150 18 255 2013 Anlagenoptimierung Homogenisierung
150 18 255 2013 Anlagenoptimierung Homogenisierung
150 18 255 2013 Anlagenoptimierung Homogenisierung
Berichtsnummer: 150/18-255/2013
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
Table of Content
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
1 Summary
The Sharrcem cement plant, which was commissioned in 1974 by ZAB Dessau, is equipped with
a batch wise working raw meal silo, consisting of two homogenisation silos and two storage silos
and an overall storage capacity of 9.400 t raw meal.
The production capacity design is 1.500 t of clinker per day. Currently the plant produces approx.
1.500 t of clinker per day in compound operation. The aim for the future is a production increase
to an average of 1.650 t of clinker per day. Under that aspect and under the aspect to optimise
the current situation the audit was done.
During the audit of the raw meal silos the mixing efficiency of the homogenization silos was in-
vestigated as well as the influence of the storage silos. Additionally the installed transportation
systems were evaluated.
Due to the tight production capacity of the raw mill, compared to the required kiln feed mass flow;
the raw mill was operated in compound operation for approx. 95% of possible operation time.
The filter dust was fed continuously to the raw meal transport in compound operation as well as
in direct operation.
The results of the audit show, that the raw meal quality according chemical uniformity, delivered
by the raw mill, is already good. The standard deviation of the LSF after the raw mill was be-
tween 1,5 and 3. Both homogenisation silos improve that uniformity to a LSF standard deviation
between 0,4 up to 1,2. The LSF standard deviation of the kiln feed (after storage silo) showed a
slightly decline compared to the material after the homogenization silo. The values were between
0,9 and 1,4. But these values are still in a good range, compared to a general target standard
deviation for the kiln feed LSF of 1,2.
A reason for the current good chemical homogeneity was the used raw material, what is applied
to 95 % in the pre mix. If in the future other components should be used in the raw mix with high-
er percentages the raw meal silo should be evaluated again.
The development of the particle size distribution shows for both silos, that the uniformity of the
raw meal slightly decreases form homogenization silo inlet to storage silo outlet. The standard
deviation of the residue at 90 µm show for the material after the raw mill values between 1,1 and
1,6 and for the kiln feed 1,7 up to 2,7.
Currently the aeration air flow for the homogenization silo should be lifted to the recommended
level of 2 m³/m²•min and the aeration time should be revised. For the storage silos as well as the
homogenization silos the instrumentation, especially the pressure measurements, for the aera-
tion system should be reviewed. Additional for the storage silo the program logic of the aeration
cycle should be verified. All silos should be inspected inside to exclude damages of the aeration /
discharge systems.
Actual there are no points, at the raw meal silo, which could impair the production increase.
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
2 Technical Data
The Raw Meal Silo at the Titan – Group Sharrcem Plant consists in general of two Homogeniza-
tion Silos and two Storage Silos.
Technical Data
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
The Raw Meal is transported via air slides from the raw mill building to the raw meal silos. On
that way the filter dust from the main bag house is added to the raw meal transportation air slide.
The filter dust is added to the meal during compound operation and during direct operation of the
kiln. There is no filter dust silo.
In a next step the raw meal together with the filter dust is transported pneumatically via a dense
phase into the first homogenization silo. According customer information the fill in for one batch
takes 6 h, what corresponds to approx. 660 t – 720 t of raw meal (without consideration of filter
dust. Including the filter dust the batch size is in the range of 740 t – 800 t.
During the time, when the raw meal is filled into the silo, the aeration system for the homogeniza-
tion silo is active continuously. After 6 h the raw meal feed is switched to the second homogeni-
zation silo, where the second batch is prepared for 6 h as well. The already filled homogenization
silo is aerated for 2 more hours. After that time the homogenized raw meal is released to the
storage silo. That takes additional 2 h. It is possible to release the raw meal into storage silo 1 as
well as storage silo 2. That means that it is feasible to blend the homogenized raw meal from silo
1 with that one from silo 2.
During the kiln feed system is in operation, the storage silo is aerated in a certain sequence. That
means that all 12 sectors are aerated in a certain order and for a specified time. After one cycle
is completed the next cycle starts automatically in the same order like that one before. The aera-
tion is working during the discharge as well as the time without discharge. During the time of the
plant audit the sequence wasn’t working proper. That means that always the same 5 aeration
valves were activated and the remaining 7 valves seem to be without function. That situation
could be verified at the silo itself.
After the storage silo the material is transported via air slides to two small bunkers. Each of these
bunkers is equipped with a Pfister dosing system, one dosing system for one calciner string. After
the dosing system the kiln feed is transported pneumatically to the preheater.
In the current arrangement it is possible to transport kiln feed material from each silo to both dos-
ing stations.
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
Fig. 1 shows the general arrangement the the two homogenization silos and the two storage si-
los. Compared to the situation during the start up of the plant, nowadays there are two separate
Pfister dosing system, one for each precalciner string. These ones replaced the before installed
belt weigher systems.
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
Fig. 2 Design of the Homogenization Silo Fig. 3 Top view Design Homogenization Silo bottom
In Fig. 2 a part of the original Homogenization Silo drawing is shown. According customer
informations, the silo is still in the shown configuration. During the audit it was not possible to
inspect the homogenization silos inside. The manometers for the aeration air pressure were not
Each of the both homogenisation silo is equipped with an aerated bottom. That one is divided
into 5 segments. Each of these segment has its own air pipe. The two outer segments and that
one in the middle can be aerated together and the the two remaining segments can also be
aerated together.
Each homogenization silo is fitted with 2 discharge ports. Each of these ports is splited into two
ways, so that the material can be transported from both homogenization silos to both storage
silos. That means it is posssible to mix the raw meal from both homogenization silos together.
During the audit of the raw meal silo the complete material from one homogenization silos was
released only to the storage silo underneath.
