Nbsmanual 28 6 2015 160712064159 PDF
Nbsmanual 28 6 2015 160712064159 PDF
Nbsmanual 28 6 2015 160712064159 PDF
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Newborn Screening Manual
This manual is available free of charge to governmental and private hospitals that
submit newborn screening samples to NSO. Revised or additional pages of the
manual will be distributed periodically to ensure that the information contained is
consistent with current practices.
If you have any questions about the information contained in this manual, or would
like to order additional copies for your hospital, please e-mail
[email protected] .
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Newborn Screening Manual
Table of contents
Background Introduction
information Newborn screening history
Newborn screening system
Newborn screening timeline
Limitation of newborn screening
Scope on parts of screening program
Role of the screening team
Specimen collection Definition
Ensuring that the screen performed
Parental right for refusal
Time for specimens collection
Special consideration in sample collection
Recommendation for neonate in ICU
Specimens handling after collection
Transportation guidline for DBS
Unsatisfactory Identification of unsatisfactory specimens
Causes of unsatisfactory specimens
Privacy and Privacy and confidentiality health information
Storage of the dried blood spot samples
Use of dried blood spot samples
Destruction of the dried blood spot sample
Specific Overview of NSO process
Screening methodology
Factor causing of false positive and false negative
Special consideration that affect results of screen
Outline of 22 disorders included in the panel
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Newborn Screening Manual
Table of contents
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Newborn Screening Manual
After delivery
6. A) A positive screen does not mean a baby is
affected with a disease: A newborn screening blood spot collection card should
• confirmatory tests must be done to confirm or rule out a be completed between one day (24 hours) and seven
disease days after the birth of the infant, ideally, between two
days (48 hours) and three days (72 hours) after birth. If
B) A negative screen does not rule out a disease: tested before 24 hours of age, the test should be
• Any infant symptomatic of a disease should have repeated within 5 days (eg. at the first postnatal
the appropriate diagnostic evaluation immediately. checkup). Blood spots from infants are collected using
the heel-prick method, which is detailed on the back of
7. Newborn screening is standard of care and is the specimen card. The parent should be given the
strongly recommended for all infants, but is education, pamphlets to orient with the program.
not mandatory.
Ensure that you have thoroughly explained newborn Newborn Screening offices in hospitals will fill out
screening to all parents. If parents do not consent to demographic information about the infant and the
testing, it is extremely important to document the refusal infant’s mother on the blood spot collection card. This
in the infant’s records. information allows newborn screening laboratory to
correctly interpret the infant’s results, and, in the event
8. Unsatisfactory samples require a repeat sample that the infant screens positive for a disease, it will
immediately. allow the NSO coordinating follow-up to contact the
The NSO that took the initial sample is responsible for parent quickly to retrieve the infant.
ensuring the repeat sample is done, even if the infant has
been discharged. Delays in obtaining a repeat sample can It is important that you emphasize to parents that
lead to delayed diagnosis and serious health problems in newborn screening is part of their infant’s routine care
affected infants. and could save their infant’s life and/or prevent serious
health problems. The vast majority of parents agree to
9. Ensure that the newborn screening cards are have their infant screened. Parents may choose to
filled out completely and accurately. decline newborn screening for their infant. You should
All requested information is essential for accurate discuss this decision with them, and you should
interpretation and follow-up of results. Incorrect or document this decision in the infant’s medical record.
missing information can lead to false positive results and NSOs will ask parents to sign a form indicating that
unnecessary testing for healthy infants. they have refused newborn screening for their infant.
10. For any additional information contact
[email protected]
It is critical that newborn screening laboratories
The newborn
receive screening
the newborn screening (NS) sample
specimen card as
soon as possible after the blood spots are collected.
Therefore, the cards should be sent no later than 24
hours after collection and, ideally, as soon as the
Newborn screening timeline blood spots are dry (2-3 hours after collection).
Infants with some of the diseases screened will start
Before birth to become ill and may suffer irreversible damage
soon after birth.
As a provider of antenatal or newborn care, you should
discuss newborn screening with your patient. Information DO NOT BATCH SAMPLES FOR
about newborn screening should also be discussed with TRANSPORTATION.
prospective parents in their prenatal education classes. To
assist with parent education, pamphlets about newborn
screening are available in many different languages
(Arabic/English) and can be found in the NS offices in
hospitals .
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Newborn Screening Manual
If the infant is “screen negative”, he or she has a low risk There is wide variation in the clinical presentation
of having any the diseases included on the screening of the diseases that the newborn screen detects.
panel. In this case, a report is mailed to the hospital or Therefore, some affected individuals – infants who
health care provider that submitted the infant’s sample. have had diagnostic testing indicating that they
have a particular disease– will remain
Unsatisfactory sample asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms, even
without treatment.
If the infant’s sample is unsatisfactory (for example, if it
was taken too early, or if there was not enough blood to
do the testing), newborn screening laboratories will
contact the hospital that sent in the sample and ask them
for a new sample. The NSO who submitted the sample
should send another if the baby still present in the
neonatal department but if discharged they will need to
call the parent to tell them that the infant’s test needs to be
repeated and make arrangements for another sample to be
taken as soon as possible.
