Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Lesson Plan #2
Lab 3
Many of the children know that preschool is a time when they are with teachers and many other children close to their age. Many of them
understand that it is a time in which they can play together with friends. One of the purposes of preschool is to help children make friends and
learn how to play cooperatively in groups. Preschool is a time when children are learning how to recognize social cues and how to
communicate and play with friends. Some of the children do not yet understand that when they work and play with others, activities can be
even more fun than when they play on their own. The children may also not understand that by communicating with their peers, play time can
be more fun because they are playing with each other towards a shared goal. Some of the children may think that group time is not fun due
to the fact that they have to follow certain rules. Today, the children will begin to understand that group time can be one of the most fun times
because we are all working together to do the same thing. To help the children learn this concept, throughout the entire day, they will
experience working in groups and having fun at the same time. During gathering time, we will work together to make a peanut butter and jelly
sandwich and we will also do a parachute activity, trying to keep balls inside the parachute. Some of the children, including L, A, and W were
observed smiling and laughing as they participated in a group parachute activity. This activity is great practice working as a group and is a
perfect demonstration that group time can be some of the most fun times. During small focus, the children will work in their groups to move
the car through the cardboard maze. For dramatic play, the children will pretend to be firefighters as they work together to put out fires
throughout the room.
A few of the children in our lab, including H and L, have previously had a difficult time wanting to participate in group times. H has been
observed wandering the classroom during gathering time and refusing to join the rest of the class. L has been observed running to the book
corner to get away from group time and also being very resistant to come back to the group. The activities planned for today will get them
more excited to participate as a group. Some of our children have goals to work on their socialization and communication skills. These children
include D, C, L, M, F, A, and J. Through the activities that are planned for today, these children will be able to work on these skills as they
participate in a team and communicate with each other.
1. A (Outdoor 2)
2. B (Dramatic Play)
3. C (Dramatic Play)
4. S (Art)
5. V (Art)
Ideas to be Emphasized and Overall Goals:
1. We can work together, as a team, to make preschool more fun.
2. Today the activities will have a focus on communication to help the children learn how to cooperate with each other better.
The Importance of Teaching Young Children Teamwork. (2016). Retrieved from http://www.thelearninglodgeinramsey.com/Blog/entryid/8/the-
The Importance of Teamwork for Preschoolers. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.smallworldearlylearning.com/the-importance-of-teamwork-
Valdellon, Lionel. (2016). 6 Different Team Effectiveness Models to Understand Your Team Better. Retrieved from
Wikipedia contributors. (2019, September 24). Teamwork. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 02:08, September 25, 2019, from
*Books: (4) Notes for Activity Set-Up; Including All Intentional Teaching
Activity: STORY TELLING - The children will Stone Soup by Heather Forest (F17) Script & Support 1: Teachers should be
use puppets, stuffed animals, and felt pieces Saturday Market by Patricia Grossman (G15) prepared to help children work with other
to tell stories. They will work together to The Giant Jam Sandwich by John Vernon children rather than teachers. Teachers can
come up with ideas and tell each other their (L26) help children with ideas for a story, but
stories. Bee-bim Bop! by Linda Sue (P2) encourage children to work in groups to further
Objective: The children will practice social Firefighters A to Z by Chris Demarest (D4) make up a story. Teachers can say, “Oh, what
skills as they talk to each other and make up Harry Builds a House by Derek Radford (R1) is the name of your puppet? What did he do
stories. Building Shapes by Susan Canizares (P C18) yesterday?”
Additional Developmental Purposes: Bridges are to Cross by Philemon Sturges Script & Support 2:
The children will gain experience talking and (PS11)
collaborating in groups with children their If you Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura
own age. This activity may be challenging for Numeroff (N5)
the children, but it is achievable with teacher The Mixed-Up Chameleon by Eric Carle (C18)
assistance. There will be some stories that There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
the children are familiar with to help them by Simms Taback (T11)
start using their imaginations, but in a Materials:
comfortable way. Children’s language skills Puppets (WR)
will also be challenged. They will learn to Stuffed animals (WR)
communicate in ways that other children ‘If you Give a Mouse a Cookie,’ ‘The Mixed-
understand. Up Chameleon,’ and ‘There was an Old Lady
Who Swallowed a Fly’ felt stories (WR)
Art/Creative: (4-5) Notes for Activity Set-Up; Including All
Activity: SARAN WRAP PAINTING - The Set-up: Script & Support 1: The teachers can use this
children will paint on Saran Wrap that is A teacher will put a blue mat on the hard activity to connect with and communicate with
wrapped around PVC pipes. floor where the art table usually goes. There the children to get to know them better.