According customer informations, all segments of the silo bottom are aerated at the same time
during the homogenisation cycle. One blower for the aeration of the homogenization silo wasn’t
equipped with a drive (see Fig. 7. For a better reliability of the silo the drive should be installed .
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
Fig. 4 Design of the Storage Silo Fig. 5 Top view Design Storage Silo bottom
Each storage silo is equipped with 3 discharge ports. Just two of these discharge ports were in
operation during the audit.
From both storage silos, it is possible to supply kiln feed material to both Pfister dosing stations
and from each dosing station one calciner string can be supplied with feed. That means if there is
a problem, with one dosing or transport station, only one string of the pre calciner can be sup-
plied with kiln feed. That happened ones during the kiln audit.
The storage silo is equipped with 12 independently aerated sectors. During the audit only 5 of
these 12 sectors could be aerated. This might tend to segregation effects in the storage silo, be-
cause the material is extracted always from the same areas inside the silo.
During the audit period it was not possible to inspect the storage silo inside. The manometers for
the aeration air pressure were not working.
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
4 Fotodocumentation
Fig. 6 Air Distribution Homogenization Silo Fig. 7 Blower for Homogenization Silo aeration
Fig. 9 Discharge port under Storage Silo Fig. 10 Air distribution for Storage Silo
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
Fig. 11 Blower for Storage Silo and Kiln Feed Fig. 12 Pfister dosing system for Kiln Feed
Fig. 13 Kiln Feed transport station Fig. 14 Air distribution for Kin Feed transport
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
During the audit the material of homogenization silo 1 and homogenization Silo 2 wasn’t mixed
Silo 1
Batch 1 Batch 2
LSF - RM 107,14 98,65 102,49 3,06 103,46 99,32 102,27 1,69
LSF after Homog. 104,82 102,21 103,94 0,69 105,07 99,77 101,33 1,16
LSF Kiln Feed 104,03 99,59 101,66 1,39 106,02 101,61 103,33 1,25
Residue at 90 µm - RM 14,50 10,80 13,19 1,07 16,10 11,90 13,50 1,57
Residue at 90 µm - after Homog. 16,80 10,60 12,92 1,72 16,00 5,90 13,49 2,16
Residue at 90 µm - Kiln Feed 18,00 8,40 13,79 2,69 15,10 6,20 11,22 2,44
Residue at 200 µm - RM 4,80 3,50 3,88 0,44 6,30 3,20 4,20 1,27
Residue at 200 µm - after Homog. 5,90 3,00 4,54 0,86 5,80 1,40 4,69 0,93
Residue at 200 µm - Kiln Feed 7,60 2,40 4,94 1,64 4,90 1,60 3,85 0,90
Fig. 15 Results of the silo audit – silo 1
In Fig. 15 the results ot the silo audit of raw meal silo 1 are shown. The standard deviation (SD)
of the LSF at the homogenization silo inlet was between 1,69 and 3,06 with an average (AVG)
LSF of 102. These values are compared to other homogenization silos in a good range.
The Fig. 15 and Fig. 16 show the improvement of the LSF SD between homogenization silo inlet
and outlet. At the outlet the the SD was between 0,69 and 1,16. These values are, compared to
other plants, in a very good range.
The comparison of storage silo inlet and the kiln feed shows a decline of the SD for the LSF. The
value was between 1,25 and 1,39, what is still a good value for kiln feed (see Fig. 16). In general
the SD for the kiln feed should be < 1,2.
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
This change could be caused by the non proper working aeration cycle of the storage silo. That
means, that not all aeration valves worked properly.
In Fig. 16 the development of the LSF from the Raw meal feed to the silo until the kiln feed for
both batches is diplayed.
The homogenization silo improved the uniformity of the LSF. This could be observed for both
batches. The storage silo influenced the uniformity of the material fed to the kiln in a slightly neg-
ative way. But the quality was still good.
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
The results of the sieve analyzes for the samples of silo 2, are shown in Fig. 17. The average
residues at the 90 µm sieve as well as the 200 µm sieve stay within a tolerance but the standard
deviation decline from the homogenization silo inlet to the storage silo outlet. That shows, that in
the homogenization silo as well in the storage silo segregation effects occurred. These effects
influenced the uniformity of the particle size distribution negatively.
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
Fig. 18, Fig. 19 and Fig. 20 show the audit results for the raw meal silo 2. The SD for the LSF of
the homogenizatio silo inlet was between 1,52 and 2,08. That is, like it was for silo 1, a good
value. Over the homogenization silo 2 the uniformity of the LSF was improved, shown by a lower
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
SD between 0,4 and 1,21. The storage silo maintain the already good uniformity of the material
that show a SD of 0,88 and 0,96 for the two batches of kiln feed.
Fig. 20 shows the development of the residues at 90 µm and 200 µm from the homogenization
silo inlet to the storage silo outlet.
The values for the sieve analyzes after the homogenization silo indicate a rise in the residue at
90 µm as well as at 200 µm for both batches. A change of the uniformity in the particle size dis-
tribution, between homogenization silo inlet and outlet, can’t be observed clearly.
But between the storage silo inlet and the storage silo outlet a drop of the residues at 90 µm and
at 200 µm can be observed as well as a raised standard deviation for both batches. These re-
sults are an indication for segregation appearances inside the storage silo 2.
A main reason for the good uniformity of the kiln feed is the used Marl, what is used in a percent-
age of approx. 95% in the raw mix. That Marl already shows a very good chemical uniformity.
This show the SD for the LSF in the pre mix, which was between 1,7 up to 3 for silo 1 and 1,5 up
to 2,1 for silo 2.
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
In Fig. 7 the aeration blowers for the homogenization silo are shown. One of these blowers
wasn’t working due to a missing motor. Therefore the specific aeration air flow, which should be
approx. 2 m³/min•m², was most probably to low (dedusting volume of the silo filter minus the air
flow of raw meal transportation blower) was around 0,9 m³/min•m².
