One Page Adventures Full
One Page Adventures Full
One Page Adventures Full
By Tyler Monahan
Summary: This book is a collection of one page adventures for levels 5-9. The adventures
cover various environments a party might adventure through and each one has a small one page
dungeon associated with it that can be run as well. Alternatively you can cut out the dungeon or
run it on its own. These adventures are intended to be cut up and inserted into a larger plot line.
Each environment page is intended to be run as a skill challenge and is broken up into 4 sections.
Skill checks are things you can describe while the party is traveling to determine how well they
are finding their way. The assumed dc for all of them is 15 but they can be increased or lowered.
If the party has a guide you can grant them advantage on these checks. You can also just have
the players come up with their own obstacles to overcome with a skill of their choice.
On a successful skill check you should pick the next event listed under success. The players
can engage with most of these encounters or avoid them. On a failure you should pick the next
event on the failure list and have that occur. Once you reach the last event on success or failure
you can have them reach whatever destination they were aiming for. Failing 3 times has a fairly
hard hook to the associated dungeon as a penalty which you may or may not want to include.
Some enviorments have a specific feature section that changes the way the game is normally
played while there. These features are optional but they are intended to show the players that
the enviorment is fundamentally different from what they are used to.
The last section on an environment page is a list of exploration events with the intent of re-
warding players for exploring the environment. There is no set time to do these and they should
be sprinkled in during the journey. They will describe something the players see, hear, feel,
or taste but that they dont see. If they investigate you should follow the description of the event.
Each dungeon is fairly linear and contains some threat to the surrounding area. If the party
ignores the threat these act as a seed for you to make the area more dangerous later on as the
world evolves. Most dungeons are intended to be solved in multiple ways including socially or
via stealth. Some encounters are far to strong for the party and need to be solved socially or
by avoiding them creature.
You can find more of my work as I release it on Patreon
One Page Adventures by Tyler Monahan. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this
license, visit
1st Edition
Page 1
Contents Hills II 33
Arctic 3 Shrine of the Lizard King 34
Fort 4 Forest II 35
Coast 5 Werewolf Den 36
Pirate Ship 6 Mountains II 37
Desert 7 Foundry 38
Pyramid 8 Swamp II 39
Grassland 9 Manor 40
War Camp 10
Underground II 41
Hills 11
Stonepike Mine 42
Ancient Temple 12
Underwater II 43
Forest 13
Sunken Ruin 44
Cursed Tree 14
Urban II 45
Mountain 15
Warehouse 46
Mine 16
Elemental Plane of Earth 47
Swamp 17
Aurum the Golden Palace 48
Ruined Temple 18
Elemental Plane of Air 49
Underground 19
Nubes the Cloud Castle 50
Wizard’s Tower 20
Elemental Plane of Fire 51
Underwater 21
Ater the Iron Forge 52
Church 22
Elemental Plane of Water 53
Urban 23
Altus the Great Reef 54
Sewer 24
Arcic II 25 Elemental Plane of Dawn 55
Page 2
Level 1-4
Summary: The frozen arctic is a harsh land with dangerous weather and hungry predators.
A tribe of orcs has come down from the frozen peaks to make their home in the arctic. They
terrorize the few inhabitants here and plan to expand once their foothold is secure.
Skill Check: identify hard pact snow (nature), find a path in the snow (survival), follow a
constellation (arcana), plow through snow drift (athletics), identify historic mountain (history),
figure out hunting trail marker identifier (insight)
A trapper along the side of the road requests the party’s aid in hunting down and killing 1-2
polar bears that mauled him and gave him a limp. It is a dc 14 survival check to find the polar
bears and ambush them otherwise the polar bears get the jump on the players. The tracker re-
wards the players with a fur cloak that gives resistance to cold damage and a warning about orcs.
A wandering pack of 4-14 wolves notice the party’s sent and track the party for 3 days with
their howls being heard getting closer each night. They can be lost with 3 successful group
stealth checks with a dc of 15 otherwise on the 4th day the attack the party during the night.
On the horizon the party sees black smoke billowing up. As they get closer they hear cries for
help and then see a small cottage with a man inside, bails of burning hay are stacked around
the side of the cottage and 2-7 orcs stand outside the building watching it burn with glee.
As the party is traveling they fail to notice 1-2 saber tooth tigers laying in wait. As they pass
by the saber tooth tigers attack the softest looking targets in the back looking to get a quick
kill and to flee with their meal.
On the horizon the party sees a dark clouds coming in. After 6 hours the storm is on top
of the players reducing vision to 5ft, making terrain difficult, and require them to make a dc
10 constitution check against gaining a level of exhaustion every 2 hours. They can make a dc
16 survival to find a cave for shelter every hour with disadvantage on the check during the storm.
The party’s trail was picked up by an orc patrol and 2-7 orcs track the party and ambush them
in the night. Part of the patrol that didnt attack returned to the orcs stronghold to report their
presence and if the patrol doesnt return after 2 days the orcs send out another patrol to hunt
down the players each day with the number of orcs increase by 1 as long they are in the arctic.
Panicked barking can be heard in the distance. If the party investigate they see a wolf pup stuck
on some broken ice floating in a lake. They can swim out to the pup to rescue it but must make
3 dc 12 constitution checks against against gaining a level of exhaustion from hypothermia. The
pup requires a dc14 animal handling check to carry off the ice. If they save it the pup befriends
them and follows the party around.
Page 3
Level 1-4
Summary: The orcs have setup a stone 4. A stocky stone warehouse with a thatch
fort atop and icy hill where they base their roof sits against the interior wall with a sleep-
operations. It is well guarded and diffi- ing worg guarding the entrance. If the worg is
cult to enter as they keep up a constant disturb by a non orc it will howl out an alarm
guard. If the base was lost they would and 2-7 orc guards will arrive. Inside the ware-
lose their foothold in the hostile arctic and house are large stocks of meat and giant and a
would have to retreat to their homeland. small stone well that has a pipe at the bottom
that goes to the moat that predates the orc
Page 4
Level 1-4
Summary: Sahuagin raiders terrorize the coast after pirates took up residence in a local cove
and desecrated a shrine to the sea god who protected the coast. The pirates have taken advan-
tage of this by looting raided villages for treasure left behind by the Sahuagin.
Checks: washed out trail (survival), rocky river (acrobatics), cliff side (athletics), bypass a
cove (nature), notice a religious train marker (religion), notice a landmark (history)
A villager (Jehan) is down in the tide pools collecting urchins during low tide. Around the
villager 8 giant crabs can be seen creeping up the slick rocks on the unsuspecting villager. The
tide pools are difficult terrain for creatures without swim speed. Giant crabs try to grapple
targets and drag them into the sea to drown them. Reward: potion of water breathing
A dying whale is beached on the shore. An inspection reveals shark like bite marks as well as
spear wounds on the whale. It weighs 3000 pounds (players can push/drag their strength times
30) It will die after 10 minutes unless stabilized with healing magic and water. If the whale is
saved a sea sprite will appear and gift the party some useless sea glass. A dc 5 arcana check
will reveal one of the pieces of glass functions as a blue sapphire elemental gem.
The village of Colmar was recently gutted by a Sahuagin attack followed by a pirate raid. The
few villagers who are left are picking up the pieces. Ethor is considered the leader of the village
and will tell the party what happened and can tell them about the pirates desecrating the sea
gods shrine. If the party is cursed he will tell them the sea god shrine was known for lifting
curses. There are a number of injured and dying villagers in the town hall that he will request
you help if you can. He can offer nothing for assistance.
A raiding party of 6 sahuagin attacks the party. Their weapons are coated in blood and they
will attempt to drag of any knocked out characters in nets to sacrifice to their god.
The party makes camp near the beach after an exhausting day of travel. During the night a
storm blows in at the same time as hide tide and the party realises they are below the high tide
water mark. It requires a dc 10 athletics check to get far enough away from the storm to be
safe during the storm. There is a dc 15 athletics check to pack any camping equipment they
used before the storm hit otherwise everything they use to set up camp is lost.
Sahuagin priestess with 0-4 sahuagin attacks the party. She starts combat by shattering a sand
dollar permanently cursing the party with seasickness giving them disadvantage on dex checks
if they fail a charisma dc 17 save.
Music can be heard in the distance. A girl (Ame) is playing reed pipes in a small sea cove and
pseudo dragons are dancing above the surf to the music. She fled from her village after it was
attacked and can lead the part to it.
Low tide reveals tide pools along the beach below the cliff side path the party is traveling on.
If the party investigates they see little tiny crabs, sea urchins, and a colorful conch shell which
can be turned into a conch horn.
Page 5
Level 1-4
Pirate Ship
Summary: The pirates have stolen the 3. The main deck has a pirate officer and 0-
sea goddesss trident lifting her protec- 8 pirates stationed on it. At night they drink
tion from sahuagin attacks from the coast. heavily and have disadvantage in combat. Half
Now they spend their time celebrating of the pirates will climb the main mast and
on shore and pillaging the coast after fire cross bows down on combatants. After 2
sahuagin attacks. Pirates use bandit rounds of combat 1-8 pirates arrive to help and
stats and officers use bandit captain stats. use the winch to lift 1-2 tigers up from the hold
and release them to attack the party. After 4
rounds the pirate captain arrives and uses a
bandit captins stack block with the ability to
have another pirate attack as a reaction.
Page 6
Level 1-4
Summary: Kobold raiders ransack the routes through the desert attacking caravans and trav-
elers alike to assert their dominance. The desert heat is harsh and traveling during the day
results in gaining a level of exhaustion from the heat. Water ration requirements are doubled.
Skill Check: Dust storm(survival), sand dunes hiding path(nature), star navigation (arcana),
buried signpost (perception), tablet indicating location (history) climb obelisk to scout (athlet-
Gynosphinx that requires the party to tell her a riddel she cant solve in order to pass. The
sphinx does not consider the party a threat in combat and will simply incapacitate them and
continue to request a riddle.
Four bandits mounted on camels attack the party. They will attempt to attack from range with
short bows while using their mounts to avoid the party. A significant show of force causes them
to flee.
A caravan is stuck with signs of recent battle with kobold raiders. Their wheels have been
cracked and they cant make their way to the city of Arcos. They dont trust travelers but a dc
14 persuasion check or aiding them will cause them to offer to lead the party out of the desert.
At night a kobold raiding party of 8 kobolds 3 of them mounted on giant lizards waylays the
party. They will try to steal or demand any food or water the party has and if refused they
attack with the goal of taking the rations and leaving.
The sand gives way under the adventures feet dropping them into a 50 foot pit. After they land
they notice 1-2 swarms of poisonous snakes they just woke up who proceed to attack.
A shambling horde of 8 diseased kobolds attack the party. After combat everyone makes a dc 17
constitution check to avoid gaining mummy rot curse which causes them to lose 2 health from
their hitpoint maximum every 24 hours. Their body turns to dust when they have a hitpoint
maximum of 0. Treasure: a pharaoh mask that acts like a helm of comprehend languages.
