Eamesetal Thermostatic Valves 2014
Eamesetal Thermostatic Valves 2014
Eamesetal Thermostatic Valves 2014
12 3,529
3 authors:
Graeme Maidment
London South Bank University
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Article history: This paper describes and evaluates the development of generalised steady state and
Received 18 July 2012 transient mathematical models for thermostatic expansion valves (TEVs) of the types used
Received in revised form in commercial refrigeration systems. The model is of a generalised nature, because it is not
20 May 2013 necessary to input performance or geometrical data for a particular valve to operate the
Accepted 23 June 2013 model. However, if required, the models can provide an accurate correlation of valve
Available online 2 July 2013 manufacturer’s data. Derivations are provided and validating data is presented. The
mathematical models described in the paper form part of computer software that simu-
Keywords: lates the thermal operation of whole refrigeration systems. The software is titled Vapour
Vapour compression refrigerator Compression Refrigeration System (VCRS) simulator, and by way of example the paper
Simulation presents results from the VCRS simulator which are used to aid a discussion of operating
Modelling faults, such as hunting and under damping and their possible causes, where these can be
Thermostatic expansion valve attributed to the expansion valve.
Software ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.
modelling goes back several decades and includes work differential, (PbePe), and specific to the TEV valve used in the
covering theoretical and experimental research of both steady experiments. They found that their linear model was able to
state and transient operation. Often, studies focussed on capture stable dynamic changes in evaporator conditions but
modelling vapour compression refrigerators as a whole; with not hunting, which was predicted only when their non-linear
the TEV forming only a part of the formulation. An early model was used. The Mithrarartne and Wijevsundera’s model
example of transient refrigeration system modelling is pro- failed to predict the TEV flow characteristic when the suction-
vided by Chi and Didion (1982). Their model incorporated a line vapour temperature, measured close to the sensing bulb,
steady state linear model for a TEV. It is not clear from the was above about 16 C. On checking the specification for the
paper what input data was needed to run the Chi and Didion’s type of TEV used in the experiments the authors of this paper
(1982) TEV model. Experimental measurements and theoret- found that it was a MOP (maximum operating pressure), or
ical results are compared graphically for 6 min periods after gas-charged type, which may explain their unexpected result.
start-up. Up to the 2 min point there is significant difference The operation of a MOP valve is described later in this paper.
between the experimental data and model predictions for Aprea and Mastrullo (2002) reported a comparative study
evaporator inlet temperature. This may have been due to the between the performance of a TEV and electronic expansion
linear TEV assumption used in the formulation of the model. valve (EEV) when replacing a system’s refrigerant from R22 to
Also, measured data were taken at 30 s intervals making R407C. Under steady state operation the results show the two
impossible to know what was happening to the system’s types of valve produced similar results regardless of which
temperatures and pressures during the first 30 s after start-up. refrigerant was used in the system tested. During compressor
However, after about 2 min of simulated time following start- start-up though, when the pressures in the evaporator and
up the predicted and measured values were shown to be close. condenser were equalised, the EEV’s response was found to be
James and James (1987) described their transient model of a faster than that of the TEV, but when the start-up was initi-
TEV. This was a particularly interesting study. However, in ated with the condenser and evaporator pressures out of
order to run the model geometric data of the valve and bulb balance the opposite was found. It is not entirely certain why
was needed, which made it unsuitable for the purposes of a this reversal occurred, however, the authors of this paper
generalised refrigerator system model. believe that it may have been due to the type of EEV used in
Conde and Sutera (1992) described and validated their the tests, which relied entirely on temperature signals to
mathematical model to simulate the steady-state operation of initiate flow changes whereas a TEV uses both pressure and a
thermostatic expansion valves. The disadvantage of the temperature signals to meter the flow.
