EXERCISE DG Perkuliahan Penerbangan

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1. Where in the DGR will you find information on the following ?

Section (s) and/or Subsection (s)

Air Waybill
Special Provision
Definition of Dangerous Goods
Selecting proper shipping name
Hazard Label spesifications
Hidden Dangerous Goods
Packing Instruction – Class 1 Explosives

2. Using the Glossary, give the definition of the following terms, which are commonly used in
the DGR.
a. Net Quantity
b. Carbon Dioxide, Solid (Dry Ice)
c. Overpack
d. Passenger Aircraft
e. Packing Group
f. Lithium Battery
g. Lithium Cells

3. What is the meaning of the following symbols, abbreviations and codes used in the DGR ?
a. CAO
b. n.o.s
c. PI
d. RLI
e. Y
f. EQ
g. PG
h. NEW

1. Which organization developed the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of
Dangerous Goods by Air ?
..................................................................................... DGR ..................
2. Which Regulations contain all the requirements of the Technical Instructions and reflect
industry standard practices or operational considerations ?
..................................................................................... DGR ..................
3. Who has the responsibility for the following procedures regarding dangerous goods ?
a. Acceptance ...................... DGR ............
b. Identification ...................... DGR ............
c. Loading ...................... DGR ............
d. Completion of required ...................... DGR ............
4. What are the characteristics of a substance which is forbidden in aircraft under any
circumstances ?
..................................................................................... DGR ..................
5. What kind of hazard might be hidden in “diving equipment” ?
..................................................................................... DGR ..................
6. Have the following States filed variations ?
a. Bolivia YES/NO DGR ................
b. India YES/NO DGR ................
c. Egypt YES/NO DGR ................
d. China YES/NO DGR ................
e. Romania YES/NO DGR ................
7. Do the Regulations apply to dangerous goods used to provide aid in connection with search
and rescue operations ?
YES/NO DGR ................
8. What are “high consequence” dangerous
goods ..................................................................................... DGR ..................

Characteristics Class or Division Class or Division

Number Name
1 Substance – dangerous if inhaled,
swallowed or absorbed through the
2 Substances which themselves are not
necessarily combustible, but may
generally cause or contribute to the
combustion of other material by
yielding oxygen
3 Substances which in contact with
water emit flammable gases
4 Liquid that causes full thickness
destruction of intact skin tissue when
in contact

Characteristics Class or Division Class or Packing Group

Number Division Name if applicable
1 Full thickness destruction of
skin tissue within an
observation time of 2 days and
an exposure time of 12
2 Solid having a LD50 value (oral
toxicity) of 40 mg/kg
3 Liquid with a closed cup flash
point of 25oC and a boiling
point of 36oC
4 Solid substance giving off
flammable gases when in
contact with water at a rate of
0,5 L/hour per kilogram of

1. State the applicable UN or ID number for the following items :

Substance UN or ID Number
a. Calcium oxide
b. Dry Ice
c. Lithium ion baterries
d. Gasoline
e. Arsenic
f. 4-Methoxy-4-methylpentan-2-one
g. Printing ink
h. Consumer commodity
i. Nicotine

2. The following articles or substances are also known by other. State their proper shipping
names and UN numbers :

Substance Proper Shipping Name UN or ID Number

a. Isobutene
b. Camping gas
c. Sand acid
d. Cement, flammable
e. Liquor
f. Varnish
g. Tetramethylene
h. Quicksilver

3. State the applicable proper shipping name for the following item :

UN Number Proper Shipping Name

a. UN 3077
b. UN 1057
c. UN 1114
d. UN 2857

4. A mixture contains 10% Ethylene oxide and 90% carbon dioxide. What is its UN Number ?

1. Complete the table below, for UN Spesification Packagings using the information for the quantity specified :

Article / PSN Quantity UN Class / Subsidiary Hazard PG Acceptable SP

per Number Division Risk(s) Label(s) PCA CAO
Acetal 3L
Barium 20 kg
chlorate, solid
Barium alloys, 2 kg
Sodium 30 kg
Marcaptan 3L
liquid, toxic,
Consumer 10 kg G
Oil gas, 17 kg
Mercury 20 kg
Adhesive, 5L
having a flash
point (closed
cup) of 75oC
2. A Motorcycle is presented without a Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods label. Explain the provisions under which this is

1. The UN Number is : UN 3155

Net Quantity : 50 kg
Inner Packaging : Plastic bottle, 2.5 kg in each
Outer Packaging : UN-Spesification steel drum(s) (1A2)
The destination is only served by passenger aircraft
a. What is the applicable :
1. Proper Shipping Name : ..................................................................
2. Class or Division : ..................................................................
3. Packing Group : ..................................................................
4. Packing Instruction : ..................................................................
5. Max. net quantity per package : ..................................................................
b. How many outer packagings will be : ..................................................................
required ?
c. How many inner packagings will be : ..................................................................
required ?
d. Are single packagings permitted for : ..................................................................
this item ?