As the sun rises over the desert you can see birds flying into the sky to the east. If the players
investigate they will see an Oasis shimmering in the distance which is out of their way. The
oasis supplies water and coconuts. Resting their gives advantage on travel checks.
Two stone pillars can be seen in the distance as the party travels. If they detour to investigate
they will see they are the broken legs of a great stone statue. A pedestal near the base reads
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’ The rest of the writing has been destroyed by a
scimitar of warning lodged into the stone.
Page 7
Level 1-4
Summary: An ancient pyramid was recently 4. A kobold shaman (knows 1/day thunder-
unearth from the sands of the desert and wave) and 6 kobolds pray around a tangle of
a band of kobolds moved in disturbing the wire and bones. In the center is the pharaohs
tomb. The kobolds shaman stole the pharaohs mask which acts like a helm of comprehend
mask which has cursed the tribe with mummy languages. They will ask the party to leave
rot and a plague of mummies and sickness and attack if they refuse. If the pharaoh’s
will be released if the mask is not returned. mask is not placed on his sarcophagus with in
3 days a dust storm encircles the pyramid and
a mummy lord rises.
Page 8
Level 1-4
Summary: Grasslands sweep for miles with tall knee to head high seas of grass. The land is
relatively civilized with small farms and ranches. Gnolls are encroaching on the lands.
Checks: star navigation (arcana), game trails (nature), finding a stream (survival), ask direc-
tions from fleeing farmers (persuasion), strange markers (insight), artifact (history)
The party comes to the site of a battle. Dead human militia and gnolls liter the field. Ravens
calls can be heard and hyenas feast on the remains of the dead. If the party investigates the
battlefield 1-4 giant hyena attack them. On the field is a dying human if they save him he will
tell them how gnolls have been attacking the countryside and a militia was raised to right them.
If left alone after feasting the hyenas transform into gnolls.
A herd of cows being hunted by 1-3 griffons who plunge out of the sky and takes one to their
roost. The rancher who owns the cows beggs the party to help deal with the griffons other-
wise he will be ruined. Griffons swoop down on players and fly back into the sky after attacking.
The party sees and smells smoke on the horizon. After 4-5 hours of traveling they see a town
in the distance that is under attack by a gnoll war party. The town milita is holding them war
party back for the moment from behind wood baracades but the town is on fire and it isnt clear
how long they can hold out. There are 8 gnoll archers firing on the town from a disance, 12
gnolls attacking the barracade, and a gnoll pack lord with 0-6 gnolls directing the assult. If the
pack lord is killed the gnolls moral is broken and they retreat. Gnolls like killing villagers.
The call of a pack of hyenas can be heard in the distance. 8 hyena lead by 1-6 gnolls is tracking
the party. The hunters catch up with the party in 2 days unless they are lost by 3 successful
stealth checks.
During the night a Ogre raids the party’s camp for food not caring if its livestock or person.
Once it kills something it will sit down to eat it giving the party the chance to flee or fight it. An
offering of food and gold is enough to get the ogre to go away though complex words make it mad.
2-8 gnolls try to ambush the party from the tall grass near the road. Jumping out and attacking
the party from behind once they move past. Make a stealth check to see if they are seen. Half
the gnolls stay back and make ranged attacks. Plans are found on the corpse outlining a plan
for a gnoll war camp to raze settlements nearby.
In the distance 8 wild horses can be seen galloping across the grasslands. The party could
pursue them and try to use them as mounts which would require animal friendship. Anyone
who tried to mount one would have to make a dc 18 animal handling check or be thrown the
ground spooking the herd.
A lone farm house can be seen in the distance with smoke billowing from its chimney. If
approached a voice from inside the bared house will tell them to flee. After a few moments
they are attacked by 2-4 scarecrow. The farmer inside wont let them in but if they defeat the
scarecrow he will flee with his family and give them his clockwork amulet as thanks.
Page 9
Level 1-4
War Camp
Summary: A gnoll war camp sits sur- 4. A wooden tower with a rope ladder up
rounded by a wood palisade with a ditch 60ft to a platform where 4 gnoll archers stand
dug on both sides. The tall grass has guard. They are lax but if an alert is sounded
been cut back with in 150ft of the war they will start firing on attackers in the camp.
camp to give sentries a clear view. In the
center of the camp a tall wooden tower 5. Large wooden cages hold 12 malnourished
gives them a view of the surrounding area. villagers taken captive by the gnolls. They
have 2 levels of exhaustion. The gnolls have
been using them as slaves, torturing, and eat-
ing them. Anne a female villager has embraced
the gnoll madness due to the horroress she has
seen. She will attempt to kill and eat humans
after being saved.
3. The entrance to the camp has a wooden 9. A large hole dug at the back of the camp
bridge over the spiked ditch. 2 gnolls stand stinks to high heaven and is being used as a
guard outside the entrance. Once past the wall privy and waste heap. The remains of human
there is a 20ft deep pit with 2 giant hyenas and bones gnawed clean can be seen in the pile.
8 hyenas in it surrounded by bones. A wood 10. A cluster of uprooted tree stumps and
bridge cross this pit to the main area of the churned earth. This is where the gnolls got
camp. Another 2 gnolls guard this bridge and their wood from. A dc 14 nature or insight
attempt to knock attackers into the hyena pit. check will reveal a bulette was likely the cause
of the uprooted trees and that rhythmic stomp-
ing is known to attract them. The players can
try to unleash one on the camp.
Page 10
Level 1-4
Summary: A hilly land with sparse vegetations and rocky terrain. Rivers cut through the
hills and it is primarily populated by herders and some miners. Goblins have moved into the
area recently and are stealing anything they can get their hands on growing more bold by the day.
Checks: follow stream (survival), climb cliff (acrobatics), swim river (athletics), notice rockpile
marker (insight), follow magic trace (arcane), commune with minor local spirit (religion) Land
slide, Mine, Empt lair
As the party travels they see a young boy on the side of the path weeping. He is a shepard and
during the night goblins stole his flock so his family wont be able to afford food. If the players
choose to help the shepard there are clear tracks to follow to a small cave where the flock is
being kept and 8 goblins sit around a fire in front of it celebrating their theft.
While traveling along a creek in a valley between two rocky hills the party hears the sound of
thunder even though the sky is a clear blue. After a few minutes the players notice the creek has
started to rise and small sticks are being carried along it. To reach the high ground each player
needs to make 3 dc 14 athletics checks with each failure increasing the dc by 1. Between each
failure describe the waters rising more and carrying larger debris. If a player fails 3 athletics
check they get caught up in a flash flood and are swept away if they cant be saved.
A 200ft wide river blocks the partys path forward. The central current is moving very quickly
and sweeps anyone who cant make a dc 20 athletics check away (the troll may save them).
Downstream of the river is a long stone bridge. If the party trys to cross the bridge a Troll
climbs onto it halfway across and demands a toll which can be anything (food, money, or a
funny story). Trolls arent smart so it may not be able to explain what the toll is. He attacks if
they cheat him.
During the night 4-10 goblins sneak into the partys camp and try to steal anything they can get
their hands on. If spotted they will snatch anything they can and flee. While running a gob-
lin will drop what they are holding if it. The goblins escape into a natural tunnel after 3 rounds.
The party finds themselves lost in a maze like canyon. As they stop to catch their breath they
hear a loud snorting sound echoing through the canyon and the sounds of metal dragging on
stone. They must make 4 successful skill checks with a dc of 15 that would help them get out
of the canyon on the first failure the snorting sound gets close on the second failure a minotaur
As the party travels past a 60 foot rocky out cropping 3 goblins attack the party. One holds
aloft a staff which transforms into a spirit goat and dashes into the hills. Each player must
make a dc 14 wisdom save against being transformed permanently into a goat. The goblins
proceed to attack the party at range from the outcropping which goats can easily scale.
Page 11
Level 1-4
Ancient Temple
Summary: A stone temple is carved 5. An ornate metal door depicting a god being
into the side of a cliff. What was once cast down into the sea bars further progress
a well trafficed site has now fallen into after entering this room. There are four work-
ruin. A goblin tribe has taken up resi- ing fountains and you can see the remains of
dency hear carving out their own tunnels several dead goblins at the door. Trap: touch-
and caves among the halls of the temple. ing the door triggers a dc 14 dex check. On
fail take 2d10 cold damage. Puzzle: the doors
will swing away from water.
Page 12
Level 1-4
Summary: An enchanted forest with fae and beasts populating it. In the heart of the forest
something dark lurks and is creating blights though its corruption is still limited.
Checks: ask an awakened tree for directions (persuasion), find deer trail (nature), follow
footprints (survival), climb a tree to see a path (acrobatics), wade through quick river (athletics),
entrain a sprite for directions (performance), find a trail marker for the forest god (religion)
A hunter named Gerald approaches the party as they travel. He has found a great beast and
requests their aid in slaying it. He offers them 5 gold each for their assistance. If they agree he
leads them to a clearing where a Giant Elk drinks from a pool of water.
An illusion of a Young Green dragon cast by a blue faerie dragon flies over head and lands in
front of the party. The dragon will demand the party leave any baked goods or baubles they
might have on the ground and flee. A dc 13 investigation check reveals the illusion. The Faerie
Dragon isnt hostile but will prank the party for fun.
Firmly planted in the parties path stands a lone unicorn. A droning fills the air and the party
falls asleep on the forest floor. Any players who have killed an animal in the forest will dream
of the animals death from its point of view. All other players dream of a voice asking them to
root out the darkness in the heart of the forest. When the players wake they no longer see a
s The party sees two small bear cubs are playing under and oak tree. After a few moments
a low growl can be heard and 1-2 brown bears approach the party. The bears will attack the
party if they stand their ground or chase them if they flee.
While walking the party notices 1-2 giant boars digging for truffles the boars look up in the
partys direction for 30 seconds if any one moves while they are looking they charge otherwise
they go back to rooting around in the dirt.
The party makes camp in a clearing. During the night 2 needle blights, 4 twig blights, and 0-4
vine blights attack the party. Any one damaged by the blights must make a dc 15 constitution
save or become poisoned permanently with black rot which cant be cured by normal methods.
A small wisp of smoke can be seen rising above the trees in the distance. If approached they
will find a small cottage with an old woman who offers to feed them rabbit stew. If they eat
she will warn them off strange poisonous plants in the forest and the flower that grows deep in
the forest that can cure any poison.
The party hears the sounds of music (flute and drums) in the distance. If they follow it they
will find a band of 8 satyrs dancing around a fire, eating food, and drinking beer from a cask.
They will invite the party to join their celebration of the birth of the forest.
Page 13
Level 1-4
Cursed Tree
Summary: A titanic skeletal tree stands alone 4. Near the crown of the forest a wilting orchid
in a clearing. A dark hollow can be seen in known as the heart of the forest grows with its
the base of the tree. Halfway up is another roots clinging to a branch. If the players try to
hollow. This tree was cursed by a mysteri- touch the flower their hand will phase through
ous man who plunged a dagger into the trees it. The flower is intangible unless its roots are
tap root cursing it and regaining his youth. watered which allows it to be touched.
