Integers Math VI COT

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Lesson Plan in Mathematics VI

I. Objectives: In this lesson, students are expected to:

a. multiply integers and;

b. apply multiplication of integers in solving problems.

II. Subject Matter: Multiplication of Integers

References: 21st Century MATHletes Teacher’s Manual pg.56-

21st Century MATHletes Textbook pg.166-171
Materials: pictures, chart
Values Integration: To develop the critical thinking,
collaboration, determination, and patience of the students

III. Procedure:

A. Drill:
Draw happy face if the word represents a positive integer and
sad face if negative integers.
1. saved 6. lost
2. spend 7. decrease
3. descended 8. up
4. won 9. deposit
5. gained 10. Earned

B. Review:

Review on how to add or subtract integers.

1. 5 + -2
2. 2 + 9
3. -5 + -6
4. 4 – (-3)
5. 7 – 9

C. New Lesson

1. Motivation

4 Pics 1 Word Games

(Presenters will action the word given by the teacher regarding the
picture on the slide presentation. Each group must guess the word with
the help of slide presentations and their presenters. Group will have
one-minute guessing.)



A. Fill in the blank boxes with products of numbers aligned to

the box’s row and column. Hint; try to look for patterns to
complete the puzzle. (Give an example based on the products
already given below.)

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 multip
0 3 9 3
2 1
0 0

After completion of the table, answer the following:

1. What is your answer if we multiply 2 by 3? How did you
come up with your answer?
2. How did you find the product of -1 and 3?
3. -2 x -2 = _______.
4. What is your answer if we multiply 0 by 1? Or 0 by – 2 or 3?
5. Can you see some patterns in the table? Can you explain
how the pattern works?

B. The problem below can be solved using integers.

Alicia owes Php 200 to each of 4 friends. How much
money does she owe?

3. Discussion

Rules in Multiplying Integers

1. To multiply two integers having unlike signs, find the

product of their absolute values. Attach the negative
sign to the result.
2. To multiply integers with like signs, find the product
of their absolute values. The product will always

Rules for Multiplication

Positive x Positive Positive
Positive x Negative Negative
Negative x Positive Negative
Negative x Negative Positive

4. Generalization:

Explain the rules in multiplying integers

5. Application:

Group Work

Ms. Reyes needed Php 250 a show. She withdraws five times
that amount. How much money did she withdraw?

IV. Evaluation

Find the product of the following:

1. +5(+12) =
2. 9(-5)=
3. -8(+4) =
4. -5(+3)(+2) =
5. -7(-2) =

V. Assignment

The truth about LOVE and HATE is if you:



1. Are these statements true? Prove your answer.

2. How are these related to the multiplication of integers?
3. Construct positive and negative traits that can create
similar to the example above that illustrates the rules in
the multiplication of integers.

Prepared by:

Mylene P. Magarin

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