2. The item is : Aircraft Batteries – wet, filled with alkali

Net Quantitty : 60 kg
Outer Packaging : UN Spesification wooden box (4C1)
The destination is only served by passenger aircraft
a. What is the applicable UN Number : ..................................................................
b. Class or Division ? : ..................................................................
c. Packing Instruction ? : ..................................................................
d. What packing group performance : ..................................................................
standard is required ?
e. Is this battery acceptable : : ..................................................................
Explain :

A shipper has the following UN Spesification Packages available : (Note the inners where
applicable, were included in the testing).

1. un 4G/Z 13/S/14/GB/2234

2. un 4C2/Y 4/S/14/USA/+ 00123

3. un 1A1/Y 1.6/150/14/A/WESER

4. un 3A2/Y 10/S/14/F/BVT

5. un 1A2/Y 30/S/132/CH/3344D

Which package(s) may the shipper use for the following shipments :

a. 5 L UN 2285, Isocyanatobenzotrifluorides, for passenger aircraft. ........................................

b. 2 kg UN 0278, Cartridges, oil well, for cargo aircraft only. .......................................

c. 20 kg UN 2940, Cyclooctadiene phosphines, in single packaging. ..............................

d. 5 L UN 1719, Caustic alkali liquid, n.o.s. Packing Group III in combination packaging. ...........

1. Is the following package acceptable for transport on a cargo aircraft ?

The inner and outer packagings comply with the DGR.
For the purpose of the exercise, the dangerous goods will not react dangerously which
each other and do not require segregation according to DGR Table 9.3.A.

UN Spesification packaging

Item A
Proper shipping name : Hafnium powder, wetted
UN Number : UN 1326
Net quantity : 30 kg
Division : 4.1
Packing Group : II
Packing Instruction : 448

Item B
Proper shipping name : Nitrostarch, wetted
UN Number : UN 1337
Net quantity : 11 kg
Division : 4.1
Packing Group : I
Packing Instruction : 451

Calculation and Answer :


2. The following question has three sections :

a. Is the following package acceptable for transport on a passenger aircraft ?

One fibreboard box marked : un 4G/Z 25/S/14/A/EB170790

contains :
Cobaltnaphthenates, powder in 2 plastic bottles each 10 kg
Caesium nitrate in 1 plastic bottle 2 kg
The gross weight of the fibreboard box is 27 kg.
If not, expalin the reasons :
b. Assuming the same substances are repacked into a suitable UN Spesification Fibreboard
box, determine :
1) The applicable packing group : .....................................
2) The “Q” value : .....................................

c. How would the inclusion of 10 kg of Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice), affect the Q-value ?

3. Is the following package acceptable for transport on a passenger aircraft ?

The dangerous goods will not react dangerously which each other and do not require
segregation according to DGR Table 9.3.A.

Limited Quantity packaging weighing 26.0 kg gross weight

Item A
Proper shipping name : Acetone
UN Number : UN 1090
Inner packaging : one plastic bottle 0.25 L
Packing Instruction : Y341

Item B
Proper shipping name : Acetyl bromide
UN Number : UN 1716
Inner packaging : one plastic bottle 0.1 L
Packing Instruction : Y840

Item C
Proper shipping name : Adhesives
UN Number : UN 1133
Packing group : III
Inner packaging : one plastic bottle 1 L
Packing Instruction : Y344

Calculation and Answer :


Show the marking and labels required on the outside of a wooden crate as an overpack
containing the following packages prepared for carriage on a passenger aircraft.
Contents :
Package 1 : 5 L UN 1219 Isopropanol packed in a UN 4G fibreboard box
Package 2 : 12 kg UN 1712 Zinc arsenate in a UN 1A2 steel drum
Package 3 : 20 kg UN 0405 Cartridges, signal in a UN 4D plywood box
Date : 6 April 2019
Shipper : Chemicals Importers Corp.
Newton Industrial Park
Sydney, NSW
Consignee : Dreyfus Chemicals inc.
30 rue du Nord
Item 1 : Propyltrichlorosilane
Net Quantity : 10 L
Package : Steel Bottles and Fibreboard Box
Item 2 : Paint
Packing Group : II
Net Quantity : 20 L
Package : Plastic Bottles
Outer Packaging : UN 4G Spesification Fibreboard Box
Routing & Operator : Sydney to Tokyo by Qantas (QF)
Tokyo to Paris by Air france (AF)
Aircraft Type : Both flights are operated as Cargo Aircraft

a. Identifikasi ketiga bahan DG tersebut secara detail sesuai dengan pernyataan tersebut
diatas ?
b. Dari hasil identifikasi Saudara, apakah bahan tersebut boleh dijadikan dalam satu Outer
Packaging, jika ya alasannya apa dan jika tidak alasannya apa ?
c. Berapa jumlah inner Packaging yang digunakan pada masing-masing bahan tersebut ?
d. Gambar kemasan dan lengkapi marka dan label yang dibutuhkan ?
e. Isi Shippers Declaration
f. Pastikan prosedur tersebut sudah benar dengan mengisi check list Non Radioactive ?
g. Presentasikan !

