TDE Errata CoreRules v1.2 PDF
TDE Errata CoreRules v1.2 PDF
TDE Errata CoreRules v1.2 PDF
Version 1.2 - June 2019 Page 48, Fragile: Rename the Disadvantage to
“Sensitive to Pain”
The following list includes the errata of the revised Eng- Page 51, Step 9, second ‘eye’: The sentence should
lish PDF version of the Core Rules. Errata that require read “To calculate Parry (PA), halve the SR of the
re-calculations of AP costs of Professions, Cultures, Ar- combat technique for the weapon (rounding up)”
chetypes and similar packages are not included if they Page 53, Summary of Magical Special Abilities:
are not in the 3rd revision of the German edition. These The special ability “Forbidden Portals” should be
will be covered in a full revision of the Core Rule PDF. called “Forbidden Gates“.
Page 54, Staff Enchantments: The special ability
Page 7, A World of Adventure: “In the plains along “Call Staff” should be called “Staff Apportation”.
the northwestern border of Midderealm lie the The special ability “Double Measurements” should
Orclands (2)“ should read “In the plains northwest be called “Double Measure”.
of the Middenrealm lie the Orclands (2)“, since there Page 65, Korgrimm’s Equipment: Remove
is no direct border between the Middenrelams and “Ammunition (Bolts, 10)” since the dwarf does not
the Orclands. start with a crossbow.
Page 8, Map: It should read: “Dominion of Page 67, Thallian’s Combat Techniques: Since
Donnerbach” Thallian‘s DEX is only 10, the ranged combat stats
Page 11, The High Dragons: Menacor is like all High should read “Bows 6 (Ranged 6), Crossbows 6
Dragons male and he is not “Daughter of Hesinde” (Ranged 6), Thrown Weapons 6 (Ranged 6)”.
Page 26, second paragraph: The “Emir of Page 67, Thallian’s Equipment: Change the name
Dingsdabad” is a wordplay in German. This should of the potion from “Magical Potion” to “Arcane
be replaced with “Emir of Somewherefar”. Potion”
Page 28, Derived Characteristics: Under Arcane Page 73, Orestas’ DEX-Value: This should be 10
Energy (AE) the end of the last sentence should be and not 16.
changed to “or the use of arcane potions.” Page 81, Wulfgrimm’s Equiment: The shield
Page 44, top left box: The text should read “Chart should be called “Thorwaler Shield”.
#3 also takes into account that some attributes for Page 83, Ylwa’s Languages: It should read “Native
certain races, such as elves and dwarves, have a tongue Fjarningish III”
maximum value of 12. (see also page 88)” Page 85, Gonzalo’s Advantages: The advantage
Page 44, Step 6: Choose a Profession: After the “Time Sense” is called “Inner Clock”.
paragraph ending in “Furthermore, some professions Page 88, Stats: The section “Attribute Adjustments”
offer variants that might each have different should be renamed to “Adjustments to Attribute
prerequisites.“ Add the following: “After deciding for Maximums”
a profession, write down all the skills and their values Page 89, Build and Appearance: The beginning
and pay the AP costs. Most professions include some of the sentence at the start of the second column
variants that adjust skills from the base profession or should read: “Size: Middenrealmers are about 69 to
add new ones to the list.” 73 inches tall, but Thorwalers and ...”
Page 45, Example: The example of Louisa has some Page 90, Weight: The calculation should read “In
mistakes. The Rogue profession has no prerequisites pounds: 110 + (6 per inch over 60) +/- 4D6”
and the Cat Burgler variant should only cost 225 Page 91, Weight: The calculation should read “In
AP. This leads to a cascading error in the point pounds: 60 + (7 per inch over 60) + 4D6”
calculations. this wil be looked at in the next full Page 92, Weight: The calculation should read “In
revision of the Core Rules. pounds: 60 + (8 per inch over 60) + 4D6”
Page 46, Liturgical Chants of Chris’ character: Page 90, Weight: The calculation should read “In
Remove “Vision Quest 3“, this does not exist. pounds: 106 + (4 per inch over 50) + 2D6”
Page 48, Resistant to Aging: Remove “you cannot Page 94, Races Overview: The Column “Attributes”
have the disadvantage Accelerated Aging”, this does should be called “Attribute Maximums”. In the
not exist. same column, for Elves and Dwarves the entry for
Page 48, Rugged Fighter: The prerequisites should “DEX” needs to be changed to “AGI”.
read “you cannot have the disadvantage Sensitive Page 118+119+121, Common Disadvantages:
to Pain” “Bound to Artifact” should be renamed to “Artifact-
Bound”. Replace “Requirements“ with “Prerequisites“.
Page 122+123+125, Common Professions: For all Page 220, General Special Abilities Overview:
the dwarven cultures the Magical Professions should Missing special ability “Analyst - Prerequisites:
read “Mage (very rare)” Magical Lore 4 - AP Value: 5 adventure points”
Page 154, Blessed One of Hesinde: In the second Page 221, Fate Point Special Abilities - Table:
paragraph as well as in the Variants of the Replace “Requirements” with “Prerequisites”.
