This standard operating procedure (SOP) establishes the requirements for Gas Suppression
IG541 Cylinders in the Cylinder room are installed in bank wise (with Main & Reserve)
connected in series out of one cylinder in each bank has a Copper tube connection from a
Booster pilot cylinder (contains N2 gas) which is pneumatically actuated by a zone pilot cylinder
which is actuated by electrical actuator (Solenoid Valve).
The fire detectors are configured in such a way that when any two fire detectors (in a same Zone)
latch in sequence a 24 V (DC Voltage) is sent to the solenoid of the Zone Pilot Cylinder through
Gas Release Module.
Once the solenoid receives 24 V supply, the gas will be released and it will open required
selector valve and then it actuate required booster pilot cylinder in that booster pilot we have
main or reserve selector switch (Which is manually operated) then the booster pilot will activate
required IG541 cylinder bank. (The sequence is as per below table). Once cylinder bank
activated gas (IG 541) will be released in all the required voids trough the nozzles provided in
each voids.
There is two modes in which we can set the IG541 to function:
1. Auto mode
2. Manual mode
In Manual Mode (When Electric Power Available) when fire detection happens, the BMS
operator has to check if it is a false or a true alarm. In case of true alarm, the BMS operator has
to immediately inform the IDC manager or the In-Charge. Based on the IDC Manager/In-Charge
Instruction, the BMS operator will have to use the fire cylinders or release IG541.
To release the IG541 there is a manual release switch placed inside/outside the respective risk
rooms. The gas will be released upon manually triggering the actuator.
Note: BMS Operator will have to inform the IDC Manager Immediately if there is a true alarm,
and then act on the instructions given by the IDC Manager.
In Auto Mode, Incase any two detectors latches sequentially from same risk zone voids. The gas
will be released in 1 minute (60 seconds). In this 60 seconds time the BMS operator has to
immediately confirm from which zone that alarm has originated and it’s a true alarm or False
alarm. In case of false alarm the BMS operator has to press the “Manual Abort” button.
Fire Suppression system has a hooter in each risk areas, When the detectors activated, the hooter
immediately goes ON alerting the people inside the building.
Timer countdown is started, at the end of this time delay a signal is sent to the master actuator
which would actuate the solenoid valves to discharge N2 gas from pilot cylinder. The automatic
release can be inhibited during the pre-set time delay by pressing the manual abort switch.
Each Zone having maintenance switch which is working in between the GRM & Solenoid Valve.
In-case of any Maintenance work we need to keep the maintenance switch in Disable condition.