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Newborn Screening Manual
Amino Acidemias :
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD)
Homocystinuria (Cystathionine synthase def.)
Citrullinemia (ASA synthase deficiency )
Tyrosinemia (Type 1)
Argininosuccinic Aciduria (ASA Lyase deficiency)
Organic Acidemias :
Propionic Acidemia (PA)
Methylmalonic Acidemia (MMA)
Isovaleric Acidemia (IVA)
Glutaric Acidemia Type I (GA-I)
3-methylcrotonyl-CoA Carboxylase deficiency (3MCC)
Beta Ketothiolase deficiency (Mitochondrial Acetoacetyl CoA Thiolase deficiency)
Multiple CoA Carboxylase deficiency (MCD)
Fatty Acid Oxidation Defect :
Medium Chain Acyl CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (MCAD)
Very Long Chain Acyl CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (VLCAD)
Long Chain Hydroxy Acyl Dehydrogenase Deficiency (LCHAD)
Trifunctional Protein Deficiency (TFP)
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA Lyase Deficiency (3HMG)
Biotinidase Deficiency
Endocrine Disorders :
Congenital Hypothyrodism
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
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Newborn Screening Manual
References :
1. Clinical Laboratory and Standards Institute. Blood collection on filter paper for newborn screening programs; Approved standard–Fifth
edition. CLSI document LA4-A6. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2012. "
2. De Jesús VR, Mei JV, Bell CJ, Hannon WH. Improving and assuring newborn screening laboratory quality worldwide: 30-year
experience at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Seminars in Perinatalology 2010; 34:125–33. "
3. Federal Register. 39 CFR part 111 New Mailing Standards for Division 6.2 Infectious Substances. 2006; Section 10.17.9(b). Available
at: www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR"
4. Federal Register. 49 CFR part 173 Shippers General Requirements for Shipments and packaging. 2010; Section 173.134(b). Available
at: http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi"
5. World Health Organization. Guidance on regulations for the transport of infectious substances 2011 2012 .Geneva: WHO /HSE/IHR/
2010.8.Available at: http:// www.biosafety.moh.gov.sg/home/uploadedFiles/Common/
6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guide to infection prevention for Outpatient settings: minimum expectations for safe care.
Available at:" http://www.cdc.gov/HAI/settings/outpatient/outpatient-care-gl-standared-precautions"
7. Michigan Department of Community Health,Newborn screening guideline,October 2013"
8.newborn screening manual guideline of ontario
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NSO, as a submitter, are integral to the newborn in-charge nurse in the ward regarding improper
screening process and responsible for parent education, sampling. "
specimen collection, and following up on unsatisfactory
samples and missed newborn screens. In following the 10.The in-charge nurse at the Newborn Screening Office
recommended newborn screening practices. should store the samples in the office at room
Sample collection at Postnatal wards, NICU, SCU and
Labor rooms: 11. The coordinator at the Newborn Screening Office
1. Kuwait Medical Genetics Centre will supply the NSO has to guarantee safe transport of the filter papers to the
in different hospitals in the state of Kuwait with the filter newborn screening unit at KMGC.
papers and brochures, ect."
Ensuring that the screening test is
2. Inventory of supply is the responsibility of NBS
coordinator through the Head of the neonate departments performed?
using the NBS resources order form. Test is performed for all infants born in Kuwait
hospitals, ensuring the test has been offered/ performed
3. It is the responsibility of the nurse in-charge of the should be part of the pre-discharge check list. For
baby at the postnatal wards, NICU, SCU and labor room infants born at home ensuring that the test has been
to collect the blood sample following the instructions on offered / performed should be part of the first or second
back of the filter paper . postpartum visit.
If an infant is being transferred between hospitals, when
4. The ideal sample should be collected between (48-72 possible, the newborn screen should be performed prior
hour) of age; 24 hours at a minimum. " to the transfer and clearly documented in the discharge
summary. If the newborn screen was not performed
5. If the baby discharged home before 24 hour of age, prior to transfer, the plan for the newborn screen should
the first sample should be collected before discharge and be part of the discharge summary. Clear communication
a clear instructions has to be given to the parents by the between the two hospitals involved is essential to ensure
neonatologist regarding the importance of repeating the the newborn screen is offered/ performed
test up to one week and provide them with a referral
form to the Newborn Screening office to collect another Information for parents
sample of filter paper. It is important that antenatal and prenatal educators
discuss newborn screening with prospective parents.
6. The nurse in-charge should write the baby’s data on Pamphlets in multiple languages are available through
the filter paper including the contact numbers of the the NSO.
parents (It has to be 2 contact telephone numbers one of
them should be a land line) Parental right of refusal
Newborn screening is not currently mandated by law,
7. The nurse in-charge of the baby in any location should however, it is considered standard of care. The vast
register the baby’s data including the barcode of the majority of parents agree to have their infant screened.
filter paper in the screening registry book, as well as in As with many standard medical practices, there is no
the nursing notes of the baby’s/ mother’s medical record, formal province-wide mechanism to document consent.
which should be available in any location for collecting However ,members of KNNSC have taken many steps
samples." to provide education to ensure information is available
to parents to make informed decisions for their infants.
