25 Waysto Make Your Model Railroad Better
25 Waysto Make Your Model Railroad Better
25 Waysto Make Your Model Railroad Better
Workshop tips
25 ways
to make your model
railroad better
do to create a layout
that’s remarkable,
inspiring, and fun
to operate
By John Pryke
Photos by the author
unless noted otherwise
here are some truly great model railroads within our • Stick to a specific prototype and/or time.
hobby. These layouts appear on the covers and in the • Plan for reliable and prototypical operation.
pages of our favorite magazines, and in some cases the All of these elements need not be present to create a great
owners even have videos made to feature them. model railroad. Choose the two or three that interest you the
What is it that separates these distinguished layouts from most, and you’re on your way to making a layout like those
those we’ve labored over for years? More importantly, what that delight and inspire us. Let’s take a look at these attributes
steps can we take to improve our ability to build the next great one by one.
model railroad?
We’d all like a simple answer, but there just isn’t a single at- Now on ModelRailroader.com
tribute that defines a great model railroad. However, there are
a few suggestions you can use to start the transformation: Looking for more layout ideas and inspiration? Model Railroader
• Create a neat, clean, and comfortable layout space. subscribers have access to more than 500 track plans in the on-
• Include realistic detailing that’s easily viewed. line Track Plan Database at www.ModelRailroader.com.
• Use a variety of natural colors to craft scenic terrain.
Including details and various specific interior colors for your rural areas or every street in an
points of interest that visitors can equipment, you can generally paint urban setting would be a huge
easily enjoy is another way to partitions cream, beige, or light blue; undertaking, and make the layout
enhance your layout. Fine details the upholstery dark green, dark blue, look cluttered. A more practical idea
can be integrated into nearly every or maroon plush; and the tabletops is superdetail small areas, creating
aspect of a model railroad, including white. You can also add other details “islands of detail.” This lets viewers
trackwork, motive power, rolling such as plates, made with a paper skim over less-significant areas and
stock, structures, and scenery. punch and aluminum foil, and focus on the highlighted scenes.
window shades, cut from a strip of In rural areas, the "islands" might
Passenger cars. Many come with a green or tan construction paper. consist of a farm field being planted,
one-piece, single-color, plastic In addition to detailing passenger billboards on country roads, or a
interior. With the roof off, use a fine car interiors, you’ll also want to trackside industry with a siding and
brush to paint the interior prototypi- consider adding external details. freight platform. Urban scenes may
cal colors. If the car has no interior, consist of a street under repair, a
you can craft one using sheet Scenery details. Since scenery backyard garden, or trucks unload-
styrene and cast furniture, available covers your entire layout, superde- ing at a commercial market.
from various parts manufacturers. tailing every rock, tree, and bush in The proper separation for your
While there are reference islands of detail depends largely on
books to help you determine the Pilgrim Office the terrain you model. A good rule of
Warehouse Produce Building UFRR yard
thumb is to allow 12" to 18" between
scenes in rural settings and 6" to 12"
in urban or town settings.
Trucks are busy
unloading freight at a
Atlantic commercial city
Cold market. The Coastal
Storage Express Trailer backs
Plumbing Island into a loading bay,
supplier of detail while a warehouse
A&P Gas foreman requests a bill
Building UNION station of lading from another
truck driver. Photo by
HO scale
Diner Islands Scale of plan: 1⁄2" = 1'-0", 12" grid
of detail
You’ve probably determined the fall. Unfortunately, most people think Urban scenery. If you have
terrain surrounding your railroad, a desert is an endless expanse of urban scenery on your layout, color
but have you thought about how yellow sand and rocks. There’s can be used to make it stand out.
color will help it stand out? Let’s look plenty of color in the desert if you Many railroads ran through the older
at three examples of scenic color. know where to look. The rocks and sections of cities – factories, ware-
surrounding mountains have shades houses, and tenements – where
Eastern forest. Most Eastern of gray, ochre, yellow, orange, and buildings were made entirely of brick
layouts have hillsides with green dark red in them. There are often or cast-concrete skeletons with brick
trees and streams with blue water, fantastic rock formations of differing curtain walls.
right? With the exception of ever- colors, which you can replicate on a Brick comes in a variety of colors
greens, the color of deciduous trees backdrop. – dark red, light red, beige, off-white,
and bushes changes with the Most desert vegetation is either and yellow. Most brick structures
seasons. In the fall they blaze with dark green scrub or light green have decorative granite lintels and
red, orange, and yellow. cactus. If your railroad climbs into sills above and below the windows,
To accurately re-create fall the mountains, however, trains will and the brick wall may have architec-
scenery you’ll want to reference be surrounded by an increasing tural shapes, such as curves above
photos of a natural-growing fall number of evergreens. Often found windows, that are defined by the use
terrain. Over the course of several growing within the evergreens are of different-color bricks. Building
weeks, shoot images of the same some mountain deciduous trees walls are great places to advertise
location or area to see how colors whose leaves change from green to products, and any wall without
change with time. orange and red in the fall. windows is often covered with
poster ads.