Objective: The children will use artistic will be a PVC structure put on this blue mat. Teachers can say, “What are you painting a
expression as they use paint brushes to Wrap the Saran Wrap around the pipes. picture of today?” “Why did you choose to paint
paint on the Saran Wrap. Prepare four small containers of paint (with that?”
Additional Developmental Purposes dish soap mixed in). Each container should Script & Support 2: This activity will be great
The children will use their imagination to have three or four colors. Put them on the for V who likes to paint. She has a goal to
create unique works of art. The children will floor near the pipes. Provide one or two paint identify letters and numbers. Teachers should
also work on their fine motor skills as they brushes for each container of paint. paint with Valentina to show her letters and
practice holding the paint brushes. Materials: numbers. The teachers can ask, “Do you know
PVC pipes (GG) what number this is?” This activity will also be
Saran Wrap (Kitchen) good for S. She has a goal to work on letters.
Gallon Paint (RR1 Cabinet 6) Teachers can draw an S to see if she recognizes
Dish Soap (RR1 Under the sink) it. They can do the same with the other letters
Paint brushes (RR1 O11) of her name.
Science: (3-4) Notes for Activity Set-Up; Including All
Activity: SPOON CATAPULTS - The children Set-up: A picture of a target will be taped to Script & Support 1: Teachers can extend
will use spoon catapults to shoot pom-poms the pillar in the middle of the room. Some learning at this activity by using rich
towards a target. contact paper will be taped to the wall over vocabulary. For example, teachers can say,
Objective: The children will explore cause the target with the sticky side facing out. “the pom-pom fell off the wall because of
and effect as they shoot pom-poms at a The Catapults will be placed on the table and gravity” or teachers can ask questions like,
target. one or two bowls of pom-poms will also be “why do you think that one shot up so far?”
Additional Developmental Purposes on the table. Script & Support 2:
The children will explore concepts of gravity Materials:
and physics as they shoot the pom-poms and Catapults (IWP)
watch them go in all directions. This will also Target (IWP)
help children develop their fine motor skills Pom-poms (RR1 O17)
as the use their fingers on one hand to hold Small paint bowl (for pom-poms) (RR1 C19
down the catapult and the fingers on the D1)
other hand to push down the spoon to shoot Contact paper (WR)
the pom-pom in a specific direction. Tape (Closet)
Math (3) Notes for Activity Set-Up; Including All
Activity: PEG BOARDS – The children will Set-up: The peg boards will be placed on a Script & Support 1: Teachers can use this
put rubber bands on the peg boards and table. Put some pegs in the boards and activity as an opportunity not only to teach
experiment with different shapes and make shapes using the rubber bands. Put numbers, but also to familiarize children with
different sizes of rubber bands. the extra rubber bands on the table. shapes and their names. Teachers can point out
Objective: The children will develop patterns in the pegs such as 3 pegs, then 2,
mathematical thinking as they make shapes Materials: then 3, then 2, or 4 blue pegs and one red on
out of rubber bands on the boards. Wooden Peg Boards (RR1 R158) and so forth.
Additional Developmental Purposes Rubber bands (Office) Script & Support 2:
The children will become more familiar with
different sizes, such as small, medium, and
large, as they play with and stretch the
different sized rubber bands. The children
will also be challenged to use their fine
motor skills in order to manipulate the
rubber bands
Manipulative (4) Notes for Activity Set-Up; Including All
Activity: INTERLOCKING LEGOS – The Set-up: The Interlocking legos will be laid out Script & Support 1: The teachers will
children will put together the lego blocks to on a table. There will be some structures put encourage the children to put these blocks
build structures or put together color together that the children will be able to together and to pull them apart. Teachers
patterns. recognize and there will also be legos put should also help children to plan what they are
Objective: The children will develop fine together in patterns. going to build and to help them recognize
motor skills as they put together and pull Materials: patterns in the blocks, For example, “I noticed
apart the lego blocks. Interlocking blocks (RR1 W37) this blue yellow pattern. Can you find any other
Additional Developmental Purposes Script & Support 2:
The children will also work on their cognitive
skills as they decide what to make and figure
out how to make it. They will use these skills
to identify color patterns.