8. The nurse in-charge of the baby in any location should It is important that parents are made aware that newborn
allow the collected filter papers to dry in the assigned screening could save their infant’s life and/or prevent
racks for a minimum 3 hours. " serious health problems. Parents may decline screening,
and NSO should discuss this decision with them to
9. The in-charge nurse at the Newborn Screening Office ensure they are making an informed decision. Hospitals
should collect the samples from postnatal ward; NICU, should document this decision in the infant’s medical
SCU and Labor room and communicate with the record and/or have the parents sign a form indicating
they have refused this testing for their infant.
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Completing the Newborn Screening Card: Received TPN within 24 hrs of specimen collection."
• OTHER FEEDING: Check all that apply. For
It is extremely important to fill out the NBS card instance, if a mother is both breast and bottle feeding,
completely and accurately. The specimen submitter is mark both and indicate the type of formula."
legally responsible for the accuracy and completeness of • ANTIBIOTICS: "
the information on the NBS card. The card will be o For the 24-36 hour specimen; "
scanned into the NBS database so legibility is critical. ▪ State in the box “special things” if the
Press firmly using a black or blue pen and record the newborn is currently receiving antibiotics or the
following information in the spaces provided:" mother was receiving ongoing antibiotics at the time
of birth. "
Infant information: • TYPE OF COLLECTION: The preferred collection
method is by heel prick with a single drop of blood
• INFANT'S NAME: Record the mother in capital letters. applied directly to each circle on the filter paper.
You should put before mother name” baby of …” . In Check both “heel” and “capillary” if the blood was
multiple parity state the baby as twin I,II, ect." collected from the heel using a capillary tube. Note
• GENDER: Completely shade in the appropriate oval to that the use of a capillary tube can result in layered,
designate newborn's gender as male or female or serum, clotted and damaged specimens. If the heel was
unknown." not used, indicate the alternate collection method."
• BIRTH DATE: Use a six-digit number (dd / mm /yy) for
date of birth. For example, a birth on 4th of January 2012 Mother information:
would be recorded as 040112."
• BIRTH TIME: Record time of birth. For example, a • MOTHER'S NAME: Record last name followed by
birth at 4:30 p.m. " first name. If the newborn is going to be released at
• BIRTH WEIGHT in GRAMS: Record the exact birth birth to adoptive or foster parents, provide contact
weight in grams (1520 gram) in the boxes provided. Do information of adoptive or foster mother."
not use pounds and ounces. "
• CURRENT WEIGHT in GRAMS for 2nd and 3rd • MOTHER'S ADDRESS: Record mother's current
samples: Record the current weight in grams in the boxes address.Information about the mother is needed to
provided do not use pounds and ounces. " locate newborns in need of clinical evaluation or
• GESTATIONAL WEEKS: Record weeks of gestation at retesting."
time of birth. "
• MULTIPLE BIRTH ORDER: Completely record birth • MOTHER'S PHONE: Record mother's mobile and
order by "I”, “II”,“III" for twins, triplets, etc." home telephone number."
• SPECIMEN DATE: Use a six-digit number (dd/mm/ yy)
representing the date on which the specimen was • MEDICAL RECORD NUMBER-MOTHER: Record
obtained." the hospital identification or• medical record number
• COLLECTION TIME: Record time of specimen
collection." •BIOHAZARD CONDITIONS: Record in the special
• COLLECTED BY: Record initials or employee hospital things box if the mother is having HEPATITIS, AIDS
identification number of person collecting the specimen." OR OTHER INFECTIOUS DISORDER to deal with
• MEDICAL RECORD NUMBER BABY: Record the the sample according to the approved standard
birth/mother hospital's identification or medical record protocol"
• NATIONALITY: Record Nationality of Newborn." • BIRTH HOSPITAL: Record name of the birth
• RBC TRANSFUSION: Record if the newborn was ever hospital here only if different from the submitter."
transfused with red blood cells prior to specimen
collection. If yes,record the date (dd / mm /yy) and the Note: It is extremely important to fill out the screening
time of the most recent transfusion. " card completely and accurately"
• ANY TPN FEEDING: Completely shade in oval “yes”
if the newborn is receiving total parenteral nutrition
(TPN) at the time the specimen is obtained -OR- received
TPN within 24 hrs of specimen collection."
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The following exceptions to the above policy apply: positive screening results for amino acid diseases in
premature / LBW babies. Ideally, a specimen should be
1. A specimen should be collected prior to the baby collected at a time when the baby is receiving lower
receiving a packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusion, even amounts of TPN.
if this is prior to 24 hours of age.