Additionally the aeration time might be too long, what can cause segregation inside the homoge-
nization silo. According customer the aeration blower is working for 6 h during the fill in and addi-
tional two hours afterwards, for homogenization.
Normally the aeration time should be 45 min with the above mentioned specific air flow.
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
LSFKi ln Feed
Similarly to the previous mentioned factor there are additional the SM-Separation-Factor, which
relates the Silica Module of the dust to the Silica Module of the kiln feed:
SM Dust
SM Ki ln Feed
Silo 1 Silo 2
Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 1 Batch 2
LSF Dust 109,54 109,54 109,54 109,54
LSF Kiln Feed 101,66 103,33 103,5 104,42
SM Dust 2,08 2,08 2,08 2,08
SM Kiln Feed 2,15 2,16 2,15 2,15
SF LSF 1,08 1,06 1,06 1,05
SF SM 0,97 0,96 0,97 0,97
The LSF-separation-factor for Silo 1 is calculated as 1,06 and 1,08, the SM-separation-factor as
0,96 and 0,97.
The LSF-separation-factor for Silo 2 is calculated as 1,05 and 1,06, the SM-separation-factor as
From the chemical point of view major disturbances of the operation can not be expected. But it
needs to be considered, that dust accumulations during a longer stop
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
7 Appendix
Daily Report: Test report From: 01-Oct-13 07:00:30
Package: Test report To: 17-Oct-13 10:06:31
Type: Daily First: 35531
Description: Test report Last: 36902
Non Passing %
SmpNo Smp Grp Time Comment SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O SO3 LSF SIM ALM HM 90µm 200µm
36310 Test 24.09.13 7.30 h 12,52 3,55 2,19 41,25 1,86 0,10 0,54 0,40 101,41 2,18 1,63 2,26 13,90 4,5
36343 Test 24.09.13 8.00 h 13,09 3,69 2,14 41,99 1,93 0,10 0,59 0,33 99,03 2,24 1,72 2,22 12,9 4,2
36311 Test 24.09.13 8.30 h 11,96 3,52 2,23 41,70 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,29 106,72 2,08 1,58 2,36 10,80 3,5
36345 Test 24.09.13 9.00 h 12,75 3,68 2,15 41,35 1,91 0,10 0,58 0,30 99,82 2,19 1,71 2,23 12,1 3,7
36346 Test 24.09.13 9:30 h 12,51 3,60 2,18 41,42 1,86 0,09 0,56 0,27 101,78 2,16 1,65 2,26 12,2 3,7
36312 Test 24.09.13 10.00 h 11,93 3,50 2,19 41,75 1,83 0,09 0,56 0,27 107,14 2,09 1,60 2,37 13,30 4,8
36350 Test 24.09.13 10.30 h 12,18 3,57 2,20 41,77 1,88 0,10 0,57 0,27 105,13 2,11 1,62 2,33 13,5 4
36313 Test 24.09.13 11.00 h 12,02 3,51 2,16 41,74 1,85 0,10 0,56 0,27 106,45 2,12 1,63 2,36 13,00 3,9
36357 Test 24.09.13 11.30 h 12,48 3,60 2,22 41,45 1,84 0,10 0,56 0,30 102,00 2,14 1,62 2,26 14,1 4,3
36211 Test 24.09.13 12:00 h 12,79 3,63 2,31 41,03 1,85 0,10 0,57 0,35 98,65 2,15 1,57 2,19 13,7 4,7
36358 Test 24.09.13 12.30 h 12,61 3,59 2,21 41,40 1,81 0,10 0,55 0,29 101,08 2,18 1,62 2,25 14,3 4,6
36361 Test 24.09.13 13.00 h 12,60 3,62 2,27 41,32 1,88 0,10 0,57 0,31 100,69 2,14 1,60 2,23 14,5 4,6
36172 Test 24.09.13 23:00 h 12,37 3,56 2,20 41,65 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,29 103,46 2,15 1,62 2,30 13,10 3,5
36171 Test 24.09.13 23:30 h 12,37 3,59 2,15 41,62 1,81 0,09 0,56 0,29 103,33 2,15 1,67 2,30 11,90 3,2
36158 Test 24.09.13 24:00 h 12,82 3,61 2,20 41,29 1,78 0,09 0,56 0,28 99,32 2,20 1,64 2,22 13,5 4,5
36174 Test 24.09.13 24:30 h 12,46 3,56 2,21 41,58 1,79 0,09 0,54 0,27 102,58 2,16 1,62 2,28 12,9 3,5
36169 Test 24.09.13 01:00 h 12,63 3,38 2,21 41,86 1,65 0,11 0,52 0,29 102,65 2,26 1,53 2,30 16,1 6,3
17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Mean: 12,48 3,57 2,20 41,54 1,83 0,10 0,56 0,30 102,42 2,16 1,62 2,28
Min: 11,93 3,38 2,14 41,03 1,65 0,09 0,52 0,27 98,65 2,08 1,53 2,19
Max: 13,09 3,69 2,31 41,99 1,93 0,11 0,59 0,40 107,14 2,26 1,72 2,37
S.dev: 0,32 0,07 0,04 0,25 0,06 0,01 0,02 0,03 2,68 0,05 0,05 0,05
R.Dev: 2,54 2,03 1,92 0,61 3,44 5,90 2,75 11,01 2,62 2,18 2,91 2,34
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
Non Passing %
SmpNo Smp Grp Time Comment SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O SO3 LSF SIM ALM HM 90µm 200µm
36828 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 15:05 h 12,30 3,59 2,15 41,49 1,85 0,10 0,56 0,28 103,52 2,14 1,66 2,30 12,30 4,2
36844 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 15:10 h 12,24 3,56 2,20 41,58 1,85 0,09 0,55 0,29 104,18 2,12 1,62 2,31 13,90 5,1
36839 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 15:15 h 12,24 3,58 2,17 41,65 1,86 0,09 0,56 0,29 104,36 2,13 1,65 2,32 13,10 4,3
36845 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 15:20 h 12,30 3,58 2,18 41,62 1,86 0,09 0,56 0,28 103,81 2,13 1,64 2,30 14,80 5,8
36838 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 15:30 h 12,23 3,57 2,17 41,59 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,28 104,30 2,13 1,65 2,31 15,70 5,9
36837 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 15:35 h 12,22 3,56 2,16 41,62 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,29 104,53 2,14 1,65 2,32 12,20 4,4
36835 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 15:40 h 12,23 3,57 2,16 41,60 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,29 104,35 2,13 1,66 2,32 11,50 4,3
