Understanding HF Channel Simulator Requirements in Order To Reduce HF Modem Performance Measurement Variability
Understanding HF Channel Simulator Requirements in Order To Reduce HF Modem Performance Measurement Variability
Understanding HF Channel Simulator Requirements in Order To Reduce HF Modem Performance Measurement Variability
[email protected], [email protected]
This paper begins with a brief overview of the HF channel and the mechanisms that hinder
both analog and digital communications. Next the paper examines the Watterson channel
model and describes the constituent parts common to most channel simulator
implementations. This is followed by an overview of standards and documents which address
various aspects of simulator implementations utilized for HF data modem testing. Variation of
modem performance measurement is evaluated for different fading process characteristics,
which meet some of the current specifications. It is shown that these current specifications do
not enforce a tight enough constraint on implementations with a resulting variation in
measured performance. This paper provides sufficient detailed specifications to reduce
modem measurement variability between different HF channel simulators.
Most HF waveform standards contain minimum Bit Error Rate (BER) performance
requirements that modem manufacturers must meet in order to be compliant with these
standards. In order to measure performance, HF channel simulators are required. Harris
Corporation recently played a major role in defining and standardizing the new high data rate
waveforms defined in STANAG 4539 [1]. During the early stages of this process (i.e.
STANAG 5066 Annex G development [2]), it became evident that different channel
simulators produced slightly different results for the same HF modem and a specified HF
channel condition. This paper will address several channel simulator implementation issues
and will provide a more complete set of requirements, which should help reduce performance
measurement variability.
The High Frequency (HF) band (2 to 30 MHz) is used primarily for maritime, military and
aeronautical systems and long distance (AM) broadcasting [3]. Standard bandwidth
allocations are 1.24 kHz and 3 kHz. From a physical point of view, the HF channel is
characterized as a multi-path time-varying environment that produces time and frequency
dispersion [4]. The sources of multi-path are the reflections of radio signals from different
layers in the ionosphere. In addition, multiple reflections can occur between the earth’s
surface and the ionosphere, giving rise to multi-hop propagation. Thus, the received signal
can contain several “echoes” or modes, separated in time by a matter of milliseconds (i.e. time
spread). The source of frequency spread is that each mode is itself fading due to the specular
nature of the ionospheric reflection.
For mid-latitude HF circuits, the amount of multi-path (often called delay spread) can range
up to 6 ms and the fading rate (often called Doppler spread) can be as high as 5 Hz. However,
more typical values are 2 ms and 1 Hz, respectively, which are the basic parameters of the
standardized CCIR Poor HF channel [5][6]. Northern trans-auroral paths, of great interest to
NATO, can be significantly more challenging with up to 10 ms of delay spread and 50 Hz of
Doppler spread [7][8][9].
The Watterson Model views the HF channel as a transversal filter where the taps are complex
and vary with time. This model is expressed by the following equation:
L −1
y i = ∑ h j x i − j + ni (1)
j =0
where i is the time index, yi is the complex output of the channel, xi is the complex input to
the channel, hj is one of the L taps of the time-varying transversal filter, L is the length of the
channel and ni is Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN).
The time-varying taps (hj) are generated by filtering complex WGN through filters whose
frequency-domain power spectra have a Gaussian shape (this shape was initially chosen
arbitrarily but subsequent measurements and analyses showed that this was a good choice).
The desired Doppler spread (d j) is incorporated into the filter by setting the standard deviation
(σj) of each Gaussian-shaped power spectrum equal to dj/2. In equation form:
−2 f 2 / d 2j
2 e
H j(f ) = , -∞ < f < ∞ (2)
πd 2j
By computing the Inverse Fourier Transform of the amplitude of equation (2) (i.e. H j ( f ) )
the equation for the time-domain filter taps becomes:
−π 2 t 2 d 2j
f j (t ) = 2e , -∞ < t < ∞ (3)
Note that the resulting time-domain equation has a Gaussian shape. The taps computed using
equation (3) should in addition be normalized to provide a power gain equal to one.