Conde and Sutera’s (1992) model was that it required an ac- Yu et al. (2006) investigated how TEVs in air-cooled
curate description of the throttling section geometry. While condenser systems can prevent COP values from rising as
the model described in this paper has similarities to that of condenser air-on temperature falls. Their analysis showed
Conde and Sutera’s model it does not require geometric data that in order to maintain a desired refrigerant flow through a
as inputs, which makes it more flexible. TEV it was necessary to maintain a high differential pressure
Mithrarartne and Wijeysundera (2002) carried out a theo- across the valve. This was achieved by shutting-down or
retical and experimental study of a refrigerator system. They slowing variable speed condenser cooling fans as the ambient
compared the results from both linear and a non-linear TEV air temperature fell. In their analysis Yu et al. (2006) used a
models. Both models were steady state and empirically based, linear TEV model similar to that proposed by ASHRAE (1994).
being curve fits of volumetric flow as a function of pressure The degree of scatter in their results may have been due to the
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 8 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 9 e1 9 7 191
simplifying assumptions implicit in the linear model used. used in commercial refrigeration systems, Dossat (1978).
The authors recommended the use of an electronic expansion With regard to a refrigeration system, the functions of such
valve (EEV) to over come this problem. Another solution sug- valves are:
gested by the authors of this paper may have been to use a
pumped return from the condenser to the evaporator. (i) Maintain a required pressure difference between the
Ndiaye and Bernier (2009) modelled refrigerant flow condenser and evaporator.
through a TEV bleed port. A bleed port is required for systems (ii) Meter refrigerant flow to the evaporator at (ideally) the
that need to quickly equalise evaporator and condenser same rate as it is drawn off by the compressor.
pressures before compressor start-up. They used four types of (iii) Protect the compressor from liquid ingestion by main-
inlet/outlet steady-state flow condition and showed that their taining an acceptable degree of superheat in the suction
model’s predictions generally compared well with experi- line; normally set to be between 5 K and 10 K.
mental results.
The research described in this paper forms part of a wider The operation of this type of valve and other types of TEV
study aimed at the development of high fidelity models that are described by ASHRAE (1994). The same reference gives the
simulate the transient and steady-state operation of whole capacity of TEV to be,
refrigeration systems of the type used for the storage qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
and processing of food. At the time of writing, the models Q_ e ¼ Co rc;f ðPc Pe Þ he;g hc;f ; (1)
are integrated within a software package titled Vapour
Compression Refrigerator System (VCRS) simulator. This has where Co is a constant dependant on valve geometry. Valves
been described by Eames et al. (2010, 2012) and was developed that use the same refrigerant in their sensing bulb as used in
as part of a larger study into energy use by refrigeration sys- the refrigerator are termed ‘straight-charged’. In practice it is
tems in the food chain carried out for the UK Government’s common to charge a sensing bulb with a refrigerant or a blend
Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of refrigerants that has a higher saturation pressure than the
as described by James et al. (2009). This simulator provides a refrigerant in the refrigerator evaporator at a lower saturation
fully integrated model that simulates food cooling processes, temperature. This prevents excessive compressor suction
cold store or room and refrigeration system, together, in a vapour superheat at low evaporator temperatures. Valves
single package. This allows practitioners to investigate the which use a different refrigerant to that in the refrigerator
implications of refrigeration system design choices in terms of system are know as ‘cross-charged’. To model cross-charged
energy usage and carbon generation. At the time of writing the valves at steady-state it is necessary to know the saturation
VCRS package can be downloaded free of charge from the pressureetemperature relationship of the refrigerant or blend
project website at; http://www.grimsby.ac.uk/industry/defra- of refrigerants contained by the sensing bulb. For commercial
refrigerationmodels.php or from the corresponding author. reasons this information is not normally made available by
In order to enable a wide range of refrigerator systems to be valve manufacturers and therefore, for the purposes of
easily modelled it was necessary that the TEV model was not refrigeration system modelling it is usual to assume that a TEV
complicated by the need for geometric descriptions of the is straight charged. However, as shown later in this paper it
valve or empiric performance data. This paper shows that the was interesting to observe that the model described here,
aim was achieved and in addition the steady-state model which assumes a straight-charged liquid valve, appears to
provides described here provides a useful correlating equation
for manufacturer’s data, if that is required. Together with a
transient model, a practical way is provided to simulate and
investigate operational problems sometimes encountered in
refrigeration system. These included such problems resulting
from over-sizing or under-sizing a TEV, or by incorrect
Section 2 provides descriptions of various types of TEV
covered by the research described in this paper. Sections 3 and
4 describe the derivation of a TEV steady-state model. Part-
load performance of a TEV is discussed in Section 5 and a
simplified transient model is derived in Section 6. Some vali-
dation results are presented in Section 7 and in Section 8 re-
sults for the VCRS software, which incorporates the models
described in this paper, are used to aid the discussion of TEV
operating faults.