Page 14
Level 1-4
Summary: A mountainous region has recently been connected to the underdark and troglodytes
have poured out of the depths and taken up residence in caves and abandoned mines. A band
of miners have been captured by them and are slowly being eaten.
Checks: climb a rock slide (acrobatics), chose right fork (insight), find trail (survival), find
goat path (nature), climb a cliff (athletics), ask a travling merchent for directions (persusasion)
Saltborn the stone giant blocks the path ahead. He believes he is dreaming and that the party
is a figment of his dream. He isnt interested in moving and will ask absurd things like why
the players dont simply turn into clouds and float around him. If they convince him he isnt
dreaming he would move aside. He doesnt want to hurt anyone but while dreaming he doesnt
consider anything to be real and has no problem throwing someone off the side of a cliff.
4-12 wandering arakocra approche the party. They say the winds have spoken of travels in the
mountains who poses one of the 7 lost shards of law. They demand the party hands over a
shard they dont have. The arakocra dont want to use force and will try to negotiate.
A small camp lies in disarray. Supplies are scattered and blood covers the ground. A search of
the site finds mining supplies and a notebook that logs a miners discovery of a massive crystal
in an abandoned mine and the formation of a company to re open the mine. It has directions
to the mine.
During the day 3-9 troglodyte scouts encounter the party while traveling. One of the troglodytes
will flee to report the incident and the others will attack the party only if they move forward.
The party reaches a long narrow stone land bridge that sands 200 feet above a rocky gorge.
While crossing 1-3 harpys will use their song to try and lure players over the edge. If the song
fails they attack the party for 2 rounds. On the 3ed round they will try to escape.
At night 2-7 troglodytes attack the party. After the fight anyone who was within 5ft of a
troglodyte sleep walks each night in the direction of the troglodytes lair. They cant be woken
but will wake up naturally and only remember feeling a pull towards something. If they go to
the lair this ends.
A pile of small bones and a white chalky substances lays at the base of a cliff. A investigation
will reveal a large nest high up above. The nest contains 2 hippogriff eggs.
Worn and weathered steps lead to highest peak in the mountain range. It takes 3 days to climb
the peak and grants a level of exhaustion each day. At the peak is a nameless sage sitting cross
legged. He tells the party he will grant them his wisdom on one question about anything which
he will answer correctly. He is silent after that and if attacked he accepts death peacfully.
Page 15
Level 1-4
Summary: This abbandoned mine has re- 5. A number of troglodytes equal to the num-
cently been connected to the underdark ber of players in the party stands in this room
through a burried complex dedicated to the old they attack the party on site. A massive crystal
ones. It contains troglodytes, trapped miners, jutts out of the center of the cavern. The facets
and objects meant to cause players to ques- reflect the party as troglodytes, the troglodytes
tion their sanity and the nature of reality. as the party, and the miners appear to be un-
speakable horrors watching with glee.
Page 16
Level 1-4
Summary: A foggy swamp filled with trees and low standing water. There are many natural
hazards like tar and quicksand. A tribe of lizard folk control the swamp and attack intruders
who lose their way. Deep in the swamp is an ancient temple where dark magic is being practiced.
Checks: find shallows (survival), cross deep mud (athletics), follow shallow water plants (na-
ture), notice plant trail markers (insight), ask a hermit for directions (persuasion), decipher
religious guide to a temple (religion)
While traveling the party comes across a traveling herbalist (disguised green hag) who requests
they retrieve some mushrooms that are deeper in the swamp and offers them 10 gold each for
any they collect. If they agree they will find some on an old stump in knee deep water. If they
approach the stump 2-6 crocodiles attack the party in the middle of the water. The herbalist
is gone when they try to collect payment.
The party is approached by a druid who demands they leave his swamp as they are disturbing
it. If they refuse to leave he will demand they prove they prove they know the importance
of protecting the swamp by displaying a feat or some knowledge (dc 15 nature check). If they
cant provide a good argument or pass the nature check the druid attacks them to drive them out.
Atop a willow tree pog the gnome merchant calls for help. Around the base of the tree 3-6 giant
frogs leap up and try to grab the gnome with their tongues. After the first round of combat the
gnomes grip slips and he drops to the ground where the frogs focus eating him. If the gnome is
saved he rewards the party with a 50gp ruby and warns them away from the eastern temple.
While moving through shallow water 2-6 lizardfolk attempt to ambush the party from the shal-
low waters swimming under the muck and grabbing their ankles and pulling them under then
The party wanders into an area with quick sand. Have each player roll a d20 dex check the
two character with the lowest score get stuck in and must make a dc 14 dex check 3 times
successfully to escape. If they fail 3 times they go under the quick sand and suffocate. If the
players look around they can see faint light illuminating strong vines that could be used as rope.
If the approach them they also sink into quicksand and a will-o-wisp attacks.
At midnight any characters sleeping are attacked in their dreams by a lizardfolk shaman and 0-4
lizardfolk. When combat ends the players will see the lizardfolk shaman standing in a temple
with their souls shackled to a crystal. Players cant be resurrected while the crystal is whole.
A large bone tail sticks out of a pool of tar. If the players explore the tar pool they find a dragon
skull behind some trees with a single fang. They can pry the fang out and craft a weapon with
Page 17
Level 1-4
Ruined Temple
Summary: An ancient temple is now 3. Stone columns line a large room leading
home to the lizardfolk. Deep in the tem- up to a large round golden door. If the party
ple a lizardfolk shaman is using souls stolen approches the door a guardian naga slithers
in dreams to perform a ritual to turn down from a column and tells them to halt.
the bones of a dead dragon into a vessel He will inform them he cant allow them into
for the spirit of a disembodied dracolich. the vault of wonders which cant be opened
by mundane means but asks them about the
going ons in the world. If the party asks him
for help a dc 10 persuasion check will result in
him offering a magic ring of invisibility but he
will insist on casting a geas on the player who
takes it to return it once the temple is cleared.
Page 18
Level 1-4
Summary: The dark depths of the earth are full of many hazards. The canabilistics grimlock
hunt the dark in search of pray in hopes ready food will attract their mind flayer masters back.
A wizards tower has fallen to them and they now meddle with powerful magic.
Skills: avoid poison fungus (nature), follow gods markings (religion), shift boulder out of the
way (athletics), smell water (survival), hear wind (perception), jump gap (acrobatics)
The party enters a damp cavern that has been over grown by fungi. A sweet fruity smell wafts
from the north part of the cavern. If the party moves towards it they awaken 3-12 violet fungi
that attack that surround and attack the party. Treasure: 30 pounds of edible fungi (not violet
A pair of duergar call out to the party as they are traveling. They explain they are chasing
down 1-3 escaped quaggoth slaves. They offer the party 25 gold for each slave they help capture.
If the party accepts they need to make a dc 10 survival check to track down the escaped slaves
and they will need to help subdue the quaggoth who will violently resist.
Screams for help can be heard down a side passage. Apon investigation the party finds a small
cave with a ruined camp site. Beckhuck the deep gnome clings to a stalagtite and under him
1-3 carrior crawlers circle waiting for him to fall. In combat he falls down on the second round.
He will tell the party how grimlock enslaved his clan and asks for help saving them.
The party travels through some stink weed fungus making them easy to track for 3-12 grimlock
hunters who will try to ambush them while they sleep. They focus on putting out light sources
to gain advantage in a fight since they dont depend on light to see.
While traveling in a tunnel with a high vaulted cieling 1-2 grell ambush the last person traveling
in the party. They are mainl focused on food and will carry their pray up 60 feet into the tun-
nels at the roof of the cavern to feed. If they take to much damage they drop their pray and flee.
A grimlock shaman with the priest stat block and 0-6 grimlock attack the party with the intent
to enslave them and take them to their lair. If they are defeated the ghost of a deepgnome
wizard called Grumblefoot appears to warn them the shaman took an orb from his tower and if
it isnt returned in 24 hours this entire section of the underground will collapse killing everyone
Page 19
Level 1-4
Wizard’s Tower
Summary: A mages tower now home 3. A stone room with each of the stones tinted
to some grimlocks who were not stopped a different color of the rainbow. Ocasionally a
by illusions they couldnt see. They store stone will flicker lossing its color momenairly
slaves in the dungeon and keep other pris- and an inspection will reveal it to be an illu-
oners who might help them get further into sion. A nothic is shackled and hooded in one
the tower to plunder its magical secrets. corner of the room and a door encased in ice
leads out of the room. The ice is magical and
requires a key to open. The nothic knows the
key is located behind a picture of the gnome
wizard in another room and tells them if they
free him.
Page 20
Level 1-4
Summary: A tribe of merfolk found a tainted artifiact of demogorgon and are slowly being
driven insane and transformed into merrow. The sea is this area has become treacherous as the
merfolk disrupt the ecosystems balance and kidnap people traveling on the sea.
Checks: follow currents (insight), use the sun (survival), fight current (athletics), sense direc-
tion of magic (arcana), see signs from ocean god (religion), avoid dangerous area (perception)
As the party swims over a kelp forest they see a baby dolphine tangled in the kelp as 6-16 giant
crabs approach it to eat it. An adult dolphine can be seen attempting to head but the crabs
away but it will be unable to stop them all.
A broken ship can be seen on the ocean floor with its hull split open and a golden treasure
spilling out. After 1 minute a dragon turtle will swim up and start eating the gold to reguritate
it in its lair. If it sees the party it will ignore them if they have no treasure but if they have some
it will attempt to take it from them. It can be bargined with and bribed but speaks draconic.
A small primitive submarine fueled by magic is stuck on a rock shelf with 2-5 giant octopuses
trapping it in place. The pilot Dr. Salt will use minor illusion to make signs asking for help.
If the party saves him he will use the message spell to warn them of a merfolk tribe that has
turned to worshiping demogoron and is becoming a growing danger to the area.
The party becomes lost in a kelp forest. As they are wandering they are attacked by 2-5 merfolk
each mounted on a giant sea horse. They use their mounts to move in attack, disengage and
then move out of range and sight in the kelp. If a merfolk is killed the sea horses attack head on.
The party travels through a brightly colored koral reef and attract the attention of 2-8 reef
sharks who tail the party for a little bit and then attack the party. They will focus on the first
person who is damaged and will all swarm the same target in a feeding frenzy.
During the night 1-3 merrow attack the party with the intent to capture and sacrafice them.
Any one who sees the merrows eyes see a vision of Demogorgons maddness and when they close
their eyes will see it replay. After 3 days when they close their eyes to sleep they will be unable
to sleep due to the horrors they witness if Demogorgons cult is not stopped.
The party can feel a warm current intersecting their path. After a moment they move out of
it. If they follow the source of the current they find hydrothermal vent spewing hot water and
bubbles. In the bubbles can be seen the form of a +1 magic spear made of water that is invisible
in water.