Figures 1 and 2 provide a pictorial view of the Watterson Channel model and of the
generation of each time-varying transversal filter tap. If one desired to model the CCIR Poor
Channel, only two of the taps in the transversal filter would be non-zero, the two taps would
be separated by 2.0 ms, and the Doppler spread of each path (dj) would be set to 1.0 Hz.
It is important to note three important benefits to having a channel model for HF:
1) Waveforms can be developed and tested in a controlled and repeatable environment using
the software model
2) Multiple researchers can work independently but are still be able to compare results
3) Multiple test facilities can compare results
h2 hL-2 hL-1
h0 h1
+ ni
Recall from Section 3 that the Watterson model did not provide specific details as to how the
model should be implemented. It only described the model in very general terms. For
example, no update rate on the fading taps was given, only the shape of the filters was
discussed. The equation for computing the filter taps (3) requires an infinite number of taps
and no guideline was given as to an acceptable truncation length. This lack of detail can
unfortunately lead to significantly different implementations of a “Watterson” model.
The International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) Recommendation 520–1 [5] listed a
number of HF Channel conditions. It is in this document that the well-known and referenced
CCIR Good, Moderate, and Poor channels are defined. It also defines the CCIR Flutter
Fading channel, which is defined as a dual path 0.5 ms differential time delay with each path
having a Doppler spread of 10 Hz. No mention of HF channel simulator specifics, other than
time spread and frequency spread are mentioned in this document.
CCIR Report 549-2 [6] provides a more in depth discussion of HF Ionospheric channel
simulators. This document provides some of the propagation theory background to support a
multiple propagation mode model. It discusses this Gaussian-scatter HF Channel model, the
experimental validation of this model, and an implementation of a channel simulator based on
this model. This document defines the well-known relationship between Doppler spread and
the standard deviation of the Gaussian filter spectrum. This document also states that the
Gaussian spectrum of the fading taps has been validated over other filter spectra. The latest
version of this document, ITU-R F.1487 [11], provides some additional channel models for
HF based on latitude and presents a technique for comparative testing of HF modems, but
does not cover the details of HF Channel simulator implementation.
STANAG 4285 [15] also required performance verification utilizing a base-band channel
simulator patterned after the Watterson model. This standard did go a little bit further in that
it included a section on HF channel simulation and discussed the fading process generation.
STANAG 4285 states that the shape of the low pass filter utilized to generate the fading
process is not critical, but should at least be a two-pole filter. STANAG 4285 also states that
the update rate of the fading taps should be at least 32 times the Doppler spread.
It is interesting to note that the authors of STANAG 4285 did not believe the shape of the
low-pass filter mattered but did feel that the update rate was worth specifying.
When Harris Corporation began implementing the high data rate waveforms of STANAG
5066 Annex G (the predecessor to US MIL-STD-188-110B and STANAG 4539), two
different software channel simulators were available. The first had been developed in the
early 90’s based on STANAG 4285 guidelines. It utilized a two-pole Butterworth filter for the
fading process, updated at a rate of 600 times a second. The second was developed
specifically for STANAG 4415 testing since the NATO working group decided to tighten the
channel simulator specification so that multiple waveform developers could compare
candidate waveforms. This simulator utilized a Gaussian shaped filter, updated at a rate at
least 32 times the desired Doppler spread. Unfortunately, the tighter channel simulator
specification was not included in the standard for reference purposes.
When Harris Corporation decided to internally standardize its channel simulator to the one
developed for STANAG 4415, a significant difference in performance was observed between
the two channel simulators when the 9600 bps waveform was tested on a CCIR Poor channel.
It was noted that there was close agreement in measured performance under single path, non-
fading channel conditions, but not under fading channel conditions. This highlighted the
fading tap generation process as the likely culprit responsible for the differences in
performance. Further investigation demonstrated that the filter shape, the update rate of the
taps, and the interpolation technique, or lack thereof, all contributed to the observed
differences in performance. What follows is a series of performance and spectrum plots that
highlight modem performance measurement variations as a function of spectral shape,
interpolation scheme, and update rate.