For example, if the baby is receiving 1.5 g/kg/d of amino
This will ensure a satisfactory screen for: acids at 24 hours of age, it is preferable to take the
screening sample before this amount is increased. Please
• Galactosemia since the test relies on measurement of the note that there is no increased risk of a false negative
Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyltransferase enzyme activity result if a sample is taken when the baby is receiving
in red blood cells. higher amounts of amino acid solutions; screening should
not be delayed beyond 72 hours of age for this reason.
If the first sample is taken at less than 24 hours of age, a
second sample should be taken between 24 hours and 7 Premature infants ≥33 WGA and ≥1500g should
days of age. NOT be treated differently than term babies.
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If you only have expired cards, order new cards
immediately. In the meantime, collect newborn
screening samples on the expired cards. NS laboratory
tests all samples received on expired cards ; however,
the sample is considered unsatisfactory and a repeat
sample will be required. Preliminary steps
If you identify newborn screening cards as expired,
please remove them from circulation. To avoid wasting Ensure that the expiration date of the blood spot collection
these cards, please return them to KMGC where they card has not passed.
will be used for other purposes, such as educational
initiatives. Please send the expired card(s) to KMGC Complete the required demographic information on the
via the same transportation system used to send the requisition portion of the blood spot collection card either
newborn screening samples. manually or electronically. In manual applications a
ballpoint pen should be used; soft-tip pens will not copy
through to the other sheets of paper. Address imprint
All fields on the newborn screening card should be devices (or adhesive labels) should never be used unless
filled in as completely as possible. A complete the handling process ensures that patient information is not
newborn screening report cannot be issued if certain obscured and the blood collection area is not
critical fields are not completed. compromised. Do not use printers that might compress the
Procedure for blood spot specimen Collect the required number of uniform blood spots
collection (currently 5). Failure to collect the appropriate number of
blood spots may result in the sample being unsatisfactory
Specimen quality for analysis due to insufficient blood. It is preferable not to
reapply blood in a partially filled circle as this may result
The primary goal of this standard is to ensure the
in layering. Each of the five 11 mm circles on the DBS
quality of blood spots collected from newborns.
card requires approximately 75 ul to 100 uL of blood to
Unacceptable and poor quality specimens place a
burden on the screening system, and cause unnecessary
trauma to the infant and anxiety to the infant’s parents.
Poor quality specimens can potentially delay the Avoid touching the area within the circles on the
detection and treatment of an affected infant, and could filter paper section of the blood spot collection
contribute to a missed or late diagnosed case. When NS card before, during, and after collection (blood
laboratory receives an unacceptable specimen, it spots) of the specimen. Do not allow water, feeding
requests another specimen from the NSO in hospital . formulas, antiseptic solutions, glove powder, hand
The turnaround time for analytic results is critical if lotion, or other materials to come into contact
treatment to prevent the adverse consequences of the with the specimen card before or after use.
condition (such as irreversible mental retardation or
death) is to begin on time.
Specimen acceptability
The only justification for refusing to analyze a specimen Unacceptable sites for NBS blood
and declaring it unacceptable is that its analysis might collection:
yield unreliable, misleading, values for one or more
analytes. For this reason, such specimens are not • Arch or central area of an infant’s foot.
analyzed, and those responsible for collecting the
original sample are notified immediately so that a new • Fingers of a newborn
sample can be collected as soon as possible. When a
specimen is analyzed, NSO is acknowledging that the • Earlobe
specimen is suitable for testing and is assuming
responsibility for the reliability of the analytic values • A swollen or previously punctured site as
accumulated tissue fluid may contaminate the
Methods of collection : specimen
- Heelstick (method of choice)
- Capillary tube • Uncleared intravenous lines
- Dorsal hand vein
- Umbilical Venous Catheter (UVC)
- Umbilical Arterial Catheter (UAC)
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Follow recommendations of infection control To obtain sufficient blood flow, puncture the lateral
aspect of the infant’s heel on the plantar surface with a
sterile lancet or with a heel incision device. The incision
device provides excellent blood flow by making a
Heelstick ( method of choice) standardized incision 1.0mm deep by 2.5 mm long. Any
puncture device used should be selected so that the
Site preparation puncture does not exceed 2.0 mm in depth. For infant
safety, scalpel blades or needles must not be used to
Warming the newborn’s heel, the skin-puncture site, can puncture the skin for blood collection. Disposable skin
help increase blood flow. A warm, moist towel or puncture lancets of different designs are commercially
commercial heel warming device at a temperature no available for performing the heel stick on infants. For
higher than 42oC may be used to cover the site for three worker safety, disposable skin puncture devices that
minutes. This technique increases the blood flow protect the user from unintentional self-inflicted skin
sufficiently and will not burn the skin. In addition, punctures are preferable.
positioning the infant’s leg lower than the heart will
increase venous pressure. Direct application
After the heel has been punctured, wipe away the first
drop of blood with a sterile gauze pad or cotton ball.