Rythmic clinking can be heard from a black trench. If the party investigates the trench they find
skeletal remains shackled to an iron ball. On the ground near by is a ring of water breathing.
Page 21
Level 1-4
Summary: The merfolk has constructed a
church out of koral to demogorgon and have 4. Behing the podeium is a tunnel down to a
been capturing creatures to sacrafice at the lower level not built by the merfolk. The walls
alter. The dark magic is slowly twisting are covered in an aboleths mucous and any one
them into Merrow who seek to bring de- who touches it must make a dc 14 consituation
mogorgon into the world. The source of check or only be able to breath underwater.
the corruption is one of demogorgons fangs If anyone can speak deep speech they hear a
which broke of and was cast into this plane. voice in their mind from the aboleth promis-
ing them their greatest desire if they have the
party leave but the aboleth does not directly
confront the party while lurking outside.
1. Outside the church corpses float in the 7. On an ancient alter sits the fang of demogor-
water or lay on the ground. 1-4 swarms of gon. 1-3 merrow circle it to form a minuture
quippers are feeding on the corpses and will whirl pool around the alter. The water in this
attack anyone who moves to get to the church. room is red with the sacrifices performed here.
If the party fails to remove the fang the merfolk
here continue transforming into merrow until a
2. A stone that must be lifted for 2 minutes to
merrow warband forms and starts conquoring
open the door to the next room. Enscribed on
the sea. The fang cannot be destroyed without
the stone are the words only the mighty can
powerful magic. The bearer needs to make a
swim the halls of demogorgon. It takes a dc
dc 10 wisdom save each day or gain a level of
14 strength check to lift the stone but when
it is picked up an anti magic field fills the room.
Page 22
Level 1-4
Summary: Traveling the city streets has become dangerous of late as a fanatic cult has started
to spread in the city. Theft has started to run rampant and the cults enforcers stomp out any
one who resists. There are also whispers of dark magic fueling the cult.
Checks: ask for directions (persuasion), get past annoying salesmen (intimidation), find way
past crowd (insight), spot street sign (perception), get through herd (animal handling), follow
human stracks (survival)
A hawker calls out to the party offering them healing poitioins for only 50 silver each during
their fire sell. He explains they have a new shipment of potions coming in and they need to
clear out their stock of potions as quickly as possible to make room. He will sell a total of 50
potions which are just water colored red to look magical.
A farmers cart has turned on its side and 6 of his chickens have escaped and are running around
the market squire. He begs the party to help him catch the chickens. Catching them requires
a dc 14 acrobatics or athletics check for each chiken and takes 10 minutes per failure. If the
party succeds the farmer is friendly and invites them to his home for a home cooked meal.
A cult fanatic stands on a street corner proclaiming he can cure the blind and sick through the
miracle of disbelife in the gods. Two cult members come forward disguised as a blind man and
sick women and act like he cured them. He will invite people to his church to learn more and
casts sleep on anyone who goes and tie them up for sacrafice later.
As the players are walking through the market 1-4 theives (spy stat block) attempt to snatch
their coin purses dueling slight of hands checks. After the attempt they will run of with any
coins they got. If the players pursue they must succed on 4 dc 15 skill checks in a skill challenge
and if they fail 3 skill checks they dont catch up with the theives.
The party goes down an ally that leads to a dead end with rubish lining the ally. 3-12 swarms
of rats scurry out of the garbage and attack the party blocking their way out of the ally. The
rats are looking for food and can be destracted if given a large amount of food.
The party is approached by 2-8 thugs who say there is a bounty on their heads for disrupting
busniess in the city (cult activity). They will attack the party with the intent to kill. This event
will repeat each day with more bounty hunters coming as long as they remain in the city.
The trickle and splash of water can be heard down a side street. If the party investigates they
find a fountain with coins in it. If players toss coins into the fountain they gain bless for the
day if they take coins from the fountain they gain bane for the day.
Page 23
Level 1-4
Summary: The sewers under the city are 4. A magic door is hidden in the side of the
home to monsters, theives, and cultists. It wall here and requires a dc 10 perception check
provides many short cuts through the city to find. Once the door is revealed the words
but is dangerous to travel. A cult has taken Slip inside are written above the door in com-
up residence in the sewer to avoid notice mon. The door can be passed if a player is
and have succeded in summoning a devil. slippery from something like oil or water.
Page 24
Level 5-9
Arcic II
Summary: A bleak frozen tundra once the seat of an Orog kingdom that was crushed by
invading armies. Now it is a wasteland inhabited by the shattered spear Orogs.
Skill Check: Identify hard packed snow (nature), find a path in the snow (survival), follow a
constellation (arcana), plow through snow drift (athletics), identify historic mountain (history),
figure out hunting trail marker identifier (insight)
The players find an ancient battleground with the frozen remains of Orog soldiers lay on the
ground. They have been clearly been dead for a long time and preserved by the ice. There are
also many shallow graves with the remains of human soldiers. If the players disturb any of the
remains 1-2 ghosts and 2-6 specters of the fallen rise up and attack.
The ruins of a large stone building loom. The insides have been gutted. The walls depict stone
carvings of Orogs building massive cities, defeating great monsters, and creating mighty armor.
Further exploration is halted by a collapsed wall that is holding up the ceiling. If the party
bypasses this they find a room with a dead Orog with a shield of cold resistance.
The players come across a small cave where Radok the half orc hermit resides. He is gruff and
wants to be left alone but if prodded will give them directions to an Orog cave and tell the
players they would be wise to stay away from it
The party wanders into a glacier gully. From 25 ft up on the top of the gully 3-6 yeti begin
hurling large rocks (ranged claw attacks) down at the party and letting of a soul chilling howl.
Animals must make a dc 12 wisdom save or flee.
The ground trembles and from the snow bursts 1-2 Young Remorhaz and 2-8 swarms of Cen-
tipedes that have been laying in weight for pray. They will attempt to kill and devourer the
The party is attacked by 3-6 Orog each mounted on a worg. They will use their mounts
movement speed to stay out or range and throw Javelins from 30 feet away until they use up
their two Javelins and close into melee range.
As the players walk the powdery snow shifts to frozen ice that crunches underfoot for 30 feet
and a bone chilling wind blows from the east along this strip of icy snow. If they follow this
strip of cold air and ice they will come to a small cave after a few miles. Inside is lit by a bright
light emanating from the blade of a frost brand long sword. The sword is encased in ice and
stands upright above a dias with the words All power comes at a cost written in dwarvish on
the base.
Page 25
Level 5-9
Orog Cavern
Summery: The Orog built their stronghold 4. A long corridor sloops up 80 feet and is
inside an icy naturally occuring cavern. They coated in ice making it difficult terrain. As the
use it as a retreat and as an escape and supply party makes its way up an Orog push a wooden
route with subterranean species barrel full of oil down the corridor that has a
burning fuse attached each round. Each player
must make a dc 15 dex check to avoid the bar-
rel on failure they are knocked over by it and
it detonates dealing 4d6 fire damage and 2d6
fire damage for 3 rounds. (6 barrels)
Page 26
Level 5-9
Coast II
Summary: A coastline inhabited by pirates who seek plunder. Deadly shoals dot the coast
where many ships have run around. A curse or revenge can lead to the pirates cove.
Skill Check: washed out trail (survival), rocky river (acrobatics), cliff side (athletics), bypass
a cove (nature), notice a religious train marker (religion), notice a landmark (history)
A cluster of bright purple flowers shaped like dozens of upside down bells attracts the parties
attention. A dc 14 nature/herbology check will identify them as foxglove a highly poisonous
plant. The plant can be turned into a potent poison by someone with proficiency with a poi-
soner’s kit that requires the target to make a dc 15 constitution save 24 hours after ingesting
and on a failed save suffer 8d6 necrotic damage from heart failure.
A pod of whales can be seen breaching the water off the coast. Suddenly a dragon turtle comes
up from the waters below closing its massive jaws on one of the whales and drags it onto the
shore to feast on it. The turtle will defend its meal from the part but otherwise leaves them
alone. It is intelligent however and accepts substantial bribes for work.
A merchant ship can be seen crashed on the shoal near the shore. A loan man clinging to the
ship calls for help as the waves batter the slowly sinking ship apart. Swimming out to the ship
along the shoal requires a dc 18 athletics check and on failure characters takes 2d8 bludgeoning
damage and are pushed back. Another check is required to get away from the shoal. The ship
falls apart and the man drowns after 10 rounds. The mans name is Andre and his ship was
forced onto the shoal by pirates. He tells the players its location and asks them to avenge his
ship and crew.
The party attracts the attention of a cyclops and 1-4 pirates (berserkers) patrolling the shores.
They demand the party surrenders their valuables or be smashed to pieces by Uno the cyclopes
who doesnt really get it but wants shinies.
The players find their way to an exposed section of the coast when a lightning storm rolls in over
the course of 1 minute. Every 30 seconds the party can make a dc 16 skill check to try to find
shelter and after 3 success they find a place to shelter. While this is occuring all characters must
make a dc 14 dex check or take 1d8 lightning damage every 30 seconds from nearby lightning
strikes. Players with metal in their possession have disadvantage on the save.
During the night 4-8 pirates (berserkers) row ashore from a pirate ship and try to ambush the
players. They are looking to kill first and loot second. Who ever kills the last pirate gains the
curse of Captain Bolivar that appears as a black mark on their right hand and teleports 3d6
gold the character owns into the captains chest each night. It can only be removed by killing
Captain Bolivar.
Page 27
Level 5-9
Pirate Cove
Summery: A large cave on the coast contains 4. The docks contain two single masted ships
a natural dock that has been converted into a docked each crewed with 6 pirates using the
pirate den complete with a tavern and black veteran stat blocks who are there to guard the
market carved into the rocky cave. ship. If an alarm is raised the ships will send 3
veterans to intercept the part while they spend
3 rounds unmooring the ship and sailing out
of the harbour. The pirates goal is to get the
ships out to sea. If an alarm hasnt been raised
nothing happens unless hostility occurs.
Page 28
Level 5-9
Desert II
Summary: The desert sands here are home to an ancient curse. Those traveling through the
desert who linger to long see the stars in the night sky slowly go out. If they are still there
when they are all out they become trapped. Rumor has it a lost chime in the desert frees those
who hear it.
Skill Check: Dust storm(survival), sand dunes hiding path(nature), star navigation (arcana),
buried signpost (perception), tablet indicating location (history) climb obelisk to scout (athlet-
The windswept sands reveal a blackened skeleton curled into a ball. On the ground 10ft away
is a weathered journal that retells how he became trapped in the desert after the starts slowly
went out each night. As his companions died their corpses came to life and he wasnt going to
join them.
