Dental Ceramics A Current Review-1
Dental Ceramics A Current Review-1
Dental Ceramics A Current Review-1
Abstract: Ceramics are used for many dental applications and are characterized " categorize all-ceramic
restorative materiais
in various ways, including by their hardness, brittleness, thermal and electrical according to glass/crystai
insulation, and biocompatibility. The ceramics most commonly used in dentistiy content
• prescribe type, design, •
are oxides, particularly silicon dioxide (SiOi), or silica; aluminum oxide (AI2O3), or
and fabrication method
alumina; and zirconium dioxide (ZrO2), or zirconia. This article reviews the micro- of ail-ceramic restorative
structure of current dental ceramic materials and how it relates to their mechanical
• ciioose surface finisii for
properties, clinical techniques, and optical properties. Typical ceramics currently in aii-ceramic restoration
use are described, and their clinically relevant properties such as strength, fracture, and determine metiiod
of cementing
polishability, and wear are compared. Cementation methods are also discussed.
etals, polymers, ceramics, and composites are Overview
used in dentistry to restore teeth. Ceramics are Dental ceramics can be divided into primarily glass-containing
usedformany dental applications ranging from (ie, feldspathic porcelain), reinforced glass (ie, leucite and lithium
the glass in clinicians' loupes to the filler in re- disilicate), and crystalline (ie, zirconia and alumina). The most
storative resins. Ceramics are characterized by frequent clinical failure of bilayered all-ceramic restorations is
their hardness, brittleness, thermal and electrical insulation, and chipping of veneering porcelain caused by core-veneer coeffi-
biocompatibility. The ceramics most commonly used in dentistry cient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch, surface grinding,
are oxides, particularly silicon dioxide (SiO,), aluminum oxide inadequate core design, or overloading. Monolithic crystalline
(AljOg), and zirconium dioxide (ZrO^). The nomenclaturefornam- ceramic crowns have a smaller incidence of fracture, because these
ing oxide ceramics is achieved by removing the suffix of the metallic ceramic materials are stronger than reinforced glass ceramics.
atom and replacing it with ~a; for example, silicon dioxide becomes Crystalline (zirconia and alumina) and reinforced glass ceram-
silica. This article reviews the microstructure of current ceramic ics (lithium disilicate) produce less opposing enamel wear than
materials and how it relates to their mechanical properties, clinical veneered porcelain. Polishing ceramic restorations after occlusal
techniques, and optical properties. Typical ceramics currently in adj ustments typically produces less opposing wear than staining
use are described and their clinically relevant properties compared. or glazing the restoration.
Ceramic crowns can either be traditionally cemented or ad-
hesively bonded depending upon several factors, including: the
strength of the ceramic used; the retentiveness of the preparation;
whether the preparation is in dentin or enamel; and the ability to
isolate. Porcelain and reinforced glass ceramics should be etched
with hydrofluoric acid (HF) and silanated prior to bonding. Zirconia
and alumina crowns should be tribochemically coated, 10-methac-
Figi. ryloyloxydecyldihydrogen phosphate (MDP)-primed, or both prior
to adhesive bonding. Bonding with resin cements produces a higher
bond of dentin to porcelain and glass ceramics than traditional
Fig 1. Microstructure of a giass (A), crystai (B), and partiaily crystalline
(C) ceramic. Spiieres represent metaiiic and non-metaiiic eiements; cementing with resin-modified glass ionomer. Cementing untreat-
rods represent chemicai bonds. ed zirconia to dentin with resin-modified glass ionomer or many
Veneerft-acturetypically originates either in the veneering ceramic Fig 3. Compressive and tensile zones of a crown. Fig 4. Compressive
or at the core-veneer interface. An in-vitro study of lithium-disilicate and tensile zones of a fixed partial denture.