Allow a second large blood drop to form by
intermittently applying gentle pressure as the drop of
blood forms. Touch the filter paper gently against the
large blood drop and, in one step, allow a sufficient
quantity of blood to soak through and completely fill a
preprinted circle on the filter paper. Do not press the
filter paper against the puncture site on the heel. Blood
should be applied only to one side of the filter paper.
Both sides of the filter paper should be examined to
assure that the blood has uniformly penetrated and
Caution: saturated the paper to the other side. After blood has
been collected from the heel of the newborn, the foot
Topical anesthetic creams should not be used as they
should be elevated above the body, and a sterile gauze
may cause vasoconstriction and may also produce
pad or cotton swab pressed against the puncture site until
analytic interferences.
the bleeding stop
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Dorsal hand vein collection (not the method of choice) 3. All transferred infants must be screened at any age
• Test results might be affected by blood from different after admission to NICU/SCU. "
vessel sources
• Hand veins might be needed for IV fluids 4. Screen all infants at least twice if hospitalised more
• Venous sampling is more invasive than a heel stick. than 7 days. Order another screen prior to discharge or at
28 days, whichever comes first. "
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Common Errors in the completion of the 2. Assuring adequate transport of newborn screening
newborn screening blood spot collection samples according to Transport Guidelines.
3. Delivering newborn screening samples to the assigned
newborn screening laboratory staff at Kuwait Medical
1. Missing critical data fields (e.g. missing date of Genetics Centre with registration of details of each
collection or date of birth) received samples, total number of sample received and
• Please ensure all fields on the card are completed time of receiving of samples in registration book.
prior to sending the sample to NS laboratory
Proper packing of dried-blood spot specimens:
2. Entering in the incorrect date of collection when a
sample is collected close to midnight 1. Proper packaging and labelling notifies employees and
transportation personnel of package’s contents. Once
3 Using expired blood cards DBS are completely dry, fix them on alternating sides so
that blood spot cards from different patients are not
• Prior to obtaining the sample, please check that the blood touching each other. Pack 10-15 blood spot cards in
spot collection card is not expired. The expiry date is recommended paper envelope.
located in the upper right hand corner of the card next to
the image of an hourglass, under the circles for the blood. 2. Avoid packaging of DBS specimens in plastic, foil
The expiry date is in a year month format (i.e. 2012-05). bags, or other airtight, leak-proof sealed containers. Lack
of air exchange in the inner environment of a sealed
container causes heat to buildup and moisture
accumulation. Heat, direct sunlight, humidity, and
moisture are also detrimental to the stability of DBS
Note : specimens and to analyte recovery. The inclusion of
Samples received at NSO. laboratory greater than 14 desiccant packs with the primary cold (ice bag) container
days after collection are unsatisfactory, however, they will aid in preventing moisture accumulation.
will be analyzed. If the results are “screen positive” for
any disease, this will be reported. The quality of the Checking validity of dried-blood spot specimens for
results cannot be assured due to possible sample testing:
degradation resulting from the length of time since
collection and a repeat sample will be requested. Dried-blood spot specimens arrived at Newborn
Screening Unit. Kuwait Medical Genetics Centre, first
examined for validity of testing according to the
standards protocol. Each blood card should be examined
for collection quality and possible damage and a note
should be made of any poor quality samples. Specimens
invalid for testing are returned back to the sender."
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A satisfactory The blood must fully soak through to the back of the filter
newborn screening paper. No areas of white should be visible on the front or
specimen back of the circle.
It is estimated that 75 uL – 100 uL of blood is required to fill
one circle on the filter paper. The newborn screening test #
calculations assume that the blood is evenly distributed
within the circle and completely saturates both sides of the
filter paper.
Quantity of blood Circles not sufficiently filled. Although the blood has soaked
insufficient through to the back of the card, the volume is not sufficient
for testing.
The specimen appears sufficient from the front but is
insufficient when viewed from the back.
Both sides of the filter paper should be examined to assure
that the blood has uniformly penetrated and saturated the
Please do NOT apply blood to both sides of the card.
Failure to collect the appropriate number of blood spots may #
result in the specimen being unsatisfactory for analysis due
to insufficient blood
Blood spots appear If you are using a capillary tube or butterfly to collect the
scratched or blood specimen, do not allow the capillary tube or butterfly
abraded to touch the filter paper to avoid damaging the filter paper
fibers. Actions such as “coloring in” the circle, repeated
dabbing around the circle, or any technique that might #
scratch, abrade, compress, or indent the paper should not be
used. Do not use the infant’s heel to attempt to force the
blood through to the back side of the blood spot collection
card. This may damage the fibers of the filter paper. These
actions may lead to compression of the filter paper and
inaccurate blood volume collection.
Blood spots are wet Do not allow water, feeding formulas, antiseptic solutions,
and/or discolored glove powder, hand lotion, or other materials to come into
contact with the specimen card before or after use. Ensure
that the infant’s heel is dry and free of alcohol prior to
performing the heel stick. #
Blood spots are Repeated application of blood in the same area or super
supersaturated saturation of the filter paper may lead to an excess volume of
blood being analyzed during testing, potentially resulting in
false negative or false positive screening results.