Figure 3 is a plot of the measured performance on a CCIR Poor channel for the 110B 2400
bps long interleaver waveform (2400L). Figure 4 is a plot of the measured performance on a
CCIR Poor channel for the 110B 9600 bps very long interleaver waveform (9600VL).
Measured performance is presented for two different filter implementations, Butterworth and
Gaussian, both with and without sample based interpolation. Comparing Figures 3 and 4
reveals that the 9600VL waveform is much more sensitive to variations in the implementation
of the HF channel simulator than the 2400L waveform. The 2400L waveform shows a
maximum difference in performance of about 1/2 dB at a BER of 10-5 compared with a
deviation of over 2.3 dB for the 9600VL waveform for the same BER of 10-5.
1.00E-04 Gaussian Interpolation
8 10 12 14 16 18
SNR 1dB / divis ion
Butterw orth
Butterw orth Interpolation
20 22 24 26 28 30
SNR 1dB / divis ion
In order to examine the actual spectra achieved by the software and hardware
implementations of the channel simulators, a 1000 Hz tone was input to the channel
simulator. The simulator was set to support a single fading path with a Doppler spread of 1.0
Hz. A large number of output samples (representing several hours of real time operation)
were then collected and processed to produce the accompanying spectral plots. Taking a
131,072 point FFT of the output samples and then averaging the magnitude-squared of the
Figure 5 - Gaussian and Butterworth Filter Spectra
Attenuation (dB)
Butterw orth
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
resulting spectra generated the output plots. This accounts for the next series of plots having
their spectra centered at 1000 Hz.
Figures 7 displays the spectra measured on the Harris DSP based HF Channel simulators by
using the above measurement technique. Comparing this plot to the ideal plot shows close
agreement. Both spectra deviate from the ideal between 30 and 40 dB below the maximum
- 10
Attenuation (dB)
B utter w o rth
Ga us s ia n
- 20
- 30
-4 -2 0 2 4
Figure 7 - Measured Spectra, Butterworth and Gaussian
Attenuation (dB)
Butterw orth
Gaus s ian
990 995 1000 1005 1010
Fr e q u e n cy (Hz )
output level. This deviation is likely due to both filter implementation issues as well as the
periodogram approach to estimating the spectrum (i.e. the averaging of the FFT output
squared-magnitudes). The Gaussian filter is implemented as a FIR filter where its coefficients
are obtained from sampling the impulse response of the Gaussian shaped filter, equation (3).
The filter coefficients must be truncated at some level to result in a finite length filter. This
truncation may also be responsible for some of the spectrum deviation seen below 30 dB.
5.2 Interpolation
In the original Harris channel simulator utilizing the Butterworth filters, the fading taps were
updated at a rate of 600 times per second. There was no interpolation of these taps for the
intermediate channel simulator samples. Both Harris channel simulator implementations
utilize a waveform sample rate of 9600 samples per second. The newer Harris channel
simulator utilizing the Gaussian shaped filters selected the update rate based on the specified
Doppler spread. This was done to minimize the number of taps required to sample the
impulse response. For the 1.0 Hz Doppler spread case that is being examined in this paper,
the update rate of the Gaussian filters was 37.5 times per second. Originally neither simulator
interpolated the fading tap gains between the updates. It should be pointed out, however that
both implementations met the STANAG 4285 requirement of updating the taps at least 32
times the specified Doppler spread.
Figure 8 displays a wider spectral view of the measured spectrum of the Butterworth filter
approach with no interpolation. It can be seen that there are a number of images of the
spectrum repeated at different frequency offsets. These images are the result of interpolating
to a higher sample rate by simply repeating the sample. In the frequency-domain, repeating
the samples creates images of the spectrum at multiples of the original update rate multiplied
by a sin(x)/x spectrum (i.e. time-domain rectangular window with width equal to the original
update rate). The Gaussian filter approach, as seen in Figure 9, has even more undesired
spectral peaks because of the much lower update rate. Figure 10 displays the realized spectra
of both the Butterworth and Gaussian filter approach after the fading taps have been linearly
interpolated for each simulator sample. The undesirable spectral peaks have been eliminated.
