Characterization of Acetone-Solution Casting Film of PMMA
Characterization of Acetone-Solution Casting Film of PMMA
Characterization of Acetone-Solution Casting Film of PMMA
Abstract Acetone solution-casting films of poly(methyl- of polymer. Some researches on this subject have been done
methacrylate) were analyzed by differential scanning calorim- [15,16] recently. Since the alternative vibration field
etry and pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy seriously affects the polymer melt, we can expect that a
under natural evaporation and ultrasonic vibration, respec- similar effect may also occur in the film formation when
tively. Analytical results indicate that both the condensed casting a polymer solution as an external field [17,18]. The
structure of the polymer and the residue solvent in the films aim of the present work is to study the effect of the externally
vary in different film-forming conditions and that the residue- applied ultrasonic field on the nascent films obtained by
solvated acetone in films prepared under natural evapora- casting a poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) solution.
tion is 12 times greater than that under ultrasonic vibration.
Fig. 2 DSC curve of PMMA film (second to fifth heating) Fig. 4 Relationship between scan number and Tg
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