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Blood spots exhibit Excessive milking or squeezing the puncture may cause
serum rings hemolysis of the specimen or result in a mixture of tissue
with the specimen which can adversely affect the test result.
Blood spots delayed The blood spot collection cards arrived in a wet or damaged
in transit envelope.
Unsatisfactory specimens due to missing To identify samples which to reject NS laboratory use check
demographics list to confirm acceptability of samples :
Critical fields:
Please ensure that the following fields on the newborn
screening requisition are completed:
• Mother information,
• The infant’s date of birth,
• The date of specimen collection,
• Birth weight,
• The Submitting NSO,
• Gestational age.
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Notification of positive screens: 10. Confirmatory report will be sent from NSCTL at
Sabah hospital to NSO at the KMGC
1. If the result is normal do not contact the parents
and no further intervention is required. 11. NSO laboratory at the KMGC will send the final
report to co-coordinator at NSO hospitals by telephone,
2. If the result is positive or equivocal, the coordinator email, fax and a hard copy to be attached to medical
at the newborn screening unit at KMGC should contact record.
the co-coordinator at Newborn Screening Office (NSO)
by phone, email and to send the result by fax, after 12. The data entry personnel in newborn screening unit at
senior clinical biochemist authorization uses NBS KMGC should receive and enter the data into the
Report form. software data registry system for newborn screening.
3. The coordinator at the NSO should contact the 13. Annual report should be submitted by the newborn
parents bringing their baby for assessment and to screening unit at KMGC to Newborn Screening
initiate the confirmatory tests. Committee and a copy to the Pediatric Council.
5. For positive Tandem MS screen the coordinator of Newborn screening education for health
NBS lab at KMGC should:
i. Retest the same sample for all the positive in care providers
duplicate at KMGC lab.
ii. Inform the NSO coordinator, according to the Education about newborn screening is vital to the success
protocol of retesting. of the program. It is recommended to provide orientation
about newborn screening to all new employees, including
6. The co-coordinator at (NSO) should contact the review of this manual.
responsible specialist (Inborn error of metabolism
(IEM)/ Endocrinologist) to inform about the baby’s
clinical status and to initiate the required confirmatory Newborn screening education for parents
Parent education is essential to successful newborn
7. The nurse of NSO should collect the confirmatory screening. Informed parents are better able to understand
tests (second filter paper, urine or plasma) (Appendix screen positive results and the next steps in the process. In
5) addition, informed parents may experience less anxiety
associated with a repeat test request for an unsatisfactory
8.The confirmatory sample should be accompanied sample.
with a request form clearly showing the positive
screening result and with the official stamp for
confirmatory testing. Education materials available
9. The coordinator at the NSO should send the - Arabic brochure for parents
confirmatory samples to NSCTL at Sabah hospital or
relevant confirmatory labs. - English brochure for parents
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• To provide care.
Personal health information is used
by care providers and trainees who are part of a child’s
health care team. Use of the dried blood spot samples
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Disorders Appearance of Risk of Screening Factors causing false Factors causing false
symptoms crisis time positive results negative results
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3. Maternal Conditions
• A mother with hyperthyroidism treated with antithyroid agent can deliver a baby with transient
hypothyroidism (elevated TSH on the newborn screen). Positive results will occur until the drug
clears the newborn’s system - between 7-14 days after birth. A repeat screen or other thyroid
testing should be done around two weeks of age.
• A mother with CAH can deliver a baby with a false positive result for 17-OHP. The newborn
should be re-screened between 3 and 7 days after birth.
• Transient hyperphenylalaninemia in the newborn is a result of a mother with uncontrolled PKU
(high phenylalanine levels). This effect will normalize within 12 – 24 hours, unless the baby also
has PKU.
• A mother treated with steroids during pregnancy can deliver a baby with a false negative result for
CAH since steroids can suppress fetal adrenal function. The length of the effect depends on the
class of steroid and the dose, and is unknown but estimated at 1 – 2 weeks after birth. A repeat
screen done later than 2 weeks of age would be needed.
• Maternal carnitine or Vitamin B12 deficiencies can cause false positive results for C0 (carnitine)
and C3 (Vitamin B12). The effects can last several days depending on the nutrition provided to the
newborn (for B12 deficiency) – the duration of the effect of carnitine deficiency is unknown).
• Carnitine supplementation can cause false negative results for C0 during supplementation and for
some weeks afterwards. It can also cause false positives for other acylcarnitines. This effect lasts
approximately 4 days.
• A mother with 3MCC can have an unaffected baby with elevated C5OH. The duration of this false
positive effect is unknown.
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8. Late collection
• Collection of a first screen after 48 hours of age can show false negative results for fatty acid
oxidation disorders. A well fed state can mask indications of a FAOD so it is important that a first
screen be collected between 24 and 36 hours if at all possible.
