCTS, ZCE, OCE Chapter 2 of 14
Web Application Development Using ASP.NET
Lectures & Exercises

2.1.2 Components of a Subroutine

 The access specifier defines the scope of the subroutine.
 public is a global subroutine that can be used anywhere.
 Private is available in a specific class.
 Most subroutines will be public.

 Designates the data type of the value to be returned from the subroutine.
 void says the block of code does not return a value
 Other data types could be returned

 Names the subroutine or event handler

 Parameters allow information to be passed into the subroutine so it can

be used or modified.
 Object s is the object to which this event belongs
 Object is the base class for every class in C#
 EventArgs e allows an array of information to be passes as one

By: Jefferson A. Costales, MIT, IBM -CDA, MCTS, ZCE, OCE Chapter 2 of 14
Web Application Development Using ASP.NET
Lectures & Exercises

2.2 Page Events

 Every ASP.Net page has a page object with events associated with it
 These events are fired in sequential order:
 Page_Init – called when page is to be initialized
 Page_Load- called once browser request has been processed
 Page_PreRender- called once all objects on page have reacted to browser
 Page_UnLoad- called once page is ready to be discarded

2.3 Variables and Declarations

 Variables are data that allows the programmer to store, modify, and retrieve data.
 Variables have a name, called an identifier.
 A variable declaration contains the data type and name of the variable.
 A variable can also be initialized when it is declared.

2.3.1 Common Variable Types

By: Jefferson A. Costales, MIT, IBM -CDA, MCTS, ZCE, OCE Chapter 2 of 14
Web Application Development Using ASP.NET
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2.4 Arrays
 Arrays allow a group of elements of a specific type to be stored in a contiguous
block of memory
 Each item in the array had an offset called an index
 Derived from System.Array
 C# arrays are zero-based
 Can be multidimensional
 Arrays know their length(s) and rank
 Bounds checking is automatic
 Declare

 Allocate

 Initialize

 Access and assign

2.5 Operators in C#
 C# provides a fixed set of operators, whose meaning is defined for the predefined
 Some operators can be overloaded (e.g. +)
 The following table summarizes the C# operators by category
 Categories are in order of decreasing precedence
 Operators in each category have the same precedence

By: Jefferson A. Costales, MIT, IBM -CDA, MCTS, ZCE, OCE Chapter 2 of 14
Web Application Development Using ASP.NET
Lectures & Exercises

2.5.1 Operators and Precedence

By: Jefferson A. Costales, MIT, IBM -CDA, MCTS, ZCE, OCE Chapter 2 of 14
Web Application Development Using ASP.NET
Lectures & Exercises

2.6 Statement Syntax

 Statements are terminated with a semicolon (;)
 Just like C, C++ and Java
 Block statements { ... } don’t need a semicolon

2.6.1 Expression Statements

 Statements must do work
 Assignment, method call, ++, --, new

2.7 Conditional Statement

2.7.1 If... If else… else if…. Statement
 Requires a bool expression
 Like C, C++ and Java, beware of dangling elses!

By: Jefferson A. Costales, MIT, IBM -CDA, MCTS, ZCE, OCE Chapter 2 of 14
Web Application Development Using ASP.NET
Lectures & Exercises

2.7.2 Switch Statement

 Can branch on any predefined type (including string) or enum
 Must explicitly state how to end case
 With break, goto case, goto label, return, throw or continue
 Not needed if no code supplied after the label

2.8 Looping Statement

2.8.1 while Statement
 Requires bool expression

By: Jefferson A. Costales, MIT, IBM -CDA, MCTS, ZCE, OCE Chapter 2 of 14
Web Application Development Using ASP.NET
Lectures & Exercises

2.8.2 for Statement

 Just like C++ and Java.