Profession Package, “Satri” should be replaced with Page 224, Script - Nanduria Signs: The text in
“Satori”. Associated Languages should read “None (perhaps
Page 163, Format of Advantages and Garethi or Bosparano)“
Disadvantages: In the block Prerequisites the Page 227, Basic Terms of Combat: The “Damage
example should read “For example, a hero with Points (DP)” section should be replaced with this:
Beautiful Voice cannot also be Mute, and ...” “Damage Points (DP) and suffered Damage Points (sDP):
Page 167, Iron-Attuned Aura: The rules should You can use weapons, rocks, or even your bare
read “With this advantage, you suffer a penalty fists to hurt your enemy. The Damage Points of your
for every 8 full pounds of weight due to the Iron weapon reflect how much damage you inflict when
Ban, not every 4 full pounds, as usual (see page the enemy is unable to defend against the attack.
255).” To determine damage, you usually roll 1D6 or 2D6
Page 168, Pragmatic: The rules should read “For a and sometimes add a bonus. Subtract the target’s
pragmatic, Rapture drops by 1 level per half-hour Protection from the damage points you roll, the
instead of every hour.” remaining points are the suffered Damage Points are
Page 168+180, Resistant to Aging: In the section deducted from the target’s life points. In brief, DP –
Prerequisites remove the sentence “No disadvantage PRO = sDP.”
Fast Aging.” Page 230, By the Rules: Last sentence should read
Page 171+181, Bound to Artifact: The disadvantage “He takes 6 suffered Damage Points (sDP) (10-4) and
should be renamed to “Artifact-Bound” has to reduce his current life points by 6.”
Page 186, Quality Level with Craft Skills: The Page 231, Close Combat Botch Table: The first
sentence in the example should read “The player sentence should read “Instead of taking 1D6+2 sDP
makes the check and keeps four SP (a QL of 2), so on a botch, you can use the following table.”
Layariel saves half an hour.” Page 232, Close Combat Botch Table: Remove any
Page 214, Analyst: Replace “Requirements” with reference to “(ignoring PRO)” in entry 11 and 12.
“Prerequisites”. Page 233, Parrying With Weapons and Shields: In
Page 214, Cheating: The last sentence of the rules the second to last paragraph change the following
section should be replaced with “This special ability sentence “When using his combat technique Shields
grants you a new use for the skill Gambling.” (value 8),“ to “When using his combat technique
Page 216, Heraldry: Replace “Requirements” with Shields, his Parry is 8 and he doubles his wooden
“Prerequisites”. shield‘s parry bonus to +2,“
Page 216, Horse Faker: The second sentence in the Page 234, Defense Botch Table: The first sentence
rules section should read “This special ability grants should read “Instead of taking 1D6+2 sDP for a
you a new use for the skill Commerce.” defense botch, you can roll on the following table.”
Page 217, Leader: The first sentence of the rules Remove any reference to “(ignoring PRO)” in entry
section should read “This special ability grants you 11 and 12.
a new use for the skill Fast Talk, which you can use to Page 239, Visibility Modifier: The title needs to be
assist companions during combat.” changed to “Close Combat Visibility Modifier”. The
Page 218, Mimicry: The first sentence of the rules ranged combat (RC) needs to be removed from each
section should read “This special ability grants you category.
a new use for the skill Animal Lore.” Page 240, left column, third ‘eye’ from bottom:
Page 219, Writing: The Prerequisites section The last sentence should read “This check suffers a
should read “appropriate script, language III, skills penalty of 1 for every 5 full sDP taken by the mount.”
depending on the area (Etiquette 4 for poetry, Fast- Page 242, Modifiers for Restricted Visibility:
Talk 4 for novels, Myth & Legends 4 for fairy tales, The title should be changed to “Ranged Combat
Persuasion 4 for political pamphlets, Seduction 4 Visibility Modifiers”.
for romance novels, Streetwise 4 for crime stories, Page 243, Ranged Combat Botch Table: The first
an appropriate knowledge skill 4 for professional sentence should read “Instead of taking 1D6+2 sDP
publications).” on a botch, you can use the following table.”
Page 219, Examples of Trade Secrets: The name of Page 244, Ranged Combat Botch Table: The title
the trade secret “Magic Potion” should be renamed needs to be changed to “Ranged Defense Botch Table”.
to “Arcane Potion” The first sentence should read “Optionally, rather
Page 220, General Special Abilities Overview: than applying a default damage of 1D6+2 sDP for a
Page 273, Magical Potion: This potion is being least 4 AE (you cannot modify the cost)”
renamed. the title and first paragraph should read: Page 307, Death: “necropoleis” should be spelled
“Arcane Potion “necropolis”
Spellcasters like to use the refreshing effect of Page 316, The Archdemons of Aventuria: Replace
arcane potions to regain their lost AE. An important the spelling “Belhahar” with “Belhalhar”. The main
ingredient for the arcane potion is kairan reed, name of the antagonist to Firun is “Nagrach”, the
which grows at the Nine-Eye Lake.” Alias is “Belshirash”.