36833 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 15:45 h 12,27 3,58 2,18 41,54 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,29 103,87 2,13 1,64 2,30 13,80 5,3
36836 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 15:50 h 12,21 3,57 2,16 41,67 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,29 104,66 2,13 1,65 2,32 11,70 3,7
36830 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 15:55 h 12,30 3,58 2,19 41,53 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,29 103,64 2,13 1,63 2,30 14,50 5,2
36829 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 16:00 h 12,21 3,57 2,15 41,52 1,85 0,10 0,56 0,29 104,30 2,13 1,66 2,31 11,10 3,6
36889 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 16.05 h 12,33 3,56 2,17 41,48 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,29 103,35 2,15 1,64 2,30 12,90 4,6
36884 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 16.10 h 12,26 3,56 2,16 41,61 1,85 0,10 0,56 0,29 104,24 2,14 1,65 2,31 11,70 4,5
36901 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 16.15 h 12,35 3,56 2,19 41,55 1,84 0,09 0,56 0,28 103,33 2,15 1,63 2,30 13,50 4,4
36902 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 16.20 h 12,22 3,54 2,13 41,69 1,84 0,09 0,56 0,28 104,78 2,16 1,67 2,33 10,80 3,7
36890 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 16.25 h 12,35 3,57 2,20 41,55 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,28 103,32 2,14 1,62 2,29 14,60 5,5
36893 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 16.30 h 12,23 3,55 2,14 41,67 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,28 104,67 2,15 1,66 2,33 14,4 5,6
36886 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 16.35 h 12,46 3,59 2,23 41,47 1,86 0,10 0,56 0,29 102,21 2,14 1,61 2,27 16,80 5,9
36888 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 16.40 h 12,24 3,55 2,13 41,59 1,85 0,10 0,56 0,33 104,36 2,16 1,67 2,32 10,60 3
36887 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 16.45 h 12,42 3,58 2,26 41,47 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,27 102,48 2,13 1,58 2,27 13,70 4,7
36897 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 16.50 h 12,32 3,55 2,16 41,68 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,28 104,01 2,16 1,65 2,31 11,20 3,4
36900 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 16.55 h 12,22 3,54 2,14 41,71 1,84 0,09 0,56 0,28 104,82 2,15 1,66 2,33 10,70 3,7
36892 Test 24.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 17.00 h 12,35 3,55 2,16 41,59 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,28 103,55 2,16 1,64 2,30 11,60 3,7
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
36449 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 03.05 h 12,21 3,52 2,09 41,72 1,82 0,10 0,54 0,33 105,07 2,18 1,69 2,34 5,9 1,4
36450 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 03.10 h 12,35 3,53 2,15 41,51 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,29 103,42 2,18 1,64 2,30 9,9 3
36452 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 03.15 h 12,39 3,53 2,16 41,54 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,28 103,19 2,18 1,63 2,30 12,3 4,2
36454 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 03.20 h 12,59 3,58 2,26 41,38 1,82 0,09 0,55 0,28 101,05 2,16 1,59 2,25 14,7 4,5
36455 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 03.25 h 12,58 3,54 2,37 41,21 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,28 100,67 2,13 1,49 2,23 14,2 4,7
36463 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 03.30 h 12,57 3,59 2,18 41,41 1,81 0,09 0,56 0,28 101,36 2,18 1,64 2,26 14,5 4,5
36464 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 03.35 h 12,71 3,61 2,21 41,32 1,81 0,10 0,56 0,28 100,07 2,19 1,63 2,23 14,8 4,9
36466 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 03.40 h 12,63 3,60 2,20 41,37 1,81 0,10 0,55 0,28 100,81 2,18 1,64 2,25 14,4 4,8
36467 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 03.45 h 12,66 3,61 2,22 41,40 1,80 0,09 0,56 0,27 100,59 2,17 1,63 2,24 16 5
36468 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 03.50 h 12,71 3,61 2,23 41,30 1,81 0,09 0,56 0,27 100,06 2,18 1,62 2,23 15,9 5,3
36469 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 03.55 h 12,65 3,59 2,22 41,40 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,28 100,69 2,18 1,62 2,24 14,8 4,9
36526 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 04:00 h 12,65 3,60 2,22 41,44 1,81 0,09 0,56 0,28 100,84 2,17 1,62 2,24 15,2 5,5
36515 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 04;05 h 12,58 3,57 2,23 41,22 1,79 0,09 0,55 0,28 100,81 2,17 1,60 2,24 13,4 4,4
36532 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 04;10 h 12,63 3,57 2,25 41,46 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,28 101,01 2,17 1,59 2,25 13,6 4,9
36514 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 04:15 h 12,73 3,59 2,22 41,24 1,82 0,10 0,55 0,36 99,77 2,19 1,61 2,22 14,5 5,4