satisfactorily correlate the performance of a proprietary cross- valve. This occurs both when the evaporator saturation temper-
charged valve within its normal operating temperature range. ature increases or decreases from its design-point condition and
Cross-charged valves, like ‘gas-charging’ valves discussed when the refrigerant flow through the TEV does not equal that
later, provide the added benefit of limiting the maximum oper- through the compressor. This flow mismatch causes the evapo-
ating pressure (MOP) in the evaporator. This can help to protect rator to become either flooded or starved of refrigerant.
compressor drive motors from being overloaded during start-up From Equation (1) the refrigerant flow through a TEV is
by preventing excessively dense vapour being drawn from the given by,
evaporator when the air entering the evaporator might be qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
significantly warmer than the design condition, (Dossat, 1978). _ ¼ C1
m rc;f ðPc Pe Þ (2)
Under normal operation the quantity of refrigerant con-
tained in the sensing bulb of a gas-charged or MOP (maximum Referring to Fig. 1, the constants of proportionality, Co and
operating pressure) valve is significantly smaller than that C1, in Equations (1) and (2), are functions of the flow area, Av.
contained by a liquid-charged valve, whether it is cross- To determine the nature of this function a force balance is
charged or straight-charged. As the sensing bulb of a MOP applied to the spring-bellows system:
valve is heated its rising temperature causes the saturation
ðPb Pe ÞAd ¼ ks ðxo xÞ
pressure of the liquid within the valve to increase. Thus,
within the normal control range of the valve the bulb- Where,
pressure, (Pb) and bulb-temperature are both saturated and
related logarithmically and the valve behaves like a conven- xo ¼ length of spring when fully extended
tional cross- or straight-charged valve. However, above a x ¼ length of compressed spring
predetermined saturation temperature the valve is designed
so that all the liquid within the sensing bulb will have evap- In the above force balance the effect of pressure differen-
orated. With only vapour in the sensing bulb the controlling tial across the valve port is assumed to be negligible compared
pressure becomes almost directly proportional to the absolute with that of the bellows.
temperature of the bulb ðPb fTb Þ as the containment volume of
the valve is approximately constant. The effect this produces
is to close the valve when the evaporator temperature is Letting Dx ¼ ðxo xÞ; when the valve is closed the force
greater than that determined by MOP setting of the TEV. With reaction of the valve seat ¼ ks Dxo
the valve closed the saturation temperature in the evaporator
falls rapidly when the compressor is started and this results in Where the subscript ‘o’ is used here to denote values at the
a significant reduction in start-up torque. point of valve opening.
For gas-charged or MOP valves it important that the bel- For the valve to be open,
lows is always warmer than the sensing-bulb in order to ðPb Pe ÞAd > ks Dxo
prevent any liquid contained in the bulb from migrating to the
bellows causing the valve to malfunction. Therefore, for the valve to just begin to open,
Another cause of malfunction can result from the use of
highly dynamic evaporators such as those that contain rela- ðPb Pe ÞAd ¼ ks Dxo
tively small amounts of refrigerant, such as plate-type evap- The bulb pressure at which the valve just begins to open
orators, or systems that can have short ON-OFF cycling times. can be adjusted by tensioning the control spring. This has the
Such evaporators might be found in air conditioning systems. effect of setting the minimum degree of superheat in the
The response of a refrigeration system to changes in air-on compressor suction line where the sensing bulb is located, as
temperature, or chilled water-on temperature, is normally shown in Fig. 1. The superheat temperature required to just
dampened to a greater or lesser extent by the thermal mass cause the valve to begin to open is known as the ‘static
and liquid volume of the evaporator. However, if this ‘natural’ superheat setting’ (SSS).
damping is insufficient, because of a small liquid volume for Therefore, when ðPb Pe ÞAd > ðPb Pe Þo Ad then, ks Dx > ks
example, then ‘artificial’ damping may be introduced through Dxo
the addition of ‘ballast’ to the sensing bulb. This increases the Therefore,
time constant (s) of the valve by raising its thermal mass. A
ðDx Dxo Þ ¼ ðPb Pe Þ ðPb Pe Þo (3)
Fig. 2 shows the geometry of the valve stem in relation to its
3. A theoretical mass flow model seat when the valve is open. Referring to Fig. 2, the flow area,
Av, is given approximately by,
The following describes theoretical models for liquid or gas,
straight or cross charged thermostatic expansion valves that Av ¼ p:d:a
are either internally or externally equalized.