A sturdy wooden chest with iron bands is half buried in the sand. It takes a dc 18 lock picking
check to open with thieves tools. Inside are 25,000 copper (500 pounds) and a bolt of red silk
and a letter to Agatha saying only ”I am sorry”
Leading a camel laden with goods a merchant approaches the party. He will say they are free
of the curse and offer to sell them rations for 10 gold each and has a treasure map to an ancient
ruin in the desert he will sell them for 50 gold.
During the night anyone on guard will notice 1/3 of the stars in the sky going out. A hot wind
begins to blow through the cold night air and 2-6 mummies pull themselves up from the desert
sands and attempt to kill the living.
A sandstorm approaches the party like a colossal black wave. Creatures in the storm are blinded
and unless physically connected they will get separated from each other and can wander for
miles. The storm lasts for 5 hours and creatures moving around during the storm takes 1d4
slashing for each hour they were traveling.
As the last star winks out of the night sky, the sun will rise no more until they escape. A group
of 2-5 shadow demons slide out of the darkness and attack the party. They taunt them that
they can only escape the desert in death or by ringing the lost chimes of clarity they hid long
ago in the sands.
The sound of footsteps change to crunching as they move over cracked mud where a river bed
used to be. Following the river bed leads around a hill to a dried out lake bed with a crate
resting in the center. They crate is full of 60 small pellets made from dust of dryness and a
single intact package containing dust of dryness.
Page 29
Level 5-9
Summery: The mausoleum of the sun is an 4. An intricate pattern of constellations lines
ancient burial place for the sun and stars. In the walls depicting the huntsmen in various
its ancient halls is the chimes of clarity which poses on one wall and a pack of deer being
can remove any curse when rung. hunted on the other. Walking through the hall
causes a pressure plate to trip and darts to
fire from holes in the huntsman’s constellation.
Make an attack roll with +6 to hit that deals
6d4 poison damage. This attack has a recharge
of 6 rounds when triggered.
Page 30
Level 5-9
Grasslands II
Summary: A rolling plain with deep green 4ft tall grass that turns Amber in the fall and ghost
white in the winter. A cult of minotaur worship the wild god and have grown a primal maze
that they raid from seeking pray and converts.
Skill Check: star navigation (arcana), game trails (nature), finding a stream (survival), ask
directions from fleeing farmers (persuasion), strange markers (insight), artifact (history)
A group of 1-3 cyclops can be seen hunting 1-2 rhinoceros in the distance. They chase after
them hurling large rocks from sacks slung over their back. If the characters interrupt them they
will forget what they were doing and instead attack them. They have 200gp of rhino horns
necklace they wear.
Black clouds roll across the sky and a gentle rain pours down on the grass land for 1 hour.
After the rains stop large yellow, red, and orange sun flowers bloom painting the landscape
in brilliant colors. A dc 14 nature or herbology check reveals the petals can be ground into a
paste to make a salve that grants 2d8 temporary hit points for 8 hours. Enough petals can be
gathered to make 8 salves.
The sobbing moans of a human can be heard in the tall grass ahead. The merchant Kem was
attacked by minotaur and his goods devoured. He is bleeding out on the ground and will die
if he cant be healed. If saved he will thank the group and advise them both how to get out of
the grasslands and how to avoid the minotaur’s maze.
A lone cow can be seen grazing in the distance. Suddenly the earth around it bursts into the air
and 1-3 bulette can be seen tearing it apart and eating its corpse. If the players wait 20 minutes
they can see the bulette burrowing away. If they move the bulette sense their movement and
attack them.
The howl of the wind and the bending of grass can been seen approaching and after 1 minute
a powerful wind blows across the grasslands sending anything less than 600 pounds flying 200
feet and dealing 3d6 bludgeoning damage or half on a successful dc 13 strength check. These
gusts repeat 2 more times with 10 minutes in between each.
A herd of 2-6 minotaur attack the party in a mindless rage. During the fight one of the minotaurs
will place a bloody handprint on the face of the most primal or strongest party member marking
them for the wild god. The mark can be removed by destroying an alter of the wild god. As
long as they have it they must make a DC 14 wisdom save the first time they take damage each
day or go into a mindless rage attacking the closest target for 1 minute.
A sound like the wind blowing over a bottle can be heard off in the distance as the wind blows
through the grass. Searching for the source of the sound requires a dc 13 investigation or
perception check and reveals a pipes of haunting abandoned in the tall grass.
Page 31
Level 5-9
Summery: A large magical hedge maze where 5. A wooden chest can be seen slightly buried
people ritually transform into Minotaur in the and overgrown with vines. A dc 12 lock picking
center. The hedges are 30ft high and open to chest can open it revealing 3 potions of supe-
the sky but the tops closes no up if something rior embedded in the roots of the vines making
tries to cheat the maze. it difficult to remove them without breaking
the glass. A successful dc16 dexterity check
allows 1 potion to be removed from the roots
but a failure breaks a potion.
Page 32
Level 5-9
Hills II
Summary: these Savage hills are home to dinosaurs both large and small. Rumors of a magical
artifact hidden in the hills has lead to many explorers coming to this area though most do not
Skill Check: follow stream (survival), climb cliff (acrobatics), swim river (athletics), notice
rockpile marker (insight), follow magic trace (arcane), commune with minor local spirit (religion)
Moss and grass cover the remains of a small camp. A DC 12 investigation check finds scattered
humanoid bones with small teeth marks on them and a silver compass. There are also fresh
dinosaur droppings that can be applied for advantage on stealth checks against dinosaurs.
Atop a 100ft pine tree is a Pteranodon nest with 6 eggs in it. A pteranodon can be seen sitting
on the nest and another circling around overhead. Climbing the tree requires a dc 12 athletics
check with disadvantage as both pteranodon will try to knock climbers off. On a failure roll a
d10 and the character falls that many feet from the tree to the ground.
The characters encounter the dwarf explorer Jindiana Jones a drunk looking for lost gold. He
can give the players a map out of the hills or they can follow him to the shrine of the lizard
king to plunder it’s depths.
Part of the hill collapses dumping the players in a small landslide into a lake. A group of 3-9
Plesiosaurus swimming in the lake start attacking the players with their teeth. It is 80 feet
towards the closest shore where they cant follow.
A small waterfall Cascades down the hillside above the party. The ground shakes and mud
rushes down the hill side. Characters must make a DC 13 Dex check or fall prone in the mud.
Then rocks rain down after the mud and the characters take 4d6 damage on a failed DC 15 Dex
The party wanders into the grazing area of 2-6 Ankylosaurus who are very territorial. The with
snot and stamp their feet before charging at the party to drive them from their territory. If the
characters retreat 200 feet the Ankylosaurus will not follow.
The smell of brimstone can be faintly smelt on the breeze. Searching for the smell will result in
them finding the upper half of a human skeleton with a tattered red cape stuck in the branches
of a 60ft tree. It can easily be climbed or knocked out of the tree. The corpse is wearing a cape
of the mountebank and has signs the wearer was bitten in half by a Tyrannosaurus Rex and
used the cape to escape.
Page 33
Level 5-9
Page 34
Level 5-9
Forest II
Summary: A dark forest has become dangerous to travel after a pack of werewolves formed a
den here. The players are given clues to the presence of werewolves in the forest and ways to
combat them more effectively.
Skill Check: follow deer (animal handling), find game trail (nature), follow footprints (sur-
vival), climb a tree to see a path (acrobatics), wade through thicket (athletics), avoid poisonous
plants (medicine), find holy trail marker(religion)
An abandoned log cabin stands with its door torn apart. The interior has been destroyed with
claw marks covering all the surfaces. A dc 14 investigation check will determine the claw marks
are form wolves and will discover dried blood.
A fortune teller sits in front of a small wagon with a donkey. On the wagon is a sign saying
Fionas Fortunes. She will charge 5 silver for her services. If paid she rolls some chicken bones
and tells the party The moons abundance brings ruin but its wealth offers you salvation. The
mothers blood cures her childrens curse
The corpse of a horse lays on the ground torn apart by claws and teeth. Tracks lead a short
distance to the corpse of the rider also torn apart. On his body is a blood covered letter in a
tatter leather pouch. It details how wolves have infested the woods making travel hard and has
a map to their den.
The party is attacked by a pack of wolves 2-10 dire wolves lead by 2 winter wolves reskinned as
Forest wolves whose breath weapon is instead a thunderous howl. The pack will retreat if both
of the pack leaders (Forest Wolves) are killed.
A series of 3 hunting traps are present in this clearing. As the party passes it each player must
make a dc 13 dex checks. Players who fail become immobilized as the steel jaws of the trap close
of their foot dealing 2d6 damage. A dc 13 strength check releases the traps. (dc 20 strength
check resets it.)
A chilling howl cuts through the night. The sound of running wolves can be heard before 2-3
werewolves and 1-6 direwolves attack the party. The werewolves will retreat if significantly
wounded and go back to their lair.
Wolfsbane grows in this forests and someone with herbology proficiency can harvest and craft
wolfsbane oil which when applied to weapons causes them to deal 1d6 poison damage to wolves
and werewolves for 1 hour. If the players go out looking for wolfsbane they encounter a thicket
of trees dense with spider webs and in the center of the webs 60 feet from the edge is a cluster
of wolfs bane. Walking up to it causes the players to touch the spider webs which triggers and
attack by 3-6 phase spiders.
Page 35
Level 5-9
Werewolf Den
Summery: A pack of werewolves has taken 4. The central chamber is protected by 3-6
residence in a den next to the site of a former werewolves plus any of the wolves who escaped
shrine built by a group of werewolf hunters. from encounter 1. They immediately attack
The werewolves use the den as a base of the party in hybrid form.
operations to raid the surrounding lands.
5. The cavern shrinks down to a small size re-
quiring medium creatures to squeeze through
to pass. Iron barbs have been placed in the
earth here which deal 2d4 damage to medium
creatures passing through for every 5ft of the
30 foot passage. A dc 16 perfection check is
needed to notice each 5ft section of barbs and
a dc 10 dex check is needed to remove a 5ft
section without taking 2d4 damage.
Page 36
Level 5-9
Mountains II
Summary: The high mountain passes are home to an isolated group of Azer. There are two
ways through the passes one is clear and the other is blocked by the Azer. Failures on travel
checks lead to the safe pass collapsing.
Skill Check: climb a rock slide (acrobatics), chose the right fork (insight), find trail (sur-
vival), find goat path (nature), climb a cliff (athletics), ask a traveling merchant for directions
A traveling Dwarf merchant coming from the other side of the mountains passes the party. He
is selling boots that he cobbles together and if a conversation is started up he will warn them
about the Pretons and Wyverns nesting here.
A long curved brass bridge stretches 500 feet across a chasm. Dwarven runes on the bridge
warns travelers taking the right fork ahead tresspasses on Azer terratory.
The mountain pass opens up revealing a clear path down out of the mountains. Bits of broken
bronze body parts liter the path. On ledges above the path more brone body parts are strewn.
100 feet up a bronze army trapped under a bolder can be seen clutching a golden key which
goes to a vault in the Azers foundry. Climbing up to the hand requires a dc 18 athletics check.