36524 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 04:20 h 12,53 3,58 2,19 41,48 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,28 101,81 2,17 1,64 2,27 13,9 5,6
36529 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 04:25 h 12,58 3,59 2,19 41,46 1,80 0,09 0,56 0,28 101,39 2,18 1,64 2,26 14,4 5,8
36522 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 04;30 h 12,59 3,59 2,24 41,35 1,79 0,09 0,56 0,27 101,02 2,16 1,60 2,25 10,2 3,7
36525 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 04:35 h 12,64 3,59 2,21 41,42 1,79 0,10 0,55 0,27 100,84 2,18 1,62 2,25 13,4 5
36530 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 04:40 h 12,54 3,57 2,22 41,46 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,28 101,69 2,17 1,61 2,26 13,8 5,2
36528 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 04:45 h 12,56 3,58 2,20 41,42 1,79 0,09 0,56 0,28 101,46 2,17 1,62 2,26 13,9 5,1
36531 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 04:50 h 12,61 3,57 2,22 41,41 1,80 0,10 0,56 0,29 101,08 2,18 1,61 2,25 13,7 5
36521 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 04;55 h 12,55 3,57 2,20 41,39 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,28 101,45 2,17 1,62 2,26 13,1 4,6
36523 Test 25.09.13 After Homo Silo #1 05:00 h 12,54 3,58 2,19 41,46 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,28 101,76 2,18 1,64 2,27 13,3 5,1
47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47
Mean: 12,57 3,58 2,21 41,41 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,28 101,33 2,17 1,62 2,26
Min: 12,21 12,21 12,21 12,21 12,21 12,21 12,21 12,21 12,21 12,21 12,21 12,21
Max: 12,73 12,73 12,73 12,73 12,73 12,73 12,73 12,73 12,73 12,73 12,73 12,73
S.dev: 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18
R.Dev: 1,41 1,41 1,41 1,41 1,41 1,41 1,41 1,41 1,41 1,41 1,41 1,41
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
Non Passing %
SmpNo Smp Grp Time Comment SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O SO3 LSF SIM ALM HM 90µm 200µm
36586 Test 24.10.2013 After storage Silo #1 23.30 h 12,53 3,58 2,22 41,38 1,82 0,10 0,56 0,29 101,53 2,16 1,61 2,26 12,9 3,4
36589 Test 24.10.2013 After storage Silo #1 00.00 h 12,71 3,61 2,25 41,14 1,83 0,09 0,56 0,28 99,59 2,17 1,60 2,22 18 7,6
36593 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 00.30 h 12,72 3,61 2,28 41,23 1,82 0,10 0,56 0,28 99,73 2,16 1,58 2,22 17,2 6,7
36595 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 01.00 h 12,60 3,58 2,28 41,29 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,28 100,73 2,15 1,57 2,24 12,70 3,7
36596 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 01.30 h 12,37 3,54 2,22 41,46 1,82 0,09 0,56 0,28 102,97 2,15 1,60 2,29 13,70 4,4
36598 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 02.30 h 12,50 3,55 2,30 41,27 1,81 0,09 0,56 0,28 101,39 2,13 1,54 2,25 15,9 6,7
36599 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 03.00 h 12,29 3,52 2,20 41,60 1,81 0,09 0,55 0,29 104,03 2,15 1,60 2,31 8,4 2,4
36597 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 03.30 h 12,35 3,55 2,21 41,50 1,82 0,09 0,55 0,29 103,24 2,15 1,61 2,29 11,4 3,6
36608 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 04.00 h 12,50 3,57 2,26 41,35 1,82 0,10 0,56 0,29 101,65 2,14 1,58 2,26 13,9 5,7
36613 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 04.30 h 12,54 3,58 2,30 41,33 1,84 0,09 0,56 0,30 101,21 2,13 1,56 2,24 14,7 5,6
36614 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 05.00 h 12,47 3,55 2,23 41,44 1,82 0,09 0,56 0,29 102,21 2,16 1,59 2,27 12,9 4,5
37038 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 11.00 h 12,23 3,54 2,10 41,66 1,87 0,09 0,54 0,31 104,66 2,17 1,69 2,33 9,10 3,3
36999 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 11:30 h 12,46 3,57 2,16 41,49 1,85 0,09 0,55 0,30 102,42 2,17 1,65 2,28 11,70 4
36998 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 12:00 h 12,36 3,57 2,13 41,60 1,86 0,09 0,55 0,30 103,50 2,17 1,68 2,30 9,40 3,7
37002 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 12:30 h 12,38 3,58 2,17 41,56 1,85 0,09 0,55 0,30 103,16 2,16 1,65 2,29 12,90 4,7
37000 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 13:00 h 12,31 3,57 2,15 41,60 1,86 0,09 0,55 0,30 103,79 2,15 1,66 2,31 6,2 1,6
37001 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 13:30 h 12,05 3,52 2,08 41,59 1,88 0,09 0,54 0,32 106,02 2,15 1,69 2,36 11,40 4,2
37035 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 14.00 h 12,52 3,59 2,20 41,38 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,29 101,61 2,16 1,63 2,26 15,10 4,9
37037 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 14.30 h 12,38 3,57 2,16 41,45 1,84 0,09 0,55 0,30 102,90 2,16 1,65 2,29 12,40 3,9
37003 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 15:00 h 12,43 3,58 2,20 41,38 1,85 0,09 0,55 0,30 102,29 2,15 1,63 2,27 10,10 3,4
37036 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 15.30 h 12,29 3,57 2,10 41,56 1,87 0,09 0,54 0,31 103,98 2,17 1,70 2,31 11,50 4,1