Southwestern desert. If you
model a Southwestern railroad that
runs through a desert, your scenery
can still be colorful even though it’s
different from New England in the
Reliable and realistic trackwork. T-1 Cab A: Move Yankee Clipper Clear blocks 45, 3, and 4 for Dispatch Boston Local to Get B&A 2-8-4 from roundhouse.
from New York (block 51) to inbound Yankee Clipper from Attleboro via blocks 29, 30,
In recent years, the quality, realism, New Haven and hold in blocks 3 New York. and 31. Begin making up B&A Freight
on block 38 (12 cars).
and 4.
and reliability of prefabricated track Move DL-109 from ready track Begin making up Mainline
Cab B: Move Local from to block 10 and hold. Freight for New Haven on
has improved greatly. HO scale track Providence (block 30) to
Clipper arrives from New York.
blocks 21 and 22.
Attleboro (block 33) and hold.
comes in rail sizes ranging from Clear blocks 31, 30, and 29 for
inbound Boston-Providence
code 55 to code 100. If you prefer to Local.
hand-lay your track, weathered rail is T-2 Cab A: Move MU cars from Clear blocks 5, 6, and 46; Receive Boston-Providence Dispatch Boston-Providence
New Haven (blocks 5 and 6) to dispatch MU cars to Mt. Vernon. Local in blocks 29 and 30, seize Local to Providence via blocks
available, along with a variety of Mt. Vernon (block 47) and hold. and hold. 44, 46, and 37.
Remove EP-4 from Clipper; store
switch and crossing kits. Cab B: Move on ready track. Continue making up Mainline Clear blocks 37, 46, and 44 for
Boston-Providence Local from Freight. inbound local from Providence.
The introduction of Digital Boston (block 44) to Providence;
Continue making up
Command Control (DCC) has also terminate in blocks 29 and 30.
B&A freight.
simplified the wiring required by
Cab A: Move Eastbound Dispatch Eastbound Peddler Reverse RS-1 on Boston- Receive local from
older cab- and block-control sys- T-3 Peddler from New Haven to Providence via blocks Providence Local. Recouple to Providence in block 44;
(block 8) to block 16 and hold. 8, 11, and 13. other end of train and store in seize and hold.
tems, in addition to forging the way blocks 29 and 30.
Cab B: Move Providence Local Move DL-109s from block 10 Continue making up B&A freight.
for authentic sound and lighting from Attleboro (block 33) to onto Yankee Clipper and hold in
Move New Haven 4-6-4 from
Boston; terminate in block 44. blocks 3 and 4.
effects in many new locomotives. roundhouse; couple onto the
Federal in block 41.
Once installed, your track must be
cleaned and maintained to ensure This sample of a sequence timetable shows how train movements relate to
that trains run smoothly and without each other across locations and times.
derailments. Depending on how
often you operate and how well those train movements on the main To make your railroad's freight
you’ve protected the train room line, in yards, and on sidings that operations even more realistic, you
environment, track cleaning may be take place during each period. can create a card-order system,
only a few times each year. Depending on the number of people which assigns one or more loads of
it takes to run your railroad, the freight to individual freight cars,
Prototypical operation. As in the timetable may be coordinated by an along with the pick-up and destina-
prototype, moving passenger and operator or by a dedicated dispatch- tion points for each load. A “waybill”
freight trains from one location to er. The timetable can be as short or listing the load(s) to be carried by
another should be the center of your as long as you want, covering any each car follows that car around your
operation. This usually requires a period from a few hours to a full layout; pockets on the fascia make
timetable, which can take several “day.” It's possible to add a fast-time this easier. The routing of individual
forms. The simplest is a sequence clock plus departure and arrival freight cars on your model railroad
timetable, which defines a number times to your timetable to make it can be part of the waybill, or incor-
of consecutive time periods and more sophisticated. porated into your timetable.
By Jim Kelly
ongratulations! You’ve already layers, isolating the problems to be Milwaukee, Racine & Troy RR is
taken the most important steps in solved. Or you can go high-tech, using freelanced, but one could easily
designing a great model railroad one of the track-planning computer pro- assume it’s based on an actual
layout. You’re reading and thinking grams available for purchase from a vari- railroad. Designed by former MR
about it. The more planning you do, the ety of vendors on the Internet. editor Andy Sperandeo, the MR&T is
better. Obviously, giving a lot of thought In the sidebar on page 12, I’ve listed believable because everything about it
to the top of the layout, what you’ll see, some track planning books which you’ll is consistent with its theme: a regional
is most important, but it’s best to go be- find useful. Start with John Armstrong’s railroad set in the 1990s, running from
yond that to the benchwork, the wiring, Track Planning for Realistic Operation, Milwaukee, Wis., to Fort Madison,
scenery, and all the rest. the classic in the field. Iowa, to connect with the Santa Fe.