• If a baby has an abnormal result for any FAOD on a first screen and then has a normal result on
the second, that second result cannot be taken to mean that the baby had a false positive on the
first screen. All babies with abnormal results on first screens should have diagnostic testing done
to confirm or rule out the possibility of a disorder even though their second screen is “normal.”
Very few false positive results for fatty acid oxidation disorders ever occur.
• Late collection is also not helpful in identifying disorders that have early crises since results will
not be available when symptoms start to appear. Disorders which can have serious consequences
if not diagnosed early include galactosemia, MSUD, salt-wasting CAH, urea cycle disorders,
organic acid disorders and some fatty acid oxidation disorders.
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Endocrine disorders occur when one or more of the body’s hormones cannot be produced while
others are overproduced. Hormones regulate metabolism and are necessary for the normal
function of the body’s organs.
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Phenylketonuria (PKU)
• A relatively common*, inherited disorder (autosomal recessive) that occurs when the enzyme,
phenylalanine hydroxylase, necessary to break down phenylalanine, is missing or not working
• Without early detection and treatment, permanent mental retardation, behavioral problems and
eczema develop after a few months. Newborns with PKU seem healthy and symptoms do not
appear until irreversible damage has been done.
• Treatment is a low protein diet with most protein provided in a phenylalaninerestricted formula.
If treatment is started early, babies develop normally and have normal IQ.
• Risk of this disorder is detected with elevated phenylalanine by MS/MS.
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Citrullinemia (CIT 1)
• A rare*, inherited urea cycle disorder (autosomal recessive) that occurs when the enzyme,
argininosuccinic acid synthetase, necessary to excrete the nitrogen from amino acids as urea, is
missing or not working properly.
• Crisis symptoms of hyperammonemia, which can appear in the first week of life, start with loss
of appetite, lethargy, hypotonia and vomiting and progress to seizures and coma. Prolonged
periods of hyperammonemia can cause brain damage (intellectual disability).
• Treatment is a low protein diet and special formula, supplementary arginine and other
medications along with avoiding going without eating for very long.
• Risk of this disorder is detected with elevated citrulline by MS/MS.
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Methylmalonic acidemia
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Galactosemia (GALT)
• Also called galactosemia type 1 or classic galactosemia.
• A rare*, inherited disorder (autosomal recessive) marked by the inability to metabolize
galactose because of a deficiency of the enzyme, galactose-1- phosphate uridyl transferase
(Gal-1-PUT), which is needed to convert galactose to glucose.
• Symptoms which start in the first week of life include jaundice, vomiting and feeding problems
leading to failure to thrive or even death. Even with treatment (a diet without any galactose),
many affected children have some development delay or mental deficit, speech or language
problems, cataracts or enlarged liver.
• Risk of this disorder is detected by an enzyme assay for Gal-1-PUT (GALT) and total
Galactose (T.GAL) by DELFIA .
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Appendix 1
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Appendix 2
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Appendix 3
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Appendix 4
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Appendix 5
Hospital Name Date:
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Appendix 6
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Appendix 7
Collect 3 samples
1. Initial (at 24-36 hrs of age)
2. At 14 days of age or discharge (if discharged before 14 days
of age)
3. At 30 days of age or at discharge (if discharged between
21-30 days of age)
If the newborn
If the newborn is
requires blood If newborn already receiving
transfusion or TPN received blood continuous blood
before 24 hrs of transfusion or TPN transfusion or TPN
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Appendix 8
Collect another
Normal result specimen at discharge
or at 28 days whichever
is soonest
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Checking the validity of collected samples by the responsible nursing NBS staff
according to the standard check list
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Consult Specialist
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*Available through Phone call ,email and fax Notification the NSO co- Notification the NSO co-
Newborn screening the NSO co-ordinator at the ordinator at the hospital
ordinator at the hospital
ordered screening by phone
electronic database hospital ordered screening ordered screening call email and fax to collect
another sample
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Appendix 10
Amount of English
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Appendix 11
Newborn screening order form (each
Please provide the number of item you are requesting
Amount Needed
Sterile Lancet with tip
(2.0-2.4 mm)
Amount Needed
Powderless Gloves
Amount Needed
Sterile alcohol Prep
Amount Needed
Sterile Gauze Pad
Amount Needed
Paper Envelops (7×10
inches Brown colour
Amount of copies
Referral form for early Needed
discharged babies
Amount of copies
Parental refusal form