37034 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #1 16.00 h 12,46 3,57 2,18 41,46 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,29 102,34 2,17 1,64 2,28 13,60 4,6
22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
Mean: 12,35 3,57 2,15 41,52 1,86 0,09 0,55 0,30 103,33 2,16 1,66 2,30
Min: 12,05 3,52 2,08 41,14 1,80 0,09 0,54 0,28 99,59 2,13 1,54 2,22
Max: 12,72 3,61 2,30 41,66 1,88 0,10 0,56 0,32 106,02 2,17 1,70 2,36
S.dev: 0,15 0,02 0,06 0,14 0,02 0,00 0,01 0,01 1,55 0,01 0,04 0,04
R.Dev: 1,24 0,64 2,95 0,33 1,21 2,10 0,90 3,31 1,51 0,51 2,75 1,56
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
Non Passing %
SmpNo Smp Grp Time Comment SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O SO3 LSF SIM ALM HM 90µm 200µm
36162 Test 24.09.2013 Homo Silo #2 1:30 h 12,69 3,56 2,22 41,37 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,25 100,48 2,19 1,60 2,24 10,4 3,5
36206 Test 24.09.2013 Homo Silo #2 2:00 h 12,29 3,53 2,20 41,64 1,80 0,09 0,54 0,27 104,04 2,15 1,61 2,31 12,9 3,6
36173 Test 24.09.2013 Homo Silo #2 2:30 h 12,82 3,62 2,23 41,28 1,79 0,10 0,57 0,27 99,21 2,19 1,62 2,21 14,50 4,5
36205 Test 24.09.2013 Homo Silo #2 3:00 h 12,61 3,57 2,20 41,42 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,27 101,12 2,19 1,63 2,25 12,60 3,8
36175 Test 24.09.2013 Homo Silo #2 3:30 h 12,39 3,56 2,18 41,65 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,28 103,31 2,16 1,63 2,30 12,8 3,8
36201 Test 24.09.2013 Homo Silo #2 4:00 h 12,62 3,59 2,21 41,38 1,77 0,09 0,56 0,29 100,94 2,18 1,63 2,25 11,6 3,8
36203 Test 24.09.2013 Homo Silo #2 4:30 h 12,47 3,57 2,21 41,43 1,82 0,10 0,56 0,30 102,15 2,16 1,62 2,27 14,2 4,7
36200 Test 24.09.2013 Homo Silo #2 5:00 h 12,77 3,57 2,22 41,18 1,76 0,10 0,56 0,32 99,45 2,20 1,61 2,22 11,9 3,8
36204 Test 24.09.2013 Homo Silo #2 5:30 h 12,57 3,55 2,18 41,45 1,81 0,09 0,55 0,29 101,56 2,19 1,63 2,26 12,7 4,2
36159 Test 24.09.2013 Homo Silo #2 6;00 h 12,45 3,56 2,24 41,49 1,83 0,09 0,56 0,29 102,40 2,14 1,59 2,27 12,90 4
36161 Test 24.09.2013 Homo Silo #2 6:30 h 12,45 3,56 2,17 41,56 1,78 0,09 0,56 0,27 102,65 2,17 1,64 2,28 12,90 4
36210 Test 24.09.2013 Homo Silo #2 13.30h 12,36 3,53 2,23 41,45 1,82 0,09 0,56 0,29 103,05 2,14 1,59 2,29 14,2 4,4
36208 Test 24.09.2013 Homo Silo #2 14:00h 12,49 3,55 2,21 41,45 1,79 0,10 0,55 0,28 102,12 2,17 1,61 2,27 13 3,9
36209 Test 24.09.2013 Homo Silo #2 14.30h 12,77 3,64 2,26 41,14 1,86 0,09 0,56 0,32 99,07 2,17 1,61 2,20 12 3,7
14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Mean: 12,55 3,57 2,21 41,42 1,80 0,09 0,56 0,29 101,54 2,17 1,61 2,26
Min: 12,29 3,53 2,17 41,14 1,76 0,09 0,54 0,25 99,07 2,14 1,59 2,20
Max: 12,82 3,64 2,26 41,65 1,86 0,10 0,57 0,32 104,04 2,20 1,64 2,31
S.dev: 0,16 0,03 0,02 0,15 0,02 0,00 0,01 0,02 1,57 0,02 0,02 0,03
R.Dev: 1,31 0,83 1,11 0,36 1,38 2,43 1,21 6,42 1,54 0,90 1,01 1,43
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
Non Passing %
SmpNo Smp Grp Time Comment SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O SO3 LSF SIM ALM HM 90µm 200µm
36391 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 21:05 h 12,36 3,55 2,17 41,43 1,82 0,10 0,56 0,30 103,04 2,16 1,63 2,29 12,70 4,1
36392 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 21:10 h 12,33 3,54 2,18 41,43 1,82 0,10 0,56 0,30 103,30 2,16 1,63 2,30 12,40 4
36394 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 21:15 h 12,38 3,57 2,18 41,42 1,82 0,10 0,56 0,29 102,82 2,15 1,63 2,28 11,90 4,1
36393 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 21:20 h 12,33 3,55 2,18 41,44 1,82 0,10 0,56 0,29 103,21 2,15 1,63 2,29 14,20 4,6
36395 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 21:25 h 12,38 3,55 2,18 41,47 1,83 0,11 0,56 0,29 103,00 2,16 1,63 2,29 13,10 4,5
36396 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 21:30 h 12,37 3,54 2,18 41,47 1,82 0,10 0,56 0,29 103,03 2,16 1,63 2,29 13,40 4,4
36397 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 21:35 h 12,40 3,55 2,18 41,50 1,82 0,10 0,56 0,29 102,93 2,17 1,63 2,29 12,80 4
36398 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 21:40 h 12,35 3,55 2,21 41,40 1,82 0,10 0,56 0,29 103,00 2,15 1,61 2,29 12,70 4,5
36399 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 21:45 h 12,37 3,56 2,19 41,51 1,82 0,12 0,57 0,29 103,13 2,15 1,62 2,29 13,20 4,3
36400 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 21:50 h 12,34 3,56 2,19 41,49 1,83 0,10 0,56 0,29 103,31 2,15 1,62 2,29 14,70 5,2
36401 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 21:55 h 12,36 3,56 2,20 41,50 1,83 0,11 0,57 0,29 103,13 2,15 1,62 2,29 12,80 4,5
36402 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 22:00 h 12,43 3,55 2,22 41,41 1,83 0,10 0,57 0,29 102,42 2,15 1,60 2,28 13,30 4,4
36373 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 22:05 h 12,47 3,57 2,27 41,30 1,83 0,11 0,56 0,29 101,69 2,14 1,57 2,26 13,50 5,5