Page 274, Magical Traditions: In the middle of Page 316, grey box: the sentence in the middle
the first paragraph “Bosporana” should be written should read “Touching a demon’s brow with a
“Bosparano”. Rondra’s Crest does 1D3 sDP in the first combat
Page 276, Binding of the Staff: In the middle of round, 1D3+1 sDP in the second, and so on.”
the Effect paragraph the sentece should read “Only Page 320, Special Ability: Tradition (Church of
elemental fire - burning hotter than a dragon’s Phex): In the list of the Favored Skills “Trade”
breath or an Ignifaxius spell - or a directed anti- should be replaced by “Commerce”.
magic spell can destroy it.” Neither dragons breath Page 327, Moon’s Gaze: Last sentence of the Effect
nor an Ignifaxius can destroy a mages staff. should read “For more about Visibility, see pages
Page 278, Special Ability: Tradition (Witch): The 242 and 348.”
fifth ‘eye’-point needs to read “Witches can work Page 330, Staff Serpent: The Effect should read “one-
themselves into a frenzy of emotion. It takes time 1D6 sDP, 2 levels of Pain / 1D3 sDP, 1 level of Pain”
two combat rounds to gain a bonus of 1, up to a Page 333, Chants of Rondra: Replace
maximum of 2. This requires concentration (see “Encouragement” with “Encourage”
page 285) and a free action.” Page 339+398, Situation Table: The examples for
Page 285, Magical Signs: The first sentence of the “Interruption of nightly rest” should read “(e.g.
rules should read “You receive the new application sentry duty, nighttime disturbance)”. The examples
Draw Magical Signs for the skill Artistic Ability.” of “Lengthier interruption of nightly rest” should
Page 285, Property Knowledge: The Requirements read “(e.g. middle watch , night ambush)”
section should read “Primary attribute of the Page 339, grey callout box: The text should be
Tradition 15, 3 arcane works with the property at SR replaced with “Middle watch is a nautical term for
10 or higher.” the guard shift between midnight and 4am.”
Page 285, Summary of Magical Special Abilities: Page 340, Falling Damage: In the description,
For Property Knowledge the requirements should table and example, all “DP” need to be replaced
read “Primary attribute 15, 3 arcane works with the with “sDP”, since armor has in general no effect on
right property at 10 SR” falling damage.
Page 285, Grey Box (one eye) for Property Page 343, Lutanas: The Damage should read “1D6
Knowledge: The text in the box should read “These sDP per day, anxiety (1 level of the condition Fear
arcane works can be spells, rituals, elven songs, per 6 hours) / 1 sDP per day, 1 level of Fear”.
witch curses, or other active magical abilities with Page 347, Recovering from Hypothermia: The
the appropriate property.” last sentence of the example should read “If he does
Page 285, Aventurian Enchantments: The title not find a warm haven within 20 minutes, he will
needs to be replaced with “Arcane Spellworks”. blackout and probably freeze to death.”
Please see the column to the right on page 3 for the Page 348, Heat Chart: Level I interval should read
full replacement of this section. “up to 95 degrees Fahrenheit (up to 35 degrees
Page 290, Duplicatus: In the middle of the second Celsius)/1 Hyperthermia Level per day”. The Level
paragraph in the Effect section should read “If an IV interval should read “131 degrees Fahrenheit
attack does hit the target, it can be parried or dodged.” and more (over 55 degrees Celsius)/1 Hyperthermia
Page 294, Odem Arcanum: The page reference Level per 6 hours”
in the middle of the first paragraph in the Effect Page 354: Creature Descriptions: The “Hunting”
section should read “(see pages 268 and 287)”. section is missing from the descriptions. It should
Page 301, Enchantments: The title of the section read “Hunting: The creature’s Hunting modifier (for
should be changed to “Arcane Spellworks”. more information, see the rules for Hunting in the
Page 301, Spells by Tradition: Add “Invocatio Aventurian Compendium)”
Minima” to the Guild Mages and Witches list. Page 357, Heshthot - special rules: The first
“Horriphobus” should be removed from the Witches sentence of the **) should read “If a heshthot causes
list and added to the Guild Mages list. sDP with its whip, ...”
Page 302, Analys Arcane Structure: Correct the Page 361, Toad (Kosh Toad): The Animal Lore QL 1
spelling mistake from “Analys Arcane Structure” to description should read “Some toads secrete a mild
“Analyze Arcane Structure” poison that causes hallucinations.”
Page 302, Gardianum: AE Cost should read “at Page 363, Equiment: in the first paragraph it needs