Note that in the time-domain, not interpolating the filter taps creates a fading process that
changes value instantly and then remains constant until the next update (i.e. behavior that
does not model HF channels properly).
Attenuation (dB)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Fr e q u e n c y (Hz )
Attenuation (dB)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Fr e q u e n c y (Hz )
Figure 10 - Butterworth and Gaussian Spectra - Interpolation
Attenuation (dB)
B u tte r w o r th
G a u s s ia n
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Fr e q u e n c y ( Hz )
1.0E -01
1.0E -02
1.0E -03 16
1.0E -04 150
1.0E -05
8 10 12 14 16 18
2 dB per division
As can be seen, updating the taps at the rate that is twice the Doppler spread results in close to
a 2 dB deviation in measured performance. This deviation decreases as the update rate is
increased. There is very little performance measurement difference between update rates of
37.5 Hz and 150 Hz. In summary, the STANG 4285 recommendation of 32 times the
Doppler spread appears to be reasonable. Figure 11 data is for the 2400L bps waveform,
similar results were measured for the 9600VL bps waveform.
Figure 12 compares the ideal Gaussian filter spectrum with that achieved by the new Harris
HF channel simulator utilizing the following specifications. It should be noted that the
deviation of the spectrum starting at –30 dB is likely due to the spectrum estimation technique
employed. These specifications are an attempt to provide a tighter definition of a Watterson
model based channel simulator that will result in much less implementation-to-
implementation performance deviations.
1) Multipath modelled by tap-delay line as shown in Figure 1.
2) All paths should be normalized by summing the desired powers for each path and setting
total power equal to 1.0 (for proper SNR value).
3) Fading taps (for tap-delay line) obtained by filtering complex white Gaussian noise
samples. Readers unfamiliar with WGN can find an excellent description in [16].
4) Filters used for fading process should have a Gaussian shaped power spectrum
(frequency-domain) with Doppler spread of power spectrum equal to twice the standard
deviation (2σ). Equation (3) should be used to compute the filter taps based on the
sampling rate of the channel simulator. The length of the filter should be set to at least the
length where the computed tap is 0.01 smaller than the max tap. Filter should be
symmetrical about max tap (tap for time 0). Filter should then be power normalized to 1.0
and scaled by gain computed in 2) above for given path.
5) Fading taps must be computed at least 32 times faster than the desired fade rate.
6) Fading taps must be interpolated to at least the symbol rate of the waveform (2400
samples a second) to avoid introducing large discontinuities in the output of the simulator.
(Harris channel simulator interpolates to 9600 samples per second). Ideally, the fading
taps should be interpolated to the sample rate of the channel simulator.
7) No simulated radio filters or AGC should be used. Also, since input to channel simulator
is a real audio signal, a Hilbert transform [16] should be used to create a complex signal.
8) SNR should be the average signal to noise ratio of a waveform measured in a 3 kHz
bandwidth. Care should be taken to insure enough time has been allowed to measure the
average signal power of the input waveform (i.e. average power measurement for higher
data rate waveforms should be measured over several minutes)
10) In order to generate a fading process that is within 0.1% of the desired Doppler spread, the
crystal used to generate the sample rate for the channel simulator should not exceed 500
Parts Per Million (PPM).
Figure 12 - Achieved Gaussian Filter Spectrum vs. Ideal
Attenuation (dB)
990 992 994 996 998 1000 1002 1004 1006 1008 1010
Fr e q u e n c y (Hz )
The presented data shows that Watterson model HF channel simulators that meet the
specification of the existing set of standards, reports and recommendations can introduce
measurement performance deviations. These deviations can be measurable with 2400 bps HF
modem waveforms and can be significant with the newer High Data Rate waveforms,
employing higher order QAM constellations, which are defined in U.S. MIL-STD-188-110B
and STANAG 4539. Further, it has been shown that one of the main areas of concern is in
the generation of the fading channel taps. This paper has concluded with a set of guidelines,
which should result in less measurement deviation from channel simulator to channel
The Authors would like to acknowledge the help and support of all their co-workers at Harris
Corporation, RF Communications Division, specifically Mr. Stephen Elvy for his support of
this investigation.