36374 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 22:10 h 12,46 3,57 2,21 41,38 1,82 0,10 0,56 0,29 102,07 2,15 1,62 2,27 12,80 4,7
36375 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 22:15 h 12,43 3,58 2,19 41,41 1,82 0,10 0,56 0,29 102,41 2,16 1,63 2,28 13,40 4,8
36376 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 22:20 h 12,48 3,58 2,22 41,46 1,83 0,09 0,56 0,29 102,11 2,15 1,61 2,27 13,00 4,9
36377 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 22:25 h 12,44 3,58 2,19 41,52 1,83 0,11 0,56 0,29 102,58 2,15 1,63 2,28 13,4 4,3
36378 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 22:30 h 12,42 3,57 2,22 41,47 1,83 0,09 0,56 0,29 102,57 2,14 1,61 2,28 13,80 5,6
36379 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 22:35 h 12,42 3,57 2,22 41,47 1,82 0,10 0,57 0,29 102,58 2,15 1,61 2,28 13,90 5,6
36380 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 22:40 h 12,42 3,57 2,19 41,53 1,82 0,09 0,56 0,29 102,80 2,15 1,63 2,28 13,90 5,2
36383 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 22:45 h 12,51 3,58 2,21 41,41 1,82 0,11 0,56 0,29 101,77 2,16 1,62 2,26 13,80 5,2
36384 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 22:50 h 12,50 3,58 2,22 41,50 1,83 0,10 0,56 0,29 102,04 2,16 1,62 2,27 14,20 5,8
36367 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 22:55 h 12,41 3,58 2,20 41,38 1,83 0,09 0,56 0,29 102,44 2,15 1,63 2,28 13,50 5,9
36368 Test 24.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 23:00 h 13,07 3,58 2,22 41,08 1,82 0,09 0,55 0,29 97,21 2,25 1,61 2,18 14,20 4,9
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
36242 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 9:05 h 12,54 3,55 2,18 41,51 1,79 0,10 0,55 0,27 101,95 2,18 1,63 2,27 13,8 4,9
36244 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 9:10 h 12,58 3,58 2,18 41,58 1,80 0,10 0,56 0,27 101,72 2,18 1,65 2,27 14,3 5,5
36243 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 9:15 h 12,59 3,57 2,19 41,52 1,79 0,09 0,55 0,27 101,53 2,19 1,63 2,26 14,6 5,5
36262 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 9:20 h 12,68 3,59 2,19 41,52 1,80 0,10 0,56 0,29 100,89 2,19 1,64 2,25 13,6 5,3
36241 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 9:25 h 12,53 3,56 2,19 41,55 1,79 0,09 0,55 0,27 102,05 2,18 1,63 2,27 15,4 6,4
36239 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 9:30 h 12,57 3,56 2,18 41,47 1,79 0,09 0,55 0,27 101,60 2,19 1,63 2,26 14 4,8
36267 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 9:35 h 12,56 3,57 2,18 41,54 1,79 0,09 0,55 0,27 101,83 2,18 1,64 2,27 14,9 6,8
36125 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 9:40 h 12,54 3,56 2,19 41,36 1,78 0,10 0,54 0,28 101,52 2,18 1,63 2,26 14,5 5,3
36124 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 9:45 h 12,62 3,58 2,21 41,43 1,79 0,10 0,56 0,28 101,07 2,18 1,62 2,25 14,7 5,6
36240 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 9:50 h 12,58 3,54 2,28 41,39 1,78 0,09 0,55 0,27 101,23 2,16 1,56 2,25 15,2 6
36238 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 9:55 h 12,57 3,57 2,19 41,54 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,27 101,70 2,18 1,63 2,27 14,4 5,4
36265 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 10:00 h 12,60 3,59 2,20 41,56 1,79 0,09 0,56 0,27 101,52 2,18 1,63 2,26 14,9 6,3
36263 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 10:05 h 12,62 3,57 2,21 41,50 1,79 0,10 0,55 0,27 101,23 2,18 1,61 2,25 14,7 5,8
36139 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 10:10 h 12,60 3,57 2,19 41,53 1,79 0,09 0,56 0,27 101,49 2,19 1,63 2,26 15,5 6,5
36140 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 10:15 h 12,56 3,57 2,21 41,58 1,80 0,09 0,55 0,27 101,85 2,17 1,62 2,27 15,6 6,6
36268 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 10:20 h 12,68 3,60 2,22 41,40 1,79 0,10 0,55 0,28 100,49 2,18 1,62 2,24 15 6
36141 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 10:25 h 12,52 3,56 2,20 41,57 1,79 0,09 0,56 0,27 102,18 2,17 1,62 2,27 15,2 5,8
36142 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 10:30 h 12,55 3,56 2,25 41,46 1,79 0,09 0,55 0,27 101,62 2,16 1,58 2,26 14,4 5
36144 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 10:35 h 12,59 3,56 2,25 41,48 1,78 0,09 0,55 0,27 101,35 2,17 1,58 2,25 13,5 6,2
36145 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 10:40 h 12,58 3,57 2,21 41,55 1,78 0,09 0,55 0,27 101,67 2,18 1,61 2,26 16,6 7,1
36150 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 10:45 h 12,54 3,57 2,23 41,49 1,79 0,10 0,55 0,28 101,76 2,16 1,60 2,26 16,1 7
36146 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 10:50 h 12,57 3,57 2,17 41,60 1,79 0,09 0,55 0,28 101,90 2,19 1,64 2,27 14,4 5,3
36143 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 10:55 h 12,55 3,57 2,22 41,54 1,79 0,10 0,55 0,27 101,81 2,16 1,61 2,26 15,4 6,4
36264 Test 25.09.2013 After Homo Silo #2 11:00 h 12,52 3,57 2,17 41,59 1,79 0,10 0,55 0,27 102,22 2,18 1,64 2,28 16,1 7,5
48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