Take legs or other supports, for Better layout design has nothing to Bill Zuback photo
example. Where should they be and how do with the layout’s size, shape, or cost.
few can you get by with? (They get in the A 4 x 8-foot layout can be a planning Now on ModelRailroader.com
way when you’re crawling underneath!) gem, while a huge, basement-filling rail-
It’s easier to move a joist that’s in the way road can be a disaster, and vice versa. Seven railroads you can model has
of a switch machine on paper than on the Ultimately, it all boils down to con- track plans in HO and N scales.
layout itself. cept and purpose. It just so happens Download by clicking the "Shop" tab
A drafting board and a pad of graph- that’s the first of the 10 basic planning at www.ModelRailroader.com.
or tracing paper will help you plan in principles I’ll describe here.
5 People space
A model railroad ought to be (You can assume that you and most
a place you enjoy being, a of your friends are only going to get
place where you can operate trains bigger over the years.) You can
without bumping elbows. It ought squeeze down to 24" in short
not to make you feel like a mouse stretches, but the traffic there can
caught in a trap. be only one-way. You can work in
Most of us plan for walk-along passing pockets where one person
operation, which means we need to can “take the siding” while the other
think about moving people around goes through. Duckunders, which
just as much as we do the trains. often would be better called “crawl
Then there are the inevitable guests unders,” are best avoided, and it's
and open houses. Thirty-inch best not to expect your operators to
aisleways are about as small as you have to progress from one operat-
can go if you expect two people to ing pit to another and pop up like
get past each other; 36 is better yet. prairie dogs.
Drawing by Rick Johnson and Jeff Nepper
6 Backdrops
Backdrops. Without a backdrop (above), the viewer’s background clutter is removed, by adding a backdrop,
eyes can wander, not focusing on the trains and the viewer’s attention is focused on the railroad and our
foreground we’ve worked so hard to detail. Once the exquisite craftsmanship! Photos by the author
In planning a model railroad, our backdrop’s first mission – hiding backdrops (a.k.a. scene dividers)
goal is to design a 3-dimensional items, such as water heaters, can work wonders on a 4 x 8-foot
representation of reality incorporat- furnaces, and concrete-block walls. layout; the scenes on each side can
ing tracks, trains, buildings, and (The second mission is suggesting be miles apart and represent
scenery. To complete the picture, we things you do want to see, such as different areas and topography
need to suggest what lies beyond hills and distant buildings.) (e.g., mountains on one side and a
the immediate foreground. That’s For relatively little work, back- city on the other). The same flexibil-
where backdrops come in. Even a drops pay huge dividends, and the ity can be imparted to large layouts
simple blue backdrop is better than smaller the layout, the more effec- by running backdrops down the
none at all because it performs a tive a backdrop can be. Double-sided middle of peninsulas.
between the edge of the layout
Sharing the road and the tracks.
It’s important that our You really need to plan for those
railroad extend “beyond the roads, parking lots, and driveways I have at least one large
basement” to the rest of the before you start building. We can industry with multiple switch-
world, but we also need to think cheat and still get the effect – a ing spots.
about how it relates to the non- road can be a bit narrower than
railroad portion of the transporta- prototype. A factory might employ I have at least one team track.
tion system in scenes we are a hundred workers, but allowing
actually modeling. In the 19th for a parking lot to accommodate a I’ve planned in highways,
century, that was usually either half-dozen cars is OK if it's sug- roads, and parking lots.
water transportation (canals, gested more parking lies “just
ferries, and ports) or horses and around the corner.” Some of the I’ve planned for backdrops and
wagons. Today, water transporta- most interesting scenes involve the will install them early.
tion is bigger than ever, but the intersections of rail and highway
path of transportation that most transportation, whether at grade or I’ve thought through wiring and
affects us is roads and highways. separated by bridges. where I’ll install gaps. – J.K.
Low level. This gives you a birds- Mid-level. The author suggests Eye level. Highly realistic, but
eye view, and that’s fine, but don’t “sternum height.” You get a realistic scenes can’t be deep because your
complain about having to crawl look at the trains, plus room below reach will be impeded by trains,
underneath the layout to wire it. the layout for troubleshooting. structures . . . and your tummy!