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Appendix 12
Appendix 13
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Appendix 14
Parental refusal for newborn screening
على رفضي لعمل فحص اقر أنا املوقع أدناه ولى أمر الطفل/
مسح حديثي الوالدة للطفل املذكور علي مسئوليتي الخاصة وذلك رغم نصح األطباء لي بضرورة وأهمية عمل
الرقم املدني:
الطبيب املسئول56:
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Appendix 15
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Appendix 16
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Appendix 17
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Appendix 18
Disease summary
Disease Primary Screening Can Treatment
Analyte Prevent…
Argininosuccinic Acidemia ASA & Citrulline …developmental Avoid fasting , low
(ASA) delay , seizures , coma protein diet , medication
, death
Β-Ketothiolase (BKT) C5OH & C5:1 … brain damage , Avoid fasting , low
Deficency developmental delay , protein and fat diet ,
coma , death medication
Biiotindase Deficency Biotindase … developmental delay Biotin (vitamin)
, hypotonia , seizures , supplementation
skin rash , hair loss ,
Citrullinemia Cirtulline … developmental delay Low protein diet , avoid
, seizures , coma , fasting , medication
Congenital Adrenal 17-OH … salt-wasting crises , Hormone and mineral
Hyperplasia (CAH) progesterone death replacement
Congenital Hypothyroidism Thyroid … severe and Hormone replacement
hormones irreversible
developmental delay ,
failure to thrive
Galactosemia Galactose -1- … failure to thrive , Galactose restricted diet
phosphate uridyl liver damage , sepsis,
transferase death
Glutaric Acidemia Type I C5DC … developmental delay Avoid fasting , low
(GAI) , spasticity , protein diet , medication
encephalopathy , coma
, death
Homocystinuria Methionine … developmental delay Low methionine diet ,
, lens dislocation , medication , dietary
thrombosis supplementation
3-Hydroxy-3- C5OH & C6DC … brain damage , Avoid fasting , low
methylglutaryl CoA Lyase developmental delay , protein and fat diet ,
Deficiency death carnitine
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Disease summary
Disease Primary Screening Can Treatment
Analyte Prevent…
Isovaleric Acidemia (IVA) C5 … encephalopathy , Avoid fasting , low
neurological damage, protein diet , medication
coma , death
LCHAD Deficiency C16OH … cardiomyopathy , Avoid fasting , diet low
seizures , in long –chain fats
developmental delay ,
coma , death
Maple Syrup Urine Disease Leucine & .. failure to thrive , Low protein diet , avoid
(MSUD) isoleucine seizures , fasting ,
developmental delay ,
coma , death
MCAD Deficiency C8 … seizures , coma , Avoid fasting , aggressive
dudden death treatment of illness
3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA C5OH …failure to thrive , Avoid fasting ,
Carboxylase Deficiency seizure , coma , death medications , low
protein diet ,
Methylmalonic Acidemia C3 … failure to thrive , Low protein diet , avoid
(mutase deficiency and encephalopathy , fasting ,, vitamin B12
cobalamin defects) coma , death supplementation
Multiiple Carbosylase C3 & C5OH … failure to thrive , Biotin supplementation
Deficency encephalopathy ,
coma , death
Phenylketonuria Phenylalanine …severe and Phenylalanine restricted
irreversible diet , supplementation
developmental delay
Proprioic Acidemia C3 …encephalopathy , Avoid fasting , low
developmental delay, protein diet , medication
coma, death
Trifunctional protein C16OH ..developmental delay Avoid fasting , diet low
Deficiency , failure to thrive , in long chain fats
cardiomyopathy ,
coma , sudden death
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Disease summary
Tyrosinemia Type I Tyrosine and … liver and kidney Special diet , medication
Succinylacetone damage and sequelae ,
failure to thrive ,
Amion acid
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Appendix 19
General Information Brochure
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Appendix 20
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Appendix 21
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Newborn Screening Manual
Newborn Screening Operational Policies & Procedures
Policy Code C-
Policy owner: Kuwait National Newborn NN*-01
Screening Committee
Effective Date:
Written by: Kuwait National Newborn
Screening Committee
Revision Date:
Applies to: Staff in neonatal Unit, PNW**,
LR*** and Newborn Screening Office
Staff in different locations, General
Paediatrician ,Nutritionist,Inborn error
of metabolise specialists and
Approval: Kuwait National Newborn
Screening Committee-Chair Date
Approvals: The Under-Secretary of
Ministry of Health Date
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Name Signutures
Dr Laila Bastaki
Director of Kuwait Genetics centre , Committe-Co-chair
Dr Ibraheem Al-Muzairi
Director of Central Laboratory Services
Dr Neran Al-Naqeeb
Pediatric and Neonate Chair-Adan Hospital
Dr Rima Al-Sawan
Neonate Chair-Farwanyia Hospital
Dr Nawal Al-Kazimi
Consultant Neonatologist-Maternity Hospital
Dr Nawal Makhseed
Consultant Inborn Error of metabolism -Jahra Hospital
Dr Ahmad Al-Saraf
Head of Kuwait Cancer Center Laboratories
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Name Signutures
Dr Laila Bastaki
Director of Kuwait Genetics centre Committe-Co-
Dr Neran Al-Naqeeb
Pediatric and Neonate Chair-Adan Hospital
Dr Rima Al-Sawan
Neonate Chair-Farwanyia Hospital
Dr Nawal Al-Kazimi
Consultant Neonatologist-Maternity Hospital
Dr Nawal Makhseed
Consultant Inborn Error of metabolism -Jahra
Dr Ahmad Al-Saraf
Head of Kuwait Cancer Center Laboratories
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CLSI: Clinical and Laboratory standard Institute
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