Recently, monolithic or full-contour restorations have become volumetric enamel wear from 400,000 chewing cycles measured
popular because they avoid porcelain veneer chipping. The choice 0.33 mm^ against zirconia, 0.36 mm^ against lithium disilicate,
of material for a monolithic restoration is partially based on the 2.15 mm'' against veneering porcelain, and 0.45 mm^ against
strength of the ceramic and the amount of tooth reduction that enamel.^'' When veneering porcelains are worn against enamel,
is possible. Lin reported that the biaxial flexural strength of ce- the porcelain surface becomes rough from microfractures of
ramics increases with increased crystal content: 163.95 MPa for the material. The rough surface of the porcelain is abrasive to
leucite, 365.06 MPa for lithium disilicate, and 1,039.71 MPa for the enamel and results in opposing enamel wear (Figure 5 and
zirconia." Based on these differences, manufacturers have recom- Figure 6).^' High-strength ceramics do not fracture when worn
mended axial tooth reduction for posterior monolithic crowns of against enamel; therefore, their surface remains smooth and
1.5 mm for lithium disilicate and 0.6 mm for zirconia. An in-vitro wear-friendly to opposing enamel. Additionally, high-strength
test reported an ultimate crown fracture strength of 1,668 MPa ceramics experience very little wear on their own surface. The
for 0.6 mm uniform monolithic zirconia, 2,026 MPa for 1.5 mm recent trend in full-contonr monolithic lithium-disilicate and
uniform monolithic lithium disilicate, and 1,465 MPa for 1.2 mm zirconia crowns is partially justified by the wear-compatibility
uniform monolithic lithium disilicate after thermocycling and between these ceramics and opposing enamel.
load cycling.'" When preparing full-contour crowns, it is there- To maintain the smooth surface of ceramics after occlusal adjust-
fore important to ensure proper tooth reduction for the selected ments, it is important to polish the surface of the zirconia or lithium
restorative material. disilicate. There is significantly less opposing enamel wear when
Fractures that initiate in the core material arise from radial cracks ceramics are polished following grinding than with grinding alone.^"
on the internal surface of the crown.''^ Ceramics are subjected to ten- Studies have also compared opposing enamel wear after polishing
sile forces at the internal surfaces of crowns, making them more sus- and glazing zirconia. Glazing zirconia produces a 30-^m-to 50-[im-
ceptible to fracture in this area (Figure 3). Grinding the ceramic core thick, relatively soft layer of glassy glaze.^° During function, this layer
with a rough diamond has shown to decrease theflexuralstrength of glaze quickly wears away and the roughened glaze layer causes
of the material,^" so clinicians should adjust the tooth preparation wear of opposing enamel.^' Clinically, it is recommended to polish
instead of the intaglio surface of the ceramic crown whenfittingan ceramic restorations with a heatless alumina stone followed by a
all-ceramic crown. Another source of core fracture is at the FPD silica, silicon carbide, or diamond impregnated rubber polisher.^'
connectors with inadequate connector area. Recommendations for
connector dimensions are 16 mm^ for lithium disilieate and 9 mm^ Cementation Methods
for zirconia. Connector fractures originate from veneering porcelainCeramic prostheses can be cemented to a tooth preparation either
in sharply contoured gingival embrasures where tensile stresses through traditional cementing or adhesive bonding. Traditional
concentrate (Figure 4).^' cementing relies on micromechanical retention, whereas adhesive
bonding utilizes chemical and micromechanical retention (Figure
Polishing and Wear Properties 7). Traditional cementation can be accomplished with glass-iono-
Ceramic hardness ranges from 481 Hv to 647 Hv for veneering nier cement (GIC), resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (RMGIC),
porcelain to 1,354 Hv to 1,378 Hv for zirconia.-^•^•'' Since enamel or zinc-phosphate cement. Adhesive bonding implies that an adhe-
has a hardness of300Hvto500 Hv,^* concerns have been raised sive bonding agent is applied to the tooth surface, a coupling agent
that ceramic restorations will cause destructive wear to oppos- (eg, silane) is applied to the ceramic, and the prosthesis is bonded
ing teeth. Studies measuring the wear of enamel opposing zir- with a resin cement. The decision to cement or bond a restoration
conia and lithium disilicate, however, have proven that these is based on several clinical factors such as: the type of restoring
high-strength ceramics produce less opposing enamel wear than ceramic, the substrate (enamel or dentin), the retentiveness of the
veneering ceramics or enamel itself.^""^^ For example, in-vitro preparation, and the ability to isolate the tooth.
Fig 5 and Fig 6. All-ceramic restorations (Fig 5) and opposing dentition wear (Fig 6) produced by ail-ceramic feldspathic restorations.
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