Equation (1) adequately models the capacity of a TEV when the The distance ‘a’ is proportional to the valve stem position,
degree of evaporator superheat is fixed, which may be assumed to ðDx Dxo Þ, and therefore,
be for steady-state performance at a given system design condi-
Av ¼ C2 ðDx Dxo Þ
tion. However, under part-load or transient operation the degree
of superheat can change and doing so will alter the capacity of the Where C2 ¼ constant of proportionality
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 8 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 9 e1 9 7 193
_ ¼ 3:04939 107 ½ðPb Pe Þ þ 20:12477 rc;f ðPc Pe Þ kg s1 for a ðPb Pe Þid
m (5)
where, rb ¼ saturated vapour density at a pressure equal to The capacity of a thermostatic expansion valve is defined by
Pmop . ASERCOM, (2005) as,
194 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 8 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 9 e1 9 7
12 Refrigerant = R134a
superheat = 8 C
valve fully
10 Valve type: internal
open here
equalization, straight
8 charged bulb
Tc = 38 C superheat at
6 Subcooling = 1 K which valve
fully open =
4 Te = 4 C
11.25 C
Qn = 10 kW TEV model results
0 5 10 15
Degrees of superheat (K)
where s ¼ MC
is the response time for the valve. The result 12
shown in Equation (8) assumes: compressor start-up here
Te,sat (oC)
2) The temperature of the liquid within the bulb and the body τ = 0s τ = 20s τ = 80s
of the bulb are equal. -3
3) Momentum changes of the liquid in the liquid-line leading
to the TEV are negligible. -8
τ = 40s Static superheat setting = 2K
Degrees of superheat (K)
10 τ = 20s
τ = 0s
35 37 39 41 43 45
Time (mins)
Fig. 6 e Comparative experimental and model data from
the VCRS software: Variation in evaporator saturation Fig. 8 e Showing the effect on the variation in superheat
temperature for a 13 kW (rated), 6.2 m3 refrigerated air degrees (K) with time caused by changes in the time
blast cooler. constant of a TEV.
196 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 8 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 9 e1 9 7
Static superheat setting = 2K
0.100 Fully open superheat setting = 10K
TEV flow τ = 20s
Mass flow (kg/s)
Capacity Factor = 1
0.040 compressor
35 37 39 41 43 45
Time (mins)
Fig. 9 e Showing the variations in valve and compressor Fig. 11 e VCRS predication for the variation in evaporator
flows (kg sL1) with time for a design-point capacity TEV temperature under ‘normal’ and hunting conditions.
with a time constant of 20 s.
plied by the TEV then the liquid level will fall raising the degree of
0 capacity factor = 1 superheat in the suction-line and, in turn, increasing the flow
capacity factor = 2
through the TEV. This causes the liquid level in the evaporator to
-5 rise causing the TEV to close again and so on. Similar effects
occur when a TEV is incorrectly positioned so that its response
-10 time is increase. Fig. 11 shows results produced by the VCRS for a
correctly sized TEV and an oversized, unresponsive TEV. It is
interesting to note that Mithraratne and Wijeysundera (2002)
34 36 38 40 42 44
have found that the amplitude and frequency of the hunting
Time (mins)
oscillations could be reduced by increasing the time constant of
Fig. 10 e Showing the variation in evaporator temperature the TEV bulb. A possible reason for this apparently contradictory
with time for a range of valve flow capacities. The results result may lie in the type of evaporator used by Mithraratne and
show that if a valve is oversized the evaporator Wijeysundera in their experiments. As stated at the end of
temperature will ‘hunt’. Section 2, if an evaporator is highly dynamic it can be necessary
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 8 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 9 e1 9 7 197
to slow the response of the controlling TEV by adding thermal ASERCOM, 2005. Statement on Capacity Rating of Thermostatic
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