On a failure you fall 1d10 x 10 feet.
A flock of 3-9 Preyton notice the party and after circling over head come into to make repeated
diving attacks. If they are able to score a kill they will rip out their prays heart and return to
their nest with it to consume it nests.
A misjudged step causes a rockslide to spray the players with falling rocks. They must make 3
dc 14 dex saves and on each failure they take 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
A rock slide is set off by 1-2 wyverns blocking the pass forward. They then swoop in from
the other direction now that the players have no route of escape. The players only other way
through the mountains is through the Azers foundry.
The sound of bones snapping can be heard echoing through the mountains. The sound is coming
from an area that cant be seen from the path. By edging around the corner of a cliff on a tiny
ledge to see the source players will spot a wyvern nest up the backside of a sheer cliff. After a
400 foot climb there is a rock and wood nest that contains 3-6 wyvern eggs. Sitting in the nest
is a well feed wyvern that will ignore the players unless they approach the nest in which case it
will hit and run attack them as they climb.
Page 37
Level 5-9
Summery: The Azer have cut a foundry into 5. An Efreeti that was the master of the Azer
a mountain where they live and work. Most of is trapped here inside a permanent magic circle
their time is spent cutting out new halls and that is drawn in powdered silver. The Efreeti
decorating it with fine metal work. will bargon with the players to free him by
breaking the circle. He will offer them great
wealth in exchange for freedom. If freed he
gives them 100 cookbooks and explains he has
provided them with a wealth of knowledge. He
will then depart the foundry.
Page 38
Level 5-9
Swamp II
Summary: Once drought stricken far land the local Lord Shaw bargained with the night hag
Baba Filthgiggler for rain to save his people. The rains turned the land into a marsh and
brought monsters that killed the Lord and his people.
Skill Check: find shallows (survival), cross deep mud (athletics), follow shallow water plants
(nature), notice plant trail markers (insight), ask a hermit for directions (persuasion), decipher
religious guide to a temple (religion)
A moldering farm house sits abandoned and partially sunken into the swamp. The interior has
been filled with much but the scattered remains of human bones are still present. An investiga-
tion finds large sized bloody humanoid handprints on the walls from ogres that killed and ate
the inhabitants.
The sound of chiming can be heard in the breeze coming from a small hut with bone wind
charms hanging from the evees. The hut is the abandoned home of the night hag who cursed
the land. Inside are strange picked reptiles and a rusting cauldron with straw doll with a strand
of the hair from the dead Lord Shaw submerged under water. Magic still lingers but the spell
flooding the land is long since done.
The hunched over form of an old hermit can be seen picking mushrooms from a rotting log. He
is a former guard who worked for the Lord Shaw before he died. He will tell traveler’s how to
leave the swamp and warn them that the curse that felled his liege lord still grips the land.
A group of 1-2 giant crocodile crawl out of the water in front of the party and 1-4 crocodiles slip
out of the water behind the party. They are hunting and will try to drag a person or animal
back into the water to eat.
A noxious gas bubbles up from the waters around the party. They must make a dc 14 consti-
tution save or take 2d8 poison damage and become poisoned for 24 hours. If there is an open
flame the gas also ignites dealing 4d6 fire damage or half on a successful dc 14 dex save in a 30
foot radius around the open flame.
A band of 3-9 ogres working for the night hag Baba Filthgiggler attack the party in a wild
unorganized rush. A single raven follows them and will peck at any ogres not doing their job
right. If all the ogres are killed the raven opens its mouth and the hags voice emerges cursing
one of the characters to never sleep until they kill an innocent humanoid. She then haunts their
A strange hollowness can be felt under foot instead of the normal squish of the mud. If dug
up the players will find a wooden chest containing a hand crossbow with 12 arrows, 10 days of
rations, a bed roll, and a vial of dragon’s blood.
Page 39
Level 5-9
Summery: The decaying manor of the de- 5. Drawn in blood a pentagram sits on the
ceased Lord Shaw is now inhabited by a band wooden floor. In the center a human skull
of ogres and the night hag Baba Filthgiggler that has been painted black rests. Humanoids
who cursed the land turning it into a marsh. within 30ft of the circle must make a wisdom
save and the one with the lowest score becomes
controlled by the skull and will make an attack
roll against the nearest target. The save is re-
peated each turn by the group but only one
person is ever controlled. The skulls eyes glow
red when triggered and destroying it stops the
Page 40
Level 5-9
Underground II
Summary: A dwarven mine was attacked by a tribe of Quaggoths who took up residency there
and are now raiding the surrounding caves and tunnels. Players uncover one of the miners plots
for revenge on the Quaggoths.
Skill Check: avoid poison fungus (nature), follow god’s markings (religion), shift boulder out
of the way (athletics), smell water (survival), hear wind (perception), jump gap (acrobatics)
A small hand cart loaded with crates containing iron ore rests next to the former site of a
dwarven camp that was attacked by Quaggoths. An investigation into the site finds gnawed
and broken dwarven bones, bloody massive foot steps away from the site, and a pouch with
200gp of rubies spilled on the ground.
The cave is held up by bent and battered iron supports that don’t look stable. The bones of a
dwarf miner can be seen crushed under a rock fall with his mining pick still in hand. A section
of the cave contains gemstones. Players can make a dc 14 strength check to mine 40gp worth
of rubies up to 10 times. On a failure part of the ceiling collapses dealing 3d8 damage or half
on a successful dc 15 dex save.
Dwarven runes are carved into a section of wall. It details the deaths of the dwarven stonepike
clan at the hands of a tribe of Quaggoths. The sole survivor Dhuroc swears vengeance and
warns travelers about venturing into his families mines which he has trapped in an attempt to
kill the quaggoths.
A group of 3-9 quaggoth hunters attempt to sneak up on the party in the darkness. If they are
spotted they will charge headlong into battle. They are driven by hunger and any thought of
fear or preservation comes second to eating.
The earth shakes and heaves causing the ceiling to partly collapse. Creatures in the area
take 3d8 bludgeoning damage or half on a successful dc 13 dex save. Creatures who rolled odds
on their save are stuck on the opposite side of the rock fall and are separated from everyone else.
Small cracks can be seen in the walls and ceiling along this tunnel. As the party moves 2-5
black puddies sense their vibrations and ooze out of the cracks dropping down on the party and
attempting to digest them.
Some rocky debris clatter down an 80 foot long man sized shaft in the ceiling. If climbed up
the party will find a single grell that is eating a giant bat in its den. The grell will attack as it
has nowhere to flee. The bones of a human adventure with an adventures pack and a pair of
goggles of night.
Page 41
Level 5-9
Stonepike Mine
Summery: A mine that was once home to a 4. The specter of 5-10 dwarves can be seen cut-
now dead clan of dwarves. The tribe of Quag- ting out a section of the mine here with their
goths that killed them now reside here and picks. Despite their picks having no effect on
are hunted by the deranged dwarf Dhuroc who the stone they continue working. They attack
seeks vengeance for his clan. intruders picks in hand.
Page 42
Level 5-9
Underwater II
Summary: A pitch black underwater trench far below the depths. The area is home to the
aboleth Agrinatoth and the ruins of an ancient aboleth city.
Skill Check: follow currents (insight), use the sun (survival), fight current (athletics), sense
direction of magic (arcana), see signs from ocean god (religion), avoid dangerous area (percep-
A school of 2-5 large jelly fish using the black pudding stat block float through the dark waters
towards the players. They are bioluminescent and glow a gentle blue. They will lash out with
tentacles at the player to try and consume them
A skeleton lies crushed under a broken ship mast. If it is approached the ghost of Evan Gills
who was a ship hand aboard the trading ship fair winds asks them to move the mast so he can
move onto the next life. He was killed when his ship was attacked at night by a giant tentacled
A black coral spiral leads up the side of the trench making for an easy ascent but also leads
further down the trench into the inky darkness. A small stone sign in deep speech indicates up
leads to Yloneth and down to Gurantal.
An obelisk of black metal of alien origin rests sideways on the seafloor. On the sides carved in
deep speech are the words You have entered the domain of Agrinatoth and with the rest of the
sentence buried under the sea floor. Digging for an hour uncovers your lives are forfeit. Grovel
A thermal vent cracks open under the party sending a stream of super heated water and chalky
bubbles around them. Creatures in the vent take 6d6 fire damage or half damage on a successful
dc 16 dex check.
A group of 2-5 chull ambush the party from hiding under the sand. When they land a hit on
the players they grapple one of their magic items instead of the players. They will attempt to
escape with the magic items to their sunken ruin horde.
A gentle current can be felt sucking the players towards the side of the trench. If followed they
will find a dark hole. Inside it is a small crack pulling the water in and 1-3 arrows of aberration
slaying that have been trapped by the flow.
Page 43
Level 5-9
Sunken Ruin
Summery: The ruins of a sunken city that has 4. Magical spiked shells fill the room floating 4
become the home of an aboleth. Small rifts to feet apart from each other. If they are moved
the elemental plane of water here are filling the out of position they shot water out of the sides
oceans with more water slowly. to reposition exactly where they were. Moving
through the room disturbs the shells causing
chaos and the players to take 4d4 piercing
damage or half on a successful dc 14 dex save.
Page 44
Level 5-9
Urban II
Summary: Traveling through a cities slums is a dangerous affair. A generally lawless area of
a city crime is common and the presence of law enforcement rare. A local thieves guild run by
wererats has recently robbed a bank.
Skill Check: ask for directions (persuasion), get past annoying salesman (intimidation), find
a way past crowd (insight), spot street sign (perception), get through herd (animal handling),
follow human stracks (survival)
A beggar pretends to have a terrible cough, has both his legs hidden like he is missing them, and
acts blind with bandages wrapped around his head. He will beg for money so he can see a doc-
tor. If passer bys refuse he will curse their health and the health of their families for a generation.
A group of 6 guards stops travelers and questions them about their location the previous day.
The Emerald Falcon was stolen from a bank recently and they are looking for the thieves. A
dc 16 persuasion check convinces the guards the group wasnt involved and they will leave them
From an ally a rumor monger beckons the party to come close to him. He will feel them out to
see if they are interested in buying information on a shop that sells stolen goods for half off for
5 gold or the location of a group of thieves laying low with stolen goods for 50 gold.
The party is approached by a pair of humans who warn them not to go down the current street
they are traveling as there are muggers there. They instead suggest a sidestreet that goes
around the ambush. If the players go down the side street they are ambushed by 3-9 wererats.
If they ignore the warning the 3-9 wererats will attack from the sidestreet.
A cart with a broken wheel blocks foot traffic in the area causing a large crowd. While waiting
to pass the cart the characters are jostled by some street urchins. Have them make a dc 15
perception check. If they succeed they manage to stop the urchins from stealing their coin
purse. On a failure they notice them stealing the money after they get away on a failure of 5
or more they dont notice the theft occurred.