Sensory (4) Notes for Activity Set-Up; Including All
Activity: BUG SEARCH - The children will Set-up: The animal bedding will be placed in Script & Support 1: The teachers can use this
sort through the animal bedding to find little the sensory table, along with the bug activity to help spark children’s curiosity by
bugs. counters, shovels, funnels, containers and saying, “Oh, what did you find? How did you
Objective: The children will develop sensory other sensory table tools. The bugs will be find it? What do you think you will find next?”
exploration skills as they scoop, pour, and hiding underneath the bedding, except for a
sift through the animal bedding. few of them.
Additional Developmental Purposes Materials: Script & Support 2:
This activity will also help children with their Guinea pig animal bedding (RR2 G127 or
social skills because children are so close in 137)
proximity to each other and children often Sensory table tools (RR2 G121)
want the same toy to play with, Bug counters (RR2 R159)
Blocks: (4-5) Notes for Activity Set-Up; Including All
Activity: TOWER BUILDING - The children Set-up: There will be different structures Script & Support 1: Teachers should
will use the provided blocks to build towers made up using these different blocks. There encourage children to work together to build
of all shapes and sizes. will also be metal cars around the area. structures. When appropriate, the teachers can
Objective: The children will use creative Posters of buildings will be taped around the help the children experiment with the blocks
expression to build unique towers and use area to help children come up with ideas of and how to build a sturdy structure. Teachers
the blocks in different and new ways. what they can build. can use words such as ‘foundation’ and
Materials: ‘structure’ that the children may not be familiar
Kaleidoscope blocks (RR2 B169) with to teach them new vocabulary.
Additional Developmental Purposes For Unit blocks (Classroom) Script & Support 2:
this activity, the children will also work on Tower Posters (IWP)
their cognitive skills as they familiarize Metal Cars (RR2 B176)
themselves with the different sizes of blocks
and experiment with which blocks stack on
top of each other really well and which ones
*Dramatic Play (6) Notes for Activity Set-Up; Including All
Activity: The dramatic play area will be set Set-up: There will be the lemonade stand in Script & Support 1: Teachers will encourage
up as a firefighting scene. The children will the dramatic play area with pieces of fire children to type messages on the keyboard and
pretend to be firefighters in a variety of ways taped to it. Fire pieces will also be taped press the numbers on the phone to call people.
using their imagination. around the loft and sporadically around the This will encourage their development of
Objective: The children will participate in classroom. There will be firefighter costumes language skills and number recognition.
imaginative play as they pretend to be and hats placed around this area as well. In Teachers will also encourage children to work
firemen and put out fires. the loft, there will be a computer and phone together as they put out the fires.
IELG: D1G5 which will act as an office. These objects will
Developmental Purposes: The children provide a math and literacy aspect. Script & Support 2: This activity will provide
will practice working as a team as they a great opportunity to help B with her goal of
communicate with their peers about putting being a play leader, or initiating play with
the fires out with the water hose. In other Materials: others. Teachers will help her know what to say
words, the children will be working on their Fire Station (RR2 Y244) and how to invite others to play with her. For
teamwork skills and communication skills. Lemonade Stand (GG) example, teachers can say to her, “We need
Office (RR2 Y247) help to put out this fire, how about you go ask
____ for help”
This will also be a great activity for C. She does
not have any goal that was identified by her
parents. So, until we can determine a goal for
her, we can focus on helping her make friends
at preschool and helping with other social skills
she may need help with. This is a very social
activity and will help us to identify how we can
help Charlotte.
At 9:45, I will start warning the children that clean-up time is in 5 minutes. I will continue to warn them as it gets closer to 9:50, making sure I
remind support teachers to do the same thing. At 9:49, I will get all the bins from the closet and put them throughout the room, then at 9:50 I
will start playing the clean-up song from the speaker. I will start cleaning up with the children and encourage all the children around me to
clean up with us. If necessary, I will hand children some toys and have them put the toys in the bins.
GATHERING TIME 9:55 – 10:10 a.m.
*Required activities
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