Sheep Chase NOBG PDF
Sheep Chase NOBG PDF
Sheep Chase NOBG PDF
Despite his flaws, however, he is generally good- At the same time, Noke began to realise that
hearted. Assuming he notices them and it doesn’t much of Shinebright’s acclaim came not from his
inconvenience him too much he will try to help own abilities - extensive as they were - but from
others where possible, though he will loudly the Wand of True Polymorph he wielded.
complain of their inability to grasp concepts as He finally cracked on the night of his 40th
simple as poly-planal transweave theory. birthday, when Shinebright ignored his request
Once upon a time the local nobles, merchants to advance his studies, saying he was too young.
and arcanists spoke the name of Finethir After polymorphing his master, Noke began to
Shinebright with respect, awe and grudging set himself up as a master wizard. However, a
admiration. A master of transmutation, he would combination of guilt and suddenly unstoppered
regularly be called upon to carry out grand tasks ambition spelled bad news for his mental state.
such as clearing blocked roads by turning He is paranoid that someone will attack him as
massive boulders into rabbits. he attacked Shinebright and rarely sleeps. This
Two years as a sheep have taught him very little paranoia has led him to invest in a troop of
about humility, but a lot about grass. guards, many of whom he has transmuted into
stronger, more bestial forms.
If he returns to his natural form, Shinebright is a
willow-thin high elf with straw-coloured hair With expenses rising and determined to exceed
and an extremely long nose. He favours loose the fame of his former master, Noke is keen to
blue robes and almost always wears slippers. take on even grander projects, even if this means
pushing the wand to its very limits.
Key Characteristics:
Ahmed is a relatively short, dusky-skinned
- Arrogant, snobbish and self-absorbed middle-aged man with untidy salt-and-pepper
- Kind at heart hair. He wears Shinebright’s old blue robes,
- Incapable of reading social situations which have been badly altered and drag along
the floor. He has a nervous habit of gently
- Desperately wants his wand back
pinching his left earlobe when under stress.
Ahmed Noke Key Characteristics:
The youngest child of a blacksmith, Noke has - Determined to prove his brilliance
always been fascinated by the transitory
- Still burns with anger for Shinebright
properties different materials could adopt -
metal that was soft as treacle one moment could - Paranoid of losing the wand
be hard as stone the next. - On the edge of madness
Guz Credits and
A hulking brute of a half-orc, Guz views violence
and intimidation as the only sensible methods
for achieving his goals and assumes that most - Cover image taken from animation created by
people feel the same way. Blizzard Entertainmant.
Though to most outside observers he may appear -Map created using Pyromancer's Dungeon
wholly reprehensible, he is incredibly loyal to Painter (
Noke - who genuinely doesn’t care what a - Dungeons & Dragons is the property of
creature looks like on the outside - and owes him Wizards of the Coast.
unswerving devotion.
Any feedback on this adventure or any adventures
Guz isn’t particularly intelligent and can be you'd like to see can be sent as a message to
easily confused by quick-talking foes, though this u/TheRainyDaze on Reddit or to
usually just makes him angrier. [email protected]
In person he stands well over six feet tall, wears
tattered but clean leather armour and wields an
enormous greatsword that he is more than
capable of wielding with a single hand.
His hair is woven into a single plait that reaches
to the small of his back. He is also fond of trying
to use long, complicated words he has picked up
from Noke - though the extent to which he
actually understands what they mean is up for
Key Characteristics:
- Incredibly loyal to Noke
- Works through violence and intimidation
- Tries to emulate Noke by using long words
- Not very intelligent