The party is attacked by 2-6 veterans who claim to be bounty hunters. They offer the party
the option of coming with them dead or alive. A group matching their description has stolen
the emerald falcon. Unless they party finds the real culprits they will continue to be hunted.
As the players are walking they can smell the foul stench of a rotting corpse. If they follow it
they will find a garbage filled ally and under some trash the half eaten corpse of a human with
a pipes of the sewers in one hand and a swarm of rats.
Page 45
Level 5-9
Summery: An abandoned warehouse has 5. A pack of 2-6 hellhounds gnaw on cow
been transformed into a hideout for a gang of bones and some bones that look disturbingly
wererats who are laying low with their recently human in a scorched stone room. They will
stolen goods. bark loudly and attack anything that enters
the room. They can be distracted by giving
them meat
Page 46
Level 10-15
Feature: roll a d20 each day for seismic activity on a 1-5 nothing happens on a 6-15 rocks
fall and players take 55 (10d10) damage or half on a dc 15 dex check. On a 16-19 increase the
damage to 99 (18d10) with a dc of 20. On a 20 the tunnel the players are in collapses over 2
turns killing them if they cant escape.
Skill Check: check for seismic activity (nature), follow magic traces (arcana), recall planar
reachings (religion), find tracks (survival), shift rock (athletics), notice carved path (insight)
The clang of steel on stone can be heard ahead. You come out on a small duergar mining
outpost with 30 duergar miners mining gemstones. The foreman Vondal will ask you not to go
into their mine and is weary of the party. He will offer them 5kgp worth of gems if they kill the
3-5 xorn who have been eating their gems.
As the party walks they enter a section of cave with a large clear crystal in the center. If they
inspect the crystal they can see the cavern they are in recreated recursively inside it including
them. If they try to exit the cave they appear turned around going back into it. As long as
there is light in the room they are trapped in the crystal. If they try to break the crystal roll
for a seismic activity event.
The Galeb Duhr Granite lies in pieces on the ground and asks the party to help put him back
together. If they cant mend stone he will ask them to take him to Aurum the golden palace
where there is magic that can repair him but he warns there is a darkness there. Garnet the
Dao shattered him for not being willing to serve her years ago.
A sullen red glowing can be seen from ahead of the party. 4 magma mephites fly down the
tunnel towards the party attacking them. From out of the floor and ceiling behind the party
3-5 earth elementals emerge and attack.
The ground shakes for a moment and then 9-15 Ankheg burst out of the tunnel walls swarming
the entire party at once. They are ravenous and desperate for food.
Garnet the Dao and 2-8 gargoyles attack the party with the intent to enslave them and take
them to Aurum the city of gold to serve the Dao and the evil force that they serve. Garnet will
focus on dividing the group and uses hit and run tactics by moving into stone. Garnet will flee
if she fails to capture anyone.
A small fissure to the side of the tunnel exhausts a warm air current. It is small enough for a
medium creature barely squeeze into it. If they go down it they squeeze 60 ft through bends
and see a stone face that is hot to the touch with two gem eyes. A gem of brightness and a gem
of seeing.
Page 47
Level 10-15
Page 48
Level 10-15
Feature: The plane of air has relative gravity allowing creatures to fall in any direction they
chose if they have lived on the plane for an extended period. For visiting creatures who dont
understand the nature of the plane they fall in the direction they think they normally would.
Skill Check: read the wind (nature), track birds (survival), sense magic flow (arcana), get
directions from an aarakocra (persuasion), get a hippogryph to give you a temporary ride
(animal handling), find historical way marker (history)
A whale (killer whale stats) falls through the air letting off a pain filled moan. There are 2-3
cloakers and 0-8 stirges attached to the whale slowly killing it. The whale has been on the plane
of air for a few years and knows how to fall in any direction it wants.
The party is approached by Ventus the Djinni who offers to grant who ever can give him the
greatest prize a wish. Ventus has no interest in actually granting the wish and after getting the
reward and hearing the wish he will instead run away laughing about dumb mortals.
As the party is passing through a fluffy white cloud the cloud under their feet becomes solid and
they find the interior of the cloud is hollow and faintly glowing. In the center of the cloud sits
a Gynosphinx whose lair they stumbled into. They may be able to barter with the Gynosphinx
to gain passage to their destination or she might use her powers to dump them out onto some
other plane to avoid dealing with them.
The small birds flying around the party scatter as a piercing cry from 3-6 wyverns alerts the
party to their attack. The wyverns are agile flyers and will attack from 10ft away with their
bite and sting before flying out of range again.
A black stormfront that crackles with lightning can be seen rapidly approaching the party.
There is no way to avoid it but the party has 3 hours to prepare for its approach. Once inside
the storm they must make 3 dex checks with a difficulty of 15 then 20 then 14. If they fail they
take 55 (10d10) lightning damage or half that as thunder damage on a save. Players wearing
metal have disadvantage on the save.
An air ship manned by 12 elves is under attack by 1 roc and 4-12 aarakocra pirates. The
Aarakocra are swooping down and attacking the crew while the roc tears larges gashes in the
large balloon holding the wooden frame aloft. The elves will offer to transport the party on
their ship if saved.
In the distance the players can hear a human voice screaming out for help but they cant see
the source. If they investigate they see the human mage Vikare who accidently shunted himself
into the elemental plane of air and has been falling for the last 6 months. If you can get him
off the plane of air he offers to give you his wand of magic missiles.
Page 49
Level 10-15
Page 50
Level 10-15
Feature: While the plane of fire is made up of fire much of it is a gentle slow burning flame
that does not harm most creatures. The heat of the plane gives creatures who are not resistant
to fire a level of exhaustion each day or every other if they consume 1 gallon of water a day.
Skill Check: follow magic (arcana), find path (survival), jump over lava (athletics), notice
smoke signal (perception), ask a wizard for directions (persuasion), old way marker (history)
The fire giant smith Bolg sits on a white hot iron bridge over a river of lava forging a longsword
defender on the bridge like it was an anvil. He is engrossed in his work and is blocking passage
over the 100ft long bridge. After 2 hours he completes the sword and notices the players. He
grunts and moves out of the way. He is willing to give the players the sword if they bring him
Efreeti Dux bound and captured.
The ground under the players rolls and begins to liquidate. They have time to get onto a solid
chunk of rock but the ground around them for 1 mile has turned to magma. In the distance
3-6 Fire Elementals can be seen swimming in the magma. If they are chased away or killed the
ground reverts to its solid form after an hour otherwise it takes a day.
An Azer watchtower forged out of shining copper stands in the way of the path forward. There
are 10-16 Azer manning this watchtower. They will demand a toll of the party to pass. The toll
will be something that is rare on the plane of fire like wood or plants. They will also mention
the Efreeti have enslaved some of their people in a nearby forge.
Black smoke fills the air around the party. After 12 seconds 3-6 Salamander slavers attack the
party as the smoke clears. They intend to capture the players as slaves.
On the horizon a storm of 20 yellow twisters can be seen approaching the party. After 1 hour
the storm is on the party. The air is replaced by an inert gas that suffocates creatures trying to
breath it. Fire rains from the sky dealing 10d6 fire damage over 10 minutes. A dc 12 strength
check has to be made to not be sucked into one of the yellow twisters. If it is failed the player
takes 10d8 fire damage from the twister and is spat out 1 mile away from the party in a random
direction. The storm takes 10 minutes to pass the party.
The Efreeti Dux and his 4-14 magmin servants approach the party. Dux will greet them politely
and immediately begin negotiating to buy various party members for gold while his magmin
servants try to measure the players and rifle through their belongings. If the party refuses to
sell members to Dux he is deeply insulted and attacks in a rage.
A loud bang can be heard in the distance and the ground shakes slightly. If the players investi-
gate the bang they find 1-4 fire snake eggs inside a small crater. They will hatch in 1 week and
imprint on the first thing they see.
Page 51
Level 10-15
Page 52
Level 10-15
Feature: Being underwater requires some form of water breathing to avoid suffocation. Move-
ment is also halved unless a character has a swim speed.
Skill Check: follow currents (insight), follow school of fish (survival), fight current (athletics),
sense direction of magic (arcana), see signs from ocean god (religion), avoid dangerous currents
The wreckage of a wooden ship sinks into view. A large rent in the side gives easy access to the
inside of the ship where the players see 3-6 skeletons in dimensional shackles. If they disturb
the ship or the remains 3-6 wraiths come howling out of the bones and attack.
A wooden pirate chest can be seen floating in the water. If any one touches it they become
stuck and the chest is reeled in by Orest the storm giant fisherman. He will demand an amusing
story in order to unstick his catch after which he lets the person go on their way and casts his
bait out again.
A mermaid transformed into a small newt crawls onto one of the players arm and clings there
trying to communicate. She will persistently try and get the party’s attention and after 1 day
reverts to her normal form. She explains her home was taken over by some dark magic and she
was transformed into a newt as she fled.
The party swims through a tangled web of seaweed which acts as difficult terrain. Large sacs full
of air can be seen growing on the seaweed which can be punctured to breath from momentarily.
A hydra the has been eating the air sacs to survive attacks the party.
The party gets near a strong current and 3-6 giant sharks swim out of the current and try to
grapple the players and drag them into the current. After the first round they all go back into
the current and are speed away at 60 feet per round if any have managed to grapple someone.
Sudeen the marid seated on a throne on a small coral platform with 4 pools around the throne
is propelled into the middle of the party by the marids control water spell. Once in the center
of the party he creates a whirlpool and attacks along with 1-4 water werids from the pools on
his platform. He intends to knock them out and take them as slaves.
The party passes through a cold current with bits of ice floating in it. If they follow the icy flow
they will find a frozen barbarian inside a glacier clutching front brand (greatsword). It requires
a dc 20 strength check to break the ice or any source of thunder damage.
A slight clinking noise can be heard in the distance. If the party follows it they see an unstop-
pered decanter of endless water bouncing off the side of a large pumice rock. The decanter has
been endlessly spouting water and if they stopper it then the flow stops.
Page 53
Level 10-15
1. Outside the reef 5-9 coven sea hags that have 7. An aboleth slumbers with 1-6 chuul guards.
become thralls to the aboleth are disguised as The party’s approach awakens it. The aboleth
fish headed and human lagged mermaids. They will first try to sway the party to its side of-
will beckon the players into a sleeping chamber fering it whatever they desire in exchange for
to rest and attack them in their sleep. If the serving the aboleth. It can sense their desires
party refuses the invitation to rest the sea hags and it has been alive longer then the gods and
attack. can tempt them with ancient knowledge. If
they refuse the aboleth attacks and does not
2. Along the walls and floor are 6 giant clams fear death as it will just rematerialize later.
that lazily open and close their shells revealing
a watermelon sized pearl in each worth 2k gp.
If a player tries to take a pearl the clam snaps
shut with a +12 attack bonus and 22 (4d10) if
it hits.