Mean: 12,51 3,57 2,20 41,47 1,81 0,10 0,56 0,28 102,02 2,17 1,62 2,27
Min: 12,33 3,54 2,17 41,08 1,78 0,09 0,54 0,27 97,21 2,14 1,56 2,18
Max: 13,07 3,60 2,28 41,60 1,83 0,12 0,57 0,30 103,31 2,25 1,65 2,30
S.dev: 0,13 0,01 0,02 0,09 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,99 0,02 0,02 0,02
R.Dev: 1,03 0,37 1,09 0,21 1,01 6,00 1,05 3,44 0,97 0,91 1,09 0,86
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
Non Passing %
SmpNo Smp Grp Time Comment SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O SO3 LSF SIM ALM HM 90µm 200µm
36689 Test 24.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 17.30 h 12,33 3,54 2,21 41,36 1,84 0,09 0,56 0,29 103,06 2,15 1,60 2,29 12,40 3,5
36690 Test 24.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 18.00 h 12,45 3,60 2,20 41,42 1,86 0,09 0,55 0,29 102,16 2,15 1,63 2,27 13,50 4,1
36691 Test 24.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 18.30 h 12,46 3,61 2,17 41,45 1,87 0,09 0,55 0,29 102,20 2,15 1,66 2,27 15,70 5,8
36692 Test 24.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 19.00 h 12,42 3,60 2,17 41,45 1,87 0,09 0,55 0,29 102,49 2,15 1,65 2,28 14,50 5
36701 Test 24.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 19.30 h 12,38 3,58 2,17 41,51 1,86 0,09 0,56 0,29 103,00 2,15 1,65 2,29 12,50 3,6
36702 Test 24.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 20.00 h 12,34 3,57 2,15 41,59 1,86 0,09 0,56 0,29 103,53 2,16 1,66 2,30 13,00 4,5
36703 Test 24.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 20.30 h 12,21 3,57 2,12 41,79 1,86 0,09 0,56 0,29 105,09 2,15 1,68 2,34 7,90 1,3
36704 Test 24.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 21.00 h 12,34 3,59 2,15 41,63 1,87 0,09 0,56 0,29 103,57 2,15 1,67 2,30 11,40 3,4
36712 Test 24.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 21.30 h 12,27 3,56 2,10 41,73 1,86 0,09 0,56 0,30 104,51 2,17 1,70 2,33 9,90 3,2
36713 Test 24.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 22.00 h 12,25 3,54 2,13 41,62 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,30 104,42 2,16 1,66 2,32 10,70 3,3
36714 Test 24.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 22.30 h 12,36 3,59 2,14 41,67 1,86 0,09 0,56 0,30 103,54 2,16 1,68 2,30 11,20 3,3
36715 Test 24.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 23.00 h 12,26 3,56 2,14 41,69 1,85 0,09 0,56 0,30 104,40 2,15 1,67 2,32 9,70 2,5
36972 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 5:00 h 12,29 3,58 2,17 41,50 1,87 0,09 0,55 0,29 103,63 2,14 1,65 2,30
36977 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 6:00 h 12,37 3,59 2,18 41,51 1,87 0,09 0,55 0,30 103,05 2,14 1,65 2,29 13,1 4,6
36975 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 6:30 h 12,22 3,56 2,14 41,62 1,90 0,09 0,55 0,30 104,53 2,15 1,66 2,32 10,3 3,5
36971 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 7:00 h 12,05 3,53 2,04 41,73 1,89 0,09 0,54 0,31 106,34 2,16 1,73 2,37 7 1,3
36961 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 7:30 h 12,32 3,59 2,12 41,54 1,88 0,09 0,55 0,31 103,60 2,16 1,69 2,30 11,8 4,8
36973 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 8:00 h 12,31 3,57 2,16 41,52 1,87 0,09 0,55 0,30 103,63 2,15 1,65 2,30 10,4 3,2
36976 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 8:30 h 12,19 3,55 2,14 41,62 1,86 0,09 0,55 0,30 104,80 2,14 1,66 2,33 9,4 3,3
36980 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 9:00 h 12,19 3,56 2,08 41,72 1,89 0,09 0,55 0,31 105,12 2,16 1,71 2,34 7,9 2,1
36985 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 9:30 h 12,23 3,56 2,11 41,72 1,88 0,09 0,55 0,30 104,77 2,16 1,69 2,33 8,9 2,6
36981 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 10:00 h 12,26 3,55 2,12 41,56 1,87 0,09 0,55 0,30 104,16 2,16 1,67 2,32 10,2 2,9
36986 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 10:30 h 12,23 3,55 2,12 41,69 1,89 0,09 0,55 0,31 104,69 2,16 1,67 2,33 9,1 3
36987 Test 25.09.2013 After storage Silo #2 11:00 h 12,21 3,57 2,12 41,66 1,88 0,09 0,55 0,31 104,77 2,15 1,68 2,33 8,6 3
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
Mean: 12,29 3,57 2,14 41,60 1,87 0,09 0,55 0,30 103,96 2,15 1,67 2,31
Min: 12,05 3,53 2,04 41,36 1,84 0,09 0,54 0,29 102,16 2,14 1,60 2,27
Max: 12,46 3,61 2,21 41,79 1,90 0,09 0,56 0,31 106,34 2,17 1,73 2,37
S.dev: 0,09 0,02 0,04 0,11 0,01 0,00 0,01 0,01 1,02 0,01 0,03 0,02
R.Dev: 0,77 0,58 1,80 0,27 0,75 2,25 1,00 2,38 0,98 0,34 1,58 1,02
Postal address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Business Unit Resource Technologies, Graf-Galen-Straße 17, 59269 Beckum, Germany
Phone: +49 2525 99-0 Telefax: +49 2525 99-2100 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com
Business address: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany
Executive Board: Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien (Chairman), Martin Hilbig, Dr. Joachim F. Panek, Jörg Schönewolf
Registered office: Beckum Court of registration: Münster District Court HRB no. 7717 VAT ID no.: DE811152653