(CCNA) Cisco Commands Cheat Sheet #5

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[CCNA] Cisco Commands Cheat Sheet #5

CCNA RnS, Cisco, Network September 30, 2013 Comments: 12

Here is the last post in the Cisco Commands Cheat Sheet for CCNA students.

Cisco Commands Cheat Sheet #1

Cisco Commands Cheat Sheet #2
Cisco Commands Cheat Sheet #3
Cisco Commands Cheat Sheet #4

PPP Configuration:

1 R1(config)# interface serial 0/0

2 R1(config-if)# encapsulation ppp

PPP Authentication:


Configure the hostname:

1 R1(config)# hostname ALPHA

Configure the name of the other end router and the shared password:

1 ! The password used is shared password, that means it must be the same on bot
2 ALPHA(config)# username BETA password XYZ

Enable CHAP authentication on the interface:

1 ALPHA(config)# interface serial 0/0

2 ALPHA(config-if)# ppp authentication chap


Configure the hostname:

1 R1(config)# hostname ALPHA

Configure the name of the other end router and the shared password:

1 ALPHA(config)# username BETA password XYZ

Enable PAP authentication on the interface and define the username and password to be sent by

1 ALPHA(config)# interface serial 0/0

2 ALPHA(config-if)# ppp authentication pap
3 ALPHA(config-if)# ppp pap sent-username ALPHA password XYZ

PPP Verification and troubleshoot:

Shows the encapsulation type and the control protocols of PPP:

1 R1# show interface s0/0

Useful for viewing the configuration of usernames and passwords used to authenticate PPP:

1 R1# show running-config

Displays the authentication process of PPP in real time:

1 R1# debug ppp authentication

Frame Relay:

Multipoint (one subnet)

Give the interface an ip address and enable Frame Relay encapsulation:

1 R1(config)# interface serial 0/0

2 R1(config-if)# ip address
3 R1(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay (ietf)

Configure LMI signaling type: (Optional as discussed with ISP):

1 R1(config-if)# frame-relay lmi-type ansi ! options: ansi, cisco, q933a

Configure Frame Relay mapping:

1 R1(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast (ietf)
2 R1(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 103 broadcast
3 R2(config)# interface serial 0/0
4 R2(config-if)# ip address
5 R2(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
6 R2(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 201 broadcast
7 R2(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 201 broadcast
8 R3(config)# interface serial 0/0
9 R3(config-if)# ip address
10 R3(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
11 R3(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 301 broadcast
12 R3(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 301 broadcast

Point-to-point (different subnets; one subnet per subinterface)

Enable Frame Relay encapsulation:

1 R1(config)# interface serial 0/0

2 R1(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay

Give an ip address to a subinterface and configure its DLCI:

1 R1(config)# interface serial 0/0.102 point-to-point

2 R1(config-subif)# ip address
3 R1(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 102
4 R1(config)# interface serial 0/0.103 point-to-point
5 R1(config-subif)# ip address
6 R1(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 103
7 R2(config)# interface serial 0/0
8 R2(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
9 R2(config)# interface serial 0/0.201 point-to-point
10 R2(config-subif)# ip address
11 R2(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 201
12 R3(config)# interface serial 0/0
13 R3(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
14 R3(config)# interface serial 0/0.301 point-to-point
15 R3(config-subif)# ip address
16 R3(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 301

Frame Relay Verification and troubleshoot:

Shows the encapsulation type:

1 R1# show interfaces serial 0/0

Lists PVC status information:

1 R1# show frame-relay pvc

Lists DLCI to IP mapping:

1 R1# show frame-relay map

Lists LMI status information:

1 R1# show frame-relay lmi

Displays the content of LMI messages:

1 R1# debug frame-relay lmi

Lists messages about certain Frame Relay events, including Inverse ARP messaeges:

1 R1# debug frame-relay events

Network Address Translation (NAT):

Static NAT:

Define the outside and inside interfaces:

1 R1(config)# interface serial 0/0

2 R1(config-if)# ip nat outside
3 R1(config)# interface FastEthernet 1/1
4 R1(config-if)# ip nat inside

Configure static NAT statement:

1 R1(config)# ip nat inside source static

Dynamic NAT:

Define the outside and inside interfaces

Create an ACL that determines the IP addresses thatare allowed to be translated:

1 R1(config)# access-list 3 permit

Create a pool of public IP addresses:

1 R1(config)# ip nat pool PUB netmask

Configure NAT statement:

1 R1(config)# ip nat inside source list 3 pool PUB</pre>

2 <h4>NAT Overload (PAT):</h4>
3 <ul>
4 <li>The same as dynamic NAT with the use of the overload keyword at the e
5 </ul>
6 <pre>
8 R1(config)# ip nat inside source list 3 pool PUB overload

NAT verification and troubleshoot:

Useful in viewing the configuration of NAT pool and the inside and outside interfaces:

1 R1# show running-config

Displays access lists, including the one used for NAT:

1 R1# show access-lists

Shows counters for packets and NAT table entries, as well as basic configuration information:

1 R1# show ip nat stasitics

Displays the NAT table:

1 R1# show ip nat translations

Clears all the dynamic entries in the NAT table:

1 R1# clear ip nat translations *

Issues a log message describing each packet whose ip address is translated with NAT:

1 R1# debug ip nat

Enjoy !

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