Page 54
Level 10-15
Feature: Each day roll a d10. On a 1 players lose track of time and spend a day bewitched
by nature. On a 2-8 nothing happens. On a 9 one poison or disease afflicting a player is cured.
On a 10 greater restoration is cast on a character.
Skill Check: Ask a dryad for directions (persuasion), find fairey trail (nature), find forest
path (survival), recognize a bread crumb trail (insight), wade through a quick river (athletics),
entrain a fairy for directions (performance), find a trail marker for the forest god (religion)
A green hag walks through the woods passing by the party. She carries a small sprite in a
wooden cage that calls out to the party for help. The sprite tried stealing some poison mush-
rooms from the hag who captured the sprite and is punishing him for his crime. If attacked the
hag drops the sprite and turns invisible to flee.
Faelys the wood elf stops the party and asks the party for help. She has been stuck her for 100
years and can only return to her home if she manages to pluck an apple from the branches of a
pear tree but she has yet to be able to accomplish the task. She promises her boots of elvenkind
as a reward if the party can help her.
A flock of Satyr lie on the ground rolling around and moaning. If questioned they inform the
players they drank century wine and have been hungover for the last four days. They will beg
the players to cure their hangover or journey to a nearby shrine to get aid.
The party wanders into a sacred grove protected by 1-2 treants and 1-4 awakened trees who
uproot themselves and attack the party as they enter the center of the clearing. If the party
retreats from the grove they do not follow and return to their resting place.
The party becomes trapped in a pocket dimension. For every mile they travel through the forest
they pass a 6 foot tall boulder. Each time they pass it a tally mark is carved into it. Moving
the boulder reveals a pitch black hole. The party can jump through the hole and land next to
a boulder with one less tally mark. If they jump through a hole from a boulder with no tally
marks they are free and land in a clearing.
A group of 3-6 elven warriors using the gladiator stat block attempt to ambush the party from
the trees. They are painted black with war paint and if the party tries to reason with them
they will tell them in elvish they have trespassed on sacred ground and must die.
A rustling sound can be heard of in the undergrowth to the right. If the players go into the
undergrowth to investigate they see a deer eating beans from a bean stalk. As it bites down on
one of the beans after the players see it the deer explodes into a geyser of wine and dies. The
bean stalk contains 3d4 magic beans from a bag of beans.
Page 55
Level 10-15
Page 56
Level 10-15
Feature: Anything that produces light illuminates half as much here. Saving against being
frightened has disadvantage. Any food the party has starts to spoil and rots away completely
after 7 days.
Skill Check: follow stars (arcana), recall landmark (history), follow dried river (survival),
follow soul (religion), notice rotted sign (perception), climb tree for view (athletics)
One of the members of the party starts having nightmares and their hit point maximum is
reduced by 5 each night because of a night hag. On the third day after this starts a night hag
disguised as an old woman approaches the party and offers to sell them a necklace that prevents
bad dreams for 50 gold. If worn the necklace transforms the player into a night hag over 7 days
The river styx blocks the party’s path forward. It stretches 100 ft across and anyone who enters
the waters must make a dc 18 wisdom check against losing all of their memories. A zombie
ferry man will row a raft up to the shore and hold out his hand to take a fair as passage across.
He will only accept things like fruits and vegetables that are rare here as payment.
A lich who has forgotten his name approaches the party. He has no interest in fighting or killing
anyone and simply wishes to read all the written material the party might have on them. If the
party refuses or cant convince him to go away he will follow the party and uses his magic to try
to get at any written material he thinks they might have without killing them.
The mage Kennan Strife and his 2-5 flesh golem servants approach the party and demand a
tribute of 10k gold and 3 corpses for his lord Zaff. Anything less than complete obedience
will result in them attacking. The golems will protect the mage and all of the mages spells do
lightning damage.
Even the earth appears to have died here with large rocky protrusions jutting out of the earth
like broken ribs. A Young Red Shadow dragon and 0-8 of its shadow servants attack the party.
The dragon will use hit and run tactics while the shadows engage the party. If reduced to 50
or less life the dragon flees.
During the night 1-2 vampire spawn and 5-6 werewolves attack the party. They are attempting
to kill or capture the party to take them to Zaff the vampire lords mansion. If they are all killed
the players find a letter indicating as much.
The sound of footsteps can be heard in the distance. If investigated the party sees a pair of
boots of speed running directly away from the party at 60 feet per round. They move liked
attached to a person but there is no one there. If the players stop the boots they cease to move
and become inanimate.
Page 57
Level 10-15
Vampire Mansion
Summary: The vampire lord Zaff lives in a 4. A long dining room table with plates full
gothic mansion that shines like a beacon atop of rotting food has 3 wraiths and 1-5 ghosts
a hill. Zaff projects his power out from this mimicking the action of dining. When the
mansion and in his old age he has grown arro- players enter one of the wraiths will invite the
gant. party to join their feast. If the players eat the
food they must each make 3 dc 14 constitution
checks against vomiting before finishing the
meal. If they vomit or refuse the feast they are
Page 58
Level 10-15
Feature: Chaos is suppressed. when ever anyone roles an odd number on a d20 treat it as a
10 instead.
Skill Check: decipher sign (history), read rune (arcana), find tracks (survival), notice trap
(perception), understand markings (insight), planar knowledge (religion)
The party is commanded to halt by 3 Tridrone. They can see a swarm of 50 monodrones re-
pairing a complex mechanic door behind them. A pentadrone will then approach the party an
inform them per protocol 4951 he is ordering them to help subdue escaped specimens. It will
require them to verbal acknowledge they will comply with the order before allowing them to
move on. If the players attack an alert sounds and from 3 tubes in the ceiling an unending
stream monodrones will fly out and attack the party.
A purple worm comes crashing through the halls towards the players. It will attempt to de-
vourer them and has already devoured 1-3 black puddings which it has been unable to digest.
If a player is swallowed and regurgitated the black puddings escape with the player and attack
the party otherwise they escape when the worm dies.
A Nalfeshnee 0-3 shadow demons can be seen destroying what looks like a control room. Piles
of dead and dying modrons can been seen littered about.
As the players walk through a hall filled with displays of various ornate china they hear a crash
and a roar as a mated pair of 2 Tyrannosaurus Rex burst into the room and attack the players.
They are accompanied by 0-12 Pteranodon who harass the players from the air.
The party took a wrong turn and instead of traveling down a hallway they entered a contain-
ment cell. A 2 inch thick metal plate closes preventing the party from leaving the cell. It has
18 ac and 200 hit points. A web of electricity then springs up from a metal ball in the ceiling
covering the walls and exit. Players who get within 10 ft must make a dc 15 dex save and they
take 4d10 lightning damage or have on a save. Four grates from the ceiling then pours a liquid
giving the players only 6 rounds to escape or they become paralyzed.
Two pit fiends corner the players in a large open room with no visible ceiling. They offer the
players a deal if they want to live. Sign a contract requiring them to at any point in the next
year surrender control of their body to the pit fiends for 1 minute. Each member of the party
must sign this or be killed.
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Level 10-15
Hall of Contracts
Summary: A section of the plane or order 4. A roped of line with 8-12 bearded devils
where devils keep all contracts that have been waiting in it blocks passage forwards. They
signed by devils to ensure they are followed are waiting to walk up to a desk to sign an
to the letter. If you ever wanted to get out enlistment contract which is 89 pages long and
of a contract destroying it here would do so. requires over 100 signatures. The devils pay
the players no mind and it takes them 6 hours
for the line of demons to finish the paper-
work. If the players cut they attack otherwise
the players can wait in line to bypass this en-
A hallway with the words Hall of Contracts
above it stretches around a corner. If the
players try to pass it a Horned Devil and 1-4
barbed devils will appear in a puff of smoke
blocking their path. The Horned Devil wont
let them pass but will let them make a contract
or inquire about an existing contract they have
Page 60
Level 10-15
Feature: Roll on the wild magic table any time a character rolls a 1 or a 20. Any time a
character makes a death savings throw here they have disadvantage.
Skill Check: Divine Guidance (Religion), Demon Trail (Survival),soul trail (Arcana), history
of the plane (History), avoid demons (Stealth), navigate fires spurts (Acrobatics)
A small manes approaches the party as they are traveling and introduces itself as Nargolf and
offers to guide them and assist them in return for protection. His goal is to use the party to
kill other demons taking their power and then turning on them if he thinks he can kill them.
He can provide them with general information on other demons and terrain. After each demon
encounter he feeds on the demons and goes to the next highest cr demon of your choice.
A towering 100ft wall of fused together humanoids block the path forwards. For every 30 feet
a character climbs along the wall roll a d20 on an odd roll a random humanoid is dislodge from
the wall and falls to the ground and then runs away from the wall attracting the attention of
a flock of 3-6 chasme who kill them and got back to their perch. If the players save one they
attract the chasmes attention and are attacked. The humanoids are mad and will babble about
being crushed in the wall and devoured by demons only to reform inside the wall.
In the center of a cavern is a sphere of darkness. From inside a Glabrezu calls out for help. He
explains he is the wizard Zag Ruble and he has been cursed to be stuck here in darkness until
he gives away all his possessions. If a player reaches into the darkness he will give them a magic
item. First a berserker axe, second a bag of devouring, and the third he attacks.
A foul stench fills the air and after a few moments 1-2 hezrou leading 4-12 manes come into
view 40ft away. They charge the party in a frenzy attempting to rend their flesh.
The ground rumbles for a moment and then the players can see huge jagged white teeth burst
out of the ground 100ft in front of them and the earth titles backwards. The last thing they
see before everything goes dark is the firey red sky being blocked out by a massive toothed
maw snapping closed. They land at the bottom of a 200ft by 200ft cube that is completely
black made of stones with white stone teeth closed shut covering the ceiling. Acid starts to fill
the room dealing 4d6 damage at the start of each turn and fills the whole room after 10 minutes.
The ground under the party starts to break apart becoming difficult terrain and falling into an
all consuming black fire below 30ft below them. If a player doesnt move 10ft a round they fall
30ft into the fire taking 8d6 fire damage at the start of each of their turns. Once they move
100ft the ground stops collapsing under them. A flock of 3-6 vrocks are attracted to them and
attack using their screech to try and have the players fall into the fire.
Page 61
Level 10-15
The Snarl
Summary: A moving tangle of reality that 2. In the center of the room 3-6 Red Slaad
pulls in everything around its twisting it into stand in a circle. After the party makes any
a new form and leaving it behind as it passes. action the world and the players and the Red
Lost objects tend to find their way here becom- Slaad switch places. The Slaad attack the
ing trapped inside the snarl. Seeing the snarl players while they are disorited attempting to
pulls you into its heart as the world around you infect them.
stretches and reforms inside.
3. As the party travels this room a rain cloud
forms above them and rains down acid in a
10ft cube. If they leap out of the acid rain
they must make a dc 17 dex save and take
22(4210) acid damage on a failed save or half
on a success. The cloud follows them for 3
rounds with a save each round and despite ap-
pearing harmful it is only safe inside it.
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