Bacalah pernyataan berikut dan berikan tanda “√” pada kolom benar – salah berikut, serta
tuliskan nomor referensi dari DGR.

a. Pengiriman UN 3373 dengan Singapore
Airlines tidak perlu mengajukan
b. UN 0407 dilarang diangkut dengan
pesawat kargo.
c. Pengangkutan mercury ammonium
chloride maximum packing 35 kg per
pesawat penumpang.
d. 6HG2 adalah kode untuk plastic film bag
yang menggunakan outer fibreboard box.
e. Divisi 6.2 tidak perlu dipisahkan kalau
berdekatan dengan divisi 5.1.
f. Dry ice yang oleh dibawa oleh kru
pesawat maximum 2,5 kg.
g. Penumpang boleh membawa alkohol
dengan kadar 60% sebanyak 2,5 L ke
dalam kabin pesawat.
h. 6HC adalah kode untuk plastic receptacle
yang menggunakan outer wooden box
i. Pengiriman divisi 6.1 tidak boleh dijadikan
dalam satu kemasan dengan divisi 5.1.
j. UN 2336 yang boleh diangkut dengan
pesawat udara maksimum 30 L.
k. Apabila barang berbahaya dengan
klasifikasi divisi 5.1 PG II dikemas bersama
divisi 4.3 PG I, maka klasifikasi packingnya
menjadi divisi 5.1, PG I.
l. Dry ice yang oleh dibawa oleh kru
pesawat maksimum 2,5 kg dengan
memberi tahu pilot in command.
m. Pengiriman Consumer Commodity tidak
perlu menggunakan UN Packaging.

Pada hari ini a.n. Kurnadi Dwi Sandy sebagai supervisor dari PT. Caraka Trasindo Mulia yang beralamat di
Jl. Mongensidi V no. 18 Palembang akan mengirim beberapa baham Dangerous Goods antara lain :

UN 1202, Net. Qty : 10 L

UN 1716, Net. Qty : 15 L

UN 1180, Net. Qty : 50 L

Ke Jico Hud Go Say Mas Comp No. 18 Tokyo – Jepang, dengan menggunakan CAO nomor airwaybill
000111222333, masing-masing bahan tersebut menggunakan Inner Packaging Glass dan outer
packaging yang digunakan adalah plywood boxes.

Pertanyaan :

a. Identifikasi ketiga bahan DG tersebut secara detail sesuai dengan pernyataan di atas ?
b. Dari hasil identifikasi saudara, apakah bahan tersebut boleh dijadikan dalam satu outer packaging,
jika ya, alasannya apa dan jika tidak alasannya apa ?
c. Berapa jumlah inner packaging yang digunakan pada masing-masing bahan tersebut ?
d. Gambar kemasan dan lengkapi marka dan label yang dibutuhkan ?
e. Jelaskan semua arti marka dan label yang saudara gunakan pada kemasan tersebut ?
f. Isi shipper’s declaration ?
Pada hari ini Dorman Borisman sebagai supervisor dari PT. Maju Selaras Hati Ikhlas yang beralamat di Jl.

Antonov No. 24 Jakarta akan mengirim beberapa bahan DG antara lain Phosphorus Pentasulphide net

qty = 5kg dengan menggunakan IP metal, Extracts, Flavouring Liquid net qty = 2 L dengan menggunakan

IP Plastik dan Lead Sulphate net qty = 3 kg menggunakan IP Plastik untuk dikirim ke CangCiMen

Company at Road Keith Richard Street No. 25 Bangkok, yang dikirim dengan menggunakan Pax A/C dan

nomor airway bill 000999777888 outer packaging menggunakan Wooden Box.


a. Identifikasi ketiga bahan DG tersebut secara detail sesuai dengan pernyataan tersebut diatas ?

b. Dari hasil identifikasi Saudara, apakah bahan tersebut boleh dijadikan dalam satu Outer

Packaging, jika ya alasannya apa dan jika tidak alasannya apa ?

c. Berapa jumlah inner Packaging yang digunakan pada masing-masing bahan tersebut ?

d. Gambar kemasan dan lengkapi marka dan label yang dibutuhkan ?

e. Isi Shippers Declaration

f. Pastikan prosedur tersebut sudah benar dengan mengisi check list Non Radioactive ?

g. Presentasikan !

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