2.8.3 foreach Statement

 Iteration through arrays or collections foreach allows “read only” access
to items in a collection

2.9 Jump Statements

 break
 Exit inner-most loop
 continue
 End iteration of inner-most loop
 goto <label>
 Transfer execution to label statement
 return [<expression>]
 Exit a method
 throw
 Used in exception handling

By: Jefferson A. Costales, MIT, IBM -CDA, MCTS, ZCE, OCE Chapter 2 of 14
Web Application Development Using ASP.NET
Lectures & Exercises

2.10 Namespaces
 Namespaces provide a way to uniquely identify a type
 Provides logical organization of types
 Namespaces can span assemblies
 Can nest namespaces
 There is no relationship between namespaces and file structure (unlike Java)
 The fully qualified name of a type includes all namespaces

 The using statement lets you use types without typing the fully qualified name
 Can always use a fully qualified name

 Best practice: Put all of your types in a unique namespace

 Have a namespace for your company, project, product, etc.
 Look at how the .NET Framework classes are organized

By: Jefferson A. Costales, MIT, IBM -CDA, MCTS, ZCE, OCE Chapter 2 of 14
Web Application Development Using ASP.NET
Lectures & Exercises

2.10.1 Namespaces in .Net

 To use certain features .Net we can import the namespace into our
ASP.Net page
 For example, if you want to access an SQL database from a web page
you would import “System.Data.SQLClient” (more on this later)

2.11 Key Object-Oriented Concepts

 Objects, instances and classes
 Identity
 Every instance has a unique identity, regardless of
its data
 Encapsulation
 Data and function are packaged together
 Information hiding
 An object is an abstraction
 User should NOT know implementation details

By: Jefferson A. Costales, MIT, IBM -CDA, MCTS, ZCE, OCE Chapter 2 of 14
Web Application Development Using ASP.NET
Lectures & Exercises

2.11.1 Instantiating a Class

 Use the new operator to create an object of a class
 Properties and methods of the object can now be accessed

2.11.2 Scope
 Encapsulation hides certain properties and methods inside the class
 Some class members need to be accessed from outside the
class. These are made public
 Those that are hidden from the outside are private
 Those that can only be accessed through inheritance are

By: Jefferson A. Costales, MIT, IBM -CDA, MCTS, ZCE, OCE Chapter 2 of 14
Web Application Development Using ASP.NET
Lectures & Exercises

2.12 Inheritance in C#

2.13 Code-Behind

By: Jefferson A. Costales, MIT, IBM -CDA, MCTS, ZCE, OCE Chapter 2 of 14
Web Application Development Using ASP.NET
Lectures & Exercises

2.13.1 Code-Behind Example

 sample.aspx contains page layout and static content
 sample.aspx inherits from the class Sample
 The definition of class Sample is in the Sample.cs file

By: Jefferson A. Costales, MIT, IBM -CDA, MCTS, ZCE, OCE Chapter 2 of 14
Web Application Development Using ASP.NET
Lectures & Exercises

Exercise No. 2 Grade: ______________

Time: ____Minutes Time Started: ________

Directory Folder: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\LNFNMI\ Time Finished: ________

File Names: Exer2Reserv.aspx

Exer2_1.aspx (2nd link page)
Exer2_r1.aspx (1st page of the room)
Exer2_r2.aspx (2nd page of the room)
Exer2_r3.aspx (3rd page of the room)

Files to use: 02_Exer2Materials.zip

Design and create a Web site for J.CO’s Cottages Reservation System. Your

home Web page must include an image or a background picture along with a nicely

formatted logo of the company name. Include a link to a second page that lists each of

the room names as a link. The link for each room should describe the price and amenities

for the room and/or show an image for the room (images of your choice).

Note: This is a Web page; make it attractive, Use Web Controls, CSS, and AJAX for

reservation, then after selecting reserve now, it automatically redirect to the registration

page. (Customize your registration page with captcha).

By: Jefferson A. Costales, MIT, IBM -CDA, MCTS, ZCE, OCE Chapter 2 of 14

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