Prenatal Screening SOGC
Prenatal Screening SOGC
Prenatal Screening SOGC
Objective: To provide obstetrical and genetic health care practitioners
with guidelines and recommendations for prenatal screening,
diagnosis, and obstetrical management of fetal open and closed
Options: This review includes prenatal screening and diagnostic
including maternal serum alpha fetoprotein screening, ultrasound,
fetal magnetic resonance imaging, and amniocentesis.
This document reflects emerging clinical and scientific advances on the date issued and is subject to change. The information
should not be construed as dictating an exclusive course of treatment or procedure to be followed. Local institutions can dictate
amendments to these opinions. They should be well documented if modified at the local level. None of these contents may be
reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the SOGC.
Key to evidence statements and grading of recommendations, using the ranking of the Canadian Task Force on
Preventive health Care
A. There is good evidence to recommend the clinical preventive action
controlled trial
II-1: Evidence from well-designed controlled trials without
Screening Evaluation
abnormalities including open/closed neural tube defects
Diagnostic Evaluation
5. If the second trimester screening fetal ultrasound indicates a
probable diagnosis of neural tube defects, the women should be
for a more detailed ultrasound examination looking for the
6. Prenatal magnetic resonance imaging can be considered as
an additional fetal imaging technique if further detailed fetal
Pregnancy Management
10. Following the detection of an isolated open/closed neural tube
management options after diagnostic and genetic testing results
are available. Options should include information about
or fetal contraindications for prenatal repair at 2026 weeks
prognosis, and
Prenatal Screening, Diagnosis, and Pregnancy Management of Fetal Neural Tube Defects
Pregnancy Follow-up
14. Follow-up consultation is recommended when postnatal genetic
and pathologic studies are complete, to provide the woman with
alpha fetoprotein
odds ratio
Prenatal Screening, Diagnosis, and Pregnancy Management of Fetal Neural Tube Defects
Fetal MRI
Screening Evaluation
Prenatal Screening, Diagnosis, and Pregnancy Management of Fetal Neural Tube Defects
life, but less satisfaction with their sex lives and abilities to
that the severity of disease and the level of the lesion had
little bearing on self-reported QoL.90
Prenatal Screening, Diagnosis, and Pregnancy Management of Fetal Neural Tube Defects
trimester screening approaches) or for placental cellfree fetal DNA (for future direct fetal molecular DNA
screening or diagnostic testing).
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Prenatal Screening, Diagnosis, and Pregnancy Management of Fetal Neural Tube Defects
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26. Saari-Kemppainen A, Karjalainen O, Ylostalo P, Heinonen O. Ultrasound
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27. Saleem SN, Said AH, Abdel-Raouf M, El-Kattan EA, Zaki MS,
Madkour N, et al. Fetal MRI in the evaluation of fetuses referred for
sonographically suspected neural tube defects (NTDs)impact on
diagnosis and management decision. Neuroradiology 2009;51:76172.
28. Boulet SL, Yang Q, Mai C, Kirby RS, Collins JS, Robbins JM, et al;
National Birth Defects Prevention Network. Trends in the
United States. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2008;82:52732.
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Alpha-fetoprotein detection of neural tube defects and the impact of
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65. Loureiro T, Ushakov F, Montenegro N, Gielchinsky Y, Nicolaides KH.
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58. Roberts CJ, Hibbard BM, Roberts EE, Ecans KT, Laurence KM,
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in high-risk mothers. Lancet 1983;2:10689.
59. Hosny IA, Elghawabi HS. Ultrafast MRI of the fetus: an increasingly
important tool in prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies. Magn Reson
Imaging 2010;28:14319.
81. Wapner RJ, Martin CL, Levy B, Ballif BC, Eng CM, Zachary JM, et al.
Chromosomal microarray versus karyotyping for prenatal diagnosis.
N Engl J Med 2012;367:217584.
et al. Karyotype versus microarray testing for genetic abnormalities after
stillbirth. N Engl J Med 2012;367:218593.
Prenatal Screening, Diagnosis, and Pregnancy Management of Fetal Neural Tube Defects
84. Shumway JB, Greenspoon JS, Khouzami AN, Platt LD, Blakemore KJ.
fetoprotein (MSAFP) in abdominal pregnancies: correlation with extent
and site of placental implantation and clinical implications. J Matern Fetal
Med 1996;5:1203.
85. Laurence KM, Elder G, Evans KT, Hibbard BM, Hooles M, Roberts CJ.
Should women at high risk of neural tube defect have an amniocentesis?
J Med Genet 1985;22:45761.
86. Nizard J. Amniocentesis: technique and education. Curr Opin Obstet
Gynecol 2010;22:1524.
87. Wilson RD, Langlois S, Johnson JA; Genetics Committee and CCMG
Prenatal Diagnosis Committee of the Society of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists of Canada. Mid-trimester amniocentesis fetal loss rate.
SOGC Committee Opinion, No. 194, July 2007. J Obstet Gynaecol Can
88. Kooper AJ, de Bruijn D, van Ravenwaaij-Arts CMA, Faas BHW,
Creemers JWT, Thomas CMG, et al. Fetal anomaly scan potentially will
replace routine AFAFP assays for the detection of neural tube defects.
Prenat Diagn 2007;27:2933.