Why build a layout high? First of than down on them. Also, a taller outs and uncouple cars becomes
all, the trains look more realistic layout is easier to work under when awkward at best.
because you’re seeing them as you you have to troubleshoot wiring, Eye-level scenes are dramatic on
usually see their real counterparts. tune switch machines, and so forth. the high points of layouts with
Also, the transition from model Since we aren’t all the same grades, but avoid complex trackwork
railroad to backdrop is far less height, you’ll have to what works and deep scenes at those heights.
obvious. We become less aware of best for you. I’m 5'-10" and sternum Also, avoid coming so close to the
those sharp (by actual railroad height (50") works well for me. Build ceiling that the scene appears
standards) model curves because the railroad much higher, though, cramped. You first may need to put
we’re looking across them rather and reaching into it to throw turn- the highest scenes lower down.
10 No Cheating!
Early in your planning you maximum grades, minimum-length
Getting started
need to set the standards for sidings, and all the rest depend on
your railroad, and then you need to many things, including the period Track Planning for Realistic
stick to them. Lots of planners begin you’re modeling, the sizes and types Operation, Third Edition. Written
with the best of intentions but then of equipment you’ll be running, how by the late John Armstrong and
start compromising. “It won’t hurt long your trains will be, and a first published by Kalmbach
to have a 20"-radius mainline curve number of other factors. The many Publishing Co. in 1963, this is the
here, even though my minimum is available track planning books will granddaddy of track planning
24".” Pretty soon you have a help you set these standards. The books and the one you should
railroad that’s bound to disappoint. point is, stick to them! Don’t undo begin with. John’s approach to
Your minimum-radius curves, your careful planning. designing model railroads was
simple: Understand what real
railroads do; follow their leads.
Over the years, Kalmbach
Publishing Co. has produced
dozens of books on all aspects of
model railroading, including
many devoted to track planning,
collections of new plans, as well
as plans previously published in
Model Railroader. To get them,
visit www.modelrailroader.com
and click on the "Shop" tab. – J.K.
he hidden, stub-ended staging Certainly, hidden, stub-ended stag- move any trains between me and the de-
yard was relatively unexplored ing yards are limited in terms of opera- railed equipment out of the way, then
territory in model railroading tion since trains can’t continuously cycle fish out and rerail the cars. It will take
when I incorporated it into my HO scale through and re-appear onstage. Howev- only a few minutes longer than dealing
Allegheny Midland layout in 1973. Very er, on my NKP layout there is no need with similar problems in a fully accessi-
few, if any, model railroads totally de- for continuous running or turning ble, visible staging yard.
pended on this style of staging for oper- trains during an operating session. I’m not concerned about derailments
ations back then. Trains come out of the east- or west-end in the hidden staging yard, though. Like
I quickly discovered that hidden staging yard, run across the railroad, my current NKP layout, the AM had
staging was ideal for my situation and end their runs in the hidden staging one readily accessible and one hard-to-
because it saved space and kept the yard at the other end of the line. reach staging yard. Years of experience
trains out of view, giving the impres- showed that the better use of space
sion they were miles away. So when it Drawbacks and benefits gained by burying a staging yard far out-
came time to design staging yards for Even though early tests of the hidden weighed the occasional hassles. The new
my current HO scale Nickel Plate Road staging yard have been largely error-free, and improved design for the NKP’s hid-
layout, I knew a hidden staging yard I realize that a derailment will happen at den staging yard should prove even
would once again be in the plans. some point. In such rare cases, I will more trouble-free.
1 Bulletproof benchwork
2 Roll-out storage
3 Subroadbed & roadbed
Highway overpass West Mesa/East Hill Crew shack Scale: 3⁄16" = 1'-0"
Highway bridge 24" grid
HO scale
5 Turnouts
6 Switch motors
7 Feeder wires
Original lower level
Scale: 1⁄8" = 1'-0"
A change of plans 48" grid
HO scale West
Lake Erie &
Raised deck for yardmaster Western District
I redesigned the original east-end staging at Charleston, Ill., on upper level
yard throat so all turnouts would be
Clover Leaf
located near the front or rear edges of the Second Subdivision
benchwork. The original staging yard (Delphos) staging
throat was based on conventional ladder
designs, but this placed most of the
turnouts too far in from the aisle to
maintain or replace them after the LE&W District (Sandusky
overlying town’s benchwork was in place. Division) staging–12 tracks
The new design (below) makes it easier Revised lower level
to reach the turnouts for maintenance
11 Peco large-radius
and replacement. (The four turnouts in
turnouts close to
the Second Subdivision five-track staging Clover Leaf District (Second aisle for access
yard can be reached via the Charleston Subdivision) staging–5 tracks All 42" radius
yardmaster’s alcove.) 4 Peco large- curves
The downside to this yard design is radius turnouts
close to yardmaster’s
that some tracks are long while others
alcove aisle for access
are a bit short. I’ll stage short passen-
ger trains and local freights on the
shorter tracks.
